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GTM Mayor recalled “Let me get you something to eat or to drink” had been the invitation from Councillor Nkosi Josias Mahlake when the Platinum Gazette’s editor bumped into him one evening at a local restaurant before the last local government elections. “I am going to be the new mayor and I plan a lot of projects to develop Greater Tubstse” he said then. And so it was, but earlier this week the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of the ANC in Limpopo announced that Mayor Mahlake, amongst several other mayors, had been recalled by the party. Former Mayor Mahlake’s recall was a long time coming, with those in the know whispering into the newspapers ear just before the recent national and provincial elections that the mayor’s days are numbered, alleging that he has been summoned to Polokwane and told to resign. The newspaper’s effort to get it confirmed did not produce facts, so we never published anything at that stage. Mr Mahlake also did not answer his phone. On election day the former mayor was present at a voting station the newspaper visited at Leboeng and we discussed the rumours with him. “I defeated them and I am in the process to rectify whatever problems there are,” he said. Alas, it seems that his political party only waited for the dust of the election to settle before the axe fell. Concrete reasons for the former mayor’s demise was not furnished, but clues are revealed in Limpopo Premier, Stanley Chupu Mathabata’s speech to the PEC on 21 June just before the mayors were recalled. He said “The one issue that we must continue to deal with both at provincial and local government level is the problem and/or perception of corruption which we inherited from the previous administration which led to five(5) departments being placed under administration. Our intervention within local government will also include restructuring of some of the municipalities where we believe such intervention will enhance service delivery. In this respect, as this leadership we will refuse to be blackmailed by individuals who have grown bigger than the ANC and as such, when they deliver their budget speeches in their municipalities, they just decide to attack the ANC out of the blue. These are individuals who did not question the wisdom of the ANC when they were deployed into the positions that they are holding. Now that are being redeployed, they are doing that. It must be stated here and now that the ANC does not owe anybody any position in government. All its deployees should thank the movement for having given them an opportunity to serve our people and they should do so with humility. The ANC can deploy and redeploy its cadres as it deems fit”. He also sated that “Mao Tse-tung in his Selected Works on The Role of the Chinese Communist Party once attested that “We must affirm anew the discipline of the Party, namely: a) The individual is subordinate to the organization; b)The minority is subordinate to the majority; c) The lower level is subordinate to the higher level; and d) The entire membership is subordinate to the Central Committee. Whoever violates these articles of discipline disrupts the Party unity”. It is in this context that at this PEC we wish to state that this time around, wrong practices within the movement will not be launched from Limpopo”. So, what now? Apparently the PEC will decide who the new mayors, also in Greater Tubatse Municipality, will be and after their decision, will announce how the party lists will be adjusted. In the meantime we have asked readers what they think of the issue – on pages 6 and 7.
On a lighter note - loads of fun was to be had at Tubatse Build It’s day of entertainment and lucky draws that took place on Saturday. This colourful character reminded of the caterpillar in Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland who told Alice “... at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.” (Chapter 5)
© Platinum Gazette
27 Junie 2014
27 JUNE 2014
Top teams rewarded Modikwa Platinum Mine hosted their quarterly production function last week Thursday. The top mining teams were rewarded for their good work with a special trophy and a hot meal at Jorges’ Resort near Steelpoort. The teams were encouraged to keep up their good work and reach for even larger targets. The purpose of the event was explained to the newspaper as follows: “These guys are very important to everyone at the mine. They are the ones doing the hard labour that brings about the money to pay everyone’s salaries. This is just one of the ways management and everyone else would like to show their appreciation”. Teams from North and South Shaft were included as top performers. The teams were encouraged to spread their work ethic to other teams on the mine as well.
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Team members received trophies with their names on from management to recognise their production achievements.
27 JUNIE 2014
Focus on adult education at Glencore Eastern Mines Last week Friday Glencore Eastern Mines celebrated their Adult Education Training (AET) with an open day at Thorncliffe Guest Farm. Through courses at the AET Centre people will be able to become literate in English and Mathematics. The AET programme is assessed in relation to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) criteria, which determine the level of previous formal and informal learning a student had. The training process relies on a facilitator that will make sure subject matter is covered through predesigned lessons. The AET Centre is ideal for organisations that need to train a large number of learners in a short period of time. Glencore provides the following AET programmes: Oral Basic Education in English; Communication in English and Mathematical Literacy (Level 1 - 4); Life
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Orientation, Natural Sciences, Technology, SMME and EMS for learners competent in GET CA English and Mathematics. Various speakers filled the day’s programme. Many of the Glencore management attended the day, including Mr. Johan van Tonder and Mr. Johan Combrink. Municipal representatives and community structures also formed part of the stakeholders in attendance.
A special certificate awards ceremony took place to reward AET learners on various levels of training. Community representatives were encouraged to go back to their communities and spread the word that everyone could have a chance at becoming literate. Persons wishing to obtain more information about the AET programme can contact Mr. Daniel Kekana on 083 279 3693 or 013 230 6584.
27 JUNE 2014
Tubatse Build It makes building easy Tubatse Build It brought smiles to many of their clients’ faces on Saturday last week. They made building even easier for the winners of various prizes. The store recently expanded their floor space and joined forces with their suppliers to bring customers an entertaining day filled with give aways and lucky draws. Tools, garage doors, a JoJo tank, cell phones and even R15 000 cash was some of the prizes that were drawn. Ms Betty Mohlala was the lucky winner of the big R15 000 prize. Tubatse FM celebrated their fifth birthday with an outside broadcast from the parking area in front of Tubatse Build It. Makua Marathon also participated in the activities when he ended a 10km run at the store. Ms Suzette Geldenhuys from Tubatse Build It thanked all her staff, suppliers and customers for their support and loyalty. She invited everyone to visit their store in Burgersfort.
27 JUNIE 2014
The agreement The protracted months long strike in mainly the Rustenburg area of the platinum industry is over after Anglo American Platinum Limited announced that it had signed a 3-year wage agreement with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU), the terms of which take effect retrospectively, from 1 July 2013. The wage agreement includes acoordinbg to Anglo American Platiunum: An annual increase of R1,000 per month in basic pay for A and B-band employees in years 1 and 2 and R950 per month in year 3 Increases in basic pay of 8% per annum for C and D1 for years 1 and 2 and 7.5% for year 3. Living-out allowances and Housing rent subsidies for employees will increase in line with CPI in year 1 and remain flat in years 2 and 3 Housing allowance will increase by 8% in year 1 and remain flat in years 2 and 3; and Other allowances will increase in line with salary increases in year 1 and there will be no further increases in years 2 and 3. This is in order to fund the increase agreed to in basic pay. The company says the principles that underpin the agreement seek to achieve a sustainable future for Anglo American Platinum for the benefit of all stakeholders and to provide employees with the most competitive increase in the current financial circumstances. The agreement is expected to increase the total labour cost-to-company by 10.5% in year 1; 7.7% in year 2 and 7.1% in year 3 or 8.4% on average over the 3 year period. The company has also undertaken to assist returning employees in the first month with the provision of food parcels, health supplements, transport relief and the cash payment of back pay within 7 days for the period they were not on strike as the principle of “no-work no-pay’ applied for the duration of the strike. Anglo American Platinum will further assist employees in managing their indebtedness and personal finances by providing legal aid and personal financial training to ensure they take a more robust approach to their personal finances. Furthermore, it has been agreed that no strikes will be undertaken, related to any of the items covered by the wage agreement, for the three year duration of the agreement. As part of the Company’s overall cultural transformation that had already commenced, a process of building bridges between management and employees will be the first step in ensuring a safe return to work. The safe return to work programme also addresses health and safety protocols and refresher training on general mine operations. Once operations are in a position to start up safely, production ramp-up will begin. It is expected that steady state production will be achieved in the last quarter 2014.
Limpopo to host International Co-operatives Day celebrations The newly-established Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) together with the Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) and the South African National Apex Co-operative (SANACO) will host the International Co-operatives Day celebrations under the theme Cooperative Enterprises Achieve Sustainable Development for All. The event will take place in Polokwane on Saturday, 5 July 2014. The Minister of Small Business Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu says the objective of the International Co-operatives Day celebrations is to increase public awareness about co-operatives and their contributions to socio-economic development of communities in countries all over the world. According to Zulu, this year’s theme seeks to encourage the growth and the establishment of cooperatives all over the world, including encouraging communities, government and individuals to recognise the crucial role co-operatives can play to achieve the Millennium Development Goals as far as job creation and poverty alleviation are concerned. LEDET MEC Mr Seaparo Sekoati says the more than 1 500 co-operatives members from 700 co-operative
enterprises who will descend on Polokwane from all over the country to celebrate the International Co-operatives Day will provide a perfect platform for the country to take stock of the road that has been travelled in an effort to put cooperatives in the mainstream of the country’s economy. “The celebrations will also highlight the positive role co-operatives play in providing a network of opportunities among themselves and between them and members of the public aspiring to be co-operatives. With the support of the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) we are glad that the seventy five cooperatives from Limpopo and other provinces of the country who will be given a chance to exhibit their products and services during the celebrations will prominently showcase on a national platform what the country and in particular the Limpopo province has done to enhance the capacity, competitiveness and sustainability of our co-operatives,” says MEC Sekoati. SANACO President Mr Lawrence Bale says co-operatives can be a significant catalyst to economic transformation and help South Africans to realise the full benefits of democracy.
27 JUNE 2014
A new mayor for Greater Tubatse On Tuesday this week the ANC in Limpopo announced that they are recalling four mayors. Greater Tubatse Municipality’s mayor, Cllr. Josias Nkosi Mahlake was one of those who were recalled. Some media reports this week stated they will be redeployed. One of the reasons given for the change is the province’s target to improve service delivery. Platinum Gazette asked readers whether they heard about the mayors’ recall and what they think about the situation.
Did you know? Cllr. Mahlake used to be an educator before going into politics full time.
Mr Lawrence Kgoete said: “Yes, I heard about it. I think it is the right time to change mayors. Look at this town! Things are not going well – our roads have potholes all over! I think the new mayor when appointed will make a difference. He or she must learn from the previous one’s mistakes”.
Mr Aaron Maredi said: “Yes, I’ve heard that they recalled him. This will not make a difference to service delivery. Changing mayors is not the solution. There are many things happening in town and they are not taking any steps to stop it. Eg. crime at the robots to the KFC. Every week you hear about stock being taken from the back of a bakkie. The mayors just occupy a position, but don’t make any difference”.
Mr Council Moyo said: “Ja, ja, ja I’ve heard about that. The new mayor will have to see that things get done. There are a lot of potholes in this town. Eish! It’s a disaster!”
Left: Mr Patson Sekgobela said: “No, I’ve not heard. I hope the new one will bring better services because he or she was sent to do so. This is a message to all government workers – the ANC is not here to play games, but to deliver the services the people deserve. They’ll recall the new one too if he or she fails to deliver”.
Mr Samuel Dlamini said: “Ja, I saw on the news that he is gone. If the new one brings change for the better, he or she will do well as mayor. They must learn from this one’s mistakes”.
Mr Samuel Molobela (also known as DJ Sammy at Tubatse FM) said: “Yes, I’ve heard. It is good. The ousted one was not a good leader. Look at what happened with the Red Ants coming to destroy hawker shelters. He said that he did not know about it. How can that be? The new mayor must be available to the people and listen to the councillors”.
Right: Mr Gerald Dikgale said: “No, I am not aware that he has been recalled. It is possible that the new one may improve service delivery, but this government is very lenient. The government have very good policies, but people don’t enforce it. Look here in Burgersfort. For months nothing is being done about the robots that are not working down there at the Mall. People just do nothing about it. We also have many potholes”.
Mnr. Pieter Carelse en me. Santie Carelse sê: “Ons het gelees wat daaroor in die media gesê word. As dit gaan oor dienslewering wat moet verbeter is dit goed dat hy gaan. Die nuwe een moet luister na die mense op straat. Dit is een ding om te kritiseer, maar gee ook krediet waar dit toekom. Ons munisipaliteit doen eintlik baie goed in ag genome die uitbreiding wat in die laaste paar jaar hier gebeur het. Ons is nou 14 jaar hier en jy kan nie glo wat het in daardie tyd verander nie. Kyk net hoe vergelyk ons munisipaliteit met dorpe soos Lydenburg”.
Mr David Legodi said: “No, I did not know he was recalled. It will be good if government aims to give better service delivery. Lots of people around Burgersfort are struggling with jobs, maybe this new mayor can help with that”.
27 JUNIE 2014
Municipality - what do you think?
Ms. Nancy Seganye and Mr Martin Mabasa said: “Yes, we’ve heard about it. The new mayor will do better than the previous one because he or she will learn from this one’s mistakes. That person will pull up his or her socks”.
Mr Rudy Choshane said: “No, I’ve not heard about it. I don’t think it will make a difference to get a new mayor. Where there is money, there is crime. The people of Tubatse will suffer until they die. The leadership chow the money. I think the ANC must have the national government and the other parties must rule the local government. Maybe it will be better then”.
Mnr. Bennie Wheeler sê: “Ek dink dis goed. Dalk sal ons paaie beter raak. Ek het nie geweet die vorige ene is weg nie, maar dalk sal die nuwe burgemeester sorg vir ‘n skoner dorp. Dalk is nuwe bloed goed. Mense raak te gemaklik”.
Mr Peter Masethe said: “Yes, obviously I’ve heard Mr David Matemane said: “I think it is for political reasons about it. It is good for the people of Tubatse. When that he has been recalled. I heard that they are being you are mayor you must reveal yourself to the people. recalled because of the this new party – the EFF. I hope This recalled one always sent other people to receive the new mayor brings better service delivery. We are memorandums at protest marches. The people looking forward to that. We need someone skilled who wanted him, but he was never available. Perhaps if he can make people deliver regardless of all the politics”. made more time for the people, there would have been less protests”. Left: Mr Siyabonga Vayeke said: “I heard some stories about it. I think sometimes a change is good. Knowing all the difficulties the previous one experienced, a change may be good”.
Mnr. Tiaan Buitendag en Me. Nicolene Buitendag sê: “Nee, dit is die eerste wat ons daarvan hoor. Ons hoop die nuwe een doen iets aan die paaie!”
Right: Mr Doctor Malepe said: “No, I’ve not heard about it. It is so important to give service delivery. We are in need of it. The new mayor will have to perform”.
27 JUNE 2014
Ohrigstad hou basaar die naweek Die NG Kerk op Ohrigstad hou môre, 28 Junie hulle jaarlikse basaar. Almal word uitgenooi om te kom saam kuier en die dag te geniet. Die basaar word op die terrein langs Ohrigstad Restaurant gehou. (Skuins oorkant die polisiestasie). Daar sal vanaand (27 Junie 2014) vanaf 18:00 braaivleis en bykosse by Laerskool Ohrigstad te koop wees. ‘n Lekker dans word ook beplan om die koue af te weer. Saterdag om 09:00 skop die basaar af en om 10:00 sal daar ‘n veiling wees met ‘n groot verskeidenheid items. Die publiek kan kom smul aan heerlike pannekoeke, sosaties, boereworsrolle en nog baie meer. Daar sal stalletjies wees wat vleis verkoop, koeke, terte, groente en plante sal ook te koop aangebied word. Die teetuin is elke jaar ‘n rustige hawe vir almal wat iets wil eet of drink. Skryf in vir die mode-parade of kom neem deel aan een van die vele speletjies wat deur die dag aangebied word. Kom geniet die dag saam met die Ohrigstadters!
Wild weekend for Karabo Tubatse SUPERSPAR is putting smiles on their customers’ faces with friendly service, competitive prices and competitions to dream of. Mr Karabo Senong was the lucky winner in last week’s Wild Weekends competition. He received his R500 shopping voucher from Ms Lorraine Molapo from Spar. Shop at Tubatse SUPERSPAR and you could be a winner!
Is jy reg vir die Wildevy 4x4 Dag?
Die Wildevy manne is ‘n nie winsgewende organsasie wat daargestel is deur manne uit die gemeenskap om fondse vir minderbevoorregtes in die gemeenskap in te samel. Die 4x4 gesinsdag is slegs een van die projekte wat jaarliks aangebied word. Alle 4x4 entoesiaste, asook die publiek word genooi om op 26 Julie 2014 die dag saam te kom geniet. Dit word by PLM boerdery, 10km buite Burgersfort, op die Lydenburg-R37 pad gehou. Die hele gemeenskap, wat besighede en mynbedrywe insluit, is betrokke by hierdie dag om dit so lekker as moontlik vir die hele familie te maak. Die baan is baie uitdagend en interesant, dit is egter nie so opgestel om normale viertrek voertuie te beskadig nie. Die roete is uiteengesit sodat hele gesin kan deelneem aan pret uitdagings soos lemoene gooi, windbuks skiet en ander 4x4 verwante uitdagings. Almal kan groot pryse wen! Na die sukses van Die Wildevy MTB bergfiets wedren in 2013 gaan alles net groter en beter! Die manne bied ‘n 70km, 35km, 10km en 2km pret trap vir kinders onder 12 jaar aan. Hierdie bergfiets wedren het ook tans gesetelde status waar fietsryers kan punte bymekaar maak op die bergfietsry punteleer. Pieter Heyns kan by 082 806 5622 gekontak word vir meer inligting oor die fietsry! Besoek gerus Vanjaar bied die manne uitstekende vermaak met bekende sangers wat gaan optree op die hoof verhoog. Sterre soos The Dixie Hillbillies sal besoekers en deelnemers betower met hul treffers! Kim sal besoekers ook aan haar lippe laat hang.
Kim is een van die kunstenaars wat tydens hierdie jaar se Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag gaan optree. Merk nou reeds 26 Julie uit vir hierdie geleentheid! Die dag het altyd ‘n heerlike feestelike atmosfeer met verskeie stalletjies wat tuisgemaakte kos en verversings bedien. Die tradisionele SHOW STOPPER, vind in die middag plaas. Dis wanneer ‘n paar uitsoek voetuie hul passies deur die modderbad neem. Hierdie is ‘n moet en sorg elke jaar vir hope pret. Moet dit nie misloop nie! Geen 4x4 motorfietse sal toegelaat sal word op die baan en op die plaas nie. Geen koel houers word op die terrein toegelaat nie, ‘n kroeg met baie billike pryse is beskikbaar. Kontak gerus vir Samantha De Swardt as jy belangstel om n stalletjie te bespreek om uit te stal en of handgemaakte en ander produkte wil kom vertoon en verkoop. Vir meer inligtig besoek gerus die webwerf by of skakel Samantha De Swardt by 013 231 7498/9 of 013 231 7462 of epos by Die manne is ook as “Die Wildevy 4x4 gesinsdag” op Facebook beskikbaar. (Inligting en foto’s: Wildevy Manne)
Die Dixie hillbillies sal by die Wildevy 4x4 Dag op die hoofverhoog optree. Moet dit nie misloop nie!
27 JUNIE 2014
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3680 of (013) 231-7899. 2 Slaapkamer ten volle toegeruste rondawel beskikbaar op plaas, 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad vir R5500pm. Kontak Drienie 082-461-8808. 2 x One Bedroom flats in Burgersfort. Available immediately. Contact: 076 666 1100
Let us know about your news and events! Call 083 271 9151 or 013 231 7147 or fax 013 231 7147 or email your information to editorial@ platinum gazette. com The editorial deadline is every Wednesday at 17:00.
Get the newspaper at these distribution spots: Mototolo Concentrator Plant Dwarsrivier Mine Sediman’s Tuckshop Kalkfontein Morena’s Tavern Kubu Tavern Glencore Training Centre Tubatse Village Winterveld Village Pick n Pay Steelpoort One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort Vyfster Slaghuis Fresh Pick Minimark Steelpoort Steelpoort Akademie Tingeling Kleuterskool Sasol Steelpoort Department of
Education Circuit office Burgersfort Twickenham Mine Dilokong Mine Modikwa Mine Praktiseer SAPS Burgersfort SAPS Leboeng SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Bronrich Slaghuis Laerskool Ohrigstad Ohrigstad Handelshuis Total Garage Ohrigstad Oasis Kafee Ohrigstad GMC Burgersfort Cash Trader Burgersfort Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort Dr Lorna Medical Centre
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Cheap Cheap#2 Tubatse Build It Greater Tubatse Municipality Civic Centre Magaba Filling Station Mooifontein Kafee Supa Save Factory Shop Boxer - Khadima Centre Fast Fit/Dunlop
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676
Platinum Petroleum OK Minimark Burgersfort Toyota
Betrekkings/ Vacancies Laerskool Ohrigstad
Platinum Gazette contact details:
Platinum Gazette
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Burgersfort Themba Filling Station Supa Quick Burgersfort
Vakante Pos/Vacancy Onderwyspos/Educators Post Graad R & 1/Grade R & 1 (Gekombineerde klas/ Multigrade class Vereistes/Requirements: • SARO Registrasie/SACE Registration • Reqv 13 (minimum) • Volledige CV met gewaarmerkte sertifikate./Complete CV with endorsed certificates. • Buitemuurse aktiwiteite is ‘n vereiste vir die pos: Rugby, Krieket, Netbal./ Extramural activities are a requirement for this position: Rugby, Cricket, Netball. Taal van onderrig/Language of instruction: Afrikaans Sluiting van aansoeker/Closing of applications: 3 Julie 2014/3 July 2014 Kortlys/Short listing: 9 Julie 2014/9 July 2014 Diensaanvaarding/Assumption of duty: 21 Julie 2014/21 July 2014 Aansoekvorms/Application forms: Aansoeke moet ingehandig word by die Skoolhoof op ‘n EDU1 voor of op die sluitingsdatum. /Applications should be submitted to the Principal’s office on a EDU1 on or before the closing date. Tel: 013 238 0020 Aanvaar u aansoek as onsuksesvol as die skool u nie kontak nie/Please accept your application as unsuccessful if the school does not contact you.
Kennisgewings/Notices NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED & AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2)(c)(i) of Government Notice R.543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended. The proposed activity entails the construction of an Access Bridge at Ga-Maphopha Village over Shakwaneng River in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality of the Sekhukhune District Municipality: Limpopo Province. The project triggers Listed Activities No. 11 (iii) provided for in Government Notice R.544 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorization has been lodged on the 24th of June 2014 with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET: 12/1/9/1-GS 105) Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are invited to present written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days (i.e. on or before the 04th August 2014) of the publishing of this notice. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONERS Vhu Hone Hawe Trading Enterprise cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Ms Modiba MS PO. Box 2414 Tel: 015 298 9066 POLOKWANE Fax: 086 604 0476 0700 E-mail:
Friendly games at Mangabane
27 JUNE 2014
Tubatse Chrome FC plays against Mahwelereng SAPS FC On 25 June Tubatse Chrome FC hosted Mahwelereng SAPS FC at Winterveld. The Tubatse team have shown that they are a mighty force by scoring three goals against the visitors. (Information & photographs: Mokibelo Shine Pholoane)
On Saturday 21 June Tubatse Masters, Tubatse Chrome, Dilokong Hospital and a team from the SAPS played friendly soccer games. The results were: Tubatse Masters (2) vs SAPS (1); Tubatse Chrome (3) vs Dilokong Hospital (2); SAPS (2) vs Dilokong Hospital (2) and Tubatse Masters (2) vs Tubatse Chrome (2). (Information: Jerial Movundlela; Photographs: Velly Malaka, Pitso Sehlabela & Jerial Movundlela).
SAPS vs New Segorong Village On Thursday 18 June the SAPS soccer team played a friendly game against a team from New Segorong Village in Praktiseer. The game ended in a draw (2-2) after both teams were determined to deny the others a chance to score again. Const Skhosana and Const Muroa scored for the SAPS team. (Information and photographs: Const Mokgohloa)
Teams played friendly games at Mangabane sports ground.
Doornbosch soccer team takes the title Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines recently played an intersectional soccer tournament at their soccer grounds at Mangabane. Tweefontein’s team lost their reign on the title for the first time in three years when the team from Doornbosch beat them in the finals. (Information and photographs: Ruffy Thobeyane)
27 JUNIE 2014
Local SAPS team takes on officers from Tzaneen On Wednesday 25 June Tubatse and Burgersfort police stations hosted a friendly soccer match against the Tzaneen SAPS. The match was played in Praktiseer at the Bogwasha sports ground. The visitors dominated the game in the first half and managed to score the first goal of the match. The local players worked hard to create scoring opportunities, but by half time the score was still 1-0 for Tzaneen. In the second half the visitors continued their
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The local Tubatse and Burgersfort SAPS team played in yellow.
Die Tubatse Chroom Gholf Klub het verlede naweek die Klub Kampioenskappe gehou. Die kompetisie is goed ondersteun. Die uitslae en nog foto’s is op bl. 12. Golfspelers kan solank 19 Julie uitmerk vir die CVO Golfdag. Die dag se spel sal in ‘n “Two Ball Alliance” plaasvind. Inskrywingsgeld is R250 per persoon. Die dag se spel begin 08:30 vir 09:00 by Tubatse Chroom Klub. Daar is lekker pryse soos ‘n halwe skaap en ‘n naweek weg. Belangstellende spelers kan solank vir Ansie by 082 076 0734 of Rika by 072 079 7628 kontak. Die skool nooi almal uit om in die dag se spel te kom deel.
domination and scored three more goals. The hosts managed to score a consolation goal in the last minutes of the match. The final score was 4-1 in favour of Tzaneen SAPS. Const. Moses Makhubele, Const Moses Sithole, Const Mahlatse Hlokwe and Const Monyai Sethwane scored for Tzaneen SAPS. Const Tebogo Letsoalo scored for the local SAPS team. (Photographs: Pitso Sehlabela; Information: Const Jerial Movundlela)
27 JUNE 2014
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New club champions for Tubatse Johan Dreyer and Cheryl Wilkinson shine Last weekend Tubatse Chrome Golf Club held their annual Club Championship.
The new club champion is Johan Dreyer. He played in the A division. The B division
winner was Johan Smit and the C division winner was Kevin Wilkinson. The ladies champion is Cheryl Wilkinson. She was also the day’s winenr. The club thanked Silver Oaks for sponsoring their championships. (Information and trophy handover photographs: Willem Montgomery, Tubatse Chrome Golf Club).