Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
27 March 2015
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
Oops A fire at Villa Dela Salute in Aloe Ridge East in Burgersfort caught the local fire brigade unaware. It happened when a relaxing braai with friends turned into an excitement filled afternoon on Saturday 21 March when two young children went to seek help from their neighbours. “Help, our house is on fire and Mommy and Daddy are sleeping” was the call at about 15:45. The children were apparently playing on the second floor of the double storey house when the home caught fire. The neighbours were quick to react and called the fire brigade. National Guarding Services and residents from the complex in the meantime started to carry furniture and other belongings from the home. Upon arrival at the scene, the firemen could not open the hydrant as they did not have the correct tools. A quick thinking bystander fetched some spanners from his car to assist. “It was terrible. First they could not open the hydrant. The house is burning and then the firemen realised they did not have the right nozzles to spray the water on the roof. They had to go and fetch it,” one neighbour told Platinum Gazette this week. Neighbours from the opposite block said: “The tank of the fire engine was also empty when they reached the complex. They were in such a hurry to try and assist that the one fireman got hurt as he was not wearing all the necessary protective clothing when a piece of the roof collapsed and pieces of burning debris fell into the back of his shirt”. Residents called for an ambulance to come and fetch injured fire fighter. Employees from the local mines also rushed to help with the effort to stop the blaze. After all the commotion the fire was eventually contained and most of the fire damage limited to the top storey. (Photographs: Michelle Mc Cabe)
27 MARCH 2015
DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Mine together with the Department of Water and SanitaƟon celebrated Water Week at De Hoop Dam on Tuesday 24 March 2015. The theme of the day was “Water is Life, SanitaƟon is Dignity”. They were joined by schools from the area, municipal councillors and representaƟves, tradiƟonal leaders, SKfm and other stakeholders. The day’s focus fell on the importance of water conservaƟon. FormaliƟes included a special presentaƟon for the dignitaries, a formal programme for everyone and a tour of the dam and inside the dam’s wall. During the formal programme Mr. Remember Mmbengwa from Dwarsrivier Mine encouraged the youth and those present to see water as a valuable resource that deserves being looked aŌer. Dwarsrivier Mine becomes involved with events such as Water Week because they feel very strongly about this specific resource and its conservaƟon. The tour of the dam and its wall was a great adventure for everyone as it is sƟll overflowing aŌer recent rain in the area. AŌer the formal programme and the bus tour to the dam’s wall, everyone was treated to a delicious meal. The learners who aƩended the event also received special Dwarsrivier Mine bags and staƟonery giŌs.
27 MAART 015
It is almost the season of autumn, but a full blown summer storm decended on Burgersfort and surrounds on Sunday 15 March 2015. Most properties in the area survived the hail, wind and water unscathed, but a number of residents of Apiesdoorn had not been so lucky. They suffered extensive damge en some of them lost their homes completely, especially those build from mud. Dwarsrivier Chrome mine came to the rescue and in collaboration with the government’s disaster management structures, people were assisted with basic foodstuff and blankets to help them through the crisis.
Assistance for Apiesdoorn
After the storm Matthew 18:10 (NIV) “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven”.
Easter Supplement
27 MARCH 2015
27 MAART 2015
Easter Supplement
Get some style in your home Stylefurn Furnitures in Tubatse Crossing Mall is a shop not to pass by when you are looking for something special for your
home. Their wide range offer quality, value for money prices and various payment op ons. In addi on their friendly staff will
be able to assist you to make the purchase as easy as possible. They are conveniently situated near entrance 3 of Tubatse Crossing
Mall. This Easter they also offer addi onal discount on various items when they are bought cash. Visit them today!
The friendly staff at Stylefurn Furnitures are ready to assist you.
Easter Supplement
27 MAART 2015
Get your Spur favourites even when there is load-shedding
Bison Falls Spur in Tubatse Crossing recently purchased a generator that will ensure that customers will never have to miss out on their Spur favourites. Load-shedding has severely aected businesses in the shopping centre and only those with a generator has been able to operate without interrup on. Bison Falls Spur has now joined this group. Your drinks will always be ice cold and your burger, steak or other food items prepared to perfec on. Bison Falls is the ideal family des na on with something for everyone. Remember they also cater for children’s birthday par es - no mess at home, only join from you birthday girl or boy. Visit them this Easter for delicious food while shopping at Tubatse Crossing.
Bison Falls Spur would like to thank the following for assis ng with the installa on of their generator: Gawie Myburgh (Johnson Crane Hire), Burgersfort Engineering, Eben Klopper (Lunaka Electrical and Aircondi oning Installa ons and Repairs, Tubatse Crossing Mall and specifically Mike Roets from Tubatse Crossing Mall.
Get involved with Cansa A Cansa support group was recently established in the Steelpoort area. This group is however not only for residents from Steelpoort. Burgersfort and Steelpoort are both falling into one region and cancer patients, family members of cancer patients or people who would simply like to become involved with a good cause can join the group. It is important that those joining the
27 MARCH 2015
group understand that it is voluntary. The group will be raising funds for Cansa, but also offer support where they are able to. There are monthly meetings and training sessions which also double up as a nice get together with a cup of tea. Cancer survivors are also welcome to join. For more information contact Michele van Rooyen on 082 837 1039.
Crime Snippets On 19 March the Tubatse SAPS arrested a 31-year old man in connection with housebreaking and theft. A case of housebreaking and theft was opened at the Tubatse SAPS on 18 March after a house was broken into and a television stolen at Riba Cross. The SAPS investigated the matter and arrested the suspect the following day. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s court on 23 March and was granted bail. The case was postponed to 30 March 2015. On Saturday 21 March the Tubatse SAPS arrested two men (aged 22 and 25) in connection with housebreaking and theft. It is alleged that the two broken into a house in Praktiseer on the evening of 21 March. Cash was stolen
from the property. The matter was reported to the SAPS and the suspects arrested shortly afterwards. They appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court and were granted R800 bail each. Their case was postponed to 20 April 2015. On 20 March a 34-year old man was arrested in connection with a case of rape. The man allegedly raped a 16-year old girl on 12 March in Bothashoek village. The matter was reported to the Tubatse SAPS. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s court on 23 March. He was not granted bail. The case was postponed to 30 March 2015. (Information: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
What? Freshly painted lanes in Dirk Winterbach Street. But what was previously a right turn lane is now... an island, scooter or bicycle lane? Your guess is as good as ours. The point is, watch out, different rules (or no rules as usual?) are now applying at some crossings in Burgersfort.
27 MAART 2015
Learners warned about crime On Monday 23 March Mmiditsi Secondary School received a visit from the SAPS. The police officers visited the school to help spread awareness of crime prevention. The day’s activities were led by sector managers W/O Supe, Sergeant Mosoma and the social crime prevention co-ordinators Const. Letsoalo and Const. Chauke. The Tubatse Victim Empowermnet Programme (VEP) also took part in the campaign. Const. Letsoalo encouraged learners to study hard, have respect for their teachers and parents and to keep illegal objects away from school. They were also told how hard it will be for them to one day get employed should they have a criminal record. Thoko Nkosi of VEP encouraged the learners to stay away from drugs, dagga and alcohol.
(Information & photographs: Conts. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS communications officer).
SAPS do crime awareness at Sedibeng Secondary School On 16 March 2015 the Tubatse SAPS visited Sedibeng Secondary School in Mahlashi village outside Burgersfort. They officers went to create awareness about crime. The campaign was led by the sector managers W/O Supe, W/O Mohlala, Sergt. Mosoma and the social crime prevention co-ordinators Const. Letsoalo and Const. Chauke. Cont. Letsoalo addressed the learners and encouraged them to focus on their studies, maintain discipline at all times and to respect their teachers and parents. He also encouraged them to stay away from alcohol and drug abuse. The learners were warned not to bring dangerous or illegal objects to school. They were also told that cell phones do not belong in school as it disturb their studies. The children were warned about the consequences of a criminal record and the disadvantage they’ll have when applying for a job one day. (Information & photograph: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS Communication Officer)
27 MARCH 2015
Growing with Tubatse Chrome Employees honoured at Long Service Awards 2015
Tubatse Chrome held their annual Long Service Awards on Tuesday last week. A large group of employees were rewarded for their loyalty and contribu on towards the company’s success. The following employees received awards: 5 years – Mhlengi Ndimande and Marike Barnard. 10 years – Abel Ncube; Abram Mosehlane; Andrew Mkhondo; Ben Matentshi; Bernice Pfister; Claudios Madanire; David Mmulutsi; Enoch Ngele; Erick Mabelane; Essau Mabelane; Genesis Napo; George Maluleke; Given Malatji; Ike Maupa; Isaac Malatji; Isaac Sebulela; Jack Mosoma; Jeremiah Machubeng; Johannes Van Rensburg; Johannes Hlatshwayo; Johannes Madisha; Johannes Tlou; Jonathan Ankhoma; Jurgens Muller; Kapi Nchabeleng; Lord Mashaba; Lucas Maitje; Mbowane Maile; Phillemon Ngele; Richard Lingwa ; Robs Mokobane; Stephen Thokwane; Thomas Mabelane; Thomas Mothibedi; Thomas Makola; Velly Makofane; Vivius Machubeng; Wonderful Mphasane Jan Kekana, Reuben Ramela and Stephen Mashishi with Mr. Andor Esbach. 15 years - Johnny Harmse. 20 years – Jacki Hanekom; Jan Van Wyk; Jesaiah Mabuza; Lazarus Mogoane; Prinle Maloma; Reuben Mdluli 25 years – Alfred Mkhanja; David Mogola; Doctor Pholwana; Edward Mokgoadi; Fenter Mabuza; Jesaya Ngele; Johannes Malope; Joseph Nkosi; Joseph Phetla; Joshua Skhonde; Klaas Mosehla; Manase Bhembe; Philemon Molapo; Phillemon Hlongwe; Piet Kgomo; Reuben Mmoshi; Riaan Van Staden; Robert Sambo; Rocky Maupa; Ronnie Monareng; Simon Malepe; Simon Simelane; Simon Masinga; Smash Mokoena; Solomon Erasmus; Thomas Mkhabela; Thomas Chiloane; Thone Marebane; Victor Maphanga. 30 years – Abson Komane; Isaac Mafane; Jackie Machate; Joe Maebela; Johannes Tau; John Motebejane; Lucas Makua; Nelson Moraba; Petrus Teffo. 35 years - Jan Kekana; Reuben Ramela and Stephen Mashishi.
Shavathon fun for charity
Last week employees had fun with a Shavathon. Hair was cut and sprayed in fun colours for a good cause. The money raised will be donated
to Diggers Community & Small Business Centre who drives the local Cancer Support Group.
Inspiring the youth A group of Tubatse Chrome employees visited the Kgahlanong Secondary School Matric Class of 2015. The school received a 76,4% matric pass rate in 2014 and the teachers credit the success of the school to the inspira on a group of employees from Tubatse Chrome le behind during a visit early last year. The Class of 2015 have challenged themselves to achieve a 100% pass rate - none of them wants to be the weakest link!
27 MARCH 2015
Learners as apprenƟces Tubatse Chrome has signed seven learners onto the School Programme for 2015. Learners come from the Kgahlanong Secondary School in Eerstegeluk and Sehlaku High School in Driekop. These grade 11 learners were chosen after a tough selection process and they will complete their trade as either boilermakers; electricians or fitters over the next 4 years. These learners know that they will have to perform well in all the areas required to achieve their goals of qualifying for a trade. The learners each signed a contract with Tubatse Chrome and will gain work experience at the plant. Tubatse Chrome wishes them the best of luck with their studies.
Long service award recipients received a gi and a cer ficate of apprecia on.
A keyboard for Kgahlanong The Tubatse Chrome Management team handed over a musical keyboard to the Music Department at Kgahlanong Secondary School. The school choir rendered a few musical items which le everyone in awe of their talent. With their new keyboard, the school hopes to start offering instrument lessons and taking their choir to local and na onal compe ons.
Spreading joy in January
Loving ValenƟne’s Day Tubatse Chrome spread some love through the Plant with some Valen ne’s Day cookies on 13 February 2015. Employees were all smiles as they loved their heart shaped cookies with a Valen ne’s Day message. They are already looking forward to next year’s Valen ne’s treat.
DonaƟng blood, giving life Tubatse Chrome employees gave one of the ul mate gi s a person can give - they donated blood. The South African Na onal Blood Service (SANBS) visited them and employees could conveniently donate blood right there.
Tubatse Chrome made January be er when they delivered grocery hampers to the Thato ya Bana Creche in Tukagomo. These Christmas hampers came in handy to ensure that the children being cared for enjoy healthy meals.
27 MARCH 2015
SAPS playing soccer in Praktiseer On Thursday 19 March the SAPS F.C. played a friendly soccer match against the local Bohlabela Branch of SADTU. The match was played at the Leolo Secondary School sports ground in Praktiseer. In the first half both teams displayed good football
skills and created many scoring opportunities. Const. Tebogo Letsoalo and Const. Muroa managed to score two goals for the SAPS to make the half time score 2-0. In the second half the match was more interesting as both teams managed to score a total
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 00
of 6 goals. Thegobo Letsoalo scored his second goal to put his team 3-0 ahead. The teachers’ team did not lose hope and put the pressure on the police by dominating the ball possession. Douglas Magabane was the first to score for the teachers. A few minutes later Rellie Mmola scored their second goal and finally Congo Mathebula managed to equalise the score. A few minutes later in the game Thabiso Molemane put the police in the lead again when he scored to make the points 4-3. In the dying minutes of the game Douglas Magabane scored his second goal and the match ended 4-4. On Wednesday 18 March the Tubatse and Burgersfort SAPS soccer team played against a local team, Romans F.C. in Praktiseer. They played at Bogwasha Sports Ground. The local boys dominated the ball possession in the early stages of the match and took
Open Monday’s - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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a 1-0 lead. Later in the first half the SAPS team managed to level the score when Const Skosana placed the ball in the back of the net. In the second half both teams introduced fresh legs and scored another three goals. Const. Maganyane scored the SAPS’ second goal with the Romans scoring shortly afterwards. Warrant Officer Mamphoke scored the third goal for the SAPS to ensure a win of 3-2. (Information & photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)
1190 209
HOUSE WIRE 1,5m x 100m Assorted colours
NUTEC CEILING BOARDS 3.6m x 1.2m x 6.4mm
BRICKFORCE 75mm / 150mm x 15m roll Non SABS approved
ROLL UP GARAGE DOOR SERIES 245 2450mm x 2100mm Baffalo Brown Promotion valid from 26 February - 7 March 2015. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.
27 MARCH 2015
Bid Number
Document Fee
Compulsory Briefing Session
Bid Closure
Technical Enquiries
1. Bothashoek Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non-Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E. 013 231 1288
2. Diphala/ Makhwaya Access Bride
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
3. Leboeng Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
4. Legoleng Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
5. Mabocha Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
6. Madithongwane Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
7. Mafarafara Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
8. Mpuru Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
9. Motshana Access Bridge
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
10. Praktiseer Stormwater Drainage System
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E. 013 231 1288
11. Tukakgomo RDP Houses Internal Streets
R500.00 each (Non-Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
12. Thokwane Access Road
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
13. Leboeng Access Road
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
14. Tubatse Rehabilitation of Waste Facilities (Bid Re-advert)
MIG/LP/1669/ CF/13/14
R500.00 each (Non- Refundable)
31st March 2015, GTM Municipal Chamber Building at 09H00
16th April 2015
Mr. Malungana M.E 013 231 1288
EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, 2011 Procurement Regulations and responsiveness to the bid documents, and on Quality Based Selection (QBS), of which 90 points will be for functionality, 10 points will be for B-BBEE Level Contribution. Price offer is not applicable as the Professional Engineering Fees are legislated
CONDITIONS OF THE BID 1. Bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500-00 from Tuesday, the 31st March 2015, at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort, from 08H30 to 15H00 during week-days. 2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 16th April 2015 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked the name of the bid proposing-for and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24 hours and 07 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and /or collectively to execute the contract and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document shall be submitting non-responsive bids. The bid validity period from the closing date remains 90 working days. 5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contrac tor registered on the municipal database, where applicable. 6. Enquiries relating to the Bidding Procedure should be directed to M M Mapeka at 013 231 1000/ 1224 or during office hours (07H30 to 16H00). Moja MM Acting Municipal Manager
27 MARCH 2015
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail adverts@platinumgazette. com
Twee slaapkamer T l k woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005
10. Te Koop/ For Sale FOR SALE: 1994 MERCEDES 200E, Manual, electric windows, anti-theft device, Becker radio – R30 000.00 Call : 084 571 3008
A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation
Vacancy Burgersfort Office next to Toyota | Tel: 087 151 1034
9. Te Huur/ For Rent
We are looking for a The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
Multi-lingual Debt Counselling Consultant Requirements: The ideal candidate will be able to speak, read and write Afrikaans, English and Sepedi. Computer literate in the Microsoft Office package. Salary: A highly competitive salary is being offered. To Apply: E-mail your complete CV with references to or drop off your CV at the GMC Debt Solutions Office in Burgersfort.
Furnace Production Foreman (C5) Smelter Production ROLE PURPOSE: Ensuring the optimum operation of the furnaces during a production shift.
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE: UANALLOCATED BANK DEPOSITS Notice is hereby given that all consumers and other stakeholders who made payments directly to the Municipal Bank Account either electronically or physically depositing to the bank, and such payments did not reflect on their accounts, are kindly advised to bring the proof of such payments/ deposits to the Municipality Main Building, Revenue Section, hence that allocations can be made to their accounts. Only consumers with valid proof of such deposits, payments or transfers will be assisted. Consumers whose accounts were already credited and still claim that their accounts are not credited, with such deposits, will be subject to a penalty charge. NB. ALL CLAIMED DEPOSITS OLDER THAN 12 MONTHS SHOULD BE CLAIMED BEFORE 31st MAY 2015 2014 AND IF NOT CLAIMED FORFEITED THEIR DEPOSIT. THE DEPOSIT WILL THEN BE TRANSFERRED TO THE ACUMULATED ACCOUNT OF THE MUNICIPALITY AND WILL REMAIN COUNCIL REVENUE AND WILL NOT BE CLAIMABLE BY THE DEPOSITOR AFTER THE SAID PERIOD HAS LAPSED Please note that the Municipality has only one primary bank account with First National Bank. No payment for Assessment Rates or Services or any deposit, should be made to any other bank. Consumers are kindly request to use the 7 digits account/ invoice number as reference when making direct/electronic payments into the Municipal bank account. For more information please contact Phasha LC @ 013 231 1132 during working hours. The Municipality Banking Details are as follows: First National Bank Burgersfort Account Name : Greater Tubatse Municipality Type of Account : Cheque Account Account Number : 56550022466 Moja MM Branch Code : 270651
Acting Municipal Manager
ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 certificate with Maths and Science • Production Management certificate would be advantageous • Experience as acting Furnace Foreman • At least 5years experience in SAF operation. Preferences will be given to candidates with FeCr experience • Supervisory skills, HIRA and Accident and Incident Investigation • Knowledge of effective electrode management • Knowledge of furnace operation, as well as tapping and post tap hole practices ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Ensuring that the specific production process is executed according to the required standards and that the achievements of production results are optimized through workplace efficiency. • Ensuring that all work for the shift is properly allocated and that all material, tools and equipment is available and properly functioning. • Ensuring compliance with workplace rules and that all performance deviations are reported and appropriately dealt with. • Ensuring compliance with workplace SHEQ rules and standards and that workplace risks are minimized. • Facilitating the effective resolution of workplace problems and the prevention of recurring problems. • Ensure the effective allocation and utilization of resources. • Implements continuous improvement practices. • Responsibility on honest and accurate time management and safety. • Ensure that ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review takes place with in the section. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Closing date: 03 April 2015
27 MAART 2015
Sporting fun on Human Rights Day Mines compete in friendly games
Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine hosted a Human Rights Day Friendly Soccer Tournament last week Saturday. Friendly games were played between Twickenham PlaƟnum Mine, Dwarsrivier Mine, ASA Metals, Two Rivers PlaƟnum Mine, Bokoni PlaƟnum Mine and Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine. The games were played at Montrose. Modikwa’s netball team came out tops beaƟng all the other companies’ teams. The netball teams played a round robin and Modikwa’s team scored 64 goals for the day. Modikwa’s soccer team won the final of the day aŌer a 5-4 penalty shoot-out against Dwarsrivier Mine. Tennis also made its appearance on the programme for the first Ɵme and will be added again for future games. The organisers would like to thank everyone who parƟcipated and hope the support in future will be just as good. “Great start for the teams!” they said.
(InformaƟon: Andy Mohloke, Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine)
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
27 MARCH 2015
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Sponsors enjoy their round of golf Last weekend Tubatse Chrome Golf Club hosted their annual Sponsorship Golf Day for those businesses who support the Club during the year. The winning team was from Sebenza Scaffolding. The Longest Drive was Dereck Ackerman. Tim Marobane took Nearest to the Pin on 4/13 and Daan Rieckert was Nearest to the Pin on 9/18. Nearest to the pin with second shot number 6 was Rudi Conrad. The Club would like to thank all their sponsors: North West Recycling, Thorburn Security, Pick n Pay, Electro Diesel, Mass Hire, Tech-North, Pirtek, Tubatse Chrome, Filterman, Talisman Hire, Samancor ECM, Sebenza Scaffolding, Westvaal Steelpoort/ Mashishing. On 28 March a league game will take place at home. Chrome B will play against Kruger Park Lodge. There will also be an IPS competition. Tee-off is from 07:00 - 10:00. Chrome A will play away at Skukuza and Chrome C will play away against Nelspruit. The Club wish all the league players well with their games. No competitions are planned for the Easter Weekend, but the course will be open for players to come for a relaxing game.
(Information: Willem Montgomery)
Jagters vergader Die Bosboktak van die Suid-Afrikaanse Jagtersvereniging hou op 1 April 2015 hul volgende maandvergadering. Lede word uitgenooi om dit te kom bywoon. Die vergadering word hierdie keer by PLM Boerdery gehou. Navrae: JB Willers (082 820 1748) of Loffie van Emmenis (082 853 7417).