Platinum Gazette 27 October 2017

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“If you don’t know who this woman is, you are not from this area” somebody exclaimed at function held at one of the mines recently. This week Platinum Gazette celebrates the newspaper’s ninth birthday. After nine years the newspaper and it’s personnel (especially Beánnla Celliers in the photograph) are recognised and loved (and sometimes hated) by almost (we are not perfect) everybody in the area. We are thankful to all our readers, advertisers and supporters and we are (in local speak), very much happy to be your newspaper. Now even Kallie Knoetze, boxing and rugby legend in the photograph, knows wo we are. What did he do here? See on page 5.

Mathabatha Senior Citizens’ Parliament also ‘shuffles’ welcomed locally his ‘cabinet’ “25 October 2017 The Premier of Limpopo, Mr. Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, has decided to effect changes to the Executive Council following the assessment of the performance of the provincial government in carrying out its constitutional mandate over the past two and half years. The Executive Council has been reconfigured as follows: 1. MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure: Ms. Nandi Ndalane 2. MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs: Mr. Jerry Ndou 3. MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development: Mrs. Joyce Mashamba 4. MEC for Transport and Community Safety: Ms. Makoma Makhurupetje 5. MEC for Social Development: Ms. Mapula Mokaba-Phukwana 6. MEC for Health: Dr. Phophi Ramathuba 7. MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism: Mr. Seaparo Sekwati 8. MEC for Sport, Art and Culture: Ms. Onnica Moloi 9. MEC for Education: Mr. Ishmael Kgetjepe 10. MEC for Provincial Treasury: Mr. Rob Tooley The Premier trusts these changes will add the necessary value in the improvement of the lives of our people. The changes are with immediate effect. Issued by: Office of the Premier”

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila, welcomed the delegate on the occasion of the Fourth Session of the Fifth Legislature’s Senior Citizen’s Parliament held at Moses Mabotha Civic Hall on 25 October Cllr Ramaila said was an utmost pleasure to be the hosts during this important occasion “that marks the parliament geared towards engaging and harnessing the plight of our senior citizens, the elderly. “We are deeply touched that this gathering will be looking at pertinent topics like, Combating Abuse of the Elderly, Challenges for fighting Poverty (Social Security), Participation and Involvement of Elderly People in Community, Empowering Young Generation to embrace the elderly. We are confident of the success of this parliament in its mission”.

27 October 2017

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27 OCTOBER 2017


Dwarsrivier restores learners’ dignity


warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) oďŹƒcially handed over ablu on blocks with 20 brand new toilets to Masago Primary School. The school in the Ga-Masha area had an

acute shortage and very dilapidated facilies before the dona on from DCM. The handover took place on 24 October 2017 at the school. The event was a ended by various stakeholders including tradi onal leadership, representa ves from the Department of

The old ablu on facili es.

Educa on, DCM employees, teachers and the school governing body. The learners showed their apprecia on for the dona on in various poems, dancing performances and speeches. The school principal, Mrs. M.E. Mankgane thanked DCM for the dona on of the ablu on facili es, emphasising their good rela onship with the mine. Other speakers echoed the sen ment and encouraged the learners to take care of the newly constructed facili es. Mr. Silas Hlapolosa from DCM told the audi-

ence that their eorts show the importance of government, industry and communi es working together to create a be er future. He added that sanita on is one of the basic human needs that restore dignity and that this was the aim with the construc on of the ablu on blocks at the school. DCM is ac vely involved with improving educa on and assis ng schools in the area. They recently also donated mobile libraries to various schools, including Masago Primary School.

Happiness as the learners run towards their new ablu on facili es.

27 OKTOBER 2017



Malaria, be aware Sowing seeds in the Protea Community The Protea Community’s farms at Schaap Kraal and Vygenhoek will be planting vegetables in the coming weeks. They received a donation of seeds from the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture. Mr. Nkosi delivered it to them and they thanked him and the department for their assistance.

Unusual cases of malaria has been reported in areas of Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga. These cases are people contracting malaria with no recent history of travel to malaria transmission areas. In Gauteng one person has already died of the disease. The National Institute for Communicable Diseases calls these cases Odyssean malaria. It is also known as airport, suitcase, minibus or taxi-rank malaria. It is called this because carrier mosquitoes travel in these vehicles to areas that are not normally malaria transmission areas. Although there was a rise in reported cases, it is still seen as isolated cases in the bigger picture. The National Institute for Commu-

nicable Diseases and the Department of Health has launched an effort to determine if the problem is becoming more permanent and no evidence of temporary vector mosquito-breeding in the reported areas has been found. The reports of malaria cases do not mean that malaria is now spreading to new areas in South Africa. Residents are advised to take preventative measures against mosquito bites and seek medical attention for ‘flu-like illness (mainly fever, chills, headache, muscle and joint pains) that progressively worsens over a short period. In the Steelpoort and Burgersfort area cases of malaria had also been reported and people treated for the disease.

New Shop & Save opening Shop & Save is opening a third ‘home’ in Burgersfort. The new shop at Burgersfort Mall is the latest addition and clients can visit them for a unique shopping experience. The shop will have massive, below cost, opening specials on 27 and 28 October. Shop & Save has become the ultimate catering, packaging, kitchen and catering equipment and even tent supplier in the area. The new shop in Burgersfort Mall will have lines that are not available in the other stores. Décor and wedding accessories are just some of the new things clients can look forward to. The oweners of Shop & Save would

like to thank all their loyal clients for their support and invite them to come visit the new store for friendly service, a wide range and priced right, quality products. The new store will open on Friday 27 October at 08:30. Be there!



27 OCTOBER 2017

Joint effort of goodwill for a safer Dwarsrivier Pass Revelation 5:5 (NIV) 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

On the 12 of October 2017 the driver of a Scania tipper truck lost control of the vehicle resulting in overturning and dangerously blocking traffic on the Dwarsrivier Pass. The truck and its load laid across the road for three days, increasing the risk for a fatal accident with every passing day. On Saturday the 14 October 2017 at 07H00, Lynden Brown cc’s Mr Lee Stevenson and Mr. Elijah van Wyk decided that something had to be done to make the road safer. In the interest of all road users they met with the owner of the truck who confirmed they had been stuck by the side of the road since the accident occurred. The truck was his only

source of income and that he was in no position financially to recover the truck. Lynden Brown cc took it upon themselves to arrange for a clean-up crew to clear the road and arrange for the removal of the tipper truck. The clean-up operation took approximately 9hrs to complete. The group who worked to clear the pass would like to convey their sincere gratitude to: Glencore Thorncliffe Mine for supplying a road sweeper and Mr. Chris Botha who aided in the clean-up operation. Mr. Ryno and Wilro Roeloffze of SWA Civils who supplied labour and a TLB to aid with the clean-up of approximately 10m³ of river sand. Phoenix Flying Squad alongside the Sekhukhune SAPS’ Constables Mokgomme and Motebejane who assisted in safely regulating traffic. Lynden Brown cc for supplying the Van Wettens Recovery vehicle and for their direct efforts in the clean-up operation.

27 OKTOBER 2017


Knipmes Aand saam met die legendes Die Laeveld Ratels Rugby Klub het verlede Saterdag ‘n Knipmes Aand by Die Plaashuis aangebied. Elke gas het ‘n knipmes ontvang. Die funksie is in samewerking met die South African Hall of Fame gereël en gaste het die geleentheid gehad om met manne soos Chester Williams, Kallie Knoetze, Fanie Heymans, Johnny Burger en Eugene Lewis te kuier. Hoewel daar lekker gekuier is, het die sporthelde ook ‘n dieper boodskap gebring - dat geld, goed en roem op enige vlak in die lewe nie geluk bring of van jou ‘n wenner maak nie. Dat om ‘n kampioen in jou lewe te wees, jou fokus nie op aardse dinge moet wees nie en dat niks jou tyd en liefde vir die mense om jou kan vervang nie. Die lewe is kort, lewe nou en lewe voluit. Daar is ook ‘n veiling gehou met ‘n verskeidenheid items wat dié sportmanne geteken het. Unieke getekende en geraamde items wat deur die South African Hall of Fame vir die funksie bekom is, is ook op die veiling aangebied. Die funksie was daarop gemik om fondse vir die Ratels in te samel vir die komende seisoen se liga. Die Ratels het almal wat die aand ondersteun het, en dit ‘n sukses help maak het, bedank.

Gaste kon die aand heerlik met die sporthelde kuier, selfies neem en sport wyshede uitruil.



27 OCTOBER 2017


Prize-giving for achievers at Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort hosted their annual prize-giving ceremony this week. Learners were rewarded for their achievements in academics, sport and culture. The new prefects were also announced. They will be led by Tumi Mafahla as the new headboy, Tshegofatso Phasha as the headgirl, Chisom Oyoro as deputy headboy and Abigail Thobakgale as deputy headgirl.

Sarah Lin and Tumishang Selala received gold certificates in Grade 4 E.

The Quinton van Dyk trophy was awarded to Pusheletso Thobakgale. This trophy is for a learner who did not excel in sport or academically, but was always willing to help, even when he or she was not part of the activities. The Water Burger trophy was shared by Njabulu Ndlovu and Thapelo Riba. This is for friendliness, trustworthyness, eagerness to help and loyalty towards the school. The Dux learner was Kayleigh Joubert. She had an academic average of 84,53% for the year.

In swimming Franco Bothma was the Junior Victor Ludorm, Arelize Moll the Senior Victrix Ludorm and Ruben van Staden die Senior Victor Ludorm.

The Grade 7 learners sang a special farewell song.

Katlego Shebu received a trophy as the Junior Best Bowler. Sloan van Tonder was awarded the Junior Best Batsman. Adolf Weber received both senior trophies as the Best Batsman and the Best Bowler.

Tumi Mafahla is the new headboy, Tshegofatso Phasha the headgirl, Chisom Oyoro deputy headboy and Abigail Thobakgale deputy headgirl. The new prefects took over the leadership duties from the 2017 team during a special candlelight ceremony in which the old prefects lighted the candles of the new ones.

The Grade 4 - 6 academic team is: Grade 4 - Jhanke de Beer, Brandon Claassen, Sarah Lin, Tumishang Selala. Grade 5 - Fatimah Ali. Grade 6 Abigail Thobakgale.

Sarah Lin had the highest average in Grade 4 with an academic average of 87,96%. She was also the Best Academic Achiever for Grades 4 - 7.

The best achievers per subject in Grade 7 were; Kayleigh Joubert (Afrikaans Moedertaal; English First Additional Language; Best Bilingual learner; Technology; Art and Culture). Dannieh Ahmed (English Home Language; Economic Management Sciences). Gift Mjekula (Mathematics). Amelaine de Faria (Afrikaans First Additional Language; Natural Science; Social Science).

Phenyo Malepe received the Platinum Gazette floating trophy for the Best Senior Boys Field Athlete. Leswika Motubatse received the Platinum Gazette floating trophy for Best Senior Boys Track Athlete. Busi Ndabane was the Best Senior Girls Field Athlete, Arelize Moll was the Best Senior Girls Track Athlete. Arelize Moll is also the Senior Victrix Ludorm and Dimpho Makgamatha the Senior Victor Ludorm.

Arelize Moll was the Most Versatile Sport Girl with participation in athletics, swimming and cross country. Adolf Weber was the Most Versatile Sport Boy with participation in athletics, swimming, rugby and cricket.

27 OKTOBER 2017


Platinum Gazette

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HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom units available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000 Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 0825786113.

3. Dienste/ Services Visit your local professional art and décor framer in Steelpoort. 23 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget! Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocopies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.

Ruim 2 Slaapkamer Woon-eenheid te huur in Ohrigstad. R4300 p/m W/E ingesluit. Geen Diere Kontak: 013 238 0090

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.) Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

NOTICE OF WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION PROCESS FOR NARANJA PACKERS ON THE REMAINDERS OF PORTIONS 6 AND 7 OF THE FARM WILDEBEESTHOEK 389-KT NEAR BURGERSFORT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Polygon Environmental Planning CC has been appointed by Naranja Packers to conduct a Water Use Licence Application (WULA) in terms of the National Water Act (NWA, Act No. 36 of 1998) for Section 21 water uses triggered on the Remainder of Portion 6 and the Remainder of Portion 7 of the farm Wildebeesthoek 389-KT near Burgersfort, Limpopo Province: - Section 21(a): Abstraction of groundwater from a borehole on the Remainder of Portion 7 of Wildebeesthoek, for use in the packhouse as well as for the staff ablutions in the packhouse; - Section 21(e): Irrigation of lawns and orchards with treated effluent from the biological wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) which serves the citrus packhouse. Irrigation to take place on both the Remainder of Portion 6 and the Remainder of Portion 7 of Wildebeesthoek; - Section 21(g): Storage of treated effluent in an existing dam and a proposed new dam on the Remainder of Portion 6; and dust suppression with treated effluent from the WWP, on both the Remainder of Portion 6 ad the Remainder of Portion 7. The WULA will be submitted to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS). Should you have any comments, queries or concerns in terms of the WULA or the project, if you would like additional information, or if you wish to register as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP), please contact us at the details below before or on 30 November 2017. TSEBIšO YA MOKGWA WA KGOPELO YA TUMELELO YA šOMIšO YA MEETSE GO NARANJA PACKERS GO MAšALEDI A DIKAROLO 6 LE 7 POLASENG YA WILDEBEESTHOEK 389-KT, KGAUSWI LE BURGERSFORT, POROFENSENG YA LIMPOPO Polygon Environmental Planning CC e kgethilwe ke Naranja Packers go laola Kgopelo ya Tumelelo ya šomišo ya Meetse (WULA) go ya ka Molawana wa Meetse wa Bosetšhaba (NWA, Molawana 36 wa 1998) go ya ka karola ya 21 ya molawana, tše di latelago di kgwathilwe go Mašaledi a Karolo 6 le Mašaledi a Karolo 7 polaseng ya Wildebeesthoek 389-KT kgauswi le Burgersfort, Porofenseng ya Limpopo: - Karolo 21(a): Kgamolo ya meetse a fase go tšwa moepong go mašaledi a seripa sa bo šupa (7) sa polase ya Wildebeesthoek. Meetse atlile go šomišwa gare go packhouse (Ntlo ya go phuthela) le go šomišwa ke ba bereki ba packhouse. - Karolo 21(e): Meetse ao a hlwekišitšwego gotšwa go tshepidišo ya tlhwekišo ya meetse a ditšhila atla šomišwa go nošetša bjaang le di mela tšeo di leng/di dirišwang go packhouse. Go tla nošetswa mašaledi a seripa sa bo 6 le mašaledi a seripa sa bo 7 tša polase ya Wilderbeesthoek. - Karolo 21(g): Go bolokela meetse a ditšhila ao a thlwekišitšwego gare go letamo le go le leng gona ga bjale le go leo le tlileng go agiwa go mašaledi a seripa sa bo 6 sa polase ya Wildebeesthoek. Meetse a atlhwekišitšwego atla dirišwa gape go nošetsa/go fokotša lerole go dipolase tše pedi: Mašaledi a Karolo 6 le Mašaledi a Karolo 7. Kgopelo e tla išwa go Kgoro ya Meetse le Hlwekišo (DWS).

A o na le ditlaleletšo, dipotšišo goba dipelaelo ka ga WULA goba projeke, goba ge o ka rata tshedimošo ye ngwe gape, goba go ke ngwadiša bjalo ka mokgatlo wo o dumago goba o a megago (I&AP), o kgopelwa o e kopanye le rena dintlheng tša ka fase pele goba ka 30 Nofemere 2017. Contact / Motsereganyi: Mrs Louise Agenbag Telephone / Nomoro ya mogala: 015 307 3606 Fax / Nomoro ya faks: 015 307 3080 / 086 527 0012 E-mail / Aterese ya e-mail: Post / Aterese ya poso: PO Box 1935, Tzaneen, 0850


27 OCTOBER 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Pulana Maroga league results The Pulana Maroga Soccer League is on in full swing again. The results of 21 October’s play was: Arandis ground - Driekop Happy Stars 0 vs Moisele FC 1. Mighty Blues 6 vs Mooihoek Real Touch 2. Maroga Tearing Lions 2 vs Arandis Jnr 0. Lenareng ground - Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr 0 vs Morethe Young Dribblers 1. Legabeng Stonebreakers 1 vs Mooihoek All Stars Jnr 0. Lenareng FC 2 vs

Barcelona 4. Results for play on 22 October: Batau ground - Driekop FC 0 vs Bafaladi FC 2. Kampeng United 2 vs Goldenspears 0. Batau FC 0 vs Bullbull 0. Mightybucks ground - Tshakanya Mighty Rovers 1 vs Mathipa Happy Fighters 3. Real Madrid 0 vs Maruleng FC 3. Mighty Bucks 3 vs Mangabane FC 2. (Information: Pulana Maroga Soccer league.)

Donation for Maroga Tearing Lions FC Maroga Tearing Lions Football Club received a welcome donation from a company within the community. Magakantshe Business Communication donated 10 soccer balls to the Club. In June this year they also donated a complete soccer kit and fifteen pairs of new soccer boots. Soccer clubs playing in the different SAFA accredited leagues are often very dependent on donations to provide kit for their players. The team and management of Tearing Lions FC thanked the sponsor. (Photograph & information: Tearing Lions FC).

Masters face The Boss United On Thursday 19 October, Tubatse Masters visited The Boss United in Riba Cross for a friendly soccer match. The young boys from Riba Cross were too strong for the Masters and they won the game 3-2. Seun Maroga and Phillip Kgapane scored for Tubatse Masters. (Photograph: Derrick Phokane Information: Jerial Mvundlela)

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