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Another death at Bokoni Platinum
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Atlatsa Resources Corporation has announced on Monday that “it is with deep regret that an employee lost his life in a fall of ground accident at Bokoni Platinum Mine’s (Bokoni) Middelpunt Hill UG2 shaft section on Saturday, 21 September 2013”. The board of directors and management of the company and Bokoni extended their condolences to both the family and colleagues of the deceased employee. The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) has completed its inspection and issued a section 54 safety stoppage notice for Middelpunt Hill UG2 shaft section. Bokoni management has commenced a mine-wide audit on safety and health practices at all its operating shafts. The intention of the audit is to assess current risk levels and ensure adherence to mine safety standards.
“4 x 4 tourism on Heritage Weekend”. This group of local 4 x 4 enthusiasts made good use of the past ‘almost’ long weekend by driving part of the Ivory Route to Lekgalameetse (Place of Water) Nature Reserve. They departed from the Dilokong Hospital turn-off on the R37 to Polokwane on Saturday, crossed the Olifants River between Moroke and Mafefe and ascended the Strydpoort Mountains to camp and sleep at Mafefe Camp on top of the mountain. There they had a large and important ‘meating’ (braai) before going to bed. The next day they decended the mountain to Lekgalameetse and returned home via Strydom Tunnel - more photographs on page 4.
© Platinum Gazette
27 September 2013
Anglo American reach agreement over silicosis Anglo American South Africa (AASA) announced that it has concluded an agreement which resolves fully and finally 23 stand-alone silicosis claims, instituted against it between 2004 and 2009. The settlement has been reached without admission of liability by AASA and the terms of the agreement remain confidential. Khanyisile Kweyama, Executive Director of Anglo American South Africa, said: “AASA believes that agreeing to settle this long-standing litigation is in the best interests of the plaintiffs, their families, AASA and its wider stakeholders. We continue to work with industry, government and civil society to tackle the many challenges of primary health care in South Africa. Our collective objective is to significantly improve the access and quality of care available to all South Africans as well as ensuring a healthy and safe working environment for all our employees.” AASA is just one of a number of companies facing class action litigation in the High Court involving some thousands of former mine workers. This litigation is separate to that brought by the claimants in today’s settlement. AASA denies any liability and will continue to defend the class action proceedings.
Red carpet style for Calvin Calvin College in Burgersfort hosted their matric farewell on Thursday last week. The glitz and glamour event took place at Hannah Game Lodge near Ohrigstad. The matrics were dressed to kill for the event and teachers had a hard time
selecting the best dressed ones. They dined on a three course meal and had some fun in front of the cameras. Speeches were kept to a minimum to give the learners a chance to enjoy their look and evening.
Learners were announced as they entered the hall. Delicious food was served at the function.
Dresses with open backs were very popular.
School principal, Ms Lorraine Britz wished the learners all the best and urged them to make the most of every day and opportunity as you are never sure what tomorrow may bring.
Between courses the music helped the matrics feel the rhythm in their party dresses. Photographs were also taken during the breaks.
College matrics at Hannah Lodge
Mini dresses were very popular in various colours and designs. The girls went for looks that varied from fun, stylish to young and daring. They used accessories and high heels to compliment their look.
The boys enjoyed dressing for the occasion, some formal and others in fun variations to compliment their dates for the evening.
Circuit Manager, Mr Lingwati and his wife also attended the evening.
Learners were asked what they would miss about Calvin College next year.
Into the mountains Twenty two vehicles carried a group of 50 4x4 enthusiasts onto the African Ivory Route and into Lekgalameetse last weekend. The group braved a cold wind during the night on the mountain. A big fire kept spirits high and the group rested, despite some forgotten items that made for some
overnight discomfort. The route is rough and stretch over reserve areas through Limpopo. It is beautiful through the valleys with waterfalls and forests. On Sunday the group turned home after deciding to take on the Downs another time. The aim of the weekend was not to test vehicles, but to enjoy the beauty on Greater Tubatse’s doorstep.
Glencore reaches out On 19 September Glencore Eastern Mines in conjunction with the Department of Health and other stakeholders hosted a wellness outreach programme at Batubatse Primary School. This was part of the Integrated School Health Programme of the Department of Health. Talks on nutrition, oral health and eye care was part of the programme. Learners also performed items and received gifts that included things like toothpaste and toiletry bags.
(Photographs enroute: Wouter Janse van Rensburg).
Wildevy Manne se skenkings help bejaardes Die Wildevy Manne, ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie in Burgersfort samel fondse deur projekte soos die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag in. Hierdie jaar het hulle die Randfontein Vriendskaps Tuiste as een van die instansies aan wie hulle gaan hulp verleen geïdentifiseer. Die tehuis het ‘n behoefte aan toerusting
gehad wat die vir die bejaardes makliker maak om die badkamer te gebruik. Die Wildevy Manne het R5000 aan hulle bewillig en met die hulp van Dischem Krugersdorp is die nodige toerusting in die hande gekry. Dischem Krugersdorp het self ook ‘n bydrae gemaak en skoonmaak produkte by die skenking gevoeg.
Me. Janet Oelofse (Vriendskaps Tuiste), mnr. Francois Roos (Dischem Krugersdorp) en me. Elsa Erasmus (matrone, Vriendskaps Tuiste). (Foto & inligting: Wildevy Manne).
Tradition remembered
Braai Day at Mototolo Mototolo Mine held a Braai Day last week. The shafts participated and fun dress-ups were part of the day. (Photographs: Mototolo Mine).
At Tubatse SUPERSPAR the staff and many customers celebrated Heritage Day in their traditional clothes. SPAR even ran a competition for the best traditionally dressed customer. The day was filled with fun and colour in the shop while both the staff and customers celebrated South Africa’s rich heritage.
Celebrating their heritage The staff at OK Grocer Burgersfort celebrated Heritage day in their traditional attire. They had lots of fun posing for the cameras as customers also wanted to take snap shots of them in their colourful clothes.
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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Can it be? More germs on Ever thought about germs on your phone, tablet or iPad? Most of the readers commenting about this week’s topic have not. Researchers in the United Kingdom of England found that some touchscreens on tablet computers and smartphones carry many more germs than a toilet seat. Users leave behind bacteria as they touch and poke their screens without washing their hands. The consumer group Which? found 600 units of the staphylococcus aureus bacteria per swab on a tablet or smartphone. This bacteria create toxins than can in turn cause vomiting and diarrhoea. According to the report the typical toilet seat has a count less than 20 of this type of bacteria. The group also found enterobacteria which can include strains of infections E. coli and salmonella. Counts of more than 1000 units of enterobacteria were found per swab on 8 out of 30 tablets tested. The typical toilet seat had less than 10 units per swab. Readers responding to this week question enthusiastically described and sometimes even demonstrated where they carry their cell phones (trouser pockets, shirt pockets, handbags and yes, a bra or two), how they clean them, where the dirt and grime gets stuck and various ways to see whether the instrument is a cause of hygenic concern. Sometimes the cracks in screens were shown to the reporter to indicate where germs could be lurking and in other cases the proud phone owners showed the sparkling condition of their instruments after years of use.
Mr Seloane Sekakola said: “I don’t clean my phone. If I have to, I just wipe it. I don’t know about the germs on the phone though”.
Mnr. Wimpie Henning sê: “Dit kan so wees dat daar meer kieme is. Nee, ek maak nie my selfoon skoon nie. ‘n Mens vat oral en dan aan jou telefoon. Jy was nie jou hande voor jy aan jou foon vat nie”.
Ms Thembisile Sekhukhune said: “Ja, it can be true that there are more germs. People go to the loo, they scratch everywhere, sneeze and cough and some people just don’t wash their hands at all and the germs land on the phone. Yes, I clean mine. I use wet wipes or facial wipes to clean it. I do it two or three times a day. Especially if it gets make-up on it”. With her is Bokang.
Mr Collen Mojela and Mr Justice Mashego said: “It is impossible! Some of us clean our phones. We also use covers you get for the phones. We clean it weekly with a new cloth”. Mr Charles Mafane said: “It is not possible! I wipe my phone with a cloth. I think it is dirty but not the same as a toilet seat. The toilet is worse!”.
Mr Stanley Marebane said: “No, it is not possible that a toilet seat can have less germs than a phone!. No. I never clean my phone unless I cannot see through the screen properly anymore. Then I just wipe the glass with a clean cloth”.
Ms Londo Mashau said: “I clean mine. I wipe it once in a while when there is make-up on it. I don’t think of it as having germs. I don’t think it can have more germs than a toilet seat.” With her is Andi and Tshedza.
Dr Florence Makgamatha said: “I don’t clean it”. Ms Ntsose Mawela said: “I just rub it on my T-shirt once in a while”. They both agree: “There can be more germs on the phones than on a toilet seat”. With them are: Vuyo, Dimpho and Thato.
your phone than ‘throne’?
Mr Prince Shongwe said: “Yes, there will be more germs on a phone. You clean a toilet after you use it. I clean my cell phone, but it is dirty. We just wipe it”. Ms Tshego Matlakala said: “I had a cover for my phone and the cover was always dirty. It was a white cover, I did not like the other colours. I even used the Handy Andy thingies to clean it, but it still got so dirty I was ashamed of it. So I just took the cover off. Now I am scared it will fall, but I do have insurance. It is now easier to just use a wet wipe to wipe it off if it gets dirty. It is possible that there can be more germs on a phone. We never think of it like that, but thinking how many times you touch it after not washing your hands...”
Mnr Japie Trollip sê: “Ek dink dit is moontlik dat ‘n selfoon meer kieme kan hê. Niemand worry nie. As ek na party mense se gereedskap kyk is dit nie snaaks dat hulle selfone vuil is nie. Hulle vat met hulle olie hande oral. My selfoon word skoongemaak met spesiale goed”.
Mr JP Vorster sê: “Dis moontlik. ‘n Mens was nie altyd jou hande nie. Nee, ek maak nie my foon skoon nie. Ek hou daarvan om op loud speaker te praat. So die foon is darem die meeste van die tyd nie teen my oor nie, maar hy is nie skoon nie”.
Mr Davies Mbona said: “It is very true about the germs. It also depends on the individual. Are you washing your hands after you’ve been to the toilet? I advise people not to share cell phones. No, I don’t clean mine”.
Mr Steven Setati said: “It is true. People just don’t clean their phones or iPads. They put everything on it. After they’ve eaten they touch it. When they are from the loo, especially guys, they touch it without washing their hands. I can’t see how it gets cleaned. I clean mine but I think I contaminate it as much as I try to clean it. The flat screen phone is better because it is easier to clean and has less places for germs to accumulate than a phone with buttons.
Me. Adri van Zyl sê: “Ja, ek maak myne skoon met wet wipes. My kinders gryp altyd met hul sticky hande my foon. Dit is moontlik dat daar meer kieme op kan wees as op ‘n toiletsitplek”.
Links: Mnr. Leon Lombard sê: “Ek vee my tablet af. My selfoon ook, maar ‘n mens maak dit nie so gereeld skoon nie. Of dit so kan wees oor die kieme op ‘n foon teenoor ‘n toiletsitplek? Ek dink dit hang af van watter toilet dit is. Jou eie huis of ‘n publieke toilet? Publieke toilette is beslis nie skoon nie”. Mr Ally Malepane said: “Ja, it is possible to be so dirty. I clean my phone with toilet paper”.
Mr Victor Maesela said: “I use tissue paper to clean my phone. I think it is possible that there may be so many germs on a phone. Germs are everywhere. The fact that we use it with dirty hands and we give it to wifes and children to use makes it worse. We share. There is contamination”.
Mnr. Gerrie en me. Charmaine Nel sê: “Ons maak nie die selfone skoon nie. Jy gebruik mos net jou eie telefoon. Dis jou eie kieme. Maar dit is moontlik dat fone baie vuil kan wees. Wat gebeur? Jy sit op die privaat-huisie en werk op jou foon”. Charmaine: “Soms vee ons dit af met die baba se wet wipes of as dit baie vuil is en ek het die baba op die een heup dan gebruik ek sommer my tong en vee dit dan so aan my klere af”.
Me. Barbara Lessing sê: “Ja, dit kan beslis so wees dat daar meer kieme is. Ek vee my foon se gesiggie net af, maar maak dit nie regtig skoon nie. Jy is heeltyd in die stof, soms druk jy hom in jou bra - dis soos geld vuil!”
Waterkaskenades by Steelpoort Akademie Om die einde van die kwartaal te vier het Steelpoort Akademie verlede week Donderdag ‘n pret dag gehou. Daar was verskeie speletjies. Dié met water en seep was baie gewild in die hitte van die dag. As die seep te veel geword het, was ‘n juffrou daar om hulle gou af te spuit.
Weekly winners from Tubatse SUPERSPAR There are still weekly winners in the Tubatse SUPERSPAR Win-A-Car competition. The competition will run until just before Christmas when the big prize, a VW Polo
will be drawn. To enter the competition shop at Tubatse SUPERSPAR and inter in store. More details about the competition are available in store.
Ms Lynet from Mashifane won a Bicycle. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Tracy Mooko.
Mr Cassius Phasha from Burgersfort won a R500 shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Ms Lethabo Mkhabela handed him the voucher.
Mr Bulelani Zweni from Riba-Cross won a Bicycle. His prize was handed to him by Ms Portia Ntshwane.
Mr Walter Makofane from Praktiseer won a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Annastacia Moropane handed it to him.
Don’t let the Debt Monster catch you, get help! Struggling with debt is a stressful thing. If you are feeling that you cannot get out of debt on your own and that you are in too deep, it is time to visit a Debt Counsellor. You will be assisted by the Debt Counsellor to have a debt review. All your monthly bills will have to be put on the table and your monthly income as well. The Debt Counsellor will then assist you to draw up a budget that will still allow for living expenses such as food, petrol and electricity, but will negotiate new repay-
Office in Lydenburg now also open!
ment terms with the companies you owe money. If necessary the Debt Counsellor will go to court to get an order to assist you with better repayment terms. It is important to note that all may not be lost, as long as you still have an income and act as soon as you realise your debt is spiralling out of control. In many cases people are scared that they will lose their home or car, but this can be prevented if action is taken soon enough and through the right channels. Make sure that the Debt Counsellor you are visiting is registered with the National Credit Regulator as you will be making one payment to them and they will make sure that everyone you owe money gets paid in return. If you are trusting the wrong person, you may end up losing all the money you’ve paid and still have the debt you’ve thought is being paid off. You will not be allowed to make any additional debt while you are under Debt Review. Help is at hand and a debt free life is possible - act now!
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
Is he your family? The SAPS is looking for the family of this person. He is said to be from either GaMalepe/ Segorong/ Ga-Mokgotho or Penge. Anyone who knows his family can contact the Tubatse SAPS on 013 216 8500 urgently.
New number to use for SAPS The community should take note that they should use the following number to reach the Tubatse SAPS: 013 216 8500. Old numbers have been disconnected and are not in use.
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.
9. Te Huur/ To Let
Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Stands for sale. Warehouse to let. Contact: 074 354 1274
To Let in Burgersfort 400m2 warehouse R25 000p/m. Contact: 013 231 8203 or 072 770 3662 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765 Two x three bedroom flats for sale. Situated in Burgersfort. Brand new! Contact: 076 666 1100 FOR SALE Original DVD’s (movies) at discount prices. Display racks Popcorn machine Contact: Adri van Rooyen 0826725811
Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine
* Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis * Oasis Kafee
Ohrigstad * Tswelopele Cash Loans @ Platinum Centre Burgersfort
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Pharmacy Clinic Sister PROGROUP PHARMACIES, a well established pharmacy group, invite you to join the dynamic full time team at Tsusanang Pharmacy, Tubatse Mall, in Burgersfort. Duties: · Defining and managing clinic services, equipment and stock · Providing patient care in co-operation with the Pharmacists · Clinic housekeeping · Primary Health care · Baby clinic · Clinic administration and keeping of patient records · Initiating and managing community service projects · Assisting on the sales floor when required, especially in the first aid/wound management sector Requirements: · Registered with SANC · Primary Health Care a must · 3+ Years’ experience as a Clinical Nurse
Platinum Gazette Contact us with all your news and events on: Tel: 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 or fax: 013 231 7147
To apply, kindly forward updated CV, registration with SANC and certificates to:
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147
EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000, responsiveness to the bid document(s), and on a 80/20 points system.
Bid documents shall be on sale from the 9th October 2013 for a non-refundable fee of R200.00 at cashier’s office, Greater Tubatse Municipal Office, Lower ground, No1 Kastania Street Burgersfort (NB.Bids are restricted to registered car dealers)
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Contact: 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or e-mail:
Notices/Kennisgewings NOTICE OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Application for authorization has been submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 as amended and the 2010 Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations for the following project: Project Name: PROPOSED ESKOM OHRIGSTAD PROJECT DEA REF NR 14/12/16/3/3/1/734 NEAS REF DEA/EIA/0001506/2012 Project Applicant: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd, Distribution, Limpopo Operating Unit
Bids will be closed @ 12h00 and opened in public on the 18th October 2013 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope, appropriately marked Supply and delivery of Vehicles: GTM/10/13/14 and deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre No 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort. No faxed, emailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted. The Municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and or collectively to execute the above contracts, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with successful bidder
In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the person(s) in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids, 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period.
Technical queries related to this bid should be directed to DK Boshigo @ 013-231 1190 0r 1000. General queries should be directed to MM Mapeka @013-231 1224 or 1000.
Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
Listed Activities for a Basic Assessment Process: GN R544/2010 Activity 10, 23; GN R546/2010 Activity 3, 4, 14. Project Description: The scope of work of the project includes the construction of: A new Lemara 132kV power line for future use out of the Lemara Substation; A new 132kV power line from the existing Lemara Substation to the new Leboeng Substation; A new Leboeng substation; A new 132kV power line from the new Leboeng Substation to the existing Ohrigstad Substation; A 22kV PhiringBlyde line to connect between the Ohrigstad-Ohrigstad 22kV line and the Blyde 22kV line that runs on the border of the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve. Project Locality: The affected properties for this project are the farms: Richmond 604 KT; Portsmouth 273 KT (Cons to Portsmouth 286 KT) portion RE; Finale 200 KT portion 0; The Elms 199 KT portion 0; The Oaks 198 KT portion 0 and Callais 226 KT portion 2, 1 and RE in the Maruleng Local Municipality in Limpopo Province; Anlage 225 KT portion 0; Nooitgedacht 227 KT portion 0; California 228 KT portion RE; Klipfonteinhoek 407 KT portion 1; Ardwick 406 KT portion 0; Rietfontein 440 KT portion 0; Jeddo 441 KT portion 0; Longsight 610 KT (Cons from Longsight 307 KT) portion RE; Hannah 609 KT portion 0; Liverpool 202 KT; Chorlton 405 KT portion 0; Eccles 404 KT portion 0; Fallowfield 403 KT portion 0; Klipfontein 270 KT portion 0; Ohrigstad 443 KT portion 284 and Rietvly 413 KT portion 8 in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality in Limpopo Province; Clermont 414 KT portion RE and 1 in the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality in Mpumalanga Province. Request for comment: A draft Basic Assessment Report is available for comment which comment should reach the Consultant by not later than 8 November 2013. E-mail copies of the report are available, on request, from the Consultant. Consultant: Texture (Ria Pretorius) PO Box 36593 MENLOPARK Pretoria 0102; Tel 082 568 6344 & Fax 086 675 4026; E-mail address:
Tubatse vs SAPS On 25 September the SAPS Tubatse Cluster soccer team played a friendly soccer game against Tubatse Chrome’s soccer team. The game was played at the Winterveld Recreational Sportsground. The SAPS’ team were dominating the game in the
first half and were leading 4-1 at half time. Segt Maredi, Const Semono and Const Chauke (2 goals) scored for the SAPS. In the second half the hosts came back strong and tried to create scoring opportunities. The SAPS goalkeeper Const Movundlela however denied them entrance to the goal box. The SAPS team scored two more goals through Const Mokgobloa and Const Mphahlele to make the final score SAPS 6 and Tubatse 1. (Photographs & Information: Tubatse SAPS).
Going, going, gone... Tubatse Chrome Club will be closing the golf course for three months. In this time all the greens will be dug up, new irrigation and drainage systems be installed, new sand be worked in and grass planted. The aim is to have the course open again by January next year. It is set to then be one of the best around and be worth the Players enjoyed a last round of golf on Monday.
The Tubatse Chrome Golf Course will get new greens.
wait for local golfers. The Club had been hosting Green Golf days of which the last happened on Monday this week. Players could tee off until 16:00 and afterwards could join other members of the club for a special braai and party at the ninth hole. The Club would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience and those who are making this big improvement possible.
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Platinum Gazette
SPORT Jakaranda Kinderhuis gholfdag goed ondersteun Verskeie van die plaaslike gholfspelers het verlede week Saterdag aan die gholfdag ten bate van die Jakaranda Kindershuis deelgeneem. Die fondse wat met die dag ingesamel is, word aan die kinderhuis geskenk. Van die kinderhuis se kinders het die dag saam met die spelers kom geniet. Hulle het heerlik spring-kasteel gespring en saam gery wanneer die klub koeldranke iewers op die baan met ‘n gholfkarretjie gaan aflewer. Die organiseerders bedank almal wat gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak.
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BMW, Corolla, Tazz, Citi Golf, Polo Classic, Opel Astra, Sentra, Opel Corsa, Hyundai and much more
Re-build engines for sale
ECM Golfdag uitslae Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines het verlede week Vrydag hul jaarlikse gholfdag gehou. Die dag het by Tubatse Chrome Klub plaasgevind en was vol pret en plesier. Die dag se uitslae was soos volg: Jaco van der Merwe en Kenny Labuschagne - wenners van die dag. Die langste dryfhou is deur Martin van Rooyen
geslaan. Rohan Trepton was die naaste aan die Pen by gat 4/13. Naaste aan die pen by 9/18 was Izelle van Staden. Die langste dag vir die dames was Mariska Stickling en die langste dag vir die mans was Wynand Fernhoud. Die dag is afgesluit met ‘n lekker kuier en Thys die Bosveld Klong wat kom sing het. (Uitslae: Tubatse Chrome Golf Klub).