Platinum Gazette 28 April 2017

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And then ....



Some classics also took part in the ‘gridlock drive’

Not fun

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

28 April 2017

Tel Fax

Burgersfort struggled on Wednesday with an almost perpetual gridlock ahead of the long weekend (add-in pay day and minus Morone Street, currently in the process of an upgrade). Travel time from the Tubatse Crossing Mall traffic light to Magaba Filling Station took the best part of an hour. Normally it takes about five minutes ....

0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147




28 APRIL 2017

Afarak Moves at Mecklenburg

More Burgersfort traffic woes

Marula jobs in danger Continuing community unrest and protest action is threatening the viability of Impala Platinum’s (Implats) Marula mine and the operation is to undergo a “fundamental restructuring” which could put more than 1000 jobs at risk. Implats’ acting CEO Gerhard Potgieter said in the group’s report for the quarter to end-March released this week that the protest action, “ is directly related to certain community members being dissatisfied with the way in which the community’s 50% interest in the Makgomo Chrome project by their appointed/elected representatives.” Potgieter added, “despite on-going engagement with all stakeholders to restore operational continuity and secure the financial sustainability of the operations, continued community protest action and persistently low metal prices have now necessitated a fundamental restructuring of the business in order to secure the financial viability of the operation in the current operating environment.” He said Marula had given Section 189A notices to the regulator and representative trade unions “that may impact more than 1000 job opportunities” and stated the process should be concluded before the end of June. Potgieter reported that production from Marula dropped 43% to 221000t milled in the March quarter (390000t – March quarter 2016) which resulted in a 47% drop in platinum production to 9,000oz (17,000oz). He pointed out that production from the nearby Two Rivers mine was also hit by community protest action in the area which, “was unrelated to the mine but which unfortunately prevented employees from reporting for duty.“

Afarak Group, that has entered into a Mining Services Agreement with Pholagolwa Mining to continue the opencast mining Mecklenburg, says the current opencast operation will probably yield just over 200 00 tons of chrome ore in total with an increased high wall of 65 metres. The company earlier said the opencast operation will ease access to the underground mining area which has the potential to produce 4.5 million tons of chrome ore. Development of the shaft is scheduled to start later this year. Dr Alistair Ruiters, outgoing-CEO of Afarak, said that this project highlights Afarak’s responsiveness to market conditions. “In response to the market upswing, an opportunity was identified in increasing the high wall and which will allow opencast mining and facilitate underground mining. This added production capacity allows us to reap the benefits of the current market upswing.” Guy Konsbruck, CEO-designate of Afarak, added that, “Afarak continues to consolidate its position as a lean and flexible vertically-integrated company with the capacity to respond to favourable market conditions.”

More water for Bauba’s chrome operation JSE-listed Bauba earlier this month announced that the Department of Water and Sanitation has granted a 20-year water-use licence (WUL), effective March 30, for the farm Moeijelijk 412, near Burgersfort. This is an upgrade from the general authorisation for water use, which limited the extent of Bauba’s chrome mining operations at Moeijelijk. The WUL allows for additional water uses and enables Bauba to more readily conduct its opencast and underground chrome ore mining operations. “The granting of this licence is the next important milestone in the development of our Moeijelijk chrome mine and will help ensure our underground production timeline and targets are achieved,” said Bauba CEO Nick van der Hoven in an update to shareholders. At end-January Bauba Platinum had exceeded its production target of 12 000 t of run-of-mine (RoM) ore at its Moeijelijk mine, after having resumed mining activities earlier that month. The mine was placed on care and maintenance in January 2016 as a result of low prices, but mining resumed in January after a recovery in prices.

28 APRIL 2017



Lekgotla condemns violence at Diphale village This week the third quarter Mayoral Lekgotla took place. The event saw the Executive Mayor Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila, all four Mayors from local municipalities, District Speaker Cllr Maria Manamela, Chief Whip Cllr Tseke Lepota, Municipal Managers, Sekhukhune Development Agency CEO, experts on green drop status Programme and other gather for reflection on work being done, challenges experienced and how they can be addressed. One of the issues highlighted at the Lekgotla was the condemnation of the violence at

Diphale village in the Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Local Municipality. “One man was gunned down and a woman torched to death during the Easter Holidays. The homestead belonging to Kgosi Bethuel Mohlala and 3 homes belonging to his relatives where burnt down on a Sunday 23 April. We condemn the violence and the killings as acts of barbarism. We call upon the police to deal with perpetrators decisively. And we send condolences to bereaved families, relatives and friends” said the Executive Mayor. Recognising that South Africans are this

Ezra 8:21-23 NIV 21 There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. 22 I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him.” 23 So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.

month celebrating 23 years of democratic freedom, he said: “What it means to us is that we need to renew our commitment to serve our people. Freedom means improving the quality of lives of the people of Sekhukhune, through the available IDP/budgets”. Council is facing difficult times. SDM is facing a 31 million rand deficit. A district rich in mining but the majority of youth are unemployed and the people are poor. People want water and other services more than ever echoed during IDP consultations. Showing serious commitment for delivery and intollerance for govenment officials who are not doing their job he said: “I need administration to adjust to the fact that new leadership is here. And that means change of behavior by workers in terms of how Sekhukhune respond to queries from the people. Burst pipes, broken Diesel engines taking more than 3 months to be fixed is a dismissible offense”.

The Sekhukhune Development Agency also came under fire and the Lekgotla noted that the new board of the Sekhukhune Development Agency held a successful strategic planning session that ended last weekend. “This SDA is 7 years old, it cost the municipality millions of rands, it produced nothing but plans, nothing more. We hope the new board will change it to the better. People are already calling for it to be scrapped. We gave them a chance temporarily and if they fail, we will have to take decisive action. However, we are optimistic that the new board is equal to the task” the Executive Mayor added. The Lekgotla noted that the District should plan in consultation with local municipalities to avoid contradictions. Challenges of under spending and roll overs are detrimental to the image of the district.”It must stop immediately and failure will mean that punitive action will be taken against all those found to be involved”.



28 APRIL 2017

Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine closes its SLP with pride

Dwarsrivier Mine has over the past years showed their commitment towards inves ng and developing the communi es surrounding the mine. Projects are o en done in phases and in conjunc on with the municipal targets of social investment from companies within the area. Many projects have been completed and mine con nues working hand in hand with the communi es to ensure a be er future for everyone. Kalkfontein village has been which is one of the closest villages to the mine has benefi ed on a large scale from investments made by the mine. Dwarsrivier Mine invested in both electrical and water infrastructure in the village. A R5.4 million rand investment in electrifica on infrastructure for approximately 380 homes in Kalkfontein was completed and handed over to authori es at the end of 2013. This was followed by a water project. In May 2016 the Greater Tubatse Municipality took delivery of the short term water project that saw the mine drill four boreholes, installing pumps and water tanks with easy access taps from which the community can collect water. Dwarsrivier is also the driving force behind ge ng Kalkfontein formalized as a se lement a er which the water project can be completed through installing pipes and access taps to the various residences in the village. This community was not taken into account for water from the De Hoop Dam and would have gone dry for many years had it not been for this assistance from the mine. Dwarsrivier Mine has also assisted by providing tents and other provision when a massive storm caused havoc in the community. An olive orchard had also been planted to assist the community to become economically ac ve and independent. In Burgersfort Dwarsrivier Mine sponsored the construc on of 40 hawker stalls near the Burgersfort Clinic. The need for these stalls were so urgent that the hawkers started u lizing them even before the formal handover in 2016. The Ngwaabe community was one of the communi es on which the focus fell with various projects. The Ngwaabe Home Based Care used to operate from two dilapidated

The completed market stalls.

rooms and a shack. They are now comfortable in a new 9 room building that includes offices, a kitchen and boardroom. The mine also made sure that a borehole was drilled and water supplied on the premises. Paving around the building and palisades around the property are part of the package. Even air condi oners were installed in the building. The Home Based Care serves 270 permanent pa ents and also look a er vulnerable individuals in the community. Tradi onal healers are housed in two outside offices that was also constructed. The Mogoshadi Day Care Centre in Ngwaabe takes care of 215 children between 0 and 5 years old. They received a brand new building, pallisades to enclose the premises and paving around the building. This project has been completed in 2016. At Masago Primary School toilet facili es were in a terrible state. Dwarsrivier Mine undertook the construc on of new ablu on blocks for boys, girls and the teachers. This has now been completed. In Kutullo enterprise development assisted Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre to not only move from under a tree into a new building, but also assisted in the purchasing of state of the art equipment. Ge ng a flat tyre on the R555 is not a problem anymore. Mr. Julius Tshehla is the manager for his father Piet, who started the business and his team is ready to assist. The mine also be put up some palisades and toilets at the business. In the Greater Tubatse Municipal area in 2013 the mine assisted with repairing and installa on of Apollo lights that are crucial for community safety at night. Various crime awareness campaigns are also supported annually. Both in Mashishing and the Sekhukhune District programmes and ini a ves by the SAPS are supported to assist in figh ng crime. Water is life and as part of their Mandela Day ac vi es the Dwarsrivier Mine team amongst other things provided Mohlarekoma High School in Roossenekal and Shaga Primary School on the Dwarsrivier Pass with water. The mine donated a borehole, water tank and pump to the schools to ensure the supply of clean, fresh water. An ABET facility had also been established to assist with adult educa on and literacy in the area. Through this ini a ve adults are empowered to take responsibility for their lives and the improvement thereof so that they can work with the mine to create a be er future. Educa on is one of the ways in which a be er future can be created. That is why Dwarsrivier

Mine invests in the annual Winter School for matric learners in the Ngwaabe area. Addi onal classes are given with support from students, teachers and the mine also provide the learners a ending the classes with a warm cooked meal every day. The idea is to empower the learners to rise above whatever circumstances they may have and through their academic achievements gain access to the available support and bursary systems to further their studies. During 2015 the community of Mashishing was delivered a paved road that connected the Community Health Care Centre with the tarred road leading to the Thusong Service Centre. The Thaba Chweu Municipality and provincial poli cians a ending the handover praised the partnership showcased between the mine as private business and government that is paramount for community development. Dwarsrivier Mine handed over the renovated Early Success Day Care Centre in Mashishing in 2013. A storm blew away the Centre’s roof and damaged it to such an extent that the children accommodated there were exposed to the rain and wind. Dwarsrivier is commi ed towards empowering the communi es surrounding the mine and these projects are proof of them not being scared to commit and pull through on their social labour The Burgersfort Market Stalls assisted informal traders and social development plans - even in difficult with proper areas where they can safely trade every day. economic mes. Kalkfontein Village has benefi ed from millions of rands that had been invested in infrastructure development. On the le the electrifica on project had officially been handed over and symbolically switched on. The mine had also invested heavily in water supply for residents of this village. A water project in different phases had been completed and the final phase awaits formalisa on of the se lement to include proper town planning for future development.

Right: In Mashishing the construc on of a paved road was a massive investment to make the lives of residents easier.

The road in Mashishing a er construc on was completed.

28 APRIL 2017



Dwarsrivier Mine con nueing to make a difference Over the past few years Dwarsrivier Mine invested in development of communi es on large scale. Educa on on different levels, water supply and sanita on, SMME development, electrifica on, road infrastructure and other issues were addressed. Projects are done in both the Thaba Chweu Municipal area and the Sekhukhune District’s Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality. Through dedica on and hard work Dwarsrivier Mine is taking hands with communies and government to help create a prosperous future for everyone.

Ngwaabe Homebased Care received a proper building equipped with water supply from a borehole, air condi oners and pallisade fencing for security. The addi onal offices at the facility are being used to accommodate tradi onal healers from the area.

Water is life. Kalkfontein Village has benefi ed immensely from the boreholes and infrastructure Dwarsrivier Mine put up. Local schools had also received boreholes, water tanks and pumps to ensure a supply of fresh water for the learners.

Right: Mapadima Tyre Repair Centre in Kutullo is one of Dwarsrivier Mine’s development ini a ves. This business moved from under a tree into this well equiped building with the help of the mine.

Mogoshadi Day Care Centre at Ga-Malekane is completed with classrooms, paving and fencing. Children can now enjoy playing and learning on the Centre premises.

Right: Dwarsrivier Mine took the plight of communi es to heart and assisted the Greater Tubatse Municipality in pu ng up and repairing some apollo lights in various villages and in Burgersfort town.

Construc on on the Masago Primary School toilet facili es has now been completed.


28 APRIL 2017


Karakters kuier op Ohrigstad vir Boekedag Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week Vrydag Wêreld Boekedag gevier. Leerders kon soos karakters uit storieboeke aantrek en

het elkeen ‘n beurt op die skool se verhoog gekry. Hulle het verduidelik watter karakters hulle voorstel en wat die rol van dié karakter binne die storie is. Die leerders het ‘n kans gestaan om pryse te wen vir hulle moeite. Die dag se boekebewusmaking was sommer groot pret vir die wat deelgeneem het en dié wat hulle aan die karakters verwonder het. ‘n Vreemdeling sou beslis gedink het hy het in ‘n fantasie-wêreld geland.

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

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tray packs, milestone posters, banners. Any theme. Contact: Elis, 082 432 4285 PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Huis beskikbaar vanaf einde April 2017. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.

Platinum Gazette

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)

28 APRIL 2017

Redenaars ken hulle praat Steelpoort Akademie het Donderdag 20 April ‘n Interne Redenaarskompetisie gehad. 6 Leerders gaan deur na die eerste



Semi- Finale Rondte op 5 Mei te Naboomspruit -Mookgopong. Baie sterkte aan elkeen van hulle.

Winning at Sabie U/12 B team won against Burgersfort 11-0 and against Bergland 12-0. U/11 won all their games. U/11B won Bergland 11-0, Sabie 14-0 and Graskop 7-0. U/10 A won against Nelspruit Primary 7-0, won Graskop 11-1, and won Numbi 5-2. U/10 B won Bergland 7-0, and won Sabie 13-0. Mini-Netball U/9 A en B won all their games although no formal count was taken. Rugby U/11 lost 5-0 against Numbi and won 5-0 against Nelspruit Primary. (Information & Photographs: Marianie Kleynhans)

On Saturday 22 April learners from Steelpoort Academy participated in a big sporting event at Sabie. Other schools attending the day included Bergland Primary, Laerskool Burgersfort, Laerskool Graskop, Nelspruit Primary, Laerskool Numbi, Laerskool Ohrigstad, Laerskool Phalaborwa and Laerskool Sabie. The results for Steelpoort Academy were: First rugby team win against Sabie 40-0. They also win 10-0 against Nelspruit Primary. The second team win 5-0 against Nelspruit Primary. The U/10 rugby team lost 5-0 against Nelspruit Primary and 3-0 against Ohrigstad. The U/9 rugby won against Phalaborwa (5-0) and against Numbi (10-5). The netball open team won against Graskop (10-2), won Sabie 15-4 and won Bergland 11-4. The U/13 B team won against Graskop (14-1). They won Numbi 8-5 and won Bergland 17-1. The U/12 A won Graskop 15- 1 and won Numbi 6-3. The

Voor: Henry Knoetze Graad 5 Eerste Ry: Marli Vermeulen Graad 4, Chanté Pieterse Graad 7; tweede ry: Juffrou Marianie Kleynhans redenaar hulp organiseerder en Juffrou Madelein Pieterse Steelpoort Akademie se redenaars organiseerder. Agter:Shadoné Myburgh Graad 6, Alyza Kleynhans Graad 6, Corli Vermeulen Graad 6, Marli Vermeulen Graad 4, Luané Fleishmann Graad 5. (Inligting & foto: Marianie Kleynhans).

Onderwysers bemagtig met Mind Moves Steelpoort Akademie se onderwysers het gedurende die eerste kwartaal vir ‘n paar weke agtermekaar werkswinkels van Mind Moves bygewoon. Hul het elkeen ‘n sertifikaat ontvang wat SACE geakkrediteer is. Daar word voor lesse en toetse, maar veral ook voor eksamensessies sekere en toepaslike Mind Move oefeninge met leerders gedoen. Onderwysers van Steelpoort Akademie het onlangs ook werkswinkels bygewoon waar hulle meer geleer het oor hoe leer plaasvind vanuit ‘n neuro-wetenskaplike oogpunt. Mind Moves poog om onderwysers en ouers te bemagtig, sodat leerders wat sukkel met leer, konsentrasie,

angstigheid, swak geheue en vele meer, beter bygestaan kan word. Onderwysers en ouers ontdek hoe kinders se nie-verbale gedrag ”gelees” kan word en hoe hulle dus beter bygestaan kan word tydens die leerproses. Dr. Melodie de Jager, ‘n wêreldbekende ontwikkelingsterapeut en stigter van Mind Moves het gesê: “Daar is nie iets soos ‘n dom kind nie, net onvoldoende metodes”. Leerders glo dikwels hulle is “dom”, maar benodig eintlik net omgee volwassenes om hulle te help ontwikkel. Daar gaan ook gedurende die wintervakansie vir leerders studiemetode kursusse aangebied word.

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Onderwysers wat die kursus voltooi het is voor: Minette Gouws, Anzeri Ferreira, Melissa Beukes, Monica Jamela. Agter: Marianie Kleynhans, O’Dilhea Keulder, Rozelle Cronje, Danhiel Kruger. (Inligting en foto: Marianie Kleynhans).

Shop Block 2, Rodium Street, Steelpoort. Tel: (013) 230 9983


28 APRIL 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Tubatse Masters unbeaten The Tubatse Masters had a busy week. On 22 April they played

against Green Aces in a friendly soccer match in Ga Madiseng. Isaac Mndawe and Given Thabethe scored two goals for Tubatse Masters and Modikwa Marathon Club athletes particiThis Marathon is very popular and one of the match ended with pated in the Loskop Marathon on 22 April the last races where athletes can still submit a 2 all draw. (Teams 2017. a qualifying time for Comrades Marathon. played in yellow and Modikwa athletes black kit). participating in the On Sunday 23 April, 21km race had the Tubatse Masters following results: visited Ga MadisMorgan Motsweni eng again to play a 1:20; Themba friendly soccer match Mahomane 2:10; against Young PullKenneth Vilakazi ers. Tubatse Master’s 2:11. In the 50mk Pitso Sehlabela, race Peter Molapo Lekgotla Motswiane ran 4:05; Solomon and Mbesuma MabaMasedi 4:50, Figo so managed to score 5:42 and Portia three goals and the Mabena 7:17. hosts replied with only The athletes one to make the final thanked the Modikscore 3-1 in favour wa management of the Masters. (This for their support game was played in and hope to conblue and red kit). tinue holding the mine’s name high at Comrades this (Information: Jerial year. Mvundlela; Photo(Photograph and graphs: Suprise Godi information: Willem & Derrick Phokane) The Modikwa team at Loskop posing with Mandla Nxumalo. Montgomery).

Giving it all at Loskop Marathon

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