Platinum Gazette 28 August 2015

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Will Mapoch’s Mine be saved?

Fast forward!

The week that was saw a busy and eventful time for residents of the area. The relationship between industry, employees, communities and government remained straned and the EFF under their leader Julius Malema hosted a massive march to Modikwa Platinum Mine on Friday. All part of the areas’s robust daily dynamics. But the robustness do no only extend to politics, social and labour relations. ECM’s Winterveld Festival proved to be equally robust, from the boxcart race to the potjiekos and no-show of Mandoza on Saturday evening. More of this festival inside.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

28 August 2015

Tel Fax

The business rescue practitioners of embattled steel producer Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium has asked for an extension and will probably publish the company’s final business resucue plan on Wednesday 30 September. One reason for the extension is to grant potential bidders a week’s extension for the submission of binding offers. An initial deadline of August 21 had been set, which has now been extended to August 28 at the request of the bidders. The company as well as the associated Mapochs mine have been in business rescue since April and potential bidders have paid the $10-million fee stipulated to gain access to the information required to complete a due diligence investigation. Separate business rescue processes are under way for Evraz Highveld and Mapochs , located at Roossenekal, but bidders are expected to make a combined offer for both companies. According to documents published on the company’s website under the Business Rescue heading, the bidding process is one of several processes currently under way at the company, which is also engaging with its trade unions and with creditors. So far meetings with trade unions, notably NUM and Solidarity have already taken place and a committee of creditors was established. According to the published documents claims to the amount of approximately R177 million in terms of Mapochs had been received from creditors. The company has indicated, through a Section 189 notice, that as many as 1 089 of its 2 240 employees could be retrenched, which includes Mapochs. The business rescue practitioners are also finalising a plan for presentation to creditors. Steelmaking operations have been halted and outstanding semifinished material has been processed into saleable product. All remaining stocks will be sold over the next month or two. The Business rescue practitioners say they remain of the view that there is a reasonable prospect of Mapochs Mine being rescued.

0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



28 AUGUST 2015


Learning the playful way Learners from Calvin College this week developed a variety of skills during sessions with Junior Engineer for Africa. Through play with lego blocks engineering principles are taught, creativity developed, problem solving tested, exposure to how machines and mechanisms work, building of practical technical knowledge encouraged and even robotics investigated.

Redenaar van formaat Shelby van der Sandt het gedurende die wintervakansie aan die ATKV Nasionale Redenaarskompetisie in Worcester deelgeneem. In haar spesifieke kategorie was daar 57 deelnemers van regoor die land. Sy was een van die top 10 finaliste wat daar gekies is en behoort binne die volgende week te hoor waar in die top 10 groep sy val. In die hele kompetisie was daar meer as 6000 inskrywings en die gehalte was van ‘n baie hoĂŤ standaard. (Inligting en foto: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Akademie).

Neem deel aan Ehlanzeni hokkieproewe

Leerlinge van Steelpoort Akademie het op 22 Augustus in Nelspruit aan Ehlanzeni hokkieproewe deelgeneem. Die uitslae van die proewe is nog nie bekend nie. Van links is: Yone Volschenk, JC Knoetze, Luan Gouws, DJ Knoesen, Tinus de Jager en Twane Malan. (Foto en inligting: Arlene Malan, Steelpoort Akademie)

28 AUGUSTUS 2015



ASA Metals celebrates Women’s Day On the 21st of August, ASA Metals celebrated Woman’s Day at the plant. The well-known Christian speaker, Mrs Retha McPherson brought a message on Love and Intimacy with God to the ladies which enriched them spiritually. The origin of Woman’s Day is in rememberance of 9 August 1956, when more than 20 000 South African women of all races staged a march to the Union Buildings in protest

against the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act, commonly referred to as the “pass laws”. The march was led by Lillian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Rheema Moosa and Sophia Williams. The women stood silently for 30 minutes and sang the protest song: Wathint’Abafazi Wathint imbokodo (Now you have touched the women, you have touched a rock). This song has been reincarnated in modern times as: you strike a woman, you

Agricultural graduates to benefit from farm acquisition The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, on 14 July 2015, approved the acquisition of a R15.5 million farm for youth in Limpopo Province’s Capricorn District. The 826 hectares Waldburg farm, located at Capricorn District’s Molemole Local Municipality, was purchased by the department with the purpose of supporting the young agriculture graduates as part of the Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS). The eight youth who will be beneficiaries of this acquisition have various agriculture qualifications with three of them having degrees; four with National Diplomas and one with a certificate. They are currently on a two-year leanership programme with the Molemole Local Municipality. Currently, the young graduates have been placed on two land reform farms (Mapfresh Produce Farms and Maiwashe Estate) and two privately owned farms (Elimark Farm and Soetdorings) to acquire practical skills in animal and crop production. The Agricultural Sector Education Training Authority (Agriseta) has undertaken to register the graduates into a legal entity. Agriseta will also provide comprehensive mentorship support which will include governance and management; technical skills and enterprise skills. Also in Limpopo Province, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, through its Recapitalisation and Development Programme, approved a R10.9 million financial injection into the Mamathola farms at the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality in the Mopani District. The Mamathola farms produce bananas, avocados and mangoes.In addition to acquiring land in Limpopo Province, the department has made four notable farm acquisitions in KwaZulu-Natal Province worth R18.3 million combined. Two of the farms are located in the uMzinyathi District; and others are located in the Zululand and Uthukela districts.

Koningskroon Farm is 263 hectares of land located in the Ulundi Local Municipality in Zululand district. It was acquired with the aim of small holder settlement and decongestion of the nearby communal area. The farm will be allocated to an emerging livestock farmer with 67 cattle who is limited by lack of adequate land to fully venture into commercial cattle farming. A farm at uMvoti in uMzinyathi District was acquired in order to ensure tenure security of the 27 families that are residing on the 243 hectares farm. The family also uses the farm for grazing of their livestock. Rietspruit Farm is 430 hectares of land at eNdumeni in uMzinyathi District that was acquired by the department to ensure tenure security of three families currently residing on the farm. The three families have been occupying the farm for over 65 years and are protected in terms of the Labour Tenants Act, Act No. 3 of 1996. In the Uthukela District, a farm at Umtshezi was acquired with the target to empower members of Women in Agriculture and Rural Development (WARD). This would be the first farm acquired with the intent to benefit women within the uThukela District. The women from Wembezi will be assisted to improve their already existing small chicken business which they currently operate from their back-yards for subsistence purposes. The 264.3 hectares farm currently has 21 chicken structures that accommodate 50 000 birds. A total of 3786.3 hectares amounting to R45 million have been acquired by the department. The department acquires farms through the Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS), which seeks to acquire strategically located land for redistribution to emerging farmers; the acquisition approved will contribute towards achieving the development goals espoused in the National Development Plan.

strike a rock. (Photographs and information: Martie Kassel-

man, ASA Metals).


28 AUGUST 2015


The best of both worlds Wholesale and retail shopping all in one convenient place A1 Fisheries’ Wholesale shop this week moved to the Twin City Complex in Burgersfort. They will now be opera ng in conjunc on with the exis ng shop, A1 Food Store at the centre. This is a move that is expected to not only provide customers with a one-stop shop, but also add value in terms of a convenient and easy shopping experience. The front entrance will remain the main entrance. A dedicated line for wholesale shopping will ensure that customers buying in bulk will be assisted quickly while the products they buy will be dispatched from the back. The popular bulk Goldi Frozen Chicken products will in future be sold through the wholesale sec on in the shop. The convenience of having both shops opera ng from this premises is clear when taking into account that wholesale clients will now also be able to easily buy single items that does not form part of the wholesale range - truly giving customers the best of both worlds. Fast, friendly service will con nue to be a priority at both sec ons of the shop. Giving clients value for money and a pleasurable shopping experience is what the employees at A1 is striving for. To accentuate their commitment towards giving the best, the shop will in the coming months be transformed into something totally new. A total revamp will give a fresh new look to the shop and also change the layout of the shop. The shop will not be closed during this period and trading will connue as normal. Much of the work will be done during a night shi to ensure that minimum distrup ons will occur during shopping hours. The management of the store would

like to in advance apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but promise that it will be worth it once everything is done. The exci ng part of this fresh new look is that branding is changing to the A1 Food Store branding and the shops will be offering great specials to go with their new look. The managers (photograph le ) of A1 Food Store - Wanda Pieterse and A1 Wholesale - Michael Maloney are working hard to ensure that the shop mergers and the future revamp go as smoothly as possible. They are invi ng customers to visit them and see for themselves the range and value for money deals in the shop. Clients can s ll look for the weekly promo ons in the newspaper and the the monthly pamphlets. Apart from the regular promo ons and special deals, the shop will also be offering exci ng compe ons in the months to come. Visit the store regularly and keep an eye on the adversements to make sure you don’t miss your chance to win once these compe ons start. The store will con nue to sell fresh bread and offer a massive range of wors, boerewors, meat products, chicken and fish at great prices. Deliveries are also being made for wholesale clients - ask about this in store as some terms and condi ons may apply. This service makes it easy to stock your shop without the headache of arranging transport for the products. Pension payouts will con nue as normal at the store on the allocated days. A1 Food Store is open from Mondays to Saturdays. The ample parking at Twin City Complex makes it easy to visit them and the small taxi rank at the back of the shop will take non-wholesale clients making use of public transport to their doorstep.

28 AUGUST 2015



Next week is Casual Day - use your imagination Casual Day celebrates its 21st birthday this year. Since inception Casual Day has raised a total of R222 million for persons with disabilities. All over the country South Africans are planning their outfits for the day. Says project leader Vanessa du Plessis: “Use your imagination and surprise us with your ingenuity

in interpreting the theme, Spring into Action. Our target it to get 3 million South Africans to donate R10 for their stickers.” Reasons to dress up on Casual Day! 1. Casual Day gives communities the chance to come together to raise funds for organisations in your area that render services to persons with disabilities. 2. It gives you the opportunity to be creative and organise a fun event at your office that will boost morale and contribute to teambuilding. 3. You can step out in the theme of the year, which is Spring into Action. So let your imagination run wild see how big you can go. Or you can just wear a LOT of stickers, like ten or even twenty! 4. Casual Day supports the

right of persons with disabilities to education, housing, training, accessibility, employment... in other words, full inclusion into society. 1. It is fun, entertaining and valuable to society! 5. It’s so easy and convenient to participate – all promotional material is supplied free-of-charge. 6. Casual Day allows you to make a big difference in the world by getting you community and office colleagues to do a small thing – wear the official Casual Day sticker. 7. You can rest assured that funds raised from sticker donations provide material relief to persons with disabilities. 8. Casual Day demonstrates community spirit in action. 9. R10 is a small donation to make, especially when you know it will really make a difference. Casual Day is a owned by the National

Helping Hand Food Bank reaches out Helping Hand Food Bank is a NGO that has donated food parcels to over 20 000 families since 2012. They recently visited another home in Manoke. Kgakanyana is an orphanage founded and managed by Antonette Mogiba and it has 15 children living there. Mrs. Mogiba started community work in 1998 as a home base carer. She is only receiving grants for 4 children as some still await the court order that will give her rights to the children and also enable her to proceed with grant applications. The kids are refered to her by the police

and social workers. Ouma Nkosi who is the founder of Helping Hand Food Bank was introduced to the home by Kgotlelo Mashoeu who is Miss Junior South Africa in Limpopo. The two met at the SOLMA (State of Local Municipal Address) and realized the passion they both shared in assiting the needy. Helping Hand Food Bank would like to thank Steelpoort Pick n Pay for the work they are continuing to do in chanaging the lives of the people. (Information & photograph: Helping Hand Food Bank).

Mr. Reuben Moropa, Ms. Ouma Nkosi Founder of Helping Hand Food Bank, Miss Jnr South Africa in Limpopo, Mrs Antonette Mogiba from Kgaknyane Orphanage.

Council of Persons with Physical Disabilities and is run in partnership with its national beneficiaries, all members of the South African Disability Alliance. Stickers are available at all Edcon stores, which include the following brands: Edgars, Jet, JetMart, Boardmans, CNA, Red Square and Legit. Stickers will also be available at Absa, Game and DionWired stores, Shoprite and Checkers.

25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 New International Version (NIV)



28 AUGUST 2015

Winterveld Festival fun The annual Winterveld Festival took place last weekend. The event was filled with fun and entertainment and set the bar high for next year. A variety of competitions took place and the winner were: GHH Potjiekos Competition: Winner Megabus, Runner-up - Wildevy Manne, Team Spirit - Tweefontein; Winterveld Soapbox Derby: Winner - Hell Riders, Runner-Up Tubatse Hedgehogs 1, Team Spirit - Lannex; Winerveld Adventure Race: Winner - Minions, Runner-up - Lannex and Team Spirit - Hell Riders. Lots of entertainment for everyone. The strongman competition on Saturday kept young and old in awe. A variety of rides were also there for the kids.

Touch of Class and Chris Forrest performed on Friday evening. The popular Soapbox Derby kick started the programme on Saturday morning. This is always a hotly contested race and teams build their carts to be as fast as possible. This year the Hell Riders from Samancor ECM won.

A food and wine pairing took place on the stoep on Friday.

Mr. & Miss. Winterveld Competition entrants on stage.

28 AUGUSTUS 2015



Something for everyone at Winterveld Festival

The Potjiekos Competition was a huge success. Entrants created a potjie and decorated according to a theme. The competition took on a Master Chef-style approach.

A variety of artists performed at the event. Dancing took place for early in the day to the beat of artists such as Blackie Swart and Diksnaar, Elvis se seun, Bongi, Gerhard Steyn, Mona Lee, Touch of Class, Karlien Husselman, Izak Davel, Taboo, Angel and many more. After the last artists left the stage, a DJ took over to keep the beat going until early morning.

Local ‘strongmen’ could also try the activities the professionals do regularly.

• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon Fans and much more available! Re-build engines for sale!

The Wildevy Manne prepared a potjie that took second place. Their theme: Wilde Chef.

Stripping Jetta




Mashifane Park, R37 Road Burgersfort/Polokwane * Cell: 076 848 3936 * Tel: 013 007 0836 * Burgersfort For Sale



28 AUGUST 2015


Winterveld Festival goes big The Winterveld Festival on 21 and 22 August was bigger than ever before. It was filled with something for everyone. Stalls, entertainment and competitions were just part of the mix.

Young and old enjoyed the festival.

28 AUGUSTUS 2015


Platinum Gazette BLOOD SPEAKS is a Christian performance based on true events and is presented through drama, dance, music and multimedia by Creare Training Centre for all ages. The duration is 120 minutes (interval included)

You are invited to this event

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact: 083 543 1676

Kennisgewing/Notice * Kennisgewing/Notice INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION PROCESS FOR THE BAUBA NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN CLUSTER PLATINUM MINES NEAR BURGERSFORT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE DMR Reference No: LP30/5/1/2/3/2/1/10 106EM Background and Introduction The Proponent, Bauba A Hlabirwa Mining Investments (Pty) Limited (Bauba) has appointed Ramboll Environ Africa (Pty) Ltd (Ramboll Environ) as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the necessary scopes of work required to obtain Environmental Authorisations, Mining Rights, Waste Management License, Water Use License and Air Emissions License for the proposed Bauba Northern and Southern Cluster Platinum Mines (Proposed Project) located near Burgersfort, Limpopo Province of South Africa. Bauba obtained the Prospecting Rights (Ref. 256/2006PR) to two prospecting areas comprising approximately 12 300 hectares located in the north-eastern Bushveld Igneous Complex some 40km northwest of the Limpopo Province town of Steelpoort and 245km northeast

of Johannesburg. The prospecting areas are referred to as the Northern Cluster and the Southern Cluster. Separate Mining Rights and associated authorisations will be applied for each cluster. The Proposed Project involves the underground mining of the UG2 and Merensky Chromitite Reefs via drill and blast mining methods. Existing infrastructure and services in the project areas are limited and services such as access roads, power and water supply will need to be established. Surface infrastructure that may need to be constructed includes, but is not limited to, structures such as shaft access, administration buildings, change offices (including ablution facilities), workshops as well as cooling systems, conveyers, storage silos and beneficiation plants (concentrators and smelting plants). Associated storage facilities such as pollution control dams, settling dams, waste rock dumps and tailings storage facilities may also be required for the Proposed Project. Northern Cluster The Northern Cluster consists of five privately owned farms (Schoonoord 462KS, Indie 474KS, Zwitzerland 473KS, Fisant Laagte 506KS

and Waterkop 113KT) of which Bauba do not own any surface rights. The total area is approximately 7 700 ha in size. The Northern Cluster falls within the jurisdiction of the Fetakgomo Local Municipality, which is part of the Sekhukhune District Municipality. Southern Cluster The Southern Cluster consists of three privately owned farms (Groot Vygenboom 284 KT, Genokakop 285KT and Houtbosch 323 KT) of which Bauba do not own any surface rights. The total area is approximately 4 600 ha in size. The Southern Cluster falls within the jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse and Makhuduthamaga Local Municipalities, which are part of the Sekhukhune District Municipality Legislated Framework Before Bauba may commence with mining and associated activities, the following mining rights, environmental authorisations and licenses need to be obtained: • Mining Right Application in terms of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act (No. 28 of 2002) (MPRDA). • Environmental Authorisation in terms of the National Environmental

Management Act (No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA) with specific reference to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (Government Notice Regulation (GNR) 983, 984 and 985 of 2014). Bauba is required to undertake a Scoping and EIA Process in accordance with EIA Regulations of 2014. • Waste Management License (WML) as detailed in the National Environmental Management Waste Act (No. 59 of 2008) (NEMWA) with specific reference to GNR.921 of 2013. Activities contained herein require a Scoping and EIA Process to be undertaken in order to obtain a WML. • Water Use Licenses (WULs) in accordance with the National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998) (NWA) which will need to be granted by the Department of Water and Sanitation in terms of Section 21 of the NWA. • Atmospheric Emissions License (AEL) in terms of the National Environmental

Management Air Quality Act (No. 39 of 2004) (NEMAQA), GNR.248 of 2010 for activities associated with beneficiation which is to be obtained from the District Municipality. Please note that mining related developments requiring application forms for environmental authorisations in terms of the NEMA, WML in accordance with the NEMWA as well as listed activities that have been triggered in terms of the MPRDA must be submitted to the Limpopo Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) who will be responsible for making a decision for the Proposed Project. Draft Scoping Report Please note that the Draft Scoping Report will be on public review at the following venues for a period of 40 days from 25 August until 5 October 2015: • Fetakgomo Atok Thusong Service Centre (Fetakgomo Local Municipal Offices) • Atok Thusong Service Centre; Stand No. 1, Mashung GaNkwana • Manganeng Primary School • Manganeng Village, Coordinates: 24°40’8.92”S; 29°58’4.69”E

• Honoko Primary School • Farm Genokakop 285KT, Coordinates 24°38’10.03”S; 30° 2’38.21”E • Phuti Tlou Secondary School • Farm Schoonoord 462KS • Ramboll Environ’s website • Register as a Stakeholder To become a registered stakeholder and ensure all comments and queries regarding the Proposed Project are accurately documented and addressed, please forward your contact details and comments by the 1 October 2015 to: Mr Brent Holme from Ramboll Environ, Office 1, Block 5, Tuscany Rivonia, 6 Coombe Place, Edenburg, 2128, (TEL) 011 568 1545, (FAX) 011 807 3076, (EMAIL) bholme@environcorp. com.

Advertising Deadline: Every Tuesday by 17:00. Editorial Deadline: Every Wednesday by 17:00.

Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersforn SAPS

* Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Sediman Tuck Shop Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Dilokong Chrome Mine (ASA Metals)

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or


28 AUGUST 2015

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

9. Te Huur/ For Rent T Two b bedroom d apartment available. R4500 with water and prepaid metre, Aloe Ridge West.

1 Bedroom - R3500 with lights and water. Aloe Ridge West. Call 082 578 6113 Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

Platinum Gazette 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford


“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Kennisgewing/Notice Notice of Public Meeting: Prospecting This notice serves to inform all interested and affected parties that Dorisync (Pty) Ltd has in terms of section 16 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources development Act of 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) applied for a prospecting right for, PGM’s, Chrome, Vanadium, Titanium on the Farm Zwemkloof 283 KT, in the Magisterial District of Sekhukhune, Limpopo Province. Please submit your written concerns within 30 days of this notice to: / or alternatively on Tel: (+27) 12 7722 350 and Fax: (+27) 86 626 4839. A Public Meeting will be held on the 02nd of September 2015 at Tswako Lekentle Traditional Councillor at 14h00. DMR Ref No. LP 30/5/1/1/2/12268PR

A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

VENTILATION OFFICER ROLE PURPOSE: To assist the occupational Hygienist to inspect, measure, evaluate and report on ventilation and occupational hygience issues related to noise, dust, particulate matter, mine ventilation systems, flammable and toxic gas measurements and surveillance and ensuring that all ventilation conditions comply with the relevant legal requirements. ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • Valid Grade 12 certificate • Practical and intermediate Certificate in Mine Environmental Control • At least 3 years experience in underground metalliferous mining • Computer literacy • Medical certificate of fitness for underground work • Valid driver’s licence • Experience in smelter operations will be an added advantage. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Assist to ensure compliance with the relevant legal requirements, standards and policies for occupational hygience and ventilation • Identify and evaluate ventilation and occupational hygiene hazards in the mine surfaces and underground working environment • Conduct daily ventilation inspections, record findings and recommend appropriate corrective and preventative actions • Assist in short-term ventilation planning. • Monitor and report the effectiveness of measures for preparedness against fires and explosives • Conduct trouble shooting surveys to evaluate the efficiency of the mine ventilation systems. • Determine and locate any non-conformance, root cause analysis and efficiently correct those ventilation related issues by applying good ventilation techniques.

Betrekkings/Vacancies A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Accounting Clerk ROLE PURPOSE: To assist in the finance department in the carrying out of the department’s duties. ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 or equivalent • At least 2 years relevant experience in the Smelter/Mining environment • Exposure to financial/costing reporting system • Must be a team player, have attention to detail and must be willing and eager to learn • National Diploma/Degree in Finance/Costing field will be an added advantage ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Monthly reconciliations of the sub ledgers and the trial balance • To assist in the maintenance and reconciliations of the fixed assets register • To assist in the accounting of raw material and costing of the mine and Smelter • Assist with month end and year end procedures. • Must be deadline driven and be willing to work overtime if required. • To assist with adhoc duties as required by the departmental objectives.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail:

Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail:

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Closing date: 04 September 2015

Closing date: 11 September 2015

28 AUGUSTUS 2015



Steelpoort vs Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad en Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week teen mekaar krieket gespeel. Lees meer op bladsy 12.

Die wedstryd is op Ohrigstad gespeel en heelwat toeskouers het deur middag kom ondersteun.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529

Open Monday’s - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00



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Promotion valid from 25 August 2015 - 5 September 2015. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.


28 AUGUST 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette

Come support the Kruppel Buffels Golf Day On Saturday 29 August, the annual Kruppel Buffel Golf Day will take place at Tubatse Chrome Club. This day is hosted to raise funds for the older men attending the Golden Oldies Rugby tournament every year. The entrance fee will be R250 per person. To enter contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. Teams and people who would like to enter are welcome. The aim is to fill the course to capacity as this is every year a day to remember.

Laerskole speel krieket Laerskool Ohrigstad en Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Donderdag ‘n vriendskaplike krieketwedstryd teen mekaar gespeel. Die wedstryd is op Ohrigstad

gespeel. Steelpoort het uiteindelik gewen, maar die jong spelers het almal waardevolle ervaring tydens die wedstryd opgedoen. Kyk na nog foto’s op bladsy 11 van hierdie koerant.

SPORT Na Sun City met golf en ‘n dryfhou teen kanker Tubatse Chrome Golf Klub se room in streekfinaal Plaaslike golfspelers het verlede naweek die Chroom Golf Klub se naam hoog gehou by die streeksfinale van die Sanlam Kanker Golf Uitdaagreeks. Die kompetisie is in Lephalale (Ellisras) by die Mogol Golf Klub gehou. Die plaaslike spelers wat deelgeneem het was: Thinus Labuschagne (A-divisie, 0-9 handicap), Andre Botha (B-divisie, 10-16 handicap), Dean van Staden (C-divisie, 17 en op handicap) en Loralyn Botha (C-divisie vroue). Loralyn het 99 houe gespeel met 34 punte om haar tweede in haar divisie te plaas. Andre Botha het 91 houe gespeel met 27 punte. Dean van Staden was die enigste junior in die veld en het waardevolle ervaring opgedoen. Hy het 100 houe gespeel en 27 aangeteken. Thinus Labuschagne, ‘n 5 handicap het 3 oor baansyfer 75 gespeel met 38 punte om hom die algehele wenner van die A-divisie en die dag te maak. Hy gaan Limpopo in die A-divisie by die Sanlam Kanker Golf Uitdaging by Sun City vanaf 18 - 21 Oktober verteenwoordig. Spelers sal op dag 1 die baan by Lost City speel en op dag 2 die Gary Player baan. Thinus is baie opgewonde oor sy wen en die vooruitsig om Limpopo te gaan verteen woordig. Thinus se geloof speel ‘n groot rol en hy gee daar die eer. Hy sê: “Jesus het golf gespeel, nie ek nie want ek het nog nooit sulke goeie golf gespeel nie”. (Foto’s & inligting: Thinus Labuschagne)

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