Platinum Gazette 28 july 2017

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Gazette Bokoni is down, but ... “The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) can confirm that it received Section 189 notice from Bokoni Platinum in Limpopo to retrench 2 651 workers. The number excludes contractors and it is much higher. “The decision by Bokoni Platinum will lead to high rate of unemployment in surrounding communities and dozens of families would be plunged into poverty. We call on Bokoni Platinum to return the mining licence to the Department of Mineral Resources so that interested companies must take over. This company does not have the interest of the workers and the surrounding communities at all. They only care about profit,” said Phillip Mankge, NUM North East Regional Secretary in a media release after last week Friday’s shock announcement that this joint venture between Atlatsa Resources and Anglo American Platinum, situated at Atok about halfway between Burgersfort and Polokwane can financially no longer continue. Said NUM: “We, therefore, request the company to reconsider their position of Section 189 and come on board to deal with the issues raised by the union in the proper structural meeting.” Following the announcement Atlatsa will place the Bokoni Mine operations on care and maintenance as soon as reasonably possible. Anglo American Platinum has agreed to fund, via a loan account to Bokoni Mine, all once-off costs associated with placing the mine on care and maintenance, as well as ongoing care and maintenance costs, up until 31 December 2019. Making the announcement of putting operations at Bokoni on ice, Atlatsa said “All of the options assessed demonstrate significant cash outflows in the short to medium term with material execution risk. The immediate to medium term outlook for Bokoni Mine remains negative, given the current weak PGM1 pricing environment which is expected to remain under pressure for the foreseeable future. In addition to investigating the various mine re-configuration options, the Bokoni JV Partners have also actively investigated various potential funding and corporate ownership alternatives, including seeking to introduce new funding partners and/or a disposal of Bokoni Mine. However, given Bokoni’s current operational challenges, continued operational losses and negative cash generation, the depressed PGM environment, the negative medium term PGM pricing outlook and Atlatsa Group’s significant debt levels, attempts to implement such alternatives have proven unsuccessful.

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

In the circumstances, the Bokoni JV Partners are no longer able to continue funding losses at the mine with no reasonable short to medium term turnaround prospects. The Bokoni JV Partners have therefore agreed to implement the 2017 Restructure Plan as the most appropriate strategy, having regard to long term asset value preservation and potential future sustainability of Bokoni Mine. Subsequent to implementation of the 2017 Restructure Plan Atlatsa said that Atlatsa and Anglo American Platinum will retain their 51% and 49% respective shareholdings in the Bokoni Mine and Anglo American Platinum and Atlatsa will continue to investigate opportunities for either or both parties to divest of their interests in the Bokoni Joint Venture. Meanwhile chrome can just be the knight in shining armour for the area. Speaking to Platinum Gazette after an address to the annual Samancor Chrome Site Indaba at Winterveld on Wednesday, the company’s CEO, Mr Jürgen Schalamon, said the company, after successfully recalling personnel after a traumatic Section 189 experience, is on a strong growth path for the future. Apart from acquiring the old ASA Metals smelters at Dilokong to accommodate anticipated increased chrome output, the company will also probably tender for the Dilokong Chrome Mine once the mine’s business rescue plan comes into fruition. Mr Schalamon said “a Japanese investment vehicle in which our minority shareholder, Hanwa, partnered with a Japanese government entity, acquired 29 percent of our shares and share our optimism for the future”. Apart from expansion at existing mining assets, the company is also set to proceed with the establishment of mining activities along the R37 road between Burgersfort and Atok at Lwala and Jagdlust, not too far off from Bokoni. Mr Schalamon lamented the possible negative impact of illegal mining in the area, but has disclosed that security are currently safeguarding the mine’s assets in the area where the future mining will take place. “We are of course saddened by the problems of platinum in the area”, he told the newspaper, “but we plan to invest in chrome mining and as such also in communities and our employees in the area for the foreseeable future”, he said.

28 July 2017

Tel Fax

Not much happening at Jagdlust at the moment (top), but that may soon change according to Mr Jürgen Schalamon Samancor Chrome CEO (bottom).

0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



28 JULY 2017


Local contractors set to benefit from new tender plan The Sekhukhune District Municipality controls about an 800 million budget for infrastructure development in the form of Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG), Regional Bulk Infrastructure grant (RBIG) and Water Service Infrastructure Grant (WISG). As a result, Executive Mayor Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila made a commitment for a need to ensure localization of procurement to benefit local entrepreneurs as a new policy directive to enhance radical economic and agrarian transformation.

Currently, majority of contractors are from outside the district due to capacity issues and stringent tender requirements (CIDB grading, experience, qualifications, bank rating etc.) During this week’s briefing with senior management held in Groblersdal, Ramaila said: “During my inaugural speech as the new Executive Mayor following the 2016 Local government elections, I have made a commitment to the people of the district that the five year term given to this new Council will be characterized by a business unusual approach. And as we

start the new financial year, we are initiating a process of contractor development to target locally owned contractors. The initiative will benefit mostly youth and women contractors who are between grade 1CE- grade 3CE. The contractor development program will focus on skills development, mentoring, Incubation, compliance issues (SARS , EPWP, etc).” The process the be followed will take the form where at the inception stages, At least five contractors per local municipality will be targeted on an annual basis. The program will capacitate at least 60 local contractors in the

Wimpy Steelpoort now open

Wimpy Steelpoort has opened its doors and the public can now enjoy their fresh food and friendly service. See their amazing specials on page 5. Managers Randy Hlase and Sisanda Tshaya and their team are waiting to serve you.

next 3 financial years. When rolling out the VIP sanitation program there will no longer be a requirement for high CIDB grading but will allow local contractors and contractors under the contractor development program to participate. And Procurement for Major water projects will be designed in such a manner that local benefaction will be part of the tender document requirements. All big external companies will be compelled to sub-contract 30-40 % of their work to local contractors. In addition, Executive Mayor has commissioned a process to design an institutional Social Development program aimed at empowering local companies and creating jobs for the youth. At least 4 companies will be appointed locally to train and manage external ISD officers who will deal with issues of; a) Combating water losses; b) Combating illegal connections; c) Encouraging communities to pay for water rates; d) Responding to issues of water and Maintenance; e) Conducting research and alerting municipality about service delivery challenges; and f) Reviving and strengthening ward based water committees. The district municipality is calling upon Sekhukhune Business and Community forums to work with the municipality in addressing issues of empowerment in a structured and systematic approach. Office of the Executive Mayor and MMC of Water and Infrastructure will be meeting with the advocacy groups in order to facilitate information on this project.The municipality will soon invite CDIB, SARS, Department of Water and Sanitation, to workshop potential local contractors on how to comply with tender processes.

Milestone agreement signed A

Every CEF member signed the document to make it binding.

milestone agreement also known as Terms of Reference (TOR) was signed and officially accepted on Friday, 21 July 2017 at Twickenham Mine. The agreement between AngloAmerican and communities surrounding local operations sets out the path for future conduct and engagement. It will act as a type of constitution for the Community Engagement Forum (CEF) and the interaction with the Mine. The Phasha-Makgalanoto Tribal Authority, Phashaskraal Tribal Authority, Nareng-Thokoane Tribal Authority, Ga-Mashabela Tribal Authority, Swazi-Mnyamane Tribal Authority, Ga-Makgopa Tribal Authority, Ga-Mampa Tribal Authority, Ga-Mashishi Tribal Authority and Magadimane Ntweng Tribal Authority are part of the stakeholders represented within the CEF. The traditional leaders and CEF members, DMR, SAPS and Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality attend-

ed the historic signing ceremony. The acceptance of the TOR came after a long process of consultation and hard work between the CEF and the mine. Mr Abednico Mashabela, the CEF secretary presented some of the established and completed projects through the joint efforts of the CEF and AngloAmerican Platinum. These range from Cadetships for 500 community members, lease payments for all affected traditional authorities, bursary schemes, building of local schools, solar street lights for different communities, construction of a tar road from Magadimane to Mashabela and the empowerment of local companies to name a few. “We are here today to sign the Terms of Reference because this is our marriage with the Mine. We first signed the TOR in 2014 at the Ranch Hotel and then agreed to sign it again here today in front of all the stakeholders. I thank you all for your support on this path,” said Mashabela at the event.

28 JULIE 2017


SAPS donate on Mandela Day The Burgersfort SAPS partnered with the CPF, Youth CPF, Women Against Crime, Pastors Against Crime, Kohin and the Department of Social Development for Mandela Day on 18 August. They provided 25 orphanages with gifts. They also assisted Mr michael Maloma from Apiesdoring, who is living with a disability by cleaning his yard and house and donating blankets. Pick n Pay Steelpoort donated a special Mandela Day SAPS cake for the day. (Information and photographs: Constable V. Maluleka).

SAPS talk to churchgoers at Longtill On 16 July the SAPS Burgersfort and Youth CPF visited Corner Stone Church at Longtill. They spoke to the congregation about domestic violence, fraud at banks, housebreaking and theft as well as neighbourhood watch. (Photographs and information: Constabel V. Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).




28 JULY 2017

DCM gives with a warm heart


warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) donated 14 wheelchairs to residents from the Ngwaabe area. The beneficiaries received the wheelchairs at a special func on focused on health and wellness at Ga-Mphana Village on Tuesday, 25 July 2017. The beneficiaries had been on a very long wai ng list to receive government sponsored wheelchairs and DCM stepped up during Mandela Month to bring them some relief. The func on was a ended by the MEC of Health, Dr. Phophi Ramathuba, local poli cians, representa ves from DCM, local health organisa ons and mobile clinic staff, community members and tradi onal leaders. MEC Ramathuba praised DCM for their kind-hearted

Various speakers addressed the audience, while mobile clinics were assis ng people coming for tes ng of blood glucose, blood pressure, TB and HIV. A er the event the group embarked on a special door-to-door health awareness campaign within the Ga-Mphana and surrounding villages.

dona on saying, “the backlog on delivering things like wheelchairs is unfortunately massive. Government can simply not get to everything”. She proudly told the audience that Limpopo is working hard to fight TB and HIV/AIDS pandemics. The province has surpassed the na onal target in these areas. She encouraged them to keep being vigilant and taking care of themselves, to make use of tes ng offered at clinics, mobile clinics and wellness days. She also encouraged local businesses to make sure their employees get themselves tested regularly as TB is indiscriminable and can be transmi ed through the air. She stressed that tes ng posi ve is not a death sentence, but with the available medica on it can be cured. Mr. Silas Hlopolosa from DCM said: “We feel blessed to donate these wheelchairs, not because we are giving them, but because you are willing to accept the gi . Giving is not what blesses, but the act of acceptance of goodwill. He said that honouring the late Nelson Mandela through acts of goodwill during July is important, but that every day should be ‘Mandela Day’. DCM is ac vely suppor ng the wellness of the local community through various awareness days where free tes ng of various diseases are offered and residents can be advised on ge ng treatment when needed. Most recently DCM sponsored a Mental Health Awareness Day that was well supported by the local communi es. They had also completed home based care facili es from which vulnerable individuals receive care.

28 JULIE 2017



Buy your property legally and keep the receipt A man was arrested on 15 July for possession of suspected stolen property and possession of an unlicenced firearm. He was arrested by the Burgersfort SAPS during an operation at Makgemeng Village. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court and was denied bail. He will appear in court again soon. “The community must stop buying stolen property. Especially business owners are warned not to buy just any property offered to them. The public should keep their receipts as proof that they are the owners of specific properties and business owners that it was legally acquired”. (Information & photographs: Constable V. Maluleka)

Keep your firearm safe The Burgersfort SAPS arrested two men on 14 July 2017 for possession of a firearm without a licence. The two men aged between 40 and 50 years arrested during an operation in the taxi rank area near ACE Hardware’s loading zone. They were found with a 9mm pistol with magazine and holster. They did not possess a licence for it. The owner of the firearm was traced after investigations and also charged with negligent handling of a firearm because he did not keep it safe. “The community must know that the firearm

act does not allow the owner to leave the fire-arm just anywhere. It must be in a safe if you are not carrying it with you,” said Constable V. Maluleka. (Photograph and information: Constable V. Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).

The stolen property and unlicenced firearm found during an operation at Makgemeng Village.

Drug dealer sentenced Oyoro Onyekachi Felix (36) was this week sentenced for dealing in drugs. He was arrested at Aloe Ridge West on 24 February 2017 in possession on 47g of crystal meth and 20g of CAT. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Courst on two counts of dealing with drugs. His sentence includes 2 years imprisonment or a R10 000 fine and on the second count sentenced for 3 years imprisonment with 1 year and 6 months suspended on condition that he does not commit the same offence. (Information: Constable V. Maluleka).

28 JULIE 2017

DA at Ga-Kgwete for Mandela Day

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

The Democratic Alliance (DA) visited Ga-Kgwete Village in Ward 15 for Mandela Day. They donated new soccer kit and goalpost nets to a local soccer team as part of their 67 minutes to make a difference. They also encouraged and motivated the youngsters to develop their talents. (Photographs and information: Ideon Jackson).

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Luke 6:27-28 King James Version (KJV) 27

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, 28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

Classified advertisements Geklassifiseerde advertensies To place your advert contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676

Dienste/ Services 23 Years of Professional Framing experience. Have your artworks, special memories and décor items framed to perfection. Small gifts, antiques, variety of chilli sauces, sweets and much more available in store. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Pick n Pay or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.

Te Koop/ For Sale PRET LIQUOR SPORTS BAR AND BOTTLE STORE FOR SALE. Contact owners on: 074 565 6231 or 071 410 1664.



Assistant Bookkeeper Indigo Naranja is situated between Burgersfort and Lydenburg. Indigo Naranja requires the services of a suitably qualified and experienced person as an Assistant Bookkeeper. We offer a competitive remuneration package with excellent career development opportunities and exposure to widen your knowledge and experience. Qualifications and experience required:

Job duties:

• Prepare, examine and analysis accounting records, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness and conformance to reporting and procedural standards of the Company. Competencies: • Ensure that correct procedures are followed for statutory • Strong communication and interreporting. personal skills. • Assist with internal and external • Customer and personal service. audits conducted in the • Excellent problem solving, Company. analytical and numerical abilities • Perform general administrative is crucial. duties as requested by the • Attention to detail. Bookkeeper. • Strong organisational skills with • Stock reconciliations, managing demonstrated ability to manage general ledgers and managing all multiple projects, meet deadlines financial input documentation and promote positive • Participation and preparation of relationships. annual budgets. • Excellent knowledge of computer • Assisting with monthly wage skills (Excel, MS Word, Outlook processing and calculations and Electronic banking). • Able to work independently with Candidates meeting the above minimal supervision. criteria, may apply in confidence enclosing a detailed CV by e-mail to • Grade 12/Matric • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in bookkeeping • Suitable tertiary qualification will be an advantage

Applications close on 1 August 2017. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. If the company does not contact you on or before the 21 August 2017 you must accept that your application was not successful.


28 JULIE 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


4x4 action filled weekend ahead This weekend the annual Wildevy 4x4 Family Day will be taking place again. This event is always a highlight on the social calendar and is filled with fun for everyone. The morning will kick off with the Wildevy MTB Race. This will start at the PLM Boskamp and there are different categories in which riders can participate - 50km, 20km, 10km and 2,5km. Remember - no helmet no race. Participants can still enter on the morning of the race, but be early to do so. There will be campsites available and for the mountain bike participants shower and toilet facilities separate from the main 4x4 event. People entering the Wildevy MTB race will also get free access to the Wildevy 4x4 Day. For more information contact Pieter Heyns, the race organiser on 082 806 5622 or Piere Joubert, the route organiser on 083 396 2820. This part of the event will start at 07:00. The vehicles participating in the 4x4 day will start at 08:00 and they will move through the different points where they will face different challenges. Visitors will be able to watch them and enjoy the action. To make sure you will be able to get all the action the Wildevy Manne organised a special tractor transport system on which you can travel for free between the points. There will be a variety of stalls and food on sale at the venue. A beer tent will also open at 10:00 and will make sure that nobody goes thirsty. Please remember that no cooler boxes will be allowed into the venue.

There will be live entertainment at the stage and the programme there is as follow: 11:30 12:00 Soundcheck; 12:00 - 12:45 Moonshine Band; 13:00 - 13:30 Marissa; 14:00 - 14:30 Lubbe; 14:30 - 15:00 Moonshine Band; 15:00 - 15:30 DJ Robbie; 15:30 - 16:30 Soundcheck; 16:30 - 19:00 DJ Robbie; 19:00 19:45 Beeskraal; 19:45 - 21:00 Almur, Marissa & Lubbe; 21:00 - 21:30 Beeskraal; 21:30 - 22:00 Almur and from 22:00 DJ Robbie. One of the highlights of the day is the Show Stopper. This is scheduled for between 15:30. This will be close to the main stage with lots of areas from which the public can watch the brave men take on the ultimate mud challenge. The prize giving of the 4x4 competition will take place at 18:30 at the main stage. There will also be a potjiekos competition and lots of entertainment for the kiddies. There will be horse riding, a muddy playhole, slip & slide, foefie slide, face painting, clowns and step carts for them. There will also be helicopter flips over the venue. Everyone is invited to the day’s fun. Entrance for the public will be R50 per vehicle and R20 per person. All the money raise with this day will be going back into the community into charitable work for which the Wildevy Manne has become known. See the map on the right for all the different points on this year’s event. For more information contact 013 231 7498/9.

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