Platinum Gazette 28 June 2013

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Two arrested for Mankele bridge fraud The Hawks have arrested two former officials of the Limpopo Provincial Department of Transport for fraud exceeding R79-million. The arrest was made by the elite unit’s Anti-Corruption Task Team. The suspects, former Road Agency Limpopo CEO Mrs Mashanoke Alice Mogotlane (44) and former Senior Manager for Special Projects Mr Ndanganeni Robert Nemavhola (48), are accused of fraudulently issuing a tender to build a bridge that cross the Olifants (Lepelle) River from Penge to GaMankele village in the Greater Tubatse Municipality. The suspects allegedly inflated the initial amount of R46 671 876.59 to R79 518 404.52 without the necessary approval from the Treasury. The contracted company also supplied an Acrow bridge instead of a Mabey and Johnston steel bridge. The procurement processes were also allegedly circumvented. The pair has appeared in the Polokwane Magistrates’ Court yesterday on charges of fraud. The case was postponed to 15 August, and they were released on R5 000 bail each. The Head of the Hawks in Limpopo, Major-General Dibero Molatsane, applauded the team for their sterling work. She said: “Our aim is to rid the province from acts of corruption, and we anticipate more arrests on this case.” Platinum Gazette reported extensively on the project during the construction phase (this photograph was published in March 2012 just after completion of the bridge and tarred road to Mankele) as well as theofficial opening of the bridge on 25 April last year by Limpopo Premier, Cassel Mathale (published on 27 April 2012).

© Platinum Gazette

28 June 2013


28 JUNE 2013


Burgersfort and Ohrigstad communities should become involved in the fight Hannah Game Lodge near Ohrigstad suffered a to treat the horns with poison in the hope that this will deter blow recently when one of their already de-horned poachers from killing our animals,” said Mr Eghardt Nel from rhino fell victim to poachers. The lodge decided to Hannah Game Lodge. de-horn their rhino after losing some of the animals He is appealing to the communities of Ohrigstad and to poachers last year. Burgersfort to become involved in the fight against poaching. The male was approximately six years old. It is “If anyone hears anything about rhino horn or information about suspected that he was killed over the long weekend rhino horns being sold, please inform the SAPS and the game in June. farms immediately,” he requested. Hannah Game Lodge worked closely with Nature Conservation Authorities to have the rhino on their (Photographs: Hannah Game Lodge). property de-horned. The poachers who killed this animal was however not put off by the fact that they will be taking only a little Low hanging electrical cables running cables, but to date no official response bit of horn that has across the Hannah Game Lodge property regarding a claim for damages or the since grown back. near Ohrigstad caused the death of a increase of cable height has been “We are now planning second giraffe this week. received. A giraffe and some vultures were killed on This second giraffe was killed on 23 June 26 May this year. Eskom has been when he walked into the electrical approached to increase the height of the cables.

Another giraffe electrocuted

(Photograph: Hannah Game Lodge).

28 JUNIE 2013



‘We will donate No Dumping signs’ Last week when it looked if AutoZone, a respected business in Eland Street, Burgersfort, was dumping old flooring in Morone Street on the gravel part after the Oorbietjie Street T, Platinum Gazette fowarded the photograph to AutoZone and the municipality. Three responses were received. The guilty party was not AutoZone, but Creative Shop, which is currently busy with a revamp at AutoZone. They borrowed the bakkie ... The first response was receiuved from them, which read: “My installation crew is currently busy with a revamp at the AutoZone Burgersfort store. As per most our projects, we normally order a skip for all building debris and rubble. However there has been a delay in getting this to site in a timeous manner. My crew onsite took the initiative to removal the rubble, with the assistance of my clients vehicle. Not being familiar with the surroundings, the mistook the area where they dumped the rubble as a dumping ground. My client is actively involved in the community and do their utmost to contribute where they can. That being said, I personally would like to donate, no dumping signage for this area. Please advise as to how I can go about assisting you and the local metro in cleaning up this area. Contact me personally to resolve Best Regards, Brandon Williams CREATIVE SHOP” Platinum Gazette contacted Mr Williams and passed on the relevant contact numbers at the municipality.

Editorial comment:

Response number two was received from AutoZone, which in no uncertain terms declared: “Thank you for bringing the illegal dumping of refuse to our attention. This is not the way AutoZone conducts its business and we regret this incident. Whilst our subcontractor has accepted responsibility for this incident it is not without fault on AutoZone’s behalf as our staff allowed the use of our vehicle for this purpose. Our own internal investigation will be conducted and where appropriate disciplinary action could result. We have in the interim made arrangements to have this rubble removed and legally disposed of. We apologise to the residents of Burgersfort for this unfortunate incident. Regards, Kyle E. Young General Manager - Operations AutoZone” Response number three came from the Greater Tubatse Municipality who warned throught its Spokesperson, Mr Kubane Tolo: “ The Waste Act 59 states that “No person shall drop, spill or deposit any refuse into or onto public area”, therefore, it is clear that such activity is unlawful, unacceptable, inhuman and prohibited. Since we have the proof of photos, a letter will be written to Autozone to instruct them to clean the site within given specific time frame and failure to do so the legal steps will be taken against them. As for the reporting of such activities with sufficient evidence, we call upon the Community members to assist the Municipality and contact Ms Chokoe K (Supervisior in Waste Management) on (013) 231 1173 and at”

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail adverts@ platinum gazette. com Advertising deadline: every Tuesday at 17:00.

Those responsible for the incident reported about on this page, should be commended for their views and their willinglness to admit that they were wrong and also their willingness to rectify and contribute to do something that is a sore eye in any community. The scary version of this article is that the businesses who took responsibility on this page are not the only guilty ones. Other businesses and individuals (we regularly see them, only we do not always have a camera ready) at more than one place in town and next to the river in Steelpoort dump whatever they want to as if no rules apply and become agressive when they just see newspaper personnel in the vicinity (even with no camera in sight) and usually flee the scene in a great cloud of dust. Landfill sites actually do exist and the municipality in Burgersfort have all the details available. Please do not dump your waste on other people’s doorstep. It is unsightly, smells bad, is a threat to the environment and sometimes a downright threat to everyone’s health.


28 JUNE 2013


Trucks damaging town infrastructure

Trucks driving over storm water drain inlets on the side of the road often leave them dangerously exposed as happened on the photograph to the left. A more than a metre deep hole was left exposed on the side walk. Pieces of the curbstone was broken off after the heavy vehicle climbed onto the sidewalk and off again.

Heavy vehicles parking on the sidewalks in town often cause damage to infrastructure such as stormwater drainage inlets. Platinum Gazette asked the Greater Tubatse Municipality what is the regulations regarding truck damaging curbstones etc. in town as shown on the photographs to the left. Mr KB Tolo, GTM Spokesperson said: “Any person who park a motor vehicle on a side walk is committing an infringement and he/ she will be issued with a section 56 notice for the amount of R1500-00 (One thousand five hundred rand). Furthermore, the driver of such vehicle is held responsible if found or identified as the driver at the time of

committing the offence. On the photo of the two trucks, the owner or operator of such vehicle is liable for the fine if the driver could not be found until submitting a statement declaring the driver’s name and address. The necessary steps will be taken against the trucks that appear on the photos and we will investigate and follow up with the issuing of section 341 notices to the owner/operator. The Traffic Department is appealing to the public to report any wrong doings by calling this number: 013 231-1000 and traffic officers will be summoned to that scene immediately”.

Crime snippets from Tubatse SAPS Attempted murder A 27-year old man appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 14 June on a charge of attempted murder. The suspect allegedly stabbed his girlfriend with a knife after they had an

argument on 12 June 2013. The case was reported to the Tubatse SAPS and the man arrested on 13 June. The case was postponed while the suspect was not granted bail.

Common robbery A 32-year old man appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 14 June on a charge of common robbery. He allegedly robbed a 13-year old girl of her plastic bag with clothes and money in Mabocha village on 21 May.

The case was reported to the Tubatse SAPS the following day and after following up on leads the police officers arrested the suspect. The man was not granted bail and will appear in court again soon.

Violation of protection order In one case a 27-year old man from Praktiseer violated a protection order on 16 June. He allegedly also assaulted his younger brother after they had an argument at home. The case was reported to the SAPS on 19 June and the suspect was arrested on the same day. He appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 21 June on charges of violation of a protection order and assault with the purpose to inflict grievous

bodily harm. He was not granted bail. The case was postponed and he will appear in court again soon. In another case a 24-year old man appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court. He is accused of violating a protection order after he insulted his girlfriend on 10 June in Alverton. The man was arrested on 14 June 2013. At his appearance in court on 21 June he was granted R1000 bail while the case was postponed to 2 August 2013.

(Information: Const. SJ. Movundlela).

No, I don’t need an abortion! The distribution of flyers for everything from cars that are for sale to abortions is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in Burgersfort. Many just paste their pamflets to traffic signs while others place their leaflets under car wiper-blades and in the door handles of vehicles. Most vehicle owners just throw the papers away on the spot. This contributes to the waste problem in town.

28 JUNIE 2013



Finger lickin’ goodness at the Mall Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) opened a shop at the Tubatse Crossing Mall this week Monday. They were welcomed by customers eager to get some of the world famous fried chicken for lunch. The shop is situated at Entrance 3. The shop has convenient eat-in tables that will cater for shoppers seeking a break and something to still the hunger. Take-aways, as always, are also available. Mr Eddie Alberts, the CFO of Clabo Investments and Mr Renier Mostert the CEO of Clabo Investments, the company owning the shop, were present on pening day (photograph left).

Mr John Fincham at the opening.

A little longer green, please?

Traffic coming into Burgersfort on the R37 is slowed dramatically at the Themba Garage/ Tubatse Crossing Mall cross. It seems that those programming the traffic lights anticipated a much larger traffic flow coming from the Mall

into the main road. Traffic now waits for a green light while virtually no traffic comes from the Mall’s side. The photograph above was taken this week as traffic backed up almost to the R555 Steelpoort cross (not peak hour).



28 JUNE 2013

Changing to a new card ID: Very soon South Africans will be issued with a convenient and safe card ID when they apply for an identity document. The cards will replace the current green barcoded book. The cards will be safer as they will be encoded with a micro chip and will be operated with fingerprint verification and a PIN where necessary. The photograph of the card’s owner will be engraved with a laser onto the card and this will make it virtually impossible for thieves to simply replace the photograph before using the card fraudulently. The Department of Home Affairs will be able to issue a card ID much faster than a book. The waiting period will be cut down to a few days. New applications will receive the card free of charge, but if you are applying to replace your lost or stolen card, you will have to pay R140 as is currently the case when applying for a replacement ID. It is estimated that it will take government about eight years to replace all the existing green ID books with the cards. The card system is in line with the Department of Home Affairs’ goal to move towards a paperless environment. We asked readers what they think about the coming system.

Mr Cedrick Digoro said: “Ja, I’ve heard about the card ID. I don’t think it will be better. The card will get lost time and again and it will be too expensive to keep on replacing it”.

Mr Harare Malapane said: “If they can give us one that looks the same as our drivers licences it will protect the photograph. People remove the photo’s when the ID is stolen. It will now be protected”.

Mr Patrick Mndluli said: “I’ve heard about it on TV. It will be good and much safer. A foreigner will not be able to take the photograph out and put his own there like many do now. I support it 100%. We must pay to get it. Government cannot just give to everyone, they will go bankrupt”.

Ms Abigail Magabane and Ms Joana Mnisi said: “Yes, it will be better. Then nobody can steal your ID. It will be safer. It will be like a drivers licence”. Abigail: “I will be willing to pay for it”. Joana: “No, I think they must give it out to everyone for free”.

Mr Sloaney Magale said: “I’ve heard about the coming new system. Most people’s IDs get stolen and used by people from other countries because they want jobs and need an ID to apply. The card system will be better because it will work with a fingerprint and pin. Nobody will be able to steal it”.

Mnr Eghardt Nel sê: “Ek het nog nie daarvan gehoor nie. Hulle moet dit gratis vir almal maak. Ek dink die kaart sal beter vir almal wees”.

Mr Speed Kgwetiane said: “The card will be better. I don’t want to pay to have my ID changed to the card. Let people who lose theirs pay to have it replaced”.

Mr Errol Buthelezi said: “I think it will be good. It will reduce the theft of IDs. They must give the card free to everyone. They are the ones who’ve decided to change and we anyway pay tax”.

Ms Promise Maja said: “Yes, it will be good. If it is lost they cannot use it because they cannot change the photograph. I’ll be willing to pay for it because I really need it”.

Mr Anthony Mashego said: “I think this new card system is a great achievement for our country after previous complications at the Department of Home Affairs. By using fingerprints nobody will be able to use your ID except the real owner. I think there is no problem to pay for the card. We will be sure that everything is secured”.

28 JUNIE 2013



what is your opinion?

Me. Mariana Matthysen sê: “Nee, ek het nog nie van dit gehoor nie. Ek is wel positief daaroor. Ek hou van die idee van sekuriteit met vingerafdrukke. Dit sal meer effektief wees as ‘n ID alleen. R140 is darem nie baie om te betaal nie”. By haar is Dine-Mari.

Mr Noah Moagi said: “It is very good. I’m very happy about it. It will be very safe. I will have my ID book replaced with a card very soon”.

Mr Nelson Mabelane said: “It’s going to be good. It will be an all-in-one card. I won’t mind to pay because I know my stuff will be safe”.

Mr Mphihleng Ntoampe said: “I’ve heard about it. I’m glad about it, but with mixed suspicious feelings. The first time we got the green ID the government assured us that it will be more convenient etc. The criminality that came with it came very often from within the Department of Home Affairs. If this card will have to go through human hands at Home Affairs there is again a risk of criminality. The ID fraud is often linked with inside jobs at Home Affairs. They must let people working there do security clearance similar to that needed for employees at the Special Investigative Unit. I think at Home Affairs this is paramount. Yes, it will be more convenient than the book. I won’ t be happy to pay to have mine renewed from the book to a card. It will be unfair. People cannot afford it. Everyone has the right to an ID that is safe, secure and protected - it is in the Constitution! Government must also do a big awareness campaign with the planned changes. It must be similar in size as to what happens when it is election time so that they can reach even the eldest people in the most rural areas”.

Mr Martin Mokhele said: “I’ve heard about it. It will be safer than it is now. Yes, I’ll be willing to pay for an ID card”.

Mr Lucky Nkosi said: “I’ve heard some rumours about the card. It will be safe. I look forward to getting a new card ID”.

Mr Ally Malapane and Mr Simon Mabuza said: “It will be safer and easier to carry. We are looking forward to get one soon. It will be better”.

Right: Mr Emmanuel Modipi said: “It is going to work better. If I lost mine in the past it took long to replace and now they won’t be able to do anything with my ID if I lose it”.

Ms Caroline Jaunda said: “No, I have not heard about it, but I think it is a good idea. They must let it be free to get the new card ID”.

Ms Pretty Malapane said: “I’ve heard about it. It is a good idea. We can put it inside a wallet. It is a safe thing. But I don’t want to pay for it. They must just give it to us”.

Mr Enos Mabaanne said: “Safety is tight. It will also require fingerprints etc. at the bank. They can no longer come and steal your things. It will be safer”.

Mr Cedrick Malapane said: “Yes, it will be very safe. This thing of removing the owner’s photo will not happen anymore. We will not share an ID with anyone. It is also portable. This will be an improvement”. With him is Rory.



Remember to book your spot The Wildevy 4x4 Family Day will be taking place on 27July this year. As always it will be at PLM Boerdery on the road towards Lydenburg.This event is annually attended by approximately 10 000 people. This year is special as the event will be celebrating ten years of fun in the mud and dust. Only 120 4x4 vehicles will be able to enter the course which is designed to be challenging, but not damaging to vehicles. The day is filled with fun for the whole family. Co-drivers will have to perform various tasks at the different challenge points (see photograph top right).

There will also be a mountain route that is only for the tough guys. This route will take vehicles up the Morone mountain where refreshments will be served before heading back. Breathtaking views are part of this package. As always there will be stalls with delicious food and other items. The children will be entertained at the children’s fun area and spectators who are not participating will be able to hitch a ride free of charge on the tractor and trailer moving between the various points on the course. Live entertainers will ensure that everyone have their fun to a great beat. To book your spot or if you would like to put up a stall you can contact Chantelle Goodman on 013 231 7498/013 231 7499 or e-mail chatelleg@ Mulan, a five month old

Have you seen Mulan? black female Bull Terrier was lost in Burgersfort this week. She has light brown feet and a white spot on her nose. She is still short on her legs. Unfortunately she does not really react to her name yet. Her owners are desperate to get her back and will give a R500 reward to the person who brings her back. If you have any information regarding Mulan you can contact Carl Lourens on 082 257 8082 or Alida Lourens on 084 623 2111.


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28 JUNE 2013

28JUNIE 2013



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4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar opening soon. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. Khutso Guest House Luxury accommodation Tea/coffee station in rooms, swimming pool, meals on request. Contact: 013 231 7313/ 0765808934

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Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:

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* Bronrich Slaghuis * Oasis Kafee Ohrigstad * Tswelopele Cash Loans @ Platinum Centre Burgersfort * Cash Trader * Tubatse Apteek * Dr Lorna’s Surgery * Vision Meat Butchery * Pret Liquor Burgersfort * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676 Editorial deadline: Every Wednesday at 17:00.

Platinum Gazette

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management - (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566



28 JUNE 2013

Modikwa’s soccer tournament a success Modikwa Platinum Mine hosted a soccer and netball tournament last Saturday. Teams from various mines participated in the event that took place at the Montrose soccer field. The pictures on this page shows local team, Twickenham Platinum MIne soccer club take on a rival. Twickenham played in the red and white.

The soccer took place at the Montrose sportsground while the netball was played at Dilokong. Teams were well supported during the competition.

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28 JUNIE 2013



Modikwa hosts soccer tournament

Local Pro 20 cricket action

The Pro-20 Cricket final took place on last week Saturday. The day was filled with fun and action. See more pictures and get the results on page 12 of this newspaper.

All kinds of supporters attended the final on Saturday.

Modikwa Platinum Mine hosted a soccer and netball tournament last weekend. See more pictures on page 10.


28 JUNIE 2013

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Platinum Gazette


Sukuki’s are number one The final of the local Pro-20 cricket took place last week Saturday at the Laerskool Burgersfort grounds. Tyre Corporation won Burgersfort, 180 for 3 in the 11th over, Burgersfort had 162 for 6 after 20 over’s. Burgersfort took the 4th place and Tyre Corporation the 3de place. Sukukies won Modikwa, 170 for 7 in the 19th over ,Modikwa had 169 for 7 after 20 over’s. Modikwa took 2de place and Sukukies the 1st place. Tournament Best bowler was Ruan from Burgersfort; Best fielder - Tersius from Burgersfort; Best batsman - Wim from Tyre Corporation.

The winning team with their trophy. (Photograph: Whity Ludick).

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Semi final and Final: Best bowler - Derick from Modikwa; Best fielder - Giel from Sukuki’s; Best batsman - Wim from Tyre Corporation. The cricket organisers thanked Laerskool Burgersfort for the use of the rugby field for the Pro-20 cricket. “Also a big thank you to all the score keepers, supporters and mostly the players. Thanks again for a great tournament” said Mr Whity Ludick. (Information: Whity Ludick).

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