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A group of 76 youths under the auspices of Mr Josia Mokgoadi participated and completed the Eastern Limb Mines Executive Mayor’s Road Race that were run between Ga-Malepe (near Penge) and Praktiseer last Saturday. The group, who hails from Magnetite near Jane Furse is actually not comprised of runners in the first place, it is just what they do to keep fit, keep out of trouble, and to keep busy constructively. Mr Mokgoadi, himself an athlete and runner, said he took the initiative to keep youths busy who had nothing to do in the afternoons after school, and also those who do not go to school. When a group of German development workers visited the area last year (2010) they took an interest in his project. Subsequently het spend a month this year in Germany, where foreign assistance for his project was obtained, and he also participated in a couple of races. He says he is very proud of his group and on Wednesday they had a celebration party that was attended by 80 youths (not everybody participated on Saturday.
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Development group achieves milestone - the Mayor’s Run
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© Platinum Gazette
28 October 2011
28 OCTOBER 2011
A red i in our masthead on the front page usually means something special has happened or is about to happen, like Christmas. This week Platinum Gazette is celebrating the newspaper’s third birthday. The editor and staff of the newspaper (both of us) again want to use this opportunity to thank the community as a whole (readers and advertisers), for your unfailing support. Without you (you’ve guessed right) no newspaper ...
GTM and hawkers clean Burgersfort
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147
Last week Friday, a somewhat strange sight greeted people in the centre of town in Burgersfort. Instead of people just chucking away their rubble, people were cleaning up the mess. In an inisiative from the Greater Tubatse Municipality (GTM), employees from the Technical Services Department and the Hawkers Association (Burgersfort Cluster) joined hands (and sticked them out) in picking up rubble. A vehicle was made available by the municipality to cart away all the bags to the town’s landfill site. As explained by municipal employees and the Hawkers Association, the initiative not only served to clean up the place, but also to create an awareness amongst everybody in town that we should be careful what we do with rubble and strive towards a clean environment.
Platinum Gazette
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.
28 OKTOBER 2011
Lightning strikes village “First it was a tree last week, now it is three cows” say residents of Mokutung village near Echo Caves, “we do not know when a human will be struck”. Since the start of the rainy season lightning has struck two times in so many weeks, cutting a tree in halve and this week hitting a tree under which three cows were taking shelter during a storm in the night on Tuesday. Burn marks against the tree are clearly visible. One of the cows aborted a calf as she died from the blitz. Residents said they cannot even remember when damage was last caused by lightning in Mokutung. This week’s loss of livestock by two owners (the white cow has a different owner than the two black ones) has been reported to the headman. The owners also wanted it to be reported to the kgoshi in Kgautswane. Some residents say they must make sure it is not witchcraft, asking “for what other reason should lightning cause such damage all of a sudden?” As the newspaper’s reporter left the scene, residents made ready to dig graves for the animals in the hard slate “we can do nothing else with it”, they said.
More information in store!
Morone Centre, Burgersfort, TTel: el: (013) 231 8090 or el: (013) 231 7227 087 151 1491 * OK Minimark TTel:
28 OCTOBER 2011
ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine HRD Facilitators obtain FLC Competency FLC stands for Fundamental Learning Competency. It is part of the foundational learning competency for occupational related qualifications. FLC is applicable to employees who are employed with qualifications at NQF Levels 2-4, which is Mining, Engineering, Production qualification, etc. FLC spans across NQF Level 2-4, and is registered under SAQA. It may replace some of the fundamentals, and is compulsory for qualifications ranging from NQF Level 2-4, with ABET Level 3 as an entry level to FLC. MQA is the first sector to have 80 trained and qualified FLC facilitators who have completed the FLC training qualification in various provinces. We are the first in the Eastern Limb to obtain this qualification. Competent Learners will obtain a part Certificate. Strictly trained FLC facilitators will be able to offer the FLC training. Three HRD Facilitators, Maria Mashilo, Harrison Kgwetiane and Daniel Mabelane has obtained this outstanding level of competency. ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine says the company and employees are proud of these employees and wish them all the best in their career paths.
Left: Maria Mashilo
Right:Daniel Mabelane
Bottom left:Harrison Kgwetiane
Do not forget this one!
Coping with fatigue
Fatigue This article is aimed at helping students, workers and everyone who cannot afford to be affected by fatigue. What is fatigue Fatigue is something that all of us experiences. It’s only natural for us to feel fatigued if we experience something that is physically, mentally, and emotionally stressful. However, if we subject our body to excessive stress, our adrenal glands become affected, which will eventually slow down in the production of hormones. When our adrenal glands slow down in the production of hormones, then your body and mind will be unable to deal with stress effectively. With adrenal fatigue, you will constantly feel excessively tired and you will be unable to concentrate on just about anything. You will always want to sleep and your mind will always be foggy. Adrenal fatigue can be caused by several factors. It can be caused by anemia, depression, stress, obesity, eating disorder, and it can also be caused by low blood pressure and infection just to name a few. You need to see the fact that unhealthy lifestyle is normally the cause of adrenal fatigue. Most people who suffer from adrenal fatigue are people who don’t get enough sleep, don’t exercise, and don’t eat the right foods. What you need to do If you want to boost your energy levels in order for you to deal with adrenal fatigue effectively, here are some effective ways that will enable you to restore your energy levels. The first is by getting enough sleep. It is important for us to get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep. If you need to get up by 7 in the morning, make sure that you sleep before 11 in the evening. You should also remember that you should never skip meals. Skipping breakfast can eventually lead to low metabolism in your body, which means that your body will not be able to burn enough sugar and fat to provide you with energy. It is important to seek medical help if home treatments do not work and if fatigue is sudden or persistent even if you have adequate rest. Remember these tips and you will be able to restore your energy levels and prevent adrenal fatigue from taking control of your life. You can also visit your Pharmacist or doctor regarding your condition. Good luck with your exams!
28 OKTOBER 2011
Celebrating 5 years OK Grocer Burgersfort this week celebrated five years of business. The store is situated in the Morone Centre. The store has become a beacon in town and grew its client base extensively over the years. Many of the staff that started off with the store five years ago are still working there. Ok Grocer Burgersfort has grown with their customers to ensure that they stock the products and provide the service that turns customers into friends. Mr Vonnie Craffert, managing director of the store and one of the owners said that at 05:00 on the morning of the store’s opening he came in and before doing anything knelt at the door and gave the store into God’s hands. Therefore the group who celebrated this week, not only gave thanks to the hard work and dedication of a whole team of workers, suppliers and loyal clients but also to the Almighty. The store is involved in many community projects, giving back to the communities who support them. Each department has grown and developed over the last five years and much growth has been wished upon them as they celebrated with clients on Wednesday - sharing a massive OK cake.
On Wednesday 26 October 2011 clients were treated to cake to celebrate the birthday.
The store of champions!
Registration Nr. 2008/163832/23 Address: 13 Mosesane Street, Aloe Ridge East, Burgersfort. Tel.: 013 231 1420/1 Fax 086 573 3582 Email:
Committed in future growth.
Nicholas Ngele, one of OK Grocer’s employees, is also a champion long distance runner. He annually competes in the gruelling Comrades Marathon and over the past few years were within the first 200 people to cross the finishline. Last weekend he participated the Eastern Limb Mines & Executive Mayor’s Road Race and came fourth in the veterans section. On the photograph right he is at the finishline with some colleagues who came to support him. Mr Vonnie Craffert says that Nicholas is an inspiration to his fellow employees. He is a hard worker and never let his athletics training interfere with his work.
Happy Birthday!
28 OCTOBER 2011
What do you think about the cabinet This week was a busy one for top level politicians as President Jacob Zuma fired two ministers and re-shuffled his cabinet. He also suspended the country’s top cop, Genl. Bheki Cele and appointed teams to investigate Cele’s conduct and the Arms Deal. The two ministers who were axed are Sicelo Shiceka (Local Government minister) and Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde (Public Works minister). Both these ministers’ conduct were investigated by the Public Protector. Ms Thuli Madonsela and her team. It was alleged that Shiceka spend R600 000 on un-sanctioned luxury travel overseas and Mahlangu-Nkabinde were investigated for her role in the lease deal of the SAPS Pretoria headquarters. Genl. Bheki Cele will receive his full pay while under suspension. Genl. Nhlanhla Mkwanazi will be the acting commissioner. The cabinet re-shuffle will have Richard Baloyi replace Shiceka. Minister Roy Padayachie will move over from Communications to Baloyi’s previous position as Public Service and Administration minister. Dina Pule will take over as the Communications minister and Thembelani (Thulas) Nxesi will be the new minister of Public Works. Unions as well as opposition parties hailed Zuma for taking fierce action. We asked the public what they think about the re-shuffle of the cabinet and Cele’s suspension. We also wanted to know if they expect the newly appointed ministers to perform better.
Ms Bianca Pheasant sê: “Dit is ‘n goeie ding, maar dit gaan nie juis help nie want die volgende ouens sal dieselfde doen”.
Ms Margaret Mpungane said: “It is a good thing. Most of them do corruption while we are struggling. Ministers eat money. Maybe the new ones will be better. We’ll see”.
Mnr. Anton Weber sê: “Zuma moes meer ministers geskors en ontslaan het. Die nuwes sal seker nie beter wees nie.” By hom is Adolf Weber.
Left: Mr Rodger Khoza and Ms Antoinette Maoko said: “It is good that he fired and re-shuffled the ministers. The new ones will do the same as the old ones. We’ll just watch and see what happens”.
28 OKTOBER 2011
re-shuffle and Genl. Cele’s suspension?
Mnr Francois Labuschagne sê: “Hy het ‘n voorbeeld van hulle gemaak. Die ander wat korrup is, sal nou in hul spore trap. Ek hoop die nuwes sal beter wees want hulle het gesien wat gebeur as jy nie jou kant bring nie”.
Mr Surprise Mabelane said: “I think it is good. Ja, the new ones will be better”.
Ms Freina Mgiba: “It is not good. If they want to stay and do the work, they must be allowed to do it”.
Mnr. Leon Kotze sê: “Hulle moet ophou om die mense te skors. Hulle kry volle salaris terwyl hulle vir jare golfspeel terwyl die saak hang. Hulle kry dan gewoonlik ‘n golden handshake. Raak summier van hulle ontslae. Hulle mors net geld. Die volgendes moet beter wees. Hulle moet leer uit die verlede se foute”.
Mr Timothy Maseko said: “It is a good thing he suspended Cele. If you are around while you are investigated, you will disturb the investigation team. It is good the others are fired if they did wrong”.
Me. Belinda van Zyl sê: “Dis uitstekend. Hulle moet al die grootkoppe vasvat en uitskop”.
Ms Marcia Sathekge said: “It’s a good move. At the end of the day we’ll get somebody who is good at the job. They must keep on re-shuffling like that and in the end we’ll have somebody who is suitable”.
Mr Solly Nkoma said: “It is a good move because they did things wrong. Now others won’t do the same thing. They’ll be afraid”.
28 OCTOBER 2011
The store before
New face for Tubatse SUPERSPAR On Wednesday 26 October 2011 Burgersfort SUPERSPAR opened its doors as the revamped Tubatse SUPERSPAR. The store which was opened in its current location in 1999 received a total new look over the past few months. Various changes were made and the store not only offers the highest quality and standards, but also caters for the needs of the community by means of service excellence, value, range and an overal enjoyable shopping experience. The store was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony by Cllr. NJ Mahlake, Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Mayor and Mr Mark Begley of the Christie Group, who owns the store. (See photograph below). Cllr. Mahlake thanked Tubatse SUPERSPAR for their valuable contribution towads the community and the creation of more than 120 permanent jobs. He also said: “We are certain that the staff will appreciate the trust put in them by working hard to protect the legacy of the store and repay the faith management have in them. Spar is know for its cleanliness and quality service and this store will
retain that signature by providing good and quality services to the community”. He added that the revamp of the store added value to the lives of the entire community. Tubatse SUPERSPAR showed their commitment to the community by handing over three cheques - each to the value of R10 000 to local charities. They will be giving away a further R100 000 over the coming weeks and customers can also win a variety of prizes totalling R60 000. The store now has an in-house Deli, a large Bakery and Butchery and a section properly equiped to ensure customers get cool refreshments on Burgersfort’s hot summer days. The fruit and vegetable section has been moved and improved and overall the sore has expanded on the range they offer. A modern, spacious and light environment was created in which it is a pleasure to do your daily and monthly shopping. The staff constantly undergoes training to ensure that customers receive the best possible service. Visit the store to get more details on the various competitions and to get the ultimate shopping experience!
SPAR French Polony 2.5kg
The store now
Sunlight 2 in 1 Hand Washing Powder (All variants) 2kg
Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid (All variants excl. Anti-Bacterial) 750ml
28 OKTOBER 2011
Clover Milk (Full Cream, 2% Low Fat or 1% Low Fat) 2 Litre
R28-99 Spar or Rainbow IQF Mixed Chicken Portions 2kg
28 OCTOBER 2011
Tubatse Chrome Festival a great success The anual Tubatse Chrome Festival took place last weekend at Tubatse Chrome Club. The festival stretched over two days with loads of activities for all ages. Friday evening kicked off with fire dancers mesmerizing the crowds with their skill to move and dance with fire. Afterwards Pieter Koen entertained the crowd before DJ Ferdie took the early morning shift. Stalls, food and kids entertainment were also part of the festival.
Financial pressure due to debt places stress on your relationships. Visit a registered Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free.
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Behind old ABSA bank, near Cheap Cheap. Tel: (013) 231 7140
28 OKTOBER 2011
Music and fun in the sun The Tubatse Chrome Festival drew large crowds to Tubatse Chrome Club last week. With various activities for young and old, nobody had a chance to get bored. Saturday was a day filled with music from Monique, Lee Vaughn, Joe F and the Travelling Buddies.
There was no shortage of music on the programme. The SANBS also came to collect some blood donations.
The SANBS was also around, getting people to donate blood and Jacaranda RMFM had an outside broadcast from the festival on Saturday. The organisers of the festival thanked everyone who contributed towards the success of the event.
28 OCTOBER 2011
Get the newspaper here! Modikwa Management vs Unions * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village
* Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Mecklenburg SAPS * Tubatse Village * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Penge * Factory Shop * Dwarsrivier Mine
Fitter - Pelletising Plant Role Purpose: To contribute towards the business success by ensuring that maintenance and breakdowns are dealt with in such a way that the availability and reliability of the equipment in the work area is optimised. Responsibilities: The incumbent will conduct faultfinding on specified equipment and execute repairs or replacements. Conduct regular routine and planned inspections of specific equipment and execute planned maintenance according to specific schedules and standards. Assemble and install specified spare parts on equipment or machines. Improve the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need a qualification in the field of Fitter or a Fitter and Turner with a recognized Trade Test Certificate. A minimum of 5 years experience on Pellitising and/or Beneficiation Plants. Must have specialist experience on Warman and KSB pumps. Work knowledge of general maintenance systems. Knowledge of risk assessment and hazard identification. Must have own transport with a valid drivers license and avail him/herself to perform standby and call out duties. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preferance will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to the HR Office, at fax: 086 750 4941 or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days of the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Modikwa Platinum Mine’s managers took on the Unions in a friendly game of soccer on Wednesday afternoon. After a late start, the teams were fast on the ball and eventually the Unions showed Management how to handle the ball by winning the game 2-1. The Modikwa soccer team is currently preparing to participate in a big tournament against teams from other mines.
‘Final score: 2-1 Non-negotiable’
10 13
October 2008 28 24 OKTOBER 2011
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson Platinum Gazette
9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskollende soort. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
Platinum Gazette Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151
Platinum Gazette Advertising deadlines are on Tuesdays at 17:00 and editorial deadlines at 17:00 on a Wednesday.
Vakante Betrekking ‘n Gevestigde besigheid in Steelpoort is opsoek na ‘n dame wat kan uithelp met die volgende: Algemene kantoorwerk en admin. Sy moet goed Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Moet rekenaargeletterd wees. Moet onder druk kan werk en goeie menseverhoudinge handhaaf. Vorige ondervinding sal ‘n bonus wees. Faks CV na: 086 540 7072
BOKONI PLATINUM MINE As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the choice employer in the field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:
Work Description The Production Manager has the Legal accountability with a 3.1 appointment in terms of the Minerals Act and Regulations and is required to assist the manager in the control, management and direction of the workings of the mine in his area of responsibility, as stipulated by the regulations. The main responsibility of this role is to ensure that the operational process in a defined area of the mine operates effectively through the; - Control of the working environment and promotion of ‘Zero Tolerance’ principles. - Proper allocation, development and utilisation of human resources. - Utilisation of new technology, financial, logistical and material assets. - Management of the process of ore body exposure and stripping and the administration of these functions, and is, - Accountable for the well being of the workforce and the sustained profitability of the operation, with a time frame of 1-3 years. Minimum Requirements Mining degree/diploma or mine managers certificate At least three years mining experience and be in management position at metalliferous mines. Computer literate. Key Responsibilities “Zero Tolerance” principles are implemented, measured and responded to throughout the entire area of responsibility. Legal and Management specifics are adhered to. All statistical and progressive production figures required by working procedures and site-specific systems are completed and available. Required reef horizons are identified and the necessary development to expose them planned and scheduled with the development team. Production forecasts are quantified and planning to achieve targets completed with the stoping team. Interaction of relevant departments and the mining team is co-ordinated, monitored and optimised. Production targets for reef exposure and stripping are met within defined parameters of quantity and quality. Operating costs throughout the process are kept within budget limitations. The performance of the workforce is monitored and improved through the development of skills and behavior Team Captain of the management team. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by faxing to 015-418 3204 E-mail to closing date 04 November 2011. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.
Thlabologo Investment Company, also representing: Mpsika Catering and Accommodation, Masojane Labour Recruitment, Leahlaba Building and Construction & Thakgaletswalo Concrete Works Reg. No. 2001/018640/07 Telephone: Fax: Postal Address:
(013) 214 7034 (013) 214 7961 (013) 214 7034 PO Box 377, Driekop, 1129
VACANCY - GENERAL MANAGER Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of General Manager at Tlhabologo Construction Investment and its subsidiaries (also known as Development Companies) situated in the Eastern Bushveld near Burgersfort and Steelpoort. Job Purpose To develop and implement robust and implementable corporate and business strategies, manage subsidiary companies, manage relationships with key stakeholders, provide strategic leadership and advance skills development strategies whist providing leadership in achieving sustainable profitability of the company and its subsidiaries. Minimum Requirements • Relevant qualification in Project Management • 5 years experience in a management position • Strong knowledge in building and construction Major Responsibilities/Key Performance Areas/Main Duties • Provide strategic management and leadership to DEVCO, Development and Implement Business and Corporate strategies of DEVCO • Provide leadership in implementation of staff management and skills development strategies • Provide ongoing strategic advice to the Board on the general operations of DEVCO • Be custodian of DEVCO’s risk management strategies • Be custodian of the corporate governance and good business ethics principles and practice standards of DEVCO • Provide leadership in ensuring attainment of full compliance to relevant and applicable statutory compliance requirements of the company • Oversee compliance and implementation of all safety, health, environment and quality requirements and standards • Develop and implement identification strategies of sustainable business opportunities for DEVCO • Develop and implement relationship strategies with key stakeholders • Monitor alignment of operational units to support the strategic objectives of DEVCO • Report and accountable to the DEVCO Board and DEVCO Steering Committee Knowledge and skills • Project Management • Financial Managements principles • Business Planning orientated • Performance Management systems • Strong negotiation skills • Safety, Health, Environment standards Attributes • Business acumen • Safety conscious • Presentation skills • Ability to understand community dynamics • Professionalism • Strategic thinking • Effective communication • Ability to lead and motivate people All interested applicants must email to or fax to: (013) 214 7960 attention Lucas Tebele. Closing date for the applications is the 18th November 2011 and no late applications will be considered. For more information contact HR Department at (013) 214 7034. NB: should you not hear from us 21 days after the closing date, you must consider your application unsuccessful. PG-MDC28/10/11
28 OCTOBER 2011
Thorburn Security Solutions committed to communities The Eastern Limb Mines Executive Mayor’s Road Race (Athletics SA recognized race) was held on 22 October 2011 in the Sekhukhune District. Local platinum and chrome mines and smelter operations in the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex once again contributed to prize money and sponsored expenses associated to this Sekhukhune District community driven road race. Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe and the Greater Tubatse Mayor Cllr Mahlake both participated in the race.
For the first time Thorburn Security Solutions also entered 10 of their employees to participate in this race with one Thorburn runner finishing 16th in the 10km road race. Local Steelpoort (in the heart of the Eastern Limb) based private security business Thorburn Security Solutions expanded their commitment to the communities by offering athletes completing the race a “goodie bag” including a water bottle for future races, peak caps, sweets and drinks. 500 goodie bags and a few shirts were handed out. “It is a privilege to be involved in the Sekhukhune communities as we are part
of them, our staff are from the Sekhukhune District and we have been doing business from Steelpoort since 2006 – we are really local” says Thorburn Security Solutions Managing Director Dolf Scheepers who also pledged support for the 2012 race. (Article: Dolf Scheepers).
This was the second year the Eastern Limb Mines Executive Mayor’s race took place. Get all the results and more photographs on page 15 and 16. The race has yet to deliver a Limpopo winner.
Soccer season is here in full swing Soccer season is on in full swing. Last weekend Maatlopo United played agains IX Experience at Mooihoek in a SAFA SAB Sekhukhune regional game. For Maatlopo it was not a good start as they were beaten fair and square by the hosts. The game ended 2-1. This weekend Nedbank Cup games will resume. On Saturday Maatlopo will host four teams at Ntwampe Stadium, Moroke. The first game will start at 10:00 and will be between Maatlopo United and Real Touch. Makgalanoto Young Chiefs will take on IX Experience at 12:00 and the final game will be at 15:00. Everyone who loves sport are invited to come and support the various teams. (Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226).
95 139each
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10995 BUILD IT WATERPROOFING (Assorted colours) 5Lt Plus free Membrane
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75mm OR 150mm X 15m ROLL Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00 Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00 Burgersfort. Sundays and Public Holidays: Tel: (013) 231 7529 08:00 - 13:00
11995 per sheet All prices excl. delivery.
28 OKTOBER 2011
Road race fever The Eastern Limb Mines Executive Mayor’s Road Race took place last weekend. More than 400 runners participated in the event and a festive atmosphere were all around. One of the things that made the event
Young and old participated in the race.
Rutendo Nyhora was the Women 21km winner.
Water points were a highligh on the route and sponsors made a day of it at the finish by lighting a braai.
special was the fact that every participating athlete over the finish received a goodie bag sponsored by Thorburn Security Solutions. This race is now in its second year and is growing fast. Read more about the event, who the winners were and more on page 16 of this newspaper.
28 OKTOBER 2011
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Eastern Limb Mines & Executive Mayor’s Road Race The Eastern Limb Mines Executive Mayor’s Road Race too place on Saturday last week. This race is fast becoming one of the most popular in Limpopo. It is also one of the races with the largest prize money for the winners. The race this year started at Ga-Malepe outside Penge and ended at the CN Phatudi Campus of the Sekhukhune FET College. A festive atmosphere was created on the road with various mines and businesses hosting water points. The festivities were continued at the finish where Capricorn FM entertained the crowds and welcomed the athletes over the line. Apart from the 10km and 21.1km race a 5km fun run was also hosted. Mr Mandla Nxumalo, Modikwa Platinum Mine’s Business Leader spoke on behalf of the Eastern Limb Mines at the event. He himself participated and complimented everyone involved with a well organised race. Both Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mgobo David Magabe and Greater
Tubatse Municipal Mayor, Cllr. NJ Mahlake started the race with the athletes. The eldest person to complete the race was a 77-year old woman. The results of the race were: 10km Men Open 1 Zongamele Dyubeni (Nedbank) 31:42 ; 2 Shadrack Hoff (Mr Price) 32:03 ; 3 Bonginkosi Mokoena (Nkangala) 32:35 Veterans 1 Lazaeus Seroke (Twickenham) 35:24 ; 2 Sam Mashiloane (Toyota) 36:29 ; 3 Humphrey Maleto (Marula) 36:51 Masters 1 Philemon Mogashane (Nedbank) 39:18; 2 Thomas Moagi (Tubatse) 40:46 ; 3 Solomon Masedi (Modikwa) 41:47 Juniors 1 Bonginkosi Mokoena (Nkangala) 32:35 Women Open 1 Andronica Mokgotla (Gauteng Striders) ; 2 Faith Makatu (Foskor) ; 3 Nita Mothokoa (Temp) Veterans 1 Cynthia Mkovane (Nedbank) ; 2 Grace Mboune (Temp)
Masters 1 Maite Sebasebhe (Temp) 21km Men Open 1 Luwis Masunda (Nedbank) 64:06 ; 2 Desmond Mokgobu (ADT) 64:19 ; 2 Lucky Mohale (Mr Price) 64:41 ; 4 Johannes Kekana (Mr Price) 64:49 ; 5 Jabulani Khoza (Nedbank) 64:59 ; 6 Samuel Moleshione (Anmar) 65:09 ; 7 Lebonto Tootse (Global) 65:14 ; 8 Cornelius Lagat (Global) 65:41 ; 9 John Chebi (Nedbank) 66:10 ; 10 Amos Thanjenwayo (Eskom) 66:35 Veterans 1 Elias Mabane (Bidvest) 67:12 ; 2 Gethun Wordofa (Toyota) 67:24 ;3 Sylvestor Moleko (Bidvest) 69:19 Masters 1 Jerry Rankapule (Nedbank) 78:30 ; 2 Themba Phulu (Panorama) 79:00 ; 3 Francis Makuka (Bashewa) 79:25 Grandmasters 1 Pele Tshikundamalema (Vyebo Striders) 96:15 ; 2 Jack Mathabathe (Progressive Athletics) 97:19 ; 3 Jack Thokoane (Sasol) 1:41:25 Juniors 1 Timothy Munzhelele (Vodacom) 71:22; 2 Collen Mmola (Foskor) 72:12 ; 3
Lucky Manchidi (Temp) Women Open 1 Rutendo Nyhora (Nedbank) 76:44 ; 2 Mpho Mabusa (Galoppers) 77:00 ; 3 Thabita Tsatsa (Mr Price) 78:36 ; 4 Rose Jeptum (Nedbank) 82:39 ; 5 Regina Koech (Nedbank) 84:12 ; 6 Linah Mhlongo (Anmar) 88:20 ; 7 Loveness Madziva (Phumanathi) 89:11 ; 8 Jane Mudau (Nedbank) 89:49 ; 9 Sarah Mhalangu (Toyota) 93:26 ; 10 Eleni Jemal (Toyota) 1:41:34 Veterans 1 Linah Mhlongo (Anmar) 88:20; 2 Jane Mudau (Nedbank) 89:49 ;3 Sarah Mhalangu (Toyota)93:26 Masters 1 Linda Potgieter (Magnolia) 1:44:18 ; 2 Selinah Netsisaulu (RAC) 1:57:49 ; 3 Jemina Khiba (RAC) 2:05:49 Grandmasters 1 Margaret Boshoe (Sunninghill) 2:06:43 Juniors 1 Eleni Jemal (Toyota) 1:41:34 ; 2 Portia Mabena (Modikwa) 2:12:24 ; 3 Khomotso Mphelane (Devlon) 2:17:12. Luwis Masunda and Rutendo Nyhora won the race for the second consecutive year.