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TŠate Heritage Site facinates foreigners

© Platinum Gazette

28 September 2012

When King Sekhukhune of the Ba-Pedi tribe defeated the Boer Commandos, Impi’s and the British Army about 133 years ago, he had a vision of uniting the tribe into one of the formidable empires in the world. His dream was shattered when he was finally conquered by the British troops led by General Sir Garnet Wolseley with the help of Swazi warriors in 1879. Today his lonely statue stands 3m high on the hills of Ntswaneng near TŠate Village, in Sekhukhune. Beneath his statue is a mass grave of 13 British soldiers who were killed by his warriors. The area was identified as a national heritage site in 2007 and since then, tourists from all over the world have been frequenting the site. It has been a norm that each year in September rituals, cleansing and libations are performed at the site in remembrance of the shrewd and brave Sekhukhune. This month, ten volunteers from Germany who are visiting Kgautswane Thusong Service Centre on a one year voluntary service trip, visited the site to learn more about the history of Sekhukhune. Their visit was also to celebrate Heritage Month. The theme of this year is to remind and reconnect the nation with its rich and diverse collective liberation heritage. The group said they enjoyed the visit particularly walking into the cave which was used by Sekhukhune and his soldiers as a hideout during tough times. “We were stunned by holes in the cave which looked like beehives, the stone formations, and the old graves of the British soldiers. The area has a very rich and interesting history and could attract lot of tourists should it be properly marketed. We have been getting a large number of calls from our peers back home after we sent them photos of this place. We also intend engaging Deutschland Funk which is a national radio station in Germany for an interview about the place” said one of the volunteers, Wassily Nemitz who is a journalist.

(Information and photograph: Doc Marebane, GCIS)





Stakeholders gather for update Dwarsrivier Mine believes in providing a platform for their stakeholders to engage with them and be updated on developments, challenges and opportunities. On Wednesday this week Dwarsrivier Mine hosted their bi-annual Senior General Manager’s Stakeholder Breakfast. The function took place at Jorge’s Resort near Steelpoort and government officials, counsellors, Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM) Mayor Cllr. Mogobe David Magabe, kghosi’s, the media, community members and other stakeholders attended. At the function the mine introduced the new Senior General Manager, Mr Mthi Mtshengu to those in attendance. Mr Mtshengu took the chance to provide stakeholders with feedback, plans for the future and challenges the mine experiences. He explained that Dwarsrivier is also influenced by the world economic slump and economic conditions prevalent at South African mines. He added that they are working hard to keep the mine profitable under tough conditions, not only for their own benefit, but also for the community around it. So far they’ve done well under tough conditions and hope that it can continue into the future. He touched on employment data from the mine and the projects they have in place to enhance skills development in the area. To date more people have been empowered with skills than can be employed at the mine itself, but they’ve been given the chance to get themselves ready for the competitive mining industry and can seek employment at any mine in South Africa with the skills they’ve gained. They also showcased various Enterprise Development projects which they have embarked on for the benefit of local entrepreneurs, e.g. sponsoring local suppliers in

the recent Steelpoort suppliers’ exhibition. Some of the entrepreneurs include a cooperative that does underground road and walkways construction and has benefited 13 individuals(members) plus 15 employees. Donations and intervention projects in the community were also set out in a presentation. These range from assistance with licensing of the Greater Tubatse Landfill site to helping with food supplies at Dilokong Hospital. The mine had also been involved at the National Water Week Celebrations at De Hoop Dam earlier this year and is a driving force in the fight against climate change with innovative projects at schools and communities in the area. The mine recognises that they should be involved in the development of the communities around them and is taking hands with local and district authorities to create better circumstances for residents. They are contributing towards the development of access roads, provision of potable water, market stalls and electrification of households. They will also be donating towards a street lighting project in Burgersfort. Mr Mtshengu emphasised their importance of the communities and stakeholders to Dwarsrivier Mine and their commitment towards developing relationships and remaining involved as far as possible. SDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Mogobe David Magabe also addressed the audience. He thanked Dwarsrivier Mine for their commitment and efforts to be involved in the area and for providing platforms through which stakeholders can communicate with the mine and stay up to date of what is happening there. He also praised their involvement in the recent Mayor’s Marathon and the example they are setting with their vision for projects. He urged them not to stop contributing and wished them well with their endeavours. After the official part of the morning gifts were handed out to special guests and a hearty lunch was served.

Left: Mr Mthi Mtshengu, SGM of Dwarsrivier Mine hands a gift to SDM Executive Mayor, Cllr. Mogobe David Magabe at the stakeholder breakfast.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine



‘Tri-partite partnerships are the only solution’ - Executive Mayor Observing a minute of silence in remembrance of the recent Markikana Tragedy, guests at Dwarsrivier Mine’s Senior General Managers’s breakfast function earlier this week (photograph right), silently listened as Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe, sketched the social, economic and developmental challenges facing the area. Mayor Magabe told the mine’s guests that the only way to prevent tragedies such as Marikana happening, is to work hard and fast towards the development of people. He clearly stated that government is not the only agent against the race against hopelesness and despair and that it should be a

partnership or alliance between the all stakeholders, of who the main partners are government, the private sector (with particular reference to the mines in the Sekhukhune District) and communities themselves, who also have the responsibility to partake in programmes and projects aimed at sustainable development in the area. Councillor Magabe said although the provision of water and sanitation is a main focus of the Sekhukhune District this year, almost completed projects such as De Hoop Dam could open up a totally new development node with regard to tourism, even though the main thrust of the dam is to provide water to industries and communities.

Ngwaabe Moletsi Business Forum up in arms

The Ngwaabe Moletsi Business Forum of Ga-Masha near Steel Bridge is very unhappy with the treatment they get form the construction company that is responsible for some of the phases of the reticualtion pipelines from the De Hoop Dam. According to the Forum, they agreed with the company that the forum will benefit from the project by inter alia supplying transport to employees of the construction company. We even agreed an a set amount per month for supplying the taxis, but now taxis from other places are used, says the Forum’s Secretary General, Mr Sipho Maboko. We now have resorted to preventing their employees to go to work. The company agreed to meet with us, but now they did not arrive”. Visiting the Forum’s head office in Ga- Masha, Platinum Gazette waited with members for the company’s representative, but he only send a message delivered to the Police that he will not make it. So on Thursday morning the Forum resumed their ‘preventing’ tactics. Efforts to contact the company functionary on his cellphone from the newspaper’s side to comment, fell on a voicemail.

‘They do just what they want, it is a billion rand contract, they do not care about us’





Believe it or not: Crime statistics from the Police (unaltered and unaudited)

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Celebrating our diverse heritage on 24 September Readers share their photographs and experiences

Ms Pheladi Sephule Aletta Mmokgwadi showcased her proud Sepedi heritage at work last week Friday. She said: “I am proud of my culture and I am not shy of my culture. I am a real Pedi”. She e-mailed her photograph to Platinum Gazette.

Right: At Sealane Village a group of approximately 70 people celebrated their Swazi (Amaswati) roots on Heritage Day. They gathered in traditional attire and performed dances and enjoyed a braai together. “Yes, we also celebrated braai day,” said Mr Groovy Masemola Nkosi who submitted the photographs and provided the information.

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Tel: (013) 231 7529

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Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Vrydag ‘n hoogs suksesvolle Wildsfees by die skool aangebied om geld in te samel. Die konsep van die fees het daarop neergekom dat maatskappye elkeen ‘n ‘boma’ kon koop waar hulle gaste kon onthaal en hulle op wildvoorgeregte en wildsbraai kon trakteer. Bykosse en nagereg om by die wildvleis te pas is ook aangebied en gaste kon tot baie laat (vroeg in die oggend) kuier. Wildvleisprodukte is ook te koop aangebied en die skool gaan probeer om die fees ‘n jaarlikse instelling te maak. O ja, later die aand is ‘n veiling gehou en aan die groot glimlag van die skoolhoof, mnr Anton Alberts (links op die foto onder), was die pryse wat behaal is, glad nie sleg nie ...

Steelpoort Akademie raak wild

... en hulle moet skool toe gaan Sportveld loop deur “‘n Mens kan nie glo dat mense wat veronderstel is om ‘n opvoeding te hê so kan optree nie”. Mnr Anton Alberts, skoolhoof van Steelpoort Akademie, het vandeesweek verontwaardig vertel dat “twee manne was aan die einde van die skool se Wildsfees Vrydagaand blykbaar baie sterk en het besluit om kringe gras met hulle groot sterk bakkies op die skool se sportveld om te dolwe. Ek weet nie wat hulle wil bewys om die skool se bates so te verniel nie. Die gras was geskenk en ons versorg dit met groot moeite. Hoekom nou dit?” Mnr Alberts sê hy weet wie dit is en het die skuldiges gekonfronteer, wat belowe het hulle sal Maandag by die skool wees, maar hulle het nie opgedaag nie. Volgens hom beloop die kwotasie om die skade te herstel, sowat R10 000.




Do you think crime is coming down? The crime statistics for the 2011/ 2012 financial year was released last week. According to the report murders fell with 3.1%, house robberies are less by 1.9% and car hijackings have dropped 11.9%. Business robberies have however risen by 7.5%. The DA’s Dianne Kohler Barnard said that people are not trusting the figures as it is not independently audited. The consumer insights company Pondering Panda also researched what young South Africans think about crime. They found that 62% of young South Africans think that crime is increasing while only 19% feel that things are improving. We asked readers what they think about the statistics and how they experience crime prevalence.

Ms Asnath Masinga said: “I think we are winning against crime. We are no longer afraid to walk home at about 20:00 at night. You can get home safe. The police is doing a good job”.

Mr Neels Swanepoel and Ms Rachel Mashaba said: “No, we don’t agree that crime is getting better. People report crime, but the police are late to come and investigate”.

Mr Moloto Matome said: “It is still a problem. People are tired of reporting crime. We are not safe. Politicians should let go of their bodyguards and feel like the rest of us, then maybe they will take crime seriously. The statistics does not reflect what is happening”.

Mnr. George Brunette sê: “Misdaad is hier nie eintlik ‘n probleem nie. Teenoor Johannesburg is Burgersfort niks. Ek bly in die middel van die dorp en het nog niks crime teëgekom nie. Hier is ook gereelde roadblocks deur die polisie. My tannie is wel in 2010 van haar handsak en selfoon by Shoprite beroof”. Right: Mr Steve Mkhabela and Mr Elias Malete said: “Cash in transit robberies has reduced and we think there are less house breakings, but there is more physical violence. Some crimes go unreported as people are afraid of victimisation and being hurt”.

Mr Phillip Mushaikwa said: “In fighting crime the focus must not be on the police, but on the community and their responsibility. People often don’t know how to prevent crime. I want to believe we are winning against crime. The SAPS are doing their best to maintain law and order”.

Mr Mandla Nxumalo and Mr Xolani Gononda said: “Crime is still a big problem. It depends on where you are. Here in Burgersfort the crime is low compared to other provinces. It still needs a lot of improvement though”.

Mr Eric Kgoete said: “I can’t see a difference in crime. We are still facing a challenge, especially because of unemployment. Crime won’t go down while unemployment goes up. These days the police have the power to shoot. The problem is that they shoot the wrong people. Robbery is also very high where I live. Every second day we hear of something that happened”.

Mr Gift Mangwale said: “The Minister of Police is trying to pave the way for Mangaung with good reports - it is around the corner that conference. The Police have failed the masses dismally”.

Mnr. Neels Claase sê: “Mense meld nie meer misdaad aan nie. Misdaad is hoog maar aan die ander kant is daar ook nie werk nie. Korrupsie is baie”.

Mnr. Marius Smuts sê: “Dit raak minder, maar ek dink mense meld nie meer misdaad aan nie so die statistieke wys dit nie want die polisie doen niks nie. Dit bly by aanmeld en dis dit”.

Mr Andries Machipa and Mr Lesley Ndou said: “The statistics are not right. The Minister is lying. Crime is very high. These guys in blue are not doing their job. Like just now they came shopping with a police vehicle”. Mnr. Flip (Koekies) Koekemoer sê: “Dis ‘n getoesmeerdery. Ek bly in Burgersfort so ek ken misdaad. Hulle het twee keer in ses maande by ons bure ingebreek. Ons het ‘n pitbull so niemand kom naby nie. Toe die bure se inbrake aangemeld is het die polisie nie eens uitgekom nie. Daar is nou al by al drie die huise rondom waar ons gebly het ingebreek in die laaste paar maande”.

Me. Maria Zeelie sê: “Die statistiek is verkeerd. Hier is veral diefstal, roof, voertuie wat gesteel word ens. wat ‘n groot probleem is. Ons bly in Elephants Hill en naby ons is daar in agt maande twee karre gesteel. Die polisie is korrup. Ons het hulle al gebel om uit te kom en dan sê hulle dat hulle oppad is, maar ons wag nou nog vir hulle”. By haar is Leon.

Mnr. Neil Bruwer sê: “Dis sommer belaglik. Ek het vier ure gewag om ‘n saak by die Burgersfort polisie aan te meld en toe nog twee dae vir die saaknommer. Dit was ook nie lank terug nie, so drie maande gelede”. By hom is Charlene.

Mnr. Kobus Boshoff en me. Janet Smal sê: “Hier is steeds soveel probleme. Een polisieman is meer korrup as die volgende”.




Nice new tables, to sit and learn

One of the beacons in Burgersfort Burgersfort has a long and rich history. The town boomed from a farming town to a mining town in recent years. One of the few remaining buildings from the original town includes the buildings Doctors Willem and Elanie Fouché is currently using as their surgery. Next to it is an old corrugated iron building, still as it was years before. Dr Willem Fouché tried to keep the buildings in their original form as much as possible. The buildings on this site was the old Burgersfort Mill for most of the last century. After that it was turned into a workshop when a man with the surname Pienaar came from Penge to establish his business. After the workshop it was used as a Pap & Vleis eating house before it was turned into a hardware shop. In 1986 Dr Fouché bought it and converted it into his consultation rooms. The aloes in front of the building are indigenous to the area and had lovely flowers over the past few weeks. They also provided a home to this Praying Mantis.

Steelpoort Academy recently received new tables for their grade 0 classes. The donation was made by Kopanong and the tables constructed by Willie Janse van Rensburg. Here the classes are with Ms Sanet Oosthuizen, Ms Karin Cronjé, Ms Eunice Raugube and Mr Casper Badenhorst of Kopanong.

Join the heritage celebrations

The Sekhukhune District Municipality will host a Heritage Festival in conjuction with Thobela FM. The Sekhukhune District will be hosting it’s celebrations on 29 September at the Bogalatladi Sports Grounds in Atok village in Fetakgomo Municipality. The theme will be “Celebrating the Heroes and Heroines of the Liberation Struggle in South Africa” and the aim is to help remind and reconnect the nation with its rich and diverse collective liberation heritage. In aligning with the theme for the 2012 celebrations, the provincial Department of Sports, Arts and Culture has mandated the Sekhukhune Numbers 24:6 District “Like valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river, like Municipality aloes planted by the Lord, like cedars beside the waters”. to organize (New International Version) a site visit (cleansing ceremony) Numeri 24:6 to “Hulle lyk soos uitgestrekte valleie, soos tuine aan ‘n rivier, soos commemorate aalwyne wat deur die Here geplant is, soos sederbome by die the life of water”. Mohumagadi

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or Advertising deadline: Every Tuesday at 17:00

Madinoge (Ga-Mashabela). In giving concrete expression to the theme, the district municipality has made an addition to the mandate by including site visits to the families and grave sites of the late Peter Nchabeleng (Apel) and the late Profession Magapatona (Magakala Moroke village) to the list. Following the site visits all the people of Sekhukhune District Municipality will converge at Bogalatladi Sports Grounds for a cultural extravaganza called “Sekhukhune District Municipality and Thobela FM Heritage Festival” which will be characterized by activities aimed at creating awareness of Liberation Heritage through oral history narrations, exhibitions, poetry, dance, songs and site visits in order to preserve our collective memory and promote national unity. Four outstanding cultural groups from Sekhukhune will be honoured for tehir sterling contribution in upholding our heritage. They are: Mafalosa Nkwe Thabeng (Kiba), Dikwena Tse Botse Tsa Ga-Matsepe (Makgakgasa, direto), Sagila Semnikathi and Ubuhle Beswe. More than 40 cultural groups will showcase their talent during the event. Renowned Kiba music legendary Dr Sello Galane will provide entertainment. More information: 013 262 7332 or 7336.




Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

9. Te Huur/ To Let One bedroom bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex.Available 1 October 2012. Contact: 076 666 1100

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.

Being on the ball, is not always easy or nice...

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Remember Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

Platinum Gazette

Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

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Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

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Provinsiale proewe toe vir hokkie Monique Language, Tiaan Havenga en Lourencia van Dyk het verlede week Woensdag aan die Ehlanzeni hokkieproewe by Penryn College naby Nelspruit deelgeneem. Dié drie spelers is gekies om verder te gaan

deelneem in die vierde kwartaal. As deel van die Ehlanzenispan gaan hulle nou teen skole van regoor die provinsie deelneem om ‘n plek in die provinsiale span te probeer losslaan.

Onnies wat weet van sport Kennisgewings/Notices

Twee personeellede van Steelpoort Akademie is sportsterre om mee rekening te hou. Me. Cornelia Ebersöhn het gedurende die jaar haar nasionale kleure verwerf vir hoogspring, verspring en driespong in haar ouderdomskategorie. Sy was nog altyd sportief en mik om volgende jaar wanneer sy in ‘n ander ouderdomsgroep val weer deel te neem. Mnr. Louis van Dyk is ‘n kranige tennisspeler.





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Compulsory Briefing Session: Greater Tubatse Old Municipal Council Chamber, Corner Kort and Eddie Sedibe Streets, Burgersfort on the 03rd October 2012, Wednesday, at 09H00 Document Fee: R500.00, each, Non-refundable.

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, responsiveness to the bid document (s), and on a 90/10 points system, of which the 90 points will be for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate.

CONDITIONS OF THE BID 1. This bid is restricted to the contractors registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500.00 each from Wednesday the 03rd October 2012 at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania street, Burgersfort, from 08H30 to 15H00 during week-days. 2. Bids will be closed and opened in public on the 19th October, 2012 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope, appropriately marked the name of the bid tendering-for and deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s physical address as detailed on 1 above. No faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted. 3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and/or collectively to execute the above contract, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids. 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period. 5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database. 6. All bidding enquiries should be directed, during working hours from 07H30 to 16H00, to O N MOSOMA at 013 231 1000 / 1231 or and technical enquiries to S. KAPUTA at 015 291 4611 or Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager

Cornelia Ebersöhn en Louis van Dyk.

Steelpoort teacher for managing position Cross country is her beat Ms Lindiw Mahono, a teacher at Steelpoort Academy is a teacher that is game for sports. This love has seen her becoming the Mpumalanga cross country team’s managers. She will be joining the team when they head towards the South African National Championships inthe near future.

Hy het aan die begin van September aan die Interprovinsiale Tenniskampioenskappe in Durban deelgeneem. Dié toernooi het onbeslis geëindig na slegte weer. Die afgelope naweek het hy op Secunda aan die Geslote Mpumalanga Kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Daar het hy as die enkelspel wenner in die ouderdomsgroep 45+ weggestap. Hy en sy spanmaats het ook die dubbelspel (30+) gewen en die gemengde (40+) wedstryd.




Golf day for Owen a big success Owen Viljoen was an avid sportsman and a second year student at the University of North West (Pukke) when he started complaining of headaches. After numerous doctors consultations they a tumor against his brain stem was discoverd. After complications after an operation to remove the tumor family and medical personnel feared he would not survive. Owen however fought back and will now

need rehabilitation and chemotherapy. On 15 September a golf day was held at Tubatse Chrome club to raise funds to assist with his medical expenses as his medical fund is depleted.

The organisers of the day would like to thank everyone who contributed towards its success. (Photographs & information: Mariska Stickling).

Players and sponsors generously supported the golf day in aid of Owen Viljoen. (Photographs: Mariska Stickling)

Support the effort to help Sox

The benefit tournament will take place in honour of Sox Thobejane on Saturday and Sunday this week.

The Hlomphang Bagale ba Diloko organisation is organising a benefit tournament for this coming weekend. The tournament will be in aid of Sox Thobejane, a well known community builder and contributor towards education and sports in the Magakala area. He was born disabled and is not even 1m tall. He has 11 children and they are dependant on forster grants. Sox also have to make do without a wheelchair. The Hlomphang Bagale ba Diloko organisation is an independent organisation. The games will take place at Mathule Ground on 29 and 30 September. The fixture is as follows: Moroke Ltd vs Diarora (10:00), Sekgobela FC vs Tshipi FC (12:00), Serafa M Blues vs SAPS Moroke Station (14:00), Mathule FC vs Fast 11 (16:00). Gate fee is R10 but any donation above that is welcome as the money will go towards a good purpose. The organisers are inviting everyone in the area and province to come and give their support to this effort and the teams participating. (Compiled by: Jimmy Makola, secretary of Hlomphang Bagale ba Diloko and Maatlopo United PRO). Enquiries: 082 407 6226/071 035 4246.

In these difficult financial times your debt could easily get the better of you. A registered debt counsellor & administrator could help you regain control of your finances.

Consumers suffering under the yoke of over-indebtedness can consult a Debt Counsellor for advice on how to extricate themselves from the debt trap, advises Peter Setou, Senior Manager Education and Strategy at the consumer watchdog, National Credit Regulator (NCR). A debt counsellor is someone who is registered with the National Credit Regulator and who assists consumers who are experiencing debt-related problems and are having difficulty in making their current monthly payments by providing them with budget advice and mediation with credit providers. From 1 June 2007, debt counselling services became available to consumers, who are unable to honour in a timely manner, all credit agreements to which they are party, as indicated by their payment history of debt repayment. Setou says Debt Counsellors also give highly indebted consumers basic information necessary to resolve their everyday credit problems so that they do not revert back into the debt trap. Debt counsellors can work independently or as part of an organisation. “A consumer who is over-indebted may approach a Dept Councellor directly, or he/she may be referred to a Debt Counsellor by his/her creditor/s or by die magistrate court,” explains Setou. In a bid to curb the exploitation of consumers, says Setou, the NCR has agreed to guidelines proposed by the Debt Counsellors’ Association of South Africa (DCASA), together with other Debt Counsellors. He explains that the guidelines are an interim measure aimed at setting maximum fees that Debt Counsellors may charge in order to limit exploitation of overindebted consumers, pending the finalisation of the fee regulations by the Department of Trade and Industry. Information:

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:



Platinum Gazette

SPORT Kannetjies sê hul ouers die stryd aan Die krieketseisoen het vir skole ten einde geloop en die eerstespan van Steelpoort Akademie het dit met hul jaarlikse pa-en-seun wedstryd afgesluit. Die seuns en ouers het wedstrydplanne beraam om seker te maak hulle wys wie is baas. Die seuns kon onbepaald kolf tot hulle uitgeboul of gevang word terwyl hul ouers slegs ‘n voorafbepaalde hoeveelheid boulbeurte voor die paaltjies gekry het. Dit was groot pret vir almal en ‘n hele klompie

Hulle is ouer, maar nog nie koud wanneer dit by krieket kom nie.

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