Platinum Gazette 29 April 2016

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ekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Councillor Mogobo David Magabe, has informed the residents of the district’s municipalities about the current state of the District at a special public council meeting at the Ga-Malekane sports ground next to Steel Bridge adjacent to the R555 road last week Friday. Mayor Magabe told the crowd that the future looks bleak in terms of the present economic downturn and that although the national growth rate of 6 percent will be needed to fulfill in all development and growth needs, it seems that the immediate forecast is nearer to 0,8 and 0,9 percent. Against this background he said: “As a heavily grant dependent municipality with limited revenue base, this situation poses a challenge to our capacity to provide services but also our long term future sustenance as a public entity. It is against the above stated background that all of us in the local government sphere must endeavor to achieve more with less, and we must become innovative in approach and ensure that we manage the allocated resources to the exclusive benefits of our communities”. He also expressed his grave concern with the downscaling of mining activities in the area, as it is one of the pillars of the district’s economy. Together with the drought it can wreak havoc on the local economy and Cllr Magabe announced that the district government is working with the national and provincial government to alleviate the effects of the drought in the form of drought relief measures. He stated that the district is still committed to the National Development Plan to tackle unemployment, poverty, inequality and other challenges and will, in line with presidential and the premier’s commitments, explore partnerships with the private sector towards development. Cllr Magabe announced that the provincial government has decided to complete all the half-done roads in the district that are a serious cause of community dissatisfaction in the province. Engineers have also been appointed for the road leading to Ga-Riba village ‘ka thabeng”, the Alverton to Kgautswane road and the India road from Pelangwe village joining the R37, amongst other important roads in the district, while the tarring of the Atok to Maandagshoek road has been pledged by the mining industry. Mayor Magabe described the district and it’s municipalities’ public participation programmes as a huge success, meaning that the government listens to what citizen’s want. He also said that the district municipality is committed to good clean governance, proven by the fact that during the past year 15 cases of tender irregularities had been sorted out and that the district has received unqualified audit reports for two consecutive years. Meanwhile the amalgamation of Fetakgomo and Greater Tubatse local municipalities are going according to plan and that a new name for the bigger municipality will be decided on before the local government elections on 3 August this year. The current administration buildings in Burgersfort and GaNkoana (Apel) will be utilised by the new municipality until the new council decides otherwise. Meanwhile the district municipality has also moved with the first steps to obtain land at Jane Furse for the eventual move of the district municipality’s seat from Groblersdal to Jane Furse. Mayor Magabe said as far as water provision and sanitation projects are on track and that residents should take note that a large number of these projects stretch over several years. He stated that bulk water supply schemes, which include water from De Hoop dam, are progressing well, although he admitted that a problem remains with electricity supply from Eskom to pumps that should feed the system. With regards to the future Mayor Magabe said “When we took over political administration in 2011 after the 3rd democratic local government elections, we set ourselves mayoral strategic priorities as benchmarks to assess our work. The six mayoral priorities as adopted by the Executive then were aligned with the manifesto of the people and amongst others had the noble objectives of: - intensifying provision of basic services - fostering social cohesion and nation building through active citizenry - creating jobs and fighting poverty - providing sound financial management etc. We have worked tirelessly hard in ensuring that these objectives are achieved within the ambits of limited public resources. Indeed more households have access to basic service than they were 5 years ago, indeed we can proudly say that the quality of life in general has improved, we can attest to the fact that democracy is working and people participate in government processes. However we are the first to acknowledge that it has not been easy, we are still faced with massive developmental challenges especially as it relates to access to basic services. We are a growing district and as we grow demand for basic services increases. We have a task to ensure that we improve our capacity to meet the growing demand and this we can only do if we are able to utilise allocated budgets optimally, employ technically sound officials, tighten our oversight work but most importantly ensure that we improve on revenue collection to augment our conditional grants allocation. This can be done only if we can unite the 1,2 million population of Sekhukhune, young and old, black and white to start being active agents and participants towards a shared developmental future. Indeed a social compact between government, traditional leaders, rate payers, business, labour and other stakeholders is essential towards realising the goals of a developmental local government as spelled out in the white paper of 1998”.



Gazette SODA

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

29 April 2016

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29 APRIL 2016


Murder at Riba Cross

Finally working again

Traffic lights in Praktiseer is finally working again. This four-way has seen major changes over the last few months. Apart from the new hawker stalls, bus stop and side walk, the traffic lights that had been out for probably more than a year is bright and working again. Now it is just up to drivers to obey these pretty red, green and orange lights.

The Tubatse Police are investigating a murder that occurred in Riba Cross during the weekend. A 31-year old man was assaulted and later died of his injuries at the Polokwane provincial hospital. At about 19:10 on Saturday 23 April, the Police in Polokwane received a report from the provincial hospital that there is a person who passed away as a result of an assault. The Police visited the hospital and found that the report is was correct. The police made some enquiries and contacted the victim’s next of kin. It was alleged that the man was assaulted by a suspect known to his girlfriend with an unknown object in Riba Cross on 23 April at about 04H30 in the morning. The victim was taken to Dilokong hospital for treatment, he was transferred to Polokwane where he died just after his arrival. A case of murder was opened and transferred to Tubatse SAPS for further investigations. The SAPS managed to arrest a 27-year old man as a suspect in the case. He will appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court soon. (Information: Const. Mvundlela S.J, Tubatse SAPS)

Malachi 4:1-3 (NIV) “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. 3 Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.

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Promotion valid from 25 April - 7 May 2016. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.

29 APRIL 2016


Samancor ECM boosts learning through Project Ukunikeza at Mangabane Primary School Samancor ECM values communities surrounding the mines and believes that the future is in the hands of the children. One of the ways in which these children can be sure of a bright future is through quality education. Last year they finished masive infrastructure projects at schools and this year they’ve also initiated Project Ukunikeza at Mangabane Primary School. It is the goal of Ukunikeza Training group

to ensure that all educators at Mangabane Primary School from grade R to grade 7 are equipped with the necessary skills, resources, teaching methods and props that they can operate independently from us. It is our ultimate dream that the educators on our program will be equipped, experienced and confident in their newly acquired abilities that they start to teach and support teachers in the neighbouring schools, to ensure that each and every learner in that two circuits around the mines can reach their full potential in life. The aim is that educators are to be prepared for the new intake of learners each year, without assistance from Ukunikeza and, as such, skills transfer has been affected in a self-sustainable manner. Through Ukunikeza teachers are assisted with their preparation for daily, weekly informal assessments to test if learners have achieved the set outcomes for the week. They are also assisted in preparing formal assessments as required by the Department of Education and formal tests as set out by the Department of Education. Ukunikeza introduces different teaching resources to educators and provide them with a variety of teaching methods that will help them achieve set outcomes. Educators learn how to do pre-evaluation of a learner, receive assistance in setting their academic program, learn school- and classroom

management skills, receive assistance with lesson preparation, how to compile feedback to the school and parents as well as doing proper monitoring and evaluation. The progress of learners is monitored and evaluated. Learning barriers are addressed and solved. Through the Ukunikeza Training Group’s involvement at Mangabane approximately 405 learners will benefit from improved skills and teaching methods as well as 10 educators who will work with the program training group. The group has been achieving results since 2003 when it started providing support and training for educators. Samancor ECM is proud to be involved in helping to create better educational outcomes in the surrounding communities. (Information & photographs: Mariska Stickling, Samancor ECM)




Driving a new star on Kyalami The Kyalami race track in Gauteng was until last Saturday, just a fond memory of the editor of Platinum Gazette because as a boy he visited the track with his dad and had loads of fun for a weekend watching the fierce competition around the track while camping behind one of the spectator stands. The track was basically in the veld back then … Much have changed, with lots of traffic and buildings around the newly developed track, which now belongs to Porche South Africa. They are not quite finished with the development yet, but finished enough so that you can drive around the track. So we were there at 08:00 as guests of General Motors South Africa to drive the new Opel Astra and to get to know the car better. The team from GM was readying the cars while we had snacks and coffee with a group of about 50 other guests. Then we all had to attend the normal marketing session (which was actually quite interesting and most people listened to what was said) as well as the history of the development of the car, which stands out as Europe’s car of the year. The positive luxuries in terms of road holding, accident prevention, radar detection of obstacles in the road, performance, economy and environmental friendliness were explained to guests. And affordability. Although it is expensive (especially for the top of the range 1.6 Turbo car), GM was quick to point out that for the same specification vehicle of another marque, you could easily pay a quarter more. So the logic is apparently, why bother with another marque? And they were right. On to the cars, we had the opportunity to test the vehicles’ prowess between packed cones, and then storm an inflatable dummy taxi to test the accident prevention systems (or driver assist systems in the literature). The ‘taxi’ was destroyed after one driver discovered that you actually have to steer away from the obstacle after the car reduced speed for you, and not into it … The high speed slalom on the track also proved lots of fun, especially with the automatic car’s normal and sport modes engaged to feel the difference. And then the track. 1 litre 3 cylinder turbo, 1.4 turbo and 1.6 turbo vehicles swooshed around the track with guests behind the wheel for two rounds each. The track? Wonderful! The cars? Wonderful! BUT, we had to keep behind a guide vehicle and no overtaking was allowed for safety reasons. Platinum Gazette’s woman test driver said something of the 1 litre car being a little bit ‘pap’ for the track, but as things go, those ones are not really meant to race with … We loved the experience and the cars. We are sure they will be winners. We cannot wait to test drive them properly when they arrive at Westvaal Steelpoort and Westvaal Mashishing, who incidently made our Kyalami experience possible!

29 APRIL 2016

29 APRIL 2016


Platinum Gazette

Angling joy for Johan On Friday 22 April 2016 the Chrome Angling Club hosted their last day/night competition before winter strikes. They started at 17h00 on Friday afternoon and ended at 10h00 on Saturday morning. A total of 25 anglers entered the competition. 15 Senior men, 2 senior woman, 5 junior boys and 3 junior girls participated. All these anglers battled it out to be crowned the Club Champion at the end of the year in his/her category. Results: Biggest Barbell; Johan Garnett-Bennett jnr – 7.15kg (photograph below) Biggest Carp; Natasha van Wyngaard – 5.33kg Biggest junior boy’s fish; Dana Riekert – Carp, 3.62 Heaviest total; Johan Garnett-Bennett jnr – Total weight of 8.90kg Junior Girl; Mianke Visagie – Curper, 0.74kg “We are very proud of the amount of juniors who prefer to trade their places in front of the television and rather enjoy the fresh outdoors next to the dam with their fathers. The Chrome Angling Club’s main aim is to promote angling with our juniors as they are the future on who the survival of our fish stocks depend. We are creating the basis on which they will base their morals in future. The Chrome Angling Club wish to thank these regular anglers for their continuous support. We are looking forward to see all again for the first winter competition on 28 May 2016” said Theo Visagie from the Club. (Information & photograph: Theo Visagie)

Junior jagters wys hulle kan Vyf jong jagters het verlede naweek hulle eerste jagtog saam met die Bosbok tak van die SA Jagters Vereeniging gehad. Hulle het suksesvol die eerste fase opleiding tydens die Ramkat Junior Jagkamp voltooi en hierdie was die volgende stap. Vier van die vyf het elk ‘n rooibok geskiet. Hulle het die naweek by Mamotale Game Lodge deurgebring. Die jagters bedank graag Danie en Eduard le Roux vir hul gasvryheid en gebruik van die fasiliteite. (Inligting & foto’s: Loffie van Emmenis).

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar

op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 and R5000. Water and lights

included.(Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6500, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call or what’s app 082 578 6113. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2

Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808


Platinum Gazette


Tel: 013 231 7147

The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr Ralepane Mamekoa invites you to attend the 2016/17 Draft IDP/Budget Consultative meetings scheduled as follows; CLUSTER WARDS





Ward 18

Municipal Chamber (Old)

03 May 2016



Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Steelpoort

New Municipal Chamber

03 May 2016



20 & 22

Marota Tribal Hall

04 May 2016




Batubatse Primary

04 May 2016




Dresden Marakabele Primary

05 May 2016



23 & 24

Mahlashi Primary School 06 May 2016



04, 05, 07 & 19

Pulana Maroga Community Hall

07 May 2016



03, 08 & 12

Magabaneng Community Hall

08 May 2016



02, 06 & 31

Maelebe Primary School

09 May 2016




Batau High School

10 May 2016



10, 11 & 17

Manyaka Community Hall

11 May 2016


NB. For transport arrangements please contact Ward Councillors, Ward Committee members, CDW`s and Public participation Unit @ 013 231 1216 during working hours. Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager


29 APRIL 2016

It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Modikwa teams ready Modikwa soccer and netball team visited Northam Zondereinde Mine in Thabazimbi on Saturday 23 April. This visit was part of the preparations for the South African Mining Sports Association (SAMSA) Soccer and Netball Tournaments in May and in August 2016 respectively. Northam is one of the strong teams in the SAMSA tournament. The soccer side clashed on Saturday. In the first game Northam scored first but Modikwa replied immediately with 2 goals which placed the score line at 2-1 to Modikwa. Northam scored the equaliser few minutes before the half-time. In the end both teams were strong and scored again to make the final score 3-3.In a second game played Modikwa took the honours with a 2-1 penalty. The Modikwa netball team cruised over Northam. In a total of 2 games played with 4 sets of 15 minutes each, Modikwa won both games. “Our team played extremely well, we are really proud of our them. They are tournament ready,” said Modikwa netball and soccer coaches, Lindiwe Mdhluli and Protus Sikhakhane. They would like to thank Modikwa Management and everyone who made this trip possible.

Two games for Tubatse Masters On Saturday 23 April, Tubatse Masters hosted Thorburn Security soccer team for a friendly match at Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. From the first whistle both teams showed hunger for goals and created many scoring opportunities but failed to convert it into goals to make the half time score 0-0. In the second half an own goal by a Thorburn player and a goal by Themba Mohubedu gave Tubatse Mas-

ters a 2-0 win on the day. In another match, Tubatse Masters hosted a soccer team from Mototolo for a friendly soccer match. In first half both teams managed to score one goal each to make haft time 1-1. Tubatse Masters managed to score their second goal in the second half and won the match by 2-1. Seun Maroga and Mbesuma Mabaso scored for Tubatse Masters.(Information & photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)

Above and below: Tubatse Masters and Thorburn teams. Above and below: Tubatse Masters and Mototolo teams.

(Information & photos: Protus Sikhakhane)

Modikwa cyclists in Lydenburg Modikwa Platinum MIne Cycle Club participated in a mountainbike challenge in Lydenburg last weekend. The team enjoyed it and performed very well. (Information & photo: Willem Montgomery)

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