Platinum Gazette 29 January 2016

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Platinum Inside:


Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

29 January 2016

For many children, their only sporting greatness in their lifes (like that of the editor) materialise at the school athletics at the beginning of the year. The past week we attended four inter-house athletics meetings in three days to bring you all the action on pages 6 - 9.

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



29 JANUARY 2016


SAPS continues Back-To-School visits The local SAPS continued their Back-To-School campaign by visiting Masupe High School and Ga-Phasha Secondary Schools. Const. Victoria Maluleka was the programme director during both visits while Const. Mphahlele motivated learners and warned them about the dangers of substance abuse, illegal gambling and dangerous weapons. He also encouraged them

to have discipline and be on time for school to take advantage of the full day at school. Selected Grade 6 learners were given school uniforms by Lt/Colonel Kgwedi (the Burgersfort Station Commander and Lt/ Colonel Thiba (Cluster social crime co-ordinator. The initiative is aimed at creating awareness amongst the youth about the dangers of getting involved with crime. Queen Phasha also attended the event at Masupe High School where she also attended school. (Information & Photographs: Const. V. Maluleka)

‘Respect your teachers and parents’ - SAPS

The local SAPS Back to School Campaign continued this week with visits to WEM School, Kwaledi Secondary School as well as Phaasha Secondary School. The police officers and their support team encouraged the learners to focus on their studies, keep away from crime, respect their parents and teachers as well as staying away from drugs. The team will continue to visit schools in the area until end February.

Photograph above: Const. Jerial Mvundlela

It can happen to anyone... Yes, it can happen to anyone. We should all from time to time check our brake lights before venturing onto the road. (Photo taken this week in Burgersfort)

29 JANUARIE 2016

Items stolen from school recovered On Monday 25 January the Tubatse SAPS arrested three men aged 22 - 26 for possession of suspected stolen property. The SAPS reacted on a tip-off from the community. The men are suspected of being in possession of items stolen at a local secondary school in Ga-Motodi between 6 and 11



January. These items included a gas stove and food. Some of the items were recovered during the arrest of the suspects. The suspects appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 27 January and were released on R500 bail each. They must appear in court again on 16 March 2016.

Man robbed and left in bushes On 23 January 2016 a man was robbed when he tried to pick up two people walking near the Tubatse Crossing Robot. He was travelling on the R37 in the direction of Polokwane when he spotted a man and woman walking. Thinking it was late (about 21:00) he wanted to assist them with a lift. As he stopped he was over powered by two men with a firearm and a knife. The men allegedly hit him and pulled him from the drivers’ seat. On of the suspects took the drivers’ seat. They then drove off with the complainant in the direction of Mashifane Park.

Successes from operation Hlasela

(Information & Photo: Const. Jerial Mvundlela).

On 23 January 2016 the Burgersfort SAPS held a Stop-and-Search road block at the R555 Steelpoort road. Between 18:00 and 23:00 the team of police officers arrested 8 people for driving under the influence of alcohol. The SAPS is advising the community to not drive while they are under the influence of liquor. They will be doing daily road blocks like this in the coming weeks and they will be held at different locations. The SAPS also received a tip-off about women selling dagga in Ga-Manoke. They arrested the two on 24 January. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).

There they parked in the bushes. They took his money, bank cards and firearm before assaulting him. The men fled the scene leaving the injured motorist with his vehicle. The Burgersfort SAPS has opened a case and is still investigating the matter. The Burgersfort SAPS is appealing to motorists to not give lifts to strangers or people hitch hiking as this is a common tactic used by criminals to hijack vehicles, rape and even kidnap or murder unsuspecting good samaritans. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).

Theft out of vehicles On 22 January a man parked his vehicle near Flames Signs in Marone Street. He locked the vehicle and went about his business. Upon his return his laptop had been taken from the vehicle. In another incident a man assisting a truck driver used his laptop to fix the truck. He placed the laptop inside his Ford Ranger and went around to talk to the truck driver. Upon his return to the driver’s side of the vehicle his laptop had been stolen. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).


29 JANUARY 2016


‘Mandela Day should be every day’ To give them a little better grip when walking through life. This was the mission Corrie Smith set out to do on Mandela Day (18 July) 2015. He is employed at Cheap Cheap #2 on

the busy corner close to the taxi rank and when an elderly or disabled person walking with the help of a walking stick (kierie) enters the store he is quick to see if their walking aid is equipped with a rubber to help make it non-slip. “Some don’t have anything at the bottom while others are totally worn through”

Ms. V. Kgwedi’s kierie was the 70th one Corrie Smith fixed.

he explains. He has a whole bag with an assortment of rubbers that he then applies to the bottom of the kierie. “Even some of the government issued kieries are worn through. People don’t realise what long distances some of these elderly people walk with the assistance of their kieries”. He is buying the rubbers and material to fix it to the kierie out of his own pocket and makes time to quickly fix it while the customers shop.

Rubbers at the bottom help make the kierie non-slip.

This week he has already fixed 70 kieries since he set out on 18 July last year. “Mandela Day should be every day,” he said. “You know in the end we are all just human and I have a soft heart. It makes me happy when I see the appreciation for what I’ve done. Often some of the people I’ve assisted will pass by the store and just lift their kierie to show that the rubber is still sitting snugly at the bottom. They usually gesture a thank you with that” he says. Sometimes he has to customise rubbers and even pieces of pipe to fit an unusual shape and thickness of some kieries. Corrie believes that everyone can make a difference and he is happy that he can do his bit to make things better for some people in the area. Sometimes his colleagues assist with translating from Sepedi when he communicates with some of the customers who do not speak Afrikaans or English, but the bottom line remains that caring has no language.

Corrie Smith busy fixing a rubber to a kierie.

Bikers who believe The Christian Motorcycle Association held a Biker Blessing Service at the AFM Church in Steelpoort. The service took place on 24 January 2016 and was well supported by both the community and bikers around the area. During such a service bikers who lost their lives on the road are remembered and prayers done for those who still enjoy riding. The day was filled with the unity and love that these bikers aim to bring to the world through their Christianity. (Photographs: Jeanette Maartens)

29 JANUARIE 2016



New owners for Steelpoort Build It Steelpoort Build It is under new ownership and customers can look forward to a strengthened relationship with the store. The Powers PnP Group recently incorpo-

rated the store into the group of companies. Customers can expect the high quality products and service Build It is famous for, but the staff at the store are committed to walk the extra mile with a smile. One of the major changes is the fact that the store will now also be open on Sundays until 13:00. Mr. Powers Motsileng from the Powers PnP Group of companies this week said: “I’ve build my own house buying products from this store. I live just around the corner here in Steelpoort and I believe in the future of the area. We are committed to deliver on quality and service to our customers, but

also improve the overall experience in the shop”. While speaking to the newspaper on Tuesday, he quickly excused himself to go and greet some of the customers, thanking them for their support. (Photograph top left). A hands-on approach where the customer is not just a number is important to the man in charge of the Powers PnP Group. The store offers free local deliveries within a limited radius of the store. (Excluding bricks & cement). Deliveries are done either

on the day of purchase or the following day. They are geared for contractors and companies as well as the individual buyer. Customers can apply for credit in store and value for money prices as well as discount options are available. Special orders are welcome. A plan reading service is offered and the friendly staff will assist with quotes. The store is open on Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 - 17:00; Saturdays from 07:00 - 13:00 and Sundays and public holidays from 08:00 - 13:00.

“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God”. Isaiah 40:1 (NIV) The Steelpoort Build It team is ready to assist.

STEELPOORT Build It S Shop hop Block 2, Rodium Street, Steelpoort. (013) 230 9983 Tel: (0

CORRUGATED IRON 0.3mm x 3.6m (each)

8990 WELDED MESH 1,8m x 100mm x 100mm x 30m




We are now open on Sundays until 13:00!





219990 BUILD IT WATER TANK 2200Lt 8 Year Warranty. Free 20mm Tommy Tap


18990 Promotion valid from 22 January - 6 February 2016. All prices incl. VAT. E.&O.E.


29 JANUARY 2016


Steelies skitter op die baan Steelpoort Akademie het Donderdag 21 Januarie hul huissport gehou. Die rooi span het die beker

vir die beste gees ontvang terwyl die blou span die atletiek gewen het. (Inligting: Arlene Malan)

Verskeie baan- en velditems is aangebied tydens die sport verlede week.

While the Steelpoort Academy athletes participated in the athletics, a few parents assisted at the food stalls. Cansa Steelpoort also made sure that the kids were well protected by providing free sunscreen to them which they were keen to apply.

29 JANUARIE 2016



The fast and the furious...Calvinites Calvin College Inter-house Athletics held their inter-house athletics on Friday, the 22 January. All high school learners at Calvin squared-off by participating in one of three teams. Parce was led by Mrs. Shai, Simpliciters by Mr. Jimu and Naviters by Mr. Mabokwane. The cheer leaders opened the stage and all the vibe steamed up. All the teachers were present to make sure that they did not miss any of the action while the sports field was a beehive of activity. The man behind the organi-

zation of everything, Mr. Vandwani, made sure that everything was going on well. Mrs. Britz, the school principal also spent the whole day as commentator while keeping everyone abreast with the winners per event and the accumulation of points. What begins well ends well. The great day ended with the unexpected teachers’ relay. The Simpliciters were declared the victors and awarded a trophy. Naviter came second and Parce took the third position. (Information: Mr. Ernest Mandishona)

Calvinites braved the heat for the sake of sport. They thanked their sponsors of the day.

Alcohol not for sale to persons under the age of 18. Drink Responsibly.


29 JANUARY 2016


Houtsport Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week Saterdag Houtsport gehad. Hul twee spanne - Olienhout en Kiaat het teen mekaar meegedink in veld- en baanitems. Olien het die atletiek gewen en Kiaat die sangbeker.

Ouers het as beamptes en by die snoepie gewerk om te help om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Die skool bedank elkeen.

29 JANUARIE 2016



Skilpaaie wys die Hasies hoe Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week Vrydag hul huissport gehou. Die Hasies (hasies) en Skillies (groen) het teen mekaar meegeding. Die Skillies het skoonskip gemaak deur beide die trofee vir die beste gees op die dag asook die beste prestasie op die baan in te palm.

(Inligting: Laerskool Burgersfort).

Atlete het in hul verskillende ouderdomsgroepe aan verskeie baan- en velditems deelgeneem. Die leerders wat nie deelgeneem het nie, het die atlete luidkeels aangemoedig.



Extended comfort Isuzu KB 250 Extended Cab Platinum Gazette’s daily commutes are two 4 x 4 vehicles (one big, one small) both with rigid axles front and rear, making for a boon on rough terrain, but a decidedly bumpy ride on the open road, with almost zero directional stability, meaning that if you don’t keep both hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road, you are heading for trouble. So, anything else with a different suspension setup feels super comfortable and handling on the open road, together with directional stability, feels to us like we are inside a sports car and luxury sedan at the same time. Enter the Isuzu KB 250 4 x 2 extended cab bakkie from Westvaal Steelpoort we took for a test drive this week. Like previous Isuzu bakkies we drove during the past year, this bakkie is comfortable, and a nice refreshment after our own ride. The turbo diesel engine (320 Nm between 1800 an 2800 r/min, 100 kW at 3600 r/min) pulls like a steam train in its class. Easy gear changes remove the feeling that you’re driving a farm workhorse, and adds a more refined feeling to the overall drive. The elevated seating position really makes you feel like you’re towering over other cars on the road, which sometimes can be useful. The vehicle displays a slight bumpiness and wavering at the back at speed on the open road when driven with no load in the huge load bay, but it is to be expected. Although this is not the most expensive or luxurious that General Motors South Africa offers, there is certainly no shortage in creature comforts. The bakkie is equipped with an efficient air conditioner and the perceived quality of the materials, switchgear and other equipment seems to be on par and even higher than other bakkies in this market segment. But, what this bakkie is all about is the extended cab. Behind the doors on each side there is a suicide door (opening the ‘wrong’ way) opening to a very large luggage area behind the seats. So, what is the use of this you may ask? It is the perfect place to put all your stuff that needs extra protection from the elements, whether you are an artisan (tools etc.) or another type of businessperson who does not need extra seats, but more protected space apart from the load bay at the back. You can also take you wife somewhere for a weekend if you do not have children. She will show you what the space is for (This is not sexist, just realistic). But, all jokes aside, this bakkie is a serious contender in its market segment, with decent comfort, very decent power and road holding and the potential to make your business easier (as well as your trip to the coast. Serious, it is that comfortable). Bakkies are a tricky thing to advise people on, simply because they get used for such a vast array of purposes. It ranges from a hard working, off-road capable workhorse with a single cab, to a double cab, useless on the gravel, urban show-off bakkie. This Isuzu seems to sit somewhere in between. It’s not entirely useful as a family vehicle due to the lack of seats in the back, and it’s probably not really a farm work horse, but there is a market in the middle, for people who don’t have kids, and don’t need back seats, but enjoy an active lifestyle and need the extra bit of space. At today’s prices the bakkie is not cheap, as is no decent bakkie, but it offers value for money. With the economy as it is, it can only become more expensive. And that goes for any new vehicle. Buy it now. R337 400, tel 013 230 9230.

29 JANUARY 2016

29 JANUARIE 2016


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

2. Betrekking/ Vacancies Sales Rep Required For Lydenburg & Burgersfort Area • Permanent position available. • Commission based salary. • Must be fluent in Sepedi & English. • Credit management / debt collecting experience will be an advantage • CV can be submitted at our Lydenburg office – 52 Church Street or by e-mail: GMC Debt Solutions Adress: 52 Kerk Str, Lydenburg Tel: 082 924 9292

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te huur vanaf 1 Februarie 2016. Naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954 TO LET One and two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort. Safe complex environment, close to town. Reasonable rent that includes water and electricity. Contact: 082 922 3909

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 6Ft Venter Sleepwa met ekstra pak geriewe. Padwaardig en skoon R10 000.00 Agt kantige Gazebo volledig R300.00 Cooler eenheid R500.00 2 Vertrek 8 man tent R700.00 Oliebord Sweismasjien met helmet en kabels R700.00 2 Volledige Rope winches volledig @ R500 elk Alle pryse is onderhandelbaar. Kontak Pieter Greyling by 0824401904 Shop for sale in Burgersfort CBD. Fully furnished with shelving, walk in safes & state of the art security systems. Contact 072 471 7545 / 072 684 6438.

“Stopping advertising to save money is likestopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00. Contact: editorial@ or 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 to let us know about your news and events!

Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing ing Centre * Temba Garage * Madiba’s Mini Market * Dunlop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Boxer Khadima Centre * Dilokong Chrome Mine * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima (ASA Metals) Centre * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap #2 * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Tubatse Superspar * Pret Liquor * Greater Tubatse Municipality * Pret Butchery Burgersfort * CTM Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Choppies Burgersfort * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Magaba Filling Station * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Burgersfort SAPS * Department of Education Cir* Aloe Foods cuit Office Burgersfort * Praktiseer SAPS * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Ohrigstad SAPS * Laerskool Burgersfort * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Supa Save * Winterveld Village * Build It Tubatse * Tubatse Village * A1 Food Store Twin City * Dwarsrivier Mine * Tiezers Meat Pantry Ohrigstad * Mototolo * Bronrich Slaghuis Ohrigstad * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Glencore Eastern Limb Train* Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort Platinum Gazette contact details: * Burgersfort Pharmacy Editorial: William Zwart *Dr Fouché’s Surgery BurgersTel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: fort Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 * Mooifontein Kafee Burgersfort E-mail: *Supa Save Burgersfort Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 * Hawker stalls Eddie Sedibe Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Street Burgersfort Printers: * 1 Stop Midas Steelpoort Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. * Calvin College Burgersfort Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are * Tingeling Kleuterskool Steelexpressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978). poort

* Sasol Garage Steelpoort * Total Garage Steelpoort * Ohrigstad Handelshuis * Leboeng SAPS

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)


29 JANUARY 2016

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Platinum Gazette


SAPS Burgersfort Cluster faces local teams Friendly games, attacking tactics On Wednesday 20 January 2016 the SAPS Burgersfort Cluster soccer team hosted a team from Thaba Moshate Casino for a friendly soccer match in Praktiseer. In the first half both teams attached and tried to create scoring opportunities. Thaba Moshate scored two goals in the first half. The SAPS replied with one goal before half time. This was scored by Const. Skosana. In the second half both teams continued their attacking play to create scoring opportunities, but all of these failed to be converted into points.

Late in the second half the SAPS managed to score a second goal by Const. T.B. Chuene. This made the final score 2-2. On Wednesday 27 January the SAPS team hosted the Sekhukhune District Department of Agriculture for a friendly soccer match. (Photograph below) This was played at the Ntwampe Sports Grounds in Moroke. On this day the Department of Agriculture turned out to be the stronger team and managed to win 4-3. (Information: Const. S.J. Mvundlela; Photograph: Const. T.S. Letsoalo)

A run on the ‘Wild Side’ Marakele National Park will once again partner with SANParks Honorary Rangers and Thabazimbi marathon club to bring runners the 2016 Marakele marathon. This is a unique marathon which takes place inside a national park and aims to bring both the ordinary members of the public as well as the professional running community of South Africa to have some fun and take “a run on the wild side”. The marathon, which takes place on Saturday, 27 February 2016, is held in the park to focus the public and the media’s attention on the importance of conservation. It also highlights various fundraising and tourism initiatives which are key to the functioning of a national park. Participants can choose to complete one of three races, namely the full marathon which

is 42.2 km, a half marathon which is 21.1 km or a 10 km race. There is also a 5 km fun run suitable for the whole family, which is very popular among children and casual supporters. While there is no limit on the fun run, other races have a cut-off of 300 participants.The marathon provides an opportunity for runners to experience the wild as well as get the opportunity to qualify for the popular Comrades marathon. “We are hoping to see more participation from the community of Thabazimbi and South Africa at large, and therefore call upon all interested parties to register early.” said Johan Taljaard, Park Manager Marakele National Park. For more information on entries contact Mr Johann van der Merwe on 083 324 1916. Email:

Tubatse Masters in Ga Mashamothame On Friday 22 January 2016 the Tubatse Masters soccer team visited the Mashamothame Masters Soccer Team for a friendly match. This was played at Ga Mashamothane village. The Mashamothane Masters managed to score 4 goals and the Masters replied with 2. The final score was 4-2 in favour of Mashamothane Masters. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photo: Lollipop Motswiane).


COMBO 12990 200g Ribs, 4 Buffalo Wings & 200g Pork Chop. Served with Spur-style crispy onion rings and chips or a baked potato or Spur-style rice. Customer Care: 0860007787 VAT incl. Per person. Eat-in only. Terms and Conditions apply. The visuals are for descriptive purposes and meals served could vary.


Tubatse Crossing, Burgersfort. 013 231 7631

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