Platinum Gazette 29 June 2012

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Crime prevention buzz at Leboeng - p3 A derelict classroom at Leboeng Primary School (no door, roof or windows) was quicly transformed by learners into a Crime Prevention ‘classroom’ ahead of the hugely populer annual winter crime prevention initiative by the Leboeng Police. The evidence on the still ‘functioning’ blackboard was still visible as learner enthusiastically parrticipated in the event in another part of the school.

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© Platinum Gazette

29 June 2012



Un-greening These characters were photographed last week Saturday (11:10 to be precise) at one of the resting places on the R555 between Burgersfort and Ohrigstad where the road slinks through the kloof. Collecting dry firewood in this area is quite common as electricity is not available everywhere and expensive on top of it. The reason, however, for cutting trees with green wood down for this reason, baffled the newspaper’s personnel. Thousands of other trees, including dry wood are available in the vicinity. The concrete table and chairs has also been vandalised extensively and the resting place is now a filthy dumping ground for all sorts of stuff. (Maybe invite them to a tree planting ceremony? - Editor)

50 percent capacity for Xstrata - Merafe The Xstrata-Merafe Chrome Venture is operating at half of its capacity as higher power costs and mining inflation eats into margins, Merafe Resources said on Tuesday. Merafe, which holds a 50% stake in the venture with Xstrata, said in a statement it will only be operating eight out of twenty furnaces from June to August, South Africa’s winter months. “Ferrochrome production for the winter months is envisaged to be in the region of 40% to 50% of installed capacity,’ it said. The ferrochrome producer in March said it struck a deal with state-owned utility Eskom to shut seven of its furnaces until the end of May and allow Eskom to buy back the energy that the plants would have otherwise consumed. These shutdowns were expected to have cost the company 130 000 tons of production in the first and second quarters. The joint venture’s total ferrochrome production in 2011 was 263 000 t, which represented 65% of installed capacity.

Join the free Driekop Depression and Chronic Illness Support Group Chronic illnesses are diseases that last for a long time or come back over time. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. HIV/Aids, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and asthma are all examples of chronic illness, and all of these can lead to depression. The problem with chronic illnesses is that they can badly affect the way you live your life. You may not be able to do things you want to do, be in pain a lot of the time, not be able to work and, of course, you need to see doctors regularly. If a person has a chronic illness, it is very important that they take care of themselves both physically and mentally. “Living with a chronic illness is tough because other people don’t always understand how you feel or that there are some days when you can’t take part in activities or just don’t have the energy to get out of bed,” says the South African Depression and Anxiety Group’s (SADAG’s) Cassey Chambers. “For many people, suffering from a chronic illness is very lonely and they withdraw from friends and family. This can lead to depression.” People with a chronic medical illness have a 40% risk of developing depression. Early diagnosis and sticking to treatment are really important, as is support. People living with chronic illness can still have a good quality of life. Talking and learning about chronic illness can really help everyone deal with it a lot better. The Driekop Depression and Chronic Illness Support Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00

Group is free and offers community members a caring, supportive environment by people who truly understand the effects of living with chronic illness. Meeting on the last Friday of every month, the group is hosted at the Community Based Care Project in Driekop. Support Group Leader, Anna Kgoete, says: “A lot of people in the community are suffering from chronic illness and this often has a big effect on their mental health. We are passionate about helping people to adjust and welcome anyone who wishes to join the group!” If you’d like to attend the meetings, call Anna on 072 772 2829 or SADAG on 0800 21 22 23. The Driekop Support Group is one of many run by South African Depresssion and Anxiety Group (SADAG) – a non-profit organisation (NPO) striving to educate patients, families, mental health professionals and the general public on the nature and management of mental illnesses. The NPO also aims to eliminate the discrimination and stigmatisation that surround mental illness, as well as to increase access to highquality care for all South Africans. SADAG support groups are run either by community members who have recovered from one of these disorders or by professionals in the community. These groups allow members the opportunity to form connections with others experiencing similar troubles and to learn from one another in a non-judgmental atmosphere.

29 JUNE 2012

Smokey Hills under review Platinum Australia went into a trading halt on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on Monday on news that it was reviewing its Smokey Hills operation near Burgersfort in light of deteriorating operating conditions. In a statement to the ASX, Platinum Australia said that difficult operating conditions have prevented the Smokey Hills mine from reaching its forecasted production levels. June production was also affected by a four-day safety shut down, with tons milled now only expected to reach some 29 000 tons in June, compared with a forecast of 47 980 tons. Platinum Australia said that in light of the low platinum prices and the current operating conditions at the mine, the company would undertake an “urgent review” of the operations to determine a future strategy and the viability of the mine, as commodity prices were not expected to improve in the medium term. The review would, according to the company, be completed within a week. The news of the Smokey Hills review comes in the wake of other platinum companies that are also curtailing output and cutting back on projects.

Capital deferral slows Twickenham Twenty per cent of Anglo American Platinum’s (Amplats’) longstanding Twickenham platinum mine project, in Limpopo province, has been completed to date. The project began in February 2008 but, as a result of capital deferral, the project schedule was extended by two years, which translates into full 250 000 t/m mine production and concentrator treatment by 2019. As far as could be determined the project team is engaging with review teams to prepare for the presentation of the restated investment proposal to the Anglo American board by the end of this year. The development, which is designed to contribute 180 000 oz/y of refined platinum at steady state, forms part of the decision to expand current operations on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. The aim is to mine the upper group two (UG2) reef horizon. A centrally placed 250 000 t/m UG2 concentrator plant will be constructed and this portion of the project will be submitted for approval later this year. The project is located about 50 km from Burgersfort about 2.5 km to the west of the R37 to Polokwane. The plan is for each shaft complex to be accessed through a cluster of three declines: one personnel and material decline, one conveyor decline and one chairlift decline. The mining method is based on conventional breast stoping with tracked footwall haulage services. The engineering and infrastructure design will cater for various infrastructure buildings, associated infrastructure, waste dumps, reef stockpiles, security infrastructure, shaft access roads, drainage control, shaft terraces, bulk materials handling, water and electrical reticulation and the haulage road to the concentrator. The mine has been established down to three levels, with an additional four to be created, and will ramp up to steady state by 2019. The surface infrastructure to support the mining ramp is being constructed and members of the local community are being trained to make up the labour force. The market has changed significantly since the control budget estimate for capital expenditure was determined at the height of the commodity cycle in 2007. Besides Twickenham, the current poor state of the global economy and lower platinum prices are also impacting on the Thembelani and Styldrift mine projects, in the North West province. Skills constraints, employment and retraining challenges as well as rising materials, consumables and equipment costs are causing project budget concerns.

29 JUNIE 2012



New Miss Leboeng SAPS chosen On Saturday last week the Leboeng SAPS in partnership with Bathong Project and Lehlafiye Trading held a crime awareness campaign celebrating Youth month. The campaign was held at Leboeng Primary School and was aimed at the youth within the Leboeng policing area, especially learners. The local high schools (Ntabane, Maokeng, Tshabelang Dinoko, Maremishe, Dinkwenyane, Mohlatsengwane, Kgaola, Baroka and Mohlakeng High school) took part in this campaign and they competed in the following categories: beauty contest, debate, drama, poetry, traditional dance and pantsula dance. The campaign was a success as large number of young people from different villages attended the event. Tshabelang Dinoko obtained position one in drama, debate, pantsula, ballroom dance and poetry. Ntabane High School came first in traditional dance. They were all awarded trophies for the effort.

In the beauty contest section Adelaide Sibiya was crowned as Miss Leboeng SAPS 2012/ 2013, Milicent Mashele was crowned 1 st princess and Bongi Mabuza was the 2 nd princess. Miss Leboeng SAPS won the opportunity have lunch at Nandos Burgersfort on Sunday. The station commander Captain Moholane addressed the audience. He thanked the organising committee led by the youth coordinator Constable Sibatana for the good work. He further thanked Bathong Project for sponsoring the event with 250 T-shirts and five trophies. He also gave thanks to Lehlafiye trading for sponsoring the event with catering. He encouraged the youth to take part in sports and social games and warned them to refrain from using drugs and abusing alcohol. (Information and some photographs: Const. MA Sibatana).


29 JUNE 2012


Section 4 shines as Zenzelle sets new production record Modikwa Platinum Mine is proud of the production record set by one of their

Miners from section 4.

sections in North Shaft. Their teams all have special names and Zenzelle set a new target

of 1043m², with no injuries or incidents. This was barely a month after the team called Emergency set a new record of 1032m² in May. Team Mandla did very well with a respectable 809m² not far behind the leaders in the production race. Mine overseer Dirk Fouché is very happy with his

sections’ performance as they produced 8473m² for measuring in the month of June; this gives an average of 706m² per crew. The whole section 4 did not have any injuries during this production period. Acting Business Area Leader Nigel Reeder contributed by urging the rest of the shaft to try and better the Section 4 performance and keep up the safe production effort. (Photographs and information: Willem Montgomery)

Below: Team Zenzelle.

Section 4 Shift Supervisors

Team Emergency.

Team Mandla.

Contact Platinum Gazette on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Or e-mail us at editorial@ platinum Fax: 086 554 9031 Editorial deadline: 17:00 on a Wednesday.

29 JUNIE 2012

NetNA4 by Wildevy 4x4 Dag NetNA4 is ‘n jong opkomende band wat besig is om opgang te maak in die Afrikaanse mark. Hulle styl kan beskryf word as Akoestieke Afrikaanse Rock. Hulle is tans besig met die opneem van hulle eerste CD en die musiekvideo sal voor die einde van die jaar op al die Afrikaanse Musiek kanale draai. NetNA4 bestaan uit twee lede naamlik Almur Marais (Lead vocals & kitaar) en Jaco Bouwer (Back-up vocals en Leadkitaar). Bekende treffers soos Groen Trui, Muskus, Johhny, Sober, Hotel California, House of the rising sun, Bad moon rising en vele meer sal op 28 Julie tydens die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 dag gehoor kan



word. Tydens die Wildevy 4x4 dag gee die organiseerders ook aan plaaslike kunstenaars die geleentheid om die hoofverhoog te deel met NetNA4 – stuur jou besonderhede aan Die vertoning op 28 Julie sal plaasvind net na die kroning van Mnr & Mej Laeveld op die hoofverhoog by die Biertuin. Een van hulle eie liedjies, geskryf deur Jaco, is tans gratis beskikbaar op Reverbnation. Gaan like NetNA4 se facebook page, die link is daar beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting kan Bernard gekontak word by 082 677 4173

Local Pro-20 cricket fixtures and log

For more information contact Whity Ludick: 083 600 6110

Segorong youth welcomed in Praktiseer They are being moved from Segorong Village to Praktiseer and are now making new friends Talane Projects recently organized a sports tournament for the youth of Praktiseer and Segorong village. Segorong residents are currently being moved to Praktiseer as their community will form part of a mining development by Rhino Minerals. 85% of the community chose Praktiseer as their

relocation community of choice. The youth of Praktiseer took the chance to welcome and integrate the Segorong youth. Everyone enjoyed the day with trophies being handed out at the end of the event. (Information and photographs: Talane Elias Moyaga).

Public Notice 2012/13 IDP AND BUDGET Notice is hereby given in terms of Chapter 5 section 25 (4)(a) (i) (ii) of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000; that the Greater Tubatse Municipality has adopted its 2012/13 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) review and Budget on the 01st June 2012. Members of the community are hereby informed that copies of the plan will be made available from the 2nd July 2012 in all the Tribal offices within the jurisdiction of the Municipality; Libraries; Municipal sattellite offices and Municipal Head Offices in Burgersfort for public inspection. Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager



29 JUNE 2012

Is service delivery slow because The ANC hosted a policy indaba in Midrand this week. More than 3000 delegates attended the event. On Tuesday, President Jacob Zuma officially opened the conference. He said that a “radical shift towards economic and social transformation” and “a militant programme of action” was required to deal with poverty, inequality an unemployment. “While many have received basic services, many more are still waiting for electricity, water, sanitation, proper roads, trains that run on time, decent housing as well as clinics that have medical staff and medicines in certain areas” he added. One of the main reasons for the slow pace towards economic freedom according to him is because “the ownership of the economy is still primarily in the hands of white males, as it has always been”. His words “the conference must deliberate on how the state can obtain an equitable share from the mineral resources and how communities can benefit more from this resource” was as close as he came to mentioning nationalisation. We asked readers what they thought about his comments regarding service delivery and economic freedom.

Mnr Reinier Ras sê: “Ek dink eerder dis onbevoegde mense se skuld dat daar nie dienslewering is nie. Daar is ‘n lang lys redes, maar onbevoegdheid is die grootste rede”. By hom is Anroné, Mianke en Zaninke.

Mr Justice Mokgotho said: “I agree with Zuma, the minority still gets the money, but there is also a crisis with a lot of corruption”.

Mr Duncan Mabu and Mr Solomon Saletola said: “We agree with President Jacob Zuma, the economy is still in white hands”. Links: Mnr Louis Etzebeth sê: “Nee, ek stem nie met hom saam nie. Die geld word in die regering se sakke gedruk. Dis ‘n korrupte spul”.

Me. Maria Zeelie en mnr. Joe Zeelie sê: “Nee, dit is nie die rede waarom daar nie dienslewering is nie. Hulle gee nie aan die mense wat hulle belowe het nie. Die geld gaan alles na die staat en niks vir die man op straat nie”.

Mr Albert Nkuna and Mr Simon Mabilo said: ‘The problem is corruption. That is why service delivery is poor. The leadership take the money they have to deliver services with and put it in their pockets”.

Mnr Klaas Nkuna sê: “Die demokrasie se probleem is dat ons mense mors. Hulle doen nie hul werk nie. Die African mense is lui, hulle het nie geleer om te werk nie. Hulle strike net. Die ANC se budget om water ens. te gee moet elke keer gebruik word om dit wat mense gebreek het terwyl hulle strike te herstel. Daarom is dienslewering stadig”.

Mr Simon Ledwaba and Ms Eulenda Ledwaba said: “We don’t think our economy is still in white people’s hands. At the top there are black people who only care for themselves and their families. It is everyone for himself”.

Mr Joshua Kgorutle said: “Incompetent people, corruption and partially a white hold on the economy are the reasons for no service delivery. Competent people must be hired. They must not be lenient towards eradicating crime”. With him is Angela.

Mnr William Meyer sê: “Dis as gevolg van korrupsie dat dienste nie gelewer word nie”.

29 JUNIE 2012



the economy is in white hands?

Mr Simbarashe Kampariro said: “Without white people nothing is going to be done here. White people work very hard to develop this country and they have the ability to develop it. They must get more white people involved then there will be better service delivery”.

Mr Ishmael Maphanga said: “In terms of service delivery the problem is the leaders of the ANC themselves. They are taking the money to their pockets and not to the people. If a hungry black person gets on top he first take care of his family and not of the people. He makes himself rich. Wise men have only one woman”.

Mnr E Theron sê: “Ek stem nie met hom saam nie. Die regering verplig jou wie aangestel moet word om hulle werk te doen. Jy moet gewoonlik ook ‘n swart vennoot of aandeelhouer hê”.

Me. Juhané van Graan en mnr. Hendré van Graan sê: “Hulle sê altyd hulle gaan dit of dat doen, maar dit word nooit gedoen nie. Die geld gaan na hulle sakke toe”. By hulle is Ruvan.

Mr Ishmael Lethamaga said: “He was not right. Most of the companies doing the service delivery are owned by black people, but still the delivery is very poor. On the other side white people respect time, not like us”.

Mr Ronny Chiloane and Ms Thabile Chiloane said: “Incompetency is the problem. They are focussed on eating the money rather than spending it on service delivery. The ANC is starting to be greedy. They focus only on themselves and development is focused on urban areas rather than rural areas. Education is the key to success. We should start by being educated first. When we are not educated, there is problem. We hope they will have a plan in place for the Limpopo grade 12 students who only received their text books now”.

Ms Maureen Selelepoo said: “Where I am staying at Morapaneng village near Moroke I am fetching water in a river. I don’t know, but I think they are eating the money instead of giving us services”.

Mr Cedrick Lamola said: “What I saw in South Africa is that top people come to us and say vote for us. Then after we vote for them they never come back to us - they go to their offices and get lots of money. That is the major problem”. Left: Mr Joseph Madingwane said: “The reason for not having proper service delivery is none of what he said. He can lend money to other countries like that R200 thousand million he promised to the EU, but when it comes to the issues of this country he is not interested. Our government is facing a very serious problem. If our president was really following a budget for service delivery, he would have everything audited every year. He must serve his own people, not those of other countries. It also seems like South Africa has no limit for welcoming foreign people into the country. These people take the jobs of our people”.

Me. Shilo Bronkhorst sê: “Die probleem is dat familie vir familie werk gee terwyl hulle nie gekwalifiseer is om die werk te kan doen nie. Rassisme en apartheid bly altyd ‘n verskoning wanneer goed nie uitwerk nie”.


29 JUNE 2012


Kom wys jou talent vir die wêreld Gedurende die Wildevy 4x4 dag gaan daar ‘n Talent-soektog, wat bekend sal staan as die X-Faktor op die hoofverhoog plaasvind. Persone van alle ouderdomme kan inskryf en slegs een wenner sal aangewys word. Die soektog is nie net vir ‘n sanger nie maar kan enige ander talent wees. Die organiseerders soek net na ‘n person of groep wat ‘n besonderse talent besit en die gehoor kan vermaak. Om in te skryf moet jy ‘n e-pos stuur aan . Inskrywings sluit die 20ste Julie om 12h00. Die volgende moet in die e-pos wees: Naam & Van, ouderdom, wat jy/julle doen en ‘n 20 sekonde video greep van jou talent wat jy met jou telefoon verfilm het. Items mag nie langer as 3 minute wees nie. Die inskrywingsfooi is R100 per item. Inskrywings is verkrygbaar op die webtuise by en vir inligting oor die verhoog program kan Bernard gekontak word by 082 677 4173

Remember the Wildevy 4x4 Day The Wildevy Manne is a non profitable organization driven by a few men in the community. They raises money for charity by holding a 4x4 Day once a year. The men would to like invite all 4x4 enthusiasts and the general public to join them on the 28th of July 2012 on the farm “PLM Boerderye”, 10km outside of Burgersfort on the Lydenburg road. This day gets the whole community involved in conjunction with businesses and mines in the area, making it an enjoyable day for the whole family. This event grows tremendously every year. In 2011 they had 120 participating vehicles and about 7 000- 10 000 visitors enjoying the family day. The track is very challenging and interesting however not intended on damaging your normal 4x4 vehicle. Along the route there are all kinds of fun challenges for the whole family to participate in such as pellet shooting, throwing oranges, spot the wild etc. This year an Eco route for people not wanting to do the 4x4 challenge is also available. There are big prizes to be won. This event is like a festival with various stalls supplying homemade food and beverages and other goods and exhibitors. Upcoming music artists can contact Bernard to book a spot on stage (Please read the piece below - Geleentheid vir opkomende

Mnr. & Mej. Laeveld 2012 gesoek Die gewilde Wildevy 4x4 dag is reeds in sy 9de jaar en vind plaas op 28 Julie 2012. Mnr en Mej Laeveld (voorheen bekend as Mnr & Mej Wildevy) word dié jaar in 4 kategorieë aangebied. Die kompetisie gaan in 2 dele plaasvind waar die jonger ouderdomme se kompetisie gedurende die oggend sal plaasvind en die Junior en Senior kompetise die aand net voor die hoof kunstenaars, NetNA4. Die kompetisie vir die juniors en seniors sal in ‘n produksie styl gedoen word met choreografie, musiek, beligting, ontwerpers en ‘n paar ander verrassings.

Die kompetisie is oop vir seuns en dogters en sal plaasvind in die volgende kategorieë: 1. Mnr & Mej Petite Laeveld (4-7 jaar) 2. Klein Mnr & Mej Laeveld (8-12 jaar) 3. Junior Mnr & Mej Laveld (13-16 jaar) en 4. Mnr & Mej Laeveld (17 en ouer) Die sluitingsdatum vir alle inskrywings is 15 Julie 2012. Inskrywingsvorms is verkrygbaar op die webtuise by Vir inligting oor die Mnr & Mej Laeveld kompetisie kan Bernard gekontak word by 082 677 4173.

kunstenaars. This provides more information). The Miss and Mr Lowveld beauty pageant also promises to be a highlight. Enter now - there are various categories and the Wildevy Manne has involved specialist event organisers to help create a pageant to remember. (Entry form below on this page) Fun events involving the children with jumping castles and target shooting were a “Rooibok” can be won will also be part of the day. Transport between 4x4 challenges for the spectators will be in the form of a tractor and trailer; this is a free service to the public. Camping space is also available. To enter the 4x4 fun day will cost R650.00 before the this includes a shirt for both the driver and co-driver. In the afternoon the traditional SHOW STOPPER promises to draw a huge crowd. Here a selected few vehicles will be showing what they can do in the mud bath. This is always a winner, do not miss this event! We are sorry to inform all that no Quad bikes are allowed in and around the event. No cool boxes will allowed at the event, a bar service with reasonable prices will be available. For more information visit the website or contact Chantelle Goodburn on 013 231 7498/9 or 013 231 7462 and e-mail:

Geleentheid vir opkomende kunstenaars Die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 op 28 Julie 2012 word elke jaar in die gees van liefdadigheid gereël. ‘n Dag soos dié sal nie tot sy reg kom sonder kunstenaars op die hoofverhoog nie en daarom bied die Wildevy organiseerders hierdie jaar opkomende kunstenaars die geleentheid om op die hoofverhoog op te tree. In die gees en die doel van die Wildevy dag soek hulle dus kunstenaars wat bereid is om gratis op te tree. Belangstellendes moet 1 liedjie in MP3 formaat, ‘n onlangse

gesigfoto en ‘n kort cv e-pos aan Nadat die organiseerders die aansoeke deurgewerk het sal hulle kunstenaars kies en hulle die geleentheid bied om op te tree. Die organiseerders gaan tussen 5 en 8 kunstenaars die geleentheid bied om op te tree. Die verhoog program sal teen 14 Julie in die pers en op die webtuiste bekend gemaak word. Meer inligting is verkrygbaar op die webtuise by Vir inligting oor die verhoog program kan Bernard gekontak word by 082 677 4173

29 JUNIE 2012



Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today. Subscribe to receive Platinum Gazette on e-mail. Simply send us an e-mail requesting this free service. You will be added to hundreds of readers who get the newspaper conveniently delivered to their inbox every Friday. E-mail us at: adverts@ Never miss the newspaper, read the electronic version! Visit for all the old and new newspapers.

Betrekkings/Vacancies * Betrekkings/Vacancies VACANCY - MINING RELATED


An international mining company has a vacancy for a Remuneration and Benefits Manager

An international mining company has a vacancy for a Master Schedule Specialist Business Improvement

PURPOSE OF THE ROLE: To design and implement a group-wide benefits Strategy in accordance with the overall Total Reward strategy and business strategic objectives. To manage the Benefits and Shares team by ensuring optimal utilization, output focus and effective benefit management. QUALIFICATIONS: · Relevant business degree, with a related and relevant post-graduate qualification in Finance or similar. · Pension Fund qualification at NQF level 3 EXPERIENCE: · 8-10 years in group-wide/global remuneration and benefits environments · 1-2 years experience in an expatriate environment · 1-2 years experience in various international tax and benefits regimes · 5 years experience as Principal Officer · Exposure and access to both local and international best practices, as well as global networks of beneficial relationships within the Remuneration and Benefits field · Track record of effective interaction with EXCO’s and Senior Managers · 3 -5 years management experience in a leadership role · 2-3 year’s experience with Share Schemes · Advanced excel skills and a good working knowledge of Word and PowerPoint · SAP will be an advantage ACCOUNTABILITIES: · Design and Implement the Group Benefits plans in accordance with the overall strategy framework, future needs and opportunities. This includes managing and implementing relevant policies, processes and systems, and key milestones to ensure the achievement of objectives. · Define and manages all benefit processes (general, executive and expatriate benefits). The key accountability is to ensure cost-effective, viable and sustainable benefits that will support attraction and retention of staff. · Provides advisory and specialist support and training on all benefits matters as and when required, including risks forecasting, benefit opportunities and Innovations. · Manages annual shares and benefit reviews. The role holder is accountable for the identification of benchmarking, trends analysis and reporting. · Develops Communication plan around benefits and manages member and employee communication and escalated query processes. · REMCO and Annual Benefits Reporting: The accountability is to provide input on all relevant, required benefits data for the Annual Report, REMCO and the AGM. · Executive Contract Control: The role holder is accountable to give input and guidance regarding benefits of all Executive employment contracts. · Management of the company’s share administration to ensure compliance, optimal ROI and to optimize the Company’s Employee Value Proposition. · Integration: The role holder is accountable to ensure all Benefit processes, systems and policies are fully integrated with other Remuneration and HR and Business processes and systems. · Lead the Benefit and Share team in line with System for People.

PURPOSE OF THE ROLE: A vacancy exists within the Business Improvement Department at Corporate Office for an Operating Master Schedule Specialist. The incumbent will be based at the Corporate Office in Johannesburg and will be accountable to ensure the implementation of the BPF Master Scheduling process at all business units. QUALIFICATIONS: · Degree or equivalent qualification in mining engineering · Additional postgraduate qualifications in a relevant degree would be an advantage EXPERIENCE: · At least 5 years in a mining environment · Experience in a project management environment is an added advantage · Exposure to BPF Work Management and Integrated Planning would be advantageous · Exposure and understanding of the budget principles would be advantageous · Understanding of long term mining plans and strategy COMPETENCIES: · High-level analytical and problem solving skills · High-level verbal and written communication skills · Highly computer literate · Ability to engage with critical internal and external stakeholders JOB OBJECTIVES: · Compile a schedule for company wide implementation of the Operating Master Schedule (OMS) component of the BPF · Liase with regional and business unit management to allocate regional and business unit resources to OMS implementation at business unit level · Train regional and business unit resources in OMS concepts and principles · Liaise with regional and business unit management to drive OMS implementation at business unit level · Ensure compliance to the underlying BPF design principles in the implementation and ongoing application of the OMS · Integrate the OMS process with existing Business Planning processes and cycles · Support business units to identify and close data and software gaps prior to OMS implementation. · Support business units to identify appropriate scheduling software for OMS implementation · Support business units with site configuration prior to OMS implementation · Provide ongoing post implementation training, coaching and support OTHER: · Valid passport · The incumbent will be required to travel nationally and internationally regularly · Valid driver licence required · Own transport required

REPORTING TO: VP: Remuneration and Benefits

REPORTING TO: Integrated Planning Manager – Business Improvement department

RENUMERATION: R600k - R1 million (total Cost to Company) , dependent on experience.

RENUMERATION: R600k - R1 million (total Cost to Company), dependent on experience.

BASED: The candidate will be based in Johannesburg.

BASED: The candidate will be based in Johannesburg.

Forward a complete CV to

Forward a complete CV to



29 JUNE 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy Shield Safety is opsoek na ‘n dinamiese, hardwerkende jong man tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 24. ‘n Geldige bestuurderslisensie sal tot sy voordeel wees. Handig ‘n CV met volledige, opvolgbare verwysings by die winkel in Steelpoort in. Sluitingsdatum: 30 Junie 2012. Navrae: 013 230 9242.

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“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Get the newspaper here! * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling

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Library * Magaba Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Praktiseer

Magistrate’s Court * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions * Burgersfort Toyota

10. Te Koop/ For Sale BIG, BIG, SALE! This should not be missed! Come get your bargains galore! New and secondhand furniture available. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Established Gym for sale. Burgersfort. Contact: 073 779 2797

Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151

Platinum Gazette Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Metallurgical Superintendent (Ben Plant) Role Purpose: To contribute towards business success by ensuring the overal optimum operation of the metallurgical pocess with respect to Ore Beneficiation to the required Cr203 levels per customer request at the lowest cost. Key Performance areas: The incumbent will ensure that decisions are implemented in the correct manner and that the standards of the specific function are maintained and adhered to. Participate in the development of the departmental vision and key objectives and ensure that these objectives are cascaded and incorporated into the specific jobs of all employees in the section. Implement and maintain effective action orientated performance managemetn systems and processes within the section and facilitates effective cross sectional partnerships. Ensure total legal compliance within the section. Ensure compliance with service delivery standards. Facilitate the identification, motivation of and implementation of improvement ideas. Conduct departmental performance reviews and initiate corrective action. Ensure the effective allocation and utilization of resources. Investigate incidents and accidents and implement corrective procedures. Requirements: The candidate mus have a grade 12 certificate with Maths and Science. External Training - Production Management Diploma. Diploma in Metallurgical field. Extensive experience in the Metallurgical field. 3 years Supervisory skills. Quality Management Systems. Maintaining ISO 9001, 14000, 18000 system. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to the HR Offices, Fax: 086 269 5572 or Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

29 JUNIE 2012



OK Grocer vs Hannah Game Lodge

Last chance to enter Eco-Races Entries for the Samancor Chrome Eco Races are still open and you can still enter on Friday, 29 June and on Saturday, 30 June at the start of the races. Distances on offer are a 21.1km Half Marathon, a 10km and a 5km family fun run. “The sponsors have enabled us to host a road running event of exceptional value, not only for participants, but for the entire greater Tubatse community. The financial and logistical support received from the main sponsors Samancor Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines, as well as Thorburn Security and Talisman Hire has enabled us to plan a road running event of exceptional value not only for the participants, but for the entire Greater Tubatse community. These sponsorships embody the ongoing commitment of these companies to social and community investment. The beneficiaries of the Samancor Chrome Eco Races is at the heart of how these companies engage with the communities where their employees and customers live,” said Loma van der Walt, race organiser. “As sponsors of the Samancor Chrome Eco Races, we would like to wish every

participant the very best of luck. Enjoy every step of the way! The sponsors and organisers have gone to great lengths to host a memorable event – we sincerely hope that it will be a great experience for every participant!” said Desmond McManus, General Manager of Tubatse Chrome. Monies raised from entry fees will be channeled to specific projects for the needy in the local communities. The Samancor Chrome Eco Races will partner with Friend in Need in this regard. A carnival atmosphere awaits participants and visitors at the finish venue at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club with food stalls, kids’ activities and live entertainment offered as part of the family fun day. A large part of the event has been planned to offer local families the opportunity to spend a day filled with fun and festivities in what promises to be the largest community event of its kind in the Greater Tubatse area. Don’t miss out on the greatest social and corporate community event of the year! Any enquiries can be directed to the race organisers, Ants Events at 071 605 1507/6 or 082 557 9604

OK Grocer’s soccer team faced Hannah Game Lodge in a friendly soccer game. Read more about it on page 12. Hannah played in the blue and yellow while OK Grocer wore the striped jerseys.

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Race number collection & late entries: Fri, 29 June 2012

21.1km, 10km & 5km

15:00 – 17:00 at Maelebe Primary School, Eerste Geluk 17:00 – 20:00 at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club 05:00 – 06:30 at Maelebe Primary School, Eerste Geluk 06:00 – 07:00 at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club

Sat, 30 June 2012 21.1km ONLY 10km & 5km ONLY Bus Transport: Free bus transport will be provided for athletes on Saturday, 30 June: DO NOT BE LATE: No bus, no race! 21.1km Half Marathon 05:30 – 06:15 From Tubatse Chrome Golf Club (Finish venue) to the START of the 21.1km race at Maelebe Primary School, Eerste Geluk 10km / 5km Fun Run 06:00 – 06:45 From Maelebe Primary School, Eerste Geluk to the START of the 10km & 5km Fun Run at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club (Finish venue) RETURN TO EERSTE GELUK: After race every hour as from 10:00 from Tubatse Chrome Golf Club (Finish venue) Parking: Secure parking available at Start and Finish venues TRAFFIC CONTROL POINTS Please be reminded that TRAFFIC will be slowed down at the crossing of the R555 and D2484 to allow for athletes to cross over the R555 from Eerste Geluk into the grounds of Lannex Mine between 06:00 – 08:00 on Saturday, 30 June 2011. Traffic control will be strictly enforced on the D2484 route into Eerste Geluk Road by traffic and police officials between 06:00 – 08:00 on Saturday, 30 June 2011.

Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free. Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator © Platinum Gazette

Routes: 21.1km Half Marathon Point to point route: From Maelebe Primary School, Eerste Geluk, cross over R555 into Lannex Mine grounds, enter Tubatse game reserve area, route through Tubatse Residence, end at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. Start: Maelebe Primary School, Eerste Geluk Finish: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club Starting time: 07:00 Cut-off time: 10:00 (3 hours) 10km Circular route: From Tubatse Chrome Golf Club (Finish venue) through golf course, enter game reserve area, route through Tubatse Residence, end at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. Start: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club Finish: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club Starting time: 07:30 Cut-off time: 09:00 (2 hours) 5km Fun Run Circular route: From Tubatse Chrome Golf Club (Finish venue) through golf course, enter game reserve area, return to finish venue at Tubatse Chrome Golf Club. Start: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club Finish: Tubatse Chrome Golf Club Starting time: 07:45 Cut-off time: 08:45 (2 hours)

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:

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29JUNIE 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT OK Grocer team beats Hannah Game Lodge on home ground The OK Grocer soccer team played a friendly game against the team from Hannah Game Lodge near Ohrigstad on Saturday last week. The midfield of the OK Grocer team experienced some problems and the team’s coach, Caiphus Makofane said they will be working on this before they have their next game. “Our strikers are good though,” said Assistant coach Given Motini. Willy Nkoana was the Man of the match after he scored both OK Grocer’s goals. The half time score was 2-0. During the second half Hannah’s team scored a penalty. To make the full time score 2-1. The team would like to thank Mr Laurance Mahsego for the assistance with transport. The team’s captain, Tlaishego Tjatji invites the public to come and support them when they play against Hannah Game Lodge on 7 July. This game will take place at CN Phatudi at 15:00. (Information provided by: Calvin Matjeke and Davis Makofane)

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