Platinum Gazette 29 March 2013

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‘We are very much sad indeed’ Executive Mayor on Disclaimer Opinion The Sekhukhune District Municipality has received a Disclaimer audit for the 20112012 financial year from the Auditor General. This was revealed during a council meeting which was held on Tuesday this weekat Elias Motsoaledi Municipal Chambers. Briefing the district council, the Executive Mayor, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe said “we are saddened by the opinion of the Auditor General mostly, because key factors that are linked to the disclaimer are problems regarding the assets register and financial records. And we are mostly worried because the challenge with the assets register has been with us for successive years now. On the financial records, it is worth noting that for the year under review, the Aauditor General has recorded a significant improvement in terms of reporting as compared to the previous financial years”. In response to the news of the Disclaimer, the District Municipal Council has decided that an action plan that will deal directly with matters raised, needed to be developed and submitted within fifteen days. Mayor Magabe said “We are however aware that Auditor General has noted significant improvements and political commitment on our part to turn around this situation, but that was not enough to move us to the next level. And a disclaimer is a disclaimer and action needs to be taken including dealing with officials who contribute towards it”. After the presentation by both the representative from the office and the Auditor General and the Chairperson of Audit Steering Committee, Sekhukhune

District Municipality said that with a proper action plan in place the situation will improve.

Definition: Disclaimer of Opinion report A Disclaimer of Opinion, commonly referred to simply as a Disclaimer, is issued when the auditor could not form and consequently refuses to present an opinion on the financial statements. This type of report is issued when the auditor tried to audit an entity but could not complete the work due to various reasons and does not issue an opinion. The disclaimer of opinion report can be traced back to 1949 and Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS) provide certain situations where a disclaimer of opinion may be appropriate: A lack of independence, or material conflict(s) of interest, exist between the auditor and the auditee; There are significant scope limitations, whether intentional or not, which hinder the auditor’s work in obtaining evidence and performing procedures; There are significant uncertainties within the auditee. A disclaimer of opinion differs substantially from the rest of the auditor’s reports because it provides very little information regarding the audit itself, and includes an explanatory paragraph stating the reasons for the disclaimer. Although the report still contains the letterhead, the auditee’s name and address, the auditor’s signature and address, and the report’s issuance date, every other paragraph is modified extensively, and the scope paragraph is entirely omitted since the auditor is basically stating that an audit could not be realized.

Easter = lots of traffic, you can die. Be careful!

© Platinum Gazette

29 March 2013


29 MARCH 2013


Sekhukhune State of the District - all the projects, all the money, all the progress “We said that we are geared towards sustainable infrastructure development. And we are still committed to that thrust. The socio-economic trajectory of our country requires that we act with vigilance and renewed zeal towards our aims and objectives of building a National Democratic Society. Hence we are unashamedly reporting that we are on track” these are the words of Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality Cllr Mogobo David Magabe speaking about the state of his municipality this week. During an interview following the presentation of the State of the District Address recently, the ‘citizen’s report’ as is commonly known reflected on progress made regarding the ongoing bulk infrastructure development in the District Municipality. This included but not limited to: ·



De Hoop Dam, The project is currently completed with the first phase of impounding the water done. The project is now awaiting President Zuma to officiate in its official opening and renaming. Groblersdal-Luckau project, This project stretched from Luckau including other villages until Groblersdal. Progress is that the infrastructure towards it has been completed and it is planed that commissioning will start at the end of June. Groblesdal-Moutse East and Moutse West project, This project started with the upgrading of the Groblersdal Water Treatment Works which was completed in 2012. The project will cover the whole of Moutse areas. Progress is that the bulk pipeline is currently at 20%. This project is valued at R579million and is expected to be completed in 2014.

* Zaaiplaas-Carbonites project, - This project covers areas like Nkosini, Dindela, Mathula, Phagong, Sehlakwana, Elandslaagte and the surrounding areas. Progress on this bulk pipeline project is that it is currently at 40% and it is valued at R85 million.This project will draw water from Rietfontein where a source with enough capacity has been discovered. Currently, a plan for a connector line R30 million which will run from the financial year 2013/14 and 2015 is underway.

Driekop, Mooihoek, Ga-Maroga, Ga-Mahlokwane, Diphale, Bothashoek, GaManoke, Praktiseer, Alverton, Maabotsha, etc. Progress regarding this project is that the bulk pipe line from Burgersfort to Ga-Maroga cross has been completed, the ten (10) megalitre Reservoir at Maroga cross has been completed and the water treatment plant also at Maroga cross has been completed. Further progress is that a new tender for a bulk pip line from Burgersfort to Ga-Manoke, Praktiseer and Alverton has been awarded and a contractor is on site. This is the 2013/2014 phase. There is a minor challenge towards making the scheme functional and discussions are on course so that when De Hoop Dam is commissioned, people can receive water from this scheme.

In addition, the following are listed as future plans pertaining to water provisioning: ·



That in the long term the Water Master Plan will be reviewed to enable SDM to move from the RDP standard of supplying water towards house-hold connections, so that users can be billed for consumption, In this financial year 2013/2014, policy will be passed that says all councillors, government officials, business people and all persons who can afford to pay, must pay for water usage through a flat rate system so as to achieve cost recovery, The bulk pipe line from Steelbridge to Jane Furse will be augmented to increase its capacity due to population growth. The Executive Mayor also noted progress that has been achieved regarding the roll-out of sanitation. In that regard, the following was said: -



The Flag Boshielo Scheme, This is a joint project between the district municipality and the Department of Water Affairs. It covers areas of Ephraim Mogale Municipality and part of Makhuduthamaga Municipality. That is 130 villages in total. Progress on this project is that the augmentation process at the Flag Boshielo water treatment plant from four (4) megalitres a day to twelve (12) megalitres has been completed. Currently engagements with the Minister of Water Affairs are ongoing towards the upgrading of the plant to meet the ever increasing demand. * The Oliphantspoort Scheme, - This project covers Fetakgomo Municipality. Progress is that phase one to eighteen (1-18) has been completed and currently phases nineteen to twenty one (19-21) is under way. The challenge is that the scheme requires capacity in terms of a cost recovery plan which is on the cards. The value of the project is R133 million. The whole project is expected to be completed by 2014. · The Nebo Plateau Scheme This bulk pipeline water scheme covers part of Tubatse Municipality and part of Makhuduthamaga stretching from Steelbridge to Jane Furse, Jane Furse to Lobethal. Progress on this project is that a pipeline from Steelbridge to Jane Furse has been completed, the twenty five (25) megalitre reservoir in Jane Furse is 80% complete and the Sekwati project will be completed by June this year. Further progress is that this project will wait for commissioning from De Hoop Dam. The total cost of this project, which started in 2010 is R50 0million. · Mooihoek-Tubatse Scheme This project stretches its pipeline from Burgersfort to Ga-Maroga cross and from Ga-Maroga cross to Praktiseer. It will supply villages of Mashamothane, Riba-Cross,

In 2012, four thousand (4000) VIP toilets units at Ga-Manoke, Mashamothane and Bothashoek through a project called Batau Sanitation project have been completed, Currently three thousand five hundred and twenty one (3521) VIP toilet units at Phokwane, Thoto, Ga-Malaka and Ntwane are in the completion stage And the total number of this units is seven thousand five hundred and twenty one (7521) and they will be completed in June,

“On that note, we are very confident that we are starting to eradicate the full backlog on sanitation and by 2014 we will have made serious inroads through the construction of thirty two thousand (32 000) VIP toilets across all our villages in our five (5) local municipalities. Three hundred million rand (R300million) has been set aside for the above project and it is expected to be completed in June 2014. We are deeply honoured to be part of these revolutionary achievements of our democratic government indeed” Executive Mayor Magabe said.Words of congratulations were also echoed to officials following reports of the presence of vibrio cholarae bacteria in the Tubatse River, mainly affecting the people of Ga-Motodi, Alverton, Matokomane, Makotaseng and Taung. No person was affected, meaning there was no casualty. In conclusion, the announcement of the Special Economic Zones by President Zuma was also reported. The Executive Mayor said “This Special Economic Zone initiative will focus mainly on the rich mineral resources of our district in particular the Platinum Metals Group (PGM). Since we are at the stage of feasibility studies currently, we will release more details to our communities in the near future”. Other economic development projects which received attention were: -


The Mining Input Supplier Park which is currently completed, The Mampuru Township Development, which is at the stage where evaluation of the land has been completed and awaiting a response from the Pedi Mamone Tribal Council, The renaming of Burgersfort, which was announced last year and which is currently in the pipeline. The De Hoop Master Plan that embraces the relocation of people residing within the reach of the dam and the establishment of residential areas, tourist centres, etc.

29 MARCH 2013

Government answer questions, about sewerage, water and potholes Mr Willy Mosoma, Spokesperson at the Executive Mayor’s Office of the Sekhukhune District Municipality this week responded to Platinum Gazette’s report questions about awerage, water and pothole problems (see article on page 2 of Platinum Gazette of 15 March 2013) in Ga-Madoplie and Elephantshill. “With regards to the sewerage and water problems at Mapodile and Elephantshill, this are shared areas between ourselves as the District Municipality and Lepelle Northern Water, as such we are on record as saying that the kind of responses that we give are both binding to ourselves and them collectively. Challenges: We are finding it difficult to find spares for the pipe line installed by one of our mines in the area and that community members are dumping waste inside the mainholes after removing the covers. There are illegal connections that are causing continuous leaks that end up impacting negatively on the wellbeing of other residents. Solutions: As you and the residents may be aware, it is work in progress as far as we are concerned based on the monitoring and evaluation of the progress made so far. And we are currently engaging as sectors of government with the involvement of community leaders, councillors and members of water forum to actualize the message of water saving and environmental consciousness. The Sekhukhune District Municipality will also continue with the process of ordering of spares to fix the pipe that is leaking. Other



activities to be conduct will be to look for funding in order to augment the current sewerage system at Mapodile and the refurbishment of the entire scheme as it is not adaptable to climate change. About the leaking sewerage pipe at Elephantshill, we can also confirm that and safely state that it is not our intention to have that particular unbearable situation to tamper and irritate the friendly existence of any of our residents. We has logistical problems reaching the area due to technical challenges and we are optimist that working together with the owner of the house, we shall resolve the leakage as a matter of principle. Generally, we are pleased with the report but we remain impatient with our systems as government because they are not assisting us to be faster and smarter in terms of how we respond to community needs. We are equally urging our people to cooperate with us and make sure that we achieve our set targets. As for the challenges regarding the pot-holes at the road, a process of engagement with the relevant authorities is underway and this matter has also been sharply raised during our IDP session with traditional leaders and it is receiving the necessary attention. In summary, His Worship Executive Mayor Cllr Mogobo David Magabe spoke with the mining houses around the area of Eerstegeluk and Mapodile and they promised to work with government in order to unlock some of the service delivery bottle-necks in our villages. We will indeed monitor progress to that effect.” Repairing and fixing of sewerage and water pipes in progress.

A resident says:

“The editor; I would like to thank you and your staff in the assistance to rectify the sewer problem ! With your assistance there was a positive responce from the munsipality and it seems that the problem in now under control Your newspaper is our voice and keep up the great work and for publishing our grieviences” Yours truly

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29 MARCH 2013

A million fatality free shifts is not an easy thing to achieve, especially not when three different contractors are involved and a mine starts to go from being a project into operation. On 9 March 2013 Northam’s Booysendal division celebrated their first million fatality free shifts. “We are proud of this achievement,” said Mr Hennie Wood, SHEQ manager at the mine. “Our time lost to injuries is very little”. As the mine celebrated with a function for the approximately 2500 employees, they also celebrated 20 days injury free. “Our motto is: “Head and shoulders above the rest” and this is really the culture regarding safety that we are trying to create,” Wood explained. The mine has also not had any Section 54 notices served on them from the Department of Mineral Resources. “We work very closely with them to build the relationship and keep everything on track from our side”. Mr Nick Pole, the General Manager told employees at the function that this is only the beginning, they should work towards becoming better and better. Everyone received a T-shirt and boerewors roll at the celebrations.

Left: Mr NIck Pole addressing employees at the function.

29 MAART 2013



New computers for Mangabane Primary School Mangabane Primary is situated in Mangabane Village opposite Samancor

Mangabane Primary now has new computers and a printer.

Golf day benefits local schools Through last year’s golf day, Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines raised funds for much needed projects in the area. The money raised on 2 November last year was used for the “Back to School” packs amongst Grade R children of Itireleng Primary School, Mangabane Primary School, Boerboomkraal Primary School and Dithamaga Primary School. Samancor ECM would like to thank all the sponsors who made this project possible.

Samancor ECM invests in cricket development at Itirele Primary Samancor ECM sponsored cricket gear for Itirele Primary School’s cricket teams. “Through sport we believe that childrens’ creativity is developed, and improvement in their education is shown. We wish Coach

Patricia all the best with the new year’s league and that the gear sponsored will assist in making their team go fromgood to great” Principal Komane thanked Samancor ECM for their sponsorship.

thanked Samancor ECM for the continuous support and assistance.

ECM’s Main Offices. Most of the children attending Mangabane Primary are the children of ECM employees. The computers used by the children for research and computer skills development were outdated, and ECM decided to sponsor 11 new computers and a printer. Mr. Mamabolo, Principal of Mangabane,

Renovations at Boerboomkraal Primary School En-route to Lydenburg, at the DeBad turnoff lies a small school called Boerboomkraal Primary. This is a very small school with approximately 40 children and 2 teachers. The school was in dire need of renovations to ensure that the building is a safe environment for the children to be educated in. Walls, roofs and floors were falling apart. Samancor ECM received a request to assist and in February 2013, the final finishing touches were made. Elina, the principal of the school would like to thank Samancor ECM for contributing to this cause and ensuring that more children are educated here in the future.

Before the renovations Ceilings were falling appart, cracks in the walls looked like they could crumble at any moment and water leaked into the building.

After the renovations, the classes are now safe for the children to receive their education.

Mr Pieter Brits, ECM’s HR Manager with the team and their coach, teacher Patricia.


29 MARCH 2013


South African soldiers on peacekeeping Thirteen South African soldiers died in combat in the Central African Republic (CAR). They died on Saturday last week at Bengui, CAR’s capital. Twenty eight soldiers were injured in the battle. According to the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) the troops fought bravely against a thousands strong Seleka rebel battalion. “They fought a high-tempo battle for nine hours, defending the South African military base, until the bandits raised a white flag and asked for a ceasefire. Our soldiers inflicted heavy casualties among the attacking bandit forces,” President Jacob Zuma said in a statement. Reports early in the week told a story of the South African military generals and Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula who advised President Jacob Zuma to withdraw the 26 SANDF troops who formed the original deployment.This was in January. Approximately 200 more soldiers were dispatched as reinforcements after this. Observers of the SANDF peacekeeping missions in Africa said that South African troops are ill-disciplined, ill-equipped and not prepared for combat. Most of the troops deployed have never been involved in live combat and are not prepared for the worst. Originally troops were deployed to CAR to help protect the now deposed president Francois Bozize and to assist with the refurbishment of military bases and training of military personel in that country. The troops who were deployed in January were told “The employed members of the SANDF will assist with capacity building of the CAR Defence Force and will also assist CAR with planning and implementation of the disarmament, demobilisation and reintergration processes”. The 28 soldiers wounded on Saturday are currently being treated at 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria. Tight security surrounds the hospital. The soldiers were allegedly 50km away from the capital when they were attacked last week. This was apparently a second onslaught after an attack on Friday. Soldiers allegedly also averted an earlier attack by CAR government troops trying to enact their own coop. Some soldiers spoke anonymously to the media this week. One sergeant said: “It is true that our people are dying out there, even though there are not war engagements. It is a very difficult task trying to keep order with someone who is already shooting at you”. According to another sergeant troops were already dispatched to CAR to reinforce the

Me. Joyce Komane sê: “Hulle moet probeer om ander lande te help met vrede. Dis deel van hulle werk”.

group there. The soldier named the 44 Parachute Brigade in Bloemfontein and troops from the Louis Trichardt (Makhado) Braambos Military Base as reinforcements. President Bozize won the CAR elections in January and March 2011. His rule was however plagued with corruption, underdevelopment, nepotism and

authoritarianism. This led to the rebellion by an alliance of armed oposition factions known as the Seleka Coalition. The Central African Republic Bush War unfolded and on 24 March 2013 Bozize was overthrown. He has now been traced to be in Cameroon. It is unclear whether South African troops will be used to protect him in

that country. South African troops are also involved in peacekeeping missions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Darfur. We asked readers what they think about the incident and the SANDF involvement in peacekeeping missions. (Additional information:

Me. Tina Botha sê: “Hulle het niks met ander lande uit te waai nie. Ons het meer probleme as ander lande waarby die weermag eerder moet help. Ons land kan dit nie bekostig om soldate na ander lande te stuur nie”.

Mr Jonas Bigboy Mabilu said: “It is part of the soldiers’ job to fight. They must help other countries because we might need others’ help in future”.

Mr Moses Malaka said: They were supposed to do training. This is not fair. They must go prepared for what they are going to do. They must know they will have to fight when they are sent there”.

Mr Papi Busakwe said: “It is unfortunate that they got killed and injured. Going to war is part of their job description. As part of the African Union we must help keep peace in all countries. We must go and help”. With him are Ms Pheladi Busakwe and Tshiamo.

Mnr. Freddy Blignaut sê: “Ek was self in die weermag. Die weermag van vandag kry nie dieselfde opleiding nie. Jy kan nie ouens stuur na ‘n oorlogzone as hulle nie behoorlik opgelei is nie. Daar is nie meer dissipline in die weermag nie”. By hom is Dylan en Juan.

29 MAART 2013



missions in Africa: what you think...

Me. Ashley Briel sê: “Watse verskil het die soldate daar gemaak? Niemand is niks beter daaraan toe nie. Hulle kon eerder hier gebly het en nog gelewe het”.

Mr Sixolile Mnqonywa said: “I think fighting comes with the job. If you become a doctor you know you will work long hours. If you become a soldier, you know you might fight a war. I appreciate the service they provide trying to uphold the law. It is good to know we have them to protect us. I feel sorry for the ones who passed away and my condolences to their loved ones. I hope government will now take care of their families”.

Ms Annah Rantho and Mr Freddy Matabane said: “Every job has its own experiences, risks and challenges. If you go to a war zone as a soldier, you must take it as a man if you have to fight. It is sad this happened because they were supposed to only do training”.

Mr Lucas Maphanga said: “To be a soldier is to defend. They must work hard. They were injured and killed and that was their own mistake because they were not powerful enough. They must show other countries that South Africa has powerful soldiers”.

Me. Amor van der Mescht en Mnr. Jannie Kalp sê: “Hulle moes in ons eie land gebly het. As die pôpô die fan strike hier is al ons soldate in ander lande of dood”.

Mr PJ Phatudi Phasha said: “It is unfair because it is their lives we talk about. Soldiers must keep away from danger and not take risks in the name of friendship with other countries”.

Mr Truly Mohlolo said: “Our government have a stable situation. We are now forced to go out there and help other countries. Our borders are now so easy to enter, people walk across. One day we may need those countries’ soldiers we are helping now”.

Mnr. Francois du Plessis sê: “Hulle hoort in ons land. Hoekom moet ons mense na ander lande gaan om training te gaan gee? Hoekom kom die wat ge-train word nie hierheen nie? Dis die weermag se eie skuld as daar nou beserings ens. is. Hulle is daarheen om te gaan train, nie veg nie”.

Did you know? Did you know the following about the Central African Republic (CAR)? CAR’s territory covers about 620 000km2 and in 2008 they had a population of about 4.4 million people. The United Nations estimates that approximately 11% of the population in CAR aged between 15 and 49 are HIV positive and only 3% of the whole population is receiving antiretroviral therapy. The country primarily uses hydro-electricity as other resources are very few. It is estimated that the average citizen of CAR survives on approximately $300 a year. That is R2775 a year. This is one of the lowest income averages in the world. CAR is mineral rich and the export of diamonds are one of their main economic activities. Other resources of this country include: uranium reserves in Bakouma, crude oil, gold, lumber and arable land. There are however many unrecorded and informal trading activities that occur. The sale of food and traditional medicine are some examples. Many people live a self-sufficient lifestyle which means that they live off the land through the crops they produce. There is not

much livestock because of problems with the tsetse fly. In 2006 starvation faced many of CAR’s residents. Ongoing violence prevented food production and approximately 50 000 people were on the brink of starving. This was only prevented through the efforts of the United Nations and the support given through NGOs. CAR was previously a French colony and like many other French colonies, their legal system is based on the French law. CAR became an independent nation on 13 August 1960. CAR is a landlocked country meaning they are surrounded by Chad in the north, Sudan in the northeast, South Sudan in the east and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic on the Congo in the south. Cameroon borders it in the west. South Africa might be a rainbow nation, but CAR has over 80 ethnic groups, each with their own language. The largest ethnic group is Baya at 33%. The Development Index for the Central African Republic is 0.343, which makes ranks it at number 179 of 187 countries with data.



29 MARCH 2013

John 20:25-26 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

New Isuzu KB launched A large number of bakkie enthusiasts attended the Lowveld launch of the new Isuzu KB outside Nelspruit last week Friday. Platinum Gazette could not attend because of a last minute crisis, but as soon as we can lay hands on one from Westvaal Steelpoort, we will inform readers of all the good (and bad?) that awaits. A new Isuzu KB equals a big happening and initial reports seem to be very positive...

Burgersfort sunset: Taken with reporter’s iPhone

29 MAART 2013



Besige Bytjies ondersteun Kansa Besige Bytjies Kleuterskool het onlangs Kansa ondersteun deur ‘n “Shavathon” te hou. Al het dit op die dag gereën was dit ‘n groot sukses en het almal hope pret gehad terwyl harte ten bate van Kansa oopgemaak is. Die skool bedank graag almal wat gehelp en deel was van die dag. (Foto’s: Besige Bytjies)

Cowboys at Tubatse Village Every year Besige Bytjies Kleuters hosts a dance. This year it was themed Cowboys. The whole family could enjoy the evening and everyone dressed the part. The evening also consisted of a braai and other fun activities. The school is planning more functions like this, not only to raise funds, but also to get to know all the parents better and organise something fun for the community. The school would like to thank everyone who contributed to the night’s success. (Photograps & Information: Besige Bytjies).

R135 000 raised for CANSA The Business Leader of Two Rivers Mine, Mr Adriaan de Beer took a dare to the next level when he told fellow colleagues: “Raise R50 000 for CANSA and I’ll shave my hair off for the CANSA Shavethon”. Everybody working on the mine, including contractors, quickly got busy raising money quickly they had raised R128 000 for CANSA. This is a remarkable achievement with the economy in these times. By the end of the day they raised a total of R135 000. Mr Adriaan de Beer and the Two Rivers Mine team would

like to thank the Two Rivers Platinum family as well as the following contractors: Eurochain, Fraser Alexander, Duraset, BP/Castrol, FP van Zyl, Siphesible Transport / TA TMR’S, Rocbolt Resins, Platinum Health, Temong, G-LTA, Synntech, MaxT Solutions, North West Recycling, Wezcan, Macsteel, Precrete, Willbatt, Billnor, Booyco, TTS, GO Transmissions, Lumcor, Kutting, AQS, Sasol and Rham. (Photographs and information, Bethrum Dzonzi from Two Rivers Platinum Mine)

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29 MARCH 2013


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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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NEXT edition

of Platinum Gazette will be on 12 April 2013. Platinum Gazette staff will be available to cover news, handle advertising bookings and material next week. Contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or to make arrangements. May you have a safe and joyous Easter!

Platinum Gazette

29 MAART 2013


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29 MARCH 2013

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Maatlopo United beaten but not out League heating up with one point difference

Buffels op Polokwane vertrap Die Winterveld Buffels het verlede week Saterdag op Polokwane teen die Noordelikes uitgedraf. Dié is altyd in span om mee rekening te hou. Hulle het die wedstryd oortuigend met 57-22 gewen. Die Buffels speel op 13 April op Winterveld teen Polokwane Dorpspan. (Foto en inligting: Neels Beukes).

Maatlopo United Football Club los 2-0 against Masokolara on 21 March 2013. This did not bring them down as they redeemed themselves on Saturday last week by winning the game against Kingborn. Maatlopo United won the game with conviction as the scoreboard signalled 3-0 at the end of play. Lupa Malatjie, Shaba Moimana and Wisdom Mafolo was the three scoring stars. The log changed after last week’s play. Masokolara is still on top wit 48 points. Maatlopo is second in line with 47 points. This move came after Masokolara lost to Ngwaabe

City Motors. There will be no league games over the Easter holiday period. Maatlopo will host Mooihoek Real Touch at Moroke Stadium on 6 April 2013. “As the management of Maatlopo United FC we wish all South Africans a safe journey on our roads this Easter. Respect lives lives and arrive alive” said Mr Jimmy Makola, the team’s public relations officer. He invited all sporting enthusiasts to come and support the team at Moroke on 6 April. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226. (Information: J Makola, Maatlopo United).

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