Marula to Platinum stay with Implats Opportunities for women
Impala Platinum Holdings (Implats) has decided not to try and dispose of Marula Platinum Mine near Burgersfort any more. Implats’ strategic process announced in February 2015 outlined an option to seek value through a possible disposal of its Marula operation, which is situated on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld. The company said on Thursday this week that following a thorough assessment over the last quarter, “the Board of Directors of Implats (“the Board”) has resolved that enhanced shareholder returns will best be obtained by focusing on strategic interventions that will optimise performance at this operation, including a reduction in operating costs and growing output to 90 000 platinum ounces per annum. Consequently, the Board has ended the formal disposal process”.
Yes! Traffic lights for Jane Furse
The Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa, with the slogan ‘A platform for the inspiration and empowerment of women’ is in the process of establishing a branch locally. A meeting in this regard was held on Wednesday at the Thaba Moshate Hotel, Casino and Convention Resort in Burgersfort where businesswomen were adressed by various speakers. The organisation explained its mission and objectives and enlightened women on how to explore the avenues available for successful entrepreneurship with industries such as the mines in the area.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
29 May 2015
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
The Mayor of Makhuduthamaga Municipality, Cllr Alfred Matlala, was scheduled to officially open traffic lights installed in Jane Furse on Wednesday. According to an SMS communication from the municpality all the new traffic lights in the municipality was to be swithed on at 13:00 on Wednesday. The Makhuduthamaga Municipality urged all motorists and pedestrians to be on the lookout! (Burgerfort, anyone? - editor)
29 MAY 2015
DWARSRIVIER MINE Dwarsrivier Mine delivers infrastructure in communiƟes Last week Friday the community of Mashishing were overjoyed when Dwarsrivier Mine handed over a paved road connec ng the Community Health Care Centre with the tarred road leading to the Thusong Service Centre. The event was a ended amongst others by management of Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, The Execu ve Mayor, Cllr B M Ncongwane and officials, the Mpumalanga MEC for Health, Mr G P Mashego and African Rainbow Minerals’ (ARM) Group Execu ve, Ms Princess Thwala. The highlight of the speeches was that the government’s (local, provincial and na onal) partnership with private business and industry is paramount in community development and that the private sector could through the right assistance, do much to contribute to government’s share in making life easier for all. Ac ng Senior General Manager of Dwarsrivier, Mr Rian Burger explained to the audience why it was important for the mine to assist communi es in health and educa on and stressed that synergy between the mine and its communi es are important for sustained economic development. Ms Princess Thwala, who originally hails from Sabie, said she has a so spot for the area as it is her home ground. In her speech she touch on the importance of educa on and encouraged learners to qualify It was not all ribbons and speeches. The group got down and dirty while plan ng a tree outside the Community Health Care Centre in Mashishing last week.
themselves so that they can be employed by industry or start their own enterprises, saying those who have dropped out of school must go back and qualify themselves because without educa on a large number of opportuni es will stay out of reach. She also urged the community to look a er their assets gained through development projects, saying “We use ck boxes to determine whether communi es look a er what was given to them. If they don’t, companies are reluctant to help them”. Mr Mashego on his part stressed the importance of health in development and said he will not tolerate civil servants that do not deliver services that the community deserves. He also announced that the province’s new target for circumcisions this year is 150 000 as opposed to last year’s 60 000 and he encouraged men of all ages to have themselves circumcised as it is a fact that it reduces the incidence of HIV / Aids (somebody asked whether men could wait ll a er month end). He also pleaded for the private sector to remain involved in community upli ment and expressed the wish that the partnership with Dwarsrivier can be broadened. The dignitaries and audience walked the new paved road a er the conclusion of the formali es before cu ng the ribbon, opening it for use.
29 MEI 2015
Bringing services to Maepa village Ohrigstad SAPS and Leboeng SASSA Office On 26 May 2015 the Ohrigstad SAPS and the Leboeng SASSA Office visited Maepa Village. Const. Phokane, the crime prevention coordinator led the effort by the SAPS. The group went to render services such as applications for grants. The SAPS assisted with affidavits and certain documentation needed for application to receive food parcels. On the photographs are Const. Mathebula and Mr. Matlakala busy assisting the community members who qualify for certain services. (Information & photographs: Const. Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS)
“The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory”. Isaiah 60:19 (NIV) (Photograph taken and submitted by Martie McCabe, Burgersfort).
Tender box burnt Department reacts as tenders for feeding scheme suppliers are burnt The National Schools Nutrition Programme (NSNP), the programme that feeds millions of needy learners will continue in Limpopo schools. This follows the establishment of processes to continue with the submission of tender documents after the burning of the Departmental Tender Box this week. The Tender Box was burnt only hours towards the submission deadline. This left the Department with no option but to extend the submission date to the 17th June 2015. Community members will from Monday be able to access tender documents from the department. The re-submission of the documents will take place from the 8th to the 17th June 2015. New Tender
Box will be placed in the Limpopo Education Department at 113 Biccard Street, Polokwane. Entrepreneurs who have already paid in line with requirements of tender procedures will be exempted from paying again. Interested entrepreneurs are urged to use the extended days wisely and not wait for the closing date as there will be no document accepted after 11AM on the 17th June 2015. The Department apologised for all inconveniences caused by the criminal incident that happened and assured everyone that the incident will be averted by all cost. For more information contact Mr Paena Galane, departmental Spokesperson at 072 069 4500
Prison sentence for arsonist Jimmy Malepe (27) from Leboeng was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment without the option of a fine after he was found guilty of Arson and Malicious damage to property. He burned down a house of a woman who is said to be his girlfriend. The sentence was handed down on 26 May in the Leboeng Periodic Court. A 43-year old man from Tswenyane Village near Leboeng was arrested and charged with murder. He also appeared in the Leboeng Periodical
Court on Tuesday. According to reports the 63-year old woman of whose murder the man is accused was found vomiting blood in her house. She was found by her son. She died before any help arrived. When the SAPS arrived at the house they found the suspect hiding in the woman’s bedroom. He was arrested. The case was postponed to 2 June for a formal bail application. (Information: Const. MA Sibatana, Leboeng SAPS).
29 MAY 2015
Back to the river for water? Teambuilding at Tubatse Attempts to upgrade water infrastructure in Burgersfort has left many residents angry as their pipes are running dry for days. The contractor installing the pipe has in Ext. 5 dug up sections of the existing water supply infrastructure twice in one week. The first was relatively quickly repaired on Friday last week, but the second happened on Tuesday and by yesterday at the time of going to print the water has not been restored. It being month-end has also caused a major disruption in the traffic flow and access to businesses in Morone Street.
The local Lepelle Contact Centre is unable to give any time frame of when the water supply will be restored and could not give any answers as to what alternative plans for access to water is being made for residents. No official communication with regards to the situation was received from either the Sekhukhune District Municipality or Lepelle Northern Water and early morning calls went unanswered. A question to the Call Centre Operator on whether people should now go directly to the river for their water was replied with “I don’t know’.
Tubatse Chrome held a teambuilding day on Friday 22 May 2015. The theme of the day was ‘A taste of my culture’ and the employees cooked some South African food. They also learned some gumboot dancing steps. Pieter Koen was the day’s master of ceremonies. (Photographs & information: Gabriella du Plessis)
Tubatse Chrome employees cooking up a storm during their teambuilding exercise. They cooked South African food to fit into the theme: “A taste of my culture”. The event took place at Tubatse Chrome Club on Friday last week.
29 MEI 2015
Hobo Jol is vet pret Verlede week Vrydagaand het ‘n paar opskure karakters by Winterveld Klub ingesluip. Hulle was oppad na die Hobo Jol. Die ‘boemelaars’ het met hul aankoms ‘n knerts vir die koue gekry en daarna was die partytjie goed aan die gang. Later is daar aan russians en chips in koerantpapier gesmul voor Lee Vaughn gesorg het vir ‘n dansvloer vol mense.
Jeug skryf gebedsbriewe Verlede week Vrydagaand het die Jesus Factor Jeug ballonne by Tubatse Crossing Mall gaan uitdeel. Die ballonne het ‘n dieper betekenis gehad omdat daar aan elkeen ‘n gebed vasgemaak is. Die gebede het dinge bevat wat die gemeenskap graag van God wil vra. Die gebedspapiertjies is simbolies met helium gevulde ballonne opgestuur hemel toe. “Dit het gegaan oor die aksie van gebed en geloof wat daarmee saamgaan,” verduidelik Philip Smit. Daarna het die groep by Bison Falls Spur gaan eet en hulle bedank die bestuur van Bison Falls Spur opreg vir die ondersteuning. Die Jesus Factor Jeug is al ‘n geruime tyd in Burgersfort, maar daar is nou verskeie nuwe verwikkelinge. Die groep het onlangs ‘n Jeug Sentrum bekom wat vol lekker bedrywighede Foto’s en inligting: Jesus Factor Jeug gestop gaan word. Daar sal goed soos “pool” tafels, TV’s, Internet en WiFi, tafeltennis, ‘n ‘chill area’, koffiekroeg en braaiarea wees. Borge wat graag hiermee wil help is welkom. Die idee is om die jeug van die area iets te bied om Vrydagaande te doen. Daar is altyd volwasse toesig en tieners vanaf 13 jaar kan kom saam kuier. Christen-wees hoef nie ‘boring’ te wees nie. Kontak: Philip Smit by 082 316 9019,
29 MAY 2015
Tubatse Chrome Festival 2015 Tubatse Chrome Festival took place on Saturday 23 May 2015. The event had a change of format from previous years. This year the day kicked-off with various sporting activities at the Club. This included golf, netball, action cricket, a fun run/walk and a mountain bike race. By about mid-day entertainers started performing. The
Lorna Greyling gave a motivational talk in the Women’s Corner. Her message centred around Hope. The women could also be pampered with foot massages (left), manicures or a back and neck massage. A coffee shop also operated in the area. In the Children’s Corner Ollie die Nar (right) visited them and various activities from spraying their hair different colours to colouring in was done.
At the Women’s Corner coffee, cake, jewellery and other products were on offer.
There was more than enough to keep the children busy while their parents enjoyed the music or participated in the sporting events.
children were entertained by Ollie die Nar (Ollie the Clown) while in the Women’s Corner a former Mrs. South Africa finalist, Lorna Greyling gave a motivational talk. On the main stage live entertainment was provided by both local and national artists. They were Carina, Tanya and Carla Oberholzer followed by Bongi and Georgetown before DJ Ferdie took the late night shift. Food and other stalls ensured that there was always something to eat and never an opportunity to get bored. A beer tent and a coffee service at the Women’s Corner kept the thirst at bay. Tubatse Chrome Club thanked everyone who attended the day and supported it in the form of a sponsorship. They are looking forward to seeing everyone there again next year.
29 MEI 2015
Festive fever at Tubatse Chrome Club Festivities at Tubatse Chrome Club had a beat that drew visitors to the dance floor. The live entertainment provided by Carina, Tanya, Carla Oberholzer, Bongi and Georgetown was the crown on a day full of action. Read more about the sporting activities that started the day on pages 13 - 16 of this newspaper. The Tubatse Chrome Festival drew more than 1000 people and is set to increase its popularity with the new format the organising committee established. The organisers thanked everyone who contributed towards the day’s success.
Tubatse SUPERSPAR donates to the community Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort is well-
29 MAY 2015
known for their caring attitude towards the community in which they operate. They’ve recently donated blankets to storm victims and has also donated food parcels to the Leeuwvallei Christian Assembly Church and the Full Gospel Church in Burgersfort. These parcels are distributed by the churches to families in dire need of assistance. The recipients of the donations thanked Tubatse SUPERSPAR for their help and caring attitude. (Photographs & Information: Tubatse SUPERSPAR).
Win your cash back The Spar Win-A-Car competition is heating up. Apart from the possibility to walk away with a brand new vehicle, customers at Tubatse SUPERSPAR also stand a chance to win back the money they’ve spent at the shop. Every week a lucky draw determines a winning customer who gets the amount he or she spent at the shop back in cash. There is still time to enter - you could be the next winner.
Above: Ms Fridah Mashaba with Ms. Yandiswa Dili from Spar.
Above: Mr. Anthony Mphela received his cash back from Ms. Florence Modingwane from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.
The Full Gospel Church in Burgersfort benefitted from donations given by Tubatse SUPERSPAR.
Right: Ms. Zodwa Mahungela handed Ms. Timothy Maepa his cash back after he was the lucky winner.
29 MEI 2015
Engaging with stakeholders Maintaining a good rela onship with the various stakeholders in the community is key to Dwarsrivier Mine. That is why they met at Jorge Resort near Steelpoort to encourage dialogue between the Mine and respresenta ves from different sectors in the area.
On Thursday 21 May 2015 Dwarsrivier Mine met with stakeholders from various sectors in the community to strengthen their rela onship and provide feedback on what challenges, successes and future plans the mine have. The morning’s event was a ended by a variety of stakeholders, including representa ves from the municipali es, tradi onal leaders, businesses and more. Ms. Beverly Venter, HR Superintendent of Dwarsrivier Mine introduced the Dwarsrivier Management team to the group. This was followed by a presenta on by Mr. Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager of the mine. The presenta on contained highlights the mine experienced in the last year, employment data, SED Priori es, SED Project Progress, Enterprise Development, SLP Projects Delivery, CSI Projects Delivery and the available Engagement Pla orms. Some of the SED Priori es include Infrastructure Development and in this sec on the mine has commi ed themselve to assis ng with electrifica on and water provision in Kalkfontein. Educa on is another priority. Dwarsrivier Mine supports educa on in the area through Community ABET training, assistance with Early Childhood Development, fencing of a primary school, career exhibi ons, and assistance with scholar transport as well as sponsoring Teach SA Ambassadors at Ngwaabe Comprehensive High School. Health is one of the focus points for the mine, not just in-house, but also in the community. They are part of the Local AIDS Council (LAC) and annually sponsor a HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign. They are also part of the GTM Disability Forum and involved with building of the Ngwaabe Home Based Care Centre. Enterprise Development is another priority. In this sec on the mine assists with capacity building for local black SMME. They offer SMME support and a SMME Portal. A long list of assisted companies and projects were provided. Feedback on completed projects and the state of uncompleted ones were given with an es mated me of comple on. Various speakers took a turn to convey their messages and concerns. Greater Tubatse Mayor, Cllr. Simon Ralepane Mamekua thanked Dwarsrivier for their involvement in the community and the opportunity to meet. The session ended with a hearty breakfast and some more social networking.
Your cuppa Opel Mokka? The Mokka, according to Internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia, derives its name from a type of coffee, but it does not say why General Motors had chosen this name of the mini SUV type of Opel (or Buick or Vauxhaull depending where you buy it in the world). We took a white Cosmo manual (six speed, 1.4 turbo) from Westvaal Steelpoort for a drive to see if this car is everybody’s cup of coffee. The range is small, with four models, sharing the same engine, all are front wheel drive, and available in two levels of trim, Enjoy (cheaper with cloth seats etc.) and the Cosmo (luxurious leather and all the electronic bells and whistles, standard Intellilink infotainment with rear parking camera and front proximity sensor and 230 volt inverter power supply). Things like climate control, power windows and cruise control are standard for all models, with both the Cosmo and Enjoy also available with automatic six- speed gearbox with a manual shift mode. A strong point of the car is that you ride high, the engine supplies more than enough power for all your needs and it brakes like there is no tomorrow. Incidentally the Korean made car (although it is an Opel) is now also assembled in Spain to satisfy the needs of the European market where it apparently sells like hot cakes (with the coffee?) One of its strongest selling points in that market is that it is probably the safest car in its class and scored kudos in all the categories of the NCAP test. It drives well, with the interior of the Cosmo luxurious enough for anybody’s taste, but it is marred by noise, especially road noise. On-road stability is good if not excellent, but what also hampered the driving experience is that the manual gearbox felt notchy and the gears did not go intuitively go into the gates. What we absolutely loved about the car is the space. It has a large boot and the back seats can be folded down in a 60:40 configuration to create a carnivorous luggage space. Back seat passengers (adult ones) will also sit comfortably with enough space to stretch their legs. That seat of the back seat can also be folded up on its own to create a taller load space for something like a pot plant. Nice. The car we drove sells for R325 500 and should definitely be on your list if you want something in this market segment. We will go for the cheaper one starting from R288 500. Westvaal Steelpoort is available on 013 230 9230 if you want such a car.
29 MEI 2015
Action Cricket at Tubatse Chrome Festival
Friendly soccer in Praktiseer On Wednesday this week the SAPS Tubatse Cluster hosted the Sekhukhune District Department of Agriculture for a friendly soccer match at Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. The SAPS team dominated the match in the first half. They managed to score three goals with the visitors seeing the back of the net only once. The half time score was 3-1 in favour of the SAPS team. In the second half the visitors dominated the ball possession and managed to score three goals. Late in the second half the SAPS team tried to level the score, but failed to beat the solid defence of the Agriculture team. The final score was SAPS 3 and Agriculture 4.
The activities at the Tubatse Chrome Festival included some action cricket games. Different teams played against each other, but in the end it was the AFM Church’s team the Lemmetjies who came out tops.
(Information: Const. Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Pitso Sehlabela)
Tubatse Masters vs Mabocha On Saturday 23 May 2015 the Tubatse Masters hosted a local team from Mabocha Village for a friendly soccer match. The match was played at Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. Both teams displayed good skills but Tubatse Masters dominated the ball pos-
session. Their dominance paid off when TRT Malatji scored a goal from outside the box to make the score 1-0. Lekgotla Motswiane increased the lead with a second goal just before half time. The visitors made three changes before half time, but failed to penetrate the defence. In the second half the Masters’ domination continued. Lekgotla Motswiane scored another goal to make it 3-0. The visitors finally scored their first goal by Khomotso King Lesese to reduce the marging to 3-1. Pitso Sehlabela also put his name on the score sheet and scored the Masters’ fourth goal. Just a few minutes later Khomotso scored his second goal to make the final score 4-2 in favour of the Masters. (Information & Photograph: Jerial Mvundlela).
Juventus FC vs Pick n Pay Juventus FC played against Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing Mall at Apiesdoorn Sports Ground on Saturday last week. The Pick n Pay team dominated the match from the start when Elvis made no mistake with the ball that came his way to score the visitors’ first goal.
This was however ruled as offside. The visitors kept knocking on the Juventus defence when striker Tshephang made a brilliant pass to Paul who took a long range shot. The Juventus keeper was however wide awake and saved it. The half time score was 0-0. In the second half the Pick n pay team came back with confidence, but they were just not good enough to get a goal after Thabang’s fine pass to Pick n Pay striker Mahlatse. The Juventus keeper once again saved the ball. In the dying minutes of the game Juventus’ Justice placed a goal past the Pick n Pay keeper to make the final score 1-0 in favour of Juventus F.C. (Information & photo: Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing team).
Supply Chain Management Unit NOTICE AND INVITATION TO REGISTER ONTO THE 2015/2016 SUPPLIERS/ VENDORS DATABASE OF GREATER TUBATSE MUNICIPALITY. 1. The Greater Tubatse Municipality hereby informs all the prospective suppliers/ vendors of its needs requirements that the registration and accreditation of suppliers onto the municipal database will be re-opened from the 1st June 2015 to the 1st July 2015. This accredited list of suppliers will then be used to source the municipal needs for the 2015/2016 financial year. 2. Prospective suppliers who want to be registered are advised to bring the following documents to the Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre office No 42, Ground Floor during working hours (7h30 to 16h00). 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
Proof of Business Registration Certificate Proof of Annual Return Certificate from CIPRO Business/ Company profile Original-valid Tax Clearance Certificate Certified Copies of Identity Documents of all Members/Directors. Original/ Certified Copy of B-BBEE Certificate Cancelled Cheque/ Original Letter from the Bank confirming business/ company account Proof of residence
3. For completion of database forms please contact Ms . Cecilia Pookgwadi or Mr. Point Maphanga @ 013 231 100/ 1156, Supply Chain Office Ground Floor. 4. For general enquiries please contact the Manager Supply Chain Manage ment Unit : Ms. Maria Letsoalo @ 013 231 1231 or 5. Registration forms can be obtained from the Supply Chain Management Unit or downloaded from our website ( NB: SERVICE PROVIDERS WHO HAVE REGISTERED AFTER JULY 2014 (FOR 2014/15 FY), NEED NOT RE-REGISTER AND THE REGISTRATION PROCESS IS AT NO COST . MA Ramaipadi Acting Municipal Manager
29 MAY 2015
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 0723377332
Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
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Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005
L Lang en kkortt ttermyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100
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Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Platinum Gazette Betrekkings/Vacancies Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5,
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Grade 12 Blasting certificate in Opencast Mining Three (3) years’ experience as Blaster in Opencast Mining
GENERAL DUTIES: The successful candidate will be responsible for the following: • Co-ordinate Blasting dates • Co-ordinate Drilling contractors and explosive providers If you meet the above criteria, then please send your CV to before or by close of business on 5 June 2015. Please note that if you have had no response to your application by 19 June 2015, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for Total Waste Management. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km form Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014. Tender Number: TM 1504/06 DescripƟon:
Total Waste Management
Terms of reference/specificaƟons and tender documentaƟon can be downloaded from the below portal: hƩp:// Enquiries regarding the tender can be directed to below e-mail and fax. E-Mail: Fax: 0866 101 887 Please quote the relevant tender number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax. No telephonic queries will be entertained. Tender briefing Date and Time: 05 June 2015 at 10:00 Venue: Dwarsrivier Training Centre Closing Date and Time of Tender: 12 June 2015 at 12:00
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC OPEN DAY AND AVAILABILITY OF THE EIA REPORT AS PART OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR A MINING RIGHT APPLICATION. VANADIUM RESOURCES MINING PROJECT: DMR Ref No: LP 30/5/1/2/2/10095 MR LOCATION: Portions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & REMAINING EXTENT of the farm STEELPOORTDRIFT 365 KT, Magisterial District of Tubatse in the Limpopo Province. The farm Steelpoort 365 KT is located +-30km southwest of the town of Steelpoort. A tarred road runs more or less parallel to the western boundary of the farm, and to the south the farm is separated from the R555 main road from Steelpoort to Middelburg by the Steelpoort River. The Dr Eiselen Dam on the Shakwaneng River is immediately northwest of the project area. DESCRIPTION OF MINING ACTIVITY AND SIZE OF THE SITE: The project proposes to establish an Iron, Titanium and Vanadium open pit mine with associated infrastructure and water use. The annual production is estimated to be 360 000 tons and the size of the area is 2456.5752 hectares. The area to be affected by mining activities and associated infrastructure will exceed 20ha. NOTIFICATION: In terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002) and the EIA regulations published in Government Notice No R.385 under Section 24(5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998), of the intent to carry out a full Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed mining activity. NOTICE: Is hereby given of a Public Open Day Meting to be held on the 20TH of June 2015 at the Sekhukhune lodge Coordinates (-24.865993; 29.968359) near Tibamoshito Primary School on the Road D2219 from 10am to 12pm. The draft EMP report will be made available for review at these locations. • Greater Sekhukhune municipal offices; • Greater Tubatse municipal offices; • Steelpoort Post Office and Electronic copies will be available at APPLICANT: Vanadium Resources (Pty) Ltd Registration number: 2006/029756/07. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Jomela Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Contact Details: P.O. Box 415, Celtis Ridge, 0130 Tel: (+27) 12 772 2350 * Mobile: (+27) 79 885 9666 * Fax :( +27) 86 626 4839 or Email:
Contact Platinum Gazette to advertise your business or product (013) 231 7147 or 083 543 1676
29 MEI 2015
Something of everything at Tubatse Chrome MTB race The Tubatse Chrome MTB race took place on Saturday morning. A 10km race and
30km race challenged riders to give it their all. Both serious mountain bike riders and social riders participated. The course included everything from hills, sand, rocky patches, water crossings and
Various age groups participated in the MTB race, making it something in which the whole family could participate. Participants are already talking about taking on next year’s event.
The race started at Tubatse Chrome Club and ended there again. It also snaked through the golf course and some rough terrain as part of the challenge.
beautiful nature settings. The winners of the 10km Mens Open were: Pieter Greef Jnr. (1st), NW Potgieter (2nd), Pieter Greef (Snr) (3rd). 10km Women’s Open: Marie Coetzee (1st), Rita Greef (2nd), Leandri Coetzer (3rd). 30km Female Open winner: Debra Booyens. 30km Men’s Open: Ruhan Beukes (1st); Piere Joubert (2nd) and Pieter de Jager (3rd).
Kom ondersteun Ohrigstad Rugby Klub Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is steeds besig met ‘n taai stryd in die ligareeks. Hulle het verlede week Saterdag teen Nelspruit gespeel, maar dit was ‘n moeilike wedstryd. Die manne het tot op die laaste probeer om die wedstryd in hul guns te draai. Nelspruit het ‘n drie gedruk en ‘n strafskop oorgesit. Ohrigstad se Juan van Zyl het twee strafskoppe tussen die pale deurgesit. Naby die einde van die wedstryd is nog ‘n strafskop aan hulle toegeken. Martin van den Berg het die keer pale toe gemik en ongelukkig die pale getref. “Ons was maar net ongelukkig om nie die laaste skop oor te kry nie,” sê Quartus du Toit van die Klub. Die wedstryd het 8-6 in die guns van Nelspruit geëindig. Hierdie week speel hulle teen die Bosvelders van Hoedspruit in ‘n tuiswedstryd. Daar sal twee wedstryde wees. Die een sal die Gryskatte teen die Ou Manne van die Bosvelders wees en die ander die ligawedstryd. Afskop is reeds teen 14:00. Kom ondersteun die span by Laerskool Ohrigstad, hulle het die gees en ondersteuning nodig. (Inligting: Quartus du Toit).
Diggers Monthly Market The Diggers Monthly Market will be taking place tomorrow 30 May 2015. This event is a must attend. Visit them at Winterveld Bottom Village at 19 Harmony Way, Steelpoort. The market will be the ideal place to get a special gift, buys some beauty products, browse through clothing and other stalls or relax with a cup of coffee and have
something sweet. Admission will be R5 per person. Stalls are still available if you have a product or service you would like to come and exhibit. The market will be operating between 09:00 and 15:00. For more information contact Debbie 072 712 6905, Esme 079 100 9643, Jurgen 082 500 9257, Alet 083 775 1438, Diana 082 831 6446 or Ansie 072 827 0376.
29 MAY 2015
Pink Panthers are on the ball The netball competition at the Tubatse Chrome Festival was decided between four teams. The Pink Panthers from Steelpoort was the eventual winners. Tubatse’s Black Cats were second and the Dixie Chicks from Lydenburg came third.
Above: The Pink Panthers (Photo: Gabriella du Plessis).
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529
CORRUGATED IRON 0,3mm x 3,6m MASONITE DOOR 813mm x 2032mm
Open Monday’s - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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CRAFT DOORS 813mm x 2032mm Assorted Patterns
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42990 ROLL UP GARAGE DOOR SERIES 245 Baffalo Brown
Promotion valid from 26 May - 6 June 2015. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.
29 MEI 2015
Run for fun
Tubatse Chrome Festival’s sporting events included a 10km fun run or a fun walk. Young and old participated. The participants gathered early on Saturday morning at Tubatse Chrome Club before setting off on the route through the village and back again. The event took place in great spirit and Limpopo Athletics made sure that everything went according to the book. The winners of the men’s race were Frans Phehli (1st), Tshepo Sekgeblo (2nd) and Costy Mothoko (3rd). The winners of the women’s race were: Dineo Ngele (1st), marie Esbach (2nd) and Manda Heydenreich (3rd).
Above and left: The winners of the Men’s and Women’s races.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
29 MAY 2015
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Team Conrad takes it The Tubatse Chrome Festival took place last week Saturday. This time around the event also had a large sporting focus. One of the events was a special invitation golf day. Players had an early start and a full course ensured that things were heated all through the morning. The eventual results were: First place (photograph right) C. Conrad and R. Conrad with 48 points; 2nd - J. Dreyer and B. Language with 47 points; 3rd - Lola Botha and André Botha with 46 points. Nearest to the pin on 4/13 was Lance Lo. Nearest to the pin on 9/18 was R. Conrad. The day’s longest drive was done by A. Botha. The players enjoyed the competition very much and is already looking forward to next year’s event. This weekend it is the OAK competition at Tubatse Chrome Club. Everyone is welcome. Funds raised will be going towards the church. In Lydenburg the Lydenburg Dienssentrum Golf Day will take place. This aims to raise funds for the elderly. For more information on this contact 013 235 3875 (Shaunette Erasmus).
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