ANC in Limpopo welcomes new Initiation Schools Act The ANC in Limpopo welcomed the passing of the Limpopo Initiation Schools Bill in a Sitting of the Provincial Legislature held on Tuesday, 27 June 2017. The new Initiation Schools Act 2016, repeals the Northern Province Circumcision Schools Act 1996, and aims to regulate initiation school customs and traditions of traditional communities in the province. The party said in a statement the ANC is satisfied that the Portfolio Committee on Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) has consulted extensively with all relevant stakeholders in promulgating this Bill and that the Act should be used optimally to govern this sacred process of ‘passage to manhood’. According to the new Act, no under age children should attend initiation schools without the consent of their parents and/or guardians. Abduction is also prohibited. The Act calls for the duration of the Initiation Schools to conform with the annual academic calendar. Under the new Initiation Schools Act 2016, no one can operate an initiation school without following certain rules and guidelines as prescribed by the Act.
SOLMA 2017 page 2
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
30 Junie 2017
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
30 JUNE 2017
Greater Tubatse / Fetakgomo Local Municipality Budget 2017/2018 On Saturday last week Greater Tubatse / Fetakgomo Local Municipality, Cllr Johannes Phokane informed residents of the municipality of what had been done during the past year and he also highlighted the budget and project for the near future. He said “It has been approximately 10 months since the local government elections were held on the 3rd August 2016 that ushered in a new Council. Gathered here today we are to present the 2017/18 State of the Local Municipal Address of the newly amalgamated Municipality. The redetermination of the Municipal boundaries resulted in the amalgamation of the former Fetakgomo and Greater Tubatse Municipalities into the new Municipality LIM 476. Council has established an ad hoc committee to drive a process of finding a new name for the Municipality through public participation and soon the process will be concluded. We are proud of our people because since taking office on the 17th August 2016 we did not experience any resistancerelated to the merger of the two Municipalities, this is an indication of maturity of our leaders from various sectors of the society and the communities at large. This year has been declared the OR Tambo year as we celebrate his life and the contribution made in liberating our country. It is important for us to be reminded of the legacy of OR Tambo and the influence he had over the society. OR Tambo embodied peace, reconciliation, social justice and a free society. The greatest tribute we can pay to OR is to exemplify his legacy and eradicate all forms of poverty, inequality and social injustice. As Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality we shall strive to deliver basic services to our communities wthin our means in order to restore dignity to the people. We do not have resources in abundance to provide for the basic needs of our people within the shortest possible time. The reality of our situation demands that we have to work cost effectively using our limited resources at our disposal because our people `s patience is not endless. We do not have the luxury of time to put up with wastefulness due to inefficiency, fraud, corruption or any other act that would make it difficult to realise the constitutional mandate of local government”. With regards to the budget he explained that: • Total revenue anticipated is R633 million for 2017/18, increasing to R714 million and R744 million for the MTREF period, • Total operational expenditure is R574 million, reducing to R545 million and increasing to R593 million for the MTREF period, • Total capital expenditure is R150 million, increasing to R160 million and reducing to R146 million for the MTREF period, • These resulted in the deficit of R90 million for the 2017/18 financial year while a surplus of R8,2 million and R3,1 million for the two outer years in anticipated. • Accelerated spending is planned for the 2017/18 financial year to address the service delivery backlog while the two outer years will see a slight decrease in spending, and • The Data cleansing project underway is expected to reduce the billing of farms that belong to traditional authorities thus reducing the amount of revenue being billed monthly consequently reducing the provision for bad debts. The deficit of R90 million will be funded by savings from 2016/17 financial year which will emanate from cost containment measures for operational expenditure • Cash on hand at the end of April 2017 was R 307 million only R 38,5 million related to conditional grants. The Municipality will be in a position to fund the deficit. • It should be noted that the deficit is mainly attributable to non – cash transactions such as Depreciation of assets and provisions for impairments of debtors book.
Depreciation is budgeted for at R90 million and Provision of doubtful debts is budget at R30 million for 2017/18 financial year Revenue from grants and subsidies amounts to R438 million for 2017/18, the major categories being the following: Equitable share R 333 million, Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding of R81 million, Integrated National Electrification Grant (INEG) of R10 million, and Last trench of Municipal demarcation transitional grant of R4,5 million Revenue from own sources amounts to R188 million for 2017/18, the major categories being the following: Property rates R126 million, Refuse removal R13,8 million, Interest on late payments and penalties of R23,6 million, and Interest on investments of R10,8 million Total operating expenditure is R574 million, reducing to R545 million and increasing to R593 million over the MTREF period, the highest contributors to the operational expenditure for 2016/17 are: Employee related costs of R163 million (28,54%), General Expenses R166 million (29,80%), Depreciation of assets R90 million (15,67%), Repairs and Maintenance R72 million (12,61%), Provision for doubtful debts R30 million (5,21%), and Remuneration of Councillors R24 million (4,19%). The following anchor capital projects are going to be implemented in the 2017/18 financial year; • Upgrading of Radingwana sports facility • Mapodile sports facilities phase 2 • Motodi sports complex • Tubatse High mast lights • Access bridges at –Dithamaga, Tjate, Ga-Malwane, lefahla, Morokodieta • Access roads at Bothashoek, Thokwane, Leboeng, Tukakgomo • Nchabeleng/Nkwana/Seroka/ Stykrall Internal streets • Magakala to Magotwana internal streets • Fetakgomo Municipal facilities internal streets • Mashung internal streets The following are going to be implemented using our own funds; • Plant and equipments • Feasibility study on water study • Construction of storm water drainage • Township establishment and land acquisition • Identification of land and design for Business park • Burgersfort stadium feasibility study • Purchase of Disaster vehicles • Purchase of traffic vehicles • Purchase of refuse removal fleet • Purchase of land for animal pound • Purchase of land for vehicle pound • Purchase of new landfill site • Rehabilitation and closure of Burgersfort landfill site • Development of Malogeng landfill site • Renovation of Praktiseer Licencing offices • Purchase of waste skip and street bins • Fencing of cemeteries • Development of Regional cemeteries • Purchase of Municipal fleet • Refurbishment of Municipal Buildings • Ohrigstad sports complex phase 2 • Development of infrastructure Master plan • Construction of New hawkers stalls Mayor Phokane also announced that despite the technical recession and economic hardship in the area, the local government will strive to maintain the partnerships with the private sector in the area to improve the socio-economic plight of people in the area. In this regard he thanked this sector, especially the mines for what they contributed during the past year and for what thy pledged for the near future.
30 JUNIE 2017
Robbery and murder in Burgersfort Early morning on 23 June a gang of approximately 18 armed robbers targeted the Twin City complex to grind open ATMs at one of the banks in the complex. The suspects allegedly closed off entrances into town on the R555 and the R37. They held up the centre’s security guards at gun point and is said to have fired their weapons at random while some members of the group grinded the ATMs open. Another security company responding to an alarm had their security officer, Mr Charles Botha (32) (photo left) hit by one of the bullets fired by the gang. Botha managed to turn around, but his
vehicle went off the road near Magaba Filling Station. While colleagues and family of Mr Botha rushed to the scene they allegedly struggled to get help from emergency services to assist on the scene. Botha died before he could be taken to hospital. The robbers used a silver Navara, silver Audi A4 and a white VW Golf 6 in the operation. The one vehicle, the Navara was later found a distance away from the crime scene with blood inside. The SAPS is still investigating the robbery and murder. By the time of going to press no official reports of arrests had been received.
The public had been asked to come forward if they have any information that could assist in the investigation. They can contact Captain Boshomane on 079 894 5501 or contact the crime stop number on 08600 10111 or sms the crime line on 32211. This robbery is not the only one having taken place in the last few weeks. This week the Steelpoort Sasol Garage was robbed by suspects who fled on foot. The Pep Stores in Burgersfort had allegedly also been robbed. Robbers and thieves are also targeting unsuspecting ATM users within the malls around town to grab cash and cards before fleeing before security or the victim can react. A spree of housebreakings with hunting rifles being taken in some cases, is also happening in Burgersfort. A memorial service will be held for Charles Botha today (30 June 2017) at 11:00 at the Volle Evangelie Kerk in Spekboom Estate. Botha leaves behind his wife and a 9-year old daughter.
(Photographs: Facebook)
Water relief for villagers Residents of Makgalane Village at Leboeng celebrated the gift of fresh water when Hillary Construction took pity on their struggle without running water. With no working water supply in the village they had to walk approximately 3km to their neighbouring village to fetch water daily. Residents claim that their calls for assistance from the Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality fell on deaf ears. “We tried talking to them to ask for help through the proper channels using our ward committee and ward councillor. We requested that they send water tankers to assist us,” explained Mr Robert Mahubedu from the village. “A special thank you to Hillary Construction who assisted us after we requested them for a tanker of water to relieve the situation” said Mahubedu. (Hillary Construction is the contractor upgrading the R36 road). Photographs & Information: Robert Mahubedu
30 JUNE 2017
NEWS 1 Samuel 17:46-48 (NIV) 46
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” 48 As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.
Truck trouble Motorists and pedestrians had been complaining over the last few weeks about trucks blocking the way and driving over the sidewalk while waiting to fill up at a local filling station in Burgersfort. Calvin Street leading to Calvin College is known for loads of pedestrian traffic as learners use the road to and from school. Children had been seen ducking underneath trucks parked on the sidewalk to escape traffic as they are unable to walk on the sidewalk with the trucks parked there. The paved road which was constructed through the joint efforts of home and business owners using the street, is now littered with rocks and bricks placed on the surface to assist trucks to get onto the sidewalk. This makes two way traffic impossible on the specific spot as normal vehicles cannot pass over the rubble on their side of the road. Hopefully a solution to this predicament will be found before the school holidays, starting today, is over.
30 JUNIE 2017
Partnering with communities on education, healthcare and agriculture projects
nglo American Platinum is proud to hand-over a number of completed Social and Labour Plan (SLP) initiatives in communities around the Twickenham and Der Brochen mining projects. The initiatives include construction of a primary school, renovations at four schools, road development, building of a primary healthcare clinic, and two farming projects. The Company’s SLP initiatives promote economic growth, employment and advance the social and economic welfare of local communities. As part of the first generation SLP for the Der Brochen and Twickenham communities ,Anglo American Platinum has completed 19 initiatives in these areas, amounting to a total spend of R223 million and creating over 170 local contractual jobs and skills development opportunities therefore unlocking the local economy. Chris Griffith, Chief Executive Officer said “Anglo American Platinum is committed to supporting the country’s transformation and economic development objectives. Our Social and Labour Plans are an important element of this and we believe that local partnerships are key to delivering meaningful and sustainable benefits to host communities. We’re pleased to handover these projects in Twickenham and Der Brochen, which bring important improvements in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, as well as economic opportunities through farming.” In Twickenham, the company has implement ed and is handing over the following initiatives: · Setlamorago Primary School: construction of a new school with a state-of-the-art education facility including classrooms, a library, a science laboratory, an administration block, ablution facilities, walkways and a guardhouse. Over 140 learners are benefiting from this facility. · Mpetje Primary School: renovation of a dilapidated school and construction of a new administration block. Approximately 483 learners from Morapaneng, Ditwebeleng and Tethabaneng villages attend the school. · Moseki Secondary School: renovation of classrooms and construction of additional classrooms to accommodate the growing number of learners from Makgopa, Seelane, Mosotse, Serafa and Ga-Mashabela villages. · Phase two development of Mokgopa Road: construction of a 20km stretch of a tar road from Atok, passing through Ga-Mashabela to Ga-Selepe area, ensuring better access to transport for residents of surrounding are as. A partnership agreement with Roads
Agency Limpopo was signed in August 2016 for phase three to construct an additional 20km road by 2018. To date, 2.2km of tar road connecting Seelane to the Makgopa has been completed. In Der Brochen, the company has implemented and is handing over the following initiatives: · Mmahlagare Combined School: partnership with the Limpopo Education Trust (managed by the Provincial Department of Education) to construct five classrooms and an administration block to reduce classroom overcrowding. The school caters for approximately 522 learners from grade R to grade 9.
· ·
Gobotse Secondary School in Ga-Malekana: construction of an administration block. Maseven Clinic: construction of a centrally-located primary health care services clinic serving residents of the Maseven, Kutullo and Ngwaabe villages. Food security initiative: established cooperatives and Communal Property Associations (CPAs) at the St George and Kalkfontein farms, in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture. Kalkfontein is currently being used for crop farming of chilies, tomatoes, spinach, beetroot, sugar beans and butternut and supply retail stores in Burgersfort, while St George is dedicated to farming.
Celebrations at the opening of the Maseven Clinic (above) and the Moseki Secondary School (below).
30 JUNIE 2017
Celebrations on handover of SLP projects to communities In the communities surrounding Twickenham Project and Der Brochen Project, Anglo American Platinum identified 23 SLP initiatives, of which 19 have been completed at a total investment of R228 million. The four outstanding initiatives are currently being implemented. Through these initiatives, many community mem-
bers had the opportunity to receive onthe-job skills transfer through contractual employment. Anglo American Platinum aims to appoint local contractors, thereby boosting the local economy. When there is no capacity available in the community, contractors are obliged to subcontract and transfer skills to local contractors.
Projects were officially opened by DR Phophi Ramathuba (MEC of Health), Ishmael Kgetjepe (MEC of Education) and Chris Griffith (CEO of Anglo American Platinum). Other guests included Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr. Stanley Ramaila, Twickenham Mine General Manager Daan Breet, traditional leaders, communitiy members, mine employees and contractors involved in the projects.
Schools benefitting from SLP projects: Setlamorago Primary School - Project cost: R32 million Mpetje Primary School - Project cost: R6,5 million Moseki Secondary School - Project cost: R6 million Gobetse Secondary School - Project cost: R1,75 million Mmahlagare Combined School - Project cost: R1,7 million
30 JUNIE 2017
SLP projects add value and help develop communities Apart from schools other areas also benefitted from the SLP projects: Maseven Clinic - Project cost: R15,8 million Makgopa Road phase 2 - In August 2016, Anglo American Platinum concluded an agreement with Roads Agency Limpopo to contribute R40 million towards the project and construction is currently underway. The mine has already spent R23.3 million on construction of the 2.2km stretch of road now being handed over. Orphaned and Vulnerable Children’s Centre - Project cost: R3,7 million. St. George and Kalkfontein Farms - Project cost: R18,5 million
At the different projects visited on 23 June 2017, the community symbolically shook hands with Anglo American Platinum to take care of the infrastructure that had been constructed to their benefit. It also emphasised partnerships that are to the benefit of everyone involved.
30 JUNE 2017
Basaar by Burgersfort NG Kerk Die NG Kerk Burgersfort het verlede naweek hul jaarlikse basaar gehou. Die geleentheid het op die kerkterrein plaasgevind en daar was iets vir almal om te doen en baie aktiwiteite om aan deel te neem. Behalwe vir ‘n groot verskeidenheid groente, vleis, koeke en tuisgebak was daar ook verskillende uitstallers wat van klere tot handwerk items verkoop het. Aan kos was daar nie ‘n tekort nie. Vrydagaand het die gemeente die feesvieringe afgeskop met ‘n potjiekos aand by die kerk. Saterdag was daar van skaap op die spit, worsrolle, pannekoek, sop en vetkoek en heerlike koek by die teetuin. Die kinders het die hindernisbaan en ‘fear factor’ uitdagings baie geniet. Die baan het hulle om, oor en onderdeur verskillende hindernisse geneem en by die ‘fear factor’ was die groentesap met drywende noedels maar moeilik om te sluk. Links: Ds. Johan Koen kry gesigverf. Heerlike vars groente is verkoop. Die stalletjies het die basaar ‘n regte vlooimark voorkoms gegee. Behalwe vir die hindernisbaan en ‘fear facto’ was daar ook ‘n skyfskiet kompetisie waaraan ieder en elk deelgeneem het. Die kerk bedank almal vir hulle harde werk en ondersteuning.
30 JUNE 2017
Platinum Gazette
Remember the Wildevy 4x4 Day On 29 July 2017 the annual Wildevy 4x4 Family Day will be taking place at PLM Boerdery on the R37 towards Lydenburg. This event is filled with fun and excitement for eveyone. Only a few spots remain open for entries into the 4x4 drive going over the Morone Mountain. This route starts at Khumula Game Lodge and ends at the Wildevy venue. Those participating in the course at the venue will be facing fun and challenges that promise to keep spectators entertained the whole day. Drivers will have to negotiate obstacles that will include loads of mud, some sandy areas and inclines that will properly test their skills. Apart from the action on the course there will also be the main festival area where stalls with food, and other products will be exhibited. There will be a special children’s entertainment area and as every year some helicopter flips will be available.
There will be some live entertainment with artists like Almur Marais and Beeskraal performing for the crowd. No cooler boxes will be allowed, but a cash bar will be available on the day. The very popular Show Stopper will end the programme for participants and is sure to be
a highlight for spectators. There will also be a Mountain Bike Race in the morning and riders will be able to choose different distances to participate in. Be sure not to miss any of the action - save the date! For more information contact Ilze Pretorius on 013 231 7499.
R25 000 in vouchers handed out in Stokvel competition Some Burgersfort Mall customers were all smiles on 15 June when they received their share of R25 000 worth of shopping vouchers. They participated in the Stokvel Competi-
tion that saw them spend R100 or more to enter into the competition. Their winter just got a bit warmer with some hot shopping at Burgersfort Mall ahead for them. (Information & photograph: Heriot Properties)
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30 JUNIE 2017
Rugby aksie op Ohrigstad Die Ratels van Ohrigstad het Saterdag ‘n liga wedstryd gespeel. Die Kruppel Buffels het
Die Kruppel Buffels rugbyspan.
Remember this golf day at Tubatse Chrome The Hervormde Kerk in Tubatse residence will be hosting their annual golf day on 8 July 2017. Registration will be 07:30 for 08:00 and it will be R1000 for a four ball (R250 per player). The format will be ‘Four ball alliance’, Best Drive - Two best scores count and there will also be a pink ball competition. The pink ball competition will be optional and the pink ball will rotate between players. The pink ball competition will be R100. Players can enter teams and there is still space for sponsorships on the course and for prizes. To find out more about sponsorship contact Ds Herman Meyer on 082 925 9424 or Karel Hattingh on 072 799 3566. To book your spot on the course for the day contact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811.
Remember the soccer at Steelbridge The Youth Month Top 32 Soccer Tournament at Ga-Malekane sportsground (Steelbridge) is still in full swing. Tomorrow and Sunday the teams will be facing off again. Due to the grounds being occupied for various activities, play had to skip a weekend. On 1 July the Bahlakwana FC will face Mohlakodishi FC; Madikgwadi FC will face Maredi FC; Bakoni FC will play against Smodern FC. Lavita FC will be playing against Juventus FC. On Sunday 2 July the games will continue when JIK United FC will face Tolo Ajax FC; Masokolaar FC will play against Mtololo FC; Shining FC will be facing off with Kodi White Doves FC while Mekgolokwane FC will be going up against Underground FC. The teams are in need of the community’s support and everyone is invited to come and watch the games at the Ga-Malekane Sportsgrounds just after Steelbridge. Play start at 09:00 every day. (Information: The Masters Sports Academy)
ook ‘n voor wedstryd gespeel. Lees meer op bl.12.
30 JUNE 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Ratels reken af met Barberton Die Ratels van Ohrigstad het verlede Saterdag teen ‘n span van Barberton gespeel. Die Ratels se wedstyd is voorafgegaan deur ‘n wedstryd tussen die ou manne van Lydenburg en die Kruppel Buffels van Steelpoort. Dié wedstryd was propvol grappies soos die Kruppel Buffels wat almal plat op die grond neergeval het tydens die eerste afskop. Die Ratels was egter ernstig om hul plek in die liga te verseker en die skopskoen van Martin van den Berg was ‘n groot hulp. Hy het 3 drieë verdoel en 3 strafskoppe oorgesit. Halftyd was die telling 16-12 in die guns van die Ratels en in die tweede helfte rek hulle die telling na 30-24 om as oorwinnaars uit te stap. Die Voorspeler van die wedstryd was Hein Kloppers en die Agterspeler van die wedstryd is Brandon Parr-Bayley. Die drieë van die wedstryd is gedruk deur Hein Kloppers, Brandon Parr-Bayley en Marko Mare. (Inligting: Quartus du Toit).