Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031/013-231 7147
Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227
Separate water bills in the offing
‘Takeover’ causes a stir Residents do not always know which government institution or body is responsible for which services, and up until now, bills for services did not make it easier. For example, water users in Burgersfort received their accounts for municipal services from the Greater Tubatse Muniucipality (GTM), water service fees and use included. But, GTM is not responsible for this service and only did the billing on an agency basis for Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM), which is the government institution responsible for water and sanitation. Now SDM has decided to communicate directly with water consumers and do the billing accordingly from 1 July this year. This will result in two seperate accounts for consumers: one
from GTM for municipal services they are rendering and a seperate water service and consumption bill from SDM. This new arrangement was explained to consumers on Wednesday afternoon via a representation by SDM in the old municipal building in Burgersfort. The Manager Revenue of SDM, Ms Busiswe Matjie, was ready with a presentation in this regard when the newspaper went to the meeting, but the meeting had not formally started. According to residents present Ward Councillor Anna Masete told them of the meeting and they distributed the news from mouth to mouth. They also hoped to air their grievances about water provision, faulty water meters and illegal water connections to their meters to the SDM officials.
© Platinum Gazette
30 Mei 2014
Limpopo ready for initiation The Limpopo Department of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) is on track with the preparations for the 2014 Initiation Schools Programme. In terms of the Department’s arrangements, the Initiation Schools are scheduled to commence on the 20 June and end on the 18 July 2014. The scheduled dates are aimed at ensuring that the custom does not interfere with the schools’ learning calendar. This year, the department has received three hundred and eleven (311) applications to conduct Initiation Schools across the province. Of this figure, two hundred and seventy five (275) applications have been approved and thirty six (36) applications were declined. 85 permits had been issued in Sekhukhune. The House of Traditional leaders in the province has conducted a workshop for all Senior Traditional Leaders who qualify for initiation school permits. The department has called on parents to verify the legitimacy of initiation schools with their respective Traditional Authorities before they send their children, saying there will be zero tolerance to people who want to take chances by running initiation schools without permits. The department says any school that starts before the starting date of the 20 June 2014 will be regarded as illegal. In terms of Sections 2 (1) of the Northern Province Circumcision Schools Act No. 6 of 1996 no person shall hold an initiation school without a valid permit issued to him/her. No traditional surgeon or any other person is allowed to perform rituals in an initiation school without a certificate of fitness issued for that purpose by a registered medical practitioner authorized by the Premier or authorized officer to do so in terms of Section 3 (1) of Initiation Schools Regulations of 2003.
New contact at Burgersfort SAPS Capt. Nemaitoni will be the Acting Station Commander at the Burgersfort SAPS. He is encouraging the public to work with the police to erradicate crime in the area. He has given his cell phone number where the public can reach him in emergencies - 072 537 8853. He is hoping to revive the sector policing forums to assist with getting crime under contol. “I would like the public to know that my door is always open to them. We are here to serve and we would like to work with them make sure criminals are caught and brought to justice.
Capt. Nemaitoni is currently the Actin Station Commander at Burgersfort SAPS.
Letter to Traffic Chief Lekwadu Platinum Gazette received this anonymous call for help by fax this week. This is the second letter with regards to taxi drivers’ driving style and traffic negotiation in Burgersfort that the newspaper has received in the last two weeks.
Ohrigstad boer leer van bone in Suid-Amerika Cor Cross en sy vrou Corrie van Ohrigstad is onlangs saam met die Droëbone Prdusente Organisasie na Argentinië en Brazilië om meer oor hulle styl van bone produksie te wete te kom. Cor is die voorsitter van die Ohrigstad Boerevereniging en sal die kennis wat hy daar opgedoen het weer in die vallei terugploeg. Die toergroep het uit 18 lede bestaan en hulle het van plekke soos Ohrigstad, Delmas, Bethlehem, Harrismith en die Oos-Kaap gekom. Die toerleiers was Suid-Afrikaners wat reeds tussen 12 en 15 jaar in Argentinië woon. Die toer het ‘n verskeidenheid ondervindings ingesluit. Die groep het in Rosario een van die land se graanhawens besoek. Die Argentynse Geenbewerkings Assosiasie is ook besoek. ‘n Besoek aan ‘n fabriek waar Geenbewerking planters vervaardig word, was ook op die program. Die landbougrond in die Venado Tuerto omgewing is van die beste ter wêreld en droëland opbrengste gaan tot 14ton vir mielies en 6 ton vir sojaboontjies. ‘n Plaas in die Embarcación streek het ook vir ‘n leersame besoek gesorg. Die Argentynse reënval en hoogte bo seespiëel is vergelykbaar met die hoëveld in Suid-Afrika. In die dorp Embarcación het die burgemeester en die plaaslike landbougemeenskap ‘n spesiale onthaal vir die groep gehou. Besoeke aan boontjie verwerkingsmaatskappye was baie insiggewend. Die plaaslike tak van die Argentynse Instituut vir Landbou Tegnologie het ook met die toergroep vergader.
Daar was darem ook tyd vir ‘n toeriste aktiwiteit of twee. “‘n Besoek aan die Iguazú watervalle was ‘n belewenis” sê Corrie. Daar is ondermeer met bote onderdeur die watervalle gevaar. Daar is ook na tradisionele tango danse gekyk. Die groep het selfs onverwags op ‘n landbouskou afgekom. ‘n Besoek aan die Braziliaanse kant van die Iguazú watervalle het vir panoramiese uitsigte gesorg. In Brazilië is daar ook verskillende organisasies in die graanbedryf besoek en die verskille met Argentinië kon duidelik gesien word. Die produksiestyl en klimaat verskil geweldig. Die style kon lekker met SuidAfikaanse sisteme vergelyk word. By die Braziliaanse Landbounavorsingsinstituut het die boere meer geleer oor die genetiese verbetering van bone. Daar is verskillende plase in Brazilië besoek waar droë bone verbou word. ‘n Droë bone verwerkingsaanleg is ook besoek. Die groep het dit geniet om ‘n bio-energie produksie aanleg te besoek. Die omgewing is bekend vir sy suiker plantasies en groot bioetanol fabrieke is ontwikkel om as ondersteunende energie te dien. Die stad Sao Paulo is ‘n bekende toeriste stad en die groep Suid-Afrikaners het dit geniet om die plek te verken voor hul vertrek terug na Suid-Afrika. Cor en Corrie kan nie uitgepraat raak oor wat hulle alles beleef het nie en glo die ervaring sal hulle help om nie net beter te boer nie, maar ook beter insette in die omgewing te maak.
Foto’s en inligting: Cor & Corrie Cross.
30 MAY 2014
30 MEI 2014
30 MAY 2014
Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine creates awareness with career expo “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” - Nelson Mandela On Friday last week more than 3000 matric learners from schools in Sekhukhune attended a career expo hosted at Gobetse Secondary School. One of the ways Dwarsrivier Mine invests in the future of the area is through education. The mine is already involved with the Teach SA project that provides assistance in schools. The career expo was just another step in bringing opportunities to the youth of Greater Tubatse. Tertiary education institutions such as the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), Tloga Tloga etloga kgale NPO, FET Colleges, Eskom and SK Fm were involved with hosting exhibitions. The Department of Education and other stakeholders also attended the day’s event. Learners had the opportunity to find out about the requirements for further study as well as bursary opportunities. Internships, bursaries and other aid methods are available to students, but minimum academic requirements are needed to ensure that students will succeed in their studies and have the ability to qualify themselves as professionals in various careers. The message of hope for these youngsters was echoed by messages of encouragement to work hard and use education to create not only a better life for themselves, but also their communities. The Dwarsrivier Mine stall at the exhibition was very popular and students wanted to know more about the opportunities within the mining industry. Friendly Dwarsrivier employees assisted the learners and explained what fields of study as well as academic achievements are needed to pursue a career in the mining industry. Dwarsrivier Mine will be hosting a similar event in the Thaba Chweu Municipality this week.
30 MEI 2014
Dwarsrivier Mine HIV/Aids and TB Awareness campaign in community On 23 May 2014 Dwarsrivier Mine sponsored a special health campaign at Ngwaabe Clinic. The day focused on HIV/Aids and TB Awareness. LoveLife, the Aurum Institute, the SAPS, the Department of Health and Social Development as well as other stakeholders attended the day. The day’s theme was one of hope. Knowing your status brings hope to your life as you will be able to seek the necessary medical assistance to help you cope and overcome the obstacles TB and HIV/Aids bring. Dwarsrivier Mine’s SD Manager, Mr Remember Mmbengwa led through example when he was one of the first to get tested and know his status. The day also included a commemorative candle lighting ceremony and prayer with candles being placed in the form of a ribbon. Apart from getting to know their HIV and TB status, the public could also get help with other health issues such as blood glucose testing, blood pressure testing and general health advice. Health Awareness is a very important issue to Dwarsrivier Mine. Healthy communities provide healthy employees. If the communities surrounding a mine are healthy, the harvest of healthy adult achievers from the area ensures a better future for everyone living in the community. The day was well attended by young and old ensuring that the messages delivered there will penetrate deep into the communities surrounding the clinic.
Thorburn and Samancor ECM cares On Friday last week Steelpoort based Thorburn Security Solutions and Samancor Eastern Chrome (ECM) mines reached out to a group of children at the Dilokong Youth Development and Empowerment Project (DYDEP). A generous contribution of blankets, Thorburn thermal mugs and a supply of food (maize, rice, beans, samp, soy a, soup etc) was handed over to the caretakers of the facility. Blankets were also distributed. The Dilokong Youth Development and Empowerment Project is situated in Driekop village near Dilokong. There are 24 caretakers and they support 115 children. These children are categorised as orphaned or vulnerable (their parents are unemployed). Mr Frans Malapane, the chairperson of the DYDEP thanked ECM and Thorburn Security Solutions for their generous support. “It is organisations like Eastern Chrome Mine and Thorburn Security who cares for our communities in times of need that will be remembered by the community members,” he said. Thorburn MD Dolf Scheepers thanked ECM for their contribution with Thorburn to ensure that the community received maximum benefit. This
outreach formed part of Thorburn’s Ice Breaker Projects to make the winter a little warmer. Mr Abel Magaba, the ECM Community Liaison Officer and Thorburn Regional Manager, Christo Pretorius handed over the donation. The children were very excited to receive the blankets and other goodies. (Information and photographs: Thorburn Security Solutions & Samancor ECM).
30 MAY 2014
30 MEI 2014
The year of Heroes at Tubatse Chrome This year, the ‘Be a Hero’ campaign was launched. All employees, were called on to make a pledge to be a Tubatse Chrome Hero. Being a Hero requires employees to actively care for one another. Tubatse Chrome’s employees never disappoint, and true to their nature, each and every person enthusiastically made their pledge. Throughout the year, employees will learn more about what it is to be a Hero through the visual ‘Hero Boot Camp’. During this time, various competitions will also be held which will further emphasize the true meaning of what it is to be hero and promote active caring.
Making sure employees’ wellness is a priority The annual Wellness Day, in collaboration with Careways, was held in April. The event was well supported by employees who wanted to find out about the state of their health. A Health Risk Assessment consists of tests for blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol and BMI. The results from these tests give the employee an overview of their general wellness. Tubatse Chrome cares for their employees and encourage them to participate in these days.
Supporting the CANSA Shavathon Tubatse Chrome employees sported new hairs do’s in aid of a worthy cause. As always, they enthusiastically supported the CANSA Shavathon, through their generous donations and eager participation.
Creating a better learning environment Classrooms at Kgahlanong High School are currently undergoing renovations. The classrooms will receive a complete facelift. There is already a noticeable difference with the
new windows which have been put in. This will also keep learners warmer in the winter months when cold winds sweep through the school.
Kgahlanong High School before
Kgahlanong High School after
Skills on the soccer field This year, the Tubatse Chrome Football Club have been showing off their skills on the soccer fields. As semi-finalists in the BFS Tournament, they are indeed a team to be reckoned with.
Tubatse Hedgehogs triumph again in Box Cart Race The Tubatse Hedgehogs were yet again victorious at the Middelburg Ferrochrome Box Cart Race. This year, four teams were entered,
and each team dominated their race. All team members are to be commended for their hard work and great team spirit.
30 MAY 2014
Customers keep on winning at Tubatse Superspar Shopping at Tubatse Superspar could make you a winner. Various competitions are running in store and customers can either win their money back or be a winner of R500 cash. There is also a chance to win a car in the Win-A-Car competition. Shop and you could be lucky!
Mr Rocky Mohlala was the winner of the R500 cash in the Wild Weekend Savings Competition. With him is Ms Thabang Mathebula from Spar.
Ms Annah Malapane was a Win-A-Car cash back winner. She won the full amount of her purchase back. With her is Ms Tracy Mokoo of Spar.
Mr Gilbert Mabilo won more than R2000 in the Win-A-Car competition. With him is Ms Mmathapelo Maloma from Spar.
Ms Tshepo Mameke won R500 in the Spar Wild Weekend Competition. With her is Ms Lorraine Molapo from Spar.
Contact Platinum Gazette on 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529
COMING SOON! Watch this space for Re-launch Specials!
Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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30 MEI 2014
Platinum Gazette
Supply Chain Management Unit NOTICE AND INVITATION TO REGISTER ONTO THE 2014/2015 SUPPLIERS/ VENDORS DATABASE OF GREATER TUBATSE MUNICIPALITY. 1. The Greater Tubatse Municipality hereby informs all the prospective suppliers/ vendors of its needs requirements that the registration and accreditation of suppliers onto the municipal database will be re-opened from the 4th June 2014 to the 31th July 2014. This accredited list of suppliers will then be used to source the municipal needs for the 2014/2015 financial year. 2. Prospective suppliers who want to be registered are advised to bring the following documents to the Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre office NO 42, Ground Floor during working hours (7h30 to 16h00). 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Proof of Business Registration Certificate Proof of Annual Return Certificate from CIPRO Business/ Company profile Original-valid Tax Clearance Certificate Certified Copies of Identity Documents of all Members/Directors. Original/ Certified Copy of B-BBEE Certificate Cancelled Cheque/ Original Letter from the Bank confirming business/company account
3. For completion of database forms please conduct Ms. Cecilia Pookgwadi or Mr. Philix Moraba@ 013 231 100/11325, Supply Chain Office Ground Floor. 4. For general enquiries please contact the Acting Manager Supply Chain Management Unit MM Mapeka @ 013 231 1000/ 1224 or 5. Outlined below are the categories to which we are looking forth to the prospective providers to register on, but not excluding those not stated. 6. Registration forms can be obtained from the Supply Chain Management Unit or downloaded from our website ( NB: BIDDERS WHO ARE CURRENTLY REGISTERED, NEED NOT RE-REGISTER AND THE REGISTRATION PROCESS IS AT NO COST TO THE VENDORS/ SUPPLIERS
Vendor Categories
The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
Internal Audit Interns - Procurement (B4) x 2 Role Purpose: To assist in the assurance and consulting assignments in a dynamic, mining and manufacturing environment. Positively contribute to the maintenance and continuous improvement of quality assurance. To assist in diligent execution of duties in accordance with the IIA standards, in house methodology and other requirements.
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Printing & Stationary Branding & decorations Corporate Gifts Pest Control Tax Consultants Asset Management Debt Collection Job Evaluation Suppliers Courier Services Office Furniture IT Professional Fees Editing Services LED Strategies IT Services and Solutions Advertising Services Record Management Media/Publicity Waste Management Project Management Cell phone Services Florist Building Maintenance Registered project & Construction Manager · Integrated transport Planning & Research Any other service requirement not listed hereto.
Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will be training on the apllication of internal audit methodology. Performance of internal audit administrative and logistics duties. Maintaining and safeguarding of records. Support and assit team members in execution of audit activities. Support team members in writing and presentation of audit reports. Performance of other administrative duties. Requirements: B degree in Internal Auditing or Equivalent. Theoretical knowledge of IIA standards, risk management principles and King III Code of Corporate Governance. Computer literacy and proficiency in MS Office. Strong interpersonal, communication and coordination skills. Time management, multi-tasking and ability to work under pressure. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 013 230 7754.
Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Human Resource Planning Site & Garden Maintenance Air Conditioning Supply Video and Photography Communication Services Booking of performing Artist Investment fund Management Labour Relations Consultants Team Building Specialist Motivational Speakers Performance Management Financial Management Consulting · Accounting Consultants · Supply of Fire Extinguishing · Server Support & Maintenance · Groceries & Kitchen Utensils · Uniform & Protective Clothing · Environmental Consulting · Town & Regional Planners · Contractors (registered with CIDB) · Transport Engineering & Planning · Registered Landscape Architects · Heritage & Archaeology Specialist · Geographic Information Systems (GIS) · Web Development & Maintenance · Policy Development and Review · Supply, Installation and support of close Circuit TV/ Camera Any other service requirement not stated hereto
Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
· Interior decoration(Blinds, Carpets & Curtains) · Installations and Maintenance of Network · Special Events/ Functions Management Services · Consulting Engineers (Civil Structural, Electrical, Mechanical) · Printing Books & Publications ( Design Layout and Printing) · Stage, Sound & MultiMedia Services · Translation & Transcribing Services · Corporate Governance and Related Consulting · Air Quality & Climate Change Specialist · Risk Assessment and Management Services · Training and Development Accredited Institutions · Organizational Development Agencies · Employee Wellness Programmes (Psychologists, Psychiatrists, etc.) · Business Process Analysis and Re- engineering · Labour Law & Employment Relations Specialist. · Information Technology Consultants · Hardware Suppliers ( printers, notebooks, projectors, UPS, computers & peripherals, routers, hubs, servers, switches) · WAN LAN and Wireless Support Installation · Computer Consumables i.e. cartridges, laptops, battery charges · Environmental impact Assessment Practitioners Any other service requirement not stated hereto
Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Minimark * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort
* Laerskool Burgersfort * Magaba Garage * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs
* GMC Debt Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save
Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis * Platinum Petroleum * Wimpy Burgersfort
30 MAY 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Two Bedroom Flat available to rent from 1 June 2014. Situated in Burgersfort. Contact: 076 666 1100
Let us know about your news and events. Contact 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 or fax: 013 231 7147 or email: editorial@ platinumgazette. com
To place your advertisement in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or adverts@ platinumgazette. com Advertising deadline is every week Tuesday at 17:00.
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Get the newspaper here: Mototolo Concentrator Plant Dwarsrivier Mine Sediman’s Tuckshop Kalkfontein Morena’s Tavern Kubu Tavern Glencore Training Centre Tubatse Village Winterveld Village Pick n Pay Steelpoort One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort Vyfster Slaghuis Fresh Pick Minimark Steelpoort Steelpoort Akademie Tingeling Kleuterskool Sasol Steelpoort Department of Education Circuit office Burgersfort Twickenham Mine Dilokong Mine Modikwa Mine Praktiseer SAPS Burgersfort SAPS Leboeng SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Bronrich Slaghuis Laerskool Ohrigstad Ohrigstad Handelshuis
Total Garage Ohrigstad Oasis Kafee Ohrigstad GMC Burgersfort Cash Trader Burgersfort Nalito’s Restaurant
Burgersfort Dr Lorna Medical Centre Burgersfort Pharmacy Tubatse Pharmacy Laerskool Burgersfort
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676 Platinum Gazette contact details:
Never miss out! Subscribe on e-mail to receive an electronic copy of Platinum Gazette every week! It is a free service. Simply send us an e-mail with your subscription request to and we will forward the light pdf version of the newspaper to you via e-mail!
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
30 MEI 2014
Baie gebeur by Laerskool Atokia Laerskool Atokia het hulle nie laat afsit deur hul klein getalle nie. Die skool is te klein om sportspanne in elke ouderdomsgroep te hê, maar het onlangs met gekombineerde spanne in Polokwane te gaan deelneem.
Daar was ‘n gekombineerde sewes rugbyspan en o/11, o/12 en o/13 netbalspanne. Die rugbyspan het ook vir die eerste keerin hul nuwe rugbytruie gespeel. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia)
Re-build engines for sale
• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon fans • Radiator fans • Condensers • Carburettors •
Tubatse Towing 24 Hour Towing Services, including insurance Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) registered • Cell: 076 848 3936 vehicles
Laerskool Atokia het onlangs uitgeblink by die Bosveld Kunsfees by Hoërskool Piet Potgieter. Die skool se “katte” se eksperimentele werk het ‘n A+++ behaal. Drie leerders wat ook individueel deelgeneem het, het ook goed gevaar. Hulle prestasies was soos volg: Anusca Holloway A+ en A. Arlinka Viljoen twee A+++, A+ en A. Lienkie Comrinck twee A+++ en A+. (Foto en inligting: Laerskool Atokia)
Ryno is ‘n rugby uitblinker Ryno Le Grange van Steelpoort Akademie is onlangs gekies om aan die finale rondte van die Mpumalanga o/13 rugbyproewe te gaan deelnee. Die skool is baie trots op hom. (Foto en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie).
For sale
30 MAY 2014
Steelpoort en Burgersfort spook dit uit op die sportveld Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week Donderdag vriendskaplike rugby- en netbalwedstryde teen Steelpoort Akademie aangebied. Verskillende ouderdomsgroepe het teen mekaar deelgeneem. Die wedstryde is in goeie gees gespeel en die kinders het dit baie geniet.
Drowing in debt? Acting now could be the best decision for your future
Your home and car can be saved from reposession if you seek help before it is too late If you are having difficulty to pay all your bills, it may be time to seek the help of a registered Debt Counsellor. The Debt Counsellor will assist you with drawing up a budget that will still allow you to pay for living expeses such as food and transport, but also repay your debts. If necessary the Debt Counsellor will on your behalf negotiate with the companies you owe money to get better repayment rates. You will still have to repay the money you owe, but it might be distributed over a longer period of time so that you will be able to survive with your income. Because you will have to repay the debts it is important that you are still employed when seeking help. You will be required
to make a payment to the Debt Counsellor who will make sure that your money gets paid over to the correct people. That is why it is important to use a National Credit Regulator registered Debt Counsellor. A registered Debt Counsellor will not run off with your hard earned money and leave you in deeper trouble. While you are under Debt Review the bank will not be able to come and simply repossess your house, vehicle or other possessions. It is however important that you do not wait until legal action is taken against you. If legal action is in process against you for defaulting on your payments, the Debt Counsellor will not be able to prevent your possessions from being repossessed.
Office in Lydenburg now also open!
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
30 MEI 2014
Watch out for our local runners at the Comrades Marathon On Sunday 1 June 2014 athletes from around the world will be competing in the Comrades Marathon. This race of ultimate human endurance has a 93 year history and 18 000 runners will participate. The race stretches over 90km and will this year start in Pietermaritzburg and finish in Durban. This is a so-called “down race”. Local runners will also be participating and they can be watched on television as the whole event will be broadcast on SABC
Medical Waiting Area created at the finish This Sunday the Comrades Marathon will again take its toll on many of the runners participating. The friends and family of runners who are in need of medical attention at the Finish Venue Medical Tent will be able to make use of the Medical Waiting Area. The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has gone the extra mile by hosting its Medical Waiting Area, a facility designed to assist those people whose loved ones are receiving medical attention in the Medical Tent. As a rule, only runners seeking medical care are allowed in the Medical Tent, rendering the area out of bounds to the greater public. However, the CMA’s Medical Portfolio has gone beyond the realm of just the runner, by taking the emotional needs of the runner’s loved ones into account as well. Concerned friends and family members of the injured or ill runner may visit the General Information Tent and apply for an entry permit to access the Medical Waiting Area, should they wish to enquire about the status of the runner or request any medically related advice. Please note that access to the Medical Tent by the general public will be firmly restricted and the CMA asks that all people be cooperative in this regard. Tea, coffee, TV facilities and access to certain medical staff will be available here. Comrades Doctor, Dr Jeremy Boulter says, ‘It can be traumatic to have a friend or family member be admitted to the Medical Tent. We have therefore tried to make the experience a little less stressful by creating the Medical Waiting Area.’ Dr Boulter adds, ‘Sometimes it’s the little things that count. The CMA’s intention is that the runners and their supporters enjoy a memorable day without worry or stress. To this end, we are doing our bit to make the Comrades Finish Venue; and the Medical Tent for that matter, that much more accommodating.’
again this year. The race will start at 05:30 in the morning and the last runners hoping to finish should reach the Kingsmead Cricket Stadium in Durban where the finish will be at 17:30. Local runners to watch in the top are Fanie Matshipa (Samancor Chrome Marathon Club) and Modikwa employee Leboka Noto. Members of the Samancor Chrome Marathon Club who will be participating this year are: Fanie Matshipa, Latudi Makofane, Lucky Shai, Victor Raliphada, Lazarus Mogoane, Monashi Mabelane, Ernest Mokoo, Gift Kelehe, Gordan Lesetedi, Jeffrey Mbuyane, Johan Lesch, Katlego Magabane, Mongalo Mogoane, Petoro Gaebetse, Seun Maphakge, Simon Maroga, Tshepo Marobane, Victor Raliphada and Sethibe Mohubedu. Const. Jerial Movundlela from the Tubatse SAPS will also be running. Runners from Modikwa Marathon Club include: Adolph Boshego, Herman Mogale, Peter Molapo, Solomon Masedi, Leboka Noto, Sonia Makuoa, Jeffrey Nkuna, Lawrence Raphiri and Justice Phokane. Mr Gerhard van Nieker, Business Leader of Modikw a Platinum Mine wished all their athletes a great race and encouraged them to know that everyone at the mine is behind them.
Johannes Mogoane.
Jeffrey Mboyane.
Lazarus Mogoane and Victor Raliphada.
Latudi Makofane.
Lucky Pontsho Shai.
Fanie Matshipa is a gold medalist to watch.
Eric Monashi Mabelane will be running his 19th Comrades Marathon this year.
Tshepo Marobane.
Jerial Movundlela from the Tubatse SAPS will be running on Sunday.
All the news first hand Platinum Gazette will be bringing you all the news from the Comrades Marathon in next week’s issue. Willem Montgomery is the newspaper’s accredited correspondent for the race and he will be watching the local athletes as they compete in this race of ultimate endurance. Athletes and companies with participating athletes are welcome to forward photographs and results from the race to the newspaper for next week’s issue. Foward it to to reach us by 17:00 on Wednesday 4 June 2014.
Willem Montgomery The Modikwa Marathon Club is ready to take on the Comrades Marathon.
Modikwa Platinum’s soccer team performs in Carltonville Modikwa Platinum Mine’s soccer team participated in the annual Mining News Soccer Tournament that took place at Carltonville from 19 - 24 May 2014. 18 Companies participated in the tournament that was hosted at East Driefontein Gold Mine. Modikwa played 4 game. They won against Beatrix Mine. They drew against Twickenham Platinum Mine and lost against Northam and Kloof Mines respectively.
The Modikwa team was made up of a large number of new players who participated in the event for the first time. They showed character and willingness to improve during the course of the tournament. Modikwa Platinum Mine would like to congratulate them on their participation and achievements. (Information and photographs: Andy Mohloke, Modikwa Platinum Mine).
30 MAY 2014
Tubatse Masters take on Bothashoek United Masters On Sunday 25 May the Tubatse Masters visited Bothashoek village to play a friendly soccer game against the Bothashoek United Masters team. The Tubatse Masters won the game 4-2. The goal scorers for Tubatse Masters were Aubrey Malindisa, Paul Mapote, Derrick Phokane and Church Moraba. Prince and Sculi scored for the Bothashoek United Masters. (Information and photographs: Derrick Phokane and Shine Pholoane).
The Bothashoek United Masters team.
The Tubatse Masters team.
30 MEI 2014
Semi-final teams for BFS tournament determined On 24 May the next round of the BFS Soccer Tournament took place. Samancor ECM faced the team from Thorburn first. Samancor ECM won 6-2. Next Tubatse FC played against the SAPS Cluster team. Tubatse won 5-3. The last game for
the day was played between Two Rivers and ASA Metals. Two Rivers won 3-1. On 7 June the semi-finals will be played between Two Rivers and Tubatse Chrome at 09:30. Then Samancor ECM will take on a Twickenham/Marula at 11:20. The Final Curtain Raisers will be played at 13:10 with the final scheduled for 15:05. The games will be
played at Mangabane Sportsground. On 7 June there will also be netball games taking place. Modikwa will take on Twickenham at 10:00. Samancor ECM will play against Dilokong Clinic at 11:00 and friendly games will follow at 12:00. The final of the netball will be played at 14:00. The top goal scorers in the soccer so far is Walter Magowa from Samancor ECM with 7 goals. In the netball Bridget Molopo from Modikwa is leading with 18 goals.
Team colours: Thorburn - blue; Samancor ECM green; SAPS - black; Tubatse - white.
Tight race for the top in Pro 20 cricket league The local Pro 20 Cricket League is progressing well. Eleven games had been played by the end of last week. Those results were: 8 April Burgersfort won Twickenham with 5 wickets. On 10 April the Supastars won the Benchwarmers with 6 wickets. On 15 April Tyrecorp won Volts by 71 runs. On 22 April Tyrecorp won Burgersfort by 79 runs. On 24 April the Benchwarmers won Twickenham by 55 runs. On 6 May the Volts beat Twickenham by 68 runs. On 15 May Tyrecorp won the Benchwarmers by 34 runs. On 20 May Supastars won Twickenham by 46 runs. On 22 May Burgersfort won the
Volts with 6 wickets. The top of the log is currently Supastars and Tyrecorp with 3 wins each. The Benchwarmers and Burgersfort are next with two wins each. (The log as on 23 May 2014). Next week 3 June Twickenham and Tyrecorp will face-off and on 5 June the Volts and Benchwarmers will take each other on. On 10 June Tyrecorp and Supastars will play against each other before the start of the semi-final games. Games are being played every Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 at the sportsground of Laerskool Burgersfort. The public is welcome to come and support the teams.
30 MEI 2014 It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
Hervormde Kerk se golfdag ‘n groot sukses Verlede week Saterdag het die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Steelpoort hul jaarlikse golfdag by Tubatse Chrome Klub aangebied. Die dag is goed ondersteun en die wenners van die dag was: Eerste: T Muller en A Botha met 72 punte. Tweede: W Barnard en D Pretorius met 63 punte. Derde: J Dreyer en B Language met 63 punte. Vierde: R Conrad en C Conrad met 61 punte. Die kerk bedank graag Nico Cross wat elke jaar help met die aanbieding van musiek. Dankie ook aan al die spelers en donateurs. Die lys van borge en donateurs: 1) Tubatse Ferrochrome
2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)
Eastern Chromr Mines Supa Quick burgersfort Merensky real estates Vyf ster Slaghuis Steelpoort Tubatse Service Centre Talisman Steelpoort Burgersfort Toyota One stop motor spares Pick & Pay Steelpoort 4 x 4 Wildevy Manne Build It Steelpoort Icon Metal works Fun World Inflatables Hinterland Lydenburg Rudamans – Nelspruit E Cilliers Jason
Local golf players should not miss the Cansa Golf Day on 7 June 2014. The tee-off time is 08:30 and 18 holes will be played in IPS Competition. There will be three divisions: Division A: 0 - 9; Division B: 10 - 16 and Division C: 17 - 36. The entry fee will be R150-00. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 072 564 2811.