Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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Looking for a name - p 3 Photograph of the new De Hoop Dam taken from Eenzaam village on the Nebo plateau on Monday.
Š Platinum Gazette
31 January 2014
31 JANUARY 2014
Last day to pay Is your debt catching up to you? If you are feeling the pinch of your debt and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel debt counselling may be an option to you. Debt Counselling was introduced by the National Credit Act in 2007 and more than 402 000 people have be assisted through this since then. To qualify for debt counselling you must be unable to meet all your financial obligations on time every month. You must be employed and have a monthly income. The Debt Counsellor will then on your behalf negotiate with the creditors to lower your repayments. You will still have to repay your
debts, and you will not be able to make any new debt while you are under debt counselling. You will however be safe from threats of repossession of items such as your car or home while under debt counselling. Making use of a National Credit Regulator registered Debt Counsellor is important because then you will not be charged illegally high fees and you can be sure that your monthly payments are going where they are supposed to. Contact the NCR and verify your Debt Counsellor’s registration number with them to make sure your future is safe.
Hawkers in Burgersfort only have until today to pay for trading permits. In terms of a notice (published elsewhere in Platinum Gazette) hawkers had from 17 January in terms of the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s informal and street trading by-laws to pay for trading permits. In terms of the notice, it only applies to those hawkers who already applied for permits and whose applications were successful. Appllicants who had not already done so, should verify the status of their application first before paying for their trading permits. In the meantime, the merging of hawkers’ structures as envisaged last year, dit not take place as planned, with the Burgersfort Cluster of the the Greater Tubatse Hawkers Association declaring that although the merger dis not take place they are “at peace with the other groupings and do not fight”.
This pothole at the Polokwane junction in Steelpoort was allowed to get so large that the whole road width had to be used in an attmpt to repair it (how successful this operation was, remains to be seen). This is just one of numerous potholes in the area where vehicles drive next to the road (most of them not getting fixed at all) endangering the lives of road users and pedestrians.
Public Notice
Office in Lydenburg now also open!
Public Notice Members of the public are invited to attend a Special Council meeting to adopt 2012/2013 Annual Report and 2013/2014 Mid-year Report scheduled as follows:
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
Date: Time:
31 January 2014 10:00
Council Chamber
Members of the public are expected to be seated at 9:45. For enquiries contact Komane ML at 013 231 1000 during office hours. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
31 JANUARIE 2014
‘Name your dam’ People in all five local municipalities in the Sekhukhune District Municipality flocked to public participation meetings in order to forward proposals for a new name for the newly constructed De Hoop Dam. On Wednesday the Greater Tubatse Municipality Meeting was held at the C N Phathudi Campus of the FET College in Praktiseer. The hall was packed with members of the community, traditional leaders, ward representatives as well as representatives from various interest groups. Councillor Ralepane Mamekoa (member of the District Municipality’s Geographical Names Council) to the audience. He told them that these meetings were only the first step where names (duly motivated) are submitted. A long process still await for the short listed names and proposals are to go through a provincial and thereafter a national process before the South African Geographical Names Council submit a final proposal for the dam’s new name to the
Minister of Arts and Culture. Still it will not be the end, as the Minister must invite the public to give final comments or objections to the proposed name, where after the approved proposal will be approved and gazetted. The Department of Water Affairs in partnership with Sekhukhune District Municipality have jointly initiated the ‘Name your Dam” programme to consult all stakeholders in the municipality. During Wednesday’s meeting lively participation took place and at times debates threatened to erupt in disagreements as people tried to advance their proposals to the utmost. At the meeting, Mr Johannes Segafa of ther Department of Water Affairs told the newspaper that the construction of De Hoop is now 99 percent completed and that arrangements for the official opening is in progress. According to Mr Segafa the dam is now 42 percent full.
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31 JANUARY 2014
Power problems A massive power cut lasting 3 days seriously affected business near the CBD in Burgersfort. Areas in Mooifontein was also affected. The power went out on Friday and was only restored by Monday 16:00. Eskom had to replace a substation near the Civic Centre and cables had to be reconnected. Frustration of business owners and residents boiled over as temperatures soared into the forties over the weekend. What should have been a busy weekend at the Morone Centre became a quiet and dark one, as many shops remained closed because of the electricity interruption. Work from an outside contractor received the blame for the extended interruption in the electricity supply to the area.
SAPS reaching out to community The Tubatse SAPS continued their Back-to-School campaign at Moukangoe Secondary School in Ga Motodi Village on Monday 27 January. The sector commander for sector 4, Warrant Officer Mohlala addressed the learners about their safety at school. Ms Motheo Nchabeleng from the Department of Social Development also addressed the learners about substance abuse. The acting station commander Lt. Col Rebecca Malatji attended the event. She was not happy with the lack of discipline some learners displayed - some were late for school while others were not wearing their uniforms. The central message to the learners was to stay away from weapons, drugs, alcohol and focus on studying and creating a future for themselves through education. On Sunday 26 January the Tubatse SAPS
took part in a church service forming part of their Limpopo Crime Prevention Strategy (LCPS). Rural safety was the business of the day. The aim is to improve the SAPS’ relationship with the community so that people will feel free to report any criminal activities. The church members were addressed about social crime prevention, violence towards women and children, approach to witchcraft cases and other serious crimes taking place in the area. The SAPS was thanked for their initiative and involvement. (Information and photographs: Const. Nicodemus Letsoalo and Const. Jerial Movundlela).
Photograph: Alida Lourens
PUBLIC NOTICE TO HAWKERS IN BURGERSFORT TOWN Notice is hereby given in terms of the implementation of Municipal informal and street trading by-law to all hawkers in Burgersfort town. Hawkers are hereby informed that the final date to pay for trading permit at Burgersfort is from 17-01-2014 to 31-01-2014, however this only applies to those whose applications have been successful. Applicants are therefore reminded to verify the status of their applications with the municipality at office no. 18 ground floor or at the cashiers, lower ground. N.B. There will be no further opportunity given for any payment after the closing date which is the 31-01-2014. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
31 JANUARIE 2014
5 5c Day Care Centre near Riba Cross was die brainchild of Mr Solly Ramogayana. He started picking up 5c in the street. “Money people throw away” he says. He dreamed of starting his own project to help people in his area. He registered 5c Day Care Centre as a nonprofit organisation and today they have a pre-school day care, after school care and ABET centre assisting the community. To Solly it is very important that the centre is driven with Christian values. On Tuesday this week they had visitors from Christian Youth and Beyond. Mr Izak Taljard and his wife Ingrid visited the group. The couple are regular faces at many schools in the area where they work with young people through character building and other courses. Tuesday’s activities included various live singing performances, drama, prayer and poetry. Anyone wishing to contact Solly of 5c Day Care Centre to become involved with the project can contact him on: 083 567 9821.
5c can make a difference
Making a difference 5c at a time. Solly and his deputies at 5c Day Care Centre with the money they’ve picked up.
To advertise your properties to let or for sale in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or email her: adverts@ platinum Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00
31 JANUARY 2014
Changes to the school terms South Africans can submit comments on the suggested changes to the school calendar until 28 February. In essence the changes propose that children will have 200 school days in a year. This will as far as possible be divided into terms of 50 school days each. The thrid term will however be slightly longer than the fourth. Teachers will start two days before the children and will end two days after the children. They are expected to put in 1800 actual working hours per year or 9 hours per day on average. To reduce road congestion the inland schools in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, NorthWest and Free State will start in the second week of January and the coastal provinces in the third week of January. To give schools with hostels a chance to prepare and to keep the roads as safe as possible, school terms will not start on a Monday. The proposal also aims to reduce the disruptive effect of the public holidays in months such as March and April. Schools will also be regulated on the amount of days they take off for sporting, cultural or other activities. Only two days per term can be taken for this and prior permission must be obtained from the Department of Education. To ensure everyone can do proper planning the new calendar will be available 18 months in advance. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the proposed changes.
Ms Constance Phokane said: “They must decrease the holidays for the sake of the kids. Then they can work on their future and not adopt negative behaviour while they are in school”.
Mr Mpho Mothema said: “During the holidays the kids are galavanting in the streets. The school holidays are too long. They spend their time in town and start to steal because they don’t have money. Some push trolleys and wash cars”.
Mr Leaf Lawrence Kgoete said: “They must leave it as it is. The kids will give the teachers a hard time. They won’t have time to rest and to work like that is difficult”.
Submit your written comments or submissions on the proposed amended Policy, in writing to: Acting Director General, Private Bag X896, Pretoria, 001 for attention Mr. S Mlambo. Or e-mail: Deadline for submissions: 28 February 2014
Mr Tulani Mthimkhulu said: “They must leave it as it is. To change it will only cause problems. They should rather increase the school hours from 07:30 - 16:00”. A learner, Patrick Mashele said: “They must not decrease our school holidays. We even put in hours after school and on Saturdays. Please, there is no problem with the current holidays”.
Mr Lesley Nyambi said: “I recommend that they go ahead with their plans. They must consider giving more school days”.
Mr Cays Kgwedi said: “Government is going to make things worse. Keep the school terms as they are. They are normal. Do away with any plans for change. The parents and kids will not adapt to new school terms. We are used to the old ways. If they want to make changes, they must do away with private schools. Why can the rich take their kids to special schools? We belong to the same country and we should have the same schools”.
Mr Karel Moraba and Ms Annah Matlou said: “Increase the time children spend at school. They must keep the kids at school for a full day. Then they’ll learn better. 07:00 to 14:00 is not enough time to take it all in”. Regs: Mnr Tiaan en Me. Nicolene Buitendag sê: “Hou dinge soos dit is. Al die beplanning en verandering is net ‘n ontwrigting”. By hulle is Caitlin en TersiaAnn.
Ms Angie Makofane said: “They must increase the amount of school days in a year. It will increase the pass rate and reduce the naughtiness of the kids”.
31 JANUARIE 2014
your opinions and suggestions
Mr Stephen Mphego said: “They must add more time to the school terms to give time for study and reduce the level of failure. If we do not educate our children, we are going nowhere”.
Mr SS Mahlatjie said: “We have to cut on the holidays. I know the kids need to get fresh minds, but there is not enough time to study and it shows in the country’s matric results. If they don’t cut on the holidays let them go to school for four hours on a Saturday”.
Mr Kabelo Mabelane said: “They must keep things as they are. They must not change the school calendar”.
Mr Sydney Makgopa said: “Personally I don’t think changes will have any impact. It is up to the learner to pass or fail, no matter how long the school term is. They should rather improve the way they teach the learners”.
Me. Madelyn Lingenfelder sê: “Hou dinge soos dit is”. Sy staan met haar hond Tjoppie.
Mr Gerson Setladi said: “Let the children go to school more days in a year. The kids are safe in the school yards. Some kids also only eat at school on the feeding scheme. In the holidays they don’t get food and then they go and steal”.
Mnr. Steven Fourie sê: “Dis goed soos hulle wil verander. Dan is daar meer roetine en ligter verkeer. Ek stem vir dit, hulle is besig om te dink”.
Mr Rufus Moela said: “The government must not give the school kids a lot of time at home. Why do they spend a month at home over June? When they come back they’ve forgotten a lot of things. Give them two weeks of holiday at the most. At home they just look at Muvango on the TV”.
Mr James Motseo said: “Add days to the school term. Everything these days revolve around school. I agree with what else they are proposing”.
Mr Tendani Tshitereke said: “If we have the children in the streets we have a problem. Reduce the school holidays. They can be busy and working on their future at school. Reduce the holidays and then it will make our country better”.
Me Helen Zimande en Me Petunia Malepe sê: “Hulle moet alles hou soos dit is. Dit gaan goed so”.
31 JANUARY 2014
Steelies se Geelspan is tops Steelpoort Akademie se huissport het verlede week Donderdag plaasgevind. Die geel-, rooien blouspanne het teen mekaar in baan- en velditems meegeding. Die geelspan het uiteindelik die meeste punte deur die dag versamel. Die blouspan was tweede.
Die top 3 atlete in elke item het ‘n medalje gekry.
Atlete het aan verskeie items deelgeneem en soms moes die kleintjies vinnig agterna gesit word wanneer hulle op die verkeerde tyd wegspring.
31 JANUARIE 2014
Hasies hardloop voor By Laerskool Burgersfort se huissport verlede week Vrydag het die Hasies (geel klere) en die Skillies (groen klere) teen mekaar meegeding. Die Hasies het die dag se atletiek gewen maar die Skillies het met die sangbeker
weggestap. Die Junior Victrix Ludorum was Angela Vengelsamay, die Junior Victor Ludorum was Katlego Shebo. Die Senior Victrix Ludorum was Elizabeth Ngele en die Senior Victor Ludorum was Kgaogelo Thobakgale.
In die bloedige hitte van die dag het stukke ys heerlike verligting gebring.
Burgersfort Toyota was een van die dag se borge. Hulle het aan die top atlete medaljes oorhandig. Die skool het al die borge vir hul bydraes bedank.
31 JANUARY 2014
Houtsport op Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week Saterdag hul jaarlikse houtsport gehou. Die Kiaatspan en Olienspan het teen mekaar in baan- en velditems deelgeneem. Olien het op die einde van die dag koning gekraai en beide die sangbeker en die atletiekbeker as die beste span gevat.
Kiaat het in rooi deelgeneem en Olien in geel.
Terwyl groot en klein aan die atletiek deelgeneem het, was die ouers hard aan die werk in die snoepie en op die baan. Heerlike lekkernye is verkoop om seker te maak almal het genoeg energie vir die dag se aktiwiteite.
31 JANUARY 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.
MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405 Nuwe Restaurant en Bar in Burgersfort. Lekker kos en gesellige atmosfeer. Agter Burgersfort Drankwinkel. Kom loer gerus in! Navrae: 082 308 9221
Platinum Gazette
9. Te Huur/ To Let
HOUSE TO LET : Praktiseer, 616 Tubatse Township. Monthly rental amount @ R3000, payable before occupancy. Contact 079 498 1932
Platinum Gazette Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274 Twee Slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby die Tubatse Crossing Mall. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie 2014 Skakel: 082 357 1954
Priced at R350 000.00. Contact: 079 498 1932
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE Praktiseer, 616 Tubatse Township. Three bedrooms, one toilet, garage, kitchen, sitting area.
Platinum Gazette contact details:
Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Ohrigstad. Huur: R4000 per maand. Skakel: 073 909 2614 OFFICES TO LET: Burgersfort Extension 5, 166 Marone Street at Dr Phetla’s surgery adjacent to Supa Quick. Monthly rental of R5000, payable before occupancy. Contact 079 498 1932 / 082 857 8226
Fixed Term Contract Boilermaker (C3) - Smelter Get the newspaper here: * GMC Debt Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis * Platinum Petroleum * Wimpy Burgersfort * Nedbank Tubatse Crossing Mall * 4 U Office National Burgersfort * Pret Vleislapa * Tubatse Apteek * Cash Trader
Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will assemble and mechanically join sheet, plate, tube, pipe and steel sections. Cut drill and punch and mechanically join structural steel work. Perform destructive testing on welded specimens. Mechanically cut, drill, punch and assemble fabrication materials using powered machinery. Form and shape sheet, plate, pipe and structural section using power machinery. Remove metals using air-carbon arc gouging processes. Do basic rigging. Conduct fault finding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. Perform any AdHoc task within his knowledge and experience given by his Supervisor. Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Mechanical field. Trade Test Qualified: Boilermaker. Valid drivers licence and own transport. At least 3 years experience in the Engineering environment as a Boilermaker. At least 2 years experience on Arc Furnaces or Pelletising Plant will be an advantage. The ability to work in a technical environment and apply technical knowledge and skills to a new and changing situation. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
31 JANUARY 2014
It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
Tubatse Masters on a roll On Saturday 25 January the Tubatse Masters FC visited Dikwena FC in Ga Selala village to play a friendly soccer game. The hosts started the game very strong and in the first half managed to score two goals. In the second half, the masters came back stron and created many scoring opportunities. Unfortunately they only managed to score one goal by Loui Matuludi. The final score was Dikwena 2 and Tubatse Masters 1. On Monday 27 January the Tubatse Masters FC played a game against ASA Metals Dilokong Mine’s team. The Dilokong team managed to score first and by half time they were only ones with points on the board. In the second half the hosts continued their domination. The score stood at 3-0 when the Tubatse Masters broke through to claim the back of the net. The final score was 5-3 in favour of Tubatse Masters. The goal scorers for Tubatse Masters were Jurie Semono, Dolphin ‘Hulk’ Ngele and Lucky Lubisi (3).
(Information & Photographs: Jerial Movundlela)
Jagters merk dié datums Die Bosbok Tak van die SA Jagtersvereniging bedien die Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad en Lydenburg area. Lede kan die volgende datums op hul kalender uitmerk: Op 5 Februarie word daar ‘n Tak vergadering gehou. Daar sal ook ‘n lootjie trekking wees om ‘n rooibok by Khumula te gaan skiet. Die vergadering vind by PLM plaas. Op 12 Februarie sluit die NTVF Besprekingspunte. Op 15 Februarie word ‘n skietdag op Lydenburg gehou. Die dag sal ‘n Springbok en Jakkals Kwalifiseerder wees. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek 082 378 0698 Skiet Koordineerder, JB Willers 082 820 1748 Voorsitter of Leon Visser onder voorsitter 082 808 9641.
Soccer this Saturday A soccer extravaganza will play out on Saturday 1 February at Mangabane sports ground. The day will start at 10:00 with teams such as Tubatse Masters, Dwars Masters, ECM, Modikwa, Mogalakwena, Two Rivers, Mototolo, Tubatse Chrome, Bokoni, Molongwane Masters and the Tubatse SAPS will participate. Don’t miss out!