Inside! Gazette Enough is enough!
Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe in the company of the Limpopo MEC for LEDET (Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism), Seaparo Sekoati, and the Department of Minral Resources engaged with the Maandagshoek Communities on Tuesday about local economic development, employment and other problems experienced in the area. Members of the community, traditional leaders and community structures angrily expressed the slogan “enough is enough!� when they vented their opinions about issues such as labour brokers and corruption with regards to the government in general and the nearby mines that allegedly do not make use of local labour or procure locally. Later in the day it was agreed that negotiations between community structures, the government and industiries will continue.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
31 July 2015
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New look for Penge
31 JULY 2015 Volunteers and workers from Youth Environmental Services (YES) gave Penge a new look for Mandela Month. The group cleared the bushes where the little town’s name has been created with stones. After clearing the bushes they gave it a coat of paint. The paint and brushes were donated by Nyathi paints which is managed by AndrÊ Naude, one of the old residents of Penge. The project was initiated by Golddollar Mtheza, the Sector Coordinator for Greater Tubatse Municipality. (Photographs & Information: Golddollar Mtheza).
31 JULIE 2015
New DA Councillor sworn in On Tuesday this week during a Council meeting, Cllr. M.R. Mahubedu was sworn in. He is replacing Cllr. K.J. Mogale who has resigned at the beginning of June. Cllr. Mahubedu will be acting at a DA PR Councillor within the Greater Tubatse Municipality. The proceedings was overseen by local attorney, Mr. Kenny Mgiba.
31 JULY 2015
Your true 1 Stop Motor Spares shop 1 Stop Motor Spares Burgerfort last week opened the doors of their new shop. They moved to a bigger and better shop, just a short distance from their old shop. They are now situated next the Save More, Lewis and accross from where the new hawker stalls are being constructed in Eddie Sedibe Street. The shop is now truly a 1 Stop destination for anyone looking for quality parts, friendly service and a great shopping experience. The shop has a modern layout and the friendly staff is knowledgable and ready to serve the public. On their grand opening day
Better regulated month end traffic?
Traffic lights at various intersections are starting to work again. This week the one at the cross towards Ohrigstad lit up. Hopefully this will result in better regulated month end traffic. (If motorists obey the law. Yes, red still means stop!)
every customer also received a free boerewors roll. The 1 Stop Motor Spares team would like to thank their customers for their loyal support and invites them to come and visit them at the new store.
Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag
31 JULY 2015 Op 25 Julie 2015 het die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag plaasgevind. Hierdie jaarlikse dag vol stof, modder en aksie het weereens ‘n reuse getal besoekers gelok. Die Wildevy Manne reël jaarliks die geleentheid om geld vir liefdadigheid in te samel. ‘n Honderd 4x4 voertuie neem aan uitdagings op die 4x4 baan deel en die dag eindig met die gewilde “Show-stopper”. Tydens hierdie item op die program word daar deur ‘n modderbad gejaag en teen stof-walle uitgery. Slegs ervare en brawe deelnemers waag dit om aan die ‘Show-stopper’ deel te neem. Die dag het ook verskillende vermaak items deur kunstenaar ingesluit en daar was genoeg uitstallers wat gesorg het dat besoekers nooit verveeld kon raak nie. Die uitslae van die dag was soos volg: Wildevy Algehele Wenner - Corjan Muller en Eugene Smit; Mans Wenner - Frik Oosthuizen en Nick Oelofse; Mans Tweede plek - Dewald Snyman en Pieter van der Berg; Beste Dames Span - Jennie Oosthuizen en Lieze Heystek; Beste Gemengde Span - Sanet Wirths en Leon Wirths. Ander wenners: Beste Puntborg soos aangedui deur deelnemers - Samancor ECM; Beste Stalletjie - Hiep Hiep Hoera!; Potjiekos uitslae: Beste Pot en Algehele Potjiekos wenner - Precrete; Beste Tema - Samancor ECM; Beste Gees - Dwarsrivier Myn. Die Wildevy Manne gee graag die eer aan God vir Sy seën oor die dag. Hulle bedank ook almal wat deelgeneem het, die puntborge, hempborge, uitstallers en almal wat op een of ander manier die dag ondersteun het of ‘n sukses help maak het. Hulle bedank ook elke lid van die Wildevy Manne asook hul gesinne en vriende wat gehelp het. Die gemeenskap word genooi om solank die die einde van Julie 2016 oop te hou - dan sal die stof weer staan!
31 JULIE 2015
Pret en plesier by Wildevy 4x4 dag Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag het hierdie jaar ‘n groot getal besoekers gelok. Die uitstallers se oulike maniere om aandag te trek was deel van die dag se uniekheid - ‘n banier waardeur jy kan loer by VW Highlands se stalletjie was byvoorbeeld baie gewild. Wanneer besoekers honger en dors geraak het, was daar genoeg by die stalletjies en biertuin beskikbaar vir elke smaak. Kindervermaak het nie agtergebly nie. Daar was pretritte, ponieritte en vele meer. Die glybaan tot in die moddergat was weer baie gewild. Teen laat middag is die ‘Show-stopper’ voor ‘n reuse skare gehou.
Deelnemers aan die 4x4-dag het by elke punt ‘n uitdaging gehad.Punte is volgens hul prestasie by die uitdaging verdien.
Dust, mud and courage The Wildevy 4x4 course was designed to be challenging and fun, but damaging to vehicles. Part of the challenge is to perform the tasks at each point as fast as possible and accurate as possible. An estimated 7000 people attended the day’s event and stalls selling food and drink were busy throughout the day. The course is designed to make it easy for the public to see what the drivers are up to. A tractor and wagon transport system ensures that even the most unfit could reach the various points where contestants and their vehicles were showing their steel. Late afternoon saw the potjiekos competition heat up. A variety of potjies’ contents were sold for charity. Visitors could easily follow the action from the sides.
The Westvaal team at Wildevy 4x4 Day 2015
Westvaal Steelpoort and Westvaal Mashishing hosted the Figure of 8 challenge on the course at the 4x4 day. The team and visitors from the Isuzu Offroad Academy enjoyed the day. Their vehicles showed that a bit of mud, sand and difficult terrain is no problem. The Figure of 8 is a pool of mud in which a driver’s skill and the vehicle’s ability to keep traction is tested. This was no problem for the Isuzu team. Contact the Westvaal team for a test drive in one of their vehicles.
31 JULY 2016
31 JULIE 2015
Wildevy action
Sometimes participants in the Wildevy 4x4 day had to do repairs next to the points where they were due to participate. Plenty of vehicle assessories, tyre and other stalls were on hand with advice.
31 JULY 2015
Geƫng dirty for a good cause Dwarsrivier Mine showed that they can be relied upon when it comes to worthy causes. They annually support the Wildevy 4x4 Family Day. This day aims to raise funds for charitable causes in the area. Dwarsrivier Mine hosted a point on the 4x4 course. Timing how fast vehicles moved through a maze while searching for alarms to set off. It was a dusty, but fun experience. The Dwarsrivier Mine groups at the event themed their point “Save our Rhinos” - a cause close to many par cipants’ hearts. They also made a huge oxtail potjie that was sold plate for plate to raise funds. When it came to judging me, the organisers could not help but no ce the vibe and enthusiasm at the Dwarsrivier stall. This saw them being chosen as the team with the best team spirit. Some employees also par cipated as drivers in the 4x4 event - making sure that Dwarsrivier is well represented in every aspect of the day. The Dwarsrivier team enjoyed the day and is proud to be associated with a cause that during the course of a year touches and improves the lives of many people.
31 JULIE 2015
67 Minutes at Leboeng Thusong Service Centre The Leboeng SAPS with the CPF, Youth Desk, VEP, CWP and Drakensberg circuit spend 67 minutes cleaning the Leboeng Thusong Service Centre as part of their Mandela Month celebrations. The cleaning campaign was attended by a large number of community policing forum members from different villages. The day’s activities ended with election of a sector crime forum and sector youth against crime representatives. The forums will work hand in hand with the sector commander to address the root causes of crime in the sector. Mr. George Kgapane from Makgalane village was elected as the Sector Crime Forum Chairperson. Miss Jane Ntimbane is the Sector Youth Against Crime chairperson. (Information & photographs: Const. M.A. Sibatana)
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Dagga discovered (Information and Photograph: General M.J. Maepa, Tubatse SAPS Cluster Commander)
While on their way to a community meeting at Maandagshoek on Tuesday, 28 July 2016, the SAPS also discovered an illegal dagga plantation. The dagga was not hidden away, but planted in open view, close to the road. It is not know who was cultivating the plants and the SAPS is appealing to the community to not grow dagga and engage in criminal activities by growing and selling the plants. The community is also encouraged to report criminal activities involving the growing and selling of dagga to the police.
Shop at Burgersfort Mall robbed On 26 July 2015 the Steers and Debonairs Restaurant in Burgersfort Mall was robbed. The incident happened at closing time when 3 men entered the shop pretending to be customers. Employees at the shop told the men that they are already closed. The men took out fire arms and ordered the staff to get down on the floor. They told the manager to open the safe and give them the money available in the shop. The robbers fled the scene with approximately R50 000. The Burgersfort SAPS appeals to shop managers to not keep large amounts of money on shop premises, but to regularly bank the money they receive. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS)
31 JULY 2015
Theft out of motor vehicle Theft out of motor vehicles is a problem in Burgersfort. Another incident occurred on 27 July 2015 in Extension 5. A 32-year old man parked his vehicle outside his home and went into the house. He later heard a noise and upon investigation found that the window of his car had been broken. His cigarettes and some air time vouchers were stolen. The total value of the stolen goods is approximately R7800. No arrests have been made. The SAPS in Burgersfort is warning the public not to leave valuable items in their vehicles. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
Malicious damage to bricks On 25 July a case of Malicious damage to property was opened at the Burgersfort SAPS. The complainant found that someone broke the cables tying the bricks stacked onto a pallet in his yard at Mahlakoene. The person also damaged some of the bricks. He made the discovery at about 18:00. No arrests have been made. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
31 JULIE 2015
Kohin reaches out during school holidays Kohin Youth Coaches reached out to communities during the July school holidays. Kohin Youth Coaches are placed in schools around the Greater Tubatse area. They are called to empower the youth with hope and a vision for the future, especially in these uncertain days. The group visited the 5 Cent Care Centre, the Lehlaba Disability Centre and the Civil Society Centre. During the outreaches games were played while big and small were present to enjoy the various activities. Some of the young ones enjoyed the balloons the coaches brough with them.
(Information and Photographs: Sunlie Poshumus).
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
Vacancies/Betrekkings Maintenance Manager - Limpopo A vacancy exist at our Limpopo unit for a Maintenance Manager Requirements:
N4 in Electrical Engineering or an equivalent qualification, 5 years’ experience working in Industrial electricity environment with exposure to three phase connections and certificated to work in the environment Exposure to Industrial Relations would be advantageous. Skills & Knowledge: Good numeric and administrative skills, Good people management skills, planning, leading and organisational skills Good interpersonal skills, Self-starter, go getter and suitable initiative Computer literate (MS Office) Valid Driver’s license Ability to work flexible working hours Key Performance Areas: Directs, coordinates and supervises the activities of sub contractors and in-house staff performing the operation, maintenance and repair on various facilities on campus. This includes buildings, service equipment, electrical installations, plumbing, water equipment & tank chlorinator and other utilities. Maintain and manage quality of workmanship improvement and regular audits Handling equipment to optimum levels determined by customer service needs while controlling costs and managing energy consumption and ensuring compliance with the OSH Act. Interested and qualified applicants should forward their applications to Closing date:
07 August 2015
Please consider your application unsuccessful should you not receive communication within 2 weeks from closing date. Kindly note that your CV will be entered into a Talent Pool and that we may contact you for future opportunities
2. Betrekkings/ Vacancies Position: Fire Assayer at Metchem Lab. Steelpoort. Sent CV to
Gideon@metchem. or hand it in at Metchem Lab, Steelpoort. Contact: 013 230 9970.
3. Dienste/ Services B Burgersfort f Transport T For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
Two bedroom apartment available. R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid electricity. Call 082 578 6113
10. Te Koop/ For Sale TE KOOP Ohrigstad eiendom. 2733vk meter. Woonstel en beskadigde huis. R440 000. Skakel Dirk: 082 890 1986 / 013 691 1082. dirkjsmit@telkomsa. net
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in åYou know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * A1 Fisheries Wholesale * A1 Fisheries Twin City * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort
Please give us a home Five beautiful kittens need homes urgently. Six weeks old. So beautiful. Contact: Esme at 079 100 9643
31 JULY 2015
SAPS and Youth Against Crime reaches out on Mandela Day On 18 July 2015 the Office for Social Crime Prevention in Burgersfort and the Youth Against Crime group reached out to Relebogile Day Care Centre in Extension 10. They were joined by members of the Community Policing Forum (CPF). The Office for Social Crime Prevention regularly visits the centre. During one of the visits the members of the SAPS saw the dull walls of the centre. With the help of a generous sponsor they were able to go and paint the walls different colours and make it much more child friendly. This was part of their Mandela Day effort. They were also able to take a celebration cake with them to share with the children at the centre. The group would like to thank the sponsor for helping them colour the lifes of these children. (Information & Photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS)
Sport against crime in Ga-Manoke Burgersfort SAPS and Youth Against Crime are trying to take the young people of the area off the streets and away from crime. This project is continuing throughout the year. Recently a speech competition, drama and contest in choral verse was held. This took place at Mangabane. Now a Sport against Crime campaign forming part of the year plan took place at Ga-Manoke. Four soccer and four netball teams participated. The winning netball team was the Tubatse SAPS Cluster team. The winning soccer team was the team from Manoke High School. The winners received netball and soccer balls as well as medals and trophies. The SAPS would like to thank all the sponsors who made the campaign possible.
(Information & Photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
31 JULIE 2015
Ride it
The annual Wildevy MTB race took place last week Saturday. It was well supported with young and old participating in different categories. Both local cyclists and enthusiasts from other parts of the country participated. Get the results of the race on page 12.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beรกnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Bison Falls Spur was the main sponsor of the Wildevy MTB race. While family members participated in the race, staff from Bison Falls Spur kept the children entertained with a jumping castle, face painting and much more.
31 JULY 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Wild ride at the Wildevy BTM race
On Saturday last week the Wildevy Mountain Bike Race took place. It happened at PLM Boskamp with Bison Falls Spur as the main
sponsor. The race was well supported and everyone enjoyed it. The results were 50km Female: 1. Kirsten Gillespie 2. Ananda Bosch 3. Emily Clarke Male: 1. Mark Meyer 2. Shaun Gillespie 3. Craig Murchie 20km Female: 1. Zandri Strydom 2. Sonette Booyens 3. Jessica Schulz Male: 1. Armand Lombaard 2. Keegan Clark 3. Bongani Ngwana 10km Female: 1. Kaylee Lindeque 2. Reneilwe Nong 3. Marlize Venter Male: 1. Donald Hlase 2. Joshua Schulz 3. Karabo Malatjie The organisers would like to thank the sponsors and riders for their support. (Information: Wildevy 4x4 Manne).