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Š Platinum Gazette
31 October 2014
Against cancer - p 6
31 OCTOBER 2014
Kastania & Fosteri roads all fixed up Kastania and Fosteri roads in Burgersfort is looking brand new. The mostly gravel roads from before sometimes called for advanced 4x4 skills when negotiating water
puddles, major holes and even rocks. This week, the contractor finished with paving the two streets. The businesses that were cut off in the past can now be accessed with ease.
Help for illegal farm evictions Farm workers facing illegal eviction can contact the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform for assistance. Farm workers and farm dwellers who have been illegally evicted from farms should immediately call the Department’s toll free number, 0800 007 095, where they will be assisted by a team of legal and mediation personnel appointed by the Department. There has been an upsurge in farm evictions around the country, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal in the Newcastle area, in the Free State and Cape Winelands in the Western Cape. Minister Gugile Nkwinti is sending officials on a fact finding mission to ascertain how to further strengthen support to affected farming communities. The minister is also calling on the agricultural sector to take
steps to help stop illegal evictions.Farm workers and farm dwellers face many challenges when they are evicted illegally with their homes often being destroyed upon eviction. Elderly persons are at times dumped on the side of the road by farmers without any assistance or support. Despite the government promulgating legislation to among others regulate evictions, including the Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA), 62 of 1997 –farm evictions are continuing to occur. The Department is also engaged in efforts to strengthen the protection of farm workers and farm dwellers through the amendment of this Act. Those affected by evictions should call the Toll Free Eviction Hot line: 0800 007 095.
31 OKTOBER 2014
Limpopo athletics hero funeral arrangements Olypmic athlete Mbulaheni Mulaudzi who died in an accident last week will be buried at his home village Muduluni near Makhado this Saturday. By the time of going to press the Acting Premier of Limpopo, Mr Kgoloane “Rudolph” Phala said that preparations and arrangements for the athlete’s funeral were on course. “We are also looking at giving him a Provincial Official Funeral and have therefore applied for the President of the Republic to declare such,” Mr Phala added. “If the funeral is declared an Official Funeral, the entire provincial machinery will join the family in finalizing logistics”. A provincial memorial service for Mbulaheni Mulaudzi will be held on Friday afternoon and the funeral will be taking place on Saturday at the same place. The entire provincial government and the sporting community is expected to attend the services that are scheduled. Mulaudzi won a silver medal in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. He ran the 800m.
Driver of the Year from Sekhukhune Mr M Mahlela from from the Sekhukhune District walked away with the award for Driver of the Year in the Department of Transport, Safety, Security and Liaison’s Driver of the Year Awards. The awards were given at a ceremony hosted in the Ephraim Mogale Town Hall on last week Saturday. This annual competition is organised by the Road Traffic Management Corportation and Road Safety Directorate and is aimed at enhancing road safety. The competition is classified into the following categories: Bus Driver (male), Bus Driver (female), Rigid drivers, Articulated driver, rigid truck with four wheel trailer and light delivery van 3.5 ton. The following winners were announced at the function last week: Light delivery van - D Zitha (Mopani District) Bus driver (male) - FS Mathetha (Vhembe District). Bus driver (female) - LM Matjokotja (Mopani District). Rigid driver - M Mahlela (Sekhukhune District). Articulated vehicle - MC Chauke (Sekhukhune District). Mr Mahlela, as the overall winner walked away with R10 000 in prize money, a professional driving certificate and a trophy.
Housing development for mining towns Government has ear-marked R2.1 thousand million for housing projects in 14 mining towns to improve the living and working conditions of mineworkers. “A total of R290 million has been approved for the informal settlement upgrading for the 2014/2015 period in mining towns in Mpumalanga, North West, Gauteng, Northern Cape, Limpopo and the Free State,” Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe said. Minister of Mineral Resources, Adv. Ngoako Ramatlhodi, said the housing
projects would be done in collaboration with the communities. This is in line with the implementation of the Framework Agreement for a Sustainable Mining Industry, which was entered into by government, organised business and organised labour in 2013. The project is aimed at creating viable communities that would survive, even if the mines were no longer in the area. Business centres, health and education facilties would also be included when developing the mining towns.
The cattle are coming to town
Cattle causing havoc in traffic is a too familiar sight in Burgersfort. These animals roam the streets without anyone taking responsibility for them. With no municipal pound, no official owners trying to keep them from harm and no traffic officials trying to keep them off the streets, motorists are just left with giving them right of way.
31 OCTOBER 2014
Elderly: ‘Remember your African roots’ Youth: ‘We’ll take care of you’
Furniture removals
Pest Control & fumigation
Auto electrical services Printing services
Supply of newspapers Office curtains and rails
Supply of stationery Supply of cleaning materials Cleaning services Catering
Office furniture Advertising and marketing Auditing services Conference hall package Supply of groceries/ refreshment Kitchen appliances
Live broadcasting Photographic, videography & framing services Protective clothing Safety and Security equipment Access control devices Mobile toilets
Recording services Office equipment
Cultural groups
Travel & accommodation services Corporate gifts
Training services
Computer consumables Computer software/ hardware Fire extinguishers
• •
Library materials
Sound hire/PA system Entertainment Translation services Wreath and flowers Transportation
Application forms are available in the website of the Limpopo Legislature ( or you can collect them at the reception or SCM Offices ground floor. The existing service providers on our database are also advised to reapply.
REQUIREMENTS • Company Profile • Company registration certificate • Original valid tax clearance certificate • Certified copy of BBBEE status verification certificate • Certified ID copy/ies of all the shareholders
• •
Completed forms can be posted to: Private bag X9309, Polokwane, 0700 or be dropped at the reception or SCM Offices on or before 28 November 2014, Limpopo Legislature at Lebowakgomo Government Complex Database forms received after the closing date will not be accepted.
Contact Persons: Ms. Mphahlele RL 015 633 8194 (8000) Ms. Sello LS 015 633 8125 (8000)
Mr. Shaku PJ 015 633 8087 Ms. Lebepe RM 015 633 8157
Young and old from Kgautswane recently celebrated and remembered their heritage at an event that took place at the Sejabagwera Heritage Site. The day resulted in dialogue between die elderly and the young people of the area. The elderly told the young people what it was like in the ‘olden’ days. They also encouraged the youth to remember their African roots and learn as much as they can about the area they live in. They youth asked about the challenges the elderly experience and it emerged that many are mugged when they go to collect their money on pension days. At the event an impromptu community formum was established and the young people and some volunteers undertook to go with the elderly on the day’s they collect their money to prevent them from becoming victims of crime. Messages of support came from tourist guides, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Economic Development, SADTU - local schools and Collen Mojela (GTM environmental specialist). (Information & Photographs: Collen Mojela)
31 OKTOBER 2014
Saying goodbye in style Steelpoort Academy’s Grade 9 learners said goodbye to the school with a function at Buffelsvley recently. Next year these learners will be going to other schools in the area as Steelpoort Academy only caters for learners until grade 9. They enjoyed their day next to the pool and with delicious food, specially prepared for them. (Photographs: Steelpoort Academy)
Opedae ‘n sukses Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week hul graad R en graad 1 opedae gehou. Ouers en hul kinders wat volgende jaar in graad R of graad 1 is, het die dag bygewoon. Die ouers is toegespreek en kon hul kinders registreer terwyl die kinders ‘n bietjie buite baljaar het. (Foto’s: Steelpoort Akademie).
31 OCTOBER 2014
Cuppa for Cansa in Steelpoort On Saturday last week the Diggers Small Business and Community Centre in Winterveld hosted a Cuppa for Cansa event at Winterveld Club. The theme was “Hats & Heels” and those attending were treated to a fashion show, delicious cupcakes and tee or coffee. Local singers kept the beat while an auction boosted the fund raising. Cansa also launched a support group for cancer patients and their families in the Steelpoort area at the event. Those who would like to get involved can contact The organisers would like to thank everyone who sponsored, contributed or attended the day and helped to raise R100 000 for Cansa.
Quite a few cancer survivors attended the day’s event.
Breast cancer awareness Tubatse Chrome hosted its annual Breast Cancer Awareness lunch at Chrome Club. Cansa Polokwane gave an informative talk and the women were invited to make use of the mibile clinic for mammograms. The message for the day was “Look after the Girls” and called on the ladies to go for regular examinations and mammograms.
31 OKTOBER 2014
Seeskoolpret Steelpoort Akademie se graad 7 leerders was onlangs seeskool toe. Die groep het dit baie geniet en dinge soos krieket op die strand, swem en ‘n reptielpark besoek ingepas. (Foto’s en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie)
Becoming business savvy in school
7 Steelpoort Academy held an entrepreurs day for grades 4 - 6. The ‘entrepreneurs’ draw up a budget, bring their products and sell it to the rest of the school. Next week the grades 7 - 9 learners will have their turn.
Is your debt DE BT crushing you? There is help!
Do you feel like your debt is crushing you and you have no escape? Well, there could be help if you act quick enough. By visiting a Registered Debt Counsellor you will not only get guidance with how to manage your budget, but they will also assist with negotiations with the people you owe money to. The Registered Debt Counsellor may also be able to assist with placing you under Debt Review or Administration. You will not be able to make any new debt, but this may help you to retain your vehicles or home if you are not able to make prompt payments on their installments. It is important to note that you have to be employed with a monthly income as you will need to make monthly payments. The payments will just be less so that you will still be able to pay for the necessary living expenses such as transport, food and utility bills such as electricity. In some cases the Debt Counsellor will even approach the court on your behalf to get a reduced repayment rate. The second important thing to remember is to visit a National Credit Regulator (NCR) registered Debt Counsellor. This is important as there are many fly-by-night operations out there and you will be paying your money over to the Debt Counsellor who will work with the people you owe money to on your behalf. If you are not with a registered Debt Counsellor you stand the risk of losing all the money you are paying without any of the debt relief benefit. Another benefit of making use of a professional and Registered Debt Counsellor is the fact that you will not be charged absurd fees for all types of administration and other things. A professional and Registered Debt Counsellor is bound by an ethical code and will not take advantage of your already difficult position. So visit a Registered Debt Counsellor as soon as possible and end 2014 on a good note!
Office in Lydenburg now also open!
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
31 OCTOBER 2014
Prysuitdeling by Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort het Dinsdag en Woensdagaand hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Dinsdagaand is die juniors vir hul harde werk beloon terwyl die Prestige Prysuitdeling vir die seniors Woensdagaand plaasgevind het. Verskeie akademiese en sportpresteerders is vereer. Akademiese toekennings is in die volgende kategorieë gemaak - Brons: 60 69%; Silver: 70 - 79% en Goud 80% +. Die skool het ook die graad 7 leerders gegroet en die nuwe prefekte en hoofleiers vir 2015 aangekondig. Die hoofleiers vir 2015 is: Onder-hoofdogter Salmita Mohlala, Onder-hoofseun Lethamaga Mothapo, Hoofdogter - Bianca Botha en Hoofseun - Bonke Nkosi.
Regs: Die skool se akademiese span is: Njabulo Ndlovu (80,3%), Duné Joubert (83,4%), Gift Mjekula (84,5%), Kayleigh Joubert (87,3%), Ancke du Bruyn (84,9%), Salmita Mohlala (80,4%), Anja Pieters (84%) en Bianca Botha (85,3%).
Duné Joubert, Kayleigh Joubert en Gift Mjekula kry goud vir akademie in graad 4A. Kayleigh Joubert is ook die beste presteerder in die graad met 87,3%.
Regs: Goud is in graad 7A toegeken aan: Coelette Erasmus, Alzonette van Heerden en Izaan Venter. Mnr. JuanAndré Joubert doen die oorhandigings.
Njabulo Ndlovu received a gold certificate for academic achievements in gr4ade 4E. Mr Hendrik Manok handed it to her.
Ancke de Bruyn was die beste presteerder in graad 5A. Sy het ‘n gemiddeld van 84,9%. Sy het ‘n kontant koopbewys ontvang wat deur Me. Yolandi Theron aan haar oorhandig is.
In grade 5E silver certificates for academic achievement was handed to Mrinal Cherian, Lehlogonolo Makina, Bonolo Phasha and Lefentse Selala. In graad 6A is daar goue sertifikate vir akademie aan Bianca Botha en Anja Pieters oorhandig. Bianca Botha was ook die klas se beste presteerder met ‘n gemiddeld van 85,3%. Sy het ‘n koopbewys van 2YK Konstruksie ontvang vir hierdie prestasie. Anja het ook ‘n sertifikaat vir netheid in al haar vakke ontvang.
Salmita Mohlala receives a gold certificate for her academic achievement in grade 6E.
Keneilwe Shai received a gold certificate for grade 7E. She is also the best achiever in grade 7. She receives prizes for her achievement in Technology, Life Orientation, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, English Home Language, Best Bilingual Learner, Mathematics, Economic Management Sciences and Afrikaans First Additional Language.
Die Ware Burger trofee gaan aan Coelette Erasmus. Mnr. Coert Erasmus en Mev. Elize Moll oorhandig dit. Die gaan aan die leerder wat die beste ambassadeur is vir die skool deur sy/ haar vriendelikheid, betroubaarheid, bereidwilligheid om te help, lojaliteit teenoor die skool en netheid.
Bianca Beukes ontvang die Quinton van Dyk trofee vir ‘n leerder wat nie gewoonlik op akademiese of sport gebied uitblink nie, maar altyd behulpsaam was en ook hulp aangebied het al was sy/hy nie betrokke by die aktiwiteit nie.
31 OKTOBER 2014
Prizes and trophies at Laerskool Burgersfort Sfiso Maphanga received the Platinum Gazette floating trophy for Best Boy Field Athlete. Kgaogelo Thobakgale received the Platinum Gazette floating trophy for Best Senior Boys Track Athlete. His also the school’s Senior Victor Ludorm. Gift Mjekula is the Senior Best Girls Field Athlete, Arelize Moll is the Best Junior Girls Field Athlete and Elizabeth Ngele is the Senior Victrix Ludorm. Left: Rugby trophies were awarded to Retang Marebane and Phoka Makofane for the best progress in u/11 and u/13. Trophies were also handed out to various learners for achievements in tennis, netball, cricket and swimming. The school’s Most Versatile Sport Girl was Coelette Erasmus and the Most Versatile Boy was Kgaogelo Thobakgale. Coelette Erasmus was the Sport Star for 2014.
Notices/ Kennisgewings
Tender Notice Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for Transportation of Chrome to Steelpoort Station. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km form Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014. Tender Number: TM 1410/09 Description: Construction of Market Stalls in Burgersfort Terms of reference/specifications and tender documentation can be downloaded from the below portal: Enquiries regarding the tender can be directed to below e-mail and fax. Fax: 0866 101 887 Please quote the relevant tender number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax. No telephonic queries will be entertained. Compulsory Clarification/Site Meeting: Date: 7 November 2014 Time: 10:00
Die ou prefekte het met ‘n spesiale seremonie aan die 2015 prefekte oorgegee. Elkeen het ‘n kersie gehad wat uitgedoof is nadat die nuwe prefek se kersie daarmee aangesteek is. Die 2014 prefekte het ook elkeen ‘n spesiale sertifikaat vir hul diens gedurende die jaar ontvang.
Bianca Botha en Bonke Nkosi is die nuwe hoofseun en hoofdogter vir 2015. Die onder-hoofseun en onderhoofdogter vir 2015 is Lethamaga Mothapo en Salmita Mohlala.
Tubatse Towing
Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines is part of a progressive, innovative company that strive for Zero Harm to their people and the environment. The company is committed to improving the quality of life of people and communities in and around their operations.
PUBLIC NOTICE OF A COMMUNITY RESOLUTION MEETING Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines has been granted a Mining Right for the Lwala project to operate on the farms Forest Hill 117 KT and Clapham 118 KT. The process seeks to finalise a long term (30 years with a potential to extend) lease of approximately 720 hectares on Forest Hill and Clapham farms. PURPOSE To formulate a community resolution in terms of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act of 1998 (Act31 of 1998) and related regulations that requires the consent of the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform as the nominal owner of the above-mentioned properties.
• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon fans • Radiator fans •
24 Hour Towing Services, including insurance registered vehicles
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The following interested and affected parties are invited to attend: (i) Residents or community members within Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Jurisdictions (ii) Members of Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Councils (iii) Community Based Organizations (iv) Youth Structures (v) Business people (vi) NGO’s operating in the afore-mentioned villages (vii) Social Welfare Organizations (viii) Ward Committee members N.B The Community Resolution process will be facilitated by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.
Rebuild engines for sale
Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936
Enquiries: Office Number: Cell Number:
M.T Thobejane 013 230 7000 073 692 3965
MEETING SCHEDULE Community Venue Ga-Kgoete Nareng-Thokwana Tribal Office
Date 23 November 2014
Time 10H00
31 OCTOBER 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
2. Betrekkings/ Vacancies Vacancy Looking for a qualified beauty therapist for a busy salon. Salon experience will be an advantage. Call 082 300 4526 to arrange for an interview.
Candidates will have to bring along their qualifications from reputable institutions and may be required to do a practical as part of the selection process.
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op
Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. 1 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R4000 per month. R6000 deposit required. Price negotiable. Water and lights excluded from rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 2 people staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744. 2 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R5000 per month. R6000 deposit required. Price negotiable. Water and lights excluded from rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 3 people
staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale 1994 Mercedes Benz 200E for sale. Electric windows, sunroof, 200 000km mileage, good condition. R30 000.00 Tel: 084 571 3008
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Besige Bytjies kleuterskool bevat leerders tussen 0 en 5 jaar. Die volgende geleentheid is tans beskikbaar:
Pre-primêre skool Onderwyseres Verwysing: BBO-02 Die kandidate op die kortlys moet oor ‘n relevante Graad of Technikon Diploma beskik. ‘n Minimum van 3 jaar ervaring is nodig. Alle kandidate kan hulle CV’s in vertroulikheid e-pos aan of faks na 086 267 3380 met die verwysingsnommer duidelik op die CV aangedui. Sluitingsdatum: 26 November 2014. Indien jy binne 21 werksdae vanaf die sluitingsdatum nog geen reaksie op jou aansoek ontvang het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
SERVICES: Company Registration, Tax Clearance Certificates, Tax Returns, BBB-EE, Liquor License, NHBRC, CIDB & Pricing. Contact: Mr MM Mmaboko Tel: 072 326 8057; Whatsapp: 071 279 0078; Fax: 086 691 1833; E-mail: Office @ Riba Cross next to Sasko Bakery
Platinum Gazette
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Do you have some news? Contact us on 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 / 083 543 1676
Vacancies/Betrekkings A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
Furnace Production Foreman (C5) Smelter Production Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum operation of the furnaces during a production shift. Role Responsibilities: Ensuring that the specific production process is executed according to the required standards and that the achievements of production results are optimized through workplace efficiency. Ensuring that all work for the shift is properly allocated and that all material, tools and equipment is available and properly functioning. Ensuring the compliance with workplace rules and that all performance deviations are reported and appropriately dealt with. Ensuring compliance with workplace SHEQ rules and standards and that workplace risks are minimized. Facilitating the effective resolution of workplace problems and the prevention of recurring problems. Ensure the effective allocation and utilization of resources. Implements continuous improvement practices. Responsibility on honest and accurate time management and safety. Ensure that ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review takes place within the section. Requirements: Grade 12 with Maths and or Science or related FET certificate. Production Management certificate would be advantageous. At least 1 year experience as acting Furnace Production Foreman. At least 2 years in closed furnaces as well as gas plant reticulation. At least 2 years experience in pre-heater water treatment. Supervisory skills, HIRA and Accident and Incident. Knowledge of effective electrode management. Knowledge of furnace operation, as well as tapping and post taphole practices.
Besige Bytjies kleuterskool bevat leerders tussen 0 en 5 jaar. Die volgende geleentheid is tans beskikbaar:
Pre-primêre skool Assistent Verwysing: BBA-01 Die kandidate op die kortlys moet oor ‘n relevante Graad of Technikon Diploma beskik. ‘n Minimum van 3 jaar ervaring is nodig.
General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Closing date: 13 November 2014
Alle kandidate kan hulle CV’s in vertroulikheid e-pos aan of faks na 086 267 3380 met die verwysingsnommer duidelik op die CV aangedui. Sluitingsdatum: 26 November 2014. Indien jy binne 21 werksdae vanaf die sluitingsdatum nog geen reaksie op jou aansoek ontvang het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
31 OKTOBER 2014
Wenakker gholfdag ‘n sukses Die Wenakker Gholfdag het verlede week Saterdag by die Lydenburg Gholfbaan plaasgevind. Wenakker is baie dankbaar vir die sukses van die dag en bedank graag al hul borge, donateurs en spelers. Die formaat van die dag was “Better Ball with scramble drive” en die wenners was Hassan Govender en Morné van Esch van die TRPspan. Die tweede plek is geneem deur Jehane Claase en Jan-Frans van Aardt van die Westvaal-span. Die derde plek is geneem deur Coenie du Preez en Henco Erasmus. Tydens die prysuitdelingseremonie
To the matrics and everybody else... “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction”. Proverbs 1:7 New International Version (NIV)
het die Wildevy Manne ‘n donasie van R18 000 aan Wenakker oorhandig. Neeltjé Brits, bemarker by Wenakker het die tjek ontvang. Die borge was: Amajaybee, Silver Oaks, Amani Boutique Hotel, SLPM, Beauty Box, Stefan vd Merwe, Beauty from Home, Thorburn, Chas Everitt, Tile Direct & Top Carpets, David Dube, Toyota , Dros, Tubatse, Family Liquor, Turbo Power Lydenburg, Francois v Heerden Tweeriviere (TRP), Fraser Alexander, Tyre Corporation, Golden Locks, Venter Konstruksie, Hanas, Verlorenkloof, Jaco Coetzer, Volkswagen Highlands, Jade Art, Wessel Davel, JS Precast, Westvaal Mashishing, Koos Smith, Wildevy, Legends, Wimpy Lydenburg, Limpopo Readymix, Yillies, Lize Maritz
Hair Studio, Zizwe, LS Promotions, Luan Lombard, McGee & Co, Megabus, Monzoon, Nomakanjani, Northlite, Ocean Basket, Pick & Pay, Pionier Slaghuis, Remax, S & N Vleishandel & Samancor ECM. (Foto’s en inligting: Wenakker).
31 OCTOBER 2014
It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
SAB league in progress Much drama has surrounded the Sekhukhune region’s SAB soccer league this year. Members of the regional league met on 19 October 2014 to receive their players registration, team sheets and medical books as part of the league preparation. “We’re happy, because now we’re going to start playing football again after a lengthy delay as a result of the failed mass promotion initiative which divided our region,” said Mr S Kodi. (Photograph and information: Mr Kodi)
SPORT Tubatse Chrome shines bright Tubatse Chrome FC vs Ferrochrome The Tubatse Chrome Football Club took part in the annual Samancor Chrome Sports Day on 25 October 2014 in Witbank. The team performed well and in the final match Tubatse Chrome FC and Ferrometals battled it out. It was a nail biting game with a 1-1 draw. This resulted in a penalty shoot-out that clinched the match for Tubatse Chrome FC. (Photographs and information: Tubatse Chrome).