Platinum Gazette 3 June 2011

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Jane Furse

3 June 2011

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3 JUNE 2011


Marula bad news Implats says Marula Platinum (Pty) Limited, a subsidiary company in which Implats has a 73% interest, has continued to underperform against the operational targets that management has set. Recent underperformance is due to logistical constraints as a result of the conversion from mechanised to conventional mining at Clapham shaft. As a consequence, the Company is undertaking a full strategic review of this business. This will enable the completion of the conversion project. This strategy entails an increased focus on development to open up mineable face, and logistical initiatives such as the relocation of trackless workshops to underground and the extension of the chairlift to surface. Given that the mine is currently staffed for a higher level of production, the company is now in the process of investigating right sizing of the cost base for the lower level of production. This will result in staff reductions. Accordingly, a Section 189 process in terms of the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995, has been initiated giving Marula sixty days to engage in a consultative process with key stakeholders with the intention of mitigating the potential impact on employees.


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Tripartite forum established

Xstrata-Merafe’s Lion Ferrochrome and a number of Tubatse communities have agreed to form a tripartite forum with the National Union of Mineworker (NUM) that will manage issues of common concern. The agreement follows several weeks of intense discussions between the parties after several Tubaste communities handed in a memorandum of grievances in March. The forum will consist of three Lion Ferrochrome senior managers, eight community representatives and two branch executive members of NUM. The forum, which will meet on a monthly basis, will discuss and advise Lion Ferrochrome on a number of issues relating to employment of local residents, skills development and general community economic opportunities arising out of the operation. Xstrata-Merafe’s General Manager for Corporate Social Responsibility, Mr Steve Makgoba says he is looking forward to working with the community. “It is our desire that as many local

residents as possible continue to benefit from our mining and smelting operations in the area. This forum will allow us to share vital information which can be shared with the rest of the community. This will allow community members to better organize themselves to take advantage of programs that we are putting in place to ensure lasting economic benefits,” said Makgoba. Makgoba said part of the critical information to be communicated to communities concerned ring-fencing. “We are committed to ensuring total or partial involvement by local enterprises in all procurement opportunities arising out of the soon to start Project Lion Phase 2. This will ensure that small local enterprises are able to learn from bigger, more experienced companies while creating more jobs for local residents,” he explained. Eastern Operations has appointed Mr Moffett Mabelane as a CSI Manager, to manage all community upliftment activities. Mabelane commenced his duties in the middle of May.

Smokey Hills operations resume after mob violence Platinum Australia Limited, the company which owns the Smokey Hill Platinum Mine near Burgersfort, has resumed operations at the mine after it was halted on Thursday last week following an incident of mob violence near the mine. Late afternoon of Thursday 26 May an employee of the mining contractor at the Smokey Hills Mine, JIC Mining Services was fatally injured in an incident while travelling home from the mine at the end of day shift. A further eight JIC employees who were in the vehicle were also injured in the incident. The incident occurred approximately 5km from the mine on the new Maandaghoe tarred road when the mini bus transporting nine JIC workers was attacked by a crowd of people, which reportedly included a number of ex employees of JIC who had been terminated in February following illegal strike action. When the bus stopped it was stoned by the crowd, turned on its side and set on

fire. 39 year old employee of JIC, Mr Kobus Jansen van Rensburg from Lydenburg was fatally assaulted when he climbed out of the bus. The other JIC employees were also assaulted when they got out of the bus, requiring five of the employees to be hospitalised. Mining operations on the mine were suspended following the incident and remained suspended during Friday. No mining operations were planned for the weekend as it was an end of month pay off weekend. Platinum Australia also requested that a trading halt be granted by the Australian stock exchange with respect to its ordinary shares. The company was seeking the trading halt pending an announcement to the market regarding matters to do with operations. The Company requested that the trading halt remain in place until the opening of trading on Monday 30 May. Following the incident senior management from Patinum Australia and JIC met with senior Limpopo government officials including the Office of the Premier and a task team was established to address

the situation and ensure the safety and security of the mine and its personnel, the majority of whom are from the Limpopo Province. The company later said it has been advised that the police have already made a number of arrests of people suspected of being involved in the incident. When Platinum Gazette visited the scene earlier this week, the gutted minibus was still lying next to the road, while Policemen were busy talking to residents next to the road near the burned out vehicle. Platinum Australia’s Managing Director, John Lewins, said the company would like to express its deepest sympathies to the family of the deceased., why the company is also confident that the steps already taken by the Limpopo Government and implementation of further steps proposed by the task team will provide a safe and secure environment for the operation of the Smokey Hills Mine.

3 JUNIE 2011

Caught for house-breaking On 28 May 2011 the Tubatse SAPS arrested a 19-year old man in connection with housebreaking and theft. The arrest came after a crime occurred in Bothashoek during the night of the 27th May . There was broken into a room and items such as a television, blankets, hot plate, electrical fan, clothes, speakers and cell phone were stolen. On 28 May the man residing there reported the matter to the Police. They investigated and arrested of the suspect. The stolen items were also recovered. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 30 May 2011 and he was not granted bail. The case was postponed to 8 June 2011. On the same case the Police made further investigations and arrested an 18-year old man on the 31st May 2011. The suspect is expected to appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court soon. (Information: Const. J Movundlela)

Partnership to eradicate crime A partnership between the National Youth Development Agency and South African Police Service yield fruits. This follows a recent visit and address by Frans Moswane chairperson of NYDA in Limpopo province to about 150 members of Youth Against Crime at Jane Furse SAPS. In his speech he encouraged the youth to become responsible citizens and a good influence on others. He said several programmes in Government are there for the young to utilize. They must also help to come up with programmes that will eradicate poverty in their areas. “You cannot resolve unemployment by committing crime, because that it is not sustainable” Moswane added. He further said that communities will not be defeated by criminals who are in minority. He urged young people to fight any form of criminal activities and help the Police to identify lawbreakers. (Information: Const. M.R. Molepo)



And then the roof came down On Monday morning emergency vehicles rushed to the scene where the roof of a building caved in. The building opposite the old (and now demolished) Supa Save premises are currently undergoing contruction to upgrade it. Luckily nobody was injured when the roof came down, but a few shops were left destroyed. The incident also lead to great spectator value with the largest crowd gathered in the street since Supa Save burnt down. When Platinum Gazette arrived at the scene one of the shop owners just shook his head in disbelief saying that he is waiting for his lawyer. The owners of the building were quick to arrive and did not want to comment apart from saying that the roof caved in and that they would prefer that further photographs not be taken.

Everyone is welcome. Come join in the fun! Stall enquiries: Andries Human.

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3 JUNE 2011


Samancor Chrome Awards – ECM Shines Employees honoured for a job well done Samancor Chrome is in the fortunate position to employ people who often go the extra mile, turn challenges into opportunities and excel in their daily activities. On 13 May some of Eastern Chrome Mines’ employees and teams were recognised at the first Samancor Chrome Awards function at Silverlakes for going beyond the call of duty and making extraordinary contributions to our company. This prestigious function was hosted by the CEO, Jürgen Schalamon and he reiterated the importance of teamwork. He further stated ‘ Caring for our employees will drive people to apply their skills and knowledge to improve the competitiveness of Samancor’ . Special recognition was given to the following employees from Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines : · Hannes Lubbe and Andre Manser were commended for his their involvement in the design, drafting and construction of a conveyor belt clamp that would greatly reduce the safety risk of the equipment. · Johan Breedt and Johan Hanekom were recognised for their modification of a drill rig valve bank and percussion hoses resulting in less breakdowns, cost savings and safer operating conditions for the operators. · Rudi Conrad was acknowledged for his excellence in negotiations with suppliers, realising in annual savings in excess of R5m,

as well as implementing controls to improve the procurement process. · David Strydom and Johannes Sekgala received the General Manager’s special award for outstanding contribution towards business processes and growth at Eastern Chrome Mines. The ECM Management team is proud to witness the commitment of employees taking the initiative to improve safety on the mines, as well as focussing on sensible cost savings. A host of other ECM employees were also recognised for receiving a qualification during 2010 and broaden their knowledge: Sefiri Calvin Seepe; Nnang Jackson Ramabele; Podile Jack Malatji; Justice TebogoTwala; Shilela Naume; Phahlamohlaka; Walter Maile Seale; John Morakaneng Mokgere; Makunyane; Maria Banyatsana Mohlala; John Lucky Mkhawane; Clearance Arnold Mambane; Putinyana Charies Mafane; Ramaesela Priscah Makola; Rethabile Nedohe; Ngoetsane Vansa Swafo; Tshutishi Roy Mahlakoane; Magdeline Pobetja Lekoadu; Merlyn Nakedi Mosoma; Sebongile Aretha Maile; Lemeck Sikhasi Mahlaule; Maputle David Riba; Malope Sainy Sekhukhune; Inita Koekemoer; Nonhlanhla Lauraine Mdluli; Kaitswe Charles Makitla; Achebold Mphari Kodibona; Serongoa Lloyd Malleka; Francois Taljaard.

Thorburn caring for the community The HIV/Aids Care and Support Development Project (Eerstegeluk) managed by Emily Mokwena is caring for more than 100 orphans in Eerstegeluk near Steelpoort . They feed and care for these orphans after school at classrooms that were build by Tubatse Ferrochrome as one of many of the Samancor community support projects in the Greater Tubatse. Thorburn Security Solutions continued with their promise to support communities. More than 100 blankets, maize for the Project kitchen and a small bag of maize

for every child to take home to their foster parents were delivered to this project on Wednesday 25 June 2011. Thorburn Managing Director Dolf Scheepers commented that “ at least there is another 110 blankets available to heat up a few children in Eerstegeluk and a bit more maize for that extra meal. We try to support where we can. Two weeks ago we donated R5 000 to an organization caring for abused children and women in Badplaas, the Badplaas Shelter”. (Photo: Davida van der Walt)

3 JUNIE 2011

Better reception for Mokutung Mokutung will soon be able to use their cellphones - in their village. A new cellphone tower was constructed and once a signal unit is installed it will kick into action. It is a Vodacom tower, but is powerfull enough that other service providers will be able to share the infrastructure. On the photograph Mr. Fanie Bornman, the contractor who constructed the tower and village headman, mnr. Emmanuel Mopane shake hands on the improvement. Although the communication channels are being upgraded the village is still struggling with water supply. One part of the village is dependant on water from a fountain up on the mountain. Water is lead from there to tanks from which the villagers collect the water. Unfortunately the tanks have been broken for quite some time, leaving them high and dry. Previously the municipality assisted with water tanks and the community is hoping that the new councillors will take care of this problem for them. “We are just hoping that the new councillors will assist. We’ll wait and see,” Mopane said.

Wildevy 4x4 dag 2011 borge afskop Die Wildevy 4x4 gesinsdag vind hierdie jaar op 30 Julie by PLM Boerdery plaas. Die inskrywings vir die 4x4 roete asook die



eko-roete is nou oop. Die Wildevy Manne is ook opsoek na besighede wat wil uitstal en aan die potjiekoskompetisie wil deelneem. Daar is verskeie maniere waarop daar ten bate van liefdadigheid by dié dag betrokke geraak kan word. Verlede week Donderdag is verskeie van die myne se bestuurders genooi en die dag amptelik aan hulle bekend gestel. Baie van hulle het tydens die geleentheid hul bereidwilligheid om betrokke te raak te kenne gegee. Enige persone of besighede wat meer wil weet of betrokke wil raak kan Susan Kruger kontak by of 013 231 7499.

Evangelis Jeff Nkuna ontvang sy lisensiaat diploma ‘n Plegtige seremonie het Saterdag 21 Mei 2011 plaasgevind in die NGK Ohrigstad, waar ds Gawie Coetzee van die Nehemia Bible Institute ‘n Lisensiaat Diploma en ‘n teologiese sertifikaat aan evangelis Jeff Nkuna oorhandig het. Negentig gaste was getuie van hierdie geleentheid, waaronder sy familie wat van oral in die land gekom het. Die koor van Laerskool Maepha, waar hy o.a. werksaam is, het opgetree. Evangelis Nkuna het in sy dankwoord gesê dat hy dankbaar is vir hierdie mylpaal wat bereik is en dat hy graag in Ohrigstad, Burgersfort en oral waar hy gaan die blye boodskap van Jesus en sy verlossingswerk wil verkondig. Ná die verrigtinge het lidmate van die NGK Ohrigstad die aanwesiges onthaal met heerlike sop en ander keurige verversings.

Jeff Nkuna en ds Gawie Coetzee. (Foto: Mariannie Kleynhans).


3 JUNE 2011


Ramatsela Transport get new wheels Ramatsela Transport received a BEE contract from ASA Metals two years ago to provide transport services. The company then subcontracted all the loads. This week they received their first five trucks and two front-end loaders that will be company assets. Mr April Selloe, managing director of the Company said that they are very proud and thankful towards ASA Metals who recognised them and who is committed to growing emerging

business. The company will this month move 75 000 tons. According to Selloe the secret to success is hard work, commitment, punctuality and good service to clients. The company’s name is a tribute to his 80-year old mother who is from the area. He also gives glory to God for all the blessings and wants to give back by ploughing company profits into expanding God’s kingdom.

Nuwe klas vir Laerskool Ohrigstad By Laerskool Ohrigstad is daar onlangs gebreek en gebou toe die ou gebou agter die skool omskep is in ‘n nuwe graad 0 klas. Daar moes versigtig te werk gegaan word om nie die ou struktuur met sy unieke plafonne en vloere te beskadig nie. Die werk is nou klaar en die graad 0 leerlinge het hierdie week hul intrek in hul nuwe klas geneem. Op die foto hier onder is Me. Ronnie Ferreira, skoolhoof van Laerskool Ohrigstad.

Sy kan brei Die graad 3A klas van Laerskool Burgersfort het ‘n tolletjiebrei Marathon gehou. Die hele gesin kon aan die Marathon deelneem. Ilze Bosman was die leerling met die langste breiwerk. Dit was ‘n rekordlengte van17 meter.

Mr John Bogiages, Mr April Selloe, Mr Braam Botha and Ms Kobie Fleischmann. The trucks were handed over at a function at ASA Metals.

Kansa ondersteuning op Burgersfort

Boeresport op Steelpoort Steelpoort Akademie het ‘n fondsinsamelingsaand met Boeresport gehou. Verskillende individue en besighede

Chrissie de Beer, Susan Jansen van Rensburg, Elsa van Tonder en Isobel Janse van Rensburg sal volgende week in Burgersfort wees. Hulle is van die Kansa tak vir die area se bestuur. Persone wat aan kanker ly of familie het wat met kanker gediagnoseer is, kan gerus volgende week die Platinum Health Kliniek in Burgersfort besoek. Op 8 Junie vanaf 8:00 sal die vrywilligers van die Kansa tak vir die area daar wees. Hulle help met ondersteuning, inligting,

berading en nasorg. Enige persoon is welkom ongeag mediese fonds (of geen fonds), ras of kultuurgroep. Die diens is gratis en is een keer per maand. Persone wat self betrokke wil raak as vrywilligers is ook welkom om in kontak met die groep te kom. Navrae: Isobel by 084 329 8737.

het teen mekaar deelgeneem. Dit was groot pret en die skool bedank almal wat ‘n bydrae gelewer het.

3 JUNIE 2011



Steelpoort Akademie presteer op baie gebiede

Mini-rugby, -netbal en sokker op Steelpoort Steelpoort Akademie se rugby- en netbalvelde was baie bedrywig Dinsdag middag. Joshua Generation,

Steelpoort Akademie, Laerskool Ohrigstad en Laerskool Burgersfort het teen mekaar in ‘n vriendskaplike byeenkoms meegeding.

Steelpoort Akademie se skoolkoor doen hierdie jaar baie goed. Hulle het onlangs aan ‘n koorkompetisie deelgeneem en met verskeie bekers en toekennings teruggekeer. (Sien foto links). Me. Lindie Cronje (foto regs) is ook onlangs as provinsiale afrigter vir Mpumalanga netbal gekies. Sy rig nou die o/16 A3 span af. Hulle oefen elke week in Middelburg en sal aan die einde van die maand in Rustenburg aan die nasionale kampioenskappe deelneem. Anastacia Dube en Faith Moloto (foto regs) is onlangs tydens uitdunne in Witbank gekies vir die Mpumalanga netbalspanne wat op 26- 30 Junie in Rustenburg gaan meeding. Anastacia is vir o/ 13 gekies en Faith vir o/14.

Joshua Generation en Steelpoort Akademie het teen mekaar sokker gespeel. Verder het al die skole teen mekaar in rugby en netbal meegeding.

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3 JUNE 2011

June - month of the youth and the fathers June is celebrated as Youth Month, but it is also the month in which South Africans honour their fathers on Father’s Day. This year Father’s Day will be on 19 June 2011. The first observance of Father’s Day took place in Fairmont, West Virginia on 5 July, 1908. It was organised by Mrs. Grace Golden Clayton, who wanted to celebrate the lives of the 210 fathers who had been lost in the Monongah Mining disaster several months earlier on 6 December 1907. Today different dates are used for Father’s Day around the world and in some countries it is even a public holiday (see block below). The day has been very much commercialised over the years. Typically children give their fathers gifts, cards and try to make the day special to them. We asked a few young readers what they plan to do for Father’s Day this year.

Dates for different countries 19 June 2011:

Mashoto Mohlala (15) said: “I’m gonna spend the day with my uncle. Give him breakfast in bed and give him a gift. Maybe we’ll catch lunch together”.

Windy Vilakazi (7) said: “I will say to my father that I love him. I’ll make him happy. I’ll draw a card. A nice one”.

JJ Pretorius (15) sê: “Ek sal vir my pa koffie in die bed gee”.

Caytlin Falter (7) sê: Ek gaan vir my pa ‘n kaartjie maak. Ek gaan sê ek is baie lief vir hom”.

Anthony Smith (14) sê: “Ek weet nog nie. Ek sal seker maar my pa uit vat”.

Vusi Mboyane (16) said: “I’ll spend the day with my dad. Drive around with him and tell him that I love him”.

USA, UK, India, Canada, China, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey. 23 February 2011: Russia 19 March 2011: Italy and Spain 4 September 2011: Australia and New Zealand 6 November 2011: Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland 5 December 2011: Thailand

Left: Kgopotso Malapane (2) will be playing with his dad on Father’s Day. Elize (15) en Christi (17) Nieuwoudt beplan baie dinge. Elize wil haar pa vir ‘n ontbyt by die CTM koffiewinkel neem terwyl Christi vir hom ‘n mooi kaartjie sal maak en sy dag spesiaal wil probeer maak deur sy bakkie te was.

Thenah Radebe (4) will give her dad breakfast in bed with the help of her mother and sister.

Jose Kleynhans (9), Alyza Kleynhans (4) en Ilne Kleynhans (3) sê dat hulle vir hul pa ontbyt in die bed wil gee.

Phomolo Thobeyane (10), Malebo Thobeyane (9) and Phologo Thobeyane (10) said: “We will make a card for him. We’ll also make him breakfast”.

Thutu Selahle (10) will spend the day with his grandfather and plans to give him a surprise party.

3 JUNIE 2011



Letters / Briewe

Ons innige meegevoel aan Dagboek / Diary hierdie families

Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue.

Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.

To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.

Hennie van Dresden Scrapyard, storage and towing skryf:

Dale Hayes - Super Sport Golf Day This event will take place Tubatse Chrome Golf Club and it will be televised shortly after the day on Super Golf. Only 64 places are available, so join us and book your space now. When: 22 June 2011. Format: Better Ball Stable Fort. Shotgun start at 10:45. After play: Dale Hayes Trick Shot Clinic. Formalities includes dinner which will take place at 18:00. Entry fee: R200. Your booking will only be confirmed once your R200 has been paid. Contact: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833.

Ons wil net vir die gesinne wie se mense op Vrydag 27 Mei in ‘n BMW in ‘n ongeluk was, sê ons harte gaan uit na julle. Ons innige meegevoel met die verlies van julle geliefdes.

Sterkte ook aan Jacko van Cat, sy kinders en familie met die afsterwe van hul vrou, mamma en dogter in die ongeluk Sondag 19 Mei op die Olifantspoortjie pad tussen Lydenburg en Steelpoort. Mag God met julle almal wees in hierdie tydperk van seer.

Chrome Golf Club Wednesday Competitions Time: 15:00. Nine holes. Entry fee R60. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833. Chrome Golf Club Friday Sundowner Competitions (twice a month) Time: 13:00. Nine holes. Entry fee R60. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833. Burgersfort United Soccer Burgersfort United Football Club plays soccer every Wednesday and Friday evening. They invite all social players of all ages to come and join them at the Laerskool Burgersfort sportsgrounds. Enquiries: Faizal, 082 922 3909 or Riaz, 072 471 7545. Golfdae om te onthou 11 Junie 2011 - Sanlam Kanker Golfdag. 16 Junie 2011 - Pro 20 Golfdag. 8 Julie 2011 - Nag golf. Navrae en besprekings: Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833.

Vlooimark Op 25 Junie vier die OK Minimark hul verjaarsdag met ‘n reuse vlooimark. Kom deel in die feestelikheid. Bespreek nou jou stalletjie en kom verkoop jou produkte of bemark jou besigheid. Daar sal hope pret, musiek en goeie gees wees! Navrae by die OK Minimark, Andries Human.

Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub se volgende vergadering vind die volgende Maandag, 6 Junie plaas. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Die maand se foto tema is vrugte. Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643. Op-en-Wakker Groep vir bejaardes Op Ohrigstad verkoop die Op-en-Wakker Groep vir bejaardes hou elke laaste Vrydag van die maand pannekoek- en vetkoekverkope by die Pure Plaas stalletjie. Al die geld wat hulle in die eerste deel van die jaar ingesamel het, het gegaan vir liefdadigheid. Nou werk die bejaardes om geld in te samel vir hul toer na die Kaap. Zak van Niekerk by Laerskool Burgersfort Zak van Niekerk is op 6 Augustus by Laerskool Burgersfort. Die hekke maak 15:00 oop en die konsert begin om 19:00. Daar sal ‘n biertent, stalletjie en baie meer wees. Daar is nog staanplekke vir stalletjies. Navrae: 013 231 7609

Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)

(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566

Thought for the week

Trompoppie Feesdag Die Trompoppies samel geld in vir hulle deelname aan die nasionale kampioenskappe. Hulle sal by Winterveld ‘n feesdag gedurende Junie hou. Daar sal verskillende aktiwiteite, musiek, rugby, motorfietse, kompetisies, stalletjies en nog baie meer wees. Vir navrae en besprekings van stalletjies kontak Belinda Veldsman by 076 554 8357.

w w w

Ander nood/Other emergencies:

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“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - Albert Einstein Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.



3 JUNIE 2011

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Email: • Fax: 086 554 9031 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

1. Sport Klubs/ Sport Clubs GSKA Karate Maandae & Woensdae van 17h30 – 19h00 by Calvin College. Almal welkom van 6 jaar en ouer. Op Dinsdae word daar nou ook selfverdedigingsklasse aangebied. Dit is ook by Calvin College tussen 17:30 en 19:00 Skakel Jolanda Hietbrink by 082 859 9681.

3. Dienste/ Services ALL & ALL SERVICES We do it all: Installations & repairs. Aircons, stoves, fridges, washing machines, freezers, geysers.

For a free quotation call: 079 492 5780.

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous KENNISGEWING TEN OPSIGTE VAN VERKOOP VAN VOERTUIG. Hiermee gee ek Mnr. JJ Brown h/a Magnum Services kennis dat die volgende voertuig, ‘n Mercedes Benz 1413 met registrasie nommer HDY 568 NW verkoop sal word om kostes vir herstelwerk en berging te dek indien die wettige eienaars nie binne 30 dae van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing die volle uitstaande rekening vereffen en die voertuig kom haal nie. Navrae: 082 927 3517 NOTICE OF SALE OF VEHICLE.

Herewith I, Mr JJ Brown, t/a Magnum Services give notice that the following vehicle, a Mercedes Benz 1413 with registration number HDY 568 NW will be sold to cover costs incurred for repairs and storage should the lawful owners not come and settle the full outstanding account and collect the vehicle within 30 days from publication of this advertisement.

Enquiries: 082 927 3517.

9. Te Huur/ To Let Burgersfort. 1 x 2 Bedroom flat. Contact: 076 666 1100

10 . Te Koop/ For Sale Beach Buggy for sale. R18 000 Contact: 083 348 7932

Guest House Chef – Burgersfort, Mpumalanga A leading Company within the Food Service Industry has a vacancy for a Chef. The successful incumbent will be required to work shifts. Must have Matric Must be Qualified Chef Food Service Diploma or similar will be an advantage Minimum 2 yrs exp and above will be an advantage Suitable applicants must forward their applications to or fax to 0866750848

REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company JOB POSTING: BOILERMAKER - MOOIHOEK Reporting to: Engineering Foreman Minimum qualifications and skills: Matric certificate or equivalent; Boilermaker Trade Certificate; Valid Driver’s License; Medically fit Experience: 3 years experience as a Boilermaker in underground mine; Construction and erection of structures and infrastructures; Equipment installation, repair and maintenance; Understanding of workshop procedures Responsibilities: Health and Safety; Maintenance and inspections; Breakdown response; Installation or erection of equipment; Spares monitoring ·Redpath Mining South Africa is an Equal Opportunity Employer CLOSING DATE: Friday, 10 June 2011 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 PAGE RESUME to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Please refer to this reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: BOILM0172-MH If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.


3 JUNIE 2011



The ultimate endurance test On 29 May thousands of athletes took on the Comrades Marathon. Local athletes from Burgersfort, Steelpoort and surroundings were ready for the challenge. Fanie Matshipa from Steelpoort was the first South African to finish and came second overall. Read more on page 12 about this. The Modikwa Marathon Club was again well represented and included a

few community runners. One of them Nicholas Ngele (photo below left) was one of the silver medalists. Other silver medals went to Ernest Mokoo and Peter Molapo. Modikwa’s new business leader, Mandla Nxumalo also ran and finished the race. He ran in the colours of Mannoni and ran a time of 10:44:32. (Photo left middle). Other local

runners are from Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines in Steelpoort. (Photographs: Willem Montgomery)

Local athletes at the finish in Pietermaritzburg. After hours of preparation and hours on the road they were glad to finish.

Photograph at bottom of page: Fanie Matshipa’s support team eagerly awaits his arrival at the finish. Photo below taken by Davida van der Walt.


3 JUNIE 2011

Phelo Wood & Interior Kitchen units; Bedroom cupboards, Build-in cupboards; Studies; Chest of drawers; Office furniture

Ceiling fans, Decorative Lights. 3D Designs for woodwork. Open Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 Contact: 082 569 4677 • Burgersfort main road next to Kia Motors.

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Making SA proud! Fanie Matshipa (photograph left) was the first South African to cross the finish line at the Comrades Marathon on Sunday last week. Last year Fanie was amongst the top contenders, but this year went back to try and get that win. Up to a few kilometres from the finish he was neck in neck with the Zimbabwean winner, Stephen Muzhingi. In the end they finished about one minute apart. Fanie told Platinum Gazette that towards the end his legs were aching, but that he wanted the win for South Africa. In Afrikaans he said: “Volgende jaar wil ek daardie cup hierna toe bring”. (Next year I would like to bring the cup to South Africa). Fanie is an employee of Tubatse Chrome in Steelpoort and started running for the Company this year. Fanie finished in a time of 5:34:30. This was his fifth Comrades medal. Almost 19 000 athletes entered this year’s race of 86.9km between Durban and Pietermaritzburg. The start of the race in Durban. Each runner’s time is tracked with a unique chip that must be fitted to their shoes. Runners must also reach specific points along the route within a specific time limit to ensure that they will be able to make it to the finish line before the cut-off time. Right: Peter Molapo was the second local runner to cross the finish line. He came in as number 75. Peter is an employee of Modikwa Platinum Mine, but run in the colours of Nedbank. Photographs: Willem Montgomery

Other local atheletes also competed and finished the gruelling race. Peter Molapo from Modikwa Platinum Mine, running in Nedbank clothes was the second local to come in. He claimed position 75 and ran a time of 6:32:28. Also under seven hours was Ernest Mokoo running a time of 6:53:20 and Nicholas Ngele ran a personal best time of 6:54:00. He was number 144 over the finish and the 42nd veteran to finish. Running over 7 hours were: Surprice Makofane (7:00:15); Victor Maroge (7:36:26), Jeffrey Mbuyane (7:53:00), Albert Twala (8:38:42), Justice Phokane (8:42:25), Solomon Masedi (9:45:15); Sonia Makoua (9:54:22);Tshitsi Phaka (9:34:45); Harry Tjia (10:32:43); Mandla Nxumalo (10:44:32); Thabo Sambo (10:39:52); Erick Mabelane (10:40:06); Lazarus Mogoane (9:46:00); Mongalo Mogoane (8:32:00); Sethibe Mohubedu (10:54:00); Bennie Ndlozi (10:20:00); Andrew Mathebula (9:38:00); Jan Maphake (11:27:00). Leboka Noto did not finish due to a calve injury.

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