Platinum Gazette 6 July 2012

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Strikers fired their immediate dismissal but also a forfeiture of all the benefits that were presented to them in a letter given to them on 22 and 25 June. The department says it has bent over backward to listen and attend to the workers demands. The workers have blocked access for the department’s officials to the dam site. They also barred access for the workers who did not wish to be part of the strike. The department says after all due steps were taken and workers informed, it is assumed therefore that workers were conscious of the possible consequences flowing from an illegal strike. It says management can no longer allow the De Hoop Dam construction site to be controlled by the workers and have no alternative but to close the site and to dismiss all the workers at the De Hoop Dam Site. The process of recruitment was due to start this week to enable the department to finish the work at hand. Everything was quiet in the vicinity of the dam when Platinum Gazette’s reporter drove past on Wednesday afternoon.

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The Department of Water Affairs has terminated the employment of workers who have been on an illegal strike at De Hoop Dam after they defied an ultimatum to return to work on 28 June 2012. The workers have been involved in an illegal, un-protected strike for five weeks.The department says its officials have tried unsuccessfully to persuade the workers to return to work while their grievances were being addressed. On numerous occasions, the worker representatives would agree to return to work but indicated that they had to consult the rest of the labour force. The striking workers continuously defied various ultimatums to return to work and to use the established channels to discuss their grievances in order to find an amicable solution. The department of Water Affairs says it was left with no option but to terminate the contracts based on the workers deliberate breach of the provisions of item 6 of their service contracts.Consequently, the actions of the workers have not only resulted in

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6 July 2012


6 JULY 2012


Platinum Australia calls in administrators

Photograph: Platinum Australia Smokey Hills mills running at night

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:

Platinum Australia has called in administrators after voluntarily suspending its shares from trading on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Last week, the company launched an “urgent review” into its Smokey Hills operation near Burgersfort as the mine failed to reach production forecasts and operating conditions deteriorated. The administrator told the ASX “ These issues have been worsened by decreasing commodity prices. At the same time the Company has been involved in a costly dispute with a former contractor. A review of operations has revealed a need to reassess all current projects. It is envisaged that the Company will utilise the Administration process to restructure its affairs, to consolidate its position and to eliminate legacy issues. The Company has 3 valuable and worthwhile projects and is assessing how best to realise value from them. Further information on the strategy to restructure and recapitalise the Company will be released once negotiations with key stakeholders have been concluded. Pitcher Partners have significant expertise and experience in the Mining Industry and have successfully restructured and recapitalised more ASX listed Companies using the Voluntary dministration process than any other firm in Australia. Shareholders are asked not to contact the Company or the Administrators at this time please. A more detailed information release to the ASX will follow giving indicative timeframes for the Administration process.” The South African platinum industry has been facing severe pressure, with the government establishing a task team in an effort to save jobs. Earlier this month, ASX- and JSE-listed Aquarius Platinum placed its second mine (Everest, between Lydenburg and Roossenekal) on care and maintenance, while Royal Bafokeng Platinum deferred R462-million in capital expenditure to preserve cash. Eastern Platinum, from Canada, recently suspended funding for the Maraisburg project and a concentrator plant (Kennedy Vale) near Steelpoort.

Aquarius Platinum turns Owner Operator - calls on other mines to take tough decisions “The Board and management of Aquarius are acutely aware of the difficulties facing the industry at present, and are monitoring the business and financial health of the Company as closely as we have always done. We believe that the measures we have outlined today and over the past few weeks once again demonstrate our commitment to controlling our own destiny while carefully husbanding our assets on behalf of shareholders and thereby ensuring the survival of the Company in these extremely difficult times. Our partnership with M&RC has been a long one, but we are agreed that the contract mining model has become difficult to make work in the context of the South African mining environment. We are grateful to M&RC and to PIP for their assistance in what we expect to be a smooth transition to Owner Operator. I also note that we seem to be one of the few companies in the platinum industry that is willing pro-actively to take the required tough decisions to close the mines that need to be placed on care and maintenance. I would hope that the other industry players follow suit and cut the unneeded production that is depressing the industry.” - Stuart Murray, CEO of Aquarius Platinum. Updating the shareholders and the market on the stae of the company the company said the Board of Aquarius is endeavouring to pro-actively manage the business of the company to deal effectively and responsibly with the continuing difficult trading conditions facing the platinum industry in South Africa. The Board has also recently approved the company’s budget for the 2013 financial year. In keeping with the policies of the company, the budget is focused on cash conservation and the preservation of the company’s reserves and resources until economic circumstances merit their extraction. As a result, several material alterations have been made to the operating configuration of the company to better enable it to endure the current economic environment. They are summarised as follows: • Aquarius Platinum (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (“AQPSA”) and Murray & Roberts Cementation (M&RC) have mutually agreed to terminate their contract mining agreement, and as a result AQPSA will become an Owner Operator, to ensure maximum future cost control and flexibility; • Kroondal, Mimosa and the tailings operations will be optimised to maximise cash flow generation; • Blue Ridge, Marikana and Everest have been placed on care and maintenance; and • All non-essential capital expenditure will be suspended. Everest update The company says the ramp-up at Everest has encountered challenges resulting from poor ground conditions and disruptive industrial relations, and as a result it is uneconomic in the current low price environment. It has therefore been decided to place the mine on care and maintenance, ending better prices. During the period that the mine remains on care and maintenance, some limited drilling and design work will continue, in order to facilitate the implementation of the Everest expansion project into the Buttonshope (Booysendal South) property in due course. The cost of closure is estimated to be approximately R157 million, and ongoing care and maintenance costs are estimated to be approximately R23 million per quarter.

Fax: 086 554 9031 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:

The walls go up

Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00

Retail business developers are still on track with mall developments in the area. This photograph of the Burgerfort Regional Mall across the Steelpoort turn-off in Burgersfort was taken this week.

6 JULIE 2012

ANC in Sekhukhune to welcome centenary torch The ANC as part of their centenary celebrations is passing the centenary torch through the country. The flame will be burning high in Sekhukhune during the next few weeks. The plans for the area celebrations were shared at a media conference on Wednesday this week. A big rally at the Jane Furse RDP Sports Grounds will kick things off in the area on Saturday 7 July at 14:00. On 8 July there will be a visit to the Warrior King Sekhukhune’s area with interaction with traditional leaders. The Peter Nchabeleng Memorial lecture will take place at the Moss Mabotha Civic Center on 8 July at 15:00. A mini rally is planned for Monsterlus on 11 July. It will start at 10:00. On 13 July the flame will come to Greater Tubatse with a rally at the Batubatse Primary School at 14:00. The whole day will be filled with stakeholder meetings and visits to the area. Those in need of more information can contact: 082 820 4984 or 083 856 8583.

At the media conference on Wednesday were regional secretary Pat Mathale and regional spokesperson Kgopelo Phasha.



Kgautswane and Leboeng youth celebrates being young The youth of Kgautswane and Leboeng were shown how important they are at an event organised for them on 16 June 2012. The day was aimed at showing the young people of the area that they should take care of themselves, keep away from crime and attend school to ensure a better future for them. The day literary kicked-off with a soccer game between the women of Phase 1 and Phase 2. This ended in a draw (1-1). The big conference included the following activities: a motivational speaker, a principal from one of the schools, a message from the Leboeng SAPS, GTM councillor’s message, performances by various choirs, drama, poetry and a talk on HIV/Aids. A message from the Bible was also delivered. Young artists and entertainers also got their time in the spotlight. Approximately 500 young people attended the day. The organisers would like to thank everyone who sponsored something or contributed towards the success of the day.

(Thanks to: Cheap Cheap, Lewis, Furn Smart, Supa Save, Factory Shop, and all the other door to door donations. Mr M Mashilo, Ally, Mr Kgapane, Mr Scott (Morena Dikgogo). (Photographs and information: Collen Mojela).


Hard Eco Route up the mountain The annual Wildevy 4x4 Day will take place on 28 July this year and this day once again promises to be an adventure for all. 120 Vehicles have already entered in the normal route with challenges along the way, but there is still space available for those who are up for a challenge in the eco-route. The first 3km of the route goes through the area where the old eco-route was last year. There are at least 10 types of wild animals including Giraffe, Kudu and Nyala to see on this part of the route. The next 2km goes through a cattle farm at the foot of the mountain and provides a nice view over the valley and the surrounding farms. The route starts to get difficult as soon as the climb up the Marone Mountain begins. Vehicles should have low range and diff lock to participate in this section. The route is classified as Class 3 due to it’s difficulty rating. The last kilometer stretches over a rocky bank and patience will be needed for the slow climb. The view in the mean time is beautiful. By now you will be able to see the whole valley and the Eastern Escarpment. At the top of the mountain large trees provide the perfect spot for lunch. Two groups of 15 vehicles each can participate in this route. The first will leave from the Wildevy 4x4 track at 08:00 and the

6 JULY 2012


& Mej Petite Laeveld (4-7 jaar) 2. Klein Mnr & Mej Laeveld (8-12 jaar) 3. Junior Mnr & Mej Laveld (13-16 jaar) en 4. Mnr & Mej Laeveld (17 en ouer) Die sluitingsdatum vir alle inskrywings is 15 Julie 2012. Inskrywingsvorms is verkrygbaar op die webtuise by Vir inligting oor die Mnr & Mej Laeveld kompetisie kan Bernard Die Mnr & Mej. Laeveld kompetisie is oop vir seuns en dogters en sal plaasvind in die volgende kategorieë: 1.Mnr gekontak word by 082 677 4173.

second at 10:00. As soon as the second group arrives at the top of the mountain, the first group will head back. There is no space to pass each other on the route. The first group is expected back at the Wildevy 4x4 track at 14:00 and the second at 16:00. They will still be in time for the annual Show Stopper where a selected few vehicles venture into the mud pool in front of the main stage. The cost for the Hard Eco-Route is R1000 per vehicle and will include the popular Wildevy 4x4 shirts for the driver and codriver as well as lunch for them. To enter a vehicle for this route, contact Chantelle Goodburn on 013 231 7499 or visit the website: The organisers are still looking for entries into the Mr. and Miss Lowveld competition. This promises to be a spectacular event organised by pageant organisers with major pageant experience behind them. See the block at the top right for contact details on this. Local musicians can also submit snippets of their work to be selected for performance on the stage during the day. In the spirit of giving around which the day centers, these artists and performers will not be paid, but given the chance to showcase their talent. For more information contact: 082 677 4173.

Public Notice The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr Mahlake NJ invites the following organised youth formations in Greater Tubatse to attend the Municipal Youth Council Conference preparatory meeting scheduled as follows: Date Time Venue

• • •

: 13 July 2012 : 10h00 : Municipal Chamber (Burgersfort Civic centre) 1 Kastania Street, Burgerfort 1150

The following are invited and should be represented by either the Chairperson or Secretary; One representative from Ward youth council accompanied by a youth living with disability Youth formations of Political parties represented in Council Sector departments(Education, Health, SAPS, Public Works, Social development, FET College, Agriculture and IEC, LEDET, LIBSA, Department of Labour, Local Mining HRD Forum)

For more information and reservations please contact Hlakudi Sekgothe @ 013 231 1000/1142 during working hours. Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager

6 JULIE 2012



Winners rewarded at Samancor Chrome Eco Races

Races makes a difference in the community Proceeds from the Samancor Chrome Eco Race will go towards making a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate in the local community. The official beneficiary of the race, Friends in Need identified ten families in the Greater Tubatse communities in dire need of essential living items such as food parcels and blankets. These items were handed over to the families at the event. Friend in Need, a Tubatse based community service organisation, envisions reaching the multitudes by serving the community in various facets and in so doing becoming active partakers in the great commission. Friend in Need believes that it is all about reaching the unreached and ministering to them through an attitude of servant hood. Friend in Need’s activities is not limited to specific ethnic groups. Needs and circumstances are evaluated on own merit and projects identified accordingly. Needs pertaining to a variety of spectrums are addressed in order to uplift the community in its entirety. “As a responsible corporate citizen we would like to continue adding value to various community advancement initiatives in the areas that we operate in. We believe that together we can make a difference and adding value to the quality of life in the greater Tubatse communities is a fundamental corporate value that we hold dear.” said Desmond McManus, general manager of Tubatse Chrome. “As main sponsors of the local Samancor Chrome Marathon Club, the Samancor Chrome Eco Race was hosted and sponsored as part of Samancor Chrome’s commitment to enabling

See all the category results on page 11 & 12.

The Samancor Chrome Eco Races recognised the winners in the various categories. They not only received prize money and medals, but a special congratulations from Zhazi, the official Tubatse Chrome mascot. Ms. Marie van der Merwe (photograph right.) was also recognised as an inspiration. She is the record holder of various long distance athletics achievements, but after she was in a serious accident two years ago she could not move. She however completed the 5km Fun Run/Walk on Saturday. Mr Andries Nieuwhout of Tubatse Chrome congratulated her.

Sponsors essential to the success of the event The Samancor Chrome Eco Races was sponsored by Samancor Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines. Secondary sponsors offering essential logistical support services were Thorburn Security Solutions (official event security company), Talisman Hire (start of 21km race, ablution facilities and road barriers), Prestige Cleaning Services (route and waterpoint cleaning) and Flames Printing (signage). Water points were hosted and sponsored by Maelebe Primary School, Build It (Burgersfort), Nashua Mobile (Burgersfort), Real People (Burgersfort), Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, Tubatse Chrome (East Plant) and Friend in Need (official beneficiary of the event).

Modikwa women at Samancor Chrome Eco Races Women working at Modikwa Platinum Mine and runners from the Modikwa Marathon Club competed in the first Samancor Chrome Eco Races. The women who participated in the 10km race were Yvonne Makuwa, Assinah Moropane, Jeanette Setshabe, Martha Motlhabi, Recognition Maphanga and Jenny Cronje. Mandla Nxumalo, Ernest Mokoo, Surprise Makofane, Hermaans Mogale and Victor Maroga ran the 21.1km race. In this race Kego Nxumalo came in second place for the ladies. The athletes thanked everyone for the support they’ve received.(Photograph and information: Willem Montgomery). . Left: Assinah Moropane, Jeanette Setshabe, Jenny Cronje and Yvonne Makuwa



6 JULY 2012

What do you think about the late In Limpopo many schools had been without textbooks for the past six months. Some schools, such as Laerskool Burgersfort managed to get by through photocopying lessons for the learners, but not all schools are well equipped enough to have followed this route. Currently three investigations are ongoing into the problems. The one team will be led by the former MEC for Education in Gauteng, Mary Metcalfe. She was appointed to investigate the issue by die Department of Basic Education. A presidential task team is also investigating the causes for the non-delivery of books. “The team will investigate why the textbooks were never delivered to schools and make recommendations to prevent a future recurrence,” said Mr Mac Maharaj, the Presidential spokesman. The presidential investigation team will include Deputy Ministers of Basic Education, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs as well as Public Service and Administration. A Limpopo Provincial Government task team will also probe the problems. We asked readers what they think about this issue.

Mnr Lavas Maile sê: “Hulle moet hulle werk reg doen. Hulle moet die boeke betyds kry sodat hulle nie weer sukkel nie”.

Right: Mr TM Mthenjane said: “The people who are responsible for the delivery of the books must be punished. It will not be easy for students to pass without textbooks. Government must make a plan for those learners. Learners should not fail because government could not adequately deliver textbooks”

Mnr Mario de Villiers and Mnr Samuel Mphuti sê: “Hulle moet hul werk reg doen in die Onderwys Departement. Die kinders moet hul boeke kry en hulle moenie sukkel nie”.

Ms Juanita Lewis and Ms Carika du Toit said: “It’s disgusting! Fire those responsible. They must pay for it. They must plan better in future. Start this year for next year”.

Mr Donald Motene and Mr Davis Makofane said: “It is totally worng! How can you be educated without textbooks? The Minister must be fired”.

Mr Thabo Tebele and Ms Rebecca Moshoana said: “They should not store the books at secure places, but send it directly to the schools. Apparently the books get stolen etc. at these places. There must be disciplinary steps against those responsible for the mess with the books”.

6 JULIE 2012



textbook delivery in Limpopo?

Dr Mahlodi Kekana said: “The teachers should just try to catch up as much as they can. Those responsible will have to account for it. Just help the kids”.

Mnr Johan Lombard sê: “Total incompetence! Jaag die wat verantwoordelik is weg en kry ouens wat die job kan doen. Die topstruktuur moet regkom. Enige land is net so goed as wat sy regering is”.

Mr Bruce Bitsulu said: “That is a problem. It is not good for education. Governing bodies should have been involved to make it better. If they don’t do the job, they must be replaced by others serious about doing the job”. Mr Ally Mathole said: “The Department took a long time to resolve this. The examinations are just around the corner. This was poor service delivery and poor management from the Department of Education. At the end of the day, the reputation of the Department is harmed”.

Mr Sipho Hlakudi said: “They should plan in advance so it won’t happen again. The students should now study hard - even when the schools are closed. They must not give up and say we’ve just received our textbooks”.

Mnr Hans Marais sê: “Dit is baie swak want ons is al in die helfte van die jaar. Hulle moet die graad oor doen. Ek het al gehoor dat hulle voorheen probleme met vervoer van die boeke gehad het. Dis hoekom die skole so agteruitgaan. Die wat verantwoordelik is moet daaroor aangevat word”.

Ms Suzan Mahole and Ms Selina Sejaphala said: “It is really discouraging. Teachers are prepared to teach, but there were no books. They have to resolve the problem at top level. They must plan and if they want teachers to now do extra hours, they must also be paid for it”.

Above: Ms Manikie Magale and Ms Lebo Malepane said: “It is not right. It is too late that they’ve now delivered the books. They must start from the first day of school. The government must make sure that everything is prepared before the start of the school year”. Regs: Mnr. Gerhard Jansen van Vuuren en me. Irene Jansen van Vuuren sê: “Fire die mense. Dis swak beheer van die Onderwys Departement. Dis al die helfte van die jaar. Hoekom moet ons nog skoolgeld en tax-geld betaal? Is dit nie ons plig om te vra hoe word dit bestee nie?”

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Mnr Schalk Loots sê: “Dis swak dienslewering. Ons is nou 2 jaar hier en ons het nie dié goed in Rustenburg se skole gehad nie. Die nodige stappe moet moet teen die skuldiges geneem word”. By hom is Elizma.

Mr Leonard Mafolo said: “I think it is very disappointing. The learning year starts in January. Someone did not do his job well. In government nobody cares about the performance while in the private sector they follow the progress of things. They should help the children by putting in extra hours after school and on Saturdays”.

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6 JULY 2012


Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Platinum Gazette advertising deadline: Tuesdays at 17:00.

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Betrekkings/ Vacancies BOKONI PLATINUM MINE As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the choice employer in the field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:

SHAFT TIMBERMAN (B1) Work Description The Shaft Timberman is responsible to provide engineering maintenance, repairs and construction services to the Shaft and station area. Minimum Requirements · Certified Competent as Shaft timberman.· Blasting certificate. · Valid driving license code 08.

REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company HR OFFICER/HR MANAGER Burgersfort Reporting to: HR Manager Operations & Mine Manager Minimum qualifications and skills: Matric Certificate or equivalent; Relevant Diploma/Degree in Human Resource Management; Excellent communication skills (Written & Verbal); Computer literate; Certificate in Labour Law is an added advantage Experience & Knowledge: 3-5 years experience in supervisory/managerial position; Extensive knowledge of the Mining Charter and labour legislation i.e. BCEA, LRA, EEA, SDA, SDLA, etc; Experience in all key performance areas as described under responsibilities; Experience in the mining contracting industry will be an added advantage Responsibilities: Employee relations: Labour disputes – Company representation at CCMA; Management of Organised Labour & facilitation of implementation of Company code of conduct and other HR policies; handling of disciplinary and grievance cases;Recruitment and Selection; Employment Equity planning & reporting; Skills Development planning & reporting; Social Labour planning & reporting; Performance Management; Health & Wellness; Managing site HR personnel CLOSING DATE: 17 July 2012 The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Redpath Mining is an equal opportunities employer. We offer competitive / market related packages. Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: HRO/M27/06 MH If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

Key Responsibilities · Performing Shaft Maintenance. · Adhering to safety standards in the transport environment.· Liaising with other teams in area.· Allocating resources and equipment according to priorities.· Communicating resource requirements. · Communicating operational problems to appropriate supervisor or manager. · Blasting hanging boxes & Blasting in decline area. · Supervising multi-task team members. · Inspecting shaft and installations for defects. · Ensuring the effectiveness of pipe and equipment installations. · Communicating process defects to appropriate processors. · Assisting with equipment maintenance. · Maintaining effective two-way open communication. · Performing Systems Administration. · Raising stock requisitions for materials required. · Compiling accurate shift and work order reports. · Completing and signing off allocated work orders. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to closing 13 July 2012. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.

Vacancies Boilermakers - Red Seal with Trade Papers 3 - 5 Years experience in heavy engineering on structural steel works.Interpreting of engineering drawings.

Welder - Red Seal (Section 13) 5 Years experience in heavy engineering and workshop fabrication. Coded in CO2 and stick submerge arc advantage. For long term contract work in Vanderbijl Park area. Please forward CV to: E-mail: or Fax: 086 242 6083

6 JULIE 2012





6 JULIE 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

9. Te Huur/ To Rent Office to let in Burgersfort Ideal for a Beauty Salon, TV/Computer Repairs, Showroom, Small school, Electronics shop etc. In central town Morone Street next to Builders Market and Nalito’s Restaurant. Phone Lionel: 013 231 7470 or 082 923 4744.

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Established Gym for sale. Burgersfort. Contact: 073 779 2797

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” Stuart Henderson

Platinum Gazette Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

Boerboelhondjies te koop Geregistreerde Boerboelhondjies, te koop uit top bloedlyne. Reun is 2010 Junior Laeveld kampioen. Beskikbaar einde Julie 2012, teen R3500-00. Kontak Susan by 082 388 0151. “Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite

Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from the date of publication hereof. Estate No: 1294/ 2012; Master’s Office: Polokwane; Surname: Mohlala; Christian Names: Alphios Molateng; Date of Birth: 197006-10; Identity No: 7006105632087; Last address: GaMotodi Village,

Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices Praktiseer District, Limpopo Province. Date of death: 04 February 2012. Mr Mohlala was not married. Name and adress of Executor or authorised agent: Jeff Mathabatha Incorporated Attorneys. Period allowed for lodgement of claims: 30 Days. Advertiser and address: Jeff Mathabatha Incorporated Attorneys; Office No: 5, Medina Centre, PO Box 2199; Burgersfort, 1150. Tel: 082 457 3505



6 JULIE 2012



Fun for everyone at the Eco Races The first Samancor Chrome Eco Race 21.1km Half Marathon was won by Anthony Godongwana from Celtic Harriers in a time of 70:28, followed by Enos Matalane (Value Logistics) in a time of 71:44. Third position was taken by Lucky Miya from Gallopers who finished in a time of 73:25.

There was a 21.1km Half Marathon, a 10km race and a 5km Family Fun Run.

First three veterans were Lazarus Mogoane from the local Samancor Club (86:28), Madia Natenche (91:12) and Mole Thulare (1:48:08) from Polokwane. Master category winners were Thomas Moagi from Mashishing (95:59) followed by Hennie Naude from Midack (1:42:48) Relebohile Mokoena from Marula was the first Junior home finishing in a time of 2:23:28. Ndofhiwa Mandiwana from Bidvest was the first lady home in the half marathon finishing in a time of 96:20, closely followed by Kego Nxumalo finishing seconds later in 96:34. Lebalang Chiloane finished in 3rd position (1:58:33). Veteran Cheryl Naude from Midack took Veteran 1st position. The 10km race was won by Precious Mashele from Transnet (33:36) with 2nd and 3rd positions going to Elias Mabane from Nedbank (34:32) and Lazarus Seroka from Twickeham (35:46). Local runner from Samancor marathon Club, Daniel Makua was the third veteran home in a time of 54:00. Winner of the 10km walk was Vic Vos from Nedbank crossing the line in 87:00. Dineo Ngele took the woman’s honours in the 10km race finishing in 51:42 with Plantine Komane second (53:19) and Lebo Marogao (54:23) third. Elma Vos from Nedbank won the Veteran category (65:35). Winning walkers were Madeleen van Antwerpen (1:34:34) in first position with Marisca Oosthuizen on her heels in 2nd position time of 1:34:35. (Read more on pages 5 and 12).

UTASA says:


The United Towing Association of South Africa (UTASA) aims to affilliate professional towing services. “Unfortunately we know that there are also bad elements in our industry,” said Mr Ettienne Pel from UTASA. “That is why we are asking the public to assist us in weeding out such elements. Report any unacceptable behaviour and forward complaints you may have about a towing service to us”. All complaints can be reported on 086 118 8272 or e-mail it to: If you are not sure how to proceed after you’ve Wynand Elmon Lucas Sakkie Wynand - 073 299 2676 been in an accident contact the 24 hour call centre of UTASA on 086 118 8272. They will assist with the contact details of Elmon - 072 903 1922 a reputable and professional towing service. Lucas - 076 236 1683 - Advice from Ettienne Pel, National Chairman Sakkie - 079 242 8862 Look for these logos to identify 24 Hour towing ser vices services registered operators.

Towing with a pick-up or either a 4 ton rollback or 9 ton rollback. Approved by all major insurance companies.

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Action Cricket time again The second season of Action Cricket in 2012 is about to start. In the first season 10 teams participated and the Club would like to see even more teams enter this time around. The second season will start on 6 August. To enter a team will cost R1800 and includes two action cricket balls per game and the R480 per team for the whole season. All entry forms should be handed in by 18 July 2012. For any enquiries: Martin, 082 816 4833.


6 JULY 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Samancor Chrome Eco Races sets new standard The first ever Samancor Chrome Eco Races took place on Saturday last week. This was not only a benchmark for community investment projects in the area, but also for road running events in the GTM borders. The races was sponsored by Samancor Chrome’s Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines. Other sponsors also contributed towards the success of the day (see page 5). Roelf Coetee, Chairperson of Road Running, Limpopo Athletics and adjudicator of the races commented after the race: “We believe that this event has the potential to grow into one of the most prestigious road running events on the

The Samancor Eco Races was filled with fun for everyone. Anthony Godongwana (photograph above) was the first athlete home in the 21.1km race. This race started at Maelebe Primary School in Eerstegeluk. All the races ended at Tubatse Chrome Club after snaking through beautiful scenery in the reserve near the Club.

Limpopo race calendar. The sponsors have enabled the organisers to host a professional road running event of exceptional standards, offering an interesting route, good prize monies, quality designer T-shirts and beautiful medals for the athletes - everything to make a sought after event. The event also set a platform for identification and development of athletes from local communities and will in future add meaningfully to the aims and visions of not only Limpopo Athletics, but also Athletics South Africa”. The 21.1km Half Marathon was won by Anthony Godongwana from Celtic Harriers in a time of 70:28. The 10km race was won by Precious Mashele from Transnet in 33:36.

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