THE ONE Yacht & Design *Special issue* The unseen best of the Yacht Shows

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he development of a superyacht is driven by passion, love and dedication, combined with creative processes that involve yards, designers and an almost infinite chain of suppliers and prestigious artisans. Every yacht that sails our seas represents a challenge thrown down and accepted, an objective achieved that should be put on display and admired in the same way as a work of art. The COVID-19 epidemic has forced the cancellation of the most important international yacht shows, with the exception of Genoa and Fort Lauderdale. As a result many of these seagoing marvels have never been seen.

The ONE yacht and Design has sought out the latest arrivals on the yacht-building scene, highlighting their unique nature. The pandemic may have caused a lockdown on almost all activities, but the brilliance, creativity and research that form the foundation of the great yachting industry remain unaffected. A superyacht is a magical creation, and the safest place it’s possible to be! Désirée Sormani 2

Admiral GECO

The new 55-metre from Admiral, flagship brand of The Italian Sea Group, is a celebration of Italian yacht-building expertise and design flair, a masterpiece of lines and daring solutions like the huge stern transformed into a beach club and the bow heliport. A yacht designed and developed with architect Gian Marco Campanino by Marta Gasparini- ph. courtesy of The Italian Sea Group



hen a yacht designer’s work becomes that of a

a long, backlit mocha-coloured oak and onyx countertop. The sundeck

couturier, a number of additional factors come

features a custom hydromassage pool and an extremely well-equipped

into play, namely the reaction of the owner and

outdoor gym”. Another key element in the design project is the helipad.

of the people whose task it is to interpret the ow-

“To reflect legal requirements on dimensions, it extends on both sides,

ner’s requirements and create a location where those on board will feel at

delicately “drawing” the yacht’s shape. It can also be converted into a

ease. Giving shape to these emotional demands is the challenge architect

Moroccan-style lounge for pleasant evenings spent in the open air”.

Gian Marco Campanino, art director of The Italian Sea Group, had to

Inside the yacht passengers are enfolded in a captivating setting that

take on in order to create an attractive, elegant and functional sea-borne

balances classic French charm with cutting-edge Italian design. This has

residence. The result of his work is the 55-metre Geco, a sculpture in alu-

led Campanino to revolutionise the yacht interior concept with French ca-

minium. “The brief was to create a “super cool” yacht”, says Campanino,

binetry and select Italian marbles that create sophisticated interiors. “The

“Not at all conventional, reflecting a luxurious minimalism and measured

space is filled by an attractive mix of materials like wengè, natural light

maximalism, somewhere that makes it possible to spend long periods at

oak and gilded Calacatta marble, creating elegant interiors throughout the

sea”. The starting point was a series of sketches with deep perspectives

yacht with a discreet luxury enhanced by artisanal pieces and leather-clad

and large openings with flowing lines to express the space from bow to

wall panels. We used famous Italian brands like Poltrona Frau, Ceccotti

stern and between the decks, highlighting the entirely handmade details.

and Baxter”. The architect chose a distinctive colour scheme and elegantly

“Everything is new, from the high bow to the revolutionary design of the

contrasting materials, combining a palette of warm, neutral tones with

stern section hosting an incredible beach club, which is the heart of the

accents in colours including navy blue and cognac orange, as well as

project. This space is inspired by the need for an area that can be used at

bronzed metal details for the taps and fittings, bathroom accessories,

all times for relaxation. High glass screens shelter guests from the wind

handles, lights and hinges. “Everything is controlled and balanced, except

and encourage a constant visual interaction with the sea. A huge sunpad

in the circular dining room where the huge chandelier by Preciosa, a

platform features a high-tech swim ladder to provide access to the water”.

unique piece designed for this space, creates a magical undulating effect

Open-air life continues on the upper deck, with a special layout – the

with a seemingly endless staggered succession of amber-colour crystals”.

exterior/interior areas are linked by a sliding glass door that eliminates

Geco (also available for charter) can accommodate up to 12 people in six

the separation between the upper and outdoor lounges and the dining

cabins, including a master suite, VIP cabin and four double cabins, all

area. “The bar also becomes a bridge between exterior and interior, with

with en-suite bathroom.

Geco is 55.2 metres long and has a 8.60 metre beam. An all-aluminium build, it is powered by two Caterpillar engines providing a maximum speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 16.5 knots. Sold in October 2018, it was handed over to the owner last summer


Minimalism and maximalism combine in all the spaces. Opposite, a detail of the owner’s bathroom with Calacatta marble and polished ebony. Fixtures and fittings are by Gessi. To side, the owner’s suite. Below, the living area with the large chandelier and bar counter in the background create a spectacular effect

5 questions to

Giovanni Costantino

CEO & Founder of The Italian Sea Group

Is this the owner’s first yacht or was he already an experienced sailor? How long did his decision to buy it take? The owner has a deal of experience in sailing, which he gained on his previous yachts. The M/Y Geco is the largest of his fleet. He decided to buy it when he came to our yard for the first time and had the chance to meet me. I told him all about the idea I had in mind for the construction of this extraordinary project. My vision of the build and my total commitment to the commission won him over, marking the start of a collaboration based on trust and mutual respect”. How long after the signing of the contract was the yacht delivered? How often did the owner visit the yard to follow the work? “Geco came to life with a handshake between the owner and me, a gesture that I think is worth far more than any paperwork. Geco was delivered 24 months later despite the unexpected difficulties caused by the Covid-19 epidemic. I was responsible for the entire development process and I oversaw every detail of the work, operating across the project with my technical and operational team. I also focused on implementing design elements, resulting in a wonderful, unique creation”. What brief did the owner give you, and what elements stood out? “The only creative input I wanted to listen to was the owner’s words when we shook hands: “I trust you, Giovanni, I’m excited about this yacht. I’ll see you when it’s delivered”. The design is by Gian Marco Campanino. What was the relationship between the owners and the architect team? “We worked in close contact with Gian Marco to give shape to my personal vision of the yacht and our Centro Stile did a brilliant job helping me transform my original creative idea into reality. The understanding between our work group and the owner’s team regarding the design of the exteriors and interiors and the refinement of the details, colours and materials was very strong and harmonious right from the start”. After Geco, is Admiral working on any new yachts? “In production terms the yard is always in operation. At the moment we’ve eight commissions active with Admiral and we’re working on four large projects with Tecnomar. We’ve just begun production of our Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 yacht and the NCA Refit Business Unit for motor and sail yacht repairs is working on fifteen craft. My constant all-round involvement in all the yard’s activities is a crucial corporate asset”.



German shipyard is busier than ever as it prepares to deliver the 142m Opus to her delighted owner and splash a new 55m by summer 2021. Peter Lürssen is also engaging with owners in an online talk show that reveals (almost) all the secrets behind one of the world’s most famous yards by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy of Lürssen



ife is busier than ever at Lürssen. One of the world’s le-

and exteriors by Bannenberg & Rowell and the 140m Scheherazade,

ading builders of luxury megayachts of between 55m

with interiors by Zuretti Interior Design. By the end of this year, the

and 180m, the shipyard’s deep roots in Northern Ger-

142m Opus designed by Italian design studio Nuvolari Lenard will

many date all the way back to 1875. Four generations

also leave the yard.

on from its foundation, it is the only such business to remain in family

More significantly for the long term, however, the Bannenberg &

hands - Peter Lürssen has been at the helm since 1987.

Rowell-penned 55m Project 13800 will be handed over to her owner

The secret of its enduring success? Lürssen epitomises confidence

in summer 2021 and marks Lürssen’s first step in re-establishing the

and security for owners as every single one of its yacht is bespoke.

brand as a serious contender in that size bracket. The initial concept

“Owners expect us to live up to our reputation and deliver them the

was inspired by the yard’s 1973 classic beauty Carinthia IV, coinci-

yacht they have come to expect”, says Michael Breman, Sales Direc-

dentally designed by the late, great Jon Bannenberg. However, the

tor. “Every project has its own challenges, big and small, and you

design has been given a definite twist and a clever mix of new design

need to master them all - always”.

features. Both colour and texture will be used with great boldness

The German yard was also one of the fastest to respond to the pan-

throughout and the interior furnishings will be museum quality.

demic. “In addition to the various standard hygiene measures, we

One of the most unusual and exclusive amenities will be a stunning

also introduced shift working in production, zoning areas to keep

counter current pool with a raisable bottom for a more relaxing Jacuz-

unnecessary contact to a minimum, and also work-from-home op-

zi experience. “Obviously, there is a big difference whether you build

portunities for office functions,” continues Breman. “These measures

a 55m or a 100m yacht. You simply have to think differently”, says

are in line with current recommendations from both the Robert Koch

Breman. So does size matter? And, if so, how? Those questions and

Institute and the German health authorities. We can also adjust our

more were answered at the end of September in the first episode of

operating procedures at short notice if necessary.

the online Lürssen Live! talk show, moderated by superyacht broker

Throughout the ongoing situation, we have continued to operate all

and YouTube star, David Seal, and SuperYacht Times owner Merijn

our North German shipyards”.

de Waard. Happily, that tantalising behind-the-scenes introduction

Although renowned for launching some of the world’s largest yachts,

to the 55m project is still available at

Lürssen is currently actively targeting projects in the 55m to 75m

Stay tuned for the second episode coming at the start of 2021.

range. Its latest deliveries include the 78m Avantage, with interiors

We can’t wait!

Opening and facing pages the renderings of Project 13800 (and below under construction), scheduled for delivery next summer. These images, some moments from the first episode of the Lürssen Live! online talk show featuring Peter Lürssen. Moderated by journalists David Seal and Merijn de Waard, it offered an exclusive insight and behind-the-scenes look at the current 55m project and proved such a success that Lürssen plans to hold it three times a year from now on


5 questions to

Michael Breman

Sales Director at Lürssen

What is the market after the restarting? For us there was no “restart” as we continued our work throughout. But the market has changed somewhat. Only very few clients are taking a wider view but unfortunately they are still hesitant to take decisions. Have taken on any new clients lately? How would you describe the typical Lürssen owner? We have been very lucky this year and we have been able to secure a few contracts for new projects (mainly interested in the 60m to 90m size bracket). Lürssen owners have one thing in common: they all want a truly bespoke yacht – regardless of size. Another commonality is that they prefer to go for a well-positioned brand, and a company with a long heritage, which is still in family hands. This gives them the secure feeling that they are investing in a safe, reliable product.

during her sea trials. Designed by Italian studio Nuvolari Lenard, she will boast accommodations for

Why did you create the Lürssen Live! and what kind of feedback did you have after? Lürssen Live!

36 guests in 20 staterooms.

cannot replace a boat show but the idea was born when it wasn’t possible to hold boat shows. We thought

Opus is the latest stunning

about how we could communicate certain topics to a group of people we would normally meet at boat shows,

creation from Lürssen,

like clients, brokers, designers, captains, owners’ reps, suppliers and the media. The feedback was extremely

which is not only one of the

positive which confirmed our idea of continuing the talk show about three times a year or every time we have

world’s most prestigious

something interesting or important to communicate. The people that watched live were very happy with the

shipyards but also the

idea of being able to ask Peter Lürssen questions. We will definitely continue with Lürssen Live!

only one to have remained

You will be delivering Project 13800 in 2021. What has been the most challenging part of the build so

in family hands since its

far? Every centimetre of the interior and exterior space usage has to be presented and agreed with the owners,

foundation in 1875

and this has led to many fruitful discussions, which will ultimately result in a very cleverly efficient design. Attention to detail also went into the development of the engine room and the arrangement of all the technical spaces. Project 13800 is a truly bespoke-engineered yacht. Could you give us a sneak preview of one or two of the standout features aboard Opus? As you will appreciate, it is difficult for us to speak about particulars on most of our projects. One thing is clear though: Opus will make an impact wherever she goes!


Above, the 142m Opus

Azimut Yachts MAGELLANO 25 METRI

Timeless external lines and unusual interior solutions shape this yachts conceived as a penthouse but capable of sailing all the world’s seas. Artisanal skills, design and technology combine to transform Magellano into a space with a unique personality that blends seamlessly into its surroundings by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy of Azimut | Benetti 11



kimming across the waves in total silence, sailing and

tables in variable organic shapes that lend different degrees of depth

mooring in pleasant locations without disturbing the

to the space. Then the forward panel of the lounge seems almost to

peace and quiet they bask in. It’s a dream cherished by

become dematerialised by the mirrored screen that reflects not only

many owners, and a privilege enjoyed by those sailing

the light but reproduces the marine environment in the heart of the

on board the Magellano 25 Metri, the latest creation from Azimut

yacht – the exterior sofas provide a striking view of the sea outside –

Yachts that reflects a keen emphasis on noise and vibration reduction

and inside, too!

for the ultimate in upper deck comfort. This yacht claims its rightful

On board Magellano Vincenzo De Cotiis ups the status of the fibreglass

place as a member of the Carbon-Tech generation and marks another

by giving it an important new role as a design element – worked with

step forward in the research carried out by Azimut Yachts into the

artisanal skill in several layers and embellished with powdered bronze,

use of carbon fibre.

in the lounge it creates a parchment-colour surface with an artistic

Magellano also has a distinctive design with timeless external lines

cloud effect and gem-like inclusions. It is also set in striking combina-

created by the nautical genius Ken Freivokh and striking interiors

tions with other materials and woods, like brushed Verde Alpi marble,

based on a desire for uniqueness and expressed through the unmista-

dark walnut, moquette, polished copper, lacquered wood and ribbed

keable language of Vincenzo De Cotiis, an internationally-renowned

wood, creating attractive and original contrasts between the elements

artist and architect.

that make up the furnishings and the decor of the Magellano 25 Metri.

A key element in the design is the entirely glazed superstructure, crea-

These stylistic stratagems continue on the lower deck, where there are

ting what is in effect a penthouse on the sea. Guests boarding the yacht

four cabins, two VIP cabins, one with sliding beds and the owner’s sui-

enter a huge open space flooded with magical natural light, linking

te. Here the slightly inclined cupboard is mirror-panelled that expands

seamlessly with the aft cockpit to create an infinity terrace. Outside,

the space and creates evocative optical effects.

two sofas in fore and aft configuration face each other, offering an

A spiral staircase leads up to the flybridge, a multifunctional space with

invitation to sit and relax, entranced by the wake left by the yacht as

auxiliary helm and relaxation area shaded by a hard top. The high, al-

it cuts through the water. The view here is of the of the external en-

most vertical bow reflects the Magellano’s extraordinary seaworthiness

vironment, but also the entire interior lounge with bespoke sofas and

and conceals a further lounge area with sunpads.

The flybridge relaxation area and opposite page the main deck open space, which segues seamlessly into the cockpit. The Magellano 25 Metri is equipped with the new BCool active sanitising system, also used on NASA spacecraft. Power is provided by a pair of 1,400hp MAN engines, providing a cruising speed of 21 knots. The option of two 1,550hp enghines is also available


The owner’s suite, left, is mounted like a floating capsule to insulate against sound. The washbasin area of the bathroom is set against the wall – it can be left open or separated from the sleeping area by sliding coloured, satinised glass screens that create a striking visual effect. Below, the living area. The furnishings are entirely bespoke on every model

5 questions to Giovanna Vitelli

Vice-President of Azimut Benetti Group

How do you see the nautical world at the moment and how has the market been after the summer reopening? Our international culture, which results in a near-comprehensive presence in yacht markets throughout the world, has proved to be a strategic asset. In recent months we’ve garnered some interesting commercial opportunities by entering into a sort of chess match with the pandemic, operating in areas where the virus its effects on the economy and people’s health were beginning to ease off. Now, yachts have become the ideal solution for a safe holiday. Magellano is the icon of safe sailing. What are this yacht’s two main characteristics? Magellano is a very seaworthy yacht. It has large spaces, immense windows. Where’s there’s technology there’s little aesthetic appeal, but on this yacht you are surrounded by beauty. The Magellano is as silent and reliable as craft intended for long voyages should be, with timeless, elegant lines combined with a contemporary, unusual appeal created by its refined decor. You had a personal, in-depth of the summer that’s just ended. What struck you most about it? iIt’s true – this summer I took advantage of a transfer of the yacht from Fano to Livorno to take my family on holiday, and then there was a presentation tour. I know the project down to the smallest detail but I was still bowled over by its peerless onboard comfort. With the wonderful layout, dedicated crew walkways and separate relaxation areas I felt like I was on board a small Benetti. We covered over 1,800 miles in less than two weeks, in every type of sea condition, and I don’t think I’ve ever sailed in such comfort. You managed to present the Magellano at the Genoa Boat Show. What was the market’s reaction? The reaction so far has definitely been a positive one. We’ve sold five examples in a short time. Meanwhile we’re working on the 30-metre build, the big sister of this yacht, inspired by an equally exciting, intriguing design. What can we expect from Azimut Yachts in the near future? Further strengthened by the Azimut|Benetti group, our financial position has enabled us to implement an excellent product development programme with a number of different projects. For Azimut yachts this ranges from the new flagship, the 38-metre Trideck by Achille Salvagni and Alberto Mancini, ready in early 2021, to the Flybridge 53, also designed by Alberto Mancini, and the Magellano 30 Metri I’ve already mentioned. Then there’ll be the Verve 42, the Magellano 66 and a new Flybridge.


Sanlorenzo Yachts SX112

A blend of classic flybridge motoryacht and explorer, as well embodying the line’s innovative concept, the new flagship of Sanlorenzo’s SX crossover models boasts a spacious beach area that opens up to the surrounding seascape by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy of Sanlorenzo Yachts

Since 1958 the Sanlorenzo yards, quoted on the Italian stock exchange’s Main Market, have been building high-quality motoryachts with bespoke design and construction. Their clean, timeless lines give them a distinctive character. The furnishings are by B&B Italia, Boffi, Cassina, Flos, FontanaArte, Glas Italia, Living Divani, Oluce, TechnoGym and Vitra, Altai, Lintea Mare, Fritz Hansen, Knoll, Nemo, Porro, Richard Ginori, Fantini and Kerakoll, all international centres of design excellence



ome boats offer something out of the ordinary, and are

the entire exterior area, inviting guests to relax and take life easy. “The-

full of interesting features and distinctive elements – but

re’s more free space on the SX112, communicating the stylistic message

some have all this and more besides, as they are inspired

linked to the principles of organic architecture”, says Bernardo Zuccon.

by sheer daring, a desire to break free of the norm. The

“The fluid shapes seem to evoke the nature of large marine mammals”.

new SX 112 by Sanlorenzo is an unusual yacht, an example of a new

In line with the entire SX series format the main deck is conceived as an

type that gives shape to research aimed at identifying a new way of expe-

open space, a reinterpretation of the concept of space that unfolds from

riencing the sea. On board the barriers of convention are eradicated by

stern to bow. In the lounge, bar area and dining area there is a seamless

striking design and engineering solutions, as the yacht opens out fully to

connection between interior and exterior. Large windows provide a direct

embrace its surroundings.

view of the sea, enhancing the loft concept – an innovative solution made

The 34.16 metre SX112 is the flagship of the innovative SX crossover

possible by shifting the single helm station to the flybridge, freeing up

line introduced in 2017 by Sanlorenzo Yachts with the SX88 model. It is

the forward lounge area. “The SX112 is another experimental model”,

backed enthusiastically by Massimo Perotti, the visionary entrepreneur

says Piero Lissoni. “We’ve brought an even more intensely architectural

who is the group’s executive chairman. He keeps a close eye on the

attitude to its creation. We’ve connected the spaces exactly as we would in

brand’s design initiatives. The SX crossover line concept came from the

a building by using highly technical openings that generate a relationship

architect Luca Santella, a former athlete and expert sail yachtsman, while

between inside and outside. We have, in fact, built a floating villa!”

the exterior lines – as with the previous SX76 model – are the creative

The spiral stairs are once again a focal element of Lissoni’s interior de-

brainchild of the youthful Bernardo Zuccon at the International Project

sign – the metal structure links all three decks with visible red joints like

studio. The interiors are by Piero Lissoni, Sanlorenzo’s art director since

buttons, while the oval volume enclosing it is in clear glass, because it

2018, introducing original and functional solutions that provide an un-

should always be possible to see the sea. The interior decor features

conventional seagoing lifestyle.

soft, neutral colours with natural light flooding in on all sides to cre-

The immediate impression is that the stern is the signature area of this

ate a warm, home-like atmosphere. In perfect Lissoni style - blending

craft, a spacious beach area of around 90 square metres that can extend

refinement and simplicity - the furnishings have been drawn from the

even further through the use of drop-down sides. Large sliding windows

catalogues of important Italian design brands. They stand freely around

enable the interior gym to dialogue with the exterior, maximising the

the spaces, as they would in a house, creating an attractive series of

connection between the indoor and outdoor worlds. Large sunpads cover



Laid out over three decks, the Sanlorenzo SX112 is 34.16 metres long and has an 8-metre beam. Three large cabins are located on the lower deck, one for the owner and two VIP cabins, plus a lounge area that can be converted into a cabin. The spiral stairs are once again a focal element of Lissoni’s interior design

5 questions to

Executive Chairman of Sanlorenzo Yachts

Massimo Perotti The SX is a successful line. Why does it have such a strong appeal for owners? The SX crossover line places an emphasis on a close relationship with the sea through a series of innovations that our owners have welcomed enthusiastically, especially the large open space at the stern, a totally new feature for a yacht of this size. Then there’s the single helm station on the flybridge, which has enabled us to free up the forward main deck lounge area completely. We’ve also made use of glass in many places, creating links between the interior and exterior. How many yachts have been sold and delivered so far? SX76: 21 units sold and 18 delivered. SX88: 34 units sold and 27 delivered. SX112: 3 units sold, with the SX112/100 given its international debut at the Genoa show. A yacht is the ideal place to self-isolate. Have you noticed a recent increase in demand for Sanlorenzo products? Yachts are definitely the ideal shelter, especially Sanlorenzo craft, which are really floating homes. The home living concept we’ve applied on board through names like Antonio Citterio, Patricia Viel, Piero Lissoni and Patricia Urquiola has enabled us to revolutionise yacht lifestyles. During the summer there was a great deal of interest from our current clients and from potential purchasers. All this generated significant growth in orders in July and August. Have you noticed that this line has a particular appeal for a specific type of owner? The crossover line is intended for aficionados and expert connoisseurs wanting a total experience with the sea on a yacht that offers excellent performance thanks to a hull shape providing higher speed than a displacement design, with reduced consumption. Every new model presents an upgrade, so what can we expect for the future? We’re thinking a great deal about the future, the concept of sustainability will become increasingly important. Millennials, who will make up our client base in ten years’ time, are increasingly aware of this issue. We think that over the next 10 years there’ll be a development in solutions involving lower consumption, a smarter way of approaching sea travel and the possibility of recycling as much of the materials used as possible. We’re already working on this.


Custom Line NAVETTA 30

With exteriors by Filippo Salvetti and interiors by Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, the Navetta 30 opens a new chapter in the story of Custom Line’s displacement yacht line. Revolutionary, elegant and full of charm in megayacht style. In a word, a sporty-chic vessel by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy of Custom Line

The yacht boasts impressive volumes. The lounge measures 11 metres. These dimensions also apply to the upper deck and another fully open-air lounge. The 8-metre sun deck is also entirely external



rom now on whenever you think of a yacht about 30 metres

giving the yacht an even sleeker, more streamlined look. One of the yacht’s

long with the comfort of a much larger craft, one that also

distinctive features lies in the separation between hull and superstructure,

offers sweet sailing in all sea conditions while giving everyone

creating two distinct parts. “The hull rises forward to the upper deck, while

on board the feeling of being in a family home while retaining

a dark line enabled us to highlight the hull and lighten the superstructure”,

all the characteristics of a yacht, you will imagine the Navetta 30, a project

says Filippo Salvetti.

that marks the start of something new for Custom Line brand. There are

The Navetta 30’s interiors and exteriors enter into a perfect dialogue, enhan-

many reasons for this, starting above all with the design team - the strategic

ced by large hull windows, decks with a generous height of over two metres

product division helmed by the engineer Piero Ferrari and the Ferretti Group

and spacious exterior areas. The configuration is entirely wide body – the

engineering department worked together with the architect Filippo Salvetti,

lounge and owner’s suite are full-beam. The interior décor is offered in two

responsible for creating new exterior lines, and the architecture studio Anto-

versions, a texture mood, like that of this first yacht, and a more classic wo-

nio Citterio Patricia Viel, which handled the interiors. The result is a unique

oden mood. Both options make use of all the know-how a large architectural

vessel based on harmony of lines, shapes and interiors. The design process,

studio has its disposal. “We wanted to transfer the knowledge we’ve gained

too, reflects this emphasis on harmony, with the use for the first time in the

from the residential sector to add something new to the exciting opportu-

yacht-building industry of BIM (Building Information Modeling), an inte-

nities offered by the yacht building industry, not to transform a yacht into a

grated design process based on a smart 3D model where every part of the

house”, says Patricia Viel. A skilful reading of the stylistic elements of naval

design is a model in itself, but closely linked to the others. “The design of the

tradition has created interiors with a contemporary flavour. The curved lines

interiors was developed in collaboration with the engineers and architects

of the spaces, the entirely custom furniture and window frames, the use of

who designed the yacht’s hull”, says architect Patricia Viel. “The BIM gave us

teak mixed with carbon fibre details and linings with customised powder

total control over every part and volume, harmonising the interior design and

texture quartz on fibreglass, combined with the use of refined lacquers and

lighting with the hull shape”. This process is typical of residential architecture.

ultramarine blue striped textiles, add a powerful dynamism to the timeless

The yacht has a classical profile, with essential shapes to reach a stylish

design and create a highly original interpretation of the maritime concept.

pureness. Great emphasis has been paid to the horizontal reading of the

The furnishings, outstanding examples of the art of cabinetry and all inte-

lines – the use of a several stylistic stratagems helps soften the verticality of

grated in the BIM design process, were designed for this craft by Antonio

some elements linking the decks. For the first time the fall of the upper deck

Citterio and made using artisanal methods from natural leather, solid wood

superstructure has been shortened in correspondence with the owner’s suite,

and multilaminate wood.


The Navetta 30 is 28.43 metres long and has a 7.3 metre beam. It has four guest cabins and a huge owner’s suite. Power is provided by two 800hp MAN 16 engines for a top speed of 14 knots. The exteriors on board the Navetta 30 play a significant role, and sofas comprising large cushions like those on board a Turkish gulet enable guests to enjoy their voyage in unparalleled comfort

5 questions to

Chief Commercial Officer of Ferretti Group

Stefano De Vivo Was the yacht built for a particular owner? The prototype was conceived as a custom build to give Filippo Salvetti and Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel free rein, in collaboration with the strategic product committee, which includes the engineer Piero Ferrari. This first yacht reflects the texture mood with a white hull; a two-colour scheme is also possible. The Navetta 30 was completed at a difficult time with the lockdown in force. What special efforts did you make? The target was the Cannes Yachting Festival, wasn’t it? We moved quickly, setting priorities. At the top of the list was the safety of the people working in the Ferretti Group. Thanks to the work we put in with the unions in April we were among the first in Italy to announce the finalisation of an agreement to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. This enabled us to keep all our production centres open and operational. During the lockdown we announced the Navetta 30 project, and with minimum delays we launched it in late October. Custom Line also managed to launch eleven yachts in the first half of 2020 alone. What does it represent for the Ferretti Group? It’s a testbed for excellence. It’s a yacht for owners who regard comfort and slow sailing as the best way to enjoy cruising. Inspired by an intense feeling for aesthetics, the beauty of the spaces and finishings harmonises perfectly with the nautical nature of the project. What’s behind the choice of this design team? Will it be a decisive factor in the Navetta 30’s success? Filippo Salvetti offered the ability to provide product innovation while retaining the hallmark style of Custom Line. The yacht is new but with a well-preserved identity. We chose the Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel studio to leave a distinctive mark on the entire project. We’ve placed a lot of emphasis on the yacht’s unique nature and we wanted this kind of exclusivity for Custom Line, that idea of “just for you”. So the Navetta 30 is the first example of a stylistic renewal? We asked Salvetti for something that architects rarely agree to – to apply his innovative flair to the new generation of navettes, which will be up to 48 metres long, the second designed by Filippo Salvetti and Cittero Viel. But the yachts couldn’t stand apart from the Custom Line navettes, they had to be a natural evolution of the range. I think he did a fantastic job, doing something totally new without changing the existing range which, given its great success, will remain in production for many years to come.


Benetti DIAMOND 145

Sober external lines by Giorgio M. Cassetta and skilful exploitation of spaces create a sophisticated, contemporary atmosphere for the flagship of the Class category, at the sweet spot where tradition and innovation meet by Paola Bertelli - ph. courtesy of Azimut | Benetti 23



igh bulwarks and long reverse sheer create the

Lunches and dinners are served mainly on the upper deck.

stylistic appeal of this majestic 44-metre yacht,

Midships, a spacious lounge with table and relaxation area pre-

proudly showing off all its powerful, extended sha-

cedes the open-air space aft, furnished with a second table and

pes. This is a Benetti in the grand style, a suitable

a scattering of sofas. Forward, in front of the pilot house, are

flagship for the Class category, delivered to its owner in July. The

a pool and solarium. The centre of the spectacular 102 square

design displays all the classic Benetti traits while reflecting the in-

metre sundeck is sheltered by a hard top.

novative, contemporary process that went into the yacht’s creation.

Moving down to sea level, on the lower deck, full-width sliding

Giorgio M. Cassetta handled the exteriors, drawing essential, dyna-

doors open onto an elegant beach area with sofas and a bar

mic lines. The large main deck windows highlight the yacht’s length,

counter. Behind stands the garage with side door (the garage

as well as creating a fluid dimension that brings the surrounding

can accommodate a tender over six metres in length and two jet

seascape into the interiors. The balance between the brilliantly

skis) and the engine room, as well as the four double cabins for

shiny light-coloured areas and the dark sections brings out and

guests and the crew quarters forward. These refined, contempo-

emphasises the muscular shapes. Sober colours in light tones are

rary spaces were designed by Benetti’s Interior Style Department

complemented by warm, nautical teak, all bordered by light, almost

and offer great privacy for the owner and guests, starting with

invisible polished steel railings.

separate walkways for crew and guests.

The layout centres on two main concepts – to exploit interior and

The yacht’s interiors feature warm surfaces in antiqued brass

exterior space in a stimulating way, and to emphasise light. The

and various woods – oak, especially – marble, like Grey Stone

main deck cockpit and lounge are separated by large, arched glass

and Silk Georgette, leather and fabrics. In the helm station the

door that allows light to flood inside and enhances the feeling of

use of bare carbon fibre emphasises the importance of high-tech

total integration between outside and interior. Here a series of con-

research, high construction standards and solutions adopted to

versation areas unfolds, with sofas and low tables. The full-beam

enhance on-board comfort.

owner’s suite lies forward, covering 60 square metres. The sleeping

Diamond sails in exceptional silence at a cruising speed of 14

area is “protected” by a study.

knots and has a range of 5,000 miles.

The exteriors feature glass, teak and steel. The exterior stairs, located to port, rise without interruption from the main deck to the sun deck. Page to side, the interior and exterior dining areas are both on the upper deck


The full-beam owner’s suite (photo to side) is flooded with natural light through a double row of long windows. Below, the majestic lines also clearly show that the yacht is a member of the Benetti family. Diamond 145 is a semi-custom fibreglass yacht with a delivery time of just 24 months

5 questions to

Vice-President of Azimut Benetti Group

Giovanna Vitelli How would you summarise the Class category, and what does it represent? It embodies Benetti’s series production of fibreglass yachts. This began in 1985 and since then around 200 yachts have been built and sold, all designed by famous architects like Stefano Righini, Giorgio M. Cassetta and the British RWD studio (for interiors only), with the support of the yard’s team of engineers, architects and designers. What are the main features of the Diamond 145? They reflect the type of owner they are designed to appeal to, an expert owner who is aware of the requirements of a yacht and its crew. Its strong points are the sun deck, the largest in this category, the spacious full-beam owner’s cabin and the ease with which the main deck, upper deck and beach area spaces can be opened out. On a technical level, we’ve worked hard to cut noise and vibration to a minimum. To what degree can the Diamond 145’s owner personalise the yacht? Yachts in the Class category are semicustom. The layout and division of the spaces are fixed, but that aside, the owner has a great deal of freedom. Benetti’s Interior Style Department offers a variety of materials and furnishings. The exteriors can also be customised – for example, on the second Diamond’s sun deck the hard-top support elements have been shifted to the side while on the first they take the form of central pillars. What are the advantages of fibreglass? The advantage is its light weight, which provides significant cuts in consumption and emissions. Fibreglass also enables us to widen the superstructure and offer large interior volumes and enormous exterior surfaces. Construction times are shorter when compared to a yacht in other materials, thanks to Benetti’s financial strength, which enables it to invest in maintaining a constant production line of its own models. What do you think the future holds for Benetti? We’ll be launching a number of new models, including the B.Yond 37M. These yachts will have rationalised volumes and and interiors with a reduced environmental impact provided by the E-Mode propulsion architecture developed by Siemens for Benetti. Despite being only 37 metres long, configured over four decks, it will have volumes similar to a 50-metre megayacht. There are also some interesting new features in the pipeline for the Benetti product with the highest sales recently, the innovative Oasis 40M created by RWD.


Bluegame BGX60

With its new model the Sanlorenzo brand continues its research into non-configurable yachts of a single type, rejecting the conventional categories to offer lifestyles that are very different from those associated with traditional yachting by DĂŠsirĂŠe Sormani ph. courtesy of Bluegame



he new BGX60 is the second model in the BGX line by

open-air and indoor spaces. Here and there pieces of furniture create the

Bluegame, a brand acquired by the Sanlorenzo yard

impression of being in a house on the water by adding touches of distin-

in 2018, and it looks set to replicate the success of the

ction to the interior decor. The spacious owner’s cabin includes a sleeping

BGX70. Even more than its exterior and exterior lines, at

area with large double bed and a corner for relaxation with a small sofa.

first sight its most striking feature is its layout, which overturns all normal

This can, on request, be transformed into a third cabin. It is accessed from

assumptions. The lounge is located aft, in direct contact with the beach

aft through a door to the right of the lounge or from the interior, down from

club but on a slightly lower level. It is intended as a setting for socialising,

the upper deck where there is the pilothouse, a dinette with galley and

relaxation and interaction between exterior and interior. This innovative

an aft cockpit. The interior staircase serves to separate the owner’s area

project emphasises the human element. “The yacht is seen as a versatile,

from the guest cabin forward. This unusual layout is made possible by

flexible container for living where the spaces offer different scenarios,

shifting the engine room aft. In the bows a generous space enables guests

adapting to the owner’s needs as and when required”, says Bernardo

to take the sun on the upholstered pads, and it is also forms an enticing

Zuccon of Zuccon International Project, whose task was to develop the

venue for open-air lunches, as it boasts two tables that can be transformed

revolutionary niches of “unexpected at sea” BG and BGX yachts working

into a single large table. The hard top provides a large area for relaxation,

with the founder, architect and olympic sailor Luca Santella and the CEO

and is the best place to sunbathe in privacy. “After the success launch of

of Bluegame, Carla Demaria. So, figuratively speaking, the sea enters the

the BGX70”, Luca Santella goes on to say, “the logical next step was to

yacht and can be admired from the comfortable sofa facing the exterior.

think about designing the range. The project for the flagship BG72, set to

By opening the sliding door guests can hear the lapping of the waves and

appear in 2021, was unveiled at the Genoa show”. The BGX60 retains all

smell the salty air while at mooring and take part in the excitement of the

the advantageous features of the BGX70, beginning with the emphasis on

sailing experience when under way – all in total privacy. Two side windows

the owner’s on-board comfort, his privacy and that of his guests, but in a

allow light to flood the space and provide lateral views.

smaller space. This was a tough challenge for the design team. Creating

The furnishings are elegant yet informal throughout, playing on a com-

the waterlines, though, was a task handed over to naval architect Lou

bination of dark and light, with oak dominating the interiors and com-

Codega, who developed a high-performance hull. Good seaholding is a

plementing the teak decks, enhancing the feeling of continuity between

key element that defines all Bluegame yachts.

BGX60 follows up on the success of the BGX70. Like its predecessor, but on a slightly smaller scale, the original layout is very striking - the lounge is located aft, in direct contact with the beach platform but on a marginally lower level, enabling guests to enjoy the sailing experience from the sofa, too. In the image below, the cabin, connecting with the lounge

5 questions to

Carla Demaria

Ceo of Bluegame Yachts

When and how did the idea for the BGX line come into being? The BGX was created to complement the existing BG models. It wasn’t easy to propose a product that would retain the DNA of the original Bluegames while offering exciting new ideas in a market limited to the flybridge format. Our efforts were repaid by a

The BGX60 is 19.02

product that’s currently unique among yachts of similar dimensions.

metres long and has a

What’s the most attractive element in this line of yachts? The yacht as a whole is attractive product,

5.30 metre beam. It can

but what excites our owners most of all is the relationship between exterior and interior spaces, something

reach a top speed of

that can be seen at the stern where the beach area, lounge and owner’s cabin blend, a unique feature for

28/30 knots, depending

a yacht of this size.

the engines chosen.

What is the BGX60’s most striking characteristic? As I said, the aft area stands out the most, but people

The flagship of the

also like the interiors, the helm station with excellent visibility for sailing and manoeuvres, the open spaces

range, the BGX72, was

forward and, of course, the yacht’s seaworthiness and performance.

also recently presented,

In a nutshell, what type of owner chooses this yacht line? The special, unique nature of our BGX means

and it shares with its

that our owners come from yachts of all types and sizes. All the Bluegame models, though, feature a personality

predecessors a high-

that’s common to the entire range. They attract expert owners who have had owned different types of yacht

performance hull for

and gained considerable experience and knowledge of onboard life. What will the future bring? Above all a new model in the line, the BG72, inspired by the BGX70. The result is a a revolutionary layout with a completely open upper deck and the BGX 70’s striking lower deck. The hallmarks of the line are an emphasis on design, sartorial production, a high-tech approach and sustainability. Bluegame has a special commitment to sustainability, reflected by its role as a member of the Blue Marine Foundation. As a result we use the most efficient propulsion systems to reduce consumption and emissions. We seek to limit weight, and the infusion lamination process for some parts involves the use of 80% recyclable moulds.


safe sailing in maximum comfort

Pershing TOUCH ME

An imposing seagoing coupÊ with a strong personality, where dynamism and versatile high-tech solutions combine to generate performance and open-air comfort. With interiors and exteriors by Fulvio De Simoni, it’s the second Pershing 140 delivered by Paola Bertelli - ph. courtesy of Ferretti Group 31



he name Pershing immediately conjures up visions of

and the decision to develop the cockpit above on two levels means it

high-performance, sporty yachts. Touch Me, an alumi-

boasts considerable height and comfort, and, once the wings are opened

nium of over 43 meters build delivered to its owner this

up, impressive size. Although the interiors all have a distinctive character,

summer, is the perfect synthesis of both these qualities

they are closely connected, with repeated hexagonal motifs creating an

– and something more. Don’t let its 38-knot top speed, 35-knot cruising

explicit evocation of the speed and performance typically associated with

speed and sporty personality distract you from an unexpected degree of

the brand, and walls clad with hand-woven straw wallpaper generate

interior and exterior comfort and a startling ability to highlight and extend

a dynamic atmosphere. The dominant wood is matt black taglio sega

its contact with the sea. Fulvio De Simoni has drawn powerful lines and

partially-polished American walnut and the structural furnishings are

developed a bright, sober decor. “Designing the interiors and exteriors

upholstered in clay-coloured Mastrotto leather embellished with custom

enabled me to create the yacht’s contours while bearing in mind the effect

leather-colour buckles that take up the details of the loose furniture. The

they would have on the interiors. This helped me blend sporty shapes

bedheads and lobby partitions (all by Studioart) are unique pieces with

with the demands made by comfort, light and visibility for the interiors”.

custom patterns and leather colours in every cabin.

This is clear in the forward area where “The side windows accompany

Light floods into the open space lounge, which unfolds to the geometric

the flow of the volumes of the owner’s cabin while the ‘skeletons’ of the

rhythm of the large, rectangular windows. An unusual decorative Plexi-

structures framing the glass become a decorative elements for the entire

glas panel with aluminium flakes produced during the construction of

wall. To do this we designed a spectacular series of curtains so that their

the yacht “Is a subtle reminder that we’re on board Pershing’s entirely

shape echoes the complex hull sections”, says De Simoni.

aluminium build”, says De Simoni.

One distinctive and very striking element is the massive squared bow

The full-beam owner’s suite with study and private lounge is located on

with a grille that is clearly inspired by automotive design. Behind this is a

forward main deck, while the four guest suites – two doubles and two

seemingly infinite, versatile forward deck, clean and hyper-sporty under

twins – are on the lower deck.

way, while at anchor a sliding carbon fibre platform covers a lounge with

Touch Me is the second 43-metre delivered by Pershing, proof that Cho-

sofas, tables and a Jacuzzi.

rusline, the first example, was no one-off in the superyacht world. And

The beach club enables guests to enjoy an intimate contact with the sea,

a third is under construction.

The spacious beach club (above), open on three sides, is furnished with freestanding elements by TribÚ. In the lounge, (pictured here), the leather of the sofas, armchair (both by Frau) and chairs (by Flexform) emphasises the yacht’s sporty character. Opposite page, the astonishing main deck forward lounge


The owner’s suite is on the forward main deck. The bed rests against the Studioart screen in leather with silver details. The sofas and poufs in the studio area are by Flexform and the lamp by FontanaArte. Below, the evening light emphasises the way the windows, especially on the main deck, are designed to echo the flow of the interior spaces

5 questions to

Chief Commercial Officer of Ferretti Group

Stefano De Vivo What are the Touch Me’s strongest features? It’s an outstanding work of naval engineering combined with a sporty, highly distinctive design for both in the exteriors and the bespoke interiors. It offers exceptional liveability on all three decks, creating an atmosphere of sociability and privacy (a plus in this rather unusual period!). As well as the sleek lines, there are striking new features like the raised helm station directly linked to the sundeck, the owner’s suite on the main deck and an original layout in the aft area created by raising the cockpit. Not forgetting the top-of-the-line electronic and domotics systems, plus the yacht’s muscular power on the water – despite its superyacht dimensions Touch Me still inspires that spine-tingling thrill that only a Pershing can generate. How important is lightness in a yacht like Touch Me? If we consider that a yacht of this size can sail at a top speed of 38 knots and has a cruising speed of 35 knots, lightness is crucial. We’re talking about an all-aluminium Pershing superyacht, one of the lightest materials we’ve ever been able to use. The interiors have also been designed to be made using materials and surfaces that don’t impact on the yacht’s total weight, like carbon fibre. In all we’ve saved five tonnes, when compared to the original estimated weight. All this has enabled us to make savings in consumption, too, an aspect that should not be taken for granted. What aspect of this yacht are you most proud of? With the Pershing 140 we’ve overcome a significant challenge – giving owners a made-to-measure villa on the water that offers all the performance expected from a Pershing while providing it on a yacht of a different size and category. Not forgetting the design, because Touch Me makes an immediate impression. What’s the owner profile for a Pershing 140? As well as appreciating performance and the unmistakeable “Pershing Thrill”, 140’s owners are also aficionados of design and comfort, quality of life and a close contact with the sea. What are Pershing’s plans for the future? The Ferretti Group is devoting a great deal of effort to the superyacht segment. Take, for example, the renovated Super Yacht Yard in Ancona, which specialises in the construction of steel and aluminium super and megayachts over 40 metres in length. We can state without hesitation that we’ll continue producing Pershing 140 models for our most enthusiastic owners.


Baglietto PANAM

The latest model from the Baglietto yard celebrates the beauty of Paris. This fast 40-metre yacht with large windows was built for a young owner with a dynamic, informal lifestyle who chose studio Francesco Paszkowski Design to create the interiors by Marta Gasparini - ph. courtesy of Baglietto

Panam is a 40 metres long and has an 8.40 metre beam. It is powered by three MTU V16 2000 engines with three KaMeWa hydrojets that push the yacht to top speed of 31 knots with a cruising speed of around 25 knots



he brief the owner of Panam handed to the Baglietto yard

elegant, welcoming spaces emphasising the warmth of wood, painted surfaces

was short and to the point – to create a yacht with a sleek,

on the ceilings and some vertical panels plus taupe and dove-grey embellished

athletic character that can power across the water. These re-

by onyx and marble. Everything has been selected following careful research

quirements were also relayed to Francesco Paszkowski, who

with custom furnishing accessories and materials in a range of combinations.

designed the exteriors and created the interiors in collaboration with Mar-

Their number is deliberately limited to produce the contemporary elegance

gherita Casprini. The studio played a crucial role in offering bespoke spatial

we sought and generate a degree of stylistic coherence throughout. We’ve also

solutions and balancing the demands of a fast yacht with those of a comfor-

played with different colour shades, an important element in the decor and

table waterborne residence. This exciting commission eventually resulted in a

finishing”. The designers have also included some details borrowed from a

yacht whose lines evoke a sensation of speed and promise great comfort and

domestic context, like the “green” wall separating the lounge from the dining

practicality in all the spaces in constant contact with the sea.

area framing the spectacular background. This original solution adds a green

“The relationship with the sea is another key point in the design process”, says

touch and lets light into the spaces in a very natural way. Many Italian brands

Paszkowski. “The brightness of the interiors created by the large windows, the

have also been selected, like Minotti for sofas, dining chairs and coffee table,

transparent surfaces of the main deck lounge gunwales and around the flybridge

Fendi for the lounge armchairs and Armani Casa for the desk in the owner’s

and the skilful use of the outdoor areas are the strategies we used to achieve

suite and anthracite-finish Oliveri handles. There’s an attractive range of se-

this”. As a result, the exterior areas are the fulcrum of the entire project. “We pla-

lect materials, with teak, oak, onyx and Cappuccino, Calacatta, Persian grey,

ced great emphasis on the open-air areas”, he continues, “with special attention

Marfil cream, Eramosa and Coffee brown marble.

paid to the flybridge, a 65 square metre area with custom flowing water pool,

On the main deck, the full-beam owner’s suite is situated forward. Natural

bar counter designed by the studio with sliding top, an additional sunpad area

light and fresh air enter through large windows that open electronically

forward and a beach club with side terraces that can open to increase the area

to remove any obstacles between interiors and exteriors. The suite also

available”. To make the owner and guests feel at home, Francesco Paszkowski

includes a bathroom with hammam, a place for well-being, relaxation and

Design has created refined, intimate spaces enhanced by materials treated in a

bodycare. Guests are accommodated in four cabins on the lower deck, with

variety of ways, generating a play of textures and finishes that adds life and mo-

two VIP cabins aft and two guest cabins. The professional-standard kitchen

vement to the overall linearity. “To create design coherence with the exteriors,

is also on the same deck, as are the forward crew quarters with skipper’s

the indoor areas feature a contemporary style that reflects the owner’s desire for

cabin, two twin cabins, laundry and dinette.


Panam’s indoor areas (these pictures) feature a contemporary style that reflects the owner’s desire for elegant, welcoming spaces. The Baglietto yard, based in La Spezia and Carrara, specialises in the construction of new aluminum light alloy yachts ranging between 35 and 50 meters in length and steel and light aluminum alloy displacement and semi displacement mega-yachts above 40 meters. Baglietto also offers a marine refit and rebuilding service. The La Spezia yard occupies an area of over 35,000 square metres. The two yards in Avenza (Carrara), covering over 10,000 square metres, build yachts up to 50 metres in length

5 questions to

Diego Michele Deprati

Ceo of Baglietto

Panam is a 40 metres long and has an 8.40 metre beam. It is powered by three MTU V16 2000 engines with three KaMeWa hydrojets that push the yacht to top speed of 31 knots with a cruising speed of around 25 knots. “Panam is the latest order to take to the water since late June. Deliveries have slowed down because of the pandemic and some owners have decided to delay them to the end of the year or early 2021 because of registration and licensing. This period is now behind us and we’re concentrating on future production. Despite the crisis the yacht-building industry is performing much better than other sectors, in some cases even exceeding the results achieved in 2019”. Baglietto is building new models. Can you give us a few previews? “We’re finalising the merger of Baglietto and CCN (formerly Cerri Cantieri Navali). This operation should be concluded by the end of the year, and aims to optimise the synergy between the La Spezia and Carrara yards and eventually lead to making the range more sustainable. In this context we’ve already invested in the development of hybrid, electric and hydrogen-powered engines. We’ll be able to present some exciting new features towards the end of the year”. What are Panam’s strengths? “The yacht places a great emphasis on performance, assisted by the aluminium alloy hull, three MTU V16 2000 engines and three KaMeWa hydrojets that generate a top speed of 31 knots and a cruising speed of 25. Many technical components like the four stern doors are in carbon fibre to save weight. These are the key elements in the project and, together with the contribution from Francesco Paszkowski Design, they have made Panam a mature product that combines performance and high standards of comfort at sea”. Is this the owner’s first yacht? “The client, who is French, has owned other yachts, but they were all series models. He chose the name “Panam”, which means “Paris” in the argot of the city, for his new yacht”. What was in the owner’s brief, and what special features does it include? “Performance and comfort topped the list, so the design studio created a streamlined, compact wedge-shaped profile, a powerful stern (designed with special features like flooding system to enable entry of a 17’ tender), vertical bow, unusual on a fast yacht, large, tinted, geometric windows that inspire an impression of speed. This transformed into reality by Baglietto’s construction characteristics”.


Abeking & Rasmussen SOARING

Ironically delivered just after Europe’s lockdown began to bite, this 68m embodies her free-spirited owner’s love of nature and wide open spaces as well as proving Abeking & Rasmussen’s ability to work under extreme pressure by Mary Hegarty ph. courtesy of Abeking & Rasmussen 39



bout two weeks before the superyacht was to be

with direct access to the swim platform is where everyone will want

handed over, half of Europe went into lockdown,”

to be. Teak flooring and glossy eucalyptus and silver wall panelling

Abeking & Rasmussen Senior Project Manager Jorg

set the tone as guests enjoy spinning, rowing, treadmill, ballet barre,

Klaymann grimaces as he recalls the final phase of

refreshments, a hammam, massages, and even yoga classes. Kayaks,

the 68m Soaring’s build. “It was simultaneously an extremely challen-

surfboards, sea bobs, bikes, electric scooters and diving equipment

ging time and a bold demonstration of Abeking & Rasmussen’s flexibili-

are all available too. Up on the main deck, the 80 sqm saloon is divi-

ty and efficiency, under even the harshest of conditions.” Soaring was

ded into a lounge area aft with handcrafted furnishings and a dining

commissioned by an expert owner with a deep, abiding love of nature

area forward separated by a ceiling-high room divider with TV. Port

who wanted her to embody a sense of wide open spaces and free-

and starboard panels feature constellations that have a personal

spiritedness. Even her name references the glorious flight of the eagle.

meaning for the owner, while genuine piece of meteorite continues

On a more technical level, his brief included a separate owner’s deck

the cosmic theme. Stained Amara wood and Lugano-coloured Italian

with a large aft-facing master suite, huge tenders (a 7.5m Compass

leather are the main materials used. Two stylised bronze hippos by

Sport and 9m limousine), and a gym and wellness centre with direct

sculptor Claus Hartmann add an eye-catching touch too. The three

access to the water. Focus Yacht Design won the pitch with a highly

20 sqm double guest staterooms and one twin all have different

distinctive, seamlessly harmonious contemporary interior with great

themes - Nautilus, Ginkgo, Turtle and Bamboo – reflected in the

swathes of glazing, a chic grey-white colour scheme, and a striking

headrests of the beds. The upper aft deck is devoted almost entirely

signature line sweeping from bow to swim platform. “Our goal was not

to the owner. A rather stately 82 sqm suite aft is accessed via an 11

to put together a selection of attractive details, but to create a coherent,

sqm office. Minimal furnishings and an eagle headrest underscore

harmonious whole that was imposing but most of all a representation

Soaring’s concept of free spiritedness. Sliding doors open onto a

of the owner’s central life themes and requests,” designer Thomas

completely private deck space too. On sunny days and starlit nights

Mühe explains. The beautifully finished 471 sqm interior features two

alike, the topmost bridge deck will be a magnet for guests too, thanks

main types wood, Amara and Tiama, natural stone, and Italian leather.

to a Jacuzzi with a 3m diameter, a bar and sun pad, and even a BBQ.

However, Soaring’s stunning 74 sqm beach club and wellness centre

A truly Soaring achievement...

Opposite page, the owner’s suite and private terrace take up most of the aft upper deck. This page, above and below, the 80m saloon on the main deck is split in two by a floor-to-ceiling divider trimmed with bronze tiles and with a TV inset on the lounge side


Far left, the aft area of the bridge deck features a huge whirlpool with a diameter of 3 metres as well as ultra-inviting sun pads. Near left, the wellness area on the lower deck. Below, the theme of the luxurious 33 sqm VIP stateroom is water lilies as evidenced by the artistic headrest

The designer’s point of wiew “What is good design? There are, as there have always been, different opinions on this. The Focus Yacht Design office developed its very own design definition. We are less interested in the questions of materiality, of forms, colours and fashions. We work primarily with the interpretation and the character of a yacht, seen as a singularity, an essence and also as a reflection of the owner’spersonality. This personality alone is the decisive criteria for all the aesthetic and technical decision making on all FYD projects. The same applies to the development of the interior and exterior design for M/Y Soaring. Our goal was not to put together a selection of attractive details, but to create a coherent and harmonious whole that was to be simultaneously impressive and imposing but most of all a reflection and representation of the owner’s central life themes and requests. It is most probably this very personal approach that positively surprised and convinced the owner from the very beginning. There were almost no design changes, but always very clear ideas and visions of what Soaring was to be that grew out of a very close collaboration. This gave rise to numerous unique and unconventional solutions, such as the back-lit onyx wall in the library. It is features like these, the successful fusion of classical and contemporary yacht design elements that imbue Soaring with a certain charisma. One of the many examples of this concept is the deliberately reduced but simultaneously expressive design language, such as the contrast of very light and very dark veneers. It is great to see how our concept has impacted the end result in such a purposeful and meaningful way. Soaring is a fascinating sight, but what is even more important for us is that she is a bespoke place of wellbeing, relaxation and enjoyment.” Thomas Mühe


De i s gner s Indispensable figures inspiring the most famous yards, they produce the most cutting edge designs. Increasingly daring solutions that create new environments for seagoing living, kindling the dreams of owners throughout the world


A New Way to Enjoy the Sea The Zuccon International Project has set itself some exciting challenges with the Sanlorenzo yacht line – to open out new vistas and create innovative types of versatile, flexible spaces, with an increasing emphasis on the human dimension and a close relationship with the natural environment by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy of ZIP


Opposite, from left, the owner’s cabin on the Alloy 44 laid out over three levels, a rendering of the BG72 based on the walkaround concept and an exterior view of the Alloy 44. ZIP’s objective is to eliminate architectural barriers and establish a direct relationship between the yacht and the maritime environment.


uccon International Project is one of the world’s most fa-

As a result, Martina and I have undertaken a typological development

mous architecture studios, a centre of excellence in yacht

aiming to identify a new potential method of experiencing the sea. De-

design. Founded in 1972 by Gianni Zuccon (architect, de-

signers have a responsibility to understand how to improve the quality

signer and lecturer at Rome’s La Spaienza university) and

of on-board life, and modern technology helps us handle this concept

his wife Paola Galeazzi, over the ensuing 48 years it has delivered more

by enabling us to make flexible, versatile objects”.

than 100 projects for prestigious yards like Cantiere Posillipo Baglietto,

This typological research began with the SX102A and continued with

Ferretti, Betram, Mochi Craft, Custom Line, CRN and now Sanlorenzo,

the SX76, where barriers were eradicated and the yacht entered into

making important contributions to the history of international yacht

a relationship with the marine surroundings. It continued with the

building. The studio is now helmed by the second generation of the

flagship of the SX line, the SX112, with an entirely open stern and the

Zuccon family, Bernardo and Martina, fresh, creative minds that have

Alloy 44, where the owner’s cabin is the conceptual fulcrum of the de-

assimilated the heritage of their illustrious parents and mixed the family

sign. “Alloy 44 is conceived as a private 145 square metre apartment on

DNA with an innate passion for architecture with a special fascination

three levels with an indoor and outdoor area”, says Martina, “Just like

with new lifestyle settings, drawing on their experience in the residential

a loft on three interconnected levels”. The search for new residential

sector. These qualities proved to be particularly appealing for the San-

formats has also influenced the Bluegames BG line with the new BG72,

lorenzo yard, and in 2016 it launched a stimulating collaboration that

a combination of daycruiser and motoryacht. Its design highlights the

has inspired a number of projects under the Sanlorenzo and Bluegame

importance of the walkaround concept, eliminating all obstacles to

brands, including the first asymmetrical yacht. “I think that for Sanloren-

create a walkway accessing all areas of the yacht with flexible, inter-

zo, the Zuccon International Project is the right blend of tradition, know-

connected exterior and interior spaces. Flexibility is also the dominant

how and innovation, plus the solid base of a studio whose structure is

theme in the new Sanlorenzo Espace 42, a further evolution the process

perfectly capable of handling the volumes Sanlorenzo is generating”,

involving the testing and development of new residential scenarios.

says Bernardo Zuccon. “In my experience in the yacht-building industry

The yacht, in fact, combines the romantic characteristics of a “navetta”

I’ve often noticed that people think that designers limit themselves to

with the solid, robust qualities of an explorer yacht.

modifying the shape of their yachts rather than redesigning their content.


Water-skimming Living The stunning likes of the Ocean Sports series for CRN and the 75m Elle concept epitomize the heights of perfection reached by Omega Architects in constantly evolving the indoor-outdoor aesthetic by Mary Hegarty- ph. courtesy of Omega Arch.


Facing page, Frank Laupman at work with a member of his team in the studio he founded in 1995. Above, the 62-meter penned for the italian Shipyard CRN. Opposite, the stunning cockpit of the 75-meter Elle, and to side the new Omega Sports 56m designed for CRN


hen Frank Laupman first burst onto the design scene

“We used this momentum to design a next step up, offering versatility

in the 1980s, the influence of the era of iconic indu-

with more space, all with the same recognizable quality as the 52.

strial design was still very much in evidence – think

Her rugged yet elegant interior defines the overall style of the yacht,

the functional streamlined locomotives of Raymond

which has large decks for her size,” he explains. The ocean-going

Loewy – but gradually evolving towards the more romantic aesthetic

56m’s elongated profile adds further sleekness to the model’s exte-

epitomized by Gerhard Gilgenast’s record-breaking Octopussy. “That

rior styling too, but the piece de resistance is an optional panorama

combination of power and romanticism inspired me,” says Laupman

beach club, designed to combine wellness amenities with a water-

who, during his time with Heesen, gave its fleet a new streamlined

skimming lifestyle.

aesthetic it retains to this day. However, since he founded Omega

A stern lounge opens up to a vast swim platform to ultra-inviting effect,

Architects, one of the evolving leitmotifs running through Laupman’s

while a side boarding tender platform doubles as more sunbathing spa-

work has been the indoor-outdoor relationship. The generous deck

ce. Essentially, the beach club brings onboard living back down to water

spaces aboard the captivating 75m Elle sports cruising concept de-

level – guests can spend long days swimming off the back of the yacht

veloped with Van Oossanen typify this approach. Another example

without constantly needing to move between decks. Crisp white crochet

is the Ocean Sports range, the result of a 10-year partnership with

trimmed furnishings compliment the dark teak of the ceilings and flo-

CRN that has evolved the prestige Italian yard’s identity. “We based

ors, while a lush spa area is an impressive touch of luxury. The Ocean

it on their wish to build large volume yacht with a sportier, more

Sports 56m has a divinely transparent quality, its interior architecture

robust character and interesting interior-exterior relationship,” says

interacting seamlessly with its sculptural exteriors. The signature Ocean

Laupman. He describes the latest addition, the Ocean Sports 56m,

Sports’ main deck arch is higher also to afford uninterrupted side views

as “a ravishing evolution” of the 52m currently in build at CRN, a

yet still protect the privacy of the aft deck and the main saloon, despite

“bridge” between the latter and the 62m, also under construction.

its floor-to-ceiling windows.


Inner Warmth Italian creativity meets Dutch precision in this concept that Laura Pomponi’s Luxury Projects studio designed for a 47-metre Feadship superyacht. The team created a convertible upper deck salon which she describes as a “warm, embracing and cosy space” by Mark Worden- - ph. courtesy of LP


Left, two views from above of the convertible upper deck salon concept that Laura Pomponi’s LP studio created for a Feadship 47-metre. Near left, the “more luxury, with a touch of gold” version; far left, the “more contemporary” version, which is also shown below, from ground level


aura Pomponi probably doesn’t need much of an introduc-

suede leather. The general feeling of warmth is also enhanced by the

tion as her award-winning yacht interiors have often graced

soft, indirect lighting which is hidden behind the beams in the ceiling.

the pages of this magazine. Her LP company which, in addi-

The “more contemporary” version features a pull-out bed which, like

tion to containing her initial letters, also stands for “Luxury

the ceiling lights, is hidden, in this case behind a large work of art on

Projects”, is based in her native Ancona on Italy’s Adriatic coast, but

the forward wall. Once the sofa that’s set against the wall has been

she works with clients all over the world.

moved, the mural changes form “at the press of a button”, opening

The project which she presents in this feature took her to the Nether-

out to reveal a bed which extends down to the floor.

lands and, more specifically, the Feadship shipyard. The brief was for

Laura describes the “warm, embracing” atmosphere of the space as

a 47-metre superyacht. Feadship’s in-house team took care of the exte-

being “less minimalist.” Does this suggest that minimalism has had

rior design, while Laura was asked to create a concept for the interior.

its day in terms of design? “Not in design in general, but in terms of

She was invited to come up with schemes for a full-beam upper deck

interior yacht design, I think it has. Minimalism enjoyed something

salon, which could be converted for other uses. The original brief was

of a boom a few years ago, but now people want warmth, rather than

for a custom build, but it could evolved into a flexible on spec series.

cold surfaces. After all, the owners and their families need to live in

Laura says that the idea was essentially one of a “convertible space”

these spaces”. Although Laura had done a couple of Feadship yachts

in which various elements could be moved around to create different

refits, this was her first new build project for the shipyard. As with

scenarios, also through the use of different types of lighting. Both the

other Dutch shipyards she has worked with, she enjoyed the expe-

atmosphere and the purpose of the space could be changed: from a

rience, “When Italian designers are asked to create a concept they

salon with plenty of natural light, thanks to its large windows, to a

like to produce something that looks wonderful, whereas the Dutch

VIP cabin. She came up with two versions, one “more luxury, with a

tend to be strict and precise, even in the case of a concept: everything

touch of gold” and one that was “more contemporary, with a palette

has to be feasible and meet budget estimates.

of natural colours.” These included light brown, taupe and off-whites,

There’s no room for mistakes”. Nevertheless “They basically gave me

which she describes as “warm, cosy colours”. The same adjectives

net box and asked me to fill it with my creativity.” And, once again,

could be used to describe details like the inlaid wood, the carpet and

she managed to do so.


To Dare is to Innovate Striking design and an emphasis on comfort are the distinctive hallmarks that showcase the style of Valerio Rivellini, founder of the yacht design studio that bears his name. He’s also fond of springing surprises by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy of Valerio Rivellini 50


hen I take on a new project, I do it with the

simple interiors with minimalist lines. I believe the secret behind a

awareness of a production engineer and the

good design is the right use of materials in the right place. This makes a

problems dealt with during the years spent

yacht attractive and elegant without emphasising one particular object.

at sea”. A true Neapolitan, Valerio Rivellini

The Velar 70 is the embodiment of elegance, it has two helm wheels

has the sea in his veins. A sail yachtsman since early childhood, he

and slips into port at 3/4 knots. For simplicity, take the totally open

raced in the Optimist class and then on Lasers before finally becoming

8-metre gozzo – a clean sweep on deck, nothing to see save the tiller,

a skipper. With hands-on and a degree in naval engineering under his

a cushion and some modern plexiglass”. Rivellini also likes springing

belt, he has worked with a number of Italian yards designing all sorts

surprises – the hull of the Evo R6, for example, conceals a rigid-keel

of craft, sail yachts and motorcruisers, including the famous variable

tender beneath the sunpad, and features a table that can be extended

geometry motoryachts by Evo Yachts. “With the first model, the Evo

to seat 10 people simply by moving a backrest.

43, I think I received more criticism than compliments, especially for

Then there’s the social element. “I’m used to sail yacht cockpits where

the hydraulic system that opens the lateral bulwarks and moves the

everyone gets together. Motor yacht owners often end up on their own

beach platform. Nowadays these two innovations can be seen on a

at the controls”. This led Valerio Rivellini to place a sizeable sofa to the

whole range of craft of different dimensions, even small yachts only

side in the cockpit of the Evo R6, so that at least two or three people,

seven metres long. This simple system can kick in smoothly in case

including the caaptain, can have a conversation while under way. “The

of malfunction, because I know what building a yacht is all about.

Velar also enables those on board to experience the sea in the company

And how to sail it”.

of others when sailing, maybe enjoying a coffee. It has two helm wheels

Crucial elements in his design are attention to detail and technolo-

in the heart of the aft cockpit, like a sail yacht. It’s a real family yacht,

gical innovation. “Every new project is a challenge for me”, he says

something people want in times like these.

with a gleam in his eye. Design and engineering blend, form and function combine in the project. This immediately becomes clear when looking at his recent production, from a traditional Mediterranean gozzo to the Evo series and the refit of a 50-metre yacht. “I put a lot of myself and my personal tastes – for example I think a direct relationship with the sea is fundamental. Being on board means you’re never more than 10 to 15 centimetres from the water. I like clean,

Valerio Rivellini, born in 1978, founded the Naples studio in 2009. These images show the variety of the designer’s nautical production. Below, the 8.5 metre gozzo Libeccio 8.5 Classic by Cantiere Mimì and the Velar 70. Top, left, a rendering of the Vita 78, a 70-metre model with open stern and sea-level terrace, and the Evo R6 Open. Rivellini also handles industrial and car design


A real All-rounder Having cut his design teeth in the car world, Guido de Groot has devoted himself to yachts in all their incarnations since 1997, penning everything from futuristic fast cruisers to leisurely displacement craft by Mary Hegarty- ph. courtesy of Guido de Groot


The two extremes of the De Groot design spectrum. Above, the futuristic Vanquish V80 sport fishing boat is in build as the chase boat for the 60m Skyfall. Below, the classic 110m Oceanco concept opens up the sides as well as the stern and bow areas to guests


uido de Groot barely has time to catch his breath these

says, crediting his seven years with car giant Citroen not merely for

days. “I’m very surprised, to be honest,” he says of the

his project management skills but his design approach. “It gave me a

flood of orders over the last six months. While the Dutch

good background in understanding shapes and proportions. A lot of

designer attributes the influx in part to the impending Tier

yachts are only designed in terms of their side view. Ours are all desi-

3 emissions regulations, he also maintains that despite the Covid-19

gned all around,” he points out. “Everything we do has to still please

global crisis, owners are confident a semblance of normality will have

the eye in 20 years’ time too.” The current extremes of the De Groot

returned by the time their new beauties launch.

design spectrum are epitomised by the VQ80, in build as the chase

Heading a team of eight designers, De Groot is a serious international

boat for the 60m Project Skyfall, and a 110m concept for Oceanco.

contender, working with both individual owners, and yards like Van-

“We were asked if we could turn a Vanquish into a sport fishing boat.

quish, Oceanco, Fincantieri Yachts, Mulder, AB Yachts and De Vries.

We rethought everything about the way a fisherman should look.

His studio has literally penned it all. “We are extremely versatile in

Form does follow function but the result is a very exciting design. As

both exterior and interior design: sailing yachts, displacement yachts,

the chase boat for Skyfall, it also has a lot of amenities too, including

fast cruisers, futuristic craft. We take on projects of all kinds so long

space for four guests plus a really nice master cabin. Very large Cat

as we have the freedom to do something special,” he says. “It is im-

engines give a speed of over 50 knots too,” he tells us. The timeless

portant we enjoy what we are doing”. De Groot also relishes working

110m Oceanco concept is a complete contrast, effortlessly mixing

with yards to shape their identity, citing Vanquish, Van der Valk and

classic round shapes and stretched lines. “We did a lot of work on

Mulder. “We help them present themselves better to the market.

the exterior decks with wide walkarounds and extra entertaining

When you see them becoming very successful, it is very rewarding,”

areas on the sides, including balconies,” says De Groot. The beach

he smiles. “We started out working mostly in Italy. This attracted

club runs from the engine room to the transom with a sunken seating

clients – they knew that if a Dutch designer was working there, they

area under the large main deck whirlpool tub to optimise space. T-

must be good!” De Groot shops around for the right yard on behalf

wo very different yachts united by a uniquely De Groot harmony of

of owners too: “Vanadis was built at CCN, now part of Baglietto,” he

proportion and design.


Custom with Nautical Rigour The owner has a dream and, without losing sight of the yacht’s essence and its inviolable technical specifications, Andrea Pezzini is transforming it into reality. The most recent launch is the first 38-model in the new FL series by Paola Bertelli ph. courtesy of FL/scoobyart 54

A CFD simulation of the hull of the new 38-metre yacht, created to optimise hydrodynamic drag performance. Above, the imposing bow has two enormous windows that bring the sea into the owner’s cabin located forward


iving and working with the sea in all its aspects, Andrea

are all essentially tough, stable, well-built yachts that can handle anything

Pezzini is one of those rare professionals who has sso many

the weather throws at them. The hull design, the only aspect where no

worthwhile things to say on a whole range of maritime

compromises are accepted, is optimised on the basis of its shape and

subjects. He has worked in the sector for 40 years, first as a

centre of gravity which is clearly defined in the overall design.

designer, then production manager and now project manager for some

Now in the pipeline is a 38-metre model, the first of the new FL series.

of the most important yards. Salt water runs in his veins. “At home I have

The project was brought into being in collaboration a fresh pair of hands,

an octant that belonged to one of my forebears in the early 1800s and my

as Pezzini believes in and seeks out young partners and their sparkling

childhood memories are of being aboard a sailing yacht with my grandfa-

ideas. This has led to the involvement of Satura Studio for general design

ther”. Alongside Barbara Tambani, he founded Floating Life in 2002, a

and Zero13 for hull analysis. Large shapes and volumes create a balan-

company based in Switzerland specialising in superyacht management,

ced layout over five decks, including an under lower deck, an unusual

charter, sales and design. His approach to design is very clear. “Some

feature for a 38 metre. “The under lower deck with engine room and all

years ago I made the decision to interpret the mental image owners have

the technical equipment is my signature design, a concept I believe in

of their yacht, that’s why ours are so special and have a non-standard

deeply. It makes it possible to manage maintenance and repair while at

design. I’m not a designer in order to sell my lines, I prefer to customise

sea, without disturbing the owner”, Pezzinin explains. The two owner’s

each project and turn my clients’ dreams into reality”.

cabins are designed to enjoy a close relationship with the sea – one will

How do the Floating life projects come into being? It all starts with a

have direct access to the beach area and the other – a full-beam cabin

meeting with the owner and presenting a series of hand-drawn sketches.

– will be located in the bows, providing a clear lateral view of the sea.

“We have a long and detailed discussion and eventually I present some

The high bow recalling explorer yacht design prevents the creation of a

sketches where I attempt to translate the owner’s words into the kind of

forward view of the exterior. The interior decor has yet to be developed.

yacht he or she wants”. Andrea Pezzini took these requirements and drew

“The first sketches that I present will reflect my style. I love colour - I

the hull superstructure lines and shapes. His yachts always reflect the fact

often use shades to harmonise with at least one well-defined base colour

that he’s a mariner – they are designed for safe sailing and to provide an

and I choose soft interiors with a nautical feel. Then there’s light, a key

exciting experience of the sea, remaining only rarely in port. We can label

element that must be handled carefully. The yacht should never feel

them explorers, long range cruising yachts or something similar, but they

dark, but neither should we go over the top”.


Moonstruck by Starlight This lovely six-deck effortlessly embodies Franck Darnet’s core “art of space” and “a la carte” concepts in bespoke interiors that meld timeless elegance and contemporary styling to create a bright, expansive appeal


by Mary Hegarty

or the last 20 years, Franck Darnet and his 7-strong design team have been crafting a mix of custom and production yachts, spanning everything from the Bénéteau 57 to Privilege’s luxury cats and the recent 64m M/Y Atomic for VSY. Every single craft to

come off the drawing board of the Nantes studio is instilled with round the world sailor Darnet’s core “art of space” and “a la carte” concepts: bright, livable interiors with a spacious, uncluttered appeal thanks to optimal sight lines and perspectives. Timeless elegance is another signature, best embodied by the wonderfully taut lines clothing Darnet’s largest custom project yet, the 86m M/Y Starlight. In the latter’s interiors, skillful lighting and design continue that sense of enduring chic and meld it with contemporary styling. Darnet’s “art of space” philosophy is raised to new heights as the motoryacht also has the capability and comfort for long passage making in all kinds of seas, and one of the largest beach clubs on the market at over 100 sqm of space with two astonishing underwater observatories/lounges. The spaces feel clean and luxurious at once. The main saloon’s social area is refreshingly bright with large open-plan

Franck Darnet has

areas. White dominates but gold decorated panels, silvery contemporary

worked with some big

finishes, and exquisite fabrics complement its pristine coolness. Both the

names over the last

main and owner’s saloons afford awe-inspiring 270° views aft and ceilings

22 years, including

are exceptionally high, imbuing the interiors with a sense of airy breadth.

Bénéteau, but Starlight

Once again on the “a la carte” front, the atrium has a unique moving

is his boldest project yet.

platform between the main and upper saloons that creates a lounge, an

Above, the superyacht’s

entertainment or cinema at will. The owner’s foredeck has a reassuringly

saloon opens on the

secluded private al fresco terrace plus a spa pool. There is also direct access

aft deck with its 17 sqm

to the helipad and to a romantic and unusual love nest in the bow with

swimming pool

a spectacular panoramic forward-facing window. Last but very far from least, a 7 sqm swimming pool aft on the main deck, provides welcome respite on hotter days.



Evolving Tradition fficina Italiana Design has penned the exterior lines and interiors of every Riva model launched over the last quarter century. The studio’s interior and industrial design work also extends to bespoke projects for individual clients, no-

tably in the megayacht arena. Clean lines, meticulous attention to detail, beautifully balanced volumes and cleverly selected materials and colours remain the studio’s trademarks. The resulting elegantly innovative yet

Since it was founded 26 years ago by Mauro Micheli and Sergio Beretta, Officina Italiana Design has been evolving the look of the legendary Rivas, most recently the Riva 88’ Folgore

timeless designs both reflect Riva tradition and constantly reinvent it. This is particularly true of the new Riva 88’ Folgore, which splashed in May. “The yard wanted a yacht the same size as the hugely successful Riva 88’ Domino. As always, we were given carte blanche and so we used that model as a starting point but completely redesigned the lines,” explained Chief Designer Mauro Micheli who co-founded the studio with Sergio Beretta. The Riva 88’ Folgore does not sully the brand’s signature lines as it still incorporates certain Dolceriva styling cues. However, it also drives Riva’s new look forward and brings much of its own to the party. Styling and graphic flourishes are the focal point, in fact. Two simple yet striking lines run along the Folgore’s profile, in a nod to Officina Italiana Design’s stylistic rigour. The slight reverse-angle of the windshield provides another twist. Like the Dolceriva, the hull windows sweep along its silvery flank like a deft upward black pencil stroke, while a new hatch can either act as a 6 sqm beach club or submerge to launch the tender. “The Riva 88’ Folgore is a seafaring coupé for fast, comfortable, stylish cruising. It will definitely stand out from the crowd,” smiles Sergio Beretta, adding that the yard recently invested in sophisticated new software to incorporate virtual reality into its already leading-edge creative process, ensuring its designs will be as close as possible to the real thing from the outset. So

Top, the stunning Riva 88’ Folgore epitomises and evolves both OID’s

who knows what awaits in the very near future?

design rigour and Riva tradition. Above, Officina Italiana Design was

We can’t wait to find out!

founded in Bergamo in 1994 by Sergio Beretta and Mauro Micheli


A meeting of Different Worlds by Désirée Sormani

LEL, the new motoryacht from Luca Dini Design & Architecture, drew on supercar design but also offers residential-style accomodations and sailing inspirations. A unique beauty is born


estling in Florence’s glorious historic centre, the Luca Dini Design & Architecture studio draws inspiration from many difference sources, to produce not just stunning superyachts but also urban plans, retail spaces, yacht clubs and luxury private

homes. Under the watchful of Luca Dini, a team of architects, yacht desi-

gners, interior designers, naval and civil engineers mould the concepts of innovation, functionality and aesthetics into unique results. Dini has been working with all of the big names in the yachting industry since 1996, not least Heesen, Amels, Benetti, Rossinavi, Codecasa, Tankoa, Mondomarine

Above, the SUV-inspired

and Columbus. He crafts bespoke designs for courageous, imaginative ow-

80m LEL delivered to

ners, and also creates stunning one-offs for yards, such as the Admiral Sea

her owner in June. Her

Force and the Mondomarine Tribù.

sailing-inspired features

LEL, a 50m motoryacht built by Rossinavi, was delivered to her owner

include a cockpit opened

only last June. Clothed in Dini’s signature exterior lines, his stamp is also

aft. Opposite, Luca Dini,

tangible on her layout and interiors. The owner’s brief was for a sporty

a yacht design legend

Italian-looking boat with the volumes and convenience of a home. “We

since 1987, has over

were inspired by high-performance SUVs like the recent ones unveiled by

3,000m of superyachts

supercar manufaturers,” Dini tells us. “Crossover vehicles combining spa-

designs afloat

ce and comfort even on long journeys. This means the shapes are fluid, dynamic, with a silhouette articulated by horizontal lines on the decks to accentuate the craft’s momentum.” LEL’s contemporary interiors are awash with light oak paired with tone-on-tone leather to create a warm, welcoming ambience. “We did extensive resarch to create airy settings with in&out functionality, as in the upper deck dining, which can become an additional interior space, thanks to a veranda of sliding glass panels on three sides,” notes the architect who is also a huge sailing world fan. In fact, the end of the main deck cockpit is entirely open, as per modern sailing yachts, while the forward cockpit is a split-level terrace that affords stunning sea views from a different perspective.


Nome e cognome della barca

d Ma e

to measure Cutting-edge, integrated technology for safe, uncomplicated sailing, plus refined products and furnishing complements made to suit the owner’s wishes and requirements, making the yacht an increasingly personal possession


A Personal Passion by Mary Hegarty

OT is acknowledged as the benchmark for bespoke megayacht carpets. Now Oliver Treutlein explains why the world’s most discerning clients return again and again


liver Treutlein carpets may be absolutely bespoke, but they are almost ubiquitous in the notoriously exacting megayacht sector, gracing the Blohm+Voss 162.5m Eclipse and the 80m Excellence and 90m Aviva, both

built by Abeking Rasmussen. In fact, the German company partnered with no less than 35 shipyards in the last year alone. It is a favourite with the likes of LĂźrssen, Heesen and Oceanco as well as with the great Italian names. So what is the secret of the astonishing international success of a relatively small family-run business? When we spoke to Oliver Trautlein, who founded OT Carpets 40 years ago, he


was in no doubt, immediately referencing the two Ps: Personal and Passion: “When we meet owners new to the megayacht market, they ask for our catalogue and I tell them we don’t have a catalogue. Each project is personal to each client. A completely individual one-off solution,” declares the ultra-discreet Treutlein who won’t mention any specifics about current projects. “I visit the yard or the owner’s designer and we start working out a predesign. So the entire process handled very personally,” he continues. Which brings us to passion… “We are not a corporation with a department that focuses on costs and growing profits. Our focus is to make the client happy, to provide the best service and the best quality,” Treutlein says, pointing out that OT is a family business in which both his wife and daughter work. “All our carpets are fitted by our own team too. Our installers are not normal employees – they share the same passion. Many have been with us for 20 years, and go back again and again to our clients: some of the yacht owners know the installers better than me!” he laughs. The one-piece corridor carpets for the 141m Yas, for instance, are 60m long, while a modern megayacht saloon can require up to 1.2 tonnes of carpet, again all in one piece. OT creations are stretched by hand on gripper bars which, combined with a luxury underlay, im-

This page and opposite: three examples of OT’s creations. Natural materials – silk, bamboo, linen – deliver playful contrasts of matt and sheen, creating interesting visuals, attractive textures and a sublime tactile experience. All in the soft muted hues currently in vogue

proves soundproofing, extends lifespan and, very importantly, feels sumptuously soft underfoot. All are made using ethically sourced natural materials – wool, silk, bamboo, linen, viscose with cotton and natural latex backings - and coloured with natural dyes where possible. As a result, they are not only exceptionally hardwearing but also fully biodegradable. Trends are slower to change in carpet world, but Treutlein has noticed a shift in the tastes of both designers and clients: “People want softness and luxury: wool and silk. They like texture now too, rather than patterns. They love the brilliance of the materials”.


Mapping the World by Paola Bertelli - ph. coutesy of C-Map

Increasingly mobile and user friendly, as C-MAP renews its navigation app while awaiting the launch of the brand’s new cartographic format

T 62

he app market shows no sign of slowing down, and for

nate finding. Marine weather forecasting has also been upgraded to

many brands – including yacht builders - it’s a source of

two or five days, displaying meteorological conditions and thousands

some very attractive opportunities. Mobile device users are

of POIs (Points of Interest) provided for the user through a collabora-

also a target for C-MAP, which is revamping and renaming

tion with the Navily social media cruising guide.

its cartographic “Boating App”, which aims to provide an increasingly

“The app is an intuitive, mobile method for sea voyagers to access C-

comprehensive and exciting navigation experience. It is now availa-

MAP’s sector-leading cartographic offer”, says Massimiliano Cecchini,

ble in six languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish and

executive vice-president of C-MAP. “By providing the right informa-

Norwegian), and as well as the upgrades offered by high-res mapping,

tion before, during and after sailing we enables users to be confident

there are also new instruments for distance measurement and coordi-

in their decisions and enjoy a stress-free nautical experience, wherever

Opposite, Massimiliano Cecchini, executive vice-president of C-MAP. Since 1985 C-Map has become one of the most important digital marine cartography brands. The most recent version of its C-MAP MAX N+ charts is the result of a series of upgrades and updates with even more detailed port maps

they’re headed”. But something even more important for the C-MAP

initiative launched at the beginning of the year and enthusiastically

brand is set to launch next year. “We’re updating our mapping”, Mas-

supported by Navico Group CEO Knut Frostad.

similiano Cecchini continues. “It will also be used within the app, and

Founded in 1985, C-MAP has played a crucial role in the history of

lies at the heart of the app itself”. We see this new type of mapping

digital nautical mapping, a story made up of brilliant ideas and in-

as the format of the future”. As well as featuring more attractive and

novations. In 1986 the company introduced the OEM (Original Em-

clearer graphics it will also be entirely streamable – delivered via the

bedded Manufacture) service and began to develop mapping and

web, in other words – and this will give users the same graphic format

the third party instrumentation needed to make use of it. In 1993

on the various touch points of plotter, mobile, tablet and computer. “It

it introduced the CM 93 commercial format, with the NT format

will initially be released on the app and will arrive on the market in the

arriving in 1995, C-MAP MAX in 2000 and four years later 4D, the

first half of 2021. One of the benefits of being 100 per cent streamable

three-dimensional cartography still used on Furuno and Raymarine

is that we’ll be able roll out updates in real time, or at least with very

devices. In 2018 it became part of the Navico Group, the marine

little delay. You’ll be constantly up to date when sailing”.

electronics giant and parent company of the Lowrance, Simrad

These important steps are part of the C-MAP brand enhancement

Yachting, B&G and C-MAP brands.

App Boating enables users to sail using high-res charts. It is available in six languages and covers thousands of points of interest like ports, shops and beaches. Can be accessed via mobile phone, tablet and laptop


Selective Intelligence by Paola Bertelli- ph. courtesy of Simrad

Command is the new integration and control system by Simrad. A latest generation data capture and processing unit that can optimise the potential of the entire on-board instrumentation suite


he challenge is to create an individual helm station experience in the wheelhouse for every superyacht, providing skippers with only the information that’s useful at any given moment,

when they need it”. The concept goes beyond simple integration. Ba-

cked by 20 years of experience at Naviop (acquired in 2017 by Navico), Gabriele Gatta, global integration leader for Navico, has a very clear idea of what a superyacht control console should be. First of all, the flood of information that is communicated to the bridge on a modern yacht must be displyed in a straightforward, intuitive way


Simrad Yachting designs and manufactures navigation systems, autopilots, radar, communications and fish finders. Command is an integration and control system that helps captains take full advantage of increasingly hitech craft, from megayachts to much smaller models. Opposite page, Gabriele Gatta, global

Martina Orsini

Martina Orsini

integration leader for Navico

and managed logically. “You see some displays dotted with countless

supports captains and owners without detracting from the pleasure

icons, making it hard for skipper and owner to take it all in”, says Ga-

of sailing. In both sectors there is an increasing need for on-board

briele Gatta. “We want to be selective. If you’re moored up, for exam-

assistance, solutions that help skippers to take full advantage of incre-

ple, there’s no need for the engine graphics to be displayed but battery

asingly hi-tech craft, from megayachts to much smaller models.

condition is important, but if you’re dropping anchor you won’t be

“We’re always researching new, unique solutions for the different yards

interested in the radar but depth and engine management are crucial”.

we work with in co-design. About forty engineers work in our Super

In other words, the trend is towards increasingly smart integration,

Yacht Division. It’s a heavyweight division backed up by a dedicated

and Simrad’s Command is a modular system designed to optimise

24hr service. It can be accessed remotely from all our yachts, ena-

instrument integration. This system makes use of the information it

bling owners and skippers solve problems and help understand the

also receives from installations on board – engine, air conditioning,


batteries, electrical equipment, domotics, entertainment – and proces-

Increasing integration has led to new designs for the helm station,

ses them. The system can carry out safety checks or ensure the yacht

which is looking increasingly futuristic, and optimisation of wheelhou-

reacts independently in some situations. It is a genuine management

se spaces, “The old-style control consoles were anything from 01.5 to

system. For example, if you are sailing at a certain speed and you want

2 metres long, and were packed with video screens and yacht mana-

reach a particular point, the system can “talk” with the skipper and

gement gear. Simrad has moved on to a box that’s a little smaller than

suggest slowing down if too much fuel is being consumed.

a computer but offers extra performance”. And it’s the performance

This is possible because Simrad Command monitors and controls all

that’s so amazing, especially the processing and data display speed of

the on-board functions that calculate the correct regime – engine,

the new systems.

charts and fuel tank. The system is inspired by the automotive world

“The new S series is incredibly fast, it’s an amazing step forward,

- the grand dream of constructing a totally autonomous vehicle is

its processors and software provide super-professional performance”,

translated by the yacht-building industry into a control platform that

Gatta concludes.


Sliding Doors by Paola Bertelli - ph. courtesy of Bertazzoni Icm

The pleasure of lifting things and people is embodied by the elevators produced by Bertazzoni Lift Marine and ICM Lift Marine. A perfect synthesis of form and function


hey entered the nautical world by developing a small dumb waiter, but now make more incredible, spectacular elevators. We’re talking about the Bertazzoni Lift Marine company founded by Ezio Bertazzoni, based in Tuscany and

specialising in the installation and servicing of terrestrial and marine elevator systems, and ICM Lift Marine whose engineering team and top-flight production unit have for 15 years been working to provide a bespoke product for the owners of the world’s most beautiful yachts. An on-board elevator is now a must-have and should never go unnoticed


on a superyacht. It’s should be a feature that provides a wow factor

the central direct push piston and position it to the side, and to do this

rather than a furnishing element that is perfectly integrated into the

ICM developed a special arch. Every yacht is a challenge, owners and

interior design.

designers are demanding and require unique products”.

Circular, square, panoramic, in steel, glass and materials like marble,

The ability to deploy innovative solutions has been the key to working

fabric, leather and LEDs. “For us, every yacht presents a challenge. It’s

with so many yards, together with the Bertazzoni’s location in Viareggio,

not just a question of materials”, says Massimo Bezzi, CEO of ICM, “It’s

the heartland of international yachtbuilding. In fact, in summer 2020

the overall architectural result that counts, and to achieve that we often

yards like Benetti, Sanlorenzo, Cerri, Baglietto, Codecasa, Rossinavi,

have to deal with small spaces that have been specified. Sometimes this

Nuovi Cantieri Apuani, VSY, Custom Line and CRN launched yachts

doesn’t take account of the physical, technical and regulatory requi-

whose length totals almost 700 metres.

rements of the product we’re going to instal. But we find the solutions

These projects were intensely demanding. “On one 75-metre model

in the end”.

we’ve reached a total of twenty-two revisions”, says Massimo Bezzi,

“Making 100% custom products, designed for every individual ow-

“This elevator will have special LEDs in the thickness of the glass to

ner, is our trump card”, says Gianluca Bertazzoni, CEO of Bertazzoni

create a barrier of light”. The LEDs will backlight “woven glass”, where

Lift Marine, “The pop-up elevator that appears like magic from a unit

fabric is placed between two plates of glass, and these pieces must be

on the sun deck, for example, was inspired by the requirements of an

certified and approved for use”, says Gianluca Bertazzoni.

owner who wanted to watch the sunset from the sundeck, and use a

They are not daunted by challenges as these – in fact, they only go to

lift to get up there. For one 60-metre the architect wanted to highlight

hone the skills and abilities of these Made in Italy companies, which

a mosaic wall in the stair well, so we were asked to move the elevator

work in perfect synergy to find the correct technical response to refined,

guides so they wouldn’t interfere visually. Another particularly complex

demanding requirements.

installation was a circular lift where space limitations forced us to shift

The lift on the Sanlorenzo 64-metre Attila (above), is a crystal cube; to side, the 63-metre Atomic by VSY features a square unit. Further right, the pop-up elevator. Opposite page: Gianluca Bertazzoni and Massimo Bezzi, CEO of Bertazzoni Lift Marine and ICM Lift Marine respectively. Top, the circular elevator on Rossinavi’s new 50-metre superyacht


Bridging the Tech Gap by Mary Hegarty- ph. courtesy of Team Italia

The integrated electronic nav system supplier of choice for megayachts, Team Italia turns 20 this year with a string of new conquests, including new 50 metres Riva Race and Sanlorenzo’s 44Alloy


eam Italia is celebrating two decades of business success that have turned it into go-to supplier of integrated electronic navigation solutions with over 500 megayacht projects completed. Its legendary i-Bridge® and i-Chart®

products seamlessly integrate multiple must-have systems, providing a fast, user-friendly, safety-focused interface. This complex process demands meticulous planning and skill. “There must be a TEAM and an organisation that can follow every phase of an integrated project

TEAM Italia’s iconic

day,” explains CEO Massimo Minnella who founded the company

i-Bridge® and i-Chart®

with Technical Manager Daniele Ceccani. Entirely Italian owned

products seamlessly

with five offices now spread along Italy’s Adriatic and Tyrrhenian

integrate multiple

coastlines, Team Italia enjoys an international reputation, thanks to

systems into a single

carefully selected international partners who help deliver its services

fast, user-friendly,

to the global luxury yachting market. All of its bridges are entirely


developed and rigorously tested in-house to guarantee exceptional

interface. This year,

user-friendliness and straightforward onboard systems management.

32 superyachts will

This is achieved in no small part due to the integrated monitoring

explore the world’s

systems developed by Onyx Marine Automation, another Team Italia

seas with the help of

company. Many i-Bridge® models have a transparent Head Up display

the Italian company’s

that can overlay data onto the actual navigation screen. The I-Bridge®

systems, each

Air Wings, on the other hand, is a nav-com integrated solution desig-

one incorporating

ned specifically for megayachts that combines distributed electronics


with an advanced panoramic wheelhouse design. This year, no less

complex technologies,

than 32 superyachts are safely plying the world’s seas with the help

individually planned

of Team Italia integrated bridges, most notably Sanlorenzo’s new

and tested in-house before installation


as technology is becoming increasingly complex with every passing

flagship, the 64m MY Attila, Benetti’s 70m FB273 and the 107m MY IJE, and the beautiful Riva 50 Metres Race. The latest edition to the TEAM Italia fleet is the new stunning 44Alloy by Sanlorenzo.

An exciting window on the exclusive world of Megayachts, Design and Lifestyle

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