PlayBoard Annual review 2001

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Children Learn What They Live If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy. If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, He learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice. If a child lives with security, He learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, He learns to find love in the world.

Chief Executive's Report It is a great honour for me as the newly appointed Chief Executive of PlayBoard to organise the 2001 Annual Review and AGM at PlayBoard. PlayBoard is now 16 years old and has definitely ‘come of age’ as play has been included in the Programme for Government. Overall, this has been a year of many changes with many valuable and long-serving staff and Board members moving on to a wide range of challenges, and some new faces arriving - my own included – along with some baby arrivals for members of staff. To make room for all new arrivals and to allow the organisation to develop its potential, PlayBoard opened a new training suite in June. The second floor extension was grant-aided by the Department of Education and Learning - a huge ‘thank you’ to them for investing in PlayBoard. More good news for PlayBoard came when the agency was designated as an Intermediary Funding Body for Peace II for Measure 1.5, focusing on mainstreaming the PlayCare Initiative. We also hope to develop our relationship with the Childcare Partnerships and the New Opportunities Fund through the work of our Out of Schools Hours Childcare Team. Next year we look forward to rolling out our Quality Assurance Programme and developing our membership and services to the Play Community. “The right to play is a child’s first claim in their community. No community can infringe that right without doing deep and enduring harm to minds and bodies of its citizens.” Lloyd George (1924) Marguerite Hunter Blair (Chief Executive)

Chairman's Report PlayBoard experienced another year of great change in 2001. The agency recruited a new Chief Executive in Marguerite Hunter Blair, whose drive and vision will help direct PlayBoard’s work in improving both the quality of children’s lives in general, and their play opportunities in particular. PlayBoard’s stance in campaigning for a Children’s Commissioner paid dividends this year when the Northern Ireland Assembly announced plans to consult on the establishment of a Commissioner’s office here. PlayBoard will continue to be involved in the development of key policies impacting on children’s lives, including plans for a Northern Ireland Children’s Strategy for 2002. The key priority for PlayBoard in the coming year is again to identify sources of core funding. The agency’s current standards of excellence continue to be challenged through lack of core funding and recognition from government departments. I am confident, however, that PlayBoard’s work with government departments will provide the opportunity to put children at the centre of building peace and prosperity for our communities by stimulating creativity and confidence in our children. Thanks to all of you who have supported PlayBoard through another year of achievement and I wish the agency all the best in tackling the challenges and opportunities that 2002 has in store. Prior to Marguerite’s arrival at PlayBoard, Board member Billy Boyd acted as Executive Director, providing support to staff and making sure the work of the agency continued apace. Sincere thanks to Billy for his valuable contribution during what was a time of upheaval and uncertainty for staff. Conor MacSherry (Chair)


The PlayCare Team The main achievements for the PlayCare Team for 2001 include: * * * *



assisted 40 playwork candidates in successfully completing their NVQ award across both Level 2 and Level 3 continued to support the 112 operational clubs funded under the PlayCare Initiative helped 22 clubs access approximately £300,000 gap funding continued to actively develop partnerships with playworkers by: * holding 26 network meetings across Northern Ireland * inviting guest speakers to attend network meetings * networking with the Training Team to deliver training sessions supporting PlayClubs by: * carrying out support visits to all PlayClubs * sitting on interview panels for recruitment within clubs * advising management committees on management issues * helping playworkers to identify training gaps and advising them on direction * disseminated relevant information on best practice to PlayClubs through mail-outs sustainability: * worked closely with Out of School Hours Childcare Development Officers to help PlayClubs to access New Opportunities Fund * helped PlayClubs to look at other sources of funding * advised PlayClubs on appropriate marketing strategies to ensure long-term sustainability * worked on the application form and guidelines for Peace II

Training Unit

B Y A L P Over the past 12 months, the Training Team have achieved the following objectives: * * * * *

assisted 40 playwork candidates in successfully completing their NVQ award across both Level 2 and Level 3 successfully piloted the ‘Introduction to Playwork’ course in the Southern Board area, with nine playworkers gaining OCN accreditation at Level 2 forged a number of cross-border links through the delivery of training sessions and representation on the Working Party for School-Age Childcare reviewed training partnerships, helping to direct future work as new NVQ classes are planned for the autumn/winter term continued to establish working partnerships with key agencies across the 0-14 services sector

Training Matters

The training department at PlayBoard can tailor and deliver sessions or courses to meet your individual needs and requirements, as we work together to enhance the quality of children’s lives through play. PlayBoard currently offer training on all aspects of children’s play including:* Introduction to Playwork (11 sessions) * NVQ Level 2 Playwork (35 sessions) * NVQ Level 3 Playwork (52 sessions)

as * * * * *

well as the following short courses:What is Play? Programme Planning Equal Opportunities Arts & Crafts Child Protection

* * * * *

The Role of the Playworker Games Promoting Positive Relationships Basic Administration Quality Assurance

Calendar of Training Events A ‘Calendar of Training Events’ is planned for the coming year, which will highlight the proposed courses for your area. Booking information and further details will be available from January 2002. Additional information on all courses is available from the Training Development Officers at Belfast and Armagh.

PlayBoard Training Rooms PlayBoard would like to enable other organisations to benefit from the excellent training facilities we have on site, therefore we are offering the training rooms for hire at the following rates: Training Suite

Members: £20 per session / Non-Members: £25 per session (max. 60 participants - Morning, afternoon or evening sessions available)

Training Room

£7.50 per hour (max. 15 participants)

D R A O B Board Room

£5.00 per hour (max. 15 participants)

Bookings can be made by contacting Deborah Judge. Tel: 028 9080 3380 Fax: 028 9080 3381

Out of School Hours Childcare Team

Since April 1999, the New Opportunities Fund “Out of School Hours Childcare” initiative has gone from strength to strength.

With the support of our development officers, 7,226 new childcare places have been created through grants amounting to £4,007,591. These figures confirm that we are on target within each of the four Board areas to meet the objectives set out in “Children First”, the Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy.

The Out of School Hours Childcare Team at PlayBoard have worked at a local level to support 130 groups as they planned provision, accessed the funding and started delivering the places. Witnessing the vision of a community transformed into a reality has been a privilege. We continue to assist these and other communities as they realise their aspirations. The New Opportunities Fund have changed their criteria considerably since 1999. Initially the Fund was only open to projects that were creating new places; this automatically excluded those time-limited projects that were in effect at risk of closure if financially unaided. Many groups had difficulties with this and other original criteria as set by NOF. Development Officers related these concerns to NOF and as a result NOF have reviewed their policy to include funding those who had reached the end of time-bound funding as well as delivering longer term funding for those projects in the most disadvantaged communities.

As a team we are indebted to the co-ordinators and Chairs from each of the four Childcare Partnerships who we have worked closely with over the last 18 months. We are seeing at first hand the difference that the New Opportunities Fund is making in neighbourhoods throughout the area and we value the support of NOF’s office in Belfast. From Portaferry to Portadown, from Donemana to Draperstown, communities are building in capacity as they deliver much needed services to their neighbourhood.


Information Unit The past year has been a busy year – again – for PlayBoard’s Information Unit, especially on the children’s policy front. The year got off to a great start with the announcement from the Northern Ireland Assembly that the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister had committed themselves, in principle, to the creation of a Children’s Commissioner for Northern Ireland. This was literally the culmination of years of work for PlayBoard and numerous children’s organisations who had been campaigning for independent representation for children within Northern Ireland’s political structures under the guise of Putting Children First. As part of the preconsultation exercise, PlayBoard was nominated to sit on a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Forum, set up to offer advice and guidance to OFMDFM on the appointment of a Commissioner and the development of the Northern Ireland Children’s Strategy. Along with other organisations, PlayBoard also gave evidence to the Committee of the Centre at Stormont and made a presentation to Assembly Members and party workers in the Long Gallery, also around the issue of the Commissioner. PlayBoard is also a member of an All-Party Children’s Group at Stormont, made up of representatives from children’s organisations and political parties, to ensure children’s issues are kept high on the political agenda. Years of work also paid off on the Home Zone front, with the contractor finally starting work at the beginning of the summer. When completed, the pilot Home Zone in the New Lodge area of north Belfast will offer safe play opportunities for children in the streets where they live, as well as enhancing the local environment and improving quality of life for all residents. The Executive have stated that the evaluation of the New Lodge Home Zone will influence decisions as to whether the concept should be extended to other housing developments. In anticipation of this, PlayBoard is supporting a number of residents groups, community associations and local Councils who are all interested in developing Home Zones in their areas. The Information & Campaigns Officer also represented PlayBoard on a committee set up to advise the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission on the specific inclusion of children’s rights within a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland.

B Y A L P PlayBoard’s Information Unit continued to receive and process requests for information on a variety of issues, including the issue of environmental play which is high on the list of priorities for community groups providing for children’s play. It is hoped to relaunch PlayBoard’s reference library in the new year, helping us to help our members gather information and research on issues impacting on children’s play.

Finance & Monitoring Team

The Finance and Monitoring Team have continued to monitor those projects funded under Peace 1. Work has been progressing on the winding up of grant awards under Peace 1. The later part of this year has mainly seen the preparation of final claims and the release of final payments.

The PlayBoard Finance and Monitoring Team have also been monitoring gap funding on behalf of DEL. In addition to this, the team have been preparing for the monitoring of Peace II funding. This has involved external training in funding regulations and it is hoped that we will be able to pass this information onto projects, during workshops/training sessions when Peace II funding is eventually released. The team has also continued to provide a full financial support service to the organisation.

Quality Counts If you tried to list ‘building blocks of quality’ you would almost certainly include – shared aims and objectives, committed staff, quality assurance, accessibility, equal opportunity, good practice, clear policies, training and qualifications, etc… Playwork quality assurance is a process for improving the quality of children’s play experiences in a range of play settings, and thereby, assuring the highest quality of experiences for children in those settings. Why Develop a Quality Assurance Scheme? With the expansion of ‘out of school’ provision, we believe that clubs and their users want to aim for even higher standards of quality in the care they offer. The quality assurance scheme has been developed to help clubs and providers achieve the best standards of provision for children, young people, parents and the wider community. How Can Quality Be Identified? Quality can be identified in a variety of factors:* the environment of a club * premises * materials * equipment * general atmosphere * the behaviour of staff towards each other and towards the children, young people and parents * the communication between managers, staff, volunteers, children, young people and parents * verbal contact * handouts * letters and notices * consultation with children, young people, parents * the capability for maintaining and improving quality * staffing and procedures * training * routines * meetings * financial systems * management arrangements * clear values which lead to quality * policies and procedures * belief in the value of play * commitment to quality * The scheme has three levels of quality which clubs can achieve * Level 1 - Bronze * Level 2 - Silver * Level 3 – Gold.

D R A O B The PlayBoard ‘Quality Assurance Scheme’ will be available from January 2002. Clubs interested in registering for the scheme should contact - Deborah Judge: Tel. 028 9080 3380 Fax. 028 9080 3381 WE MUST MAKE QUALITY OUR PRIORITY IN 2002 AS WE STRIVE TO MAKE QUALITY COUNT!

Sources of Income Year ended 31 March 2001


Childcare Partnerships

District Partnerships DSS:- Local Authority Training & Employment Agency Youth Council for NI Training for Women Network Proteus Membership Fees Conference Fees Consultancy Sponsorship Rent Group Insurance Miscellaneous Income Play for Peace Total

173,755 8,822 20,374 1,402,278 57,832 10,029 77,574 5,330 8,530 4,568 27,723 7,940 8,579 8,351 29,165 1,850,850

PlayBoard Staff Team (as at November 2001)

Marguerite Hunter Blair Suzanne Bergin . . . . . . . Joan Blain . . . . . . . . . . . Caroline Butler . . . . . . . Tracey Gibson . . . . . . . . Janette Gray . . . . . . . . . Barbara Hawkes . . . . . Claire Houston . . . . . . . . Deborah Judge . . . . . . . Kim Leebody . . . . . . . . . Louise McAree . . . . . . . . Seamus McCann . . . . . . Joan McGrath . . . . . . . . Siobhan McGrath . . . . . Joanne Magee . . . . . . . . Caroline Mills . . . . . . . . . Maura Moore . . . . . . . . Jennifer Murphy . . . . . . Ruth Murphy . . . . . . . . Ciara Murray . . . . . . . . . Mia Murray . . . . . . . . . . Lisa O’Connor . . . . . . . . Jackie O’Loughlin . . . . . Anne Rafferty . . . . . . . . Angela Stallard . . . . . . . Mairead Watters . . . . . .

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.Chief Executive .Out of School Hours Childcare Development .Training Team Leader .Administration Assistant (PlayCare) .Finance & Administration Assistant .PlayCare Development Officer .Out of School Hours Childcare Development .Receptionist .Administration Assistant (Training) .Out of School Hours Childcare Development .Finance & Monitoring Team Leader .Finance & Monitoring Officer .PlayCare Development Officer .Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive .Out of School Hours Childcare Development .Information & Campaigns Officer .Finance & Monitoring Officer .Training Development Officer .Finance & Monitoring Officer .Administration Assistant/Personnel .Training Development Officer .Administration Assistant (OOSHC) .Training Development Officer .PlayCare Development Officer .PlayCare Development Officer .Administration Assistant (PlayCare)





PlayBoard Board of Directors (as at November 2001)

Conor MacSherry . . . . . . . . . .(Chair) Amanda Lilley . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Treasurer) Pat Bowen William Boyd Gerard McGlynn Nancy Orr Bill Shaw Niall Small Cathy Taylor Ryan Williams

Contact Details Head office: 59/65 York Street Belfast BT15 1AA Tel: 9080 3380 Fax: 9080 3381

Derry office: 26/28 Bishop Street Derry BT48 6BP Tel: 9080 3380 Fax: 9080 3381

Armagh office: Melbourne House 16 Marlborough Terrrace Russell Street Armagh BT61 9AA Tel: 3751 5910 Fax: 3751 5919

Irvinestown office: Enterprise Park Market Yard Mill Street Irvinestown BT94 4GR Tel/Fax: 6862 8825

European Union-N.O.W

Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety An Roinn Sláinte, Seirbhísí Sóisialta agus Sábháilteacht Phoiblí

PlayBoard, 59-65 York Street, Belfast BT15 1AA Tel: 028 9080 3380 Fax: 028 9080 3381 Email:

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