1 minute read

Major Thoroughfare Plan Recommendations


This section of the plan provides direction for the elements of the built environment that are impactful plan area wide. These types of elements are important to unifying and connecting the plan area internally as well as externally.


This exhibit builds upon the direction of Temple’s Comprehensive Plan in refining the Major Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) to meet the needs of the Downtown District. These recommendations are compatible with the adjoining neighborhood plans.

The following are the key takeaways: • 8th Street north of Adams becomes a Neighborhood

Collector • Main Street south of Adams is upgraded to a

Community Collector while Main street north of

Adams becomes a Neighborhood Collector • Avenue C is upgraded to a Community Collector • 9th Street, 12th Street, Calhoun, and Avenue A all become Neighborhood Collectors • Central Avenue east of 3rd Street is upgraded to a

Community Collector • Avenue E becomes a Neighborhood Collector and connects to the Midtown Neighborhood • 7th Street and 1st Street are designated as bicycle boulevards • Pedestrian Connectors are designated along 11th

Street, 5th Street, 4th Street, Avenue B, Avenue D south of the railroad tracks, and 2nd and 6th Street south of Adams

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