1 minute read

Key Findings

The project review provided a brief look into potential projects the city can analyze for future improvements and opportunities to close key gaps in the active transportation network. This combined with policy and program improvements can lead to a core network the city can build upon for future growth and to maintain a transportation system with multimodal options. The context review identified deficiencies in the condition of the pedestrian and bicycle network, along with the lack of infrastructure resulting in gaps in the overall ability to connect from one location to another.

The city has a variety of options to improve active transportation movement through several different contexts. Relatively minor improvements such as new sidewalks, striping for crosswalks and bike lanes, and signage can be enhanced with larger improvements such as intersection design enhancements, new hike and bike trails, and protected bike lanes. The analysis completed in this scenario provides valuable information for preparing recommendations for the active transportation plan and ultimately potential projects to construct.

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