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When it comes to tomatoes, nothing is better than those grown straight out of one's backyard. Taste wise, home-grown tomatoes are definitely better than store bought ones, which makes them one of the most rewarding plants to grow. Growing tomatoes, however, takes a certain amount of effort and a good amount of time dedicated. And if you want good quality harvest which you can be proud of - and possibly show off - then you'll have to learn about the essential process of pruning. For an experienced gardener, pruning is one of the joys of growing tomato plants. For a beginner, it is one of the most wondrous and fascinating learning experiences. It is entirely a sole decision making process. Pruning your plants will allow you to get the most out of every plant and harvest, and keep your plants healthy and free from diseases. If you've been growing tomatoes and haven't been doing any pruning, then it's time to change your habits and introduce your plants to a little trimming every now and then. When growing tomatoes, you should know that these plants are quite relentless as they grow, and though they may not seem threatening at first, once they receive some heat, the growth rate starts to double and you've got quite a beast to tame. What is essential in pruning is to get rid of the suckers on the plant, or those little shoots that pop out in the main branches and stems. Theses suckers will inevitably turn into additional stems and spawn additional shoots, so an unattended plant can be quite a mess. One of the first steps you have to take when pruning your tomato plants is to determine what type of plant you have. Is it a determinate or indeterminate type of plant? Determinate plants have a specific and determined number of stems, leaves, and flowers programmed into their structure, and appear compact and somewhat busy. Indeterminate plants do not and may grow as many or as few as possible. Determinate plants usually do not require any pruning at all but if you have indeterminate ones, then pruning is essential. They can form as much as ten vines and if left on their own, will create a sprawling mess in your backyard. The plant will also not be able to produce and worthy fruit. You are probably asking why pruning is so important. Well, the future of your tomato plants depends on how well you prune. For one thing, it allows the plant to maximize the process of photosynthesis - the natural process of plants using the sun as an energy source to produce sugar and carbohydrates. This means that the quality of the fruits your plant produces will be greatly improved, as the plant is able to concentrate its heat energy into the production of tomatoes. Pruned plants generally create bigger and tastier fruit. Another benefit to pruning is that it helps in the prevention of infection and disease while growing tomatoes. Heavy, unpruned plants which bear fruit will become heavy at one point and the branch will no longer be able to support the stems and fruits that came from all those suckers. The plant will eventually end up on the ground
and this is the catalyst for disease and infection. Insects and pest will also eat up most of your fruit before they even have a change to ripen. Pruning tomatoes will also give you a chance to grow more plants - you can use the shoots you've removed and transplant them into another area. While some people choose not to prune their tomato plants at all, the rewards and advantages of pruning makes more people undertake this quite tedious chore. Growing tomatoes is not without time and effort, but a healthy, ripe harvest is truly a satisfying reward for all your work.
Randy L. Anderson is an tomato growing enthusiast. He offers a free 10 part mini course about growing and caring for tomato plants the easy way. Access you free mini course and more great information at [http://www.howtogrowtomatotips.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Randy_L._Anderson
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