1 minute read
Message from Kane
Temples of Lung and Air is my offering to you, in a moment when the truths of our country’s legacies have once again risen feverishly to the forefront of our consciousnesses, and the only way forward from here is to face hard truth, head-on. This piece is my gift and testimony, one I hope will make you dance and contemplate. It is a critical examination of my racial identity as a white man in the American South, within the culture of hip hop–one of the great expressions of Blackness in our nation’s history, an alloy of resistance and celebration. It is only fitting that this work mirror that duality. Belted out, whispered, screamed, hummed from atop the shoulders of all those who have been kin or mentor to me, this is an invocation for the tough conversations, the unlearning and re-learning that comprise growth, and the joy we find when we dare to move beyond our comfort toward something better.
In the tradition of our “Act Two” post show discussions—JOIN US October 11th at 4pm—for a conversation with Kane and a special Pass The Mic event with Kane and a couple of incredible Triangle area artists. We’ll be sending you information on how to register for this event at the same email address that you used to purchase your ticket!
Providing deep, courageous engagement with and around our work is a vital part of our mission to create transformational impact in our immediate and extended communities.