Playsound Services Ltd Funding Pack Playsound Services Ltd Unit 3, Paxton Place, West Pimbo, Skelmersdale Lancashire WN8 9QH Web: Tel/Fax: 01695 717229
It’s dull and grey - an expanse of flat tarmac and a few patches of scrubby grass, but in your minds eye you see it transformed into a place for fun, laughter and learning. How can your dream become a reality? Make a funding plan – There are many sources of funding available and funding applications can be complex and take many months to be realised. At this stage, it is important to allow sufficient time, so be prepared to submit your plans as far in advance as possible to ensure your funding will be granted when you need it for your school playground project. Your funding plan should consider your needs over an extended period of time and, in our experience, we have found it makes real sense to break projects into smaller, more manageable parts which allow you more flexibility in your funding drives. Time for homework . . . cutting to the chase, this is the most crucial part of your Fundraising project. We have collected together information on funding organisations for Early Years, Primary, and Community playgrounds, to help you contact the right people. Whichever funding organisation you apply to, you will need to research several key points:What are the aims of the funding organisation? For example, funding organisations can target increasing skills, creativity, improving quality of life, extending access and participation, improving activity and health or the Every Child Matters agenda… • • • • • • • •
Who are they? Are you able to meet up with them to really understand their criteria? What are their priorities and policies? Do they have any special focus? Will they support revenue or capital projects? What size grants are available? When does the funding application calendar run? Can you use ‘Match Funding’?
Getting ready to complete your funding application Make sure you read carefully, all grant and trust agreements, terms and conditions of funding and any other related documents in our experience; we recommend you speak to other people in your industry in your cluster group about their playground and grant applications they have completed in achieving a successful project. at this stage, you might also want to think about different grants available for different zones in your play environments.
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
Get creative, collect your evidence – as part of your svision, and to support your funding application, consider the needs of your site, your customers, your community and your children. Proposal perfection! Take time to read and complete applications carefully. Organise all information so you can compose your application. It is likely you will be making multiple applications – we recommend you do not use the same application information but, when you are completing an application, take the time to make sure each application is tailored to the specific requirements of the funding organisation by thinking about the relevant language of that funding organisation. Do you have someone with a flair for writing in your school or organisation? If so, engage their help to complete your application. Always follow instructions given – if the organisation requires a completed form, please do so. If there are no forms to fill in, keep your application structured and concise, and aim for two sides of A4 paper. Make sure you meet the application deadline and you have included all requested Documents in your submission – now check everything again. Find out whether there are any Local Authority ‘expert’ advisors in the completion of applications and endeavour to obtain copies of successful grant applications. Look at the funding source websites, read case studies of schools that have beenAwarded funds, contact them to understand the ‘magic’ points that made their application successful. Commit to the outcomes of your school playground project – make sure they are long-term and sustainable, and highlight the benefits to the whole community. From a funding organisation’s perspective, it is attractive always to have a clearly defined and measurable plan, and remember to give a sense of belief and experience for delivering a project of this nature; a good track record is useful for the future phases of your project. Clearly identify what you are trying to achieve and how this outcome is reflected within the ethos of your funding application Identify key ‘stakeholders’ within your school and community. It can be more than one person’s work and, of course, your children will want to be involved! When your funding has been secured, you will need to establish a contact person within your donor organisation – they could be invited on to your project committee. We suggest you set fundraising targets,prioritise your fundraising efforts, think about timing schedules and keep everyone informed.Think about communication and action plans. From the outset, manage expectations,consider unique learning opportunities associated with the implementation of your Plan and celebrate key milestones of your project. Keep everyone involved, motivated and on track. Review, do your sums! - be very clear as to how much funding you need and, even at this stage, think about maintenance costs – you will need to include all this information in your applications.
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229 @playsoundplay
Seek an opportunity to take stock, revise any plans and evaluate the impact of your project by referring back to your vision Who can I talk to? There are a huge number of charities (over 185,000 organisations throughout the UK, many of whom could help develop your grounds environment but, as we do not know them all personally, we cannot recommend anyone in particular. However, we hope to save you a little research time by providing a list of a few organisations focused on playground development. A sensible place to begin is to know your school’s Local Authority funding entitlement, as it differs between Local Authorities. Make sure you know your Primary School and Early Years Officer, Healthy Schools Advisor, School Travel Plan Advisor and Play Development Officer, and make them your best friends! If you need information, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) website allows you to search by county and provides contact details for each Local Authority. Many schools find this a source of funding that is immediately available. Devolved Formula Capital Or Devolved Capital Formula Grant Devolved Formula Capital (DFC), or Devolved Capital Formula Grant (DCFG) as it is known in some Local Authorities, is an amount allocated to primary and secondary schools each year to be spent by them on their buildings, ICT and other capital priorities. It may be combined with capital funding from other sources, pooled with DFC allocated to other schools, and saved up to fund larger projects. Priorities are set at school level, but should have regard to planned expenditure in a Local Authority’s asset management plan, or equivalent Voluntary Aided Plan. Allocations are announced at the beginning of each three year spending review period and vary according to the number of pupils in a school. DFC can be used for playground developments. It is for repairs, maintenance, upgrades etc. to the ‘fabric of the buildings’. There are two ways it can be used for playgrounds: 1.) To fund refurbishment of existing Playgrounds. This works especially well when recent / current building work has encroached onto, or damaged the existing playground spaces. 2.) To fund the inclusion of outdoor classrooms in a play space. As one Playsound client put it ‘I see DFC as an opportunity to improve the facilities for today’s children. If I keep it back, then I am denying resources to today’s children that will improve their time with me. If I don’t use this money, the Local Authority will take it away from today’s children’. It is a powerful message from a most impressive head teacher! In summary, YOU CAN use your DFC for School Grounds Development. School Travel Plan Grants The Government’s indicators of sustainable development include how children get to school. The proportion of cars on the school run has almost doubled in the last twenty years and, in urban
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
areas during term-time, it accounts for nearly one in five cars on the road at 8.50 a.m.Reducing the financial, social and environmental cost of travel and traffic associated with a school is best done as a whole-school approach. Practically, it is an area in which parents and staff can participate fully, and incorporating it into the curriculum will help to make these environmental issues relevant and interesting to pupils, while ensuring the policy is transparent to all concerned. An effective school travel plan puts forward a package of measures to improve safety and reduce car use, backed by a partnership involving the school, education and transport officers from the Local Authority, the Police and the Health Authority. Additional capital grants (typically £5,000 for primary schools and £10,000 for secondary schools) will be available to schools with travel plans. You can contact your School Travel Co-ordinator in your Local Authority or, for more information, visit:- Of course, one of the best and most rewarding ways to start your playground project is to raise money yourself! Get creative and arrange events in which your children, parents, teachers and the wider community can take part. Here are a few ideas to get you started: The Y-Factor . . . Tap into the nation’s craze for talent shows and put on an event for the whole school, making sure teaching staff take part too! You might get a few brave parents involved. Car booty - Use your assembly hall or a suitable outdoor space to hold a jumble or car boot sale. Ask parents and the local community to donate unwanted items, and then get all your budding little Richard Branson’s selling them on – pure profit! School Concerts, Karaoke Evenings and Talent Nights – Singing for their supper or the School Grounds! Your own school pop idol. Toy Sales - Clear out those cupboards, children set up their own stalls and learn buying and selling. How many rising entrepreneurs have you at your school? Wine, Cheese and Chocolate Evenings – Contact your local deli or farm shop. Can they help bydonating tasty treats? Two heads are better than one . . . Make friends with a neighbouring school and Pool your resources to put on a super-sized fundraising extravaganza! There are many benefits to this kind of cooperative thinking -you can share outlay and start up costs, double your access to pupils’ family and friends support, build great community spirit, share best practice, and best of all (in our opinion!), you and your children can make loads of new friends. . Do It Yourself Plan your fundraising around the calendar...Run a competition for building snowmen (or women, children, even dogs and cats) during the winter months, where children pay an entrance fee to take part. Of course Christmas parties, dances, fetes and Santa’s Grotto’s are all popular too!
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Use flower power during the spring, selling handpicked posies. This would be especially lovely for Mother’s Day. Don’t forget Easter too! Hold an Easter egg hunt, and make pace eggs as well. For June, July and August, think about Father’s Day, Sports Day, end of term parties and summer barbeques. Returning to school after the summer, September is the perfect excuse for another Party, welcome back your returning pupils and introduce new children to everyone. Happy Halloween in October! Bonfire night in November – usually fireworks events are an expensive option, so this could be a good time for building those links with other local schools. Often local businesses are happy to donate prizes for fundraising events, or they may even be prepared to donate a sum of money to your playground fund. If you are thinking about approaching a business, take time to find out about their sponsorship and charitable donation policies. Write a letter, make a phone call or, if appropriate, arrange for you and a few children to go and visit your prospective benefactor to present your ideas. Disclaimer – the Information provided in this guide is provided in good faith and is correct at the time of publication. Playsound accepts no responsibility for any loss caused by acting or failing to act on this information. Playsound does not accept responsibility for the content of websites other than its own. A link to another site is there to provide possible further sources of information but should not be regarded as an endorsement of that organisation. Whatever your approach to fundraising activities, try and get local press coverage; it will really help keep momentum and children are usually thrilled to get their picture in the paper! Contact local radio and television, and make sure you invite help from the wider community you could catch the attention of a wealthy philanthropist! If you have a website, start a blog of regular updates. Get the children involved in making a big wall display for your school reception to chart progress. If you are working with a charity, have been awarded a grant, or have the support of a Local business, always check with them before going to the media, and you will need parental permission for any photographs of pupils. You are not alone! Don’t forget that you have the support of your teaching staff and PTA. Have brainstorming sessions to discover your own winning ideas for boosting the playground pot. Always try to involve your children, we’re constantly amazed at how inventive and creative they are, and if they help to raise the money for their playground it will instil a real sense of pride and ownership in the finished environment. When you secure Funding When a funder has agreed to support you, thank them immediately. Invite their involvement and participation throughout your project; keep them informed and report back on how their money is being spent, and invite them to any opening parties or ceremonies you have planned. Off you go! We hope you have found this guide useful and informative, and we wish you the very best of luck in funding your playground project. We have listed following this a selection of charities and organisations that may well assist you in your fundraising activities.
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
Santander Foundation FUNDING: £250.00 - £20,000.00 (most grants between £1,000.00 and £4,000.00) FUNDER: The charitable arm of the former Abbey National Buildng society, and now part of the Santander Group. The trust was set up in 1990 with an endowment from the company, from which it also receives annual grants. AIM: The fund and support disadvantaged people in local communities based on the following three priorities: education & training, financial advice and community regeneration WHO CAN APPLY: Only projects with charitable status. The trust favours small, local charities and also prefers to fund a complete project rather than make a partial donation to a fundraising campaign. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - E -
The Alec Dickinson Trust FUNDING: Up to £250.00 FUNDER: Formed in 1994 as a meorial to Alec Dickinson, the founder of Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO). The trust awards grants to individuals who can demonstrate that, through volunteering or community action, they can enhance the lives of others. AIM: The rust aims to fund projects that use volunteering or community service to support young people, particularly the most marginalised WHO CAN APPLY: Applicants must be under the age of 30 and involved in volunteering or community action projects in the UK DEADLINE: Accepted all year round CONTACT: W - E -
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
The ASDA Foundation FUNDING: Dependent on project FUNDER: The ASDA Foundation is a charitable trust that was set up in 1988. It supports local good causes chosen by ASDA employees and is funded by profits from the mid-week National Lottery AIM: The Foundation aims to give something back to the communities that support ASDA stores. Each ASDA store will support its own local community. WHO CAN APPLY: The Foundation will assist any charity in the UK, as well as people and projects who require financial assistance, providing they have the support of the local ASDA employees DEADLINE: Ongoing- contact your local ASDA store CONTACT: W - Awards For All: UK FUNDING: ÂŁ300.00 - ÂŁ10,000.00 FUNDER: Part of the Big Lottery Fund, Awards For All funds projects that allow communities to take part in art, sport and community activities. They also fund projects that promote education, the environment and health within the local community. AIM: The programme aims the bring improvements to communities by funding projects that bring people together to enjoy a wide range of charitable, community, educational, environmental and health-related activities WHO CAN APPLY: Applicants must be a voluntary, community or statutory organisation and have a governing body with at least 3 unrelated members DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W -
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
The Biffa Award FUNDING: ÂŁ250.00 - ÂŁ50,000.00 FUNDER: The Biffa Award is a multi-million pound fund which awards grants to community and environmental projects across the UK. Biffa Awards is managed by the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts (RSWT). AIM: The Foundation aims to give something back to the communities that support ASDA stores. Each ASDA store will support its own local community. WHO CAN APPLY: The Foundation will assist any charity in the UK, as well as people and projects who require financial assistance, providing they have the support of the local ASDA employees. . DEADLINE: Ongoing- contact your local ASDA store. CONTACT: W - The BIG Lottery Fund FUNDING: Dependent on project FUNDER: The BIG Lottery Fund is the largest distributor to good causes of National Lottery funds. The BIG Lottery Fund replaces The Community Fund and The New Opportunities Fund. AIM: The BIG Lottery Fund aims to bring improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need. Areas targeted include health, education, environment and charitable purposes. WHO CAN APPLY: Organisations in the public, private and third sectors can apply for Lottery funding. Full criteria can be found at DEADLINE: Applications received all year round. CONTACT: W - T - 0345 4 10 20 30 E -
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Community Foundations FUNDING: Share of ÂŁ70 million each year FUNDER: Community Foundations manage and allocate funds donated by individuals, statutory bodies and charitable trusts. Funds are targeted at projects that make a genuine difference to local communities. AIM: Through their network of UK charities, Community Foundations aim to strengthen local communities, create opportunities and tackle issues of disadvantage and exclusion. WHO CAN APPLY: Only local community groups and voluntary organisations can approach Community Foundations for funding. All grant-making is done by localcommunity foundations DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 020 7713 9326 Fields in Trust FUNDING: Dependent on project FUNDER: Previously the National Playing Field Association, Fields In Trust (FIT) is the only independent UK wide organisation dedicated to protecting and improving outdoor sports and play spaces and facilities. A large part of their work involves joining forces with partner organisations to enhance local communities through improved facilities and activities. AIM: To improve the quality of life and health of everyone throughout the UK, through protecting and developing high quality, well-used local facilities for outdoor sport and play. WHO CAN APPLY: Applications for funding and other support are welcomed by any organisation that seeks to improve their local sports and play facilities. Funding may come from partner organisations and not FIT themselves DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 020 7427 2110 E -
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
The Football Foundation FUNDING: Up to £150,000.00 FUNDER: Although the Football Foundation is mainly involved with promoting football at a grass roots level, they also provide grants to organisations that aim to push social change, address social exclusion and tackle inequalities in education. The foundation also runs a range of specific grant schemes dedicated to giving support to clubs and communities. AIM: The relevant grants offered by the Football Foundation aims to improve facilities, create opportunities and support community projects in England. WHO CAN APPLY: Community groups and charities that meet the foundation’s criteria are able to apply for funding DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 0345 345 4555 E - The Foyle Foundation FUNDING: £10,000.00 - £50,000.00 FUNDER: The Foyle Foundation is an independent grant making trust that funds UK charities whose core work is in the areas of Arts and Learning. The Foyle Foundation was set up to implement the terms of the will of the late Christina Foyle. AIM: The foundation prioritises applications that cater for those with special educational needs and learning difficulties. The foundation also aims to support projects that have a long term strategic impact. WHO CAN APPLY: Only registered UK charities are eligible. Organisations must meet strict criteria and must prove their projectswill provide a direct benefit or service to the public. State funded schools must prove all other funding options have been exhausted DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 020 7430 9119 E -
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Groundwork FUNDING: £1,000.00 - £100,000.00 FUNDER: Groundwork is a leading UK environmental regeneration charity. It supports communities in need, working with partners to help improve the quality of people’s lives, their prospects and the places where they live, work and play. AIM: Amongst other aims, Groundwork strives to build safer and stronger communites, promote health and well-being, provide young people with something to do, somewhere to go and promote environmental sustainability. WHO CAN APPLY: Anyone can approach Groundwork for help and support providing the project shares the aims of the charity DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 0121 236 8565 E - Learning Through Landscapes (LTL) FUNDING: Dependent on project FUNDER: LTL is the national school grounds charity. They believe school grounds play a vital role in every child’s learning and development. They are unique spaces, providing safe and diverse opportunities for understanding, achievement, healthy exercise and play. AIM: LTL aims to help schools and early years settings make the most of their outdoor spaces for play and learning. WHO CAN APPLY: Applications are invited from LEA maintained Nursery, Primary, Secondary or Special Schools looking for help to fund projects to improve their outdoor space for pupils. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 01962 846258 E -
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
Parks for People FUNDING: Up to ÂŁ5 million FUNDER: The Parks for People scheme is run by the Heritage Lottery Fund and offers grants for projects involving urban or rural green spaces. Grants can be used for projects that aim to get local people more involved in their parks. AIM: The scheme aims to help provide everyone in the UK with access to a local park for enjoyment and recreation. It seeks to bring improvements to local environments by making a lasting impact on the lives of local people and the places where they live. WHO CAN APPLY: The scheme invites applications from local authorities, not for profit organistaions and partnerships between local authorities and others. Private businesses may also apply providing that public benefit exceeds private gain. DEADLINE: 2 per annum- March and August. CONTACT: W - T - 020 7591 6000 E - The Paul Hamlyn Foundation FUNDING: ÂŁ5,000.00+ FUNDER: The Paul Hamlyn Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-making foundations in the UK. The foundation prefers to support projects that others may find hard to fund, may be risky or unpopular. AIM: The Paul Hamlyn Foundation aims to maximise opportunities for individuals to experience a full quality of life, particularly concentrating on children, young people, and others who are disadvantaged. WHO CAN APPLY: Organisations of any size may apply for any amount provied the proposal meets the aims of the grants scheme. The foundation does not fund individuals or projects that have already started. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 020 7812 3300 E -
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Play England FUNDING: Up to ÂŁ19,000.00 FUNDER: Play England (along with the Department for Children, Schools and Families) manages a funding programme for the refurbishment of adventure playgrounds throughout England. Playgrounds must be run by the voluntary or community sector. AIM: Play England aims for all children and young people in England to have regular access and opportunity for free, inclusive, local play provisions and play space. WHO CAN APPLY: Eligible organisations must be voluntary and must aim to provide an all weather play environment that welcomes both disabled and non-disabled children. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 07595 271532 E - Play Scotland FUNDING: Dependent on project FUNDER: Can be used as a third party to access funding opportunities through its GRANT-net system. Play Scotland does not issue funding directly. AIM: Play Scotland aims to promote the importance of play for all children and young people, and campaigns to create increased play opportunities in the community. WHO CAN APPLY: Community and voluntary groups, sports and other clubs, schools, social enterprise and small businesses can all look to Play Scotland for funding help and advice. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 0131 440 0456 E -
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
Play Wales FUNDING: Dependent on project FUNDER: Play Wales offers advice and guidance to anyone wishing to promote or provide play environments for childrens in Wales. As well as this, the organisation is responsible for allocating National Lottery funds to organisations who share their values and purpose. AIM: Play Wales aims to raise the profile of playing and how play contributes to the wellbeing and resilience of human beings- particularly young ones. WHO CAN APPLY: Community and voluntary groups, sports and other clubs, schools, social enterprise and small businesses can all look to Play Wales for funding help and advice. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - (029) 2048 6050 E - Playboard (Northern Ireland) FUNDING: Up to £2,500.00 FUNDER: Playboard is the leading agency for the development and promotion of children and young people’s play in Northern Ireland. It believes that free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. As well as offering help and support, funding is offered through ‘The Big Deal’ small grants programme. AIM: Since its interception in 1985, Playboard has campaigned, lobbied, raised awareness and developed partnerships in order to achieve its main aim of putting play on the agenda of policy makers and resource providers. WHO CAN APPLY: Individuals and groups of children and young people under 25 living in Northern Ireland can apply to The Big Deal small grants programme for a funding award. The programme does not directly fund clubs, centres or organisations. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 028 9080 3380 E -
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Prince’s Trust FUNDING: Up to £5,000.00 FUNDER: As part of it’s commitment to developing underprivileged 14-30 year olds, the Prince’s Trust offers Community Cash Awards to help youngsters set up projects that will benefit their community. The grants available can be used for an extremely wide range of projects. AIM: The Prince’s Trust aims to provide UK youngsters with the financial support, advice and training that will enable them to start projects that benefit the people running the project as well as their local community. WHO CAN APPLY: Applicants must be 25 or under and must use the funds for a project that clearly benefits the local community. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 0800 842 842 E - Reaching Communities: England FUNDING: £10,000.00 - £500,000.00 FUNDER: Part of the BIG Lottery Fund. By funding individual projects, Reaching Communities helps people and communities who are most in need or hard to reach. AIM: Reaching Communities strives to achieve 3 goals: strong communities with more active citizens, improve rural and urban environments, and promote healthier more active people and communities. WHO CAN APPLY: Funding is available for registered charities, charitable or not for profit companies, statutory bodies, social enterprises and schools. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 0845 410 2030 E -
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
SITA Trust FUNDING: Up to £50,000.00 FUNDER: Enhancing communities is a funding programme for projects that enhance, enrich and engage local communities. Run by the recycling and resource management company, SITA, the scheme offers funding to communities in close proximity to qualifying SITA sites. AIM: The SITA Trust aims to make lasting improvements to the natural environment and to community life. It does this by funding community involvement projects and projects that aim to improve and increase green spaces. WHO CAN APPLY: Eligible applicants are limited to charities, local authorities and parish councils that meet the criteria set by SITE. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 01454 262910 E - Swansea Development Fund (Wales) FUNDING: £100.00 - £15,000.00 FUNDER: The Swansea Development Fund (SDF) awards grants to voluntary and community sector groups in the City and County of Swansea to strengthen their organisation or develop new services. An interest free loan scheme is also currently in place. AIM: In terms of recreation, the SDF aims to help with the development of playgrounds, promote quality play opportunities, provide play training and allocate funds to community groups. WHO CAN APPLY: Any voluntary or community organisation can apply for funding providing all criteria is met. Priority, however, is given to specific areas identified for regeneration. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 01792 635486 E -
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards FUNDING: £500.00 - £4,000.00 FUNDER: Run by Tesco, these awards support charities and non-profit organisations that support children’s educational needs as well as general community projects. AIM: The Tesco Charity Turst aims to support the initiatives of local charities that seek to address a specific need in and around the communities served by Tesco stores. The scheme also aims to offer financial support to Special Needs Schools WHO CAN APPLY: Anyone representing a charity or non-profit organisation can apply for funding by filling in the forms online. Tesco staff can also apply to increase any agreed funding by up to 20%. DEADLINE: 4 deadlines throughout the year CONTACT: W - T - 0800 842 84245 612 3575 Woodenspoon FUNDING: £20,000.00 - £100,000.00 FUNDER: Woodenspoons is the children’s charity of the rugby world. With support from the Rugby Football League and Rugby Union, Woodspoon offers grants to local and national projects. All funding must directly benefit disadvantaged children and a strong emphasis is placed on those with Special Needs. Grants are considered for playgrounds and playrooms. AIM: Woodenspoon aims to “enchance the quality and prospect of life for children and young people in the UK and Ireland who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially”. WHO CAN APPLY: Eligible applicants must be able to prove long term benefits to disadvantaged children. Funding is capital rather than revenue. DEADLINE: Ongoing CONTACT: W - T - 01276 410180 E -
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo 01695
Grants and Trusts change regularly, so if you notice any discrepancies please contact us on 01695 717229 or email Also, if you have any hints or tips that could be passed on please let us know so we can share your advice!
o, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 717229
Unit 3 Paxton Place, West Pimbo, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9QH 01695 717229