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Playful community example
The Vale of Glamorgan Play Development Team wants to support children and families to make better use of neighbourhood spaces and increase opportunities for children to play in their local areas more often.
Following the ongoing success of outdoor play sessions held across the Vale, and with support from local communities, the Play Development Team is rolling out a Play Cube project across the county.
The Play Cube – a 3m x 2m lockable shipping container – is being used to store play equipment and resources, for the Play Team to run frequent inclusive play provision from the site. The first Play Cube has been sited at Palmerston Adult Learning Centre in Barry and is housing specialist play equipment and loose parts play resources, such as fabric, buckets, boxes, rope, tyres, wood and scrap materials of all kinds. Such materials are cheap and accessible and allow large groups of children to play and engage with one another.
The Play Development Team worked with Re-create Scrapstore to run Family Loose Parts Play sessions. This allowed the team to engage with residents to consult on where and how in the neighbourhood the cube could be used. Residents have been extremely supportive and provided helpful tips that will help make the project a success.
Next steps
Two further pilot areas have been identified – Meggitt Road in Barry and Plassey Square in Penarth.
The Play Development Team used its Community Play Provision throughout the Easter school holidays to identify further communities for additional Play Cubes, hoping to focus on areas of social housing and areas where children report less satisfaction with their opportunities to play. In time, the team hopes to work with and support members of the community to enable communities to make the Play Cube available for children to use in their free time. Longer term, the team also hopes to train and support local community members to deliver their own play opportunities for local children from the Play Cubes.