3 minute read
Session plan
by Play Wales
90 minutes
Right to play
Course / topic
To raise children’s awareness of the UNCRC and their right to play through a fun and engaging workshop with opportunities and ideas for further exploration in the classroom
Aim Resources
Evidence of achievement of learning outcomes
A4 laminated signs Children understand the Listening Introduction: 00:00 ‘Play is important’ aim of the workshop Who am I?
Learner activities
‘Play is a right’ What is my job? What are we going to be doing today? Draw attention to signs: ‘Play is important’ ‘Play is a right’ Approximately 20 Children have the Children move around Time for personal reflections and thoughts 00:05 printed, laminated opportunity to consider a the room looking at photos on playing
range of play opportunities
Teacher activities and resources
of play
Children begin to consider
Script: 00:15 how they experience play Do you do these things? Are they from the old days?
Would you like to do them? Bingo cards
Tutor – getting a sense Who Information gathering – initial assessment of how 00:20 of children’s existing has heard of the much children know, do and play.
knowledge UNCRC? is elected on the school Jump the rope game/The wind blows council? used the internet this week? spent time outside with friends? tasted something new? has been to a religious event? is part of a club or team? walked to the play park
alone? or Bingo cards Understanding that play is Listening and reviewing UNCRC – what is it? 00:30 a right and as important as Script:
all the other rights It’s about rights (not wants) Play is in it (Article 31) Wales has signed up to the UNCRC Play as a right is seen as important as your right to somewhere to live (a house), to feel safe and looked after, it’s as important as your
right to a name…
Discussing, prioritising Children break into small Why do you think teachers (Mr / Ms ……) let you 00:35 and debating – be able to groups to discuss ‘Why do have playtime? explain why playtime is so you think teachers let you
have playtime?’ Flip chart responses ‘Play helps you to…’ Thinking about the Children use traffic light Play helps you… 00:50
list importance of play cards to vote (tutor reads from list below) be happy and healthy Could be done as a ‘run to grow strong muscles and bones around’ game to build solve problems energy (place the cards on make friends three walls of the room and use imagination and be creative get children to run between learn things
them to vote) push yourself (test/challenge) be a fun adventurous person explore and experiment Thinking about the
Listening and reviewing
Script: 1:00 importance of play ‘So play does all these things – it also helps you to do better at school and be happy – it’s that
We all need to shout out for play! Children, teachers and other adults too General and IPA Re-visit UNCRC Article 31 Comment resources
Rolls of wallpaper Considering barriers to play Coming up with ideas Play space activity – what do you like about your 1:05 and chunky pens for play space playtime or playground?
Balloons Quick draw – get children to shout out their ideas Identifying barriers to their
chances to play
What could we do to make playtimes better? What are the barriers? Put them on balloons or cards. How can we ‘pop’ the barriers? Script: ‘Whose job is it to remove and reduce these barriers?’ School, families, children, playworkers, school council, teachers A1 tree poster Introduce Planning Tree 1:20 Right to play poster Sticky labels What would Leaf shaped sticky of your right to play? notes To work on with their class teacher Using the Planning
you like to do to raise awareness Tree