2 minute read
who is the best spider-man?
from The Scope
by PLC Armidale
Answering the long-pondered question
"Whateverlifeholdsinstoreforme,I willneverforgetthesewords:'with greatpowercomesgreat responsibility.'Thisismygift,my curse.WhoamI?I'mSpider-Man.”
- PeterParker,Spider-Man,2002
One of the general ideas of Spider-Man is the distinction between the normal appearance and demeanour of somebody, comparedtotherealityofsomeone beneath their outward perception, meaning that someone as shy and nerdy as Peter Parker has depth of character and is not what he may seem. It's when you finally delve under the surface that you may see what is really there; something beautiful and incredible and inspiring. People can be judgemental and superficial, but it doesn’t mean that you should changeyouridentitytosuitthem.
While there’s no denying they’re for entertainment, there are also some real moral lessons buried within the Spider-Man movies. These movies taught audiences that it’s okay to need and accept help and that somesecretsarebetterleftuntold, for you never know who they might hurt. They taught people to always look out for the little guy, and that it does nothing to judge a book by its cover.
There is much controversy regarding which of the three Spider-Men takes out the top prize. Each actor took on and established a different facet that made their character portrayal memorable. So, who is the best Spider-Man?
Arguably, the response in question depends on your personal opinion of what makes Peter Parker, well, Peter Parker, and what makes Spider-Man, Spider-Man. Is it the brilliant, nerdy side of Peter shown by Tobey Maguire, the confident, cool Spiderman portrayed by Andrew Garfield, or is it the modern, awkward teenager vibes we get fromTomHolland?
It is also arguably each character’s female colleagues that influence certain favouritism - Mary Jane (MJ) played by Kirsten Dunst; Gwen Stacy by Emma Stone; and Michelle Jones (also MJ) portrayed by the iconicZendaya.
Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is plausibly the most modernised and themostconnectedtootherheroes, with a mentor in Tony Stark, a best friend in Ned, and a motherly figure in a young Aunt May. We are given Spider-Man in a new and technologicallyadvancedsociety,in a world that’s built on power, leadership, and social connection. Tom Holland shows endearing and youthful charisma and personality and displays a character with goals and responsibilities that helped bring Spider-Man back into the MCU.
There’s no doubt that Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man was bold and confident, with a desire to help all people. It almost seemed like his Spider-Man persona was a way to remove himself from the intelligent, science-loving mind of Peter Parker and into the body of a beloved superhero. It certainly showed such a stark contrast between the personalities of both sides of AndrewGarfield’scharacter.
Of course, there can be no going past the original Spider-Man, Tobey Maguire. It is from here that the base was created and from which newstemsweregrown.
His character continually puts others before himself and takes on heavy responsibilities. Tobey’s Spider-Man showed real-life struggles and made mistakes that he had to learn from. His spirit and driving force are iconic to his characterportrayal.
Itiswithoutadoubtthatpeoplelove Spider-Man, whichever one he may be, because of his relatability, genuineness, curiosity, and both life and identity struggles. He makes a well-rounded character, without an overbearingpowerforce.
So, who, in the end, is the best Spider-Man? Well,that’suptoyou.