1 minute read

Boarding House Staff

Boarding House staff work with the Head of Boarding to ensure that all boarders are comfortable, safe and happy while they are in our care. There are staff on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during term time.


To provide the best care for each boarder, it is essential that Boarding House staff members are kept informed about personal details, family life and other important background information. Therefore, we encourage parents and local support people to maintain regular contact with the Head of Boarding. Although some information may be personal or sensitive, please remember that unless staff are aware of a situation, they may not be able to take the action required to best support boarders through a difficult time. Personal information will only be communicated on a ‘need to know’ basis to those directly involved with the wellbeing of the student concerned.

Boarders with any ongoing or short-term medical conditions are required to communicate with both the Head of Boarding and the College nurse.

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