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From the Editor
Our first PLC in Print for 2021 signals a moment to celebrate – not because everything is ‘back to normal’ or even ‘COVID-normal’ but because we have so much to be thankful for at PLC, even within the context of a global pandemic.
We are so fortunate that our girls continue to thrive, succeed, take risks, and move on towards their development as thinkers, scholars, citizens, advocates and leaders. In this edition of PLC in Print we have the opportunity to celebrate milestones such as 60 years of House Concerts, a new beginning for our Head of Junior School, and the remarkable resilience of our boarding students and our wider community of Old Collegians. We recognise we are truly blessed each day by God’s Grace and pray that there can be a time when everyone around the world can celebrate the end of Covid-19 and its damaging effects globally.
We are also celebrating a more sustainable approach by delivering PLC in Print in a digital format. A print version is available on request. We hope this will allow for everyone to access the publication in the way that best suits their needs. Look out for the video links throughout the online edition to see footage of House Concerts, Pipes & Drums and news from our graduating class of 2020.
I take this opportunity to thank the wonderful team who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring you our first edition of PLC in Print for 2021.
Lisa Saffin Deputy Principal Curriculum, Learning and Administration