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THE Start
A new school represents a new start at any age –new friends, new choices and opportunities, and new challenges. At Presbyterian Ladies’ College, we aim to take into account the needs of each girl as she makes her ‘new start’.
She may enter the Early Learning Centre to begin establishing the foundations of her future learning or start during the Junior School years, allowing for early consolidation. Many students enter at Year 7 to begin their exciting secondary adventure or at more senior levels to complete their final years.
They encounter the qualities that make PLC special –professional, caring staff who encourage and challenge, classmates ready for fun and friendship, and academic and co-curricular programs that aim to excite and extend. The new student is encouraged to aim high, to realise that to do her best is her responsibility to herself. Her teachers and fellow students will lead by example, setting and making clear their own expectations in a warm, encouraging environment that is shaped by the College’s Christian foundation.
This environment recognises that self-respect is fundamental to developing respect for others, that tolerance and understanding are central to developing a sense of responsible citizenship for the future.
These qualities have been valued and nurtured at PLC from its foundation.