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SEED: Building a sustainable future

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As a landmark event for the schools Sustainable Education and Environment Development group, SEED, we hosted one of our first ever Sustainability Weeks in early June this year.

2021 Environment and Sustainability Captain Grace Hefferan interviewed guest speaker Sarah Wilson (Australian journalist, television presenter, blogger, media consultant and author) where she spoke about the positives of becoming more environmentally friendly. Students could visit the carbon footprint activity stall and make a pledge for a sustainable future at the Year 7 United Day activities.

The week included guest speakers, lunchtime activities, an eco-product stall and more.

The week commenced on Friday with guest speaker Sarah Wilson, Australian journalist, television presenter,

“Being more sustainable allows you to have more time for fun and feel more fulfilled.”

blogger, media consultant and author of I Quit Sugar and One Wild and Precious Life, recently rated one of the top 200 most influential authors in the world. She was interviewed by the 2021 Environment and Sustainability Captain Grace Hefferan, who had previously reached out to her. Grace and Sarah talked of the positives of becoming more environmentally friendly. Being more sustainable allows you to have more time for fun and feel more fulfilled. She gave examples of how instead of going shopping for clothes all the time, she has time to go to the beach or go on a walk. On the Tuesday, the SEED team organised Year 7 United Day activities, glass bottle collection, a lolly jar competition, pledge wall activity, ecological footprint calculator station and eco-friendly product stall. On Wednesday, there was also a wrapper free lunch organised and a beeswax wrap workshop on Thursday. To conclude the week on Friday, SEED ran an assembly. There was a big band performance as well as a choir singing the song “Let It Grow” from The Lorax. It was an exciting and well-organised week and SEED is very excited to plan in preparation for our next one to come.

Lilian Stock, Year 11

2022 Environment and Sustainability Captain

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