Representing Buyers and Sellers Beyond their Expectations Experience / Professionalism / Knowledge In a Changing Market. Ironwood Classics
The Village at Ironwood Gated Community/Residents 55 years & Over
Licensed Since 1980
925.519.9080 DRE 00790463
Client Testimonial ă oWp d{_O| Wp Bb BaB WbU oOB_ OpsBsO BUObs BbM WT zO OyOo bOOM Bb BUObs Wb sVO 2oWø8B__O| BUBWbÛ we will call on her. She is very knowledgeable on the laws and gives expert advice as to how to receive top dollar for your home. Kris walked through our home with us and we discussed imlodyOaObsp sVBs zdt_M aB^O Bb WalBKs sd sVO _WpsWbUÛ BbM pVO oOKdaaObMOM psBUWbU sd WalodyO sVO Jt|Oo O{lOoWObKOà b BMMWsWdbÛ pVO lodyWMOM B l_Bb zWsV sBoUOs MBsOp Tdo sVO _WpsWbU BbM K_dpWbU of the home. She was at every inspection with or without us to ensure the buyers only did what zBp B__dzOM BbM dJsBWbOM WbTd Tdo tp db Vdz sVWbUp zOoO lodUoOppWbUà 2d sdl Ws B__ dTTÛ pVO zBp B_zB|p ByBW_BJ_OÛ yOo| lBsWObs zWsV B__ dto ntOpsWdbpÛ VBM pWUbp sVodtUVdts sVO VdaO sd KB__ dts VWUV ObM MOsBW_pÛ BbM Bs sVO K_dpWbU sd ObptoO bd _Bps aWbtsO WpptOp BodpOà oWp Wp B K_Bpp BKs BbM we recommend her to anyone looking to buy or sell a home.” -Matt & Lisa Lapp, Sellers Compass is the brand name used for services provided by one or more of the Compass group of subsidiary companies. Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License Number 01079009. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable Jts VBp bds JOOb yOoW OMà VBbUOp Wb loWKOÛ KdbMWsWdbÛ pB_O do zWsVMoBzB_ aB| JO aBMO zWsVdts bdsWKOà !d psBsOaObs Wp aBMO Bp sd BKKtoBK| dT Bb| MOpKoWlsWdbà __ aOBptoOaObsp BbM pntBoO footage are approximate.
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