The PleaseNotes Guided Manifestation Journal

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This or something greater for the highest good of all involved.

This Journal Belongs to The One and Only

I Am Choosing to use this Journal for;

Thank You! I hope you love using The Manifestation Journal as much as I loved making it! Manifesting is something that I didn’t know was possible until I was able to see how I had been unknowingly manifesting. Like any talent, once you decide that you want to get better at it there’s a learning curve. I know that with this Journal you will be able to accelerate your results and create a fun, easy, effective practice that will change your life and the way you see your world. Please stay in touch and check out the other magic that PleaseNotes has. I’m all about helping you become your favorite version of you, and by using the PleaseNotes goodies, I’m sure that you will. The world is a better place because you are here, and I hope you know that as clearly as I do. Stay in touch, I’d love to hear from you! You’re the best!



Journaling can be a great process for connecting with yourself, your goals and dreams. Many successful people throughout history have used journaling, and for good reason. Writing out your thoughts, challenges, and feelings allows your left brain to be occupied, so the creativity in your right brain is able to flow and create solutions. It’s actually been shown that journaling even has a positive impact on your immune system!

So where do we start? For someone who has never practiced manifesting before, these next few pages are for you. Even if you are experienced, take a gander. The next couple of pages will help you cultivate techniques that work for you, and create a practice that you’ll really enjoy. Even if you’re not looking to bring something specific into your life, these daily practices will help you live a happier, more fulfilled life.

Why Practice


The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are. - Rumi Manifestation is the most radical form of self love. You are stating what you want, that you are worthy of it and allowing it to come to you through trust. You are born with the ability to create, but without nurturing it, you forget about it. Through the practice of manifestation, and consciously applying the Law of Attraction, you will be able to not only receive all the physical, tactile things you’ve been wanting, you’ll also leverage the power of the universe to gift you the peaceful, loving. exciting, deeply satisfying life that you deserve.

What Can I Manifest? Manifestation is simply the process of creating more wanted things. It can be anything like creating a specific emotion, a wanted outcome, or tangible things like money, a new lover or a specific object. Some stories I’ve heard range from finding a diamond in the grass, getting an unexpected direct deposit just in time to pay the rent and an unexpected check in the mail to do a project after asking the universe for more money. I’ve personally manifested money, dream clients, multiple apartments, moving to a new country and cars. These are things that happen all the time for people all over the world who are not extraordinary or particularly special and you can do it too.

“You can have anything you want, as long as you believe it is possible.” As you read the above sentence, check in with yourself. Did you scoff and think about something you feel is super lofty or out of this world? What is the reason that you decided that the subject of your desire was something that you are unable to have? You might of heard the saying, “Everyone is living inside their box.” Your box is made up of all the things you believe to be true or capable of. Anything outside of that are the things you don’t entirely believe you can be, do or have. The great thing is your box has the ability to change. As you change your beliefs about what is possible, your ability and the level of ease in which you can achieve it, your box expands, and you do more super cool things with your life. The thing that stops us from being able to manifest what we want is that it feels like it’s too much (a.k.a. we don’t deserve it), too specific, or too big. Abraham-Hicks says, “It’s as easy to create a button as a castle.” and in practicing raising our levels of belief, it makes it easier for us to have the things we desire. For example, there were two young men grew up in Ohio and had an idea to do something that no one had ever done before. Thanks to them believing in their vision, the Wright Brothers pioneered the technology to allow us to fly all over the world. There was also a young girl who was asked what competition she wanted to win. When both her and her sister chose Wimbledon, her Father made her choose another tournament.

Serena Williams has now gone to become one of the most decorated athletes of all time. What these three people have in common is that their parents instilled specific beliefs in them, that they could achieve anything they wanted, that they were capable and that would be supported as they continued to grow and pursue their passion. You now have the opportunity to be that person for yourself, be your biggest cheerleader, and be kind to yourself as you go through unlearning old beliefs by focusing and instilling new beliefs. The steps to manifesting anything are quite easy and like most new activities, the more you practice them, the better you will get.

Your Inner Critic How often do you want something and the thoughts that immediately follow are all the reasons you shouldn’t have it, that it could never happen to you, and that you don’t deserve it. Your inner critic was created to keep you safe, make sure you didn’t overextend yourself, eat way too much candy, embarrass yourself or die. Over a lifetime, it’s picked up thoughts, beliefs and habits that hinder you more than help you. If you’re wondering how you picked these beliefs, it’s easy to see. According to a Harvard study, we form 80% of our thoughts, judgments and beliefs about ourselves and the world by the time we are 9 years old. This critical period is when we solidify concepts like trust, shame, doubt, guilt, competency and self-esteem. If you think back to the people you were around at that age, you inadvertently soaked in their beliefs, which might not necessarily been true or useful and probably don’t match who you are today. We then pass through additional phases in our lives where; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The amount of information that we actively instill begins to taper off. We start living with these beliefs as our truths. We notice that some beliefs don’t work. We start searching for new beliefs that feel in alignment or feel correct to us. We actively practice instilling and living a new value and belief system.

Most people that start looking for tools like this Manifestation Journal are in phase five. You know what you want to be different and your ready to let it happen. Manifestation is often thought of as “woo-woo”, however all it comes down to deciding what your new operating system is and practicing living your new beliefs as your truths. There are four main steps to manifesting; 1. 2. 3. 4.

Deciding what you want. Connecting to the feeling. Focusing on what you want. Allowing it to come to fruition.

Let’s explore all of them in the following pages!

Decide What You Want & Release Any Blockages “You better stop blocking your blessings.” - Cheryl Sutherland “What do you want?” When was the last time you asked yourself that and answered honestly without shrinking, compromising or second guessing? There are a bunch of misconceptions that pop up when talking about what you want. These are absolutely false. Some of the more common ones are that in doing so you’re not humble, that you’re selfish, ungrateful, or taking from others by asking for more. Think of this process with the complexities of ordering a pizza. You don’t call your local pizza joint and say, “ I think I want a pizza, can you just give me something with cheese? No fuss, I don’t want to be a bother.” 40 minutes later, your mouth starts salivating as you answer the door, take your new treasure and run gleefully into the kitchen. You slowly open the box as you let the aromas waft over you and your eyes finally land on broccoli, pineapple and pepperoni on your pizza. Turns out you got the new specialty they are trying out. Your excitement is out the door and you spend the majority of your time picking off ninety percent of the toppings. You avoid this situation by clearly asking for what you want when you call in your order! Have you ever felt guilty for adding a topping? Selfish for taking one off ? Ungrateful for switching the crust? It’s the same way you should feel about asking for anything you want, period.

Let's Talk About Money, Honey. I met a fellow who was a healer 2015 at a house party in LA. He traveled around the world taking care of others, but felt like asking to be paid was wrong and unspiritual. At that time, he lived mostly on the good will and handouts of others, which isn’t a problem if you feel fulfilled and happy whilst doing so, which unfortunately it seemed he was not. In ‘The Autobiography of a Yogi’, Paramahansa Yogananda was a young boy when he decided the Universe was going to take care of him. People would randomly give him money, food and support without him asking. He would set goals and ask the Universe for them to be fulfilled and things would fall into place. The legacy that Yogananda left behind has allowed millions of people to be impacted as he took the lead in bringing the teachings of yoga and meditation to the western world. For our healer friend, life wasn’t quite so easy. The conundrum was, if he had additional financing he would be able to help WAY more people and also enjoy his life at a deeper level because he wouldn’t have to worry about where his necessities would come from. Ultimately, money is neutral. We decide if it’s bad or good and it simply amplifies who you are as a person. If you are a caring person and you hit the lotto, get that raise or inherit funds, you get to be even more caring. Think of your favorite person in the whole wide world and imagine them winning 27 million in the weekly lotto. If you didn’t think they would change, then allow yourself that grace as well. In pushing money away or denying yourself of it, you’re telling the Universe that you don’t want it, and so it goes.

Connect To The Feeling & Act As If It Is “If something you want is slow to come to you, it can be for only one reason: You are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence.” - Abraham-Hicks When writing out what you want, the reason why you want it is one of the biggest indicators of if you can create it or not. Millions of people are single and wanting to be in a relationship. The ones that find themselves in amazing, fulfilling juicy relationships are clear that they want a partner to build, grow, have fun with and love deeply. I have a plethora of fantastic friends who are single and want to be in a relationship but have beliefs that hold them back from what they want. Some include; feeling like they should be in a relationship at their age / financial status / friend group , that something is wrong with them because they are not in one, that their are no suitable partners or that dating is hard. If you want something because you don’t have it and the absence of it triggers scarcity, you can’t have it. If you want something because it will be fun, exciting and invigorating, the Universe will bring it to you because you’re coming from abundance. Dig around and use your journal to get clear on what you want and the why behind you want it. Discover the feeling you’ve attached to what you want, that will be the anchor you will use to draw it in. For example, if I want more money in my bank account because I think I’ll feel more secure, I get to practice feeling more secure all the time. If I want a new car because I think I’ll feel more successful, I’ll manifest it quicker by focusing in on what success feels like. Most people want things for three specific reasons, they want more security, they want to feel loved and they want to be accepted. If you can create and live in those feelings without relying on outer conditions to change, you allow the Universe to bring it to you ASAP.

Focus and Act as If Have you seen the TV Show “Fringe”? It’s a sci-fi show and the main premise is that there are two parallel Earths, and due to tiny changes, the characters have completely different lives on each planet. Once you’ve decided what you want, you have to convince yourself that it is done. You have now moved into a new version of Earth where what you desire is your life and it feels natural. This might mean you have to ignore parts of your life that don’t live up to your new reality, not react to them, or actively focus on the things that are working. The level of clear, confident focus you give to your new life will be one of the factors that determine how quickly it comes to you. The next step is to pair your imagination with your feelings. By using your imagination, you create scenarios that train your sub- and super conscious mind into believing what you want is possible, and by super charging them with feelings, you convince your brain and the Universe that it’s real. You’ll notice yourself wanting to work less hard, feeling less anxiety and being more light hearted.

Embody It,

Focus on Having It

& Allow It

“Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.” - Wayne Dyer

The adages ‘dress for the job you want,’ or ‘fake it til you make it,” are popular and they hold powerful nuggets of truth. By enveloping yourself in the persona of who you will be once you create what you’re asking for will cause it to manifest quicker. This doesn’t mean you need to run out and spend hundreds of dollars on new stuff. You are going to let this new change affect who you are physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Check in with yourself when you imagine what this version of you feels like. Do you stand taller? Do you speak with more confidence? How does your gut feel? How do you feel when making decisions? Are you more grounded? When practicing with the feeling of success, I felt a mixture of joy, courage, excitement, pride and play. I sat differently, drove my car differently, spoke from a place of authority and felt like, people saw me as an expert in my field. It not only felt great, over a two week period I made more money and closed more deals then I had the last 6 months. People sought me out, I got referrals and business deals came together super easily. Sometimes when feeling unsure I ask myself, “What would successful me do?” and I get the insight and confidence to make the next step. Your decision making process changes immensely when you come from abundance vs. lack. In practicing decision making with the mindset of it is already happening, it makes your manifestation more concrete and draws in even more supportive resources. Writing out your manifestations is the most concentrated form of focus. There are various ways of doing this such as; • Creating a scene of what your life experience is now that you have drawn in your object of attention. • Reflecting on how you feel now you have created XYZ and how your life has changed. • Writing out how the realization of your goal affects others. As you are writing, make sure to anchor yourself in the feeling you want to have when you achieve your goal. Whether it’s happiness, calm, love or clarity, let the feeling wash over you. Starting your journal entry with your intended feeling, ie, “I Am so proud of myself !”, “I Am so excited because...”, “ I Am feeling so much bliss.” sets the tone for the rest of the scene you are writing. The more you practice, the more natural having what you want feels. If the thing you want feels unreachable, hard or unachievable, your disbelief will block it every time. In practicing what your completed outcome will feel like, you allow it become attainable, easy and the next natural step. Many times you’ll see athletes interviewed as they have broke a record or won a competition and when asked, “How do you feel?” they often share that it’s just what they’ve practiced. They’ve made winning easy by making it feel natural.

Another adage that is super relevant when it comes to manifesting is, “From your lips to God’s ears.’ No matter what beliefs you have around religion, what you say is a way of focusing your manifesting power. Complaining, justifying why you don’t have something or being negative keeps what you want farther away from you and it actually attracts more of what you don’t want. Next time you speak negatively about something, notice how it feels. Does it feel like you’re growing or shrinking? Do you feel closer to what you want or farther away? Even if you’re experiencing something not that great, remind yourself that it’s only temporary and that it is giving you the opportunity to get clearer and feel more determined to create what you’re after. Other ways to practice enveloping yourself in the new you could be; cheering because you’ve paid off your debt, having a nice night on the couch with your new boo because you’ve decided to stay in, or relishing in the new bed of your brand new house, and journaling out a scene in your new life. It could be something as simple as a drive to work, or as complex as you spending the day moving into your new place with your partner. Write it out, and reread it as if you’ve immersed yourself in a good book. Questions such as, “What does it feel like?” “What are your surroundings?” “What temperature is it outside?’ “What are you wearing?” “Is there smell in the room?” will help you add texture to make it feel more tangible. Be mindful with whom you share your new desire with. People that aren’t on the same wavelength as you will project their own limiting beliefs on your new endeavor. When you choose to share with others, choose people that are confident and supportive. Even better, sharing with others that have manifested similar things will help solidify your own belief. The best way to start your manifestation journey is practicing with less specific things and things without an emotional charge. Because you don’t have very many practiced thoughts or resistance about these things, it’s easier for them to show up in your existence. It could be simple things like asking to see an odd colored car, to get a lovely surprise or a sweet treat. When they do show up, and they will, the speed in which they do is a clear indication of how resistant or allowing you were. There are no such things as coincidences, so when you get the manifestation you asked for, make sure to celebrate and praise yourself. You are creating more evidence of your power and the more confidence you gain, the easier it will be to ask for more specific things without resistance and without your Inner Critic getting in the way. Now that you’ve asked for it, started playing with it and are living as if it’s done, you get to relax into it! The allowing can be the trickiest part for those that are used to making things happen. The process of letting go of expectations, timelines and trusting that it is on its way is one of the new habits you get to practice. To help the process along, the best thing you can do is distract yourself from what you’re letting go and savoring your current life. Similar to appreciating a car or home right before you sell it, you can be satisfied with where you are and be open and ready for more. Keep your manifestation valves wide open by doing the practices below. Through this process, you are changing habits you have had for the majority of your life, so be kind to yourself as you are learning this new way of life. You may have doubts or fears pop up, that’s only natural. When you notice yourself experiencing negative emotion or swirling in a bevy of fear or doubt, that is the indicator that you’ve gone off course. No need to worry, take a moment to shake it off and refocus yourself on what you are creating.

Practices to Add: Mediate - Find a meditation practice that helps you feel at peace. This may be chanting, silent or guided, and feel free to experiment with apps, videos on YouTube and meditation events until you find what works for you. In practicing meditation, you begin to detach from the intensity of your day to day life and the concerns that are keeping you from letting your magic flow. Nighttime intentions - Your brain is super impressionable in your last 30 minutes before sleep. Practice immersing yourself in the experience of receiving the things that you want. Use your imagination, write it out and enjoy the feeling of it occurring. Let the feeling of what you want soothe you to sleep and the Universe will get to work in creating it while you slumber. Mindful breathing - Taking moments to practice deep breathing throughout the day reminds your body that everything is all good. Connect with nature - Take a couple minutes to look at the sky, touch leaves, trees and flower petals, go to the beach, play with an animal or stand in the grass. Studies have shown that connecting with nature boosts happiness, lowers stress, and increases your ability to trust. Appreciation - Write daily lists of appreciation. Practicing appreciation lowers stress levels, increases happiness, and tunes you to receiving more of what you appreciate. If you get the urge to give someone a compliment or share why you appreciate them, do it! It’s super beneficial for you and for them! Notice the good - Throughout the day, notice good things around you or that happen to you. Oftentimes, we’re so busy focused on what’s not working, we over look what actually is. This allows you to train your brain to focus on positive things versus it’s natural bias of perceiving bad things. It can be ten seconds here and there to see all the greatness around you.

Books to Read These books have made a huge impact on me in deepening my manifestation process. These books feature tools like helping you build a mediation practice you enjoy, manifestation exercises to play with and real life examples and exercises to strengthen your new beliefs. Take a look at each and delve into the ones you feel the most aligned with. Ask and it is Given - Esther and Jerry Hicks The Universe Has Your Back - Gabrielle Bernstein The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill Bliss More - Light Watkins Wishes Fulfilled - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer E ²m - Pam Grout

Spark Joy

“The vibration of everything you want is Joy.� List things that bring you joy and choose to do at least one daily. From talking on the phone with a friend, petting a pupper, or taking a nap, the choice is yours. It turns out that the nicer we are to ourselves, the nicer the universe is to you too. The things you are looking to manifest are ultimately to make you happy, so the more you practice being happy, the more happiness you create.

I Choose You Use these page to write out what your life is now that you are successful, deeply loved, vibrant, and fulfilled. Write this out with as much detail as you can. Where you live, who you see throughout the day, what your relationships are like and what freedom and satisfaction look like.

Create a

Life You Love

Take the next couple of pages to solidify what you want your life to be. Create a scene of your new life by sketching or using pencil crayons. You can also create a vision board using newspaper clippings.

Lets' Do This! Alright! You now have all the tools to really dig in! One thing that will supercharge your writing is using the PleaseNotes Sticky Notes to set an intention and add extra positivity. Practice surrounding yourself with reminders of who you really are and where you’re heading. Check out the “Mirror Mirror” Mirror Affirmation Decals and the “Label of Love” Water Bottle Labels to help you do just that! Want additional support in getting clear on and taking action towards your dreams? Check out our new courses and coaching programs created to help you get unstuck, create new powerful beliefs about yourself, and feel clear and confident as you move towards the abundant life you deserve. Visit today!

Happy Journaling!

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Life is working for me, not against me.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am in love with life, every minute of it.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I ignore the rest. - Venus Williams

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I like criticism. It makes you strong. - LeBron James

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The ladder of success is never crowded at the top. - Napoleon Hill

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am choosing to feel successful today.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am the most important person in my life.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Buddha

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I have all the answers within me.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I’m just enjoying my life. I suggest you try it. -Tyler Perry

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The pain pushes until we let the vision pull. - Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I trust the Universe to bring me everything I need and more then I could imagine.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Doing what I love is true success.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Life is lived on the edge. - Will Smith

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I choose to no longer let settling be an option.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Your presence is your power. - Gabrielle Bernstein

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow. - BeyoncĂŠ Knowles

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I already have everything I need to be successful.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. - Mark Zuckerberg

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Thoughts become things.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I keep positive uplifting things in my life and bless and release all that does not serve me.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I can be right or I can be happy.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. - Elon Musk

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

It doesn’t matter what they call you, it matters what you answer to. - Cheryl Sutherland

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Happiness starts with the decision to be happy.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don’t care how big it is. - John Assaraf

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Success is not an accident, success is actually a choice. - Stephen Curry

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

There is no limitation or lack anywhere.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The biggest risk is not taking any risk. - Mark Zuckerberg

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Being myself is the most beautiful experience of my life.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

You must do the things you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am living with grace and ease.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I’m not going to ask the world if I can be great, I’m giving the world notice that I am great. - Lisa Nichols

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I choose not to compare myself to anything. I am growing in my own way, and in my own timing.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. - Stevie Wonder

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

What you think about, you bring about.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The only limits we have in life are those we impose on ourselves. - Bob Proctor

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Pain is inevitable, but suering is a choice.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

There’s no such thing as a life that’s better than yours. - J. Cole

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

My exterior environment is a reflection of my internal environment.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

It’s okay to release the life I have grown familiar with and step into the life that is worthy of me.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Fear no longer has a say in my decisions.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Being like everyone else isn’t belonging, it’s hiding. I allow myself to shine brightly.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it. - Oprah Winfrey

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

A joy-filled life is an authentic life.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree. - Jim Rohn

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution. - Bob Proctor

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I came here to live and thrive, not exist to survive.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Our intention creates our reality. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I refuse to entertain living a small life.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today. - Les Brown

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am ready to step into my greatness! I am here to make a mighty dierence!

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Micro changes lead to macro wins.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. - Neale Donald Walsch

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am choosing to follow my heart, not what I’ve been told to be.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. - Drake

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Joy is an indicator that you are doing your true work.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The last of human freedoms - the ability to chose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances. -Viktor Frankl

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am going beyond playing my strong suit.

Date / Time

I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Maybe other people will try to limit me but I don’t limit myself. - Jim Carrey

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am following my instincts and intuition.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

If you’re are afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail. - Kobe Bryant

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The only limitations upon you are those which are self-imposed. - Thomas D. Willhite

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

It’s easy to stay doing something you hate, it’s comfortable. Get out of your comfort zone.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

They will try to close the door on you, just open it. - DJ Khaled

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

If you are doing something out of obligation and not true giving, it’s better not to do it at all.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Love and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Choose wisely.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Abundance is a state of beingness, not a dollar amount in a bank account.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

There is only one way to avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. - Aristotle

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Start your day with why, then get on with your what. - Darren Hardy

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Your gifts are not about you, it’s about what you’re here to give.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Every idea that comes into your head is able to be manifested.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Human beings have an extinct for freedom. - Lupita Nyong’o

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I’ve failed over and over in my life. And that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The shadows of your past are not who you are. You are here, in the present, and ready to make new decisions.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am what I love, not what loves me.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am preparing myself for the good, instead of preparing for the bad.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what’s left? - Jim Carrey

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Everything is working together for my highest good.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I have the freedom to choose my environment.

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My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Treat yo self. - Ancient American Proverb

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Energy flows where your attention goes.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

There’s no sense in going out of your way to get someone to like you. - Ash Ketchum

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Faith isn’t blind, it’s visionary. - Marianne Williamson

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

What you look for, you look with.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

There is nothing permanent except change. - Heraclitus

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Boundaries might be the best gift I give myself.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am choosing to sparkle bright today!

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Engage your emotions at work. Your instincts and emotions are there to help you. - Sir Richard Branson

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

You can only deeply understand what you choose to look deeply at. - Marianne Williamson

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

It’s not about me, it’s about the message I’ve been given to deliver the world.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The first person who had to get out of the way of me letting my light shine was me. - Lisa Nichols

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I love and cherish myself the way I want others to love and cherish me.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps, I’m the first Simone Biles. - Simone Biles

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve. - J. K. Rowling

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am choosing to see a miracle today.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. - Oprah Winfrey

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am choosing to play big in life.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I just wish people would realize anything is possible. - Terry Fox

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am being guided gracefully in every aspect of my life.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Inspiration is all around me.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. - Nelson Mandela

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there. - Will Smith

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Fear cannot exist in the same space as gratitude.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

There is no creativity without failure. Period. - BrenĂŠ Brown

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

As I speak greatness into others, I speak greatness into myself.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. - Confucius

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My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The Universe will reply with everything I say and believe.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I give myself permission to be glorious!

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Be the best version of yourself in anything you do. You don’t have to live anybody else’s story. - Stephen Curry

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

To err is human, to forgive is divine. - William Shakespeare

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Disempowering words have no place in my vocabulary.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am not afraid to stand in the stillness.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I have insecurities of course, but I don’t hang out with anyone who points them out to me. - Adele

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now. - Napoleon Hill

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am grateful for myself just the way I am.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Life is a menu. Whatever you order is what’s delivered to the table. - Tyrese Gibson

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

All solutions to all of my challenges are already within me.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am clearing my consciousness of things that don’t serve me.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. - Napoleon Hill

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am letting ambition be replaced by inspiration.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Don’t look for your dreams to become true; look to become true to your dreams. - Dr. Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am constantly remembering life is set up to be easy.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

The first step you have to say is you can. - Will Smith

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

When you realize settling has always been an option, your whole life will change. - Cheryl Sutherland

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am choosing to divert my energy from worry to winning.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

There is no such thing as lack, limitation or scarcity.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Choose people who lift you up. - Michelle Obama

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Believe in your flyness. Conquer your shyness. - Kanye West

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am choosing to see greatness in everyone I meet today.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

If you live in your heart, magic happens. - Bernie Siegel

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am whole and complete right now and right here.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. - Kurt Cobain

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am the only person capable of making my life magnificent.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are. - e. e. Cummings

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I love myself more than I love anything else. In doing so, I have the ability to love everything else.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. - Paulo Coelho

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am the freedom that I have been looking for.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. - Confucius

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I give myself the same patience as I give others.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am my own rescue.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Fear is not real. It’s an illusion, a phenomenon that resides entirely within your own brain. - Darren Hardy

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play. - Arnold Toynbee

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Worrying is praying for what I don’t want.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Well-being is a state one has to groom. - Don Juan

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Beliefs are only true because I agree to them.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

My most important relationship is the one with myself.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Choosing not to suffer is a form of self-care. - Cheryl Sutherland

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

We need emotional muscles in order to rise up emotionally. - Marianne Williamson

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am creating goals that are worthy of me.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am so proud of myself !

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Men worry more about what they can’t see than about what they can. - Julius Caesar

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

My needs and wants are valid.

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Abundance comes only to those who have it. - Eckhart Tolle

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I have the power to choose how I see all circumstances.

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

We can’t plan life. All we can do is be available for it. - Lauryn Hill

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I choose to speak greatness into all around me.

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

You don’t worry about fitting in when you’re custom fitted. - Drake

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Genius will always be forcefully opposed by mediocrity. - J. Davenport

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am choosing to live an extraordinary life.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am worthy of breathtaking love and support.

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

People need loving the most when they feel they deserve it the least. - Cheryl Sutherland

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success. - Paramahansa Yogananda

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I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

My self-care is important.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Fear means you are heading in the right direction. - Cheryl Sutherland

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Opportunities for success are everywhere.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I am acknowledge all my blessings, and that I am also a blessing.

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Keep going, start by starting. - Meryl Streep

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Once you have found out what you love to do, be the best in the world at it. - Mark Cuban

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Let whoever think whatever, just keep getting better. - Cheryl Sutherland

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I really think a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall. - Serena Williams

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am safe, secure, and supported no matter what the circumstance.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

We are all connected and all in this together.

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

When I have to choose between being true to my heart or true to someone else’s expectations, I always choose my heart.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

A miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. - Marianne Williamson

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

This planet was created for manifestation.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

If you spot an opportunity and are excited by it, throw yourself into it with everything you’ve got. - Sir Richard Branson

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

My growth is a process, not an event.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

If you risk nothing, then you risk everything. - Geena Davis

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

Work mindfully, not hard. Your life’s purpose is as natural as breathing.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

Love always wins.

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I Am Choosing to Embody the Feeling of;

I Am Appreciative for;

My Affirmation Today Is:

I Am

I am choosing to lean in, be bold, and dare greatly.

Great Things That Happened To Me Today;

I Am Capable of Wondrous Things. - Cheryl Sutherland

I Am Choosing to Receive the Things I Desire because...

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