Lingfeng Pan B Arch.Wuhan University & University of Dundee 2019-2023 Student number: 24162426
conflicts evoke
characters performance
affects feedback
"thinking machines" propose
[a]MANUAL DEFINITION From human to environment
The world we live in is constantly facing political, economic, ecological and technological changes. In the last two decades, after major events such as epidemics, financial crises, wars, ecological pollution, etc., the relationship between people, architecture and urban space has also changed dramatically. UNCERTAINTY brought about by change has gradually become a core characteristic of the times, and therefore the significance of modern architectural products as MONUMENTAL is gradually DISAPPEARING. At the same time, the rapid iteration of technology is leading to a revolution: a trend towards architecture that is more adaptable, eco-friendly and usable for human beings. I am opposed to the timelessness and non-constructiveness of architecture and favour its uncertainty. I like to think of the city as a COMPLEX SYSTEM, studying the movement of its elements and their interactions with each other, i.e. human activity, and designing architectures that allow the built form to become iterative and evolving cycles rather than fixed states. I prefer to use DISCRETE AND ASSEMBLED FORMS to explore the adaptive, systemic and eco-friendly nature of architecture as a means of mitigating the social and ecological problems facing humanity today. Based on the above critique, I will approach the five topics and give a corresponding proposal.
Vector Equilibrium-Future Life Healing Systerm New type hospital design&Expirimental model simulation
Dérive [Islands]-breaking the Spectacles with [Game] Theory game frame construct&critical thinking
Universal [Cube]-From Space Station to House Space station design&Space techology research&physical model making
Evolved [Line]-Sustainable goal-driven design of elementary school Generative Design&Full life cycle of materials&environmental simulation
Other Works-professional -professional works&Digital future2023 workshop
Vector Equilibrium Future Life Healing Systerm
Academic Team Work March 2023 / 4th Semester Site: Wuhan, China Contribution:unit and detail design&model making Advisor: Zhiyi Zhang email:zhang@coop-himmelblau.at
The past 20 years has proved the disillusion of better future at the beginning of twenty firstcentury, which has witness the more passive and severe social reality.People stops to dream about tomorrow yet to stop caring about ambition of humanity.Technology seems to recover the chair of process of civilization, AIGC seems to be the truerevolution of our era: we have tried to summarize it to be today's Steam technology. Yet it fail toreal create. Once, we are here to diagnose instead of change.Is technology the real promotion of future?Is health system renovation a jjoint of future?Is it a good time to rethink about well-being today?Has our city been designed for a better environment or a better container?Did our city lost the anticipation for better or become a pessimistic machine?Are we people really caring for sustainable tomorrow whose today are still in a mass? Is hospital a capital system?Is Upper class or capital we architects serving for?Is proletariat participating in our better future?Is health system the priority of the selfrighteous middle class?The city is getting old, not just the age but the mentality. People is the boss of the city insteadof the noisy politician.We seeks to find the true. Capital control the future! Life health is a concern, but more important is the health container: city. city had made people to be unhealthy.The new health system without the new city system only solve a minor difficulty A new life health system seeks a new type of container, similar to a tropical fish seekswarm water.
Dérive [Islands] breaking the Spectacles with [Game] Theory
Academic Individual Work July 2023 / 4th Semester Site: Wuhan, China Advisor:Xiangyu Zhang email:stellaxiangyu@outlook.com
In the current age of digital media, political coercion and economic means of domination have given way, and cultural and ideological control has followed. Through cultural facilities and mass media, spectacle has created a pseudo-reality, a pseudo-world that covers people's daily lives. Revolution is about revealing the alienated nature of the spectacle in everyday life, destroying the spectacle, and guiding people back to the moment of real existence. The project will use the Xujiapeng ferry site as an experimental site, and through a series of interventions on the site, awaken people's collective memory of the Yangtze River and the ferry terminal in historical montages, and use "game" as a medium to detect and combat the erasure of collective memory by human activities caused by the invasion of contemporary deformed media spectacle
Universal Cube From Space Station to House
Academic Individual Work May 2022 / 3th Semester Site: Near-Earth Orbit (NEO) Advisor: Xicheng Sheng email:shengmorni@gmail.com
Rem Koolhaas has mentioned NASA's non-architectural explorations in space station design in The Architectural Element: a 2013 email to the editor from Jeffrey Osterlund, NASA's Chief Exploration Engineer, on the definition of a "floor" in space: "NASA does have a direction for defining the "floor" itself. "NASA does have a direction for defining the 'floor' itself. This is despite the absence of gravity. By definition, within the habitable modules that make up the ISS, any surface on which humans can "walk" can be considered a floor, and NASA has designated the surface that is normally tangential to the Earth as the floor (i.e., the ground). This is the surface closest to the Earth). This defined orientation makes location possible, thus defining the location of storage or equipment." The aim of this project is to architecturally test whether mankind can overcome the irresistible effects of gravity on conventional habitation, and to conceptualise a new form of space station design that explores the possibilities of future human habitation in space, starting from the most basic architectural elements.
Details of Se
ection Model
Evolved [Line] Sustainable goal-driven design of elementary school
Academic Team Work Sept 2022 / 4th Semester Site: Wuhan, China Contribution:generative design&simulation Advisor:Zhonghua Gou email:zh.gou@whu.edu.cn
The Seagram Building's brass envelope accounts for less than 2% of the building's mass, yet it accounts for nearly half of its energy value, a stark disparity that suggests a series of unequal ecological and economic exchanges and shifts in environmental burdens, and that also draws our attention to the issue of "hidden carbon." Carbon emissions released before a building or infrastructure is put to distant use, sometimes referred to as front-loading, are expected to account for half of the carbon emissions from new construction between now and 2050, and have the potential to consume a significant portion of the world's carbon budget. This makes us realize that we not only need to use green buildings to address carbon emissions during the use phase of a building, but we also need to focus on the emissions generated during the full life cycle in the manufacturing, transportation, construction, maintenance, repair, and end-of-life phases, and even the benefits and loads beyond the life cycle. Newly designed nodes and components should not be singularly considered in their own right, but should be integrated with the building's physical space and green technologies. Through the design of the elementary school, we hope to clarify the complex relationships within the site. Using linear generative logic to establish order within the site, the entire community is integrated through architectural means in terms of function, flow, and energy sharing.
[a]MANUAL Lingfeng Pan B Arch.Wuhan University & University of Dundee 2019-2023 Applying for Architectural Design March UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment