About RC Helicopters

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Flying a RC helicopter with your friends or kids is an exciting hobby for many. Here are some tips you would do well to remember when buying or flying these sophisticated little machines. As I was entering the local park with my friend to jog in the morning, I saw a guy with a remote in hand right in the middle of the park, with a group of excited children around him. The guy was looking skywards pointing the remote to the sky too. With every button-press of the remote, the group of children was making loud noise and jumping in unison. When I followed their gaze, I knew what it was. It was a RC Helicopter (remote controlled helicopter) performing in the air. I had brought the very same model for my son too a week before. It was RC AH-64 Apache Helicopter. I recollected how ecstatic my son had got on getting the model. I decided to put all information I had about the helicopter in form of an article and put it on the web, to help others know about it. Today there are so many choices for a RC helicopter that choosing the right one is confusing. My recommendation is to get only 4 plus channel helicopters. It must have radio control duel propeller system and full movement control - forward, backward, left, right, up and down. It should also be fitted with co-axial rotor technology and rechargeable battery. Spare main rotor set should also be available with the kit. Real the manual well before you begin flying your RC helicopters. Ensure you understand all the diagrams well and put all the parts in place. Properly configuring your little machine is essential. Check all the throttle linkages to make sure they are in the right position. Take good care of your foam blade holders to preserve the life of your mixing levers. You would do well to make a preflight list before you start flying. The list should include everything from the safety to the transmitters, linkages, screws and radio. Check out for the weather too before putting your toy in the air. and also check for the weather conditions before you go out to fly your RC helicopter. Be careful about the surrounding too. Never fly your helicopter in a place which has electric poles or such objects nearby. Take your own time to learn the art of RC helicopter flying. Your machine can move in the air quite fast, and go really high. So practice to fly it carefully before doing any stunt with it. Learn to fly it in all directions. Learn how to use all the options in your remote effectively. The remote of a RC helicopter could seem complex in the beginning, but as the time passes by, you will become adept in using it. Spending proper time with it will help you to understand it well. Be mindful of the battery time otherwise it would come crashing to the ground. Various types of RC helicopter are available in the market. These types are generally divided keeping in view the controls the helicopters have and their sophistication of make. The 3 channel

RC helicopters are the easiest to control. Then come 4 channel RC helicopters which are more advanced than the previous version and a bit harder to handle. You would need some time before you master the remote. The latest version is the 6 channel RC helicopters which are the most sophisticated. To get excelled in flying this machine, you need to spend a lot of time. RC Apache helicopters are the most in demand. They are the replica of the real ones which were used by the United States in the gulf wars. Models such as AH-64, 3CH Super Stable and 2CH Electric RTF are quite popular. However, before deciding to buy any of these, you would do well to read the review of the best RC Apache Helicopter machines available.

The author is associated with RCApacheHelicopters.com, which provide you with the information and knowledge you need to buy your RC AH-64 Apache Helicopter, RC Apache Helicopter and other toy machines.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=P_Howell

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