1 minute read

A Conversation with Canada's Favourite Astronaut

PLLC scholar Molly Henneberry has an interest in space medicine. So, for her Stretch Experience, she worked on identifying a research bridge between bone loss amongst spinal cord injury patients on earth and astronauts returning from prolonged spaceflight. Molly followed a breadcrumb trail of connections, starting with PLLC’s Mentor Team, which led to an email (“Greetings from Moscow”) from Commander Chris Hadfield. That email turned into a phone call about her research—and Molly’s conversation with Canada’s favourite astronaut.

“If you’d told me in Grade 11 that part of my university career would involve talking to astronauts about my science projects, I likely would have laughed,” says Molly.


“I’ve learned that what I'm capable of is less about my natural talents, and has everything to do with how much of myself I'm willing to invest in a project."

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