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On the 5th of September 2014, Plovdiv was elected as the first Bulgarian European Capital of Culture in a competition with other Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Varna and Veliko Tarnovo. Plovdiv’s bid was outlined as an example of a successful combination of the historical heritage of the city and the challenges and problems of modern life, with a vision for future development. Within the concept of ‘Together’ was also the ambitious task of uniting Plovdiv through culture, people of different generations, ethnicities and religions. The ‘Together’ concept, which is the basis of Plovdiv’s application, was recognised as a significantly important aspect of the development of the cultural and social life in the city. On the 19th of May 2015, the Council of Ministers of the European Union officially approved the decision of the 5th of September 2014 and designated Plovdiv as European Capital of Culture 2019. The Plovdiv 2019 Foundation now starts its work for bringing about a change in the perception of culture – as an effective tool for environmental improvement and the development of human relationships.
T r a n s f o r m t h e C i t y M a s t e r t h e A r t o f L i v i n g S h a r e o u r D i f f e r e n c e s C r e a t e H e r i t a g e f o r t h e F u t u r e
#together we:
Plovdiv is proud of its ancient heritage and its status as one of the oldest European cities. The identity of the city and its citizens is marked by deep layers of the past. The meeting between different cultures, communities and groups has always been the biggest challenge, as well as the best drive for the city's development. ‘Together’ is more than a path to a more integrated community, it has been our vision for making culture more accessible so that it can make our lives more meaningful and our city more vibrant and attractive.
One of the main reasons why we succeeded being #together throughout the year of the title was our amazing and most dedicated volunteers. Here is an overview of the volunteer programme we’ve created.