The Olsen Times Weekly, 1951-1953

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James B. Olsen, editor and printer

2cj per copy. 2¢ for mailing. lef per line for ads. Write to: Box 796 WE HAVE ALOT OF COMPANY Grace Blomquist, Rev Qi.nd Mrs. Roy Olsen, and Mrs. J°oe Running, I.Cr. & �'.i:rs. Kenneth Jacobs, and their daughter, Roy Olson's boys, Tim and Jerry, Jifrs. Byron Bryson and her baby boy, and her boy ana. girl, VVnlt Young, Mrs. Hokenstad,Mrs. Rich­ urds came to our house a had a pic­ nic We had it for lfozel Nesvig who is going soon to see her husband Cha:pl�in llilton Nesvig. He used to work at P. L. c. Roy Olson took his job after he left. Pan-ready fryers ste1,iv hens roasting hens Arnmstrong's Poultry Market lloo9 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Washington I GO ON FIELDTRIP Ny fifth grade class nt Parkland School went to the Washing­ ton State Historical .'..foseum or the Ferry 1luseum. There are rneny very interest­ ing things there. Do you want good ice?

Interested readers every week

HAZEL GETS PRES.ANTS At the party everyone who was there gave her a blouce. They gave her 3 boys, }1'.Iark, J onathen, and Phillip a present. Rev. Olson read a letter Hazel had re­ cieved from Milton. I took a picture of the whole 3rou:p. We had a Wonderful dinner. RUTH ELOISE OLSEN NEWS

Ruth's birthday was :Hay 16. After a.inner hlrs. Chas. Way and 1'.irs. Richara.s and Phillip came here. She got seve.rul nice :presents; nn� some l dollar bills nnd cnrds. l'Irs. Holmes her cake, o, sun­ shine cake. She usually €lows when we tell her to, but we couldn't make her blow out her I candle; ,_She ate some of her cake and lik­ e--d ·it ·very well. Get your mimeograph Btencils sjJyluses lettering guides lnk paper machines and all your mimeo­ graph supp-lies from The Stationers Inc. 926 Pacific Avenue. Tacoma l, Washington Parkland

"OLD H.AIN 11 was the We have it crushed and -- first b u'ilding on the block campus to be built. It was built is 1894, Ice Delivery Company It has been the GR 8161 main bullding of the cam:pu0 until the . Chapel ii:Iusic Speech RUTH IS ONE YEAR OLD Bla.g. was builit. Eve::c;;,rthing in the Ruth was 1 on I'riday, colleGe wont on in the 16th of May. "Old Main 11 until See Ruth Olsen news. another building was built.


Birds are very im­ portant in the world. If we didn't have them we wouldn't be very happy. Birds eat insects that eat vegetables and fruit. Birds make very pretty music. Birds add alot to this world. We would have to do more work if they were not here. LAST-MINUTE NEWS Ruth can play the Concert-Roller-Organ that we have. A friend of the O.J. Olsen's (R.C.Olsen's parents) gave it to· them. It didn't play good anymore when we took a trip to Michigan, so we fix­ ed it up with corn­ plasters anQ took it home. There is a crank that pw11:ps aii through some ree�s of different notes • It also turns around a pieca of wood with spikes sticking out that lift up the keys so tnat it plays.a tune. Ruth can now turn the crank. R. C. Olsen thinks that when she-stands there and turns the crank, she looks like an old fashioned wash-woman turnins a wtinger. (When you look at the front of the organ, you see the roller like this:

Volume VII

Second year of publication·

subscribers' price­ two cents (2¢') newstand price three cents (3¢) mailing price 2¢ Copies of this one issue are available at 5 cents (includ­ ing postage) or 3¢ local. Write to : James Olsen, editor, The Olsen Times, Box 796, Parkland. Hashington or tele­ phone GRanite 3623.



last Sunday, August 10, 1952, Mr, Hause, the dean and regi­ strar of P. L. c., and lvir s. Hauge came to visit us and ate dinner with us, * * * * * *· ItiR3. OLSEN GOES TO SHOHER

Wednesday. August 13 l.Irs. Olsen went to the baby shower for Hrs. SjodinG ( a subscriber of this newspaper ) • Ers. Sjocing got many lovely things. At the shower· they play­ ed 6ames and had a­ lot of fun.

* '* * * * *


Friday, I went to Tacoma to The Stat­ ioners, Inc, �nd saw I.Ir. Goodwin, one of my 0ood friends at the mimeograph dept. In the last issue I said that The Grays Harbor Business College, Mr. Bartmess the president of the Col­ lece, sent me a mim­ eoscope� a f�ame to hole. t11e stencil while letterin.:_� or rra�iTIG on the sten­ cil. Hr_. Goodwin put a new glass in it. I use a gooseneck lamp to light it up. (see review on other side)

A�ust 17, 1952


Ruthie asks us things if she isn't quite sure of what is right and what is wrong. She points at what she is won­ dering about (some­ times she wonders if she should eat an apple so she points at the apple, some­ times she wonders if somethin,s is hot) and makes alot of noises that sound just like words, but they aren 1 t quite wora.s. * * "' * * * Vffi GO TO PI CHI C Satu.rday, 'All the 7 Olsen 1 s went to a picnic with the "Cam$ra. Club". :Ct was at the house of Mr. Stuen ( a sub­ scriber) who has been at P.L.C. for 36 years as a stud­ ent an( on t�e fac­ ul t:7. tie played cro­ quet and .ate a ver/ good.dinner, and had alot of fun. * * * * *�r BOB JR, DICK., -GO TO PARTY AT nl CHAR:;)S Tommy RiG.hards t'1at live next to us �ad hie 14th birthday on Saturday. Dick and Bob went. The Rich­ ards famil;y sub­ scribe to this news­ paper. During the party, they s�am in the Richards' pool. * * * * PEOPIJ� THAT HA VZ PUT AJWSl�TISil.TG IH T rLl O L ffi�H TD,i:D:: S


John Eostead,I.Trs. c. J. Olsen, R. Olsen, Dick Olsen, o.J.Olsen, c. Silky, E. Lenhart, c. Achte.c11off, Jo Harveson, W. Young, A1·m2troll£, D. Sch!�1alz, Sb.affer, A. S\linc:'.l:1ne: , L. '11 homas.

Number I


ARLTON, PAUL - wrote an artical about me and the Olsen Times in The Tac­ oma News Tribune. He got me meny ·. subscriber-a that way. STEEN, DR. E� B. He let tne mimeo­ graph my early. copies on the mir1eo0raph. BARTNIB:SS, W� R •. President of .the Gray's Harbor Bu$iness college. He gave me my mir;1eoscope. GOODWIN, GENE works at the mimeo­ graph Dept. He has,supplies. He has given me much good advise and help. He 100::ed at my r.1i;�1eograph mac'1ine. ·_ SCIDULE ., David. - He works at the mimeo­ graph Dept., Heshas gi�en me advise� KlJUDSON, AR THUR M. A pastor in Husk­ gon, Liich. He made all the arrangmei1ts for mailing my mimeograph machine out here. OLSEN, MRS. C. J. Has goten me meny subscriptions and has given me much advise. 0LSEN, MR, MRS. 0 • J. Told Arthur Knuc­ son about me want­ ing a mimeograph. machine. OLSEH ,, MRS. R. C, Proof-reads every stencil of The Olsen Times. PETTEE, EDITHE. Loaned me $10-00. RULISON, MRS. ;f. G. Folds, and address­ es some Th� Olsen Times'. This is not all the pecple. T:/4re is meny mure tbBi have helped ma ve:ry much.

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