PC Catalog 2014-15

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Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s

Plug Connection Products & Services We’re Rooting For You....................................................... 4 Seed Plugs & Vegetative Liners.......................................... 5 How to Order & Order Guidelines....................................... 7 ePicas & Broker Contacts.................................................. 8 Shipping Information........................................................ 11 Online Resources............................................................. 13 Crop Times...................................................................... 15 Featured Breeders............................................................. 17 Mighty ‘Mato Grafted Vegetable Program....................... 27 Program Details............................................................... 28 NEW Mighty 2’Mato Double-Grafted Tomatoes.............. 29 Mighty ‘Mato® Grafted Tomatoes...................................... 30 Mighty Melon™ Grafted Melons and Watermelons............ 35 Mighty Veggies® Grafted Cucumbers............................... 34 Mighty Veggies® Grafted Eggplants.................................. 34 Mighty Veggies® Grafted Peppers.................................... 36 Retail Support.................................................................. 37 Quick Look Charts & Cultural Information......................... 38 Herbs & Edibles................................................................. 41 Certified Organic Seed Herbs & Vegetables..................... 43 Vegetative Herbs.............................................................. 44 Top-Selling Lavenders...................................................... 50 Top-Selling Edibles........................................................... 51 Vegetalis Patio Edibles..................................................... 53 Organiks® Program........................................................... 54 Special Programs Mesa Magic® Cyclamen................................................... 57 Tessera® Succulents........................................................ 61 Geranium Collection......................................................... 75 Poinsettia......................................................................... 77 Meet Our Team.................................................................. 79 Visit Us..................................................................................... 78 Trade Events.................................................................... 78 About Us......................................................................... 80 Index................................................................................ 81

Thank you for choosing Plug Connection as your propagator of high quality plants from the start. We are committed to providing you with top quality annual and perennial plugs and liners, as well as innovative products to inspire the industry and stimulate the marketplace. We continue to do just that in 2015. Sure to invigorate any edible program is the new Mighty 2’Mato—one incredible double grafted tomato plant that produces two different flavor varieties. One tomato plant, two different scion varieties grafted onto one vigorous, disease resistant rootstock for proven home garden success. See our flavor variety combinations listed on page 29. This year we refined our product listings to reflect the industry’s tried-and-true, new, and most wanted varieties for convenient, one-stop ordering. And don’t forget that Plug Connection is your trusted source for custom propagation. Read through the “Plug Connection Products & Services” section of our catalog starting on page 5 to learn more. Breeders from around the world choose Plug Connection as a rooting station for their U.S. programs. Place your orders with one of their select brokers and simply select Plug Connection as the rooting station. Read through the “Featured Breeders” section of our catalog starting on page 17 for details. We’re proud to be your propagator of choice for high quality plants from the start.

Tim Wada President For helpful resources and additional company and product information, go to plugconnection.com

2627 Ramona Drive, Vista, CA 92084 / 760 631 0992 office / 760 940 1555 fax / plugconnection.com

W E ’ R E R OO T I N G FO R Y O U Meet market demands through our custom propagation services. Simply request a quote on any non-published seed, vegetative, or tissue culture variety. S e e d M i n imum s 5 trays per variety, per ship week V e g e tativ e M i n imum s 500 per variety, per ship week 3500 per URC vendor, per ship week T i s s u e Cu ltur e M i n imum s 5000 per variety, per ship week

Plug Connection will also quote rooting fees for pre-purchased URC cuttings and tissue culture. Program minimums start at 10000 per ship week. Email quotes@plugconnection.com and let us know your preferred broker, quantity desired, and ship date.


SEED P L U G S Since 1987, Plug Connection has provided professional growers with high-quality seed annual and perennial plugs. We proudly carry seed products from breeders around the world and have selected varieties to meet ever-increasing market demands. Plug Connection specializes in providing ideal conditions for seeds to burst into life by customizing the environment to each plant’s specific requirements. This ensures high-quality seed plugs every time. View or download our complete product listing online at epicas.plugconnection.com—just click on the “catalog” tab.

v e g e tativ e Li n e r s c utti n g Plants grown from unrooted cuttings (URCs) are typically varieties that are not available from seed, and will often mature faster and flower sooner than a plant grown from seed. Plug Connection is successful in encouraging root formation from healthy, hydrated, disease-free cuttings, and supplying you with high-quality vegetative liners.

ti s s u e c u ltur e Tissue culture techniques are frequently used for plant cleanliness, plant research, and for propagation of large productions within a shorter amount of time. Plants grown from tissue culture are often difficult to propagate by cuttings or other traditional methods, and require special handling and unique environments for weaning. For high-quality vegetative liners from tissue culture, Plug Connection is technologically equipped and well-experienced in successful weaning of tissue cultured varieties.

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com



o r d e r gui d e l i n e s Seed Tray Sizes 512-tray 288-tray 144-tray 128-tray 72-tray

sold as 500 sold as 285 sold as 144 sold as 125 sold as 72

Vegetative Tray Sizes 104-tray sold as 100* 102-tray sold as 100 72-tray sold as 72 Grafted Tray Sizes 20mm 102-tray sold as 102 25mm 102-tray sold as 102

6 per box 5 or 6 per box 4 per box 4 per box 2 or 3 per box 4 per box 4 per box 2 or 3 per box

Valid through ship dates July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 See Cyclamen and Poinsettia pricing and terms for special program availability dates. Cu s t o m Or d e r s Can’t find it? Plug Connection grows non-published varieties. Minimum orders vary by variety. See page 4 for details. Ta g s

2 or 4 per box** 2 per box**

Seed and vegetative orders cannot be combined with grafted orders to fill a box. Partial box fee of $20. *Specialty 104-tray products are sold as 104 when noted. **Free freight on grafted orders only applies to full boxes. See shipping details on page 10. O R DE R D e a d l i n e s Products are sold on a grow-to-order basis Seed lead time = crop time* + 2 weeks Vegetative lead time = crop time* + 3 weeks *Crop times may vary by variety. Listed on page 15.

Tags are required for some patented varieties pending breeder protocol. When required, tags are automatically included on order at an additional charge. Mighty ‘Mato tags are included in pricing and ship with all orders. Tessera succulent tags are available for an additional charge, as are many other of our vegetative offerings—simply request when ordering. Su b s tituti o n s & S h o rta g e s In the event of unforeseen shortages or delays, we will make appropriate substitutions or reschedule orders with customer requirements in mind. C l a im s

THIS week’s availability: Place orders by 4:00 pm PST, Monday, the same week of availability

Inspect shipments immediately upon arrival. No freight claims will be allowed after 48 hours. If damage is visible at time of delivery, please report to delivery driver and note on receipt. No freight claims will be honored on partial boxes. All other claims must be reported within 72 hours of receipt of goods.

NEXT week’s availability: Place orders by 12:00 pm PST, Friday, the week prior to availability ship week

Please submit claims to claims@plugconnection.com Photos are required or claim will be denied.

C a n c e l l ati o n s & AD J U S T M EN T S

Our G u a r a n t e e

No cancellations accepted within two (2) weeks prior to sow or stick date without approval. All cancellations are considered pending until we receive confirmed cancellations from supplier. No cancellations on custom orders once production has begun.

You are guaranteed to receive high quality, healthy, disease free plants that are true to name. Upon arrival, plants are guaranteed to be alive and viable.

Availability Go to epicas.plugconnection.com for current and upcoming plant availability quantities and ready weeks.


If you experience any issues with our plant material, please contact us. With immediate attention, our team may be able to recommend a solution.

HO W T O O R DE R As one of the leading propagators, Plug Connection produces high quality starter seed plugs, vegetative liners from cuttings, tissue cultured varieties, certified organic herbs, vegetables, and grafted vegetable seedlings in Vista, California direct to professional growers across the U.S. Orders may be placed by contacting your favorite Plug Connection broker (listed on page 9), or at your convenience online via ePicas at epicas.plugconnection.com (details on page 8). To learn more about Plug Connection’s high quality products, contact a Plug Connection broker. Our sales and customer service team is also available at 760 631 0992 or send us an email to orders@plugconnection.com.

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


ePICas Plug Connection provides live, up-to-the-minute availability and a convenient online ordering system. Grower customers and brokers alike can use ePicas to review and place orders and track shipments. Request private log-in credentials by emailing orders@plugconnection.com



Log-in at epicas.plugconnection.com


Access and review your current, past, and future orders


Place orders to secure inventory through your favorite broker


b r o k e r c o n ta c t s

ABBOTT-IPCO, Inc. 800 525 1379 abbott-ipco.com

Fred C. Gloeckner & Co. 800 345 3787 fredgloeckner.com

M&M Plant Sales 831 801 6049 mmplants.com

Aris Horticultural Services 800 232 9557 arishort.com

Germania Seed Company 800 380 4721 germaniaseed.com

McHutchison 800 943 2230 mchutchison.com

Ball Horticultural Company 800 879 2255 ballhort.com

Grimes Horticulture 800 241 7333 grimes-hort.com

Messick Company 408 871 9816 messickco.com

Bill Moore & Company, Inc. 800 237 7794 billmooreco.com

Harris Seeds 800 544 7938 harrisseeds.com

Mid Atlantic Plant Co. 800 366 0350 midatlanticplant.com

Billy Harris & Associates 800 297 8727 bhaplants.com

Henry F. Michell Company 800 442 4678 michells.com

Paulger’s Plants 800 400 0095 larry@paulgersplants.com

Bondi Brokerage, Llc 813 376 9332 veronica@bondibrokerage.com

Horticultural Services 253 862 5213 hortservicesinc.com

Pro Grower Supply 801 669 0976 progrowersupply.com

Eason Horticultural Resources 800 214 2221 ehrnet.com

Iwasaki Horticultural Sales 503 628 1969 rtiwasaki@juno.com

Raymond Perri 845 744 6801 mizjkeeler@yahoo.com

ePlantsource 855 674 8440 eplantsource.com

J&P Park (Park Seed) 800 845 3366 parkseed.com

Ryan Plants 760 468 4529 jryan321@att.net

Express Seed Company 800 221 3838 expressseed.com

Johnny’s Seeds (Select Items) 877 564 6697 www.johnnyseeds.com

SHS Griffin 800 323 7253 shsgriffin.com

Fleurizon 805 389 8980 fleurizon.com

JVK 800 665 1642 jvk.net

Vaughan’s Horticulture 885 864 3300 vaughans.com

Florasource 949 498 1131 florasourceltd.com

Koenig & Associates 503 282 3183 koenigplants.com

Vis Seed Company, Inc. 626 445 1233 visseed.com

Foremostco 305 592 8986 foremostco.com

Log House Plants (Select Items) 541 942 2288 loghouseplants.com

WeHoP 800 669 6480 wehop.com

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


SH I P P I N G M E T HODS UPS (2nd Day and Next Day) FedEx (2Day and Overnight) OnTrac (to most CA, ID, OR, UT, WA, and AZ zip codes) Air Freight Commercial Refrigerated Truck (EuroAmerican, BEKS, and Tawjo) Plug Connection Truck (seasonal) Cu s t o m e r P i c k up Tuesday through Friday, 7:30a to 3:30p Pa l l e t R a c k For shipping large orders, our custombuilt, environmentally-friendly pallet rack breaks down easily and reduces time receiving and unloading. Our small 4’ pallet rack accommodates up to 60 trays, or as many as 162 trays per large 6’ pallet rack. 100% recycled plastic shelving—reuse or recycle. S h ippi n g B o x Our time-tested shipping box reduces freight damage and ensures safe delivery of our high-quality products. S h ippi n g B ox f o r gr a f t e d Special packaging and boxes securely protect the shipment of our grafted products. Free freight on grafted vegetable orders only applies to full boxes of 20mm varieties—2-tray box or 4-tray box.


s h ippi n g Plug Connection strives to deliver high quality plugs and liners on time and at the best rate. Products are securely packaged in our custom shipping boxes and ships via UPS, FedEx, OnTrac, or air freight. Large orders on rolling racks or our custom, one-way pallet racks ship via OnTrac, common carrier, or Plug Connection truck. F.O.B. Vista, CA Shipping is pre-paid and added to invoice Add $8 per box for winter packaging Partial box fee of $20 Freight damages must be reported within 48 hours. Claims information on page 6. Plug Connection’s Master Phytosanitary Certificate eliminates all domestic phytosanitary fees with the exception of tomatoes into Alaska, Montana, and Nevada—$80*. International phytosanitary fees are $125* into Canada and everywhere else in the world. *Subject to increases.


Go to plugconnection.com/resources


b r o k e r c o n ta c t s

2014-2015 CATALOG

2627 Ramona Drive, Vista, California 92084 760 631 0992 / plugconnection.com



ABBOTT-IPCO, Inc. 800 525 1379 abbott-ipco.com

Fred C. Gloeckner & Co. 800 345 3787 fredgloeckner.com

M&M Plant Sales 831 801 6049 mmplants.com

Aris Horticultural Services 800 232 9557 arishort.com

Germania Seed Company 800 380 4721 germaniaseed.com

McHutchison 800 943 2230 mchutchison.com

Ball Horticultural Company 800 879 2255 ballhort.com

Grimes Horticulture 800 241 7333 grimes-hort.com

Messick Company 408 871 9816 messickco.com

Bill Moore & Company, Inc. 800 237 7794 billmooreco.com

Harris Seeds 800 544 7938 harrisseeds.com

Mid Atlantic Plant Co. 800 366 0350 midatlanticplant.com

Billy Harris & Associates 800 297 8727 bhaplants.com

Henry F. Michell Company 800 442 4678 michells.com

Paulger’s Plants 800 400 0095 larry@paulgersplants.com

Bondi Brokerage, Llc 813 376 9332 veronica@bondibrokerage.com

Horticultural Services 253 862 5213 hortservicesinc.com

Pro Grower Supply 801 669 0976 progrowersupply.com

Eason Horticultural Resources 800 214 2221 ehrnet.com

Iwasaki Horticultural Sales 503 628 1969 rtiwasaki@juno.com

Raymond Perri 845 744 6801 mizjkeeler@yahoo.com

ePlantsource 855 674 8440 eplantsource.com

J&P Park (Park Seed) 800 845 3366 parkseed.com

Ryan Plants 760 468 4529 jryan321@att.net

Express Seed Company 800 221 3838 expressseed.com

Johnny’s Seeds (Select Items) 877 564 6697 www.johnnyseeds.com

SHS Griffin 800 323 7253 shsgriffin.com

Fleurizon 805 389 8980 fleurizon.com

JVK 800 665 1642 jvk.net

Vaughan’s Horticulture 885 864 3300 vaughans.com

Florasource 949 498 1131 florasourceltd.com

Koenig & Associates 503 282 3183 koenigplants.com

Vis Seed Company, Inc. 626 445 1233 visseed.com

Foremostco 305 592 8986 foremostco.com

Log House Plants (Specialty Items) 541 942 2288 loghouseplants.com

WeHoP 800 669 6480 wehop.com

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com




Kiss and Tell

Hot Wired

There’s a Tessera for any taste.

Sturdy vertical flowering spikes of rose-pink to brick-red tipped flowers with soft creamy orange throats. This ”foxglove with lipstick” is one of the most talkedabout and exciting new products to hit the market in years.

Jump into our new Tecoma hybrids and speed your way to BIGGER and BETTER profits. This set of three high-voltage heat-lovers will blow your circuits with fast finish times and speedy sales at retail.

These tantalizing  succulents truly span  the spectrum. Tessera’s  myriad colors, textures  and shapes make  matching brilliance  and depth with any  program easier than  ever. Offering so many  ways to innovate, the  Tessera succulent  program is fertile ground  for profitable growth.


[Digiplexis ]









© Cultivaris

® ®

[  plug + play  ]

Short & Sweet

My Baby’s Got Sauce

New series of semiupright, compact potted spray-type carnations with pops of sweet blooms— available in a great range of colors.

A stunning new Salvia  variety, with a neat, but  vigorous plant habit,  lush green foliage that  is covered with sizzling  scarlet-red flower  spikes from April to  November. Sterile and  self-cleaning, no need  to deadhead – always  looks luxuriant yet tidy.


[   red ]




special dates sun mon

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sun mon

5 12 19 26

fri 3 10 17 24 31

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wk# 27 28 29 30 31

sun mon





5 12 19 26

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4 11 18 25


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February 2014



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5 12 19 26

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September 2014 thu


5 12 19 26

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wk# 40 41 42 43 44

sun mon

April 2014

October 2013 6 13 20 27

3 10 17 24 31

Aug 19–21 IGC / Aug 21–23 Farwest

March 2014

September 2013 sun mon 2 1 9 8 16 15 23 22 30 29

wk# 40 41 42 43 44

7 14 21 28

August 2014

Aug 20–22 IGC / Aug 22–24 Farwest wk# 36 37 38 39 40

6 13 20 27

July 12–15, 2014 OFA Short Course

January 8-10, 2014 MANTS sun mon

= ship dates

July 2014

January 2014 wk# 1 2 3 4 5

August 2013 wk# 31 32 33 34 35

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

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6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

sat 1 8 15 22 29

thu 4 11 18 25

fri 5 12 19 26

sat 6 13 20 27

October 2014 5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

tue 7 14 21 28

April 5–10, 2014 California Spring Trials

May 2014

November 2013 wk# 44 45 46 47 48

sun mon

wk# 49 50 51 52

sun mon 2 1 9 8 16 15 23 22 30 29

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

tue 5 12 19 26

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4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

November 2014 tue 6 13 20 27

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June 2014

December 2013

tue 3 10 17 24

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24

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December 2014 tue 2 9 16 23 30

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VEGETATIVE ANNUALS Abutilon Acalypha Ageratum Angelonia Argyranthernum Bacopa (Sutera) Barleria Begonia Bidens Brachyscome Bracteantha Calibrachoa Ceratostigma Chrysocephalum Coleus (Solenostemon) Cosmos Chocamocha Cuphea Dahlia Dianthus Diascia Dorotheanthus Euphorbia hypericifolia Fuchsia Geranium Glechoma Helichrysum Heliotrope Impatiens, Double Impatiens, New Guinea Impatiens, SunPatiens Ipomoea Lantana Lobelia Lobularia Lophospermum Lysimachia Mandevilla Nemesia Nierembergia Osteospermum Petunia Phlox Plectranthus Portulaca Sanvitalia Scaevola Tecoma Torenia Verbena Vinca Viola

5–7 6–7 4 5–6 4 4–5 7–10 5–7 4–5 5 5 5–7 7–9 4–5 4–5 4–5 4–6 4–8 5–7 4–6 6–7 7–8 5–6 4–5 5 5–6 5–6 4 4–5 3–4 4–5 4–5 5–6 5–7 6–7 4–6 8–10 4–5 4–6 5–6 4–5 6–7 4–5 3–4 6 5–7 8–10 4–5 4–5 6–7 5–6

VEGETATIVE PERENNIALS Achillea 6–7 Ajuga 4–5 Artemesia 6–7 Buddleja 6–7 Coreopsis 5 Erysimum 5–6 Gaillardia 6–7 Gaura 4–6 Heliotrope 5–6 Heuchera 10–12 Iberis 7–9 Lamium 4 Lavandula 6–8 Leucanthemum 6–9 Lithodora 6–9

VEG. PERENNIALS (continued) Penstemon 6–7 Perovskia 7–8 Phlox 6–7 Salvia 5–7 Scabiosa 6 Veronica 6 VEGETATIVE HERBS Aloysia (Lemon Verbena) 11–12 Artemesia (Tarragon) 7–10 Helichrysum 7–9 Lavandula 4–5 Mentha 4–5 Nasturtium (Tropaeolum) 3–4 Ocimum (Basil) 4–5 Origanum 5–7 Rosmarinus 8–12 Salvia 5–6 Stevia 6–8 Tarragon 12–13 Thymus 5–7 GRAfTEd VEGETABLES 5–7 Mighty ‘Mato® Tomato Mighty Veggies™ Eggplant 7–9 Mighty Veggies™ Pepper 7–9 SEEd CROP TIMES Achillea 4–7 Ageratum 4–7 Alcea 4–6 Alyssum 3–4 Angelonia 6–8 Aquilegia 6–11 Armeria 5–8 Asparagus (Foliage) 9–11 Aster 3–5 Basil 3–4 Begonia (Fiberous) 8–10 Begonia (Tuberous) 8–11 Bellis 5–7 Calendula 3–4 Campanula 6–9 Carnation 4–7 Celosia 3–5 Chives (Allium) 6–7 Chrysanthemum Multicaule 4–5 Cilantro (Coriander) 4–5 Cineraria 5–7 Cleome 4–6 Coleus 4–7 Coreopsis 4–7 Cosmos 2–3 Cyclamen 13–16 Dahlia 3–5 Delphinium 6–10 Dianthus 4–7 Digitalis 4–7 Dill (Anethum) 4–5 Dracaena 9–14 Dusty Miller 5–8 Echinacea 5–7 Felicia 4–5 Flowering (Cabbage/Kale) 2 Gaillardia 4–6 4–5 Gazania Gerbera 8–10 Gomphrena 4–6 Helianthus 3

SEEd CROP TIMES (continued) Helichrysum 4–7 Heliotrope 5–7 Heuchera 9–12 Hypoestes (Foliage) 4 Impatiens 6 Lavender 5–7 Limonium 7 Linaria 4–6 Lisianthus 9–13 Lobelia 4–6 Marigold 2–4 Melampodium 3–5 Mint (Mentha) 8–9 Nemesia 4–6 Nicotiana 5–7 Nierembergia 5–8 Oregano (Origanum) 7–8 Ornamental Peppers 4–6 Osteospermum 4–6 Pansy 4–6 Parsley (Petroselinum) 5–6 Penstemon 5–7 Pentas 7–10 Petunia 4–6 Piatycodon 6–8 Poppy (California) 4–5 Poppy (Iceland) 6–7 Poppy (Oriental) 7 Portulaca 4–7 Primula 8–11 Ranunculus 11–12 Rudbeckia 4–7 Salvia farinacea 4–7 Salvia splendens 3–4 Shasta Daisy 4–6 Snapdragon 4–6 Statice 4–7 Stock 3–5 Strawberry 9–10 Thyme 6–7 Tomato 4–5 Torenia 4–8 Verbena 4–6 Veronica 4–8 Vinca 5–7 Viola 5–7 Zinnia 2–6 GRASSES Anemanthele Carex Cordyline Corynephorus Cyperus Deschampsia Eragrostis Festuca Isolepsis Juncus Koeleria Melinis Milium Miscanthus Pennisetum Sesleria Stipa Zea



6–7 8–12 15–18 5–7 9–11 5–7 5–6 5–12 6–8 8–10 7–9 5–7 6–8 2–3 6–8 9 5–7 2–3

SUCCULENT CROP TIMES Aeonium 7–11 Agave 20 Aloe 16 Chasmatophyllum 6–8 Cistanthe 8–10 Crassula 6–8 Delosperma 5–7 Echeveria 5–16 Euphorbia 10–16 Graptopetalum 5–7 Graptosedum 7–8 Graptoveria 5–7 Kalanchoe 6–11 Lampranthus 5–6 Monanthus 4–6 Pachyphytum 6–9 Portulacaria 5–6 Rosularia 4–6 Sedum 7–9 Sempervivum 9–11 Senecio 7 POINSETTIAS


TISSUE CULTURE CROP TIMES Agave Ray of Light 14–18 Aloe Blooming 14–16 Beschorneria Flamingo Glow 18–20 Cordyline 15–18 Digitalis 8–10 Echinacea 10–12 Gerbera Drakensberg Daisy 6–8 Heuchera 10–12 Kniphofia 8–10 Penstemon 8–10 Primula Belarina 8–10 TISSUE CULTURE While we do our best to anticipate tissue cultured plant availability, we encourage you to let us know as far in advance as possible of your product needs. Our labs can easily adjust quantities upwards 6-9 months ahead of ship dates, but without this advance notice it is nearly impossible to supply beyond our planned speculative availability. If you are planning orders for a tissue culture product above, please give Juan St. Amant a call or drop him an email at jsa@plugconnection.com. This way we can work with our labs to meet your needs and make sure that when you want the product, we will have it for you. PLEASE NOTE Vegetative lead time is three (3) weeks prior to stick, and it may take up to two (2) weeks to obtain seed and cuttings.

The Plug Connection 2627 Ramona Drive Vista, California 92084 phone 760.631.0992 fax 760.940.1555


Grafted Vegetable Transplants Grafted vegetable seedling transplants will increase yields, revenues and fruit quality, and provides resistance to soilborne diseases and nematodes for adaptable and successful production even in degraded environments.

o n l i n e r e s o ur c e s Electronic Catalog Download our electronic catalog, formatted for viewing on most mobile devices. Perfect for sales reps and growers with live links to additional content.

Email Newsletters / eBlasts Stay up-to-date on our availability, news, and product information. Sign-up on our website or send an email to christine@plugconnection.com

Complete Product Listing View or download our complete product listing at epicas.plugconnection.com—click on “catalog” tab.

Product Spotlights PDFs of our programs and specialty products with detailed cultural information.

Consumer Branded Websites Mighty ‘Mato at mightymato.com Photos, variety information, and retail locator Organiks at organikplants.com Product info, lifestyle photos, and where to purchase

Social Networks We’re sharing on Facebook. Informative. Fun. Join us. facebook.com/plugconnectionplants facebook.com/mightymato1 facebook.com/organikplants

us on Facebook!

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


SEED annuals


Ageratum 4–7 Alyssum 3–4 Angelonia 6–8 Asparagus (Foliage) 9–11 Aster 3–5 Begonia (Fiberous) 8–10 Begonia (Tuberous) 8–11 Bellis 5–7 Calendula 3–4 Campanula 6–9 Carnation 4–7 Celosia 3–5 Chrysanthemum 4–5 Cineraria 5–7 Cleome 4–6 Coleus 4–7 Cosmos 2–3 Cyclamen 13–16 Dahlia 3–5 Delphinium 6–10 Dianthus 4–7 Dracaena 9–14 Dusty Miller 5–8 Felicia 4–5 Gazania 4–5 Gerbera 8–10 Gomphrena 4–6 Helianthus 3 Helichrysum 4–7 Heliotrope 5–7 Hypoestes (Foliage) 4 Impatiens 6 Lavender 5–7 Linaria 4–6 Lisianthus 9–13 Lobelia 4–6 Marigold 2–4 Melampodium 3–5 Nemesia 4–6 Nicotiana 5–7 Nierembergia 5–8 Ornamental Peppers 4–6 Osteospermum 4–6 Pansy 4–6 Pentas 7–10 Petunia 4–6 Poppy (California) 4–5 Poppy (Oriental) 7 Portulaca 4–7 Primula 8–11 Ranunculus 11–12 Salvia farinacea 4–7 Salvia splendens 3–4 Snapdragon 4–6 Stock 3–5 Strawberry 9–10 Torenia 4–8 Verbena 4–6 Vinca 5–7 Viola 5–7 Zinnia 2–6




SEED PERENNIALS Achillea 4–7 Alcea 4–6 Alyssum 3–4 Aquilegia 6–11 Armeria 5–8 Bellis 5–7 Campanula 6–9 Coreopsis 4–7 Delphinium 6–10 Dianthus 4–7 Digitalis 4–7 Echinacea 5–7 Felicia 4–5 Gaillardia 4–6 Helianthus 3 Heuchera 9–12 Lavender 5–7 Limonium 7 Lobelia 4–6 Penstemon 5–7 Platycodon 6–8 Poppy (Iceland) 6–7 Rudbeckia 4–7 Shasta Daisy 4–6 Statice 4–7 Verbena 4–6 Veronica 4–8 Viola 5–7

VEGETATIVE ANNUALS Abutilon 5–6 Acalypha 5–6 Ageratum 4 Angelonia 5–6 Argyranthernum 4 Bacopa (Sutera) 4–5 Begonia 4–6 Bidens 4–5 Brachyscome 5 Bracteantha 5 Calibrachoa 5–7 Ceratostigma 7–8 Chrysocephalum 4–5 Coleus (Solenostemon) 4–5 Cosmos 4–5 Cuphea 4–6 Dahlia 4–8 Dianthus 5–7 Diascia 4–6 Dorotheanthus 6–7 Euphorbia hypericifolia 7–8 Fuchsia 5–6 Geranium 4–5 Glechoma 5 Helichrysum 5–6 Heliotrope 5–6 Impatiens, Double 4 Impatiens, New Guinea 4–5 Impatiens, SunPatiens 3–4 Ipomoea 4–5 Lantana 4–5 Lobelia 5–6 Lobularia 5–7

Lophospermum 6–7 Lysimachia 4–6 Mandevilla 8–10 Nemesia 4–5 Nierembergia 4–6 Osteospermum 5–6 Petunia 4–5 Phlox 6–7 Plectranthus 4–5 Portulaca 3–4 Sanvitalia 6 Scaevola 5–7 Tecoma 8–10 Torenia 4–5 Verbena 4–5 Vinca 6–7 Viola 5–6


Achillea 6–7 Ajuga 4–5 Artemesia 6–7 Buddleja 6–7 Coreopsis 5 Erysimum 5–6 Gaillardia 6–7 Gaura 4–6 Heliotrope 5–6 Heuchera 10–12 Iberis 6–8 Lamium 4 Lavandula 5–8 Leucanthemum 4–7 Lithodora 6–9 Penstemon 5–7 Perovskia 7–8 Phlox 6–7 Salvia 4–6 Scabiosa 6 Veronica 6

VEGETATIVE HERBS Basil (Ocimum) 4–5 Helichrysum 7–9 Lavender (Lavandula) 4–5 Lemon Verbena (Aloysia) 6–7 Mint (Mentha) 4–5 Nasturtium (Tropaeolum) 5–7 Oregano (Origanum) 5–7 Rosemary (Rosmarinus) 8–12 Sage (Salvia) 5–6 Stevia 6–8 Tarragon (Artemesia) 7–8 Thyme (Thymus) 5–7

SUCCULENTS Aeonium 7–11 Chasmatophyllum 6–8 Cistanthe 8–10 Crassula 6–8 Delosperma 5–7 Echeveria 5–16 Euphorbia 10–16 Graptopetalum 5–7

Graptosedum 7–8 Graptoveria 5–7 Kalanchoe 6–11 Lampranthus 5–6 Monanthus 4–6 Portulacaria 5–6 Rosularia 4–6 Sedum 7–9 Sempervivum 9–11 Senecio 7

c r o p tim e s Seed lead time = crop time* + 2 weeks Vegetative lead time = crop time* + 3 weeks *Crop times may vary by variety

Certified Organic Gr afted Vegetables Mighty ‘Mato® 5–7 Mighty Melon™ 5–7 Mighty Veggies® 5–9

Certified Organic SEED HERBS Arugula (Eruca) 2 Basil (Ocimum) 3–4 Catnip (Nepeta) 3–4 Chamomile 3–4 Chervil (Anthriscus) 5–6 Chives 6–7 Cilantro (Coriander) 4–5 Dill (Anethum) 4–5 Echinacea 5–7 Epazote 5–6 Fennel 3 Lemon Balm (Melissa) 3–4 Marjoram 4–5 Mint (Mentha) 4 Oregano (Origanum) 5 Parsley (Petroselinum) 4–5 Pennyroyal (Mentha) 4–6 Rue (Ruta) 5 Sage (Salvia) 3 Savory 3–5 Shiso 4 Sorrel 4 Tarragon 5–7 Thyme (Thymus) 3–5 Valerian 5–6 Watercress (Nasturtium) 3–4

G R O W E R Cu s t o m e r s Submit orders to your favorite Plug Connection broker no later than Monday by 4pm PST, 2 weeks prior to sow or 3 weeks prior to stick. For unlisted items, please include an additional week for processing and submit orders no later than Monday by 4pm PST, 3 weeks prior to sow or 4 weeks prior to stick.

Br o k e r s Submit orders to Plug Connection’s customer service team no later than Wednesday by 4pm PST, 2 weeks prior to sow or 3 weeks prior to stick. For unlisted items, please include an additional week for processing and submit orders no later than Wednesday by 4pm PST, 3 weeks prior to sow or 4 weeks prior to stick.

Certified Organic Vegetables Artichoke 3–5 Broccoli 2–3 Brussel Sprouts 2–3 Cabbage 2–3 Cauliflower 2–3 Celery 4–5 Eggplant 3–6 Leek 5–6 Lettuce 2–4 Onion 2–4 Pepper 4–6 Radicchio 3–5 Spinach 3–5 Strawberry 9–10 Swiss Chard 3 Tomato 2–4

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FEAT U R ED B R EEDE R S With thousands of varieties to choose from, we’re featuring some of our top-sellers, tried-and-true, and new varieties from breeders around the world. Plug Connection’s complete product listing is available to view or download at epicas.plugconnection.com, just click on the “catalog” tab.

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Benary is one of the leading, premium quality, flower seed ornamental breeding companies worldwide. Based in Germany, their professional quality products are offered globally. Plug Connection works with the Benary team to ensure we are bringing the best varieties and the most current information to help our growers generate strong profits with their superb varieties.




Petunia SUCCESS!™ Maxi Mix

A leading breeder and producer of F1 and open-pollinated flower seed, PanAmerican Seed provides the industry and market with high-quality products that perform. A few notable series include Divine New Guinea Impatiens, Serena™ Angelonia, and Wave™ Spreading Petunias, plus the first F1 hybrid seed impatiens with the Super Elfin™ series. For our complete listing, go to epicas. plugconnection.com and click on the “catalog” tab.

NEW Calibrachoa Kabloom New Guinea Impatiens Divine Impatiens Super Elfin™ Petunia Easy Wave® (New Velour Series) Petunia Dreams Petunia Wave™ Vinca Pacifica Viola Sorbet™


Calibrachoa Kabloom Yellow

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Selecta breeding is widely known as highquality and grower-friendly. Innovators in joining form and function, their TRIXI concept has allowed a much easier and more efficient way of planning mixed combinations and baskets saving growers both time and money. Plug Connection works with the Selecta team to offer the best and most popular varieties, helping our customers grow these excellent plants—and their profits. Argyranthemum Madeira™ Bacopa Falls™ Calibrachoa Minifamous™ Dianthus Everlast™ Dianthus Supertrouper™ Diascia Piccadilly™ Euphorbia Cool Breeze Gaura Belleza™ Heliotrope Marino™ Lobelia Magadi™ Osteospermum 3D™ Osteospermum Flowerpower™ Osteospermum Zion™ Petunia Fame™ Petunia Famous™ Scaevola Fairy™ Trixi® Combination Liners Verbena Fuego™ Verbena Lascar™



Scaevola Fairy White

Market demand, innovation and technology all factor into Syngenta Flowers’ breeding program. Many of their varieties are category standards that perform consistently and reliably across the value chain—plants that growers can produce, retailers can sell, and consumers will enjoy. Plug Connection has selected the best varieties to meet the needs of our customers. For our complete listing, go to epicas.plugconnection.com Begonia Bada Bing® Begonia Bada Boom® Gazania Big Kiss™ Gazania Kiss™ Gerbera Jaguar™ Pansy Delta Pansy Wonderfall™ Vinca Cora® Viola Penny

Additional vegetative items are available. Syngenta Flowers Geranium series are listed on page 75. Minimums apply. Contact sales@plugconnection.com


Begonia Bada Bing Scarlet

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American Takii is one of the world’s leading

Supported by their worldwide network of crop

breeders of superior quality vegetable and

advisors and sales and distribution partners,

flower seeds. Based in Kyoto, Japan, their high

Florist supplies Gerbera seeds and young plants

quality products are known to meet market

to over 80 different countries.

demands, and ensure grower, retailer, and consumer success.

With Florist’s solid foundation of 40 years experience in breeding Gerbera, Plug Connection

Plug Connection offers the best varieties to help

is confident we are offering the best of these

our growers succeed. For our complete listing,

premium varieties for our customers.

go to epicas.plugconnection.com


Gerbera FLORI LINE Midi

NEW Petunia African Sunset

Gerbera flori line Mini

NEW Salvia SUMMER Jewel

Gerbera flori line Maxi




Kale Glamour Red

Gerbera Flori Line Midi Fireball

With a full line-up of unique, high-quality seed

As one of the largest and most successful

perennials, and tried and true Revolution Gerbera,

independent plant breeding companies in

many growers count on Kieft Seed’s innovation,

the world, Sakata Seed has been a leader in

solid genetics, and quality.

innovative new varieties. From their SunPatiens

For our complete listing of varieties from Kieft Seeds, go to epicas.plugconnection.com and click on the “catalog” tab.

program to their blockbuster Profusion Zinnia series, and new Danessa Primula series, Sakata is continually innovating. Plug Connection offers the best Sakata genetics in both seed and vegetative. For our complete listing, go to epicas.plugconnection.com


Begonia Ambassador

Gerbera Mega Revolution

Begonia Senator

Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit

Pansy Majestic Giants II

Echinacea PowWow

NEW Primula Danessa

Armeria Joystick

Zinnia Profusion

Lavender Mini Blue



Gerbera Revolution Pink with Green Center

Primula Danessa Rose Bicolor


Since its foundation in 1951, Beekenkamp has been an active breeder of many crops, including Pelargonium and Poinsettia. In 2014, Plug Connection became a proud rooting station for Beekenkamp. To order young plants, contact one of Beekenkamp’s select brokers, and choose Plug Connection as the rooting station. For more information or to request a catalog, please visit the Beekenkamp website.

A VA I LABLE T H R O U G H SELEC T B R OKE R S Simply select Plug Connection as your rooting station.

pacÂŽ Geranium Liners Beekenkamp Poinsettia Liners

Aris Horticultural Services 800 232 9557

JVK 800 665 1642

Eason Horticultural Resources 859 578 3535

Les Serres Frank Zyromski 819 275 5156

Express Seed Company 800 221 3838

McHutchison 973 317 1207

Floremara 615 228 2683

Norseco, Inc. 514 332 2275

Fred C. Gloeckner & Co., Inc. 800 345 3787

SHS Griffin 800 323 7253



Geranium SHIVA


Dummen has been a driver of innovative breeding and product development that has helped transform the industry. Dummen’s drive towards efficiency and their reliability helps us all succeed. With their innovative, time-saving Confetti™ system, growers can easily automate their basket and mixed container production for increased profitability and substantial time savings. Orders are backed by Dummen’s True Grower Guarantee—your plants are free of charge if delayed or substituted. In the fall of 2012, Plug Connection became a proud rooting station for Dummen. Order young plants through Dummen’s select broker listing—simply select Plug Connection as your rooting station. A VA I LABLE T H R O U G H SELEC T B R OKE R S Simply select Plug Connection as your rooting station.

Aris Horticultural 800 232 9557

Henry F. Michell Company 610 265 4200

Ball Seed Company 630 588 3485

McHutchison Company 201 943 2230

BFG Supply 800 883 0234

Messick Company, LLC 408 871 9816

Bill Moore Co. 800 237 7794

Paulger’s Plants 415 884 2955

Color Spot Nurseries, Inc. 310 427 7111

SHS Griffin 800 454 8159

Eason Horticultural Resources 859 578 3535

Soos Grower Resources 269 804 9807

Express Seed Company 800 221 3838

Suttons Seeds, Ltd. +44 1803 696349

Fred C. Gloeckner & Co., Inc. 914 698 2300

Vaughan’s Horticulture 855 864 3300

Grimes Horticultural 440 352 3333

Vis Seed Company 626 445 1233

Red Fox Confetti Garden Purple Cleopatra

For more information or to request a catalog, please visit the Dummen Group website.

Red Fox Liners Confetti Garden Liners Geranium Liners Dahlia Liners


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S U P E R I O R T O M AT O P LAN T S Grafting is a natural process joining the top part of one plant (scion) to the root system of another plant (rootstock) without any genetic modification. As tissues heal, the two plants fuse, combining the rootstock’s vigor and disease resistance—increasing water and nutrient uptake for higher yields—with the scion’s exceptional fruit quality and flavor. Worldwide, well over 1 BILLION tomatoes are grafted annually for improved yields and disease resistance. Gardeners struggling with growing vegetables will benefit from Mighty ‘Mato and Mighty Veggies. Many popular heirlooms are delicious, but have low fruit production, low vigor and are especially susceptible to disease and nematodes. Once these varieties are grafted onto our SuperNaturals® rootstocks, they become super-powered and able to fend off disease and grow more strongly than their non-grafted counterparts. Mighty ‘Mato and Mighty Veggies are certified organic and use food and water more efficiently for healthier, more beautiful, productive plants. By taking seasonal weather stresses in stride and providing higher yields and larger fruits over an extended season, gardeners will enjoy bigger, faster harvests. By mid-season, gardeners will be extolling the virtues of “Grafting Power!” Supernaturals® Grafted Vegetables offers the perfect opportunity to achieve what every grower needs—a product that helps guarantee home gardening success.


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M ig h ty ‘ M at o ® SA M P LE R Two-tray sampler of the top-selling varieties—34 of each*

Big Beef Brandywine (Sudduth’s) Early Girl

Mortgage Lifter (Estler’s) San Marzano (Redorta) Sun Sugar

*Available only on even ship weeks 4–16

M ig h ty ‘ M at o ® COLLEC T I ONS 3 varieties—68 of each for two trays

First-to-Fruit Collection Early Girl Juliet Stupice

Heirloom Collection Brandywine (Sudduth’s) Cherokee Purple Mortgage Lifter (Estler’s)

SSS Collection (Salad/Slice/Sauce) Big Beef San Marzano (Redorta) Sweet Million

M ig h ty 2 ’ M at o A s s o rtm e n t Two trays for 68 of each double-grafted combination

Brandywine (Sudduth’s) and Cherokee Purple INDIGO Cherry Drops and INDIGO Pear Drops Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye and Pork Chop

M ig h ty ‘ M at o ® By R e gi o n Hot/Humid Costoluto Genovese Homestead 24 Sun Sugar Late Blight Juliet NEW Skykomish

Short Season Carmello Juliet Stupice TIGER series

M ig h ty V E G G I ES ® COLLEC T I ONS 3 varieties—68 of each for two trays

Fiesta Bells Collection Golden Bell Orange Bell Red Bell (King Arthur)

Tasty Snack Collection Coolcumber (Khassib) Ambrosia Cantaloupe Sugar Baby Watermelon

M ig h ty V e ggi e s ® M u s t H a v e s Ambrosia Cantaloupe Big Bertha Pepper Coolcumber (Khassib)


Epic (Dusky) Eggplant Sugar Baby Watermelon

Free freight on full boxes of 20mm grafted tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant

+ Blush TIGER


+ Brandywine (Sudduth’s)

Cherokee Purple

+ INDIGO Cherry Drops

INDIGO Pear Drops

+ Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye

Pork Chop

+ Sun Sugar

Sweet Aperitif

M I G H T Y 2 ‘ M AT O Double Grafted Tomatoes NEW for 2015 is an exciting product line extension with Mighty 2’Mato—an incredible double-grafted plant with two tomato varieties! Two different tomato varieties each handgrafted onto one vigorous, disease-resistant rootstock for proven home garden success. Two-tray assortment available.

‘Blush TIGER’ and ‘Green TIGER’ Take a walk on the wild side! Gr-r-reat flavor will spice up your salads as you enjoy these julienne-type tomatoes. They taste just as good as they look—sweet, fruity ‘Blush Tiger’ perfectly complements the bold, sweetly acidic flavor of ‘Green Tiger.’ Indeterminate. 72 days. 102

‘Brandywine’ (Sudduth’s) and ‘Cherokee Purple’ Awesome Heirloom Twosome! Combine two of the country’s favorite heritage tomatoes into one plant and even the smallest garden will burst with traditional flavor. This combo unites the vintage flavors that gardeners dream of. Indeterminate. 80 days. 102, ASST

‘Indigo Cherry Drops’PVPAP and ‘Indigo Pear Drops’PVPAP Just like retro sweets, these two new tomatoes from the breeding program at Oregon State University will have you craving more. Adds a wonderful pop of color and flavor to any salad and productive even in cooler weather. Both varieties have the antioxidant properties of the INDIGO series. Indeterminate. 72 days. 102, ASST

‘Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye’ and ‘Pork Chop’ Wild Boar Farms’ Dynamic Duo! Here are two of their best creations in one plant. Combine the citrusy-sweet flavor of ‘Pork Chop’ with the rich, dark tomato flavor of ‘Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye’ and you have a pair of slicing tomatoes with flavor that can’t be beat. Indeterminate. 75 days. 102, ASST

‘Sun Sugar’ and ‘Sweet Aperitif’ This “Two Sweet” combination brings together two of the world’s sweetest tomatoes. ‘Sun Sugar’ proclaimed by Sunset Magazine as the best-tasting tomato in their trials, and England’s even sweeter ‘Sweet Aperitif.’ Healthy and sweet! Indeterminate. 75 days. 102 Pork Chop, Indigo Cherry DropsPVPAP, Indigo Pear DropsPVPAP, and Sweet Aperitif varieties are “exclusive” to double-grafted.

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M I G H T Y ‘ M AT O ® Grafted Tomatoes Gardeners across the nation are joining the Mighty ‘Mato grafted vegetable revolution, and we’re focused on offering growers and retailers the best selection to increase their edibles sales this season. 2015 brings 5 new double-grafted tomato combinations and a late blight resistant tomato to market for a refined total of 34 tomato varieties. Our Mighty ‘Mato program now includes topsellers, regional favorites, delicious novelties, and double-grafted.


SELLER Amish Paste

‘Amish Paste’


H IN 80–90

Heirloom paste tomato produces tons of meaty 6–8 oz. red fruits—one of the best for sauces and canning. Thrives in short summer areas. 102


H IN 85–95

Bright red, slightly ribbed 4–5" heirloom tomatoes with delicious, sweet, meaty flesh. An excellent slicer, but also wonderful for cooking, salads, or canning. 102

‘Big Beef’

‘Big Zac’


IN 70–75

Red, globe-shaped, 1 lb. fruits with a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. Abundant firm, crack-resistant tomatoes produced over a long period. 102, SAMP, COLL


Big Zac

Black Krim

Blush TIGER ★

IN 80–90

Prize-winning variety has been known to produce fruits weighing up to 6 pounds. Huge, glossy red beefsteaks are ideal for slicing and sandwiches. 102

‘Black Krim’

H IN 70–90

Violet-red, slightly flattened 4–5" fruits with near-black shoulders have intense, smoky flavor. Heat tolerant. Color deepens as summer temperatures rise. Russian heirloom. 102

‘Blush TIGER’

IN 75–80

A julienne cherry tomato sought after for its exceptionally sweet, juicy, tropical flavor. The 2-inch elongated fruits are ready when a pink blush appears over the golden yellow skin. Bred by Fred Hempel of Artisan Seeds. 102

‘Brandywine’ (Sudduth's)

H IN 80–90

This famous heirloom produces 1–2 lb., scarlet-pink beefsteaks with high acid and sugar content. Considered one of the world's best-tasting tomatoes. 102, SAMP, COLL

Bumblebee™ ‘Purple’

in 65–75

Striped, crack-resistant cherry tomato in vivid violet and dark green stripes combines standout visual appeal and superb flavor. Round, 1½" fruits are fantastic in fresh salads. 102


SELLER Brandywine (Sudduth’s) ★



TRAY SIZE: 102; SAMP 6x34-strip; COLL 3x2x34-strip; 20mm TOM, EGG, PEP and 25mm CUC, MEL ★ Flavor Favorites

Carmello ★


Bumblebee™ ‘Sunrise’ in 65–75 New, striped cherry tomato with yellow stripes over red marbling. A descendant of ‘Blush’ with more prominent marbling. Beautiful and bright cherry tomato with complex, sweet and fruity flavor. Produced by Artisan Seeds. 102

‘Carmello’ IN 75-85 Smooth, red, crack-resistant variety is a favorite in European markets for its delicious balance of sugar and acid. Productive even in cooler weather. 102


SELLER Cherokee Purple

‘Cherokee Purple’ Chocolate Stripes ★

H IN 75–85

Dusky rose, 8–12 oz. round fruits with complex, old-time flavor. 19th century heirloom. Perfect for slicing and sandwiches. 102, COLL

‘Chocolate Stripes’

H IN 70–80

Scarlet and green striped heirloom tomatoes with deep redbrown flesh combine gorgeous color and rich, sweet, complex flavor. Places high on all taste tests. Superb for slicing or salads. 102


H IN 85-95

Beautiful bi-color heirloom slicer is streaked in glowing gold and crimson, with sweet, juicy, red and yellow swirled flesh inside. Excellent clean flavor. 102 Copia ★

Costoluto Genovese

‘Costoluto Genovese’

H IN 85-95

Large, heavily lobed, deep red heirloom tomatoes have meaty, full-flavored, slightly tart flesh. Makes beautiful scalloped slices as well as a rich, hearty sauce. 102

‘Early Girl’

IN 50–60

Bright red, 4–6 oz. round slicers. Early, dependable, and flavorful fruits in almost any climate. 102, SAMP, COLL


SELLER Early Girl


IN 70-80

Gorgeous, green and yellow streaked fruits are just 2–3” long by 1” wide with an unusual tapered shape. Versatile in the kitchen, eye catching and delicious on the plate. High yields. Bred by Fred Hempel of Artisan Seeds. 102

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‘Homestead 24’


D 80-90

Round, red, 8 oz. heirloom tomatoes are smooth and uniform with good flavor. Compact, heat-tolerant plants ideal for high temperatures and container gardening. 102

Indigo ‘Apple’

IN 70–80

New, rare addition to the “blue tomato” series with extrahigh anthocyanins. The 2–4 oz. fruits start green and purple, ripening to near black in the sunlight. Good sweet flavor. Produced by Wild Boar Farms. 102

Indigo ‘Rose’



IN 75-85

Stunning clusters of 2–3” purple-black fruits that turn a rosy red when ripe. Deep red flesh with strong acidic flavor. High levels of anthocyanin. Breeders rule of thumb: If you think it’s ripe, wait three more days before you pick it. Bred by Jim Myers of OSU.

INDIGO Apple ★

Homestead 24



in 60-70

Rated one of the most disease resistant tomatoes. 12–18 deep red fruits per cluster. Delicious, rich tomato taste for salads, great salsa, and fresh pasta sauce. Good crack resistance, vine storage, and shelf life. AAS winner. 102, COLL

‘Lucky TIGER’

in 65-75

Marbled “green-when-ripe” elongated cherry tomato. When ripe, brick-red panels appear between its green stripes. Incredible, complex flavor with hints of tropical tang and deep sweetness. Produced by Artisan Seeds. 102

‘Mortgage Lifter’ (Estler’s)





Juliet ★

H IN 85–95

Dark pink, 1–2 lb. fruits are meaty with good old-time flavor. Heirloom known for its productivity. 102, SAMP, COLL


H IN 85–95

Huge golden beefsteaks, marbled in cherry-red, have mild fruity flavor. Heirloom with yields of 1–2 lb. fruits. 102

‘Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye’

A true tricolor, with green and red striped skin and flesh streaked with red, green and yellow. High acid fruits have smooth texture and delicious, complex, sweet-tart flavor. Produced by Wild Boar Farms. 102



IN 80–90


Mortgage Lifter (Estler’s)


Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye ★

TRAY SIZE: 102; SAMP 6x34-strip; COLL 3x2x34-strip; 20mm TOM, EGG, PEP and 25mm CUC, MEL ★ Flavor Favorites

‘San Marzano’ (Redorta)

H IN 80-90

Famous Italian heirloom yields bright red, tapered 3” fruits. Meaty and flavorful—ideal for canning or sauce. 102, SAMP, COLL




SELLER San Marzano (Redorta)

IN 70-75

Finally, a late blight resistant tomato that tastes good. Tomato breeder, Tom Wagner, has produced a beautiful orange-golden yellow tomato with outstanding flavor. Often has a red streak down the middle. Hardy grower with good production of 3-4” fruits. 102



H IN 60–70

Extra early and reliable; cool-season heirloom produces 2” red fruits with wonderful, balanced, sweet-acid tomato flavor. Perfect for gardeners in northern climes or first of season production in warmer areas. 102, COLL

‘Sun Sugar’

in 65-75

Abundant candy-sweet orange cherry tomatoes with high levels of sugar and vitamin A. Possibly the world’s sweetest tomato. 102, SAMP

‘Sweet Million’ TOP

SELLER Stupice

IN 65–75

Sweet, bright red cherry tomatoes produced in large clusters. Crack and disease resistant. 102, COLL

Sun Sugar

ADD M O R E FLA V O R The following Mighty ‘Mato varieties are limited and available for custom propagation with a five (5) tray minimum order per variety. Go to mightymato.com for variety information.

Sweet Million

Anahu Arkansas Traveler Beaverlodge Slicer Berkeley Tie-Dye Black Cherry Black Icicle BUMBLEBEE Pink Celebrity Creole Defiant Goliath Green Zebra INDIGO Kumquat INDIGO Ruby

Jetsetter Julia Child Legend Manitoba Marianna’s Peace Momotaro Mountain Magic Paul Robeson Pruden’s Purple Sasha’s Altai Smarty Sunset Falls Tangerine

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M I G H T Y V E G G I ES ® Grafted Cucumbers 70–80 ‘Coolcumber’ (Khassib)

Coolcumber (Khassib)

Giga Bite

High yielding plant produces crisp, sweet, medium-green, spineless mini cucumbers that are 3 to 4” long. Plants are vigorous, suitable for hot weather with good resistance to powdery mildew. 102, COLL

‘Giga Bite’ 40–50 Japanese burpless hybrid cucumber plants are vigorous and easy to grow, producing an abundance of crisp 8” long cucumbers. Slender fruits, up to 1” in diameter with fine white spines and glossy deep-green skin. Heat tolerant and resistant to downy mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnose and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). 102


SELLER Epic (Dusky)

Ping Tung ★

Grafted Eggplants classic 70–80 ‘Epic’ (Dusky)

Purple-black oval fruits can be picked at 3–5” or harvested when mature at 8–10” long. Perfect for roasting or grilling. Can be grown in containers. 102

‘Ping Tung’ ASIAN 70–80 Sweet and tender, 12” long, purple Chinese eggplants. Delicious creamy flavor and no bitterness. 102


TRAY SIZE: 102; SAMP 6x34-strip; COLL 3x2x34-strip; 20mm TOM, EGG, PEP and 25mm CUC, MEL


M I G H T Y M ELON ™ Grafted Melons Ali Baba ★

Moon & Stars (Van Doren)

heirloom 90–100 ‘Ali Baba’ Watermelon

A rare heirloom introduction from Iraq. Oblong, 12 to 20” melons have an unusual pale green rind with a darker green crackle pattern. Pink-red flesh is sweet, crisp, and juicy with few seeds. Vigorous, heat and drought tolerant plants produce abundant hard-rinded fruits that hold well without splitting. 102

‘Moon & Stars’ Watermelon heirloom 95–105 Russian heirloom watermelon was rediscovered near Macon, Missouri growing in the Van Doren garden. Large, 12–15” round watermelons are 10–25 lb. with an unforgettable galaxy of tiny golden dots of “stars” and larger yellow-gold “moon” spots on its dark-green fruits and foliage. Ultra-sweet, luscious pink flesh—not just a novelty. 102

Sugar Baby

‘Sugar Baby’ Watermelon heirloom 80–90 Small, 8 to 10” round “icebox” watermelons are 6–10 lb.with a nearly black rind when ripe—a standard picnic staple since it was introduced in 1959. Crisp, juicy, deep red-orange flesh, small black seeds, and incredibly sweet, rich flavor. Mildew resistant. 102, COLL

‘Ambrosia’ Cantaloupe 80–90 A reliable garden and fresh market favorite. Round hybrid melons are 4 to 5 pounds with pale-orange flesh and a small seed cavity. Very sweet, floral flavor is both juicy and tender. Disease resistant. 102, COLL Ambrosia

Swan Lake ★

‘Swan Lake’ Honeydew heirloom 80–90 Rare, beautiful, small honeydew-type melons are 2 to 3 pounds with smooth, creamy yellow skin. Flesh is white to pale salmonpink with sweet, crisp flavor. 102

★ Flavor Favorites

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


M I G H T Y V E G G I ES ®



Grafted Peppers SWEET 70–80 ‘Big Bertha’

Big Bertha

Golden Bell

Extra large, thin-walled bell peppers can reach 7” long, ripening from bright green to shiny red, with crisp sweet flesh and few seeds—perfect for fresh eating. 102

‘Golden Bell’ SWEET 65–75 Picture perfect, 3” bell peppers ripen from green to light yellow to deep golden yellow. Sweet, blocky, thick-walled fruits are excellent for salads or stuffing. 102, COLL

‘Orange Bell’ SWEET 50–78 As sweet as it is colorful, easy-to-grow Orange Bell is also a great source of antioxidants. Excellent for fresh eating, canning or freezing. Peppers can be picked green at 50 days or allowed to ripen to a sweet, deep-orange in 78 days. 102, COLL



Orange Bell

Red Bell (King Arthur)



‘Red Bell’ (King Arthur) SWEET 60–75 This pepper is hard to beat for its earliness and large size. Big, blocky 4½ inch bells have thick, meaty walls with sweet flavor and crunchiness, whether harvested green or red. Sets well even in heat. Harvest in 60 days green; 75 days red. 102, COLL

‘Anaheim’ MILD 65–75 Tapered, 6–8” long peppers turn from green to red, with delicious, mildly hot flavor. A popular variety that’s excellent for roasting or frying. 102

‘Jalapeño’ HOT 70–80 Dark green, 3” conical peppers with hot, zesty flavor are thickwalled and easy to seed, one of the best for salsa, nachos, or chiles. Perfect fresh or pickled. 102


TRAY SIZE: 102; SAMP 6x34-strip; COLL 3x2x34-strip; 20mm TOM, EGG, PEP and 25mm CUC, MEL ★ Flavor Favorites

I NC R EASE M I G H T Y ‘ M AT O ® SALES We make it easy. Large variety specific photo stake tags and “Do Not Bury Graft” reminder collar tags are included with every purchase and ship with your liners. Retail Point-of-Purchase (POP) marketing materials are also available, including vinyl banners, coroplast posters with four options, and bench cards. In addition, print-ready POP artwork is available online for download and to print at your printer of choice—visit plugconnection.com/mightymatoresources. To increase sell-through at garden centers, we recommend adding your retail store to our Retail Locator search function on mightymato.com, and growing in our 4.25” and 1-gallon Mighty ‘Mato® and Mighty Veggies® branded containers. To order Mighty ‘Mato® and Mighty Veggies® branded containers, please contact our customer service team or your favorite broker for pricing and minimums.



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23x23” poste


r (10% scale)

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Grafted ont o SuperNatu ™ vigorous ral rootsto ck for super-a bundant harvests!





"Like “Like " ”Mig Mig faceb forook.c tips om an and shar phot ey os an


0% scale)

h cards (2

11x7” benc

Variety specific stake tags included with orders 2.125x5.875" (55% scale)


24x48” vertical banner (10% scale

"Do Not Bury Graft" reminder collar included with orders. Gently place around base of stem 3.5x1.25" (55% scale)

Mighty ‘Mato and Mighty 2’Mato 1GL branded container and Mighty Veggies 1GL branded container for Cucumber, Eggplant, Melon and Pepper

Tray of 4.25" branded containers

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com



Mig ht Top y Early (1st Sel ler (Top to Rip en) )

Fru it Hei rloo m

#o f Da ys t o

(ins ide) Col or

(ou tsid e)

SN = Snacking/Small ST = Standard/Average XL = Large


Col or


Coolcumber (Khassib) Giga Bite Cucumber Epic (Dusky) Eggplant Ping Tung Eggplant Ali Baba Watermelon Moon & Stars Watermelon Sugar Baby Watermelon Ambrosia Cantaloupe Swan Lake Honeydew Big Bertha Pepper Golden Bell Pepper NEW Orange Bell Pepper NEW Red Bell Pepper Anaheim Pepper Jalapeño Pepper

70–80 40–50 1st 70–80 1st/Top 70–80 90–100 • 95–105 • 80–90 • 1st 80–90 1st 80–90 • 70–80 Top 65–75 1st 50-78 60–75 65–75 70–80 Top

CB = Chocolate Brown DG = Dark Green G = Green

Tasty mini cucumbers for snacking; high yielding; disease resistant Japanese burpless; slender; smooth skin; disease resistant Purple-black oval eggplants; good flavor; roast or grill Chinese eggplant; sweet and tender; creamy, not bitter Pale green crackle-like skin; few seeds; pink-red flesh; sweet Dark green with gold “moon and star” markings; pink flesh; sweet Nearly black round watermelon; deep red-orange flesh; sweet Cantaloupe with pale orange flesh; floral, sweet and tender Pretty, yellow skin; white to pale-salmon flesh; sweet melting Extra large; green to red; crisp and sweet; few seeds; fresh Green to golden yellow when ripe; sweet; fresh or stuffed Sweet, colorful, easy-to-grow; great source of antioxidants; fresh Early; large; blocky with thick, meaty walls; sweet and crunchy Green to red; mildly hot; popular for roasting and frying Dark green; hot and zesty; salsa, nachos, chili; fresh or pickled

GG = Gray Green LG = Light Green LP = Light Pink

O = Orange P = Purple PK = Pink

RE = Red S = Striped Y = Yellow

Mighty ‘Mato® Grafted INDIGO Rose on right Non-grafted INDIGO Rose on left


TRAY SIZE: 102; SAMP 6x34-strip; COLL 3x2x34-strip; 20mm TOM, EGG, PEP and 25mm CUC, MEL ★ Flavor Favorites

Lat eB ligh t Re sist ant Fru (LB its S ) e t Fru U n its S der et O 5 ver 5˚F (C) 85˚F Mig hty (H) Top Early (1st Sel l er (Top to Rip en) ) Ind ete Det rmina erm te inat (IN) e (D )

Hei rloo m

Fru it #o f Da

ys t o

B = Beefsteak C = Cherry

Col or

Sha pe

Amish Paste Beefsteak Big Beef Big Zac Black Krim Blush TIGER Brandywine (Sudduth’s) BUMBLEBEE™ Purple BUMBLEBEE™ Sunrise Carmello Cherokee Purple Chocolate Stripes Copia Costoluto Genovese Early Girl Green TIGER Homestead 24 INDIGO Apple Indigo Rose Juliet Lucky TIGER Mortgage Lifter (Estler’s) Pineapple Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye San Marzano (Redorta) NEW Skykomish Stupice Sun Sugar Sweet Million

P RE 80–90 • B RE 85–95 Top G RE 70–75 Top B RE 80–90 R/B P 70–90 • H E Y 75–80 B RE 80–90 • Top C S 65–75 C S 65-75 G RE 75 G P 75–85 • Top G S 70–80 • B S 85 • R RE 85 • H G RE 50–60 C 1st/Top E G/Y/S 70 G RE 80 • H Top G RE/P 70–80 G RO/P 75 Top P RE 60 LB C 1st/Top E G/RE/S 65-75 B RO 85–95 • Top B Y 90–95 • G S 80–90 P RE 80 • Top G O/RE/Y 70-75 LB G RE 60–65 • C 1st C Y 65 Top C RE 65–75

E = Elongated G = Globe/Round

P = Pear/Plum R = Ribbed

G = Green O = Orange


Rich and sweet; makes excellent sauce Sweet and meaty; cooking, salads, canning Balance of sugar and acid; N. American favorite Fruits weighing up to 6 lbs.; slicing, sandwiches Exotic and smoky; juicy Russian heirloom Sweet, juicy, tropical flavor; fresh eating High acid and sugar; world’s best tasting Violet with dark green stripes; superb flavor Yellow stripes over red marbling; sweet and fruity Balanced sugar and acid; European favorite Complex flavor; striped pre-1890 slicing heirloom Rich, sweet, complex flavor; striped heirloom Excellent clean flavor; striped heirloom Full flavored, acidic flavor; heavily lobed Flavorful; early in most climates Green and yellow stripes; good flavor Great flavor; firm and tasty flesh; heat tolerant Good sweet flavor; high anthocyanin levels Strong acidic flavor; high anthocyanin levels Rich and delicious; fresh eating, saucing Green with brick-red stripes; sweet and tangy Great old-time flavor; fresh eating Sweet, fruity flavor; marbled heirloom Sweet-tart flavor; true tricolor Meaty and flavorful; canned or sauce Late-blight resistant; outstanding flavor Sweet flavor; extra early, cold tolerant heirloom Candy-sweet; vitamin A; fresh eating Sweet; crack and disease resistant; fresh eating

P = Purple RE = Red

RO = Rose S = Striped

Y = Yellow

Cu ltur a l I n f o rm ati o n PLANTING: The graft must stay above soil level MEDIA: pH: 5.5–6.2; EC: < 0.75 TEMPERATURE: Day: 65–75°. Night: 62–65°F MOISTURE: Maintain moderate moisture levels HUMIDITY: Maintain adequate airflow FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS: 100–150ppm Every third irrigation, alternate with: 5–10–10 or 5–20–10 Trace elements should also be added as needed PRUNING: Prune lateral suckers for best fruiting

TRAY SIZES: 102; ASST 6x34-strip 20mm Tomatoes, Eggplants, and Peppers 25mm Cucumber and Melons POT SIZE/CROP TIME (by weeks): Slightly faster than non-grafted Tomato: 4” / 3–4 wks, 1GL / 4–6 wks, 2GL / 4–6 wks Cucumber: 4” / 2–3 wks, 1GL / 2–4 wks, 2GL / 2–4 wks Eggplant: 4” / 3–6 wks, 1GL / 4–6 wks, 2GL / 4–6 wks Melon: 4” / 2–3 wks, 1GL / 2–4 wks, 2GL / 2–4 wks Pepper: 4” / 4–8 wks, 1GL / 6–8 wks, 2GL / 6–8 wks

PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR (PGR): Not necessary 760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com



HE R BS & ED I BLES Sales of traditional vegetable and herb varieties are growing rapidly, but growers and retailers are challenged to meet new demand with more captivating programs. We’re helping our grower customers stay on the forefront with certified organic grafted vegetables, certified organic seed herbs and vegetables, vegetative herbs, and other delectable edible collections bred specifically for patio containers. For our complete product listing of edibles and more, go to epicas.plugconnection.com

All seed herbs and vegetables are proudly grown organically at Plug Connection and USDA Certified Organic by the CCOF.

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


HE R B COLLEC T I ON Arugula (Eruca) Basil (Ocimum) Catnip (Nepeta) Chamomile Chervil (Anthriscus) Chives Cilantro (Coriander) Dill (Anethum) Echinacea Epazote Fennel Lemon Balm (Melissa) Marjoram Mint (Mentha) Oregano (Origanum) Parsley (Petroselinum) Pennyroyal (Mentha) Rue (Ruta) Sage (Salvia) Savory Shiso Sorrel Tarragon Thyme (Thymus) Valerian Watercress (Nasturtium) V E G E TABLE COLLEC T I ON Artichoke Asparagus Broccoli Brussel Sprout Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Eggplant Kale Kohlrabi Leek Lettuce Onion Pepper Radicchio Spinach Strawberry Swiss Chard Tomato 42

CE R T I F I ED O R G AN I C SEED HE R BS & V E G E TABLES With the largest selection of certified organic herb and vegetable plugs on the market, Plug Connection provides so many ways to tap into the growing organic trend. From classic to artisan, we have you covered. Our product offering includes over 60 herbs, over 50 peppers, 225 tomato varieties, and a great selection of other garden fresh vegetables. For our complete product listing of certified organic herbs and vegetables, go to epicas.plugconnection.com

All seed herbs and vegetables are proudly grown organically at Plug Connection and USDA Certified Organic by the CCOF.

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


NEW Mixed Herb Tray 6 varieties, 34 of each, 2 tray minimum

French Tarragon Gorizia Rosemary English Thyme Doublemint Peppermint Berggarten Sage

ALOYSIA triphylia

Mentha sauveolens variegata

Lemon Verbena

Z 8–11

Pineapple Mint

  Z 5–11



A variety of apple mint with a mouthwatering, pineapple flavor. Green and white variegated leaves make it a beautiful addition to any garden. Great for growing in containers and planter boxes.

A Spanish ornamental, named for its divine, lemony scent. It is has glossy, pointed leaves and blooms with sprays of tiny lilac flowers. A favorite ornamental often planted as an annual. 102


Artemesia dracunculus

Mentha spicata

French Tarragon


Z 4–11


 Z 4–11



This perennial prefers drier soil conditions and full sun. Plant in a hot, sunny spot and avoid excessive watering. French Tarragon has a distinctive flavor, and is one of the best herbs for savory cooking. 102

A mint native to Europe with spear-shaped leaves and narrow, pointed flower spikes. Spearmint has a mild, peppermint-like flavor and refreshing aroma. 102

Helichrysum angustifolia

Mentha spicata



Tall Curry

  Z 7–11

 Z 4–11



An amazingly superior selection of spearmint. Plants have bright green, aromatic leaves, and bring a Mediterranean feel to any garden formerly named ‘The Best.’ 102

Evergreen perennial native to Southern Europe, aptly named for its spicy curry fragrance. This bushy plant is upright and compact, with long silver leaves and yellow flowers. 102



Mentha sauveolens

Mentha x piperita

Apple Mint

Chocolate Mint

 Z 5–11


Mentha variety named for its fruity, apple-like scent. This easy-togrow plant has velvety, rounded leaves. Apple-mint works well as both a culinary herb and a ground cover. 102


 Z 4–11


Great variety of mint named for its green and brown tinged leaves, which have a peppermint-patty aroma. Grow in plenty of sun for optimal color and flavor. 102

Mentha x piperita ‘Citrata’

Ocimum basilicum

Orange Mint

  Z 4–11

‘Pesto Perpetuo’ Basil


Easy-to-grow, culinary herb named for its fragrant, citrus-like aroma. Oval leaves are dark green with a lovely red edge. 102

Z 10–11


A productive and beautiful basil with green and white variegated foliage. Leaves are deliciously aromatic and makes a wonderful addition to any program. 102



Mentha x piperita

Origanum rotundifolium


Z 4–11

‘Kent Beauty’ Oregano

  Z 7–11



European herb with amazing, versatile flavor. Plants grow in clusters and sprout green, fragrant leaves and small, violet flowers. Plants grow well in containers—perfect for gardeners with limited space. 102

Unique oregano with columns of heart-shaped, blue-green leaves and bright pink, flower-like bracts. Plants grow beautifully in hanging baskets and along walls. 102

Ocimum basilicum

Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’

‘African Blue’ Basil

Z 10–11

Golden Oregano

  Z 4–11



Ornamental basil with a warm, clove scent. Leaves are deep purple in the center, and fade to dark green. Plants bloom with vivid purple flowers. 102

Ornamental Oregano with goldenyellow green foliage and clusters of soft, mauve flowers. Fragrant leaves are divine in cooking. Plants look beautiful as edging or in mixed containers. 102

Ocimum basilicum

Origanum vulgare

‘Greek Columnar’ Basil

Greek Oregano

 Z 10–11

  Z 4–11


Fantastic, flavorful basil with overtones of cinnamon. Named for its unique columns of green, fragrant leaves. Plants produce foliage all season long. 102


A spicy, pungent Oregano, also known as “Wild Marjoram.” Low-growing plants have green foliage and delicate, pink or white blooms. A must have in culinary herb gardens. 102





Ocimum basilicum

Origanum vulgare

‘Magic Mountain’ Basil

‘Hot & Spicy’ Oregano

 Z 10–11

  Z 4–11


Wonderfully aromatic basil with green leaves and a purple tinge, combined with vivid spikes of deep purple flowers. 102


This sprawling perennial herb has rich green foliage and in the summer time bears vibrant pink flowers. It has a uniquely intense, spicy flavor. 102



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‘HERBALEA Dark Lady’

‘HERBALEA Wild Magic’

We selected five Basils for our HERBALEA Basil Collection for their exceptional disease resistance to downy mildew, fusarium, and botrytis in our Plug Connection trials. These impressive plants range from lime green to dark red. Their aroma varies from delicately mild to strong and pungent. Each one showed a high degree of regenerative properties making them ideal for gardeners. Ocimum basilicum


  Z 10–11


Aromatic, fresh green basil with very full foliage. Proven to be similar in form, but superior in performance to the classic Greek Columnar in our trials. Blooms very late. 102 Ocimum basilicum

‘HERBALEA Dark Lady’

  Z 10–11


Distinctly aromatic with bold, dark-red to purple foliage and crimson blooms. 102 46

‘HERBALEA Green Fortune’


Ocimum basilicum

‘HERBALEA Green Fortune’

  Z 10–11


Vigorous, bright green basil with strong stems. A favorite in our trials. 102 Ocimum basilicum

‘HERBALEA Wild Magic’

  Z 10–11


Dark green leaves with purple to red centers, and full foliage. The robust and pungent flavor makes it a top pick for rich sauces. 102 Ocimum basilicum


  Z 10–11


Dark green leaves with red to purple centers, and full foliage. Robust and pungent flavor is perfect for pesto. 102

Origanum vulgare

ROSMARINUs officinalis

Italian Oregano

  Z 8–11

‘Gold Dust’ PPAF Rosemary

  Z 7–11



Easy-to-grow perennial herb with bright green foliage and tiny white flowers. An excellent variety of Oregano with strong, spicy flavor. A key ingredient to any Italian dish. 102

Branches of bright green and gold that hold their color all year long. Blooms of blue flowers make this rosemary not only a culinary herb, but a beautiful ornamental shrub.

Origanum x majoranum

rosmarinus officinalis




Sweet Marjoram

‘Gorizia’ Rosemary

  Z 8–11

  Z 7–11


A bushy perennial with tender leaves and stems. Its rich, sweet flavor is similar to oregano and often used in savory French cooking. Plants look great in hanging pots and windowsill gardens. 102


Named for the town of Gorizia, Italy, in which it was discovered. Plants are mildew resistant, with large, flat leaves are big, lavender flowers. Bees love this easy-togrow variety. 102

Origanum vulgare

rosmarinus officinalis

Variegated Oregano

‘Huntington Carpet’ Rosemary

  Z 9–11

  Z 7–11


Named for its beautiful deep green leaves, edged in ivory. These tender, flavorful leaves are delicious in Greek, Italian, and Spanish cuisine. 102


This trailing rosemary forms a beautiful carpet of deep green foliage accented with pale blue flowers. Great as a spreading ground cover or in hanging planters. 102



rosmarinus officinalis

rosmarinus officinalis

‘Arp’ Rosemary

‘Perfect Skewer’ Rosemary

  Z 7–11

  Z 7–11



Earns its name from its elegant, upright stems, which make perfect barbecue skewers. Features narrow, gray foliage with delicious fragrance all year round. Also known as ‘Upright.’ 102

A tough, hardy variety that can withstand drought and poor, rocky soil. Plants have fragrant, gray-green foliage and beautiful lavender flowers. 102



rosmarinus officinalis

Salvia elegans

‘Barbeque’ Rosemary

‘Golden Delicious’ PP17977 Sage

  Z 7–11

  Z 9–11


A sturdy, long stemmed variety with an extremely upright habit. Dark green foliage is beautifully offset by pale lavender flowers. Plants can withstand even the worst of soil. 102


A striking sage named for its bright-yellow, pineapple-scented foliage and vivid red flowers. Excellent in beds, borders, herb gardens, and containers. 102

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


Salvia elegans

Salvia officinalis

Pineapple Sage

‘Tricolor’ Sage

  Z 9–11

  Z 6–11


A perennial shrub native to Mexico and Guatemala. Bright red flowers and smooth, light green leaves have a smell and flavor very reminiscent of pineapple. It is fantastic as both a culinary herb and ornamental. 102



Variety of sage best known among cooks for its delicious flavor and strong aroma. Grayish green foliage is beautifully marbled with white, pink, and purple. A favorite of bees and butterflies. 102


Salvia officinalis

Stevia rebaudiana

‘Berggarten’ Sage

‘Sweet Tooth™’ Stevia

  Z 6–11

  Z 9–11


Evergreen perennial with a unique, pungent flavor and aroma. A compact variety, with woody stems and gray-green leaves that grow into a small, attractive bush. In mid-summer, plants bloom with purple flower spikes. 102


Perennial shrub that is gaining popularity as a wholesome alternative to processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Plants have slender, branched stems and bright green leaves. 102

Salvia officinalis

tarragon tagates

‘Berggarten Variegata’ Sage

‘4 Season’ Tarragon

  Z 9–11

Z 6–11


Distinct creamy-white variegation on broad, bluish-green leaves. A culinary herb and beautiful ornamental plant. 102


Aromatic, flowering perennial with beautiful dark green foliage and small, yellow flowers. A native to Central America. 102



Thymus vulgaris

Salvia officinalis

English Thyme

‘Icterina’ Sage

  Z 6–11

  Z 5–11


Perennial herb from the Western Mediterranean. Small evergreen plants sprout gray-green leaves and pale purple flowers with a delicate but delicious flavor. 102

A popular sage with beautiful, variegated yellow and green leaves and lavender flower-spikes. Plants are both a culinary herb and a lovely ornamental. 102





Thymus vulgaris

Salvia officinalis

‘Purpurescens’ Sage

French Thyme

  Z 6–11

  Z 5–11



Neat, low growing shrub with narrow gray-green leaves and lavender flowers. Its delicious spicy and sweet flavor makes it an ideal herb for planter boxes and patio pots. 102

Compact, shrubby perennial with wonderful aroma and flavor. Ornamental foliage is a beautiful mixture of bright green and deep purple leaves. Lavender flower spikes bloom mid-summer. 102





Thymus x citrodorus

Thymus vulgaris

‘Silver Queen’ Thyme

Lime Thyme

  Z 5–11

  Z 5–11


A hybrid thyme primarily grown as a culinary herb. Silver-edged leaves have a rich lemon scent, and are wonderful fresh or dried. 102

Thymus x citrodorus


A fragrant mounding thyme that makes a great ground cover. The bright green lime-colored leaves are scented of citrus and help brighten up darker corners of the garden. 102

Tropaeolum hybrid

Gold Lemon Thyme

‘Duckalicious’ Nasturtium

  Z 5–11

 Z 9–11


Named for its vivid, golden-yellow foliage, which lasts throughout winter and spring, and wonderful lemon fragrance and flavor. Plants form low shrubs. 102

Thymus x citrodorus

Lemon Thyme

  Z 5–11


Named after its bouquet of yellow, duck-foot shaped petals. All parts are edible with spicy, peppery flavor. Perfect for adding color to veggie gardens, hanging baskets and raised garden beds. 102


‘Red Wonder’ Nasturtium 6–12"

A fresh, lemon scent earns this plant its name. Plants have vivid green leaves with golden edges. This is a delightful herb for patios and window-sill planters. 102

Gregg Opgenorth in our vegetative herb stock house. Plug Connection proudly keeps stock of our entire vegetative herb collection.

 Z 9–11


Plants feature deep red flowers on dark green-bronze foliage. All parts are edible with spicy, peppery flavor. Perfect for adding color to veggie gardens, baskets and salads. 102

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com



‘Mini Blue’

LAVANDULA stoechas


LAVANDULA angustifolia


LAVANDULA x intermedia


LAVANDULA multifida

‘Spanish Eyes’

LAVANDULA angustifolia

‘Hidcote Blue’

 Z 5–11


Free flowering dwarf lavender. Plants produce deep purple flower spikes in late spring and summer. Best in mass plantings and in hedges or edging. 102 LAVANDULA dentata

‘French Lavender’

Z 8–11


Plants bloom with beautiful pink and purple flower spikes. Best when grown in a container, so it can be easily sheltered in winter. 102

‘Hidcote Blue’

LAVANDULA stoechas

‘Otto Quast’

 Z 8–11


A fragrant, easy to grow lavender. Plants bear gray-green foliage and bloom with rich, royal purple flower spikes. Great for borders and gardens. 102 LAVANDULA x ginginsii

‘Goodwin Creek’

 Z 6–11

‘French Lavender’

‘Otto Quast’

‘Goodwin Creek’

‘Niko’ Phenomenal®


A hybrid French lavender known for its ever-lasting, deep purple blooms, which begin in the summer and continue throughout Fall and even into winter in mild climates. 102 LAVANDULA x intermedia

‘Niko’ Phenomenal®

 Z 5–11


From our friends at Peace Tree Farms this hardy, disease resistant lavender is sure to be a top-seller. Everlasting purple flower spikes are beautifully offset by silvery-green foliage. 102


T O P - SELL I N G ED I BLES Abz Strawberries

Z 5–9


Strawberry lovers without a garden can enjoy harvesting sweet-tasting strawberries on their balcony or patio. Tasty assortment including a large-flowers and fruits series, a vigorous hanging basket series with runners, and an early compact series with few runners. 128, 288

Berry Galore Rose

Berry Galore Pink



Beltran Berry Basket White Berry Basket Pink Berry Basket Rose Berry Galore White Berry Galore Pink Berry Galore Rose Durban Frisan Gasana Roman


Berry Basket Rose


Z 8–11


Unusual, visually beautiful edible from Dick Degenhardt in the Netherlands has out-of-this-world coloring, with mintgreen leaves edged in cream. Plants are beautiful in mixed beds or containers, while providing a continuous harvest of nutritious, eye catching greens for garnish, salad, or steaming. Hardy to 10°F. 102

Kosmic Kale

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com



V E G E TAL I S Patio Edibles

 The Vegetalis Patio Edible collection is the ultimate program to present to gardeners with limited space. All varieties were selected for their ornamental appeal and are as productive as they are good looking. Market them in containers combined with flowers—or let them make a statement on their own. 288

Cherry Fountain (Cherry Falls)

Aristotle Basil

Mignonette Strawberry

Gigantic Chive

Amethyst Eggplant

Basket of Fire Hot Pepper

Basil Floral Spires Lavender Floral Spires White Aristotle Chives Gigantic Eggplant Emerald Isle Amethyst Ivory Pepper—Hot Chenzo Cheyenne Apache Loco Basket of Fire Cayenetta Pepper—Sweet Mohawk Redskin Pompeii Squash Buckingham (Zucchini) Balmoral (Scalloped)

Strawberry Temptation Mignonette Tomato Trailing Rambling Gold Stripe Rambling Red Stripe Patio Tumbling Tom Red Patio Tumbling Tom Yellow Peardrops Cherry Falls Tomato Upright Mega Bite Little Sun Yellow Imp. Totem Sweet ‘n’ Neat Red Sweet ‘n’ Neat Scarlet Imp. Sweet ‘n’ Neat Yellow

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T h e G r o wi n g P r o f it s o f t h e Org a n i c M a r k e t s We’ve all seen the skyrocketing growth for vegetable, herbs and small fruit sales. A compilation of reasons is pushing the shift in consumer demand within the organic edibles market. New waves of gardeners are looking for safe, healthy and local food options. Many want to spice up culinary creations with fresh, nutritious and flavorful ingredients. And in this world of information overload, gardening is offering a reconnection to our planet, a place to pause and reflect. Growing your own organic edible garden has captivated a larger audience and this trend has seemingly shifted into a lasting behavior.

A R e ta i l S o l uti o n T h at I n c r e a s e s P r o f ita b i l ity Organiks® is the first national brand of USDA certified organic herbs and vegetables. It’s your entry-point to garden centers, high-end grocery stores and younger consumers. We provide you with a retail-ready system, complete with interactive consumer and trade websites, marketing concepts and easy-to-understand, appealing packaging. Organiks® is ready to plug into any production system, and since we’ve already experienced the certification process, Plug Connection will share expert advice on how to go through the USDA certification process. Whole Foods wants more organic growers to supply their stores. Garden centers want more organic growers to supply their stores. Consumers are clamoring for high-quality, well-grown organic plants. This is your opportunity. And Organiks® is the best and easiest way to help you capitalize on it.

[ 54


“The Organiks® Program has been the most successful branded plant program we have been involved with. It was easy to adopt on both the production and retail side, and with the packaging and marketing support it’s been a huge success at retail with


strong growth each season.” —James Russell, Vice President | Armstrong Growers, Glendora, CA

T r e n d i n g Org a n i k s ® Why Organiks?

1 2

Backyard food production is the ultimate local, safe and fresh food source—Grow Your Own!

Attract a younger demographic into your garden center— Growing organic food at home can help cut the cost of buying groceries

3 4

“Naturally” or “Locally Grown” do not offer the same confidence as the USDA Certified Organic label

Consumers will appreciate knowing these products have a reduced environmental impact

Organiks is your solution to this growing trend. For up-to-date retail locations, visit organikplants.com


To learn more about how you can become a licensed Organiks grower and take advantage of our sales and marketing tools and opportunities, email Nicole Jackson at nicole@plugconnection.com




Since 1919, the Morel family of horticulturists

Schoneveld Breeding was established in

has specialized in the selection and cultivation

1930 and specializes in breeding and growing

of Cyclamen. Research is carried out in the

Cyclamen. With years of experience and a focus

South of France, and final selection is based on

on quality, Schoneveld Breeding creates strong

floriferousness, originality, intensity of color, habit,

varieties with high ornamental value and long

and its resistance to heat.

flower life, and offers support for cultivation and

Morel’s goal is to create new varieties that are adaptable to modern growing techniques. We

marketing and invests in thorough research and modern technology.

offer these superior varieties as part of our MESA

We offer their best varieties in our MESA MAGIC™

MAGIC™ Cyclamen Collection.

Cyclamen Collection.








SUPER SERIE® mammoth





Tianis® FANTASIA® Scarlet Red


SUPER SERIE® Compact Red

Syngenta has a long history with Cyclamen

Our Mesa Magic™ Cyclamen Collection

breeding and developed the first ever commercial

enchants your senses by offering the highest

F1 hybrid Cyclamen.

quality young plant production combined with a complete selection of genetics and sizes.

Their breeding innovations continue into present day with the refinement of established market

It’s no illusion—true RELIABILITY, EXPERTISE

leaders, Sierra and Laser into the Synchro series of

AND QUALITY. All of our series are F1 hybrids.

high performing, free-flowering Cyclamen. We offer their best varieties as part of our MESA MAGIC™ Cyclamen Collection.









O R DE R C U T OFF DA Y Monday by 4pm PST, three (3) weeks prior to sow CANCELLAT I ON P OL I C Y No cancellations accepted within two (2) weeks prior to sow date without approval. All cancellations are considered pending until we receive confirmed cancellations from seed supplier.


M I N I M U M O R DE R 1 case (box) M I N I M U M PE R VA R I ET Y 1 tray P LAN T S I N CASE 128- and 144-tray 4 per box 72-tray 3 per box G R O W AS / SOLD AS 72 sold as 72 128 sold as 128 144 sold as 144 TA G I NFO R M AT I ON Please contact your favorite tag supplier for Cyclamen tag needs. LASER SYNCHRO™ Wine





Best for 3.5–4”

Best for 4.5–5”

Popular in Europe, miniatures are trending up in the North American market. Miniature Cyclamen make wonderful gift plants and perform well in the landscape. Their dainty flowers fade discreetly and the plants are self-cleaning in the garden. These adorable little beauties add cheer both indoors and out. 72, 128, 144

Intermediate-sized varieties of Cyclamen are the most popular types for the landscape. These varieties are bred to be sturdier in the garden and more tolerant of adverse weather conditions. 72, 128, 144

6–8" 27–30 weeks METIS® ∙∙ Excellent in both the greenhouse and garden ∙∙ Decorative foliage and a well structured habit ∙∙ Central flowering with good re-flowering ∙∙ Bred by Morel 7-10" 27-31 weeks SUPER SERIE® PICASSO ∙∙ Silverleaf Mini Winter with superb bloom quality ∙∙ Suitable for indoor and outdoor use ∙∙ More open plant structure and long flower life ∙∙ Bred by Schoneveld 7-10" 28–30 weeks SUPER SERIE® JIVE® ∙∙ Elegant, waved petals ∙∙ Abundant and uniform blooms, extremely long lasting ∙∙ Bred by Schoneveld 4-5" 26-27 weeks SUPER SERIE® MICRO ∙∙ Compact, round habit with high uniformity across the series ∙∙ Genetically small plant ∙∙ Bred by Schoneveld 6–10" 26–28 weeks WINFALL™ ∙∙ Ideal for production in 2.5- to 4.5-inch pots ∙∙ Sizes up under low temperatures—requires less energy ∙∙ Perfect for fall and winter—indoors and out ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flower–Goldsmith Seed

10–12" 24–26 weeks LASER SYNCHRO™ ∙∙ Incredibly uniform plant habit and size ∙∙ Ideal for small containers ∙∙ Long-lasting, fragrant flowers form bushy bouquets ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds 10–12" 29–31 weeks LATINIA® ∙∙ Compact plant with large flowers ∙∙ Extremely floriferous and excellent performance outdoors ∙∙ Bred by Morel 10–12" 26–28 weeks PREMIUM ∙∙ Great plant for outdoors ∙∙ Compact, vigorous plant with a short culture time ∙∙ Very uniform, consistent and floriferous ∙∙ Bred by Morel 8–10" SUPER SERIE® ALLURE® ∙∙ Developed for warm season production ∙∙ Strong, firm flower stems ∙∙ Abundant and uniform blooms ∙∙ Bred by Schoneveld

9-12” 31–33 weeks SUPER SERIE® XL® ∙∙ Long flower life, abundant and uniform blooms ∙∙ Uniform, round plant size ∙∙ Large flower size makes this series very profitable ∙∙ Bred by Schoneveld 10–12" 25–29 weeks STERLING™ ∙∙ Unique silvery foliage sets with beautiful blooms ∙∙ Long-lasting flower quality ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds 10–12" Tianis® ∙∙ Luminous colors ∙∙ Compact and balanced plant habit ∙∙ Abundant and central flowering ∙∙ Bred by Morel


27-29 weeks

28–31 weeks

S TANDA R D SE R I ES Best for 6–8” Standard-sized varieties of Cyclamen make excellent pot crops and florist-quality gift items. These varieties are bred to be show stoppers with large flowers and habits. 72, 128 10–12" 28–32 weeks FLEUR EN VOGUE™ ∙∙ Unique umbrella type of flowering ∙∙ Novelty series for September-December sales ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds 10–12” 31–35 weeks HALIOS® ∙∙ Compact plant structure with central flowering ∙∙ Uniform and consistent growth ∙∙ Robust, solid stems ∙∙ Bred by Morel 10–16” 31–35 weeks HALIOS SELECT® ∙∙ Distinctive and eye-catching “fancy” varieties ∙∙ Same great production traits as Halios varieties ∙∙ Uniform growth and continuous flowering ∙∙ Bred by Morel 14–16" 31–35 weeks RAINIER™ ∙∙ Strong, thick stems ∙∙ Uniform habit and flowering allow for bench run sales ∙∙ Grows easily at cooler temperatures for late season finish ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds 12–14" 27–30 weeks SIERRA™ ∙∙ Slightly compact mounding habit ∙∙ Nice range of colors, including unique flame types ∙∙ Use for early and peak season production ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds 12–14" 28–32 weeks SIERRA SYNCHRO™ ∙∙ Excellent uniformity ∙∙ High bloom counts, large showy flowers ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds 12–16" 32–34 weeks SUPER SERIE® MAMMOTH® ∙∙ Long flower life, abundant and uniform blooms ∙∙ Thick, firm flower stems ∙∙ Extremely large flower size ∙∙ Bred by Schoneveld 12–14” 28–32 weeks WINTER ICE™ ∙∙ Unique silver foliage ∙∙ Strong plants feature thick stems and abundant flowers ∙∙ Thrives inside or outside (under mild winter conditions) ∙∙ Bred by Syngenta Flowers–Goldsmith Seeds

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T ESSE R A S U CC U LEN T S For water-wise solutions and fresh ideas, peruse the next few pages for our selection of sculptural, low-water succulents to meet the demands of retail and wholesale nurseries, garden centers and landscape professionals. From jewel-like rosettes to ground-hugging cover to upright, stacked succulents in various hues, all forms inspire creativity for large projects like living roofs, vertical gardens, and mixed combos—to smaller, simple gifts like table accents, terrariums, and mini planters. Landscape and interior designers, event planners, and home gardeners have discovered these beautiful and low maintenance succulents, but it takes high-quality growers like you to make their bold, creative ideas come to life.

Picture tags for every variety

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72-Tray Assortment

Echeveria Mix

102-Tray Assortment

Sedum Mix

Delosperma Mix

Sempervivum Mix

mixed 72-tray

mixed 72-tray

72-Tray Assortment

Echeveria Mix

Great assortment of six larger succulent varieties on availability, such as Crassula, Aeonium, Senecio, and Kalanchoe, for 6” pots, 1-gallon pots, succulent combos, or landscape.

Great assortment of Echeveria varieties on availability are perfect for 6” pots, succulent combos, or landscape.

mixed 102-tray

102-Tray Assortment Popular mix of six succulent varieties on availability for 4” pots, succulent combos, or landscape. mixed 102-tray

Delosperma Mix Assortment of Delosperma varieties on availability are perfect for 6” pots, succulent combos, or landscape.


mixed 102-tray

Sedum Mix Beautiful assortment of high-quality Sedum varieties on availability for 6” pots, succulent combos, or landscape. mixed 102-tray

Sempervivum Mix Popular assortment of high-quality Sempervivum varieties on availability are great for 4” pots, succulent combos, and works well for vertical wall plantings.

Aeonium arboreum



“Hardy Tigers Jaw”

  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11


A gorgeous mid- to large-sized Aeonium with white leaves striped with green. May develop pink tinges at the margins. 72

Mat-forming plant with yellow blooms in summer and fall. 102

Aeonium arboreum variegatum

CISTANTHE (Calandrinia) grandiflora

“Mini Tricolor”

  Z 9–11


‘Violet Showers’

 Z 9–11


Star-shaped golden flower spikes emerge from the center of variegated rosettes. Perfect in mixed containers and landscapes.


Mounding rosettes of blue-grey foliage and attractive clusters of hot pink flowers on 12” stems. 72


CRASSULA coccinea

Aeonium hawarthii



  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11



Fast growth rate, upright/ mounding habit with creamyyellow 4–5” flower spikes emerging from the center of the bright-green rosettes. 72

Striking mounding/clumping plant has scarlet foliage in cool night temperatures. Orange to green when grown warm. 72

Aeonium hybrid

CRASSULA conjuncta


  Z 9–11

‘Giant String o’ Buttons’

  Z 9–11


Upright/mounding habit with dazzling foliage in pinks, oranges and greens, and pale yellow flowers in summer. One of the most colorful Aeoniums. 72



Upright columns of stiff triangular leaves flushed with red. Pink flowers in the summer. Awesome in mixed succulent containers. 72




CRASSULA corymbulosa

Aeonium hybrid

‘Sharks Tooth’


  Z 9–11


Medium growth rate, upright habit with a striking dark terminal rosette, almost black leaves, and yellow star-shaped flowers. 72

  Z 9–11


Red-tinged rosettes form a pyramidal pagoda-shaped mound. Full sun for red color. 102



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CRASSULA lycopodioides

‘Princess Pine’

 Z 9–11

CRASSULA ovata arborescens

Baby Jade 12–18”

  Z 9–11

Fast-growing favorite with green foliage and yellow-green flowers. Perfect for containers. 102

Green leaves with tinged red tips. Excellent for use in containers. 102

CRASSULA muscosa

CRASSULA ovata arborescens

‘Watch Chain’

Large Jade

 Z 9–11


Sparkling blue-green, evergreen foliage and light yellow to nearly white flowers. Nice spreading habit. 102


  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11


This classic succulent has large round leaves that turn red in cooler temperatures and full sun. White flowers in winter. 102

CRASSULA pelluicida variegata


‘Calico Kitten’ 12–36”

  Z 9–11


Upright small tree with heavy trunk, succulent, tubular leaves and white to pale-pink starshaped flowers. 102

This succulent is the cat’s pajamas, with tiny pink and white variegated triangular leaves. Great for a trailing item in containers. 102


CRASSULA perforata



  Z 9–11


  Z 9–12


Curiously-shaped fleshy leaves have the appearance of tiny suction cups at the leaf tip. Use to add interest to containers or beds. 102

A variegated form of “String of Buttons.” Perfect for dish gardens as an upright component. 102


CRASSULA perforata

‘Variegated Jade’

String of Buttons

  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11


Slow-growing, upright favorite with variegated, fleshy leaves. 102


A real conversation piece. Unique vining, spreading succulent is fast-growing with stacked, broad, gray-green leaves often with tinges of red. Pale yellow flowers. 102



CRASSULA picturata

Tiger Jade

DELOSPERMA numigerum

“Yellow Ice”

  Z 9–11


Z 5–11


This cute little plant forms pagoda shaped rosettes. Older green leaves have purple tips. 102

Sunny flowers against plump, succulent foliage that takes on a reddish hue in fall. 102

CRASSULA rupestris x perforata


‘Baby Necklace’

‘Mini Apricot’

  Z 9–11


Succulent leaves are small, rounded and tightly stacked. 102

CRASSULA tetragona

Z 7–11

Succulent with small, star-shaped apricot flowers. Perfect in rock gardens and borders. 102


‘Miniature Pine Tree’

‘Mini Sunshine’

Z 9–11



Z 7–11


Feathery-soft exterior of upright stacked foliage is a great addition to succulent dish gardens. 102

Succulent with small, star-shaped yellow flowers. Perfect in rock gardens and borders. 102



‘Mini Wine’

Cooper’s Ice

Z 5–11


Vibrant rose-pink flowers in spring. Excellent in rock gardens as groundcover. 102

DELOSPERMA dyeri ‘Psdold’

Z 5–11

Z 7–11


Succulent with small, star-shaped red flowers. Perfect in rock gardens and borders. 102


‘Trailing Yellow’

Red Mountain®


Succulent covered with lush, red flowers in spring is perfect for rock gardens and low-water plantings. 102

Z 5–11


Succulent with small yellow flowers. Looks terrific in rock gardens and borders. 102

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echeveria albicans

  Z 9–11

echeveria haagai



Densely packed rosettes of chunky gray-green to white leaves is clump-forming with coral-pink flowers. 72

  Z 9–11

echeveria elegans

echeveria hybrid


Dark blue, fleshy, pointed leaves form elegant, flower-like rosettes. 72



  Z 9–11


  Z 9–11

Mounding, soft blue-green foliage is rounded and points upward in a rosette form. 72


Attractive rosette of gray-green leaves with striking red outlined margin and yellow flowers on tall stalks. 72



echeveria hybrid

echeveria elegans

‘Perle Von Nurnberg’

‘Gray Red’

  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11



Thick, succulent leaves form tightly clustered rosettes of foliage. A top-selling variety. 72

Mounding gray-green foliage has a dusty finish with red tips. 72



echeveria elegans

Mexican Snowball


  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11


Tight rosettes of gray-green leaves form a groundcover in warm climates. Pink flowers with yellow accents in summer. 72

echeveria glauca

‘Blue Glauca’

 Z 9–11


Clusters of hairy, light green leaves with red tips. Use in containers and in the landscape. Reddish-yellow flowers in summer. 72

echeveria hybrid

‘Rosea’ 6–12”

Mounding rosettes with rounded, blue-green foliage that points upwards. 72


echeveria hybrid

 Z 9–11


Soft gray-green succulent leaves with mauve edges beneath small yellow flowers in summer. 72

echeveria hybrid

echeveria runyonii


‘Topsy Turvy’

 Z 9–11

  Z 9–11



Thick, teardrop-shaped, succulent foliage in shades of gray, blue and green. Use as a temperate groundcover and in containers. 72

Fleshy blue-green leaves form elegant, flower-like rosettes that give rise to thick stalks bearing vibrant yellow-orange flowers. 72

echeveria imbricata

echeveria setosa

‘Black Prince’


  Z 9–11

  Z 9–11



Purple-black leaves form rosettes with red flowers. Very cool in containers. 72

An unusual fuzzy rosette covered in white hairs with arrow-shaped green leaves and bright red tips. Red and yellow flowers. 72

echeveria nodulosa

echeveria setosa

Mexican Firecracker

Z 9–11


Exquisite red markings define the interior and edges of each leaf. Pink flowers appear in fall. 72

  Z 9–11

echeveria parva

EUPHORBIA tirucalli

  Z 5–11

Sticks of Fire


Rounded blue-grey leaves with dark pink flowers in early summer. Perfect for containers and in the landscape. 72



An unusual succulent covered in white hairs. Forms tight rosettes. Bright red and yellow flowers in spring and summer. 72

Z 9–11


Vibrant flashes of red, orange and yellow make this plant dance. Perfect upright component in containers. 72




echeveria prolifica

GRAPTOPETALUM paraguayensis

Ghost Plant

 Z 9–11


Rosettes of silver-green leaves produce vigorous offsets and yellow flowers. 72

  Z 9–11


Delicate rosettes of gray foliage with a pinkish cast beneath white flowers with red spots. 72

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KALANCHOE t hrysiflora

  Z 9–11



 Z 9–11

Low, mounding plants with graygreen foliage dusted in a light pink. 72


Stunning bi-colored foliage beneath flowers of red, pink, salmon, white, orange and yellow. 72



graptosedum hybrid



  Z 9–11

Pink Iceplant


Low, mounding plants with graygreen foliage with tips of red. 72


Z 8–11


Dazzling pink daisy-like flowers on silver foliage. Excellent groundcover. 102





MONANTHUS subcrassican


Tiny Bush Jade

  Z 9–11


Z 5–11


Thick-leaved rosettes of dusty blue-gray with reddish-pink overtones. 72

Dark green to almost black foliage forms small rosettes. 102





‘Fred Ives’

  Z 9–11

 6–10”

Z 9–11


Lovely rosettes glazed with translucent pink and purple. 72

Elongated foliage with rosette habit is blue-green with rose colored tips beneath dark-pink flowers. 102


PORTULACA molokiniensis



‘Silver Gray’

  Z 9–11

 6–10”

Leaves are tinted with a dusty rose and have toothed margins at the tips. 72


Z 9–11


Multiple, upright, spiraling rosettes formed from the base are each tiered with round pale-green succulent leaves. A small cluster of yellow flowers bloom on tips of bare stems that extend high above the rosette’s center. 102


‘Rainbow Bush’

 Z 9–11

SEDUM album

‘Coral Carpet’ 6–16”

Variegated lime-green leaves on reddish-purple twisted branches.

 Z 4–11


Reddish-purple mats of succulent foliage carpet the ground. 102



‘Love’s Triangle’

Red Stem

Z 9–11

SEDUM angelicum


Bold, attractive dark red stems on a miniature jade plant. 102

ROSULARIA sedoides

 Z 3–11


Irresistible powder blue, pinheadsized leaves each spring beneath pinkish-white flowers. 102

SEDUM hispanicum

‘White Rosularia’

‘Minus Pink Form’

 Z 3–11

Z 9–11



Small, mid-green rosette forming succulent. Excellent for rock gardens and dish gardens. 102

A charming succulent with very small, silvery-gray foliage that develops into a low evergreen mat. 102

SEDUM acre

SEDUM humisifusum


Z 3–11

‘Tiny Urchin’ 2–4”

 Z 3–11


Bright yellow flowers cover the carpet of yellow-green foliage. Very hardy groundcover. 102

This durable, glossy Sedum looks like it belongs underwater among the corals. 102

SEDUM adolphi

Sunsparkler™ Sedum

‘Cherry Tart’ PPAF

‘Golden Glow’

 Z 9–11


Interesting translucent lime-green leaves with orange highlights. 72

 Z 4–11


This new groundcover sedum has cherry-red leaves and masses of brilliant pink 5” flowerheads in late summer. Fast-growing. 102

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Sunsparkler™ Sedum

SEDUM mid. var. diffusum

‘Dazzleberry’ PPAF

 Z 4–11

‘Irish Eyes’

 Z 3–11


Giant bright raspberry

Uniquely toothed foliage forms small rosettes unlike most succulents. Truly outstanding! 102

flowerheads in summer into fall with contrasting smoky blue foliage. This new sedum is sure to be a hot seller. 102

Sunsparkler™ Sedum

‘Lime Zinger’

SEDUM nussbaumerianum



 Z 4–11


  Z 9–11


Groundcover sedum with petite, lime green leaves and cherryred picotee edges. Perfect for combos and in the landscape. 102


Cylindrical foliage turns a magnificent copper color in the sun. 102



SEDUM lineare

SEDUM pachyclados

‘Sea Urchin’

‘Blue Rosette Mini’

 Z 7–11

 Z 3–11



Powder blue leaves are tightly packed on top of one another, forming an eye-catching rosette.

This exotic low-growing plant has narrow green leaves edged in white. 102






SEDUM pachyphyllum

SEDUM makinoi



 Z 3–11

 Z 9–11



Blue-green, upright foliage with bright-yellow star-shaped flowers. Excellent for rock gardens and in containers. 102

Yellow-chartreuse foliage forms a beautiful golden mat. Perhaps the brightest of ground cover Sedums. 102



SEDUM makinoi

SEDUM rubrotinctum

‘Salsa Verde’

 Z 7–11

‘Pork and Beans’

 Z 9–11


Mounded plants are filled with flat, rounded dark green leaves and small star-like flowers. 102





An interesting plant with clusters of vivid green oval leaves that change to red and yellow under dry conditions. 102

SEDUM rupestre

SEDUM tetractinum

‘Angelina’ PPAF

  Z 3–11

‘Coral Reef’

 Z 5–11



Striking needle-shaped foliage of a brilliant golden-yellow color. Gold to bronze under winter conditions. 102

Succulent, shiny green leaves have rosy bronze tips and turn a lovely pink-bronze in the fall. 102

SEDUM rupestre




‘Lemon Ball’

  Z 3–11


 Z 3–11


Attractive spiky, yellow foliage compliments vibrant flowers. 102


Tips of long, fleshy green leaves appear to be have been dipped in purple dye, accenting the green center. 102



SEDUM siebololdii



 Z 3–11

‘Carmen’ 4–6”

 Z 3–11


Arching stems of spectacular green and yellow variegated foliage that turns pink around the edges in winter. 102

Striking rosettes. Tips turn red with age for a nice contrast. 102

SEDUM spurium


‘Cobweb Buttons’

‘Dragon’s Blood’

 Z 4–11


Handsome bronze-red foliage with clusters of vibrant rose-red flowers. 102

 Z 3–11


Striking, evergreen foliage has a unique, webbed appearance beneath flat clusters of rose-red flowers. 102



SEDUM spurium



 Z 4–11

‘Commander Hay’ 3–6”

Fleshy foliage is variegated pink and white and topped with rosy pink flowers in summer. 102

 Z 3–11


Vigorous plants with striking red and green foliage that creates an outstanding texture. 102



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‘Jade Rose’

‘Desert Bloom’

 Z 3–11

 Z 3–11




Succulent leaves are flushed with rosey-red, and tiny, white hairs add interest. 102



Deep gray-green rosettes are highlighted by rosy red centers.



‘Emerald Empress’


 Z 3–11

 Z 3–11


Evergreen rosettes of foliage spread slowly, forming a very dense mat. 102


Stunning evergreen foliage and deep pink flowers on vigorous plants. 102




‘Forest Frost’

 Z 3–11


  Z 3–11


Gray threads weave over the tips of the pale green rosettes. 102

Gray-green rosettes with lavender to rose highlights and very fine silver hairs along the evergreen leaf margins. 102



‘Green Wheel’

Z 3–11

‘Moss Rose’ 2–4”

Plump green leaves form tight rosettes with a mounding habit. 102



 Z 3–11

 Z 3–11


Moss green leaves form rosettes with a soft, dusty red hue in cooler temperatures. 102


‘Red Beauty’ 2–4”

Small green rosettes have smooth waxy leaves with plum markings in winter. 102




 Z 3–11


Green foliage highlighted with red tips on vigorous plants. Flat clusters of purple-red flowers. 102



‘Red Heart’

 Z 3–11


 Z 3–11



Striking evergreen foliage on unique, vigorous plants adds diversity to gardens. 102

Large, pale silver-gray rosettes beneath flat clusters of deep pink flowers. 102





‘Red Rubin’

 Z 3–11

‘Spring Beauty’

 Z 3–11


Large burgundy-red leaves form rosettes around emerging green centers. Multiplies well. 102

Striking evergreen foliage on vigorous plants forms small graygreen rosettes. 102




‘Royal Ruby’

 Z 3–11


 Z 3–11



Striking rosettes of deep purplered evergreen foliage on vigorous plants. 102

Evergreen succulent features attractive green basal rosettes with red tips. Foliage develops a red-orange color in cool temperatures. 102


SENECIO mandraliscae



‘Ruby Heart’

Z 3–11

‘Blue Chalk’

 Z 10–11


Lovely, emerald-green succulent leaves with deep-red tips form beautiful, open rosettes. 102


Dense, thick, blue-green leaves give a fascinating texture to plantings. 102



SENECIO vitalis


‘Blue Pencil’

‘Silver King’

 Z 3–11

 Z 10–11



Shrub-like fleshy plant has long, narrow, vertical “fingers” of greenblue-grey leaves. 72

A tapestry of foliage colors and textures for the garden. 102



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G e r a n ium COLLEC T I ON We carry the most comprehensive assortment of Geranium in the industry—offering the best Geranium series in one program and making it easier for customers to access all their favorites from a single source. We keep all genetics in separate growing areas to eliminate disease risks from using various URC sources. We proudly carry Syngenta Flowers Geraniums as rooted liners from all Plug Connection brokers. See available series listed below. To order rooted PAC Geraniums from Beekenkamp, contact a broker from Beekenkamp’s select network of brokers on page 24 and choose Plug Connection as the rooting station. To order rooted Red Fox Geraniums from the Dummen Group, contact a broker from Dummen’s select network of brokers on page 25 and simply choose Plug Connection as the rooting station.

Geranium Americana® Geranium Blizzard® Geranium Caliente® Geranium Calliope® Geranium Rocky Mountain™ Geranium Temprano™

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


Av a i l a b i l ity D at e s 01/01/2014–12/31/14 (weeks 1–52) Or d e r Cut O f f Monday by 4pm PST, two (2) weeks prior to stick date C a n c e l l ati o n P o l i c y No cancellations accepted after Thursday by 12:00pm PST, three weeks prior to stick date (18 days) All cancellations are considered pending until we receive confirmed cancellations from URC supplier. M I N I M U M O R DE R 1 case (box) M I N I M U M P E R VA R I E T Y 1 tray PA R T I AL BOX CHA R G E $20 USD P LAN T S I N CASE 4 trays per box G R O W AS / SOLD AS 104 / 100 Dummen sold as 102 76

P o i n s e tti a Plug Connection is your leading source for top-quality rooted Poinsettia liners from Beekenkamp, Dummen, Ecke, Selecta, and Syngenta. Order Beekenkamp Poinsettia through Beekenkamp’s broker network—simply select Plug Connection as your rooting station. Dummen Poinsettia and Ecke Poinsettia, including all other Dummen Group products, can be ordered through Dummen’s select network of brokers—simply select Plug Connection as your rooting station. Selecta Poinsettia and Syngenta Poinsettia varieties are listed below. Please contact a Plug Connection broker for pricing and to place an order. Selecta Poinsettia

Syngenta Poinsettia

Candlelight White Christmas Beauty™ Pink Christmas Beauty™ Red New Christmas Beauty™ North Pole Christmas Beauty™ Nostalgia Christmas Carol Red Christmas Day Red Christmas Eve Red Christmas Feelings Marble Christmas Feelings Merlot Christmas Feelings Pink Christmas Feelings Red Christmas Feelings Red Cinnamon New Christmas Feelings White ‘14 New Christmas Glamour Christmas Glory Christmas Joy New Christmas Ribbons Christmas Season Marble Christmas Season Pink Christmas Season Red Christmas Season White ‘13 New Christmas Tradition New Christmas Wish Dramatic Red Marbella Noel Red Pink Candy Valentine Wintersun White

Carousel Dark Red Cinnamon Star–Pink Cortez Burgundy Cortez Red Early Cortez Electric Fire Cortez White Da Vinci–Pink Elf Red Marblestar–Pink Maren–Pink Mars Marble Mars Pink Mars Red Mars Red Early Mars White Mira Red Mira White Neva–Red Novia Red Olympus Red Orion Red Orion Red Early Ruby Frost–Rose Sigma–Red Sonora Marble Sonora Red Sonora White Glitter Titan Red Whitestar

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


vi s it u s Visitors are always welcome at Plug Connection. Meet with our team, visit our facilities, and stop by to see Buddy. Located on the coastal foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains, Plug Connection’s facilities are just seven miles from the ocean and thirty miles north of downtown San Diego. To schedule a visit, call us at 760 631 0992 or email us at sales@plugconnection.com

T R ADE E V EN T S Cultivate 2014 (formerly OFA) Columbus, OH July 12 to 15, 2014* IGC East (Mighty ‘Mato) National Harbor, MD August 5 to 7, 2014* IGC Chicago (Mighty ‘Mato) Chicago, IL August 19 to 21, 2014* Farwest Show Portland, OR August 21 to 23, 2014* *Dates subject to change



mEE T O U R T EA M You can count on the Plug Connection team to provide you with exceptional customer service, high quality plants, and timely delivery. Our sales, customer service, and marketing teams, horticultural and production specialists, and logistics team each dedicate their time and effort to your success by offering accurate information and the very best plants right when you need them.

Nicole Jackson

Lisa Finnegan

Juan St. Amant

Sales and Marketing Director nicole@plugconnection.com ext 126 / cell 760 497 1087

Key Accounts Manager lisa@plugconnection.com ext 118

Product Development Director Production Manager—Seed jsa@plugconnection.com mike@plugconnection.com ext 104 / cell 760 525 2705 ext 109

Mike Guy

Gregg Opgenorth Production Manager—Vegetative gregg@plugconnection.com ext 132 / cell 760 419 4510

Christine Labrador

Maria Rojas

Beth Hartman

Vicente Raya

Laura Contreras

Creative Director christine@plugconnection.com ext 119

Customer Service Specialist mariar@plugconnection.com ext 106

Customer Service Specialist beth@plugconnection.com ext 130

Shipping Manager vicente@plugconnection.com ext 115

Shipping Coordinator laura@plugconnection.com ext 116

760 631 0992 | plugconnection.com


P L U G CONNEC T I ON It’s another perfect day in Vista, California. Clear skies, warm temperatures, and nights cooled by light ocean breezes. And with the highest light levels in North America, it’s the ideal climate to grow high-quality young plants. Founded in 1987, Plug Connection was the West Coast’s first seed plug producer. Today, with 370,000+ square feet of greenhouses, Plug Connection produces a wide range of annual and perennial plugs and liners, including certified organic herbs, vegetables and other edibles, succulents, and grafted vegetables to meet customers’ exacting requirements and production schedules. In January 2014, Plug Connection received CCOF certification on a new 40,000 square foot facility dedicated to producing USDA certified organic, grafted vegetable seedlings. Plug Connection’s state of the art greenhouses, germination rooms, and cooling chambers use automated monitoring and control systems to maintain optimum cultural conditions. Sowing lines are integrated with sophisticated production software; finishing houses have roll-up roofs and drop-down sidewalls to dissipate heat and humidity; and high-pressure fog systems also allow precise humidification and zone cooling. Thank you for choosing Plug Connection for high quality plants from the start.




Aeonium 63 Aloysia 44 Artemesia 44

Lampranthus 68 Lavandula 50


Mentha 44 Mesa Magic Cyclamen 57 Mighty 2’Mato 29 Mighty ‘Mato 29–33 Mighty Melon 35 Mighty Veggies 34, 36 Monanthus 68

Certified Organic 43 Chasmatophyllum 63 Cistanthe 63 Crassula 63–65 Cyclamen 56–59



Delosperma 65



Ocimum 45 Origanum 45–47 Organiks® 40

Echeveria 66–67 Edibles 51 Euphorbia 67

F Featured Breeders 17–25

G Geranium 75 Graptopetalum 67–68 Graptosedum 68 Graptoveria 68

P Patio Edibles 53 Poinsettia 76–77 Pachyphytum 68 Portulacaria 68–69 Pennisetum 91

R Rosmarinus 47 Rosularia 69



Helichrysum 44 Herbs and Edibles 41

Salvia 47–48 Sedum 69–71 Sempervivum 71–73 Senecio 73 Stevia 48 Strawberry 51

I Isolepsis 90

J Juncus 90

K Kalanchoe 68 Kale 51

T Tarragon 48 Tessera Succulents 61 Thymus 48–49 Tropaeolum 49

For our complete product listing, go to


2627 Ramona Drive, Vista, California 92084 760 631 0992 / plugconnection.com

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