Escape the Wimpy Email Platform - with Pail Segreto

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franchisEssentials President & CEO - Paul Segreto (832) 797-9851 Designed & Published by: Plum11, Inc.



Wimpy Email Platform with - Paul Segreto

Do your emails share something of value with your audience? Are they engaging and worth spreading? Are you spending about 20 minutes throwing an email together about you, your offer and what you expect the person opening it to do?

2. Toss it: Delete instantly or open it and never go back.

3. File it for future use: This is the out of sight out of mind action. They open it and put it into a file that may or may not be visited again.

4. Delegate it: The email is opened,

If you said yes or paused to deny you do any of the above, read on to start upping your email results and brand interaction.

skimmed over and sent to person x to assess and figure out if it’s any good. Once it is sent, the four items begin again until action is taken or it is tossed as an item that doesn’t hold value.

With a standard low interaction email the reader is going to take 20 seconds at best reading what you’ve put together. They skim it over while they’re thinking of something else, listening to music and/or talking to someone else and multi-tasking.

Encourage your email to have the ‘Act’ reaction by taking the time to put together a comprehensive value based engaging email your reader feels answers a certain need they have right now.

How do you battle disinterest and create the opt-in experience? Similar to a direct mail campaign people will do one of four things once they receive your email:

1. Act: Instantly do as you ask by either

completing your survey, taking the poll, clicking the link to learn more or buy now.

Begin by answering the following before your email is released:

1. Who am I reaching; will this email attract my audience in a way that drives them to take action? 2. How is this email going to help them solve their need as opposed to what am I trying to sell them?

3. What conversation will create initiative for the reader to share it? 4. How will I engage them with the brand, i.e. what links should I be including? 5. What is my follow up plan? Another key feature to consider before you hit the send button is establishing a solid social footprint within facebook, Twitter, a YouTube channel, Slide Share presentation and photos on Flicker or Pinterest to give your brand integrity and substance.

Your email marketing campaign can be a 10 to 20 second trailer OR it could be a 5 to10 minute infomercial, that allows people to experience your brand in a multi-level way people want to buy but they don’t want to be sold to. Just keep in mind, a great marketing piece has truth, transparency and a platform of trust.

“You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day.” - Jeffrey Gitomer

For example if you have images in your email, upload them from your image sharing account using something like Flicker as another touch point with your brand. Always make sure the pictures, icons and logos you have in your email are linked to something that engages your audience. It takes about 5 to 7 touches before your average consumer will do business with you. Imagine how you could short cut the buying decision by including these 5 to 7 touches within your email.

“The branding and lead

generation world has moved from a simple 2 dimensional tic-tac-toe game into an intricate Rubik’s Cube of engagement.” -Paul Segreto

Paul Segreto

President & CEO at franchisEssentials Founderof franchisEssentials Media Group Co-founder of Fransummit Email: Phone: (832) 442-5588

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