who leaves laurel-wreathed, sweat and sparkle, heels in parade will stump and shove to see the rising of balloons the holy animal stroked to transparency
i possum.
w a xen . box dra ggi n g thr oug h
s m ell o f dist ant don ke y hea ded . n o w h ere.
w o u n d
i n t o
ball for you .
the pink shame of it. heaviness splayed on a hook. dulled to a thin, papery feeling.
my aristocratic coldness feigns a chirping, brittle violence.
it p i g e o n s c
a n d o
this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down hallway. this door door leads leads to to another another door door then then down down aaa hallway. hallway. this this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door door leads leads to to another another door door then then down down aa hallway. hallway. this this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this this door door leads leads to to another another door door then then down down aa hallway. hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. thisdoor doorleads leadsto toanother anotherdoor doorthen thendown downaahallway. hallway. this thisdoor doorleads leadsto toanother anotherdoor doorthen thendown downaahallway. hallway. this this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. thisdoor doorleads leadsto toanother anotherdoor doorthen thendown downaahallway. hallway. this this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway. this door leads to another door then down a hallway.
i imagine death as a spore or a loosening hood
my un d e
r si de
is co ve r
d in
a n t s.
continues to sting. dimly. dimly at first. allows itself caught.
stuck deep in the noose of its collars.
the time it took to climb the stairs.
the smell and mood of water
the sound of ropes holding
a far away sea moves in my ear as bored as a heart.
voice is a runged approach toward the eye stuck on small white sleep.
bunny hide all cold-cheeked and clean.
what i wanted t o s h o w y o u a l r e a d d i s a p p e
y a
the ground fed on its hooves.
i want to be clean as a wick. i want to be soft with rugs.
! ! !