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Getting the Math Right
from May/June 2023
Understanding what calculations need to be made and where within the system is key to ensuring the mechanical room has been sized properly.
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The industry is looking for training; they are looking for it to be in various formats, meaningin-personoronline.Youcouldmake the argument that both types have its benefit. There are the obvious answers, like virtual training has zero geographical restraints and in-persontrainingallowsforthetraineetoget the product in their hands. At the end of the day,I’dsaythatfinding amix-and-match style between the two types of training would be the best course of action.
Recently, the Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) hosted its inaugural Heat Pump Symposium at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ont. The in-person event focused primarily on government-related issues, with a few technical sessions sprinkled in amongst the various keynote presentations and panel discussions.
The most encouraging and fascinating element to take away from the symposium was just how much the industry wants training and more specifically, heat pump training. At the beginning of the event, I had the privilege of speaking with one of our readers at the Plumbing & HVAC magazine booth. During our conversation, we discussed how important it is to use the proper language and to differentiate the type of heat pumps. For instance, instead of simply lumping all heat pumps together into one category, it might be best practice for the industry, and for us, the industry press, to specify which type of heat pump has been used. Did the installation use a geothermal heat pump? Does the incentive only apply to air-to-air heat pumps? I could see how language will play an important role in the adoption of heat pump technology. No one likes looking dumb and new technology can be scary to adopt into one's own repertoire. Simple and precise language will be of the utmost importance moving forward; especially when the industry starts discussing things such as the lifespan of a system, installation costs, and efficiencies. Each type of heat pump will have its stats card, so to speak.
Heat pumps have been around in the industry for long enough. I have seen a push from all sides of the industry, including building experts, on heat pump technology. We might still be in the era of early adopters, but I highly suspect that won’t be for much longer. The decarbonization of our buildings is starting to happen quickly and it’s time to shine a light on lower-carbon technology. Or else, some might be left to the testaments of history, like the dinosaurs or dodo birds.
May/June 2023
Volume 33, Number 3 ISSN 1919-0395
Mark Vreugdenhil
(289) 638-2133 ext.1
Cell: (416) 996-1031 mark@plumbingandhvac.ca
Leah Den Hartogh
(289) 638-2133 ext. 2
Cell: (289) 830-1217 leah@plumbingandhvac.ca
Assistant Editor Francesco Lo Presti (289) 638-2133 ext. 3 francesco@plumbingandhvac.ca
Contributing Writers
Glenn Mellors, Greg Scrivener, Michael Ridler, Ron Coleman
Design and Production
Tim Norton/Janet Popadiuk production@plumbingandhvac.ca
All articles and photos by Plumbing & HVAC staff unless noted.
PLUMBING & HVAC Magazine is published seven times annually by Marked Business Media Inc. and is written for individuals who purchase/ specify/approve the selection of plumbing, piping, hot water heating, fire protection, warm air heating, air conditioning, ventilation, refrigeration, controls and related systems and products throughout Canada.
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A member of:
• Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating
• Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada
• Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association
• American Society of Heating Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers
• Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada
• Refrigeration Service Engineers Society of Canada