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Wall Ties & Frame Cramps
Stainless Steel Cavity Wall Ties:
Type 4, Type 2 and Type 1 ties to suit all cavity wall situations.
EIC Insulation Clips:
A universal retaining clip designed to hold insulation in position against the inner leaf of a cavity wall.
FC Frame Cramps:
Safety and fi shtail end frame cramp with 50mm upstand and three fi xing holes available in galvanised and stainless steel.
PFT Timber Frame Wall Tie:
Stainless steel brick to timber wall ties to suit 50 to 100mm cavity widths suitable for use in timber frame construction, supplied with nails.
UWS Universal Wall Starter Kits:
A fully adjustable sliding wall tie system, designed to suit masonry walls 60 -250mm wide for extension and conversion applications.