News Established 1999
June 2016 · Issue 206
My beloved Sunnycroft
Ingrid Finch shares her passion for volunteering at National Trust gem Sunnycroft
Pride in your High Street
Kicking the family junk food habit
Read George Evans every month in the Wrekin News
Rose Manor
Rogers returns for legends match Sanctuary
The art of living
Ketley Park Road, Ketley Two-bedroom retirement apartments for the over 55s* Available to rent or buy from only £40,000** Call 0800 916 1444 for more information Sanctuary Group is a trading name of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity
1 Front Page.indd 1
*Eligibility criteria applies, please enquire for more information **Price is based on purchasing a 25% share, rent is applicable on the remaining share
27/05/2016 10:33
News Established 1999
Published by: Plus Two Media Limited, Bridge Road, Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY
News Established 1999
June 2016 · Issue 206
My beloved Sunnycroft
Pride in your High Street
Kicking the family junk food habit
Read George Evans every month in the Wrekin News
Rose Manor
name of Sanctuary Housing
Ingrid Finch shares her passion for volunteering at National Trust gem Sunnycroft
Sanctuary Group is a trading
Rogers returns for legends match
Ketley Park Road, Ketley Two-bedroom retirement apartments for the over Available to rent or buy 55s* from only £40,000** Call 0800 916 1444 for more information *Eligibility criteria applies, please enquire
Association, an exempt
**Price is based on purchasing
Sanctuary The art of living
for more a 25% share, rent is applicable information on the remaining share
1 Front Page.indd 1
Please ring for FREE brochure & price list
27/05/2016 10:33
Tel: 01952 522562 Fax: 01952 522567 Editor: James Baylis Editorial Support: Tania Baylis Publisher & Design: James Baylis News Editor: Martin Scholes Contributing Photographer: Malcolm Couzens
01952 457980
01952 522562
Our ʻSpace Saverʼ interior FREE with every wardrobe for readers of Wrekin News
Please ring for FREE brochure & price list
Contact our Advertising Sales Manager: Irene Winning 01952 522562 ·
01952 457980
Specialist writers: George Evans, Les Beamond, Rona Harris Sports News: Lez Dean, Fraser Watson
Our ʻSpace Saverʼ interior FREE with every wardrobe fo readers of Wrekin News
To subscribe to Wrekin News please call Tania Baylis on 01952 522562 Printed in Telford by PCP
Please ring for FREE
brochure & price list Every care is taken over the accuracy of material in Wrekin News but the publishers cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Views 01952 457980 and opinions of contributors, advertisers and interviewees to Wrekin Our ʻSpace Saverʼ interior News are not necessarily those of the publishers who cannot accept FREE with every wardrobe for readers of Wrekin News responsibility for such contributions. © Plus Two Media Limited 2016 - All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior consent of the publisher. @wrekinnews1 ·
Visit: for the latest local news and views as it happens . . .
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02 · 2, 3 Welcome.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:36
Tel: 01952 522562 ·
Welcome to the June issue of Wrekin News!
James Baylis
GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES Over 70 quality design suites on display with massive savings on chain store prices
ELLO and welcome to the June issue of Wrekin News. This is the second issue of the magazine to be published by Plus Two Media Limited and I would like to thank everybody who has given us such welcoming and positive feedback on our first issue. I promise we will continue to listen to you and try our best to bring you a great blend of news and features that you want to see in your favourite monthly lifestyle magazine. In the May issue we rather too briefly explained the changes that have happened at Wrekin News prompting more questions than answers. However on page four of this issue outgoing owner/editor Dave Gregory writes to you once again, this time expanding on the reasons for the changes. Having worked closely with Dave for 15
years I know just how much Wrekin News meant to him during that time and I know he didn’t take this decision lightly. I would like to place on record my thanks to Dave and his son Paul for the opportunity that Plus Two Media now has taking the magazine forward. Please enjoy our June issue, once again we have brought together a great mix of local news and features and thrown in some great competitions too! We have cinema and theatre tickets to be won, a meal for two at Hadley Park Hotel up for grabs and tickets to visit Shrewsbury Flower Show. Good luck to all who enter! Please keep your letters, memories and pictures coming in - we love to print them. Enjoy the issue!
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2, 3 Welcome.indd 2
27/05/2016 17:04
Signing off . . .
Many readers who have got accustomed to seeing Dave Gregory’s familiar face in the Wrekin News will probably be wondering why he is no longer part of the Wrekin News team. We did announce in our last issue that Wrekin News in now under new ownership but we thought it would be good to talk to Dave and let him tell you in his own words why things have changed.
Here are Dave’s thoughts. AY back in 1999 I came up with the idea of a local newspaper that reported on local issues. I have worked in local newspapers all my life, starting in 1960 when I joined Dougie Vaughan at the Quality Press. That was my introduction into newspapers and since those innocent, halcyon days at the Quality Advertiser in Union Road, I have worked for the Stafford Newsletter, Shropshire Star, Telford Journal, Shropshire Times, Telford Ad Mag, Shrewsbury Ad Mag and even a few you might have never heard of. Fifty six years in the publishing industry has taught me that the reader is the most important part of the whole process. So, when I was looking to launch Wrekin News (or Wellington News as it was called back then) I wanted to make sure we produced a newspaper that reached out to our
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readers. The first person that came to mind was George Evans. He quickly agreed to write a page in the Wrekin News – and I am delighted (and somewhat surprised) that sixteen years and a quarter of a million words later, he is still spewing out one thousand words an issue for us. George is still the most popular element of the News. Publishing a local newspaper that everyone seems to love has been an absolute pleasure but it is fraught with all the commercial considerations of balancing content with the costs of producing the newspaper and also circulating it. All this is balanced with the ability to sell advertising space because Wrekin News is free, we have to cover our costs with advertising revenue. Because of commercial considerations, Wrekin News has had to evolve over the sixteen years since its launch. We now circulate across a lot wider demographic area than we used to and everyone can now get hold of a copy because of our partnership with most of the leading supermarkets and consumer outlets. We are very proud of the way the News has evolved and survived over the years in the face of stiff competition. My company also produce some very successful trade magazines for the automotive sector and in recent years we have also moved into event management, staging successful trade shows, again targeting the automotive sector. Our success in this field has meant me travelling round the country a lot more. I represent the automotive sector on a couple of government committees and need to be in London several days a month. A few months ago I sat down with my son, who is a partner in the business, and we took the decision to specialise our efforts on our trade magazines. James Baylis has been a constant part of the operation for many years and he agreed to take on the publishing of Wrekin News and has subsequently formed a separate company to do that. James understands Wrekin News and is responsible totally for it design; he has been involved in many of the major decisions over the years relating to the product. He also understands the local market regarding local print and contract publishing. It makes a lot of sense for James to take on the mantle of publishing Wrekin News. He will make a big success of taking it on to another level and can now concentrate his efforts, with his small team, to expand its popularity. If he wants any advice, he occupies the desk next to mine because nothing has changed in that sense, he still works from our Bridge Road premises as he has always done. It has been a big wrench to let go of Wrekin News. I have put a lot of work and passion into building its profile. My mother and father were both still alive when we launched it and they loved reading it and were proud of my achievements. I know many of you have shared that love of Wrekin News. The one thing I am sure of is that James and his team share that passion for Wrekin News and I am confident they will continue to bring local news and content and above all, those millions of words of reader’s letters that have been the trademark of Wrekin News for many years. Thank you for your loyal support and please continue to read our lovely Wrekin News. Editor: I have worked in magazine publishing for over 15 years and I am very grateful to Dave for all of the advice, skills and knowledge that he has passed onto me in that time. I’ve promised him that we will take very good care of Wrekin News and we are very grateful for his ongoing help and support. Thank you Dave - James and the team..
04 · 4 Dave Gregory.indd 1
27/05/2016 20:02
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27/05/2016 10:22
On Your Patch
Apley Wood School sponsored walk
First ever mayor for Great Dawley Town Council
Great Dawley Town Council elected its first ever Mayor at its Annual Council meeting on 9th May 2016. The Parish Council which was formed in 1988 and was later converted to a Town Council has previously operated a Chair model. The Mayor, Councillor Jane Pinter will be responsible for advancing the interests of the Town Council Area, Chair Town Council meetings and represent residents at aa number of events. Councillor Malcolm Randle was elected as Deputy Mayor. Councillor Jane Pinter said “I am delighted to become the Mayor of Great Dawley, an honour which is even more special given I am the first to be elected to this position. I look forward to serving the residents of the area, and my charities will be Severn Hospice and The Children’s Ward at the Princess Royal Hospital.”
Thank you to Kidz In Focus for the
Library discussions Positive discussions have taken place between Telford & Wrekin Council and Donnington and Muxton Parish Council with the parish council agreeing to take on and save Donnington library. The details of a deal are still being finalised between both councils, which may see the library’s opening hours extended by the parish council.
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Donnington Library was one of six that the Council said it can no longer afford to run from April 2017 as part of Telford & Wrekin’s budget cuts - the Council must make £30m of cuts over the next two years.
Following a decision made by the Student School Council the school are attempting to raise £16,000 through a number of fundraising events which will be spent on playground improvements. The School Council have been busy looking at new ideas and designs over the past few months and are looking forward to having some new equipment to use during break and lunch times. The first event on the schedule was a sponsored walk through the neighbouring Apley Woods. Over 400 students, staff and parents put on their wellies and raincoats to brave the stormy weather marching to and from school to include two circuits of the Woods and raised a total of £3551.31 Allyson Brown Headteacher said; “The children helped make it a very special occasion which students, staff and parents enjoyed immensely and I would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved on the day and thank the school council for their initiative and we look forward to lots more events in our quest to reach the target needed.”
Fallow Field hotel opens The Fallow Field in Hortonwood has opened a brand new and impressive lodge for guests, creating more employment for the area and offering the perfect place to stay for visitors. “The pub has become so popular with customers, it made sense to give them somewhere to stay. The lodge is looking great, and we are excited for everyone to come and visit here!” explained David and Sarah Lowry, who manage the pub. The new lodge officially opened on Monday 23 May. It features 27 rooms, including comfortable family rooms, spacious double and twin rooms and also disability access rooms. “We developed and built the lodge due to the success of the Fallow Field pub. “We have also created another 15 jobs for the local area with the opening of the
lodge and we are already taking bookings.” said Dave Carvell, Area Operations Manager for Marston’s. The Fallow Field pub has a vast range of food for every taste and appetite; including a rotisserie chicken station served with a selection of sides, a tempting range of delicious pub classics and mouthwatering burgers. For more information or to book a room, visit
Telford Independence Day Did you know that there are services available throughout your local community to help ensure you can remain independent? To help promote these services, there’s an information day for the entire family, children, young people and adults who have a care need, plus their carers, family members and friends. Refreshments will be available throughout the day. The event will take place on Saturday June 11 between 10am ‘til 2pm, at the Citizen’s Advice Centre, Tan Bank, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 1HW.
06 · 6 News.indd 1
27/05/2016 11:42
Special Summer Prices . . .
Paragon Fires l Infinity Fires l Katell Montpellier Marble l Worcester Marble l and many more . . .
Grate Ideas Advert.indd 1
27/05/2016 19:38
‘The Gates’ O
‘OAKENGATES - The Brightest Little Town in Salop’ by George Evans
VER the years I have watched Oakengates change. Before the war, in the 1930s, there was a big notice on the railway bridge as you entered the town, saying, “OAKENGATES - The Brightest Little Town in Salop”. And that was true. In those days ‘The Gates’ was the third largest town in Shropshire County, after Shrewsbury and quite closely after Wellington. It did seem a lively place and had a reputation for innovation. Until 1974 Oakengates, like the towns of Wellington, Dawley, Shrewsbury, Madeley etc. had its own Urban District Council; it included St Georges, Wombridge and Wrockwardine Wood. I went there occasionally with my parents in the 1920s and 1930s to visit my aunt and uncle, who lived in Hartshill Avenue. They were my mother’s sister, Bessie, her husband Bob Dickey, who worked at Maddox foundry and their daughter Marjorie who was several years older than
me. Maddox’s factory made all sorts of small castings. Uncle Bob was in the office. He wore a bow tie and had lots of jokes. In those days Oakengates had several factories of the Lilleshall Company and some coal mines nearby, so there was plenty of work around, especially for skilled workers. In mid-1940, when working for Joseph Sankey and Sons in Hadley, I was persuaded to sign up for a course at Walker Technical College leading to a National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering, a useful qualification for work in any of the local engineering factories, as I was assured by friends like Les Frost, who worked in the drawing office with others of the elite staff who were the firm’s key engineers and designers. We attended lessons at the tech in the evenings and there was a lot of homework to do. Walker Tech was a busy place; it was at the top of Hartshill and catered for 13 to 16 year olds in the daytime who had passed an exam from their primary schools and also for adult students
Youngsters from Oakengates all dressed up and ready for the annual Carnival, but what was the year? Can you help?
learning various arts, crafts and skilled trades. I continued until January 1942, when the king ordered me to join the army and help him defeat Hitler. That ended of my time as a student in Oakengates; later I was to be a teacher in the same college, though I had no idea of that at the time. One could say that Walker Tech was the finest thing that was ever in Oakengates, for it ensured a supply of well-trained people who worked in the many factories of what is now the county of The Wrekin. This elite workforce ensured the efficiency of the local factories, which attracted investment and made profits. However, I decided that engineering was not for me and I must find another career. After the war and a year’s stay in Germany in the army of occupation I returned to Wellington, then realising that the future I wanted was teaching, so I took on a job as an unqualified teacher while waiting for a place in college. My first qualified job as a teacher was at Dawley and we had just been married. We then lived at Greenacres, Ketley Bank, so the nearest town centre for shopping was Oakengates. Then to earn a little more cash I taught a course at Walker Tech. It was for both mechanical and civil engineers and was on English, aiming to help the students express their ideas in plain English to go with their skills in engineering drawing. Several have told me that it helped, not only did it help them to pass the necessary exam but they were also more able to explain their inventions to others. This lasted until
The Wrekin’s favourite columnist! 8, 9 George Evans.indd 1
27/05/2016 09:51
Thank you Wrekin News! Dear Editor, In your May editorial you suggested letters to you. Perhaps the following will be of interest . . .
CLEAN UP WITH SUTHERLANDS Carpet cleaning from £30 for 1st room, then just £18.00 each subsequent room!
Fabric 3 piece suite plus standard lounge carpet from £100
A couple of years ago we came down to live in Wellington and soon found a copy of Wrekin News (in Morrison’s) and I still pick Emergency Flood Water Extraction with Deodarisation up there each month. It has helped a great deal in finding our feet in a new town. George Evans’s nostalgic notes have been (and still are) of 2 Bedroom semi-house All carpets from £85 great interest. From them we have learnt a lot of Wellington’s 3 Bedroom semi-house All carpets from £95 social history and some of the local characters. Discovering the places he writes about has helped my geographic knowledge of 4 Bedroom semi-house All carpets from £105 the area and led to many interesting conversations. Perhaps the greatest impact came from your advertisement We offer a price promise to beat any ‘like for like’ quote on pages. In a new house we had many furnishing and equipment upholstery or carpets (economy or deluxe clean.) needs. Your advertisements brought us names and addresses Booking: so saving time and effort whilst we found suppliers to help us Places for all workshops need to be booked DOMESTIC CLEANING AVAILABLE · PRICE ON REQUEST in our searching. Don’t know how many words you would like. I can only say a Workshops are FREE to family carers few more, “ Thank offer you Wrekin News for your help!” earning Together workshops practical, All Staff Professionally trained ealistic and relevant advice and information for Help is available with transport costs and D Carter, arers and a chanceChris to learn from one another. costs for respite care if needed Wellington essions are informal and relaxed and led by To find out more and book a place xperienced professional facilitators. Please ring 01743 360641
For Product information or for a FREE estimate call:
you or Stewart on: 01952 403179/ 07454 017249 around 1943, when we moved back to Wellington. We look forward to meeting Kevan Somehow we had become members of Oakengates Drama Club, run by an excellent producer, Mrs Steele, and her son John. Also in the club was Margaret and Derek Halifax, our next-door inskill Wellington. Margaret had been born Margaret amily carers neighbours bring a lot of and knowledge Roberts over a Learning grocer’s shop in Oakengates and we joked over ained through experience. Together another Margaret Roberts with a similar history who became workshops encourage you to share your xperience with other carers and Margaret’s build on your Margaret Thatcher. brother was I think, a deputy what you know. The workshops areThe relaxed principal at the Tech. four and of us joined the drama club and un. acted in several plays. One of the things I learned was that I would never succeed as an actor. You live and learn; there were other things I could do. everyone was buying TV sets in the late 1950s we PracticalWhen arrangements Booking: couldn’t afford a new one, so we bought a second-hand one from Practical workshops for family Places for all workshops need to be booked Oakengates. In fact we had several, all black and white. Those carers in Telford All workshops are held Meeting Workshops are FREE to family and carersWrekin old sets were very at small and not at all reliable; I was frequently Learning Together workshops offer practical, Point House , Telford Town Centre dashing into Oakengates to have them some realisticmended and relevantby advice andclever information for Help is available with transport costs and Learning Together offer carers and a time chancebefore to learn from another. costs for respite care ifworkshops needed unless otherwise indicated chap who could fix anything. It was a long weone bought Learning Together. Helping you care with confidence. practical, realistic and relevant advice a new one, which went wrong a bit less often. In the Sessions are informal andmeantime, relaxed and led by To find out more and book a place informati on for carers and a chance professional facilitators. ring 01743 360641 was still a bright town until the planners of Shropshire RCC*andPlease There areOakengates regular breaks during thelittleexperienced to learn from one another. 4 The Creative Shrewsbury got their hands fruit, on it. tea While I’m sure they meant well, Quarter, the day andTelford we provide biscuits, We Business look forwardPark to meeting you Sessions are informal and relaxed and led by Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG result was quite dreadful for the town. and coffee experienced professional facilitators. Tel: 01743 360641 From then on I felt sorry for Oakengates people. We called in bring a lot of skill knowledge forattending several events at the Town HallFamily andcarers in the 1980s myand mother If you are a full day e-mail: experience. Together Places for all workshops need to be booked . . . lived at Cartlidge House. The ring gained road through seemed like atoLearning series of workshops encourage you share your please bring a packed lunch or you will other build on your experiments in traffic engineering,experience having with most ofcarers the and worst be able to purchase food locally what you know. The workshops are relaxed and Workshops are FREE to family carers examples of traffic strangulation incorporated. Learning Together Workshops are funded by fun. is available with transport costs and costs for respite care if needed Telford and Wrekin Council &Help CCG In the 1990s I was researching for a book on The Wrekin area To find out more and book a place please ring 01743 360641 and spent some time in the various centres taking photographs Practical arrangements and talking to local people. I remember sitting in Market Street *Shropshire RCC is an operating name of the Community Council of We look forward to meeting you! eating a cheeseburger and asking passers-by to say nice All workshops aresomething held at Meeting Shropshire, Registered Charity Number 1096779 and Company limited by House , Telford Town Centre about modern Oakengates. They keptPoint saying, “Well there used guarantee 4652487. Registered Office Address 4 The Creative Quarter, unless otherwise indicated Shrewsburyin Business Park, Shrewsbury,Learning SY2 6LG Together. Helping you care with confidence. to be...” but I wanted to put at least one advantage my book. Eventually someone said how good the events werebreaks at the Town Shropshire RCC* There are regular during the 4 The Creative Quarter, Shrewsbury Business Park andname we provide Hall, but that ‘they’ had given it someday silly now.biscuits, fruit, tea Shrewsbury, SY2 ve 6LG 4 The Creati Quarter, and coffee Tel: 01743 360641 The best thing I know about Oakengates is the same as it used Shrewsbury Business Park Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG If you are attending a full day to be - the people. e-mail:
Carers Learning Together
Shropshire RCC
please bring a packed lunch or you will be able to purchase food locally
See page 15 for our feature on Oakengates and preview of the forthcoming Oakengates Carnival . . .
Tel: 01743 360641
Learning Together Workshops are funded by Telford and Wrekin Council & CCG e-mail:
*Shropshire RCC is an operating name of the Community Council of Shropshire, Registered Charity Number 1096779 and Company limited by guarantee 4652487. Registered Office Address 4 The Creative Quarter, Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY2 6LG · 09
8, 9 George Evans.indd 2
27/05/2016 09:51
Population of Wellington
Independent businesses in and around the town
The year when the first Market Charter was awarded to Wellington
Wellington Town Mayor At the Town Councils’ Annual Meeting on 10th May 2016, Councillor Phil Morris-Jones MBE was elected for a further term of office as Mayor of Wellington. Councillor Denis Allen was elected as Deputy Mayor for the coming year. Councillor Phil MorrisJones said his aim was to get Wellington back to its rightful place as a thriving independent Market Town.
YOUR WELL Wellington Market trading goes digital with PayPal technology An ambitious bunch of traders from Wellington Market are benefiting from the 21st century digital shopping revolution thanks to a partnership with global payments firm PayPal and their card and contactless technology. Wellington Market is based on one of the oldest charters in the UK, awarded in 1244 and while historically market trading has been predominantly cash-based transactions, the PayPal HERE systems will give our ambitious local traders the chance to find out if digital payment equipment can help them to stay on top of the curve in digital shopping. The UK is the e-commerce capital of Europe, with more than £492bn spent online each year and major retailers are seeing their Click & Collect services form a significant part of turnover. Yet many UK Markets are now experiencing trade and profits dip due to these changes in national shopping habits, so in an effort to give shoppers the convenience they increasingly demand, PayPal HERE has launched a new mobile offer and these payment devices are being supplied free to twenty traders in
Wellington, allowing them to take card payments via either WiFi connection or mobile phone signals. Fay Easton, organiser of the PayPal & Trader scheme said: “We’re working with Wellington Market Company and PayPal to provide a modern sales platform to help our local entrepreneurs and retailers. While the new popup market concept is designed to attract more customers to town, we’re also working to help kick-start the ‘High Street Revival’ so badly needed in Wellington. “Thanks to a very real interest in ‘buying local’ combined with up to date customer service, our popup markets, dining clubs events and workshops will be designed to give customers more reasons to come back into our market & Wellington town centre” The Pop Up Pitch Market in Wellington launched on Love Your Local Market day on May 17th and is open Fridays and Saturdays to Christmas. For further information contact fay@shropshireenterprise.
Get involved with the Festival The annual Wellington Festival is a spectacular three-week celebration of arts and culture taking place in the vibrant market town of Wellington and showcasing artists of national and international renown. This year, the Wellington Festival celebrates its 20th anniversary and we are proud that the event remains one of the largest free access festivals in the UK. This means that all events, without exception, are free to attend. Each year, the Festival brings together local artists and beyond to entertain audiences with an exciting mix of live performances including comedy, talks, photography, film, literature, music and workshops and a special Culture event. In celebration of its 20th anniversary, this
year’s Festival will be bigger and bolder than ever before whilst continuing to support our local communities to stage shows, invest in our performing artists, introduce our young people
October 2016
to live performance and engage people of all ages, from all walks of life, with our imaginative programme of performances and workshops. Opening the Festival will be the Olympian (and national treasure) – Eddie “the eagle” Edwards - who will be talking about his escapades as he became the first competitor to represent Great Britain in Olympic ski jumping in 1988. This year, his story was told in the biographical film Eddie the Eagle, starring Hugh Jackman, which showed his perseverance and achievements all without funding. The following day will see a Comedy Club night with the award winning, and nationally acclaimed, comedian – Hannah Sylvester – and other local comedy artists.
The full and exciting programme, to be finalised by the end of May, will be found on our website - our Facebook page, by emailing or pop into Wellington Town Council’s civic offices on Larkin Way, Tan Bank, Wellington, TF1 1LX. 10, 11 Wellington Town Council DPS.indd 1
27/05/2016 09:57
Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration
On Saturday June 11th please come along to the Wellington Pop up pitch, that is situated at the back of the Wellington indoor market, and join us for tea and cake to mark the Queens 90th birthday.
PopUp Pitch launches at Wellington Market
HE first dedicated area for local start-ups & pop up business stalls in the region launched in Wellington Market on Tuesday 17th May. A colourful addition to the existing Market, PopUp Pitch features exciting new traders such as Shropshire Salumi, South Hill Jewellery, Fernandes Macarons and Organik Orangutan, businesses who will complement the existing array of crafts and produce in the maim Market. PopUp Pitch is the brainchild
of Fay Easton, a Shropshirebased entrepreneur, working with Wellington Market owners WMC Retail and supported by Wellington Town Council. The launch was timed to coincide with Love Your Local Market Week, a national initiative running for two weeks in May (17-31) including a host of events to encourage support of local markets. Andrew Sparrow, Executive Director, WMC Retail said “We are very pleased to be working with Fay on this exciting project. This new retail offer for the town
Wellington Invitation As a high street and town centre business in Wellington you are warmly invited to a briefing event to hear more about the Pride in Your Community – High Street Fund. Hear about the fully funded workshops and individual support which will be available to you.
Wednesday 8th June , 8am
Where? The Pheasant Brewery, Market St. Wellington
“ I want a successful, vibrant Market Town, where people want to shop work and invest in, with an attractive and interesting market at the heart of it. We have started that with our exibition today its now down to you guys. Its where all budding entrepreneurs start. To the public tell your friends how today we have recycled Wellington Market and to come and see for themselves. ” > Councillor Phil Morris-Jones MBE
centre is designed to support the next generation of entrepreneurs, as well as broaden the market’s appeal for our residents and visitors.” Fay Easton is certain that a PopUp Pitch will be a great opportunity for anyone starting out in business to test their product and for home based local businesses to launch their brands into a
PopUp Pitch Trader “A thriving high street indicates a thriving community – and vice versa. So we are pleased that Wellington has been chosen as an area in the Pride in Your High Street fund, with fully funded business support workshops and individual support starting in June. I urge you to come along to meet other traders, meet the team delivering the programme and find out how you, your business and our community can benefit.” Councillor Phil Morris-Jones MBE
Call : 01952 951234 Email: Visit:
To become a PopUp Pitch Trader and rent a stand please contact: for rates and availability.
retail environment. “Many of today’s big retail names famously started business on market stalls including Iceland, Monsoon, Poundland and Marks & Spencer. We’re hoping to launch a few world class success stories of our own!” PopUp Pitches will operate at Wellington Market every Friday and Saturday, from Friday 20th May. The whole area will be further brought to life with popup dining clubs, local music, arts and street food outlets. The new ‘PopUp Pitch’ has been generously supported by Wellington Town Council and Homebase at Wrekin Retail Park, as well as Business In The Community and PayPal.
Cash raised for Help for Heroes The Plough Inn, Wellington held its third Help for Heroes fund raising event on Sunday 3rd May 2016. With over 2,000 people turning up Eddie Lowe, landlord of the Plough Inn, said £12,500 had been raised so far but he hoped the total would hit £14,000 when all sponsorship money had been collected. Entertainment included a stunt display and military vehicles. 10, 11 Wellington Town Council DPS.indd 2
27/05/2016 09:57
spirit Free Y our
Join In
The Trusts new plane will make its debut by flying into the Cosford Air Show on Sunday 19th June. Project leader and trustee, Mary Parry-Sargent, is leading the drive behind buying the plane. It will be used as an educational exhibit, and additionally as a treat for disabled and disadvantaged children to fly in. One lucky student involved with the build will be flying into the show and giving a talk about the Trusts newest addition!
Georgia Williams Trophy for Mia The AFC Telford United Girls recently held their presentation evening. Mia Beddoes was awarded with the ‘Georgia Williams trophy’. Well done to all the young ladies involved, and thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Wheeler - Dawley Bank
Kerry Swinton
LEGEND OF Oakengates THE BAND Irene Lysons Sheriffhales
Michelle Bishop Trench
Anna Lewis Wellington
The Wrekin Challenge > Above the plane pictured when it was on display at the International Centre.
Fashion Show On Friday 8th July at 7pm, held at the WhiteHouse, the Trust will be holding its first Fashion Show. We’re currently looking for independent retailers to come along with stalls and show off their products. For more details please contact us directly on our Facebook page.
Gold win for Yasmin As mentioned in last month’s addition, Yasmin Lyndsey (a recipient of a Trust grant) has recently travelled to Germany to compete in the International Sport Kickboxing Association. We are delighted to share with you all that she came away with both a Gold and Silver win. Fantastic achievement and well done!
On the 17th-18th June New College Telford Students will be endeavouring to climb the same height as Everest in their ‘Wrekin Challenge.’ Please feel free to come along and support the students who are taking part.
Marathon effort from Lorraine Lorraine Holmes raised a fantastic £1,056.77 for the Trust by running the London Marathon a few weeks ago. A big ‘Thank You’ from the Trust for all your hard work and determination. Lorraine herself would also like to add that she got into the Marathon through the ‘Wrekin Road Runners Club Ballot’ and is very grateful for their input. England & Wales Registered Charity 1153519
5lb meat
mince Y ONL
Monday - Closed Tuesday - 8-5 Wednesday - 8-1 Thursday - 8-5 Friday - 8-5 Saturday - 8-4
BURGERS · SAUSAGES · BBQ FRIDAY MORNING - NEWPORT MARKET 7-2 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Facebook - Malcolm Wickstead Butchers Wholesale & Retail Butcher 42 Haybridge Road, Hadley, Telford, Shropshire TF1 6LT
Tel: 01952 255987
12 · 12 Georgia Williams Trust.indd 1
27/05/2016 17:37
Allums The Jewellers SUMMER SALE IS HERE AGAIN! Silver Jewellery · End of range lines upto 50% off! Hugh range to choose from.
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13 Adverts.indd 1
27/05/2016 16:50
Youngsters step out for 20th Bayley Mile Road Race
ELLINGTON’S annual Bayley Mile took place on Wednesday 11th May 2016. As you may, or may not be aware, 2016 sees the Bayley Mile in its 20th year. The Bayley Mile is a historic road race for local children to compete against each other running a linear mile within Wellington. Wellington Council was very proud to announce that Mickey Bushell MBE joined them on the day to present the winners with their special 20th
anniversary medals. Mickey is a Paralympic athlete from Telford. He won a Gold medal at the London 2012 Olympics for Great Britain in the T53 100m in a time of 14.75 seconds just shy of the world record of 14.47 and was awarded an MBE in the 2013 New year’s honour’s for services to athlete’s Cakes were provided to mark the 20th anniversary and thanks go to the Buckatree Hall Hotel for providing free Tea, Coffee and Biscuit’s to everyone on the day.
Winners were as follows: Under 11 Boys: 1st Nathan Cox - Old Hall 5.45 2nd Charlie Preece – St Georges 3rd Matthew Buckley - ShortWood Under 11 Girls 1st Libby Veitch – Old Hall 6.16 2nd Ella Jackson – Old Hall 3rd Amber Sears – Old Hall Under 13 Boys 1st Barney Bithell – Thomas Telford – 5.23 2nd Reuben Crombie – Wrekin College 3rd Conal Smith – Thomas Telford Under 13 Girls 1st Charlotte Gilbody – Shrewsbury High School – 5.58
2ns Megan Davis – Thomas Telford 3rd Evie Giddings – Thomas Telford Under 15 Boys 1st Jack Finn – Thomas Telford - 5.26 2nd Nick Street – Wrekin College 3rd Alex Veitch – Wrekin College Under 15 Girls 1st May Davis – Shrewsbury High School – 5.36 2nd Kate Farnell – Thomas Telford 3rd Jess Humphries – Thomas Telford Adults Open Race Male winner – Will Lee 5.12 Female winner – Georgie Benbow 6.17
If you would like your school to take part in 2017 please contact Caroline Mulvihill on
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We can assist in all areas of design for all project sizes, and, to suit all budgets. Our wealth of knowledge and experience in the Joinery trade will ensure that your finished product is constructed of the correct material and more than fit for purpose.
You can find us at: Unit 23, Ketley Business Park, Waterloo Rd, Ketley, Telford, TF1 5JD mail:
FOR A FREE QUOTATION CALL: 01952 249773 or call in for professional, friendly advice
14 · 14 Bayley Mile.indd 1
27/05/2016 12:11
Taking Pride in Oakengates your High Street Wrekin News out and about in your town . . .
RADERS in Telford are being given a “unique opportunity” to improve their businesses as part of a major project to reinvigorate the town’s high streets. The free business support is being fully-funded through Telford & Wrekin Council’s Pride In Your High Street Fund, which is running a variety of projects to breathe new life into town centres across the borough. One of the main projects is aimed at helping businesses to thrive, by providing workshop sessions followed up by one-to-one coaching in businesses’ premises covering a wide range of skills - from how to draw a crowd of customers through social media to window dressing displays. The project is now under way in Oakengates, with sessions already well-attended and further workshops scheduled throughout May, June and July. Then it’s the turn of Wellington and Newport with providers Good2Great hitting the streets and visiting retailers, with workshops starting in June and July respectively. Donnington, Madeley, Ironbridge and Hadley will follow later in the summer.
Telford Pawnbrokers are there for you
Any businesses trading in those town centres are eligible for the support - which is free - and traders are being urged to sign up, from shops to cafes, pubs to hairdressers and estate agents. The masterclass sessions are being delivered by industry experts who have experience in the specific areas they cover. Sally Themans, from the business support programme delivery team, said: “We are providing a menu of workshops which traders can choose from, although we hope they will come to as many as they can. “Everything is completely free and topics include sales training, retail and hospitality excellence, window dressing masterclasses and more. “We undertook a lot of research before launching this project which showed that helping town centre businesses to be successful starts a positive chain reaction - more businesses want to move into the area, which attracts more customers. Councillors and members of the delivery team are visiting businesses in Oakengates, Wellington and Newport to tell them about the project, and the reaction has been positive. There are meetings for Newport traders on Tuesday June 7 at 6pm and Wellington on Wednesday June 8 at 8am.
Upcoming sessions OAKENGATES
The upcoming sessions in Oakengates are as follows: ● High Street Excellence - June 1, 8, 15 and 22. ● Locally Social - May 12. ● Successful Selling - May 16, June 9 and June 16. Market Testing and It’s Just Window Dressing are one-to-one sessions and can be booked individually.
Upcoming sessions in Wellington include: ● Locally Social - June 6 and 13. ● Retail Excellence - July 6, 13, 20 and 27. ● Hospitality Excellence - July 6, 13, 20 and 27. ● Being Big In Your Community - August 8. For more information, go to the project website at: or call 01952 951234 More details about the Pride In Your High Street Fund are on the Telford & Wrekin Council website at:
Oakengates-based Telford Pawnbrokers is still a familyowned business that offers a wide range of services to people who need them, now. Firms like Telford Pawnbrokers offer a valuable service that’s quick, easy and available to all. Sometimes, things go wrong. A phone’s lost, glasses get broken, a car that’s desperately needed for a wage-earner needs an unexpected repair. Money’s needed. And fast! Years ago you had a real personal relationship with your bank manager. They knew you. They knew your circumstances and they knew if you would be good to repay a loan you needed to sort out a sudden financial problem. But that was then. Today,
with more and more bank branches closing down all the time, all the personal bank managers who knew all there was to know about their customers were lost years ago. Now you call a massive, foreign-based call centre where a bored clerk taps your details into a terminal and intones: “The computer says no!” So, what to do? Just pop along to Telford Pawnbrokers at 15 Market Street, Oakengates, or call them on 01952 277070. They have a range of services that will suit your needs, from traditional pawnbroking to more modern methods like logbook loans. They’ll be able to let you know their terms and conditions and their typical interest rates.
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15, 16, 17 Oakengates.indd 1
27/05/2016 19:16
Saturday July 2nd 2016 the 4th Annual Oakengates Carnival It’s that time of year again folks - we’re counting down the weeks until the BEST local event in Telford! On Saturday July 2nd 2016 the 4th annual Oakengates Carnival hits town, with all the usual fun and excitement that goes with it. Visitors can look forward to a colourful procession making it’s way through the streets of Oakengates to Hartshill Park, where there will be stalls, funfair, activities and fantastic arena entertainment! WE ARE VERY PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT, BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, TITAN THE ROBOT WILL BE JOINING US ON THE DAY! Rounding off the day and into the evening
a great line up of bands will be on stage to get everyone singing and dancing - and this year our headline act at the end of the night will be the brilliant LEGENDS, a very talented Bob Marley tribute band. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! ... on Sunday 3rd July from 12 noon until 8.00pm there will be a Family Fun Day and Oakengates Talent Showcase in Hartshill Park which will be a charity day, raising much needed funds for Air Ambulance, Cancer Research UK, Hope House Hospice and The Royal British Legion. Again there will be stalls, fun fair, food and drink outlets and activities, plus team competitions in the arena. Later in the day the
stage will be hosting local talent to entertain everyone. So put these dates in your diaries - these are events not to be missed! Follow ‘Oakengates Carnival 2016’ on Facebook to keep up to date with information and announcements. There’s still plenty of time to be part of the Carnival! If you would like to join in the procession - walking, riding a bike, individuals, families, clubs, floats - then email and tell us what you’d like to do. If you are a trader/seller and would like a stall please drop us an email too.
Kitchings Tobacconist is a very well established family run business dating back more than a 100 years
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150OF TRADING YEARS We Stock: Cocktail cigarettes, Havana cigars loose tobacco and flavoured snuff. Specialist for: Flavoured Tobacco - peach, black cherry, coconut, vanilla and many more. Lighters, Pipes and Cigars at competitive prices.
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16 · 15, 16, 17 Oakengates.indd 2
27/05/2016 20:00
F.S.L Jones Television Services Now 39 years in business...
Wrekin News out and about in your town . . .
FSL Jones - four decades of service or a hard drive recorder if you can’t operate it? “When I sell something I thoroughly go over all the features, functions and controls and I create an individual crib sheet to help people keep on top of it. “There are some customers with the original crib sheets I designed for them 20 years ago, both equipment and instructions are still working well! You’ll make a substantial investment in your equipment and I want to ensure you get the best out of your purchase. “Some people laugh about it and say they’ll wait ‘til the grandkids come at the weekend to sort out the TV or the box. But with my guidance and help, who knows? Perhaps you’ll be able to show your grandkids a thing or two about your new purchase! When we were talking with Frank he told us the story of how, when his cottage was new in the mid19th century, a young lady called Robinson, I believe, scratched her initials in the window with an engagement ring before they departed to live in Australia. She wanted to know it was a genuine diamond, which it was.
A few years ago their descendants, one from Australia, came to Oakengates to see the house their ancestors had come from. They told Frank the story of the initials being scratched in the window. Frank said: “Imagine their surprise and joy when not only could I confirm the story, I was actually able to show them that their initials were still there, in the glass, all those years later! There were more than a few tears, I can tell you!” A gentleman came in 2008 and my son he noticed a fence at the front had been broken the night before, on the garden was a bunch of roses, with a laminated card to E.E.R., Elsie Elizabeth Williams, nee Robinson, from her son, Ivor, it was a very loving tribute. E.E.R. were the initials on the window, so it must have been her. “We think they got married in the chapel next door. If the fence hadnít been broken the night before, weíd not have found them for a long time as we tend not to use that part of the garden in the wintertime, so that was a wonderful coincidence.” For a complete service from aerial to receiver, give Frank a call on 01952 618975.
Greenest residents to be rewarded!
A campaign has been launched to encourage more Wrekin News readers to recycle properly. Telford & Wrekin Council with Veolia, borough recycling partner, is introducing rewards for those who use their recycling containers correctly. The Super Thumbs Up Prize Pot campaign offers residents the chance to win £50 to be used at a variety of Council Services, like The Place, leisure facilities, handyman and garden services, etc. Watch for a leaflet left on the container, to learn more. Winners will receive a Super Thumbs Up bin hanger on their purple container between Monday 13 June and Friday 15 July which details how to claim the £50 voucher. or follow at
l Televisions l Hard Drive Recorders (Freeview & HD) l High Definition Blu-Ray DVD Players
A friendly, personal service that you deserve! Need to see it at home before you buy? Not sure what size you want or what model?
Call Frank Jones on: 01952 618975
With Frank Jones it’s more than just a business. Frank has a genuine passion to help people understand and appreciate the possibilities that modern technology can bring to them. When I spoke with Frank it was clear his business ethos is customer centred. “I love visiting people in their own home and, over a cuppa, showing them the range of options I can provide to help enhance their lives,” said Frank. He added: “I offer a special one-to-one service. I don’t use the hard sell, because I believe it’s old fashioned and really not appropriate in someone’s home. “The brilliant thing as far as I am concerned is that I don’t have to sell a television every time I visit someone’s house. “I realised some years ago that retail premises were nothing but a drain on my resources, so I prefer to do most of my work in your home!” Frank demonstrates how the equipment works and answers your questions. “I take my time with individual customers. It’s all very well, buying stuff from megastores, but what’s the point in buying a TV, a digital receiver
Our friendly team of staff are ready to help you make WITH the right THIS carpetADVERT choices for VALID UNTIL your home or1-12-2015 business
Celebrating 50 Years 1965-2015
T: 01952 620 200 Stafford Road Oakengates Telford TF2 6JH · 17
15, 16, 17 Oakengates.indd 3
27/05/2016 19:17
Dea r Editor . . .
Wappenshall funding appeal gathers pace
INCE early 2014 the Shrewsbury & Newport Canals Trust have been trying to raise match funding of £500,000 to restore the warehouses and basin at Wappenshall Wharf. The total cost of the project is £1.5 million and the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), which has extended our final Round Two submission date to 12 December 2016, will contribute £1 million towards this as long as we can raise the balance the of £500,000. In early March we launched a local appeal to the communities and villages around Wappenshall. The project is particularly relevant to them as the restoration plans include the creation of a local community centre, there being
nothing like that in the immediate area. Since then our volunteers have walked an awful lot of miles delivering many thousands of appeal leaflets direct to people’s doors – and it is starting to pay off as we are receiving new pledges from the local community regularly. As a means of inspiring our volunteers and the local people we have erected a panel at the entrance to Wappenshall Wharf to display the target we need to raise and the amount that we have achieved so far. At the end of our last monthly Wappenshall workparty the latest total was revealed and we are now up to £173,000, so £200,000 is in sight. We are through to the second round of our application for £100,000 of European
John Myers
from the Shrewsbury & Newport Canals Trust writes
funding and are extremely hopeful that we will be successful with this – if we manage to get it then we are confident that we can still succeed in time. Our fundraising team are making more applications for grants to newly identified grant giving charities and we are working hard to interest philanthropic individuals to take an interest. To find out more about the appeal and works at Wappenshall Junction you can visit the website:
We love hearing from you!
For 15 years Wrekin News has printed pages and pages of your letters and pictures and we want to publish more! Please keep our editor’s inbox full and send your letters and pictures to: The Editor, Wrekin News, Bridge Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire TF1 1RY or email your contributions to: 18 · 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Letters.indd 1
27/05/2016 12:37
Loyalty card scheme Pay for 7 cuts and get the 8 th FREE!
County connections for Wappenshall Junction Wappenshall was an isolated spot on the Shrewsbury Canal line before becoming an Junction in 1835 when the Newport Canal was opened. The canal linked Trench to Shrewsbury with the purpose of transporting coal to the county town. It was only suitable for narrow tub-boats, which were no more than 6.2ft wide. Nearly all of the canal traffic through Wappenshall Junction was coal heading to Shrewsbury with boats carrying various goods passing in the reverse direction. The canal remained isolated from the rest of the British canal system until 1835 when the Newport Canal was opened. A 7ft wide canal that connected Shropshire to the national
canal network and beyond. Wappenshall Junction acted as a transshipment point. Goods were transferred from the smaller 6ft 2in wide narrow tub-boats to the wider 7ft narrow boats to continue along their journey. The use of canals for the transit of goods around the country fell into serious decline with the rise in the railways. The final nail-in-the-coffin for the movement of goods around our waterways happened in the postwar years when surplus army lorries were sold to haulage firms and the road transport network took off. The Newport and Shrewsbury Canals were official closed in 1944 and the warehouses at Wappenshall Junction became redundant.
WALK IN SERVICE! The ChopShop are proud to announce our support of the blue light services and our armed forces by offering 20% discount on production of a membership card
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69 New Street, Wellington, Telford (opposite B&M) & Madeley Shopping Malls, High Street, (opposite TESCO) Open 9am - 6pm - 6 days a week
We deliver to your venue and collect later, Mimmys is all about tots creative play. These products arevenue idealand for collect groups later, who Mimmys want a physical playground invea safe We deliver to your is all about tots creati play. These products are ideal for groups who want a physical environment. playground in a safe environment.
Whatever the occasion birthdays, weddings etc, softplay is for children up to 5 Whatever the occasion - birthdays, weddings etc, softplay is for children up to 5 years. AllAllequipment years-old. equipmentmeets meetsnew newrelevant relevantfire fireand andsafety safetystandards. standards. WeWe areare members ofof thethe BIHA. liability insurance members BIHA. We We have have public pulic liability insurance andand thethe bouncy castle castle has a full full safety ficate. bouncy safety certi certificate. You can hire as much or as little as you have space for call for prices and packages You can hire as much or as litt as you have space for call for or le visit
prices and packages or visit our website / facebook page
our website/facebook 07519729539 call call JanJan 07519729539 · 19
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Letters.indd 2
27/05/2016 12:37
My beloved Sunnycroft Ingrid Finch writes to Wrekin News to share her passion for Wellington’s National Trust property Sunnycroft. Ingrid is an avid National Trust volunteer at the property and she is keen to encourage more of our readers to step forward and volunteer.
N THE past when my late husband, my son and I visited a ‘stately’ property they became used to the immortal words ‘I’d love to be a guide in a place like this’. In fact they became so accustomed to this refrain that they began to say it before I did, which caused great hilarity. However properties of such calibre were thin on the ground in this area until the demise of a certain lady by the name of Joan Lander in 1997 who provided the ideal opportunity when she left her home ‘Sunnycroft’ to The National Trust. One very wet and dismal Sunday morning in 1999, my friend, Gillian, and myself answered the rallying cry for perspective volunteers and arrived at ‘Sunnycroft’, never having seen the property before and were uncertain what lay within its walls. We were met at the gates by Joel Richards, who is still our gardener and Janet Lowe who, at the time, was looking after us all - which then numbered about twelve in total. When we entered the house and our eyes became accustomed to the rather dark and dank interior we were aware of the items of furniture stacked in the staircase hallway, which gave a rather unwelcoming feeling. We could not dismiss feelings of uncertainty as to what lay ahead. Any fears we may have had at the time however were well and truly laid to rest in the subsequent years as we have discovered how rewarding and fun volunteering can be. After one of the National Trust staff gave us an introductory talk, most of which I think went over our heads, all of us present that morning sat around the dining room table wearing rather bemused expressions and making rather stilted small talk. How times, and ourselves, have changed from those early days as the house now invariably rings with laughter and it is heartening to know many of the original volunteers remain fixtures at ‘Sunnycroft’ to this day. In the weeks that followed our initial visit to this remarkable house, we were all invited to return in order to acclimatise ourselves with it and learn something about it. Armed with a ‘Volunteers Starters pack’ our intrepid team toured the rooms wondering how we would make sense of this hitherto unchartered territory as we had no role model to refer to and steer us in the right direction being we were the first to take on the job. On a balmy July evening of the same year, along with invited guests, local dignitaries and people who had been known to have had connections with the Lander family, we were ready to open the doors to this gentlemans suburban villa, a prime example of late Victorian respectability, which was officially opened by Rachel Morris, Joan’s younger sister and the show was on the road. In the intervening years from that rather uncertain start and now, I can say, without fear of contradiction, that I have, seventeen years down the line, enjoyed every minute of my time doing a job I never thought I would have
the opportunity to do and I have met some remarkable people in the process. When we open that door at 10.30am the day can sometimes be quite amazing as we never know what or whom to expect. Often we welcome visitors for the first time and also, to our great pleasure and satisfaction, we find people returning after several previous visits. Many of them bring young families which we encourage as they are the National Trust of the future. I have seen major changes during my time as a house guide, including the opening of a car park, tea-room and a small retail outlet. Our tea-room, run by a dedicated army of volunteers, is a must for visitors and provides refreshments in delightful surroundings, overlooking our extensive lawn and gardens. Each year brings its celebrations such as Easter egg trails for the children and Christmas when the house resounds to the singing of the local choirs and our visitors enjoy it’s authentic decorations. In between times we
20 · 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Letters.indd 3
27/05/2016 12:42
have craft weekends, embroidery workshops and theatrical productions and weekends when we open for the evening, which provides a truly atmospheric ambiance to the house. I could wax lyrical about my beloved ‘Sunnycroft’ indefinitely, but I will spare you that. However what I would like to stress to readers is the importance of volunteering in whatever capacity, but I can speak with confidence from my own experience and would urge anyone who is unsure about taking this path to come along and give it a try. I promise you will not be disappointed and will be welcomed enthusiastically and can be sure you will engage new friendships along the way. It is a true saying about acorns and oak trees as we now boast over 150 volunteers in contrast to the meagre few we had in the beginning. This is no mean achievement and long may it continue! We look forward to hearing from anyone who would like to join our team.
Events at Sunnycroft Friday 1 - Sunday 3 July Keleidoscope Theatre: A summer Play Leave behind everyday life for a while and enter into an enhanced Realm of far-off forests and faerie-tale folk. A beautiful play with beguiling dance, drama, music and mime. 7.30-9pm, Sunnycroft, 200 Holyhead Rd. Tickets £12 booking essential. See - for details.
Choose How You Buy!
New homes now on sale in historic Broseley We’ve a wide range of delightful 3 and 4 bedroom homes available, bordering the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage site.
To help get you moving, you can choose from:
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Prices from £190,000 to £345,000
Linley Grange, Coalport Road, Broseley, Shropshire TF12 5AW Showhome open 10am - 5.30pm daily. Telephone: 0845 873 2881† †Calls will be charged at seven pence per minute from a BT landline and may cost considerably more from mobile and other phones. Contact your service provider for more details. *All offers are subject to terms and conditions, please ask our Sales Executive for full details. Photographs show a typical Lioncourt home. · 21
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Letters.indd 4
27/05/2016 12:42
Coronation procession route marked
OLLOWING on from the Souvenir Coronation programme that Mrs Hayley Easthope kindly shared with us in the May issue we had a visit from Mrs Small from Wellington. She brought into the Wrekin News office a pristine copy of the Approved Souvenir
Programme printed for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and a copy of the Queen’s Coronation Day brochure that included this print of the route of the procession. The brochure also carried this poem written by the then Poet Laureate John Masefield, titled ‘Our Gracious Sovereign’.
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22 · 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Letters.indd 5
27/05/2016 12:48
Get ready for CHANGING summer! THE SHAPE OF Ladies only
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No fitness required VIP attention No waiting No age limit No mirrors Membership from £1 a day
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30 minute sessions Fast results No fitness required VIP attention Lose weight and inches in all the right places with Gymophobics unique Achieve No then waiting Resisted Tension system that has helped more 200,000 women Nofeminine age limit the f igure throughout the UK. You will love the beautiful surroundings, the friendly, welcoming staff and the VIP attention. You will love how No mirrors y ou the ‘air’ machines take the work out of the workouts and take just 30 Membership from £1 a day deser ve!
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It’s time to get a place of your own! And with Help to Buy you can afford it:
With a Help to Buy interest free loan, you can buy a new two bedroom semi-detached home at Heritage View in Hadley with just a 5% deposit - here’s how it works:
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Help to Buy
Showhome open 10am to 5.30pm daily. Telephone: 0845 873 2893† †Calls will be charged at seven pence per minute from a BT landline and may cost considerably more from mobile and other phones. Contact your service provider for more details. Photographs show a typical Lioncourt home interior. *All offers are subject to terms and conditions. £7,000 deposit is based on a purchase price of £140,000 and is for example purposes only. There is no fee charged on the equity loan for the first 5 years. At the start of year 6 a fee is collected of 1.75% of the market value of the property at the time the loan is entered into multiplied by the outstanding percentage under the equity loan, the annual fee of 1.75% will be uplifted by RPI +1% p.a. Conditions apply and mortgage is subject to status. Please speak to our sales negotiator for more information. · 23
23 Adverts.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:49
Ricky’s trip down memory lane . . .
Carers learning workshops Carers Learning Together to help you care with confidence Workshops “Practical relevant advice and information relating to being a carer,” said a spokesperson. These informal sessions are run by professionals. They let you share tips on how to cope and give each other support and encouragement. “They’re free. There’s help to meet costs of respite care and travel and parking. Booking is advisable, please call 01743 360641.” Workshops and dates
OTTENHAM-BORN Ricky Clark has had an interesting life. Soldier who served in Northern Ireland and Cyprus and later worked at the REME at K Camp in Trench. He also worked as a lorry driver in the days when it was real lorry driving. None of the mod cons that drivers have these days! Sometimes when the snow was up to here! I used to deliver butter for Shropshire Butter. I would leave home in Wrockwardine at 1am, walk three miles to work at the depot in Princes Street, Wellington and collect the Bedford lorry which I would drive to Crudington Creamery to pick up the load of butter at 2am. I would then drive the load of butter all the way down to Sainsbury’s at Blackfriars Bridge. I worked for Sid Woodhall, plus his sons Paul and Warwick. Sid was also very keen on show jumping, in fact if you look at the photograph of the Bedford lorry that I used to delivery butter with, on the left, you’ll see the horsebox that he used to transport his horses. That was in the 1960s, so this is a trip down memory lane. After three years delivering the butter I went to work for Frank Stone over at the Lilleshall Company, delivering breezeblocks. Then I went to work at Allied Iron as a driver at the Sinclair Iron Company, then over the road at the Aga Works, also as a driver. (Ricky is also a highly skilled artist.) I love art and it’s good to have an artist’s eye when you are out and about. My favourite artist is Constable. I have painted some works in his style, as I was especially inspired by his painting The Hay Wain. In fact, I have three paintings in an exhibition along with other artists over in Church Stretton in August. Incidentally, Ricky Clark is also famed for his painting of Ricky Woodall. I passed by the Crudgington Creamery and was surprised to see it was closed down. It was that even that made me decide to cast my mind back down memory lane.
(EDITOR: Has this inspired any other readers to take a peek down Memory Lane? If so, what did you do, back in the day? Please send your memories to: The Letters Editor, Wrekin News, Bridge Street, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 1RY, or email james@plus2media.
Understanding Dementia Carers survival guide - Eating well and staying hydrated - Safe moving and handing; assisting with mobility, preventing falls - Equipment & technology to help you care - Understanding the symptoms of dementia - Coping with behaviour change Thursday 16th June, 10-3pm, Meeting Point House Let’s Talk About Dementia Building on the Understanding Dementia session - Positive approaches to communication - Coping with behaviour changes - Person centred caring
- Managing your stress Thursday 21st July, 10-3pm, Meeting Point House, Telford Managing Stress and Anxiety - Understanding causes and symptoms of stress - Changing negative thought and behaviour patterns - Improving sleep - Self- compassion and mindfulness Thursday 14th July, 10.30-1 pm, Meeting Point House, Telford Emergency and Future Planning With legal advice from a solicitor - Powers of Attorney - Making a will - Setting up a trust - Planning for emergencies - Future care needs- meeting the cost Thursday 6th October, 10 - 3 pm Meeting Point House Everyday First Aid, British Red Cross Learn simple, vital first aid skills to be able to deal with an emergency. How and when to use everyday things. Practical, straightforward and fun Tuesday 21st June, 1.30-3.30pm, Meeting Point House, Telford.
The Wrekin Handbook
Mrs Hayley Easthope visited the Wrekin News offices recently with some more of her late mother’s nostalgic possessions. Amongst the treasures was a copy of the Handbook to the Wrekin by E. E. Davies. It was printed in 1895 by Wildings of Shrewsbury and was available for sale at J. Jones, Church Street, Wellington, A Shaman of 89 New Street, the Railway Bookstall and all booksellers. There was a photogravure frontispiece depicting the Wrekin and a special fold out chart that showed all of the mountains that could be seen from the top of The Wrekin. The handbook gives the height of The Wrekin at 1,320 feet. The book describes the history of the Wrekin, folklore that is attached to it, including tales of the Wrekin giants, the archaeology of the hill forts and of the then fairly recent discoveries of spears and other weapons in 1835 discovered by a workman digging a drain. The book talks of the historical associations of the Wrekin and of the use of the summit of the hill as the platform for beacons down through the years. The book cost Sixpence and was supported by advertisers, including the Alliance Assurance Company which had the reassuring message in their advert: “Fire Engines stationed at Shrewsbury and Wellington, for the protection of the Company’s Policy Holders.”
Pushed into the pool with bottles of pop! Hi James.
I have been looking at the May Issue of “Wrekin News”, and would like to say how impressed I am with the new layout. It appears to be a more stylish and modern magazine, but I’m glad you are keeping the old features. I remember the Lido in Haygate Road very well, as children we spent many happy hours there during the summer. Unfortunately I don’t have
any pics, but one memory sticks in my mind, I was about ten years old, and walking back to my parents along the side of the pool with a couple of bottles of “Pop”. Two girls about the same age sitting there, stuck out their legs and pushed me into the pool, open bottles as well. They were told that if it happened again, they would be banned from the pool. Someone replaced the lemonade. Keep up the good work. Bye now, Baz Martin, Wellington.
24 · 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 Letters.indd 6
27/05/2016 17:29
Care & Mobility Over 30 years experience
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with full suspension
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£399 27/05/2016 10:13
this months picks
SUNDAY 24 JULY 2016 Ray Quinn is a British singer/songwriter and occasional actor known for wowing the public with his boundless talent for singing, dancing, acting and pretty much everything in between. He began starring in Brookside, the infamous British soap based in Liverpool. Ray famously went on to come second to Leona Lewis on ITV’s X Factor in 2006, and he won the fourth series of Dancing on Ice in 2009 and the final ‘All Stars’ series in 2014… Ray is now back in the studio, where he belongs, writing, singing and recording. With, “Old Soul; Young Blood”… Britain’s youngest and most loved crooner is back with verve and a
BOX OFFICE: 01743 281281
whole array of new songs which are sure to launch him to the forefront of the craft in which he shines, music. Many know Ray Quinn as one of the stars of X Factor in 2006, where he shot to fame for his insurmountable talent and exuberant, lovable personality. As with many X Factor runners up, (JLS, Olly Murs and One Direction), Ray Quinn went on to release a Platinum selling album and thus became a household name. Having recently won Dancing on Ice 2014, Ray continues to remain in the public eye.
ROCK ‘N’ ROLL BACK THE YEARS FRIDAY 15 JULY 2016 Rock ‘n’ Roll Back The Years with the legendary DJ and broadcaster David Hamilton, who began his career in 1959 and has hosted more than 12,000 radio shows and over 1,000 TV shows. David has hand-picked an amazing band of musicians, The Fugitives and the sensational Tiffany Girls to accompany him on a nationwide tour of his two hour show that will transport the audience on a journey back in time to Rock ‘n’ Roll Back The Years to the time of bee hives, miniskirts and hot pants. The show brings you the hits of yesteryear and invokes memories of a bygone age, dripping with nostalgia and sprinkled with humour and unforgettable music from the fabulous 50s and swinging 60s. The show is laced with David’s little nuggets of information that could only be gained by someone who was actually there at this incredible time in popular music history. David will tell the stories behind the classic songs that we all know and love, while the band storm through some of the greatest songs of the era. This fabulous show will make audience smile; laugh and most definitely make them feel like dancing and singing along.
SOME GUYS HAVE ALL THE LUCK The Rod Stewart Story Some Guys Have All The Luck is a brand new theatrical production celebrating the career of one of rocks greatest icons, Rod Stewart – from street busker through to international superstar! Paul Metcalfe delivers an authentic and charismatic performance assuming the persona of this legendary singer-songwriter and performer right down to the last detail - from the distinctive vocals to the swaggering showmanship and sheer fun that have made Rod Stewart one of the most loved performers of all time. The show includes all the massive hits from Rod’s incredible career, classic rockers like Maggie May, Baby Jane and Da Ya Think I’m Sexy through to big ballads such as Sailing, You’re In My Heart, and Tonight The Night as well as favourites from his days with the Faces such as Stay With Me and Twistin The Night Away and timeless Motown tunes from the album Soulbook.
to offer one lucky up with the Theatre Severn Wrekin News has teamed RAY QUINN. reader a pair of tickets to see ime telephone is send your name and dayt All you have to do to enter e Road, Quinn, Wrekin News, Bridg number to: Tania Baylis, Ray to: entry email your or 1RY TF1 rd Telfo n, Wellingto GOOD LUCK!
to offer one lucky up with the Theatre Severn Wrekin News has teamed YEARS. ROCK ‘N’ ROLL BACK THE reader a pair of tickets to see ime telephone is send your name and dayt All you have to do to enter Bridge Road, K ‘N’ ROLL, Wrekin News, ROC is, Bayl Tania to: ber num or email your entry to: Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY GOOD LUCK!
BOX OFFICE: 01952 382382
one lucky reader up with The Place to offer . Wrekin News has teamed E GUYS HAVE ALL THE LUCK a pair of tickets to see SOM hone telep ime is send your name and dayt , All you have to do to enter Wrekin News, Bridge Road S, GUY E SOM is, Bayl number to: Tania or email your entry to: Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY GOOD LUCK!
26 · 26, 27 Entertainment.indd 1
27/05/2016 11:06
In association with
big screen See all the films you want, as often as you like!
Imagine being able to see all the films you want, week in, week out. Mid-week romcom? Saturday night blockbuster? With huge potential savings and access to exclusive member treats, joining Limitless means you can watch all the films you want as often as you like for one monthly fee.
Autism Friendly Screenings
Odeon, Telford General Manager Carl Fletcher welcomes you to 10 screens of film magic screening stunning RealD 3D. You can treat yourself to an exclusive entertainment experience with our Premier seats, cafe culture at Costa or icy indulgences at Ben & Jerry’s. Parking is available at the cinema for the perfect spot!
Guests on the autism spectrum or with sensory difficulties
DEON is aware that going to a standard performance of a film can be a challenge for guests on the autism spectrum or with sensory or learning disabilities. As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility and to promote greater social inclusion, ODEON is delighted to host specially adapted Autism Friendly Screenings of new releases one Sunday each month at 11:30am. ODEON were the first cinema chain to partner with Dimensions (a not for profit organisation providing support services for people with learning disabilities) to offer nationwide Autism Friendly Screenings and we now have over 90 ODEON cinemas through-out the UK and Ireland participating
ODEON SAYS The mutants’ greatest battle yet begins in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, when the oldest and most powerful mutant in history awakens and declares war on the entire human race. He has been worshipped as a god. He has amassed the powers of many other mutants. He is immortal and invincible. He is Apocalypse, and he is disillusioned with the world. He recruits a team of powerful mutants, including Magneto, and plans to cleanse the world and rule over those who remain. James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence return for ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’. This could be the end of the world for the mutants – and for us.
Book your Odeon tickets now
Odeon Kids
n Imaginations ru wild. At familyfriendly prices.
Big adventures. Far-far-away lands. Unforgettable characters. The enchantment of cinema starts from your very first visit. Share this experience with the whole family at our ODEON Kids screenings. Magical worlds come to life before your eyes every Saturday, every Sunday and every day when school’s out for summer. And tickets
26, 27 Entertainment.indd 2
every month. The special performances have subtle changes to the cinema environment which mean that people who have sensory difficulties have a more positive experience than they would in a traditional cinema setting. Changes include: • The lights being kept on at a low level • Lower than usual sound levels • No trailers or advertisements - just the film • Allowance for increased levels of movement and noise Our hope is that, as guests with sensory difficulties become more familiar with the cinema environment, at some point they will feel comfortable with attending standard screenings.
cost just £1.00* (Telford cinema only) each. For little people and grown-ups alike. From fairytale fantasies to animated favourites, we pick the most spellbinding screen stories for children. This is a place to let your imaginations run wild. And since our films change every six to eight weeks, there’s no end to the worlds you and your family can escape to.
the s teamed up with Wrekin News ha e on er off to rd Telfo Odeon Cinema, ard cinema nd sta of ir pa a lucky reader of your choice. tickets to a film e and telephone m na ur yo nd Just se ylis, Wrekin Ba nia Ta contact to: , ts, ke Bridge Road News, Odeon Tic : ail em or Y rd TF1 1R Wellington, Telfo .uk co ia. ed m s2 tania@plu
Wrekin News ha s teamed up with the Odeon Cinema, Telford to offer on e lucky reader a pa ir of Odeon Silve r Screen Cinema tickets to a film of your choice. Just send your name and telephone conta ct to: Tania Bayli s, Wrekin News, Od eon Silver Screen Tickets, Bridge Ro ad, Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY or email: tania@plus2med
27/05/2016 10:00
The Wrekin
June 2016
Diary Saturday June 4 to Saturday 18 June, Much Wenlock Festival. Including talk by top gardener Chris Beardshaw on Tuesday June 14, www.
Saturday 4 June Alternative Route, Malthouse, Ironbridge, 01952 433712 www. Saturday 4 June ‘Jane Austen’s Emma’ Hotbuckle Productions, Blists Hill. Gates open 6pm, performance 7.30pm, tickets £9 (student rate £5) family price £29, 01952 433424 www. Saturday 4 June Tracie B Hicks, Unicorn Inn, Little Dawley, 9pm Wednesday 8 (and Thursday 9) June Peppa Pig’s Surprise, 1pm and 4pm, £14.50-£16.50, The Place, Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates 01952 382382, Friday 10 June (and Saturday 11) Wedgestock Festival, Royal Oak, Ellerdine Heath, Various bands to raise funds for Hillbrae Rescue Kennels, plus open mic, DJs. Tombola, etc., food available from pub, Saturday 11 June, 10am to 2pm Telford Independence Day, CAB, Tan Bank, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 1HW. Learn about services promoting your independence, refreshments available. Sunday 12 June Legends Through The Ages, with Galaxy Dance, The Place,
Don’t Miss
The Big Wrockwardine Ceilidh
Saturday 11 June 2016
With the Fayre packed away for another year, Join us for the “after show party” as ceilidh band Odd Socks leads a lively night of magic and dancing-all washed down with a real ale bar. A great night whether you are 19 or 90! 7:30pm; Wrockwardine Village Hall, nr Wellington Tickets £7.50/£5 under-16s, from Ken Francis Butchers or buy online via Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, 2pm and 6pm, £8, 01952 382382 www. Wednesday 15 June, Wellington History Group: Wellington in the 1960s - A talk by Allan Frost. 7.30pm, Wellington Library. Admission Free. Friday 17 June-Monday 20 June The Daimler Revealed Out of its protective casing for check and clean, this is a rare chance to come and see Sunnycroft’s 1955 Daimler Regency Mark II up close. Usual entry fee applys. 10:30am – 5pm, Sunnycroft, 200 Holyhead Rd Saturday 18 June Microbaby Malthouse, Ironbridge, 01952 433712, www. Saturday 18 June ‘Legend of a Band’ Moody Blues’ tribute, The Place, Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, 7.30pm, £21, 01952 382382, www. Saturday 18 June, Blitz Hill, 1940s Evening, Blists Hill, 6pm-9pm, (Advance booking, please) £9.50 (child £6) family £26.50, 01952 433424,
Ticket JUST
Sunday 19 June, RAF Cosford Air Show, 8.30am-7pm, £25, under 16, free of charge, 01902 377922 or 0844 561 1897, www.cosfordairshow. Monday 21 June 90 Glorious Years, The Place, Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, nostalgia-packed show covering 90 years of Queen Elizabeth IIís life and reign, matinee only, with Neil Sands and his West End cast, 2pm, £13 or £11, 01952 382382, www.theplacetelford. com Friday 24 June, Black Country Rock, Malthouse, Ironbridge, 01952 433712 www. Friday 24 June Summer Dreaming, The Place, Oakengates Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, 7.30pm £20 or £18, 01952 382382 Friday 24 June Paul Parker & All the Right Friends, The Hare & Hounds, Oakengates, 9pm, 01952 612946, www. hareandhoundsoakengates. com Saturday 25 June Adam Hodson & Acoustic Underdogs, Malthouse, Ironbridge, 01952 433712 www.themalthouseironbridge.
If you would like to feature your event, gig or function in The Wrekin Diary for July please call Tania on 01952 522562 or email:
Telford Stamp, Card and Coin Fair Philatelists, Deltiologists and Numismatists should make a note in their diary or on their Google Calendar, of 9 July as that’s the date of the next Telford Stamp, Card and Coin Fair. It will take place at Belmont Hall (TF1 1LU) Wellington (next to New Street Methodist Church) between 10am to 3pm.Free entry, great range of stalls, free valuations, buy and sell, delicious homemade refreshments will be on sale. There’s adjacent free car parking and the Wellington rail and bus public transport hub is close by.
Midsummer Fayre - something good happening! Saturday 11 June 2016
The Midsummer Fayre takes place annually on the second Saturday in June, 10am – 3pm around Wellington’s Market Square, All Saints Church and Market Hall. Organised by Wellington H2A, it is funded with support from Wellington Market Company and Wellington Town Council – a great example of volunteer effort, the public purse and private sponsorship all working together to make something good happen. With around 40 stalls set up outside the parish church, this annual event is inspired by the ancient June fayres that were being held in Wellington as far back as the 13th century, and the town’s annual ‘Jubilee’ celebrations of the 1770s. The 2016 Midsummer Fayre takes place on Saturday 11th June and along with food the craft stalls there will be fire-eating, costumes, hog roast, music, street performers, brass band, school choir, circus skills, face painting a lots more fun and games! For full programme details please see:
JUNE 2016 Friday 3rd - Poker Jack Saturday 4th - Miss-Led Friday 10th - Retribution Saturday 11th - The Hogz Friday 17th - Coffea Strange (Italy) Saturday 18th - Paul Parker & Friends Friday 24th - Simon Lees Saturday 25th - Cadence Noir Friday 3rd - Poker Jack July 1-3 - Degeneration Punk & SKA Festival Saturday 9th July - AC/DC Tribute - Whole Lotta DC
Win a meal for two! *
Wrekin News has teamed up with our friends at Dorrells Restaurant, Hadley Park House Hotel to offer one lucky reader a meal for two. For your chance to win this great prize and enjoy a meal from their new menu please email your entry to:
*Terms and conditions apply
28 · 28, 29 Just the Ticket.indd 1
27/05/2016 12:01
t Get Ouwith t & Abourekin the W s New
To advertise in
Shropshire Horticultural Society Charity Number: 501564
Please call Irene on 01952 522562 or email irene@plus2med
Win a pair of tickets to the Flower Show Wrekin News has teamed up with the Shrewsbury Flower Show to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a pair of tickets for the show! All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning the tickets is send your name and daytime telephone contact details to Wrekin News Flower Show Tickets, Bridge Road, Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY or email your entry to:
Friday 12th & Saturday 13th August 2016
Flowers, Fireworks & Fun for all the Family Performances by the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Musical Ride Friday Evening
Sarah Raven
Celebrity Chef
Saturday Evening
Modern Day ‘Renaissance Man’ of Horticulture, Chris Beardshaw, is star of Much Wenlock Festival Much Wenlock Festival are proud to announce the main event for this year’s programme is an evening with international award-winning garden designer, T.V. and radio star, Chris Beardshaw. It’s happening in Much Wenlock on June 14th 2016. The talk begins at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14 June and costs £16.00. Tickets for an Evening with Chris Beardshaw should sell quickly, so you are advised to book early to avoid disappointment. Buy tickets at event/346695.
Cosford serves up another tasty festival
A tasty line-up of over 80 local producers will be at this year’s Cosford Food Festival. It’ll serve the best of Midland’s food and drink. Popular favourites plus new local producers will be there, 23-24 July. Held at the RAF Museum Cosford, a bustling food market will showcase finest artisan produce and local beverages. On top of 40 popular favourites, over 30 new producers make their debut, making 2016’s event the biggest and best yet. There are hot food vendors to serve up flavours from round the world. Try Indian, Italian, French, Caribbean, Cuban and Mexican foods, plus gourmet burgers, flame grilled chicken and ribs. Try deserts like dairy ice creams, waffles, crÍpes, milkshakes and smoothies. Now in its fourth year, the festival’s a popular event on the museum’s calendar, with thousands visitors, daily. Tickets are now available via the website. Date: 23-24 July 2016 - Time: 10.00am to 5.00pm Cost: £5 adult / £4 senior citizen / £2 child (5-15 years) / £12 family (2 adults and 4 children)
Celebrity Gardener
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers
Gizzi Erskine
The Christians
Call us on: 01743 234050 or visit
Princess Party at
Buckatree Hall Hotel Join Elsa, Anna and friends at our Princess party We re-create Elsa’s majestic adventures in her frozen ice palace atop the north mountain. Dance and sing a-long to your favourite songs.
Sunday June 26th 12.00pm -2.00pm
£9.95 £6.95
Children inclusive of lunch Adults inclusive of cream tea
Buckatree Hall Hotel The Wrekin, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 5AL Email:
Tel: 01952 641821 · 29
28, 29 Just the Ticket.indd 2
01/06/2016 14:20
A new invitation-only business club has launched at a hotel in Shropshire, backed by the county’s Chamber of Trade. Buckatree Hall Hotel, based at the foot of The Wrekin in Wellington, has introduced the club to reward businesses across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin for keeping their business local. Those who sign up will be handed a membership card and a promotional code for booking meetings or rooms at the hotel online. Bosses said they have taken the step to help businesses make sure they always have a place to meet and are rewarded for loyalty. General Manager Wayne Jenson said: “As a family run independent hotel we do not have hundreds of hotels across the UK or overseas to offer promotions for, but we are dedicated to businesses here in our county and we want to ensure they are not only always catered for, but also rewarded for that. “We value the business community here in Telford but, due to our location just off the A5 and M54 we are also seeing meetings taking place here involving people from further afield. “As a patron of the county’s Chamber of Commerce we are delighted to offer this to hard working people in Shropshire.” Teresa Rowe, of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, said she was pleased to be able to offer this business club to chamber members and thrilled that a local business had decided to honour others in the county. She said: “We are delighted that Buckatree has decided to launch this new business club. “We regularly use this hotel for our meetings and were delighted when they decided to become a member of our chamber, then a patron too. “To know they are continually dedicated to improving the life of businesses in Shropshire is a huge boost as well, they are going above and beyond. To join the new business club complete the online registration form at
http://www. Membership of the business club is free until the end of this year and is open to business users of the hotel. Benefits for members will include discounted accommodation, discounted food and drink, free meeting room hire, free refills of Lavazza coffee and access to ‘hidden’ promotions and offers. To find out more contact Wayne Jenson by emailing sales@, call (01952) 641821, search for Buckatree Hall Hotel on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @buckatreehall.
Wrekin News spring 2016 - half page.pdf 1 24/02/2016 16:49:03
Independence and peace of mind at the touch of a button C
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A WATCH alarm provides reassurance and help when needed, 24 hours a day through a dedicated response team. To book a FREE home demonstration please call 01952 217151 30 Community News.indd 1
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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Friends of Princess Royal Hospital is a group of volunteers of all ages who work together to raise funds for the hospital. Together we run a very busy Coffee Shop within the hospital open 7 days a week including Bank Holidays 1-5pm. All profits are used to buy equipment for the Hospital Trust and this amounted to £156,000 last year. Departments which have benefited from these funds include A&E, ITU, Ophthalmology and Physiotherapy. If you have a couple of hours to spare, please get in touch. Our volunteer shifts offer a variety of duties. For more information call in and see the Shop Manager.
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Tanya Griffin: 01952 641222 Ext: 4721 / 4211
Lake View Residential Care Home
Friday 17 June 2016, 11am - 3pm Join us for Care Home Open Day at our welcoming Lake View Residential Care Home. To celebrate The Queen’s birthday we will be welcoming the public to come and meet our residents and staff at our Royal Garden Party. There will be an around-the-world party in the home and live music from singer Wayne Tulsa, plus burgers and hot dogs, mouth-watering homemade cakes and refreshments. Carefully chosen for their kind and compassionate approach, our staff provide residential and dementia care.
Lake View Residential Care Home, Brookside Avenue, Brookside, Telford, TF3 1LB
Sanctuary Care is part of · 31
31 Adverts.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:58
Health & Beauty with Sara Jackson
Introducing Sara . . .
gain these qualifications. When commencing work with Sue and Barry I gained many more qualifications including aromatherapy massage, nail extensions, and waveform electrical body and facial firming treatments. I am passionate about my career and get a real satisfaction from passing on my knowledge and experience to my clients. I offer free consultations and advice and thrive to help others. Every treatment is tailor made and no two clients are the same. If you need any more help or advice please call in or book an appointment with myself on 01952 243809.
ELLO my name is Sara Jackson and I am a fully qualified full time beauty therapist at Deighton Hair and Beauty. I have worked for ‘Deightons’ and its sister salon ‘The Choppin Block’ for 25 years. After leaving school I attended Radbrook College of Arts and Technology in Shrewsbury where I studied Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy. Beauty Therapy was my passion and I practiced this for a year and a half in a health spa in mid-Wales where I gained experience and confidence. I then returned to Shropshire and started working alongside Sue and Barry Deighton, bringing with me my newly gained qualification in Guinot Skincare and Reflexology. I have travelled to London and done intensive, informative courses to
Questions for Sara
If you have a beauty related question that you would like to ask Sara for some advice on please email your name and question to Tania Baylis - email:
Ask our expert Q - I have over plucked my eyebrows over the years. They are now very sparse and barely visable. What can I do?
> This is a common question I am asked. Clients often say how difficult it is to shape their brows if they wear glasses too. I can help in many ways, I would firstly discuss the shape that can be achieved with what is left. Then to enhance and define the brow further I would suggest a little hair and beauty 6 new church road wellington colour in the form of a tint01952 very 253367 similar to hair colour but much milder and doesn’t last so long. This can give a very natural effect and enhance the definition of the brow area.
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> Nutrition plays an important role in nail health as well as looking after the nail correctly. Regular manicures condition the nail and cuticle area, where the nail grows from and is important to building healthy nails. A healthier nail will also hold nail polish for longer helping to stop the polish from chipping and peeling. We can also give advice on how to look after your nails at home eg. wearing rubber gloves when using cleaning products.
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Choose any 3 for £50.00
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32 · 32 Beauty.indd 1
27/05/2016 16:47
Kicking the Family Junk Food Habit
Love Food
Professor Ralph Early is head of the Department of Food Science and Agri-Food Supply Chain Management in Harper Adams University, Food Sector Champion for the Telford Business Board, and a Council Member of the Food Ethics Council.
ID you hear about the 10 year old boy who thought that pigs laid sausages like chickens laid eggs? It’s actually true and typifies the occasional comment made by children during ‘Food Taster Days’ run for local schools at Shropshire’s first university; Harper Adams University in the borough of Telford and Wrekin. Of course, when one considers the way that sausages and eggs are packaged for sale in supermarkets, one can appreciate the child’s logic: but amusing though the story may be, it expresses an underlying disquiet about modern children’s knowledge and experience of food. It also highlights a central problem for our time concerning consumers’ relationship with food and the effects that this is having on their collective and personal health and well-being. Many who read this – and perhaps who are old enough – will remember as children being drawn downstairs to the kitchen by the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in a pan, to be served on a thick slice of bread fried in delicious butter. There may even have been a tablespoon-full of hot baked beans or tinned, plum tomatoes as an accompaniment. Such breakfasts prepared by mothers sent children off to school, or out to play, well stoked up with healthy energy that would last right through to lunch time. In those days there was no need for empty calorie, confectionery, snack foods and fizzy drinks consumed midmorning to make up for the nutritional inadequacy represented by a bowl of sugary cereal and a cup of semi-skimmed milk. Food habits are formed in the home, in a process known as primary socialisation, and food preferences formed in childhood are very resistant to change. The junk food industry understands this well, which is why some food companies spend millions targeting children with advertisements for their questionable products. At one time mothers always cooked for their children, but in an age of pre-prepared, ready-to-eat, convenience foods this is something that increasingly fewer children are privileged to experience. Modern family meal short-cuts such as a frozen pizza out of the box and
into the oven, or often more likely delivered to the doorstep, deny children the opportunity to learn about what food really is and how good food is so important to long-term health. They are also denied the opportunity to develop appreciation and respect for mother – for the way she plans a healthy family diet and magically transforms raw materials into tasty meals by application of her cookery skills in, for instance, providing hearty breakfasts and bringing the family together for home-cooked evening meals. Telford has a diet and health problem. That’s official! Around 20% of children in year 6 are classed as obese and some 32% of adults fall into the same category. Non-communicable diet-related disease is higher in Telford than the national average. Indeed, an imaginative child
Professor Ralph Early might wonder if the population of Telford is becoming so fat that the town is in risk of sliding into the River Severn under the collective weight of its citizens. So, what’s to be done about the problem? Local public health policy is working to raise awareness of the link between diet and health and provide advice about how to make sensible dietary changes. The most effective solutions do lie in the home. It’s quite simply a matter of kicking the junk food habit for the benefit of child and family health, and bringing home-cooked meals back to the dining table. Hang on though, that’s not so easy some will say! Certainly, some changes are not easy, but cooking healthy food for growing children is not difficult and billions of people do it world-wide, every day. Fundamentally, it’s a matter of family choice and this will be explored next time.
Buckatree Hall Hotel
Nestled inside The Holiday Inn, The Olive Tree is the perfect dining choice. Enjoy the finest, locally sourced food, prepared by our talented Chef and his team. Come and discover the best kept secret in Telford.
To book, please call 01952 527319
The Olive Tree Restaurant Holiday Inn Telford – Ironbridge, St Quentin Gate Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4EH
Tel: 01952 641 821
Sunday Lunch Fantastic Value
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33 Wine and Dine.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:12
DUTTERS EATS WELL Inspirational, simple & delicious food to fuel your body without spending all your paypacket
the tipple!
by Laura Dutfield
Take a look inside the shell Apparently having a handful of nuts every day can lower the chances of heart disease by up to a third, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by two-thirds and help lose wait. Bold statements you wouldn’t expect to come from such small, affordable easy to consume items. They are packed with heart-healthy fats that lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while raising levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, protein which helps you get lean, and plenty of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E to help fight free radicals and aid muscle recovery, plus calcium and magnesium. Almonds are the king of the nut family, a true superfood, as they are great for the brain, muscles and tummy. Just one small
handful supplies half the daily value of the antioxidant vitamin E, which can help increase memory and cognitive performance, according to researchers at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Be aware though, nuts are high in fat and calories so don’t spend the day snacking on these lovely little nuggets. I have pretty much gone ‘nuts’ for nuts this week, spending time working on a healthy breakfast granola containing all the vital vitamins and minerals needed, such as protein, fibre, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and manganese. I’ve included cinnamon too, as this is a great spice to prevent spikes and troughs in the blood sugar levels.
Healthy Granola Ingredients 360g mixed nuts, seeds and oats. I used walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, pumpkins seeds, sunflower seeds and rolled oats.
1 tbsp runny honey 1 tbsp melted coconut oil 70g dried fruits
Method Pre-heat oven to 180c and prepare a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Place the nuts into a food processor or chopper and pulse the mix until chopped and ‘crunchy’ looking. Remove and pour into a large mixing bowl. Add the seeds and oats. Chop the apple into quarters and place in a food processor or chopper and blitz until finely chopped. Empty into another larger bowl. Place peeled banana, all spices, honey and melted coconut oil into the food processor or chopper and blitz until it is blended together and in a purée. Empty it into the bowl with the apple. Mix well until combined. Add the apple and banana mixture to the nuts, seeds and oats and combine until well covered. Spread the mix onto the prepared baking sheet, about
1cm thick and place in the oven. Cook for 10 minutes, remove the tray from the oven and turn the granola over using a fork to allow for an even ‘crisp’ rather than just cooking the top layer. Place back in the oven. Cook for another 10 minutes and repeat the above method. Place back in the oven. Cook for another 5 minutes and repeat the above method. Place back in the oven Cook for the remaining 3-5 minutes, then remove from the oven and allow to cool. Once cool add the dried fruit and store in an airtight container. Enjoy a bowl for breakfast, a handful or two as a snack or sprinkle over yoghurt. I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.
Check out Laura’s Instagram account for more ideas:
Sue Ladds
W hy not try . . .
1 apple – skin, core and all! 1 ripe banana 1 tbsp cinnamon 1 tbsp mixed spice
T THE time of writing we are enjoying lovely hot days followed by drenching thunderstorms. Embrace your inner Brit! This weather has kept the food growing for centuries. and so the start of the glut. Strawberries, raspberries and nowadays more exotic soft fruit start pilling up. Jams, chutneys obiously, and then fruit in alcohol, known as infusion. What a brilliant idea! But things can go wrong so it’s my duty to you drinkers to set the rules. Any spirits may be used, Vodka, Gin, Whisky and Brandy having the best potential. Find the best priced product with reasonable quality or learn to make your own spirit. The chosen fruit should be hulled, washed and drained, covered with sugar and alcohol. Always use glass or wellglazed ceramics, never plastic containers. The lid should not be tightly fitted, and check for signs of fermentation ie bubbles rising. If fermenting then the alcohol level is too low to preserve fruit. If so, add more alcohol. After a month or more seperate the fruit and liquor. Some fruit is good for puddings, add cream or ice cream and the liquor is cleared and bottled. Sometimes the infusion is complete, ie Pears in Brandy as a delicacy. Many countries seem ahead in these products. The French produce Cassis (blackcurrant) and chambord (raspberry), the Germans Kirsch (cherry) but here we only produce Damson and Sloe Gins commercially. Why? The potential is here for the willing picker/drinkers. Always serve in liqueur glasses, and be slow to refill, guests may not realise the strength. Also make notes of the ingredients. If the results are good you’ll want to do it agian next summer.
Like us on facebook 34 · 34 Wine and Dine.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:09
Fabulous Food
Carriages is at The Parade, Wellington call 01952 246855 or visit their website:
Enter cocktail paradise
ROM THE moment we stepped into Carriages it would have been easy to believe we had been magically transported to an exclusive venue in the heart of London’s theatre land. We were greeted by the affable James, a man with a mission. He wants to evangelise the joys of drinking high quality, well-mixed cocktails served with sumptuous, freshly prepared food. There’s a very extensive cocktail menu, but with Carriages highly skilled Mixologist James in charge, there’s another 50 that can be created and any cocktail on the menu can be altered to suit individual tastes. And there’s a range of mocktails for those who prefer not to drink alcohol. My wife decided on a Merlot (which she declared amongst the best she has ever tasted) and following James’ advice, I tried an ‘Old Fashioned’ made using Glenmorangie, which was absolutely spot on. We had a mackerel-based starter which was well-presented and absolutely delicious. And a perfect portion size, neither too big, or too small. The main course we opted for were steaks. One of the best we have eaten, of late, beautifully cooked and presented. The deserts we chose were a Créme Brulee and a sticky toffee pudding, both of which were utter perfection. I had a pint of Guinness to accompany the meal, which was as good as Guinness served in Dublin. I was intrigued by the wide range of cocktails and James recommended I try a rum-based drink which was a perfect after-dinner treat.
What did my wife think of the evening? “It’s clear a great deal of effort has gone into the aesthetic qualities of Carriages. It’s also a remarkable culinary experience. “I found it to be a secluded oasis of peace and calm within the cosmopolitan town of Wellington. Carriages is a truly remarkable display of class, culture and excellent cuisine!” Talking to James we learn that people are regularly visiting Carriages from towns like Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton and Birmingham, as the word spreads about Carriages, which would not be out of place in London’s West End. But please don’t take our word for it. Call Carriages on 01952 246855 to book a table and to enter Cocktail paradise. Rooms are also available in the attached boutique hotel, which is equally opulent, but that’s another story.
Carriages · The Parade, Wellington · 01952 246855 · Food Review.indd 1
27/05/2016 14:36
Get out in your
P L A N T Locally C EN T Plants RE Grown at Wholesale Prices
Locally Grown Plants at OPEN WIDE SELECTION OF Wholesale Prices DOAPIEL Locally Grown Plants at SHRUBS TREES AND NY Wholesale DAIL GETPrices ADVICE DIRECT
(01952) 606546
on Lilyhurst Road, between on Lilyhurst Road, between Sheriffhales Lilleshall. Sheriffhales && Lilleshall. TF11 8RL TF11 8RL
606546 Ro be(01952) rt Hudso606546 n (01952)
A518 A518
Lilleshall Lilleshall
Sheriffhales Sheriffhales
Written by
of Lilyhurst Plant Centr
“For People Who Love Plants” Garden Tea Room and Farm Shop Gardens open to the public Opening Times Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm Sun: 10am-4pm
Tucked away in the Shropshire Countryside Oakgate Nursery & Garden Centre is a traditional nursery and a plant lover’s paradise. The beautiful gardens are a delight to explore and they certainly set this small but perfectly formed nursery apart from the large garden superstores of today. · Telephone: 01939 250428 Ellerdine Heath, Nr. Telford, Shropshire TF6 6RL (signposted off the A442 and A53)
A41 A41
Now’s the time to plant your soft bedding plants
FTER the frosts and hail during last month any soft bedding plants can now be planted out, hopefully the weather will be stable for the summer. Hanging baskets can be put into their final position as the need to take them in at night to protect against frost has now passed. It is also the time to start feeding such planting, Tubs full of annuals, wall baskets and hanging baskets will need constant feeding and watering during the summer. Baskets due to their exposed position up in the air dry out very quickly in sunny or breezy weather. The plants which are used in all these containers grow rapidly and require a constant supply of nutrients and water, hence the need for regular watering. This can involve watering both morning and evening in the best weather. Another job which becomes obvious at this time is that of sucker removal. A sucker is any shoot emanating from the roots of a grafted plant. These occur on fruit trees, roses and some, although not many, shrubs. The growth of a sucker is often distinctively different to that of the plant which you
JOFFREY WATSON RFS CERT ARB (HONS) 20 years of experience fully qualified and insured ALL ASPECTS OF TREE CARE AND REMOVAL
Please call for a free quote 01952 727966 or 07813 685091
thought you had acquired. With roses the sucker is usually pale green in colour and has more leaflets than the named variety. If you trace the sucker back you will find that they tend to appear from underground. These should be removed, or they will take over, by tracing the growth back to its source and pulling rather than cutting them off. This should remove them at source, if they are cut the residual buds which are left will start to grow and in no time at all there will be a number of suckers not just the one. With the fast growth which occurs at this time of the year those of you with herbaceous plants in the border should be staking them before they really need it. You can do this using canes and string, the old fashioned way, or use steel supports made for the purpose. Whichever you use position the supports below the flowering height so they are invisible when the plant puts on its display. Those who have trained fruit trees on fences and walls may now need to start summer pruning. This just involves reducing vigorous new growths so the plant does not loose shape. All tree fruits may need thinning later in the month if there has been a good set. But wait until nature has done its own thing with the June drop. This is when the plant will naturally thin any excessive crop being carried. Nature may not, however, thin some crops sufficiently to produce large fruits so where this is required further selective thinning by hand can take place.
36 · 36 Gardening.indd 1
27/05/2016 12:06
r T e e s k S a u r O g r e u o Surveying on all types of r trees, hedges & shrubs BEFORE
Scan me
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0800 7471526 · 01902 275369 01785 876496 · 0121 6677994 Unit 3, The Nurseries, Newport Road, Albrighton WV7 3ET Four Oaks Advert.indd 1
27/05/2016 09:55
Simon Bradbury Tel: 07725 040408
The Coach House, Holyhead Road, Albrighton, Shropshire, WV7 3BT
New collection of Oxford planters
❁ Tree Pruning ❁ Tree Removal ❁ Hedge Trimming ❁ Topiary ❁ Domestic and commercial ❁ Grounds Maintenance inc. Grass Cutting ❁ Fully Insured ❁ Over 15 Years Experience
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Telephone orders are welcome
01743 709383 Concrete Posts & Gravel Boards. All Prices inc. VAT. Many sizes in stock.
Pine Sleepers
ideal for raised garden beds
XFORD Planters have announced the launch of a new collection of planters, seats and tables designed by top UK designer Andrew Fisher Tomlin and handcrafted in their Cotswolds workshop. It debuted at the Chelsea Flower Show. “The Stud Collection” is designed with practicality and sustainability in mind. Last year’s wet weather saw an outbreak of slugs and snails, but Andrew couldn’t find a stylish solution. The result? A range of new planters with a copper studded band as a design detail which also repelled the pests during field trials. Andrew said “We wanted to use traditional gardening methods in a new, stylish planter capable of withstanding the challenges of an urban climate.”
They’re made from long-lasting sustainable Accoya and Medite Tricoya Extreme, with a 50 year guarantee. They outperform most natural hardwoods and are 100% sustainable. As Sarah Pierce of Oxford Planters says “we know designers like Andrew are demanding of the quality of products they source. We wanted to develop his designs using a gold standard in sustainable timber and a product we have lots of experience with.” The collection is one of the first outdoor furniture ranges using the new sustainable materials. It includes a range of two and threeseater benches, side and coffee tables, is available in a variety of colours and all including the signature copper studded band.
NEIL THE ODD JOB MAN Based in Telford, Neil is the solution to all those jobs you have got to do and keep putting off!
Gardening, Gutter Cleaning and Repairs, Jet Spraying, Shed Roof Re-felting and Painting etc.
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CALL NOW ON: Tel: 01952 248119
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Call Neil today for a free estimate on
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01952 242916 Unit 1, Hadley Business Park, Telford
38 · 38 Gardening.indd 1
27/05/2016 16:30
Key-hole surgery for your pets At Severn Edge Vets Ltd we pride ourselves on continually investing into our facilities, our branches, and being up to date with the latest treatments, for instance a recent addition for female dogs is key hole neutering, a modern approach to spaying which results in less pain, lower risk & faster recovery. Our vet, Daniel Nicholls, talks more here about the method and the extraordinary benefits it can bring to the recovery process of your pet.
EY- HOLE (Laparoscopic) surgery is something that was barely on my radar at university. It was always something that was discussed as possible but not really normal practice. So, when I started at Severn Edge, key-hole surgery wasn’t something I had seen much of or have much experience with. It’s only since being here I have seen an array of operations that have been done using key-hole methods. My eyes have most definitely been opened to the possibilities. Key-hole surgery isn’t something new in human medicine but it’s only in the last decade or so that it has emerged in the veterinary world. It can be used for a variety of operations that were previously done by more invasive methods, often opening the animal up (laparotomy) in the traditional method giving you total access to the abdomen. Why bother with this new stuff? Well the benefits are mainly seen in the recovery of the animal post operation. Having abdominal surgery for example is a very painful experience and although we try our best to alleviate that pain using medications, often
the discomfort from the surgery is there regardless. Key-hole surgery means that instead of a large hole required to access the cavity, a couple of small holes are used instead. This means there is a lot less trauma to the skin and muscle layers so therefore much less pain and less time needing to be rested. This all means your animal gets back to normal life quicker than ever before. There are variety of situations and surgical procedures that key-hole is suitable for. At the moment the routine surgery we are doing at Severn Edge is a keyhole ovariectomy (spay). However, we are now using the technique more and more for other things such as taking liver biopsies for patients with liver disease that needs investigating and removing retained testicles (cryptorchid) in male dogs. In my time seeing and performing key-hole operations, I have already seen the dramatic improvement in recovery times and pain experienced post operatively. I am excited to see what we can use the technique for next, so that we can constantly progress and improve our patient’s quality of care.
By Dr
Dan Nicholls S
Look good. Feel better. Live longer.
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⸀⸀⸀椀猀 礀漀甀爀 瀀攀琀 氀椀瘀椀渀最 眀椀琀栀 愀 猀欀椀渀 挀漀渀搀椀琀椀漀渀㼀 圀攀 愀爀攀 栀攀爀攀 琀漀 栀攀氀瀀Ⰰ 眀椀琀栀 最甀椀搀愀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 琀爀攀愀琀洀攀渀琀猀 琀漀 栀攀氀瀀 挀愀爀攀
昀漀爀 礀漀甀爀 瀀攀琀猀 猀欀椀渀⸀
吀漀 戀漀漀欀 挀愀氀氀 㜀㐀㘀 㜀㘀㌀㤀㤀㠀 漀爀 昀漀爀 洀漀爀攀 椀渀昀漀爀洀愀琀椀漀渀 猀攀愀爀挀栀 猀攀瘀最⸀挀漀⸀甀欀⸀ · 39
39 Vets.indd 1
27/05/2016 16:06
Art group set to exhibit at Wellington Methodist Church
Bereavement Taking care of your loved ones What about after? NOrtHwOOd & SONS
FuNeral directOrS "Your wishes always carried out in a quiet and dignified manner" The Art Group from Wellington Methodist Church recently visited Blists Hill Museum for an inspiring day of sketching - perfect preparation for their art exhibition, which will be held at the Church on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 July, 10am till 4pm each day. As previous years, the exhibition is also open to local artists, if you’re interested in exhibiting work please call Barbara Murray for an Entry Form on 07592 881108 (last date for entry forms to be submitted – 17 June, artwork to be delivered to the Church 6/7 July). Refreshments will be served at the exhibition on both days and there will be the usual coffee morning on Saturday morning. Do come along to see the display, entrance is free. Pictured clockwise from top left: Jan Griffiths, Jean Green, Brian Livingstone and Eleanor Round.
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T’S afterwards when it can hit you. For weeks you were on autopilot, sending out notifications of the death of your loved one, arranging the funeral, then hosting the wake, sending out the acknowledgements. Then once it is over, whatever happens next? For some people it is months afterward when they think: ‘Oh! I must tell so-andso about that!’ Then they realise that they can’t tell them that or anything else, for that matter. What to do with yourself?
Remember to eat properly, and if you are feeling lonely, you might be able to think about doing a bit of voluntary work for a local charity? If you are feeling as if it is all getting too much for you, there are a range of groups and organisations that can offer help and advice. a-death call andrew woodhouse: bereavement/Pages/copingwith-bereavement.aspx BPS on coping with sudden bereavement http:// But! Conversely if you are at peace with yourself, make that known! Don’t let 16:45 well-meaning but incredibly Independent family run business for all your 19/01/2015 irritating people push you gravestone & monumental requirements about! If you genuinely · Quality granite & · All areas covered neither want nor need ‘help’ natural stone memorials · Free brochure available and ‘advice’ you need to rebuff these well-intentioned 4, Tan Bank, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1HJ souls as firmly, but as kindly, as you can.
Our funeral plans can be tailored to your exact needs
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40 · 40 Bereavement.indd 1
27/05/2016 09:54
Oakengates Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, Shropshire TF2 6EP 01952 613660
Madeley Horseshoe Court, 1 Anstice Square, Madeley, Telford TF7 5BD 01952 586956
Care when it’s needed most
Wellington 8 Market Square, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire TF1 1BP 01952 253188
- 24 Hour Service - Pre-Paid Funeral Plans - Memorial Masonry
Bridgnorth - High Town 82 High Street, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4DS 01746 766715
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HE SHROPSHIRE FUNERAL PLAN is provided by experienced, local and qualified independent funeral professionals ~ experts in their field of work
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For your complete peace of mind please talk to us and gain expert local advice regarding your every requirement. We are a telephone call away · A local Funeral Plan · A local price
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Shropshire Funeral Plans from £3,250
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01952 244949 01952 460669 · 41
41 Adverts.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:45
Festival of Football
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Call 01952 522562
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AFC Telford United’s Bucks Head Stadium hosted a festival of schools football when this seasons competitions culminated in crowds enjoying thirteen finals over a four day period. TWSCFA Chairman Vic Maher said; “We have enjoyed another festival of football this season which has covered the complete range of age groups for both boys and girls. The players have thoroughly enjoyed playing in the stadium which is special for them. Thanks are due to our main sponsor Greenhous and AFC Telford United whose support means that young players and their families will take very special memories from this year’s competition.” Thank you to Kidz In Focus for the pictures -
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42 · 42 Home Services.indd 1
27/05/2016 12:57
What have you got to lose? Are you intrigued by the Newspaper, Radio and TV adverts, or sick to death of the barrage of phone calls, text messages, and emails asking “HAVE YOU GOT PPI?” If so, and you have taken a loan, credit card or Mortgage over the last 25years or so, but you have not yet taken any action because you cannot remember buying such a policy, cannot find any paperwork, or have perhaps been told by the staff at your local Bank that you do not have a claim, let me work with you to access the Bank records to so that you can be absolutely sure. You may have seen in the news recently that the Financial Conduct Authority
are looking at setting a deadline for new claims, and I would urge you to act promptly to make sure you do not miss out. Over recent months I have been able to get refunds of between £100 and £42000 for local people just like you. Just imagine how helpful a windfall such as this would be when your Holiday credit card bill lands on your doormat, or when you are dreaming of that Cruise you’ve seen on the TV adverts! The service that I offer is face to face, in your own home, and you will not have to pay a penny until you actually get a compensation pay out. What have you got to lose?
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Have you taken out a loan, credit card, finance agreement or mortgage in the last 20 years? You may have been mis-sold a Payment Protection Plan (PPI) and could be due compensation of hundreds or possibly thousands of pounds! · 43
43 Acorn.indd 1
25/05/2016 18:32
Test Road
Land Rover Discovery Sport
with Wrekin News motoring journalist
Anthony Yates
One size fits all!
VERYBODY loves a Land Rover because they are in two simple words ‘brilliant machines’. right from the beginning in 1948 it has been the iconic symbol for anyone who wanted a vehicle that could not only be used as a regular car – but could also take part in your everyday life for whatever task you put in its path – let’s face it, the Land Rover is pretty much a one size fits all machine for people from all walks of life. they say ‘everyone at some point in their life will be famous for five min’s – I say everyone at some point in their life will have either owned or at least had some sort of interaction with a Land Rover at some point and of course the Queen owns one. The simple fact here is this; if it has a Land Rover badge then you can be certain that what you are looking at is at the heart of everything British. > Power and efficiency: The Discovery Sport was fitted with a 2.0l TD4 diesel engine – with 180bhp and 430nm of torque. I have spoken many times about this brilliant engine.
I can’t fault it really because it just does everything you ask of it without any drama. Remember the Discovery Sport weighs 1,884kg and still managed 40mpg. If you are interested it has a top speed of 117mph and 0-62 is around 8.4sec. co2 eu combined (g/ km) 139. If you are a farmer or a person who does a lot of off-road – then you will be very interested to read that it also has an obstacle clearance of 212(mm) and a wading depth of 600(mm). > On the road: Just like its brothers and sisters – it does on or off-road brilliantly. Land Rover has the ability to make a machine handle well no matter what the road surface is doing below. I found the ride soft but also controlled. For a large car – the sport was brilliant and I felt no sense of body roll and the steering felt direct and precise. > Design and interior: Land Rover have done a good job making the Discovery Sport stand out in a crowd – many people who I met over the week I tested the Sport- told me that
Price: (from) £34,200 otr not including fitted options Top speed: 117mph 0-62mph: 8.4sec Economy: 53.3mpg (combined) emissions g/km (139) Engine: 2.0l td4 diesel Power: 180hp Torque: 430nm at 1750rpm Gearbox: auto 9 speed zf ep2
it was better looking than its big brother the mighty Range Rover. I would not argue with that to a point truth be told. As with all Land Rovers now – inside is kitted out to be fit for a ‘king’ with more luxuries than a penthouse suite at the Savoy. The leather is perfectly stitched and every button or control feels like it has been precision made just for you. > Technology: Yes – it has lots. Land Rover does not do penny pinching. The Discovery Sport is fitted with every toy you are ever likely to need like: 1st row - one x USB with charging - located on centre console and row two, DAB radio, touch screen navigation system, 60:40 second row with slide and recline, heated front windscreen, automatic headlamps and rain sensing wipers, keyless entry, powered tailgate, front parking aid and reverse parking camera. I could tell you more all about it here; but if I was you iI would pop down to your local dealer and see for yourself. Don’t forget your chequebook!
My Verdict:
5 Stars ★★★★★
44 · 44 Motoring.indd 1
27/05/2016 09:58
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45 Adverts.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:21
> Wellington’s Bhargav Merai celebrates taking the wicket of Alexei Kervezee
email your sports story to
Chris Rogers set to return to Orleton Park for Legends Twenty/20 match Wellington are to host the most prestigious game in the county this summer when they stage a Wellington Legends v Worcestershire Rapids Twenty/20 clash at Orleton Park on Wednesday, June 8th. Topping the bill in a star-studded line up is former Australian Ashes hero Chris Rogers, who will open the batting for the Legends as he returns to the ground where he made such a big impact over a decade ago. It was 13 years ago that the popular left hander became Wellington’s first ever professional and he helped the Orleton Park club win the Birmingham Premier League title at their first attempt – and the first Shropshire side to do so.
Laundry collection or drop off at B3 Stafford Park 11, Telford, TF3 3AY
The match is part of Worcestershire captain Daryl Mitchell’s benefit year and match organiser Adam Byram said: “We are delighted with the line-up we have to face the first-class county and in particular the return of Chris, who is still a great favourite at the club.” But it is by no means a one-man team Wellington will be fielding with former Orleton Park pros Kadeer Ali and Bilal Shafayat also in the line-up. “Both were happy to play and Kadeer immediately offered to bring along former England one-day bowler Kabir Ali with him. Rising star Joe Clarke, Wellington’s contracted player this season, will lead the home side against his present county while the game produces several interesting clashes – Worcestershire paceman Jack Shantry v brother Adam, and England star Moeen Ali , brother of Kadeer, v cousin Kabir Ali. Four present Wellington players, skipper Wendell Wagner, Indian pro Bhargav Meira, top allrounder Jamie Miller and young New Road Acadamy player Dan Lloyd complete the lineup. The match starts at 5.30 p.m. with admission £5 for adults and free entry for children under 16. If weather conditions permit there will be free parking on the club’s second ground and there will also be a public bar and various food outlets.
Tel: 01952 292393 Spring cleaning of bedding, clothing,curtains and rugs HOUSEHOLD AND BUSINESS LAUNDRY
Summer Ball Wellington Cricket Club presents their annual Marquee Summer Ball on Saturday 16 June. There will be drinks and canapes on arrival followed by a three course meal. Guests will be entertained by a DJ and there will be live music from The Travellers Barber Shop Quartet and local band Fruit Machine. There will also be a raffle and auction on the night with some fantastic prizes to be won. Dress code for the ball is Black Tie and Cocktail dresses. The evening starts at 7pm for 7.30 with carriages at 12.30am. Tickets cost £50 and can be purchased from Matt Earley on 07792 966561 or Kaye Simmonds on 07860 717227. You can also email enquiries to: events@
Bowls correspondant - can you help? The Wrekin News is looking for someone to help us compile a monthly round-up of the local bowls scene. If you are interested please call James Baylis on 01952 522562 or email:
Bucks start the re-build
Having guaranteed their Conference national north future AFC Telford United were quick to announce that they had secured the services of the men who led them to their great escape, writes Lez Dean. Manager Rob Smith and his assistant Larry Chambers have signed on for another two years. Their task will be to ensure that there will be no repeat of the struggles of the last two campaigns and hopefully see the Bucks Head club push toward the right end of the table. The move will be welcomed by many fans as the former Hednesford Town pair attempt to bring back the feel good factor to a club that has endured a sticky couple of years. The duo began to rebuild the squad for the new season by capturing the signatures of ex Buck Dan Preston from Tamworth and former Hednesford skipper Ben Bailey. Along with returning keeper James Montgomery and full backs Darren Campion and Dwayne Samuels they will form the backbone of the defence. Lucas Dawson continues at the club with the promising James Hurst joining, the former Guiseley player able to play in several positions. Smith will now be looking to sign a threat up front with only Dave Hibbert on the books who specialises in that role. Leaving will be Sean Clancy, the popular scouser will be missed following three years loyal service at the club.
46 · 46, 47 Sport.indd 1
27/05/2016 10:17
Tigers freeze tickets
by James Shaw
Wellington CC line up ready for the 2016 season: Back row (left to right) Joe Clarke; Chris Sheperd; Dan Vaughan; Charlie Mackleworth; Sam Lloyd and Bhargav Merai. Front row (left to right) Steve Lamb; Adam Byram; Wendell Wagner (Capt); Anthony O’Connor and Jamie Miller.
Wellington place emphasis on youth development
LANS are in place for 2016. First Team Coach, Ross Edwards, comments, ‘This year we are looking to preserve our Division One status and ensure the younger players take on the responsibility of making match winning contributions. We have a quality professional, an effective bowling unit but the future of the club depends on the younger players.’ Wellington’s overseas professional, Bhargav Merai has made an exciting start. The 24 year old Indian comes with an impressive first class record, averaging 42 after 30 games for Gujarat. Edwards said, ‘He is a proper batter, the 69 he scored against Bromsgrove was quality, the ball never went in the air. The only disappointment is the weather hasn’t allowed him to bat much so far. It is great to watch a first class batter, he is probably the best I have seen in recent years.’ Merai has not only come to Wellington to score runs, he also wants to bowl.
by Fraser Watson Edwards continued, ‘He has a plan to work at his bowling so he can become a fourth or fifth bowler in first class twenty20 cricket. He is a useful medium-pacer that hits the seam, looks to move it both ways, and has already picked up important wickets for us, including Worcester’s Alexei Kervezee.’ Though Wellington are mid table after four games, it is fair to point out that only one game has not been affected by the weather and that was the win against Bromsgrove. The bowling department, traditionally Wellington’s strength, looks good again this year. Edwards said, ‘Anthony O’Connor is bowling really well, he finished last season strongly and this season he is swinging it around corners.’ Keep an eye out for pace bowler Sam Topper, a 17-year-old Thomas Telford student. Edwards continued, ‘He has worked very hard in the winter academy and now he has his
opportunity in the first team. He has already taken three wickets, two at the death against Sutton Coldfield. It is important for Wellington that these young guys make telling contributions. He has jumped from the third team last season to first team and I firmly believe in the future that he will have a genuine yard of pace. Another young player, 17-year-old Daniel Vaughan, is opening the batting and we would really like to see him get 400-500 runs this season. This is the way the club has a sustainable future.’ The only game to be completed so far was the home win against Bromsgrove. Batting first Wellington were all out for 195. The impressive bowling unit then went to work Wendell Wagner taking two early wickets. Bromsgrove finished 30 runs short and Wellington took 20 points. Fixtures are at home to Attock 4th June, away at Smethwick 11th June, home to Dorridge 18th June and home against Brockhampton 25th June. All games start at 12 noon.
Dear Reader, thank you . . . . . . for picking up your free copy of Wrekin News the region’s favourite monthly lifestyle and news magazine. We really do hope you have enjoyed reading our exciting mix of news and new features. Please don’t forget to enter our great competitions and support the advertisers who are supporting Wrekin News.
Telford Tigers have frozen match night ticket prices for the third year running, ahead of a renewed challenge for the English Premier League title. The club was inundated by hundreds of new fans last season, with several games attracting near capacity crowds to Telford Ice Rink. Match night tickets will again cost £12.50, with children (five to 16) / OAPs just £6 – the same price paid by fans during the 2013/14 campaign. Adult season tickets, meanwhile, will cost a special ‘Early Bird’ price of just £275.50 before July 1st, after which they will revert to £290. Paul Thomason, joint-owner of Telford Ice Sports, is predicting a swift take-up of season tickets by supporters. He said: “Last season was our most exciting in years, and we’ve had lots of fans asking us about season tickets already. People know Tom is building a very competitive team. “We decided that rewarding supporters with a price freeze on match night tickets was, of course, the right way to go. They’ve stuck by us through good times and bad, so it is only right they pay an affordable price. “Our fans are, of course, always a huge part of any push for silverware.” Family season tickets, including two adults and two children, will cost just £612.75 before July 1st, after which they will cost £645. Early bird child (five to 16) / OAP season tickets will be priced at £128.25, then £135 after the cut-off date. Match night tickets for families will cost £28. Matt Bowyer, joint-owner of Telford Ice Sports, said: “Many of our newer fans are youngsters, which is excellent news for the club, and the sport in general. “Our community programme has been doing great work in spreading the word about ice hockey. “We are determined to attract new fans and give them a real sense of pride about Telford Tigers.” Season tickets, which cover all home league fixtures, will include exclusive entry into the Tigers Sports Bar before games. Children under five will get into games for free, but will not be allocated a seat. Young fans have been invited to join the new Tiger Cubs Club for next season, at a cost of just £15. Members will receive a club t-shirt, photo with their favourite player, a photo with mascot Roary and access to an exclusive Christmas party. For more details and to buy, go to www.
The next issue of Wrekin News will be in all of our usual distribution outlets on: WEDNESDAY 29 JUNE 2016 · 47
46, 47 Sport.indd 2
27/05/2016 10:18
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