Plus+ Indoor Cycling Issue

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Indoor Cycling Issue 2018

Are you Spinning or Indoor Cycling?

And are you doing it correctly?

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Working out is so much more fun now with this App


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8 2 PLUS Cycling Issue 2018


Cycling Issue 2018



+Progresif Radio 6 It wasn’t video that killed the radio star, it was an app by Progresif 12 Livie Ong — “THE BIG LEAP”

+Shine Cycle 14 An Introduction to Shine Cycle Brunei

+Fitness 19 The Ins and Outs of Indoor Cycling

+Life Inspired


22 Riding into fitness with the instructors of Shine Cycle 26 Teddy 28 Syafiqah Shamsudin 30 Adib Roslim 34 Luc Devaux

+Health 40 “Happy Seeds and Winners” 44 Veggie Pizza


Cycling Issue 2018

+Publisher Info

Dear readers,


s the old saying goes… New Year, new you! Well, in this issue we are extremely excited to introduce to you some new players on the scene — game changers, if you will. First and foremost, there is the innovative Progresif app that opens up a whole new world of possibilities for us and allows us to use services that have previously been unavailable. So it is no surprise that we interviewed Nick, Idham and Livie who are employees there, to find out more about this app and also about their lifestyle and to glean some advice on fitness from them as well.

On our cover, we feature the formidable and very qualified team

of instructors at the very much anticipated boutique studio called Shine Cycle. Read on to discover all that went into the making of this studio and just how different and special it will be. The team of instructors includes Luc Devaux, Syaf, Adib and Teddy who have undergone vigorous and thorough training to be the best instructors they can be, ensuring a high quality, unique and safe experience. Don’t forget you can follow us for the latest updates @PlusBrunei on Facebook and Instagram, where we post behind the scenes pics and sneak peeks of upcoming features. Many thanks and happy reading, The Plus Team

+Supported by: Ministry of Health (Brunei Darussalam) Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (Brunei Darussalam) Health Promotion Centre (Brunei Darussalam) Fitness Zone Royal Brunei Airlines Progresif Cellular Sdn Bhd

+Publisher information Nexploit Services Lot 4169, Kg Serambangun, Tutong TA 2541 Brunei Darussalam

+Have a story to share? +Publisher Nexploit Services

Oleh Melnyk John M. Rey

+Editor-At-Large Plus Team

+Photographer Azree Qush

+Talent Editor Elizabeth Sim Liyana Sidek +Proof Reader Monica Lim +Marketing and Digital Content Nursadiqin Misir +Graphic Designer Anna Thien

+For business inquiries and distribution Email it to 

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+Featuring Teddy Adib Roslim Syafiqah Shamsudin Luc Devaux Livei Ong Nick Idham +Delivery Ching Azwan Qush

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4 PLUS Cycling Issue 2018

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6 PLUS Cycling Issue 2018

+Progresif Radio


adio has been a part of everyone’s lives at one point or another. As kids growing up in the 90s and early noughties, we grew up on the likes of Capital FM and a handful of local radio stations, to which we probably sent in song requests and dedications. Back then it was common to use handle names or secret identities in which we’d either hide behind or have it as part of a secret code amongst a clique group of friends. Remember when the likes of AbangSengkurong316 used to send love dedications to more randomly named characters like FinaSTPRI85 on Pilihan or Pelangi radio? Gone are those days where we had to tune in at a certain day and time to catch all these dedications and listen to our favourite songs. Technology has made some of these habits obsolete and having things on-demand is the in-thing. We no longer need to wait for our favourite songs to air, all we do now when we want to hear it is play it off our playlist from our phones or open up YouTube to check out the video as well as song. With this in mind, Progresif Radio, the new app from Progresif, aims to change the way Bruneians listen to the radio. With live radio programming and an On Demand section that features highlights of live shows; podcasts; playlists for different genres, eras and moods; local music; and even streaming radio stations from all over the world, there’s bound to be something for everyone. Plus Magazine sat down with two members of the Progresif Radio team, Nick and Idham, and had a chat about how it might change the way we listen to radio.


Cycling Issue 2018

Thank you for sitting down with us. Let’s begin by you telling us a bit of what you do in Progresif. Nick: I host Hot Mess from 4–7 pm from Mondays to Fridays on Progresif Radio. Alongside Tiwin, my co-host, we discuss a broad range of fun topics and try to play the best music to end people’s workday on a high! Hum: I’ve been with Progresif Radio since its inception, as a consultant, handling the business development side of the operations. How did the both of you get into radio, and did you think it would have turned out into a viable career option? Nick: I’ve always considered radio a viable and desirable career in the media industry. When I was a toddler, as soon as I learnt to talk, it was pretty much all I wanted to do, and as an adult, nothing much has changed. I first got involved in radio in university when I joined a Campus DJ competition. Despite placing as runner-up, I got the opportunity to be a DJ on the campus radio station and it was there that I realized that this was something I could definitely see myself doing. Hum: It was pretty random really. I got a call from my dad sometime in 2005 when I was still studying in Australia. I’ve always liked to mimic the accents and style of presenting of Capital FM’s presenters. So when he called me, he asked me to mimic some of them. After doing so, I heard a few people laughing in the background! I asked my dad who were they? And he said one of them was the then Managing Director of DST and said that when I returned to Brunei, I could try to be a presenter at Kristal FM. I never thought radio would be a “fulltime” thing but rather, a stepping-stone to other things. It has definitely helped in initial business dealings. Progresif Radio isn’t like any of the current radio stations in Brunei! Will broadcasting through an app as compared to traditional FM Radio affect the number of listeners of Progresif Radio? Nick: Definitely. Terrestrial (FM) radio is an age-old technology that has long been incorporated into a favoured mass communication medium everywhere in the world. So much so, that people don’t need to look for radio; whether it’s

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in a car or playing in an office you happen to visit, people don’t need to look for FM radio, radio will find them. On the other hand, those that want to listen to Progresif will need to download the app, so immediately this cuts out ‘by chance’ listeners. Hum: For me it is a maybe, maybe not situation. It is too soon to judge. People are used to listening to radio the conventional way. I’d say we’re first targeting people who are already listening to their own music on their smart devices. The traditional listeners will come later. But they will! It is only a matter of time. What else makes Progresif Radio different from other stations, other than the method of broadcast? Hum: The content we get out there is different. At the moment there’s a lack of talk-based radio so we’re trying to bring that out but of course if they don’t like to listen to the talking, there’s also the On Demand section where they can listen to purely music. Nick: Having the app literally opens you up to a whole world of content that normal radio can’t give you. On our app, in addition to On Demand Playlists, you can participate in discussions, send in your own voice notes, vote for songs, and even stream OTHER international radio stations live! The app itself is the first major game changer. In terms of the DJs on Progresif, I think you’re getting a much wider range of personalities and interests than you would usually get, and they’re bringing you slices of culture and content you wouldn’t ordinarily get to enjoy. I mean, come on, we have a show strictly dedicated to locals who love K-Pop music and culture. That’s way different! Can members of the audience get involved in Progresif Radio? Would it be possible for example, to submit their own song or podcast and have it broadcasted through the app? Nick: Of course! If you want to be a content provider for the station, the best way to start would be to email your ideas to and work from there. As a health and fitness focused magazine, how would you recommend our readers use the Progresif Radio app? Nick: Sometimes the hardest part of a workout is not the physical, but rather,

Progresif Radio+


Cycling Issue 2018

+Progresif Radio

the mental challenge of keeping your mind occupied on thoughts unrelated to how tired/sore you are and how long until you can stop the exercise. That’s why the Progresif Radio App is so useful; with so much content — from workout playlists to catch-up radio segments, live music to on-demand interviews, there is enough on offer to keep your mind occupied while your body goes through the motions. For me, this makes the app the quintessential workout companion.

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Hum: With our On Demand capability, we can feature health tips as a podcast, even pair a workout guide with a playlist. So if any fitness experts would like to create programmes relating to health and fitness, Progresif Radio can be the platform for it. Are you both fitness fanatics or have any affiliations to any particular sport or team? Nick: A ‘fanatic’? No, I’m not obsessed with fitness, but I do love sports and physical activity. I try to play

football, basketball and touch rugby a few times a month, and on days where there are no games, I can be found in the gym lifting weights, or on the track doing tempo running. Hum: I’m not really into fitness but I’m getting myself into cycling now. Not enough though, I need to cycle more! I’m more of a sports fan. C’mon Liverpool! Haha. Can you recommend some fitness options if we ever decide to get off our lazy couch and move away from the computer screen? Nick: Variety is the spice of life, you don’t have to spend 5 days a week in the gym to feel and look great. Brunei has so many different fitness options to keep you stimulated and meeting new friends. Go jogging or cycling with the groups at the stadium for endurance; try CrossFit or bootcamp for high intensity strength work; join an MMA or boxing class to blow off some steam; take a dance or spinning class to sweat to some music; go rock-climbing for the adrenaline… there really is something for everyone in Brunei! No more excuses! That’s great advice! With New Year’s around the corner, do you have any New Year’s resolutions? Nick: I’ve given up on resolutions! But, each year I try to live with more passion and more purpose. Hum: I am simple. Lose more weight and gain more Progresif Radio listeners. Finally, tell us a bit of what’s in store for you in 2018? Hum: On a personal level I would love to travel more! I don’t plan that far ahead as I tend to take things day by day. Nick: Growth is all I’m after! Not necessarily muscle growth, but I’ll take it as well! Growth as a person, growth of Hot Mess as the most fun evening radio show, growth of my artistic sideline pursuits, and growth in my abilities as an adult which can be found lacking way too often! Haha Thank you for talking to us, and we look forward to growth of the app in 2018!



Cycling Issue 2018

+Progresif Radio



veryone has wished for something at some point in their life; something they want to have or something they want to do. Livie Ong wanted to become a DJ because of her passion for music, and despite raised eyebrows, she took a leap that eventually got her to where she is now. That wasn’t the only time she decided to change things up for herself. One day, she stepped on a weighing scale, put her foot down and told herself it was time to do something about it. The baby steps she took paved a path for her to a bigger change. The changes she made was all for one thing — to make herself happy. What does this tell you about Livie? She knows what she wants, and she doesn’t wait around to get it. That’s what got her to where she is right now. We had the chance to sit down with the ever so bubbly, funny and down-to-earth Livie Ong as she shared with us the big leaps she took in her career, finding CrossFit and getting her fitness on track and the Progresif app that everyone has been talking about!

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How did you find a career in being a DJ? I’ve always had a passion for music! I felt that there was a missing genre in the radio, which was Indie. When I was applying for jobs to be a radio DJ, I was kind of directing it towards offering something different — like a different music genre. So I applied to different radio stations, and here I am now! Have things changed for you from when you started up until now? Definitely! I left my office job about 2 years into working with the radio. After that, things started really changing. I wanted to do so much more! I wanted to be involved in a lot more things. I wanted to learn and I really wanted to grow. It was all about growing my creativity and learning from other people. Was it a scary feeling leaving your office job and jumping into something completely different? Most definitely! When I left my job for my passion, I took a pay cut, but the satisfaction of doing something I want is really incomparable. I always tell myself to never regret any decision and to never look back, even in the darkest and hardest of times. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my office job in the corporate world but I just really wanted to be on the radio. There were some doubts coming from some people, questioning my decisions but I knew that the education and degree I took didn’t go to waste. It came in handy. I was tech savvy and I knew that my skill set could be applied in different projects. They were big and scary changes but I had the passion and I knew I wanted to do a lot more. How have the changes in your life affected your work-life balance? Back in the day, it was easier because the hours were less. Right now, I’m looking at almost a proper 9–5 job. Luckily enough, Progresif now has a gym upstairs! But, I bet a lot of people can relate to that feeling when the last thing you want to do is workout. I do miss the barbell, I miss working out but due to time constraints right now, I just can’t find the time like how I used to. Back then, I would go to the box at 4pm and workout until 6pm. If I didn’t go to the box, I would go for a swim or play netball. I kept active. I really try not to get too lazy. Right after a workout, I’m always thankful I went for it anyway. What was that push for you in terms of exercising? Trying to fit into my clothes! Whenever something doesn’t fit right anymore, then I go “uh-oh! Time to get back to the gym!” It’s funny because when I first started working here in Progresif, people were asking me, “Oh, so you do CrossFit!” and I always reply them, “Only to eat and to fit into my clothes”. With the amount of work you do in CrossFit, you just can’t step on the scales because of the amount of muscle you build. So, I just learnt to focus on fitting

into my clothes, sleeping well, and just feeling better about myself. Tell us a bit about the Progresif app! The app is amazing! I think it is something completely new and different because it allows us, as a radio station, to offer choice. We have playlists and podcasts and even streaming radio stations from around the region and the UK. The one game changer I find is Open Mic. You can record your voice for 10 seconds requesting something and send that over to us, and we’ll play that for you. It really is a whole new way to get in touch with the listeners. As a DJ, we have always just read song request messages and sometimes we mispronounce names and words. At least now, the listeners themselves get to say it so there’s no chance they’ll get mispronounced! There is also a feature in the app where you get alerts whenever your favourite song is about to come on. In this day and age, we’re all on our phones so this is a great way to never miss out on your favourite song again! Most importantly, Progresif is a company that looks to support those in fields of education, entrepreneurship, environment, and arts & culture here in Brunei, and Progresif Radio is an extension of that. We are here to provide a platform for those who are trying to make positive changes in these areas. The app has more space to grow and hopefully we can get in touch with more local people to give their words and see what they would like share. What advice do you have for people who are still doubting themselves and are afraid to take that leap? Do what makes you happy. Don’t ever do anything because someone else wants you to do it. I know money is a great thing and it is fantastic to have lots of it but at the same time, it comes down to happiness or money. Don’t be too crazy! But sometimes, you do need to take a big risk. If your gut feeling tells you to, and you want to go for it then take that leap of faith before it’s too late. Never look back and think, “I wish I had done that”. Don’t wish. Everyone is going to face massive failures but if you never take the chance, you’ll always stay in that stagnant place. Life is full of highs and lows. Going for what you want is going to be scary but what else are you going to do? FEATURING: Livie Ong ARTICLE BY: Liyana Sidek PHOTOGRAPHER: Qush VENUE Fitness Zone


Cycling Issue 2018

+Shine Cycle

AN INTRODUCTION TO SHINE CYCLE BRUNEI WHAT IS INDOOR CYCLING — OFTEN ALSO KNOWN AS SPINNING? Over 20 years ago, Johnny G, a South African cyclist and former professional athlete, introduced the world to a fitness phenomenon called indoor cycling, also known as Spinning. While you can certainly ride a stationary bike in a gym, boutique indoor cycling studios offer energy-infused music and motivating instructors who guide you through an imaginary course during every class. When the lights go down and the music turns up, riders pedal to the beat, and every class is a party on a bike! The indoor cycling “bike” is a vehicle used to transport your body and mind away from the “real world,” through empowering coaching to lead you over imaginary hills and sprinting to an imaginary finish line that will leave you breathless and exhilarated. While the bike doesn’t physically transport you from one location to another, it will change your body, your mind, your energy, and just maybe… your life. Boutique studios like Shine Cycle — opening soon in Brunei — offer top notch equipment, locker rooms and inviting social spaces. Because indoor cycling is low impact and great for people of all ages and fitness levels, it’s the perfect combination of fitness, music, and fun. With Indoor Cycling — you’ve got it all. Plus, indoor cycling is great for all ages and abilities.

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+Shine Cycle THE STUDIO Shine Cycle will change the face of fitness in Brunei. Featuring customized Stages cycles and internationally trained instructors, you’ll have fun while getting in the best shape of your life. Instructors for both cycling and TRX strength classes have reputation, drive and commitment — Brunei’s finest. The owners of Shine Cycle commissioned Indoor Cycle Design, the leading fitness boutique design firm, to lead the project. With

clients in Kenya, Kuwait, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Bahrain and Lebanon, Indoor Cycle Design worked hand in hand with the Brunei team to deliver the Shine Cycle vision. Indoor Cycle Design’s lighting specialist is from London, and each class integrates theater illumination with concert quality sound to create a multi-sensory experience. Get ready for indoor cycling sessions that’ll leave you wanting more.


award-winning boutiques in North America, she offers two decades of real world experience and specializes in turnkey startups and corporate remodels. Barbara’s energy and vision are contagious.

As a respected leader, innovator, and pioneer in the boutique fitness industry, Barbara strives for excellence in design and pushes the boundaries of imagination to create extraordinary fitness spaces.


Over 200 studios put their trust and reputation in her hands. From international projects in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kenya to

16 PLUS Cycling Issue 2018

Doug Frey is the founder and principal of Frey Architects, a boutique architectural firm in Austin, Texas. An expert in the design of socially-based fitness studios worldwide, Doug’s designs reflect

THE PEOPLE BEHIND IT ALL The owners of Shine Cycle, who lived in London previously, found the Indoor Cycling lessons they attended fun and exciting, inspiring them to bring the same to Brunei. They truly believe that Brunei is ready for this boutique experience, and therefore commissioned Barbara Hoots, owner of Indoor Cycle Design and her team of experts to create a beautifully functional space unlike anything in Brunei.

both form and function in each unique project. With a unique real-world understanding of the boutique fitness industry, Doug has designed studios in Mexico, Canada, Bahrain, Singapore, and throughout the US.

DARYL VAUGHAN LIGHT PARTNERS Founded by British entertainment lighting designer Daryl Vaughan, Light Partners is a creative lighting consultancy that specializes in innovative illumination to

knowledge of specialist luminaires to create extraordinary effects.

transform ordinary fitness studios into exhilarating boutique landmarks. Daryl’s forte brings the artistry and drama of theatrical-style lighting to architectural and landscape environments. As a respected leader in programmable lighting, Daryl has illuminated cathedrals, airports, hotels, rock concerts, and the NASA space shuttle. He draws upon a wealth of design experience and intimate

KELLY TAYLOR KT SOUND With over a decade of experience in premium sound installation, Kelly specializes in indoor cycling studios and night clubs. As a popular DJ from Dallas, Texas, Kelly has opened for touring artists including Tiesto, Paul Oakenfold, and Kaskade.

ANDREW SANDOVAL CUSTOM INDOOR CYCLES As an authorized dealer for Stages indoor cycles, Andrew Sandoval is the world’s only provider of professionally assembled, fully-customized indoor cycles. Shine Cycle’s bikes were meticulously hand built, and a premium powder coating was applied in luminous black, gold, and white to reinforce the brand colors. These one-of-a-kind

Shine Cycle will be Shining Soon! bikes include special upgrades which are only available through Custom Indoor Cycles.

PAUL HUTCHISON HYPE TYPE STUDIO Founded by British designer, Paul Hutchison, Hype Type is a multi-disciplinary design and creative studio based in Los Angeles. The studio specializes in brand identity, art direction and typography. In addition to Shine Cycle, clients include

Nike, The Coca-Cola Company, Beats by Dre, Reebok, and recording artist Calvin Harris.

PARKER WILLIAMS THE RIDE HOUSE Owner of The Ride House in Dallas, Texas, Parker is a veteran instructor with over two decades of experience teaching rhythm rides. His award-winning studio trained the Shine Cycle team, and he continues to serve as a mentor, colleague, and friend.


Cycling Issue 2018

+Shine Cycle

THE BIKES No other studio in Brunei will have the bikes that are to be introduced, making Shine Cycle stand out among the rest, not just in terms of the venue and atmosphere, but also in the technical workings behind the bike. Built from aluminum with a focus on stability, the Stages Cycling bikes are designed to emulate the noticeably smoother feel of freshly cured asphalt that every cyclist yearns for. Engineered for simplicity and function, the SC2 indoor bike that Shine Cycle will use, has premium features that’ll make your indoor cycling experience one that is smooth and safe. A majority of the features that the indoor Stages bike will have are unique in comparison to the current mainstream offerings. For example, the click on click off

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feature for the pedals and the two-way lock in system on the pedals is something that isn’t commonly seen amongst the local offerings. Another unique feature is the front locking system for adjusting the handlebar distance. Not only are you cycling to transform your body from unfit to fit, you’re also going to be doing it with style, with the SC2 bike’s sleek design and ergonomic functions. Excited for the launch of Shine Cycle in Brunei? Follow us on social media to keep yourself updated on their launch dates.

ARTICLE BY: Manisha Dhalani





f the term “indoor cycling” sounds alien to you, then allow us to shine some light on this exercise class that is quickly becoming a worldwide obsession.

Often, indoor cycling classes are referred to as “spinning” — but here’s a little history lesson for you — the term “spinning” is actually trademarked by Mad Dogg Athletics, the company who invented the method in 1989 based on a specific type of bike model and instruction. Classes that do not use the Spinning® method are referred to as “Indoor Cycling.” Regardless of what it’s called, indoor cycling has been around for decades but has recently gained some new attention and is taking the world by storm. A new generation of fitness enthusiasts have elevated the class experience to include professional sound systems, theater lighting, customized equipment, and poised, professional instructors. Classes are usually 45-minutes long and consist of invigorating, jam-packed cardio sessions that leave clients feeling euphoric and wanting more.


Cycling Issue 2018

Regardless of your fitness level, taking your first indoor cycling class may come as a shock. Brace yourself for an intense session akin to a boot camp mixed with a low-impact cardio workout which is easy on your joints. You will learn how to adjust your bike, clip on the pedals, and listen to both the instructor and your body at the same time. Each sweat fest is a well-orchestrated symphony of light, sound, sweat, passion, and endurance. Are you ready for a ride that’ll lead you to a happier, better, fitter you?

PREPARATION Like any sport, it’s imperative that you wear the right kind of gear to get the most from your class. No pair of jeans is going to make you feel comfortable while your body is pumped behind the handlebar of a bike. ]] Avoid anything too baggy that might get caught in the pedals. ]] Use the right kind of shoes (cycling shoes are better than regular sneakers and engage all leg muscles for better results). ]] The studio provides absorbent towels and refillable water stations. ]] Arrive 15 minutes before class to check in, set up your bike, and warm up your legs. Classes start on time and doors close once the music starts. ]] As always, get that pre-workout snack and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

ADJUSTING YOUR BIKE ]] Seat height: The seat should be about your hip level (stand next to the bike and adjust so you know where exactly that is). ]] Seat position: The seat can be adjusted forward or backward so your knee is aligned over the ball of your foot and not hyper-extended. If you don’t feel comfortable, adjust again until you find

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your sweet spot (takes a while if you’re a newbie, and if still unsure, ask your instructor).


]] Handlebar height: For first timers or those with back problems, position your handlebar a tad bit higher than your seat. Adjust bars lower as you become more seasoned or keep them slightly higher to minimize strain to your back or neck.

Think you’re capable of teaching indoor cycle yourself? Sure, if you’ve had thousands of hours of training in music theory, fitness education, inspirational speaking, people skills and also know your technical stuff inside out. Otherwise, listen to what your instructor has to say.

]] Pedals and Cleats: Shoes with cleats are required for safety, function and form. The bike pedals accommodate both SPD and LOOK-compatible cleats, and shoes are complimentary and included in the price of each class.

Instructors will understand what your fitness goals are and construct lessons that will help you work on your muscles, power and speed. Having said that, pay attention to your body as well. If this is your first lesson and you feel short of breath and need to

Fitness+ stop — slow down, lighten the resistance, or press the brake to stop the flywheel. Like any other sport, your body is your best gauge as to how you’re doing in your workout.

BENEFITS ]] You can cycle whether it’s rain or shine, hot or cold — it’s indoors! ]] Excellent heart rate training. ]] No obstacles akin to those you face in outdoor cycling — weather, pedestrians, vehicle traffic, traffic lights, bumpy roads, etc. ]] More resistance as you have to maintain the same kind of

momentum to keep paddling unlike outdoor cycling where you can release your pedals if you are riding slowly along a straight path, or going downhill for instance. ]] Clearly because there’s more resistance and more strain on your quads, you’re going to be giving your hamstrings some extra attention and workout. ]] There’s more group synergy indoors as together, you are all following the guidance of the instructors and motivating each other by going that extra mile.

LOOK OUT FOR THESE THINGS: ]] Avoid gripping your handlebar too tight. “No white knuckles” is the key to look out for here. Don’t waste energy holding the handlebar tightly — the bike isn’t going to roll off and you’re not going to be cycling down the room and out the door. How do you know if you’re gripping too tight? Your shoulders may tense and lift toward your ears. Keep the upper body soft and supple. ]] Avoid feeling tense. Pay attention whenever the workouts get too tough or more intense. Breathe easy and don’t clench your fists or scrunch up your shoulders. Relax your elbow bend, and keep your neck nice and long with eyes ahead. Focus on your lower body. ]] Don’t do your own thing or try to show off. Indoor cycling is a group experience and the class is designed to create unity with intensity. If you’re new, try to follow the instructions and stay with “the pack.” If you’re an expert, try adding more resistance to ramp up your workout rather than becoming distracting and robbing others of the fun experience. ]] Stretch after the ride. You know this feeling — you feel cramped up, shivery, and you actually feel a little wobbly. Stretch. Don’t leave your quads hanging.

Shine Cycle launches in Beribi soon and will offer a revolutionary, one-ofa-kind experience for all fitness levels. Find out more via their website, www., or Facebook and Instagram.

ARTICLE BY: Manisha Dhalani


Cycling Issue 2018

+Life Inspired



alented, magnetic instructors are a vital part of Shine Cycle’s success, and they are the driving force behind each revolutionary class. Certified and highly skilled, the Dream Team empowers riders to experience breakthroughs and unlock their full potential. Shine Cycle instructors were trained by an award-winning studio in the United States, and they practiced rigorously for 8 months to prepare for the grand opening. In the interview below, you’ll meet Syaf, Adib, and Teddy. Their infectious personalities and commitment to excellence are the driving force behind each powerful, mind-body experience at Shine Cycle. Although all three have day jobs and didn’t set out to become instructors, they were joined by a common passion for music, people, and indoor cycling. That little step led to bigger steps, and eventually Syaf, Adib and Teddy were selected by Shine Cycle as lead instructors and sent for certifications and training in the USA, the UK, and Singapore. Unlike other studios in Brunei, Shine Cycle’s instructors will participate with the class throughout the ride and perform movements that are safe and approved. With that in mind, let’s find out what the two gentlemen, Teddy and Adib, and the lady, Syaf, had to say about being a part of Shine Cycle and its future.

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Hello. Can you tell us a bit more about how you became an instructor for Shine Cycle? Adib: Sure. I was a regular attendee of local classes but I noticed many instructors were not actually participating with the students. I wanted challenge myself and see if I could instruct a class and also participate at the same time. I received my first instructor’s certification in Tutong, which was also where I met Syaf, and I haven’t looked back since. Syaf: I had been spinning for a few years but never considered becoming an instructor until my mentor at a previous studio encouraged me to start giving classes, as they really believed in my abilities. From there, I

began teaching and acquired certification, and this helped build my confidence, which led me to the present with Shine Cycle. Teddy: A friend introduced me to indoor cycling a few years ago. I was very skeptical at first, as I prefer dancing over competitive sports, but found it quite fascinating. The fluid movements on a bike combined with powerful music made a direct impact, and I fell in love with indoor cycling. I became more serious about instructing by first shadow-biking an instructor before getting my own certification to teach. What was the reason that you wanted to associate yourself with Shine Cycle rather than continuing as a freelancer in different studios? Teddy: Shine Cycle’s desire to make the world a happier, healthier place through fitness was something we all felt. Their philosophy about offering quality instruction in a kind and a welcoming environment for all made it easy for us to commit to Shine Cycle. Indoor cycling has been available in Brunei for many years, but it’s popularity actually died down until a few years ago when it suddenly surged. To what do you attribute this new phenomenon? Adib: Music and intensity. In the past, music was generic and adapted for indoor cycling use. There weren’t as many remixes, and technology now allows instructors to customize the intensity (speed) of the song on their phones or tablets. Everything is now at the press of a button, which makes the classes more varied and appealing.

What makes Shine Cycle unique to other studios? Teddy: At Shine Cycle, we emphasize movement with a purpose and ensure each position incorporates safe body mechanics. Prior to Shine, “freestyle” spinning was all about creating choreography rather than a full body workout. Whether side to side movements or up and down movements, we are trained to make sure the participants know the purpose of each and which body part is engaged. We also focus on abdominals and engage the core, so there is lots of attention to form rather than speed. Incorrect movement eventually leads to injury, and we make sure that each body part gets properly trained. Adib: People who attend our classes will notice a higher standard of instruction, and we incorporate illumination, music, positive coaching, and proper form in each class. People will notice that the strain on their knees and joints goes away when muscles are engaged properly, and we make sure our students benefit from the international training we received. We are not a traditional exercise facility but rather a dedicated boutique studio. Everyone can come in wearing exercise clothes and we will provide them with towels, water and shoes. Our bikes are made by Stages and customized to used cleats for a superior ride and added safety. You won’t be able to use normal sports shoes but we offer complimentary cycling shoes. Outdoor cyclists will be familiar with the use of cleats and we use the same technology in our bikes.

Syaf: The quality of bikes have improved along with the quality of instruction. Boutique studios are now completely dedicated to indoor cycling rather than multipurpose rooms shared with other disciplines like Zumba or group fitness. Upscale and socially driven, you can meet new friends, get an amazing workout, and grab a freshpressed juice on the way out.

Syaf: We also follow international standards, and anyone who attends our classes will notice the similarities between our studio and those overseas. They will feel up to standard and can easily adapt to classes in any language or environment.

Teddy: I think Soul Cycle in New York City had an enormous influence on the revitalization of indoor cycling, and their inspirational style of teaching in a darkened room with uplifting coaching attracted a new generation of riders.

Syaf: We understand that knowledge brings confidence. We as instructors will help during the ride to make sure that everyone benefits while having fun by covering all the basic movements with lots of motivation and encouragement.

How would you convince someone who is new to indoor cycling but have an interest in it to join Shine Cycle?


Cycling Issue 2018

Life Inspired+

Adib: When the lights go down and the music turns up, the superficial things go away and there is no judgement. Riders select their own resistance, and the positive group energy helps them push harder to reach their goals. Because no one crosses the finish line first and “wins” an indoor cycling class, it’s fun fitness for all ages and abilities. How do you get a full body workout in an indoor cycling class? Syaf: Although we focus on legs and core muscles, we add a segment of each class for the arms and upper body. Classes are based on your own strength and ability, so riders can select the weight and intensity depending on their goals. What are some of the more common misconceptions of spinning that you regularly encounter, and how do you address them?

Adib: Some people are worried about knee injuries, but with the correct pedal stroke and resistance, this won’t happen. In fact, indoor cycling is often recommended to improve knee mobility. Our instructors are certified, and we focus on form and safety so you will be in good hands. Guys also sometimes think spinning is mostly for girls, but when resistance is added, they’ll get a killer workout. Many professional athletes use indoor cycling for cross training, including equestrians, tennis players, basketball, hockey and soccer players. What else can we expect at Shine Cycle other than indoor cycling classes? Syaf: We also have TRX/HIIT classes, which will be conducted by Luc, a former fitness director for the French Army. It is conducted in a separate, dedicated TRX studio at Shine Cycle. Luc could probably tell you more about it, but we can promise that it will hurt you in the right way! (Laughs!)

Adib: There will also be a juice bar which sells healthy juices so if anyone needs a boost of energy and vitamins, we have that covered. Because phones are highly distracting to the person beside you, our classes are a No Cell Phone Zone. Our keyless lockers have USB charging stations where you can safely recharge your phone while you recharge your mind and body. This has been a very insightful session on Shine Cycle. Thank you very much for your time! All: Thank you Plus Magazine! FEATURING: Teddy, Syaf and Adib ARTICLE BY: Jason Rumpun PHOTOGRAPHER: Qush HAIR BY: WoMen Hair


Cycling Issue 2018

+Life Inspired


26 year old Teddy worked his way from cycling with the class, to the shadow bike and now leading a class from the instructor’s bike. He did all this with drive and passion. He sees the fun of Indoor Cycling in the dance moves and the whole body workout it gives. What could be better than working out and having fun at the same time?

With the push of trusted people from the industry, Teddy took the chance to audition to be an instructor at Shine Cycle. He looks forward to more challenges and more experiences to share with everyone! BIO BY: Liyana Sidek

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Life Inspired+

SYAFIQAH SHAMSUDIN After graduating with a degree of Business Administration, Syafiqah Shamsudin is living the life most would dream of — having a job you love. Syaf has been Indoor Cycling since December 2015 and has been conducting freelance classes since January of 2017 right before she signed us an instructor with Shine Cycle.

Syaf feels that music plays a huge part in motivating us in our workouts. That is what drew her to Indoor Cycling. As an instructor, she hopes to introduce this world of fitness to more people and show them what her passion is all about. BIO BY: Liyana Sidek


Cycling Issue 2018

+Life Inspired


It all started with a direct message on Instagram for 21 year old Adib Roslim. Adib passed an audition for Shine Cycle and soon found himself making arrangements to go for the Indoor Cycling training in Dallas.

Adib Roslim is a full time university student who juggles his studies with being an Indoor Cycling instructor at Shine Cycle. His love for music led him to see Indoor Cycling as an outlet to enjoy music with an even better bonus — burning calories! After a year of Indoor Cycling experience, the determination of riders to push their limits still drives him to be better up until now. BIO BY: Liyana Sidek

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Life Inspired+


Cycling Issue 2018

+Life Inspired


uc Devaux is from France and first came to Brunei in November 2013 when he got married to his Bruneian wife. Luc is no stranger to sports and fitness as he has had experiences with football and triathlons. Luc was also in the army for 5 years, which has shaped him to be who he is today. His experience in the army has resulted in him being a well-rounded athlete by regularly doing strength training, cardio and HIIT. Most of all, the army has taught him discipline, something Luc carries up until today. It was also where TRX all began for Luc. How would you explain TRX? Basically TRX stands for Totalbody Resistance eXercise and this is done using a training apparatus, called the Suspension Trainer, designed to facilitate an enormous range of bodyweight training movements for the entire body. What makes TRX Suspension Training, TRX in short, fundamentally unique as a modern system of bodyweight exercise is the systematic way that the Suspension Trainer is optimized for human performance. It is extremely handy as it can be performed anywhere, anytime, and by anybody — from a beginner who is just starting out to an established athlete looking to take their training to a higher level.

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What is the history of the TRX? The history of TRX is actually very interesting. The founder is a former US Navy Seal, called Randy Hetrick. While on deployment, he created the first version of TRX using only a JiuJitsu belt and parachute webbing. Once he returned to “civilian life” in 2001, he went to Stanford University for his graduate degree and studied business, which is when he started to turn his dream into a reality. With the help of an investor, his TRX business was born and suspension training started to become a common fitness option, capturing the attention of athletes, coaches and trainers. How does it help improve your fitness? The concept of the TRX suspension training is pretty basic: you use two cables on your feet or hands to partially suspend your body and use your own body weight as resistance. The muscle groups you work, as well as how hard you work them, all depend on the positioning of your body on the cables. This is because exercising on the Suspension Trainer basically uses gravity and movement to generate neuromuscular responses to changes in body positioning. When standing upright, your center of gravity is located just above your hips along the midline of the body.

Changing body positions shifts your center of gravity. The body then uses muscular strength and coordination to control its center of gravity during movement. Therefore TRX Suspension Training exercises are intentionally designed to displace your center of gravity, thus activating your core during every exercise. It really helps strengthen your core, which is the foundation to having a good overall fitness. Is it difficult? The beauty of TRX is that it is beginner-friendly. You can easily progress with this system. The more you “lean” during exercises, the more body-weight resistance you use and the more you stand upright, the less body-weight resistance you employ. This means you can work out at a variety of intensity levels, depending on your fitness level over time. It is also easy to tweak exercises to your own level of difficulty and ramp up when necessary. It is very much up to you. You determine how hard or how easy you really want to go. So really advanced or really beginners can work out in the same class and get what’s right for them. Obviously over time you may find yourself leaning further back and get yourselves to more challenging positions but this is all up to you.

How many classes will you conduct in a week? There will be more than 15 classes conducted per week. Will there be beginner, intermediate and advanced classes? I wouldn’t categorize it that way, as TRX is accessible to any fitness level. What can make a difference is when you start to incorporate other types of training into the mix. In Shine, there will be three classes which will incorporate TRX. Firstly, the Shine 101 class will basically be a class that will concentrate exclusively on TRX Suspension Training exercises. This class will introduce basic foundational exercises that are easy to follow. Next, we have the Shine Sweat and Shine Strong classes that will combine HIIT, cardio and TRX training — guaranteed to give you a great workout. How did you get into TRX? Was it a part of your army camp training? In France, my teammates were using TRX as part of their training and I used to do it with them just for fun. It’s easy and you can set the TRX Suspension trainer anywhere. It wasn’t officially part of our military training, no, but we used it when we were on missions abroad and in areas where a gym wasn’t available. Are you excited to host your own TRX classes in February? Yes, definitely. I have always liked helping people achieve their fitness goals so I am excited to bring TRX classes on the table. The benefits of TRX training are still somewhat overlooked here when it’s actually huge everywhere else so I can’t wait to start to share this passion to everyone. Have you ever conducted a TRX classes before? I had the chance to conduct TRX classes while I was in Dallas, under the observant eye of a TRX Master instructor. There was a great ambience, and everyone was already enthusiastic about TRX classes there so it was easier. What can we expect from attending your class? Please come with an open mind! I definitely think that we will have fun. It will be challenging and you will feel muscles you didn’t know you had and this is good. You will find your core stronger, and your fitness level higher. But most importantly, in each class, you will leave feeling more empowered both physically and mentally.


Cycling Issue 2018

+Life Inspired

ARTICLE BY: Liyana Sidek

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+Shine Cycle

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Cycling Issue 2018




e are all born winners, by winning the biggest race of our life, the one that made it all possible, the miracle of life! To be born a winner means that we immediately have the instinct for success. So why do we always forget that? Until the age of five, every child is blissfully happy, and only through external action can they feel unhappy; by the age of 35, adults have the need to keep doing things to feel happy, otherwise stress and bad emotions take over their daily

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life, and unhappiness becomes a state of mind. Life nowadays can be very stressful; too many achievements are required both from us and others, and this deviates our focus from happiness. Being happy and successful is our natural instinct! We should be taught how to focus on happiness and keep this state of mind through our entire life. Therefore, today, I will write about children (the biggest winners)! Why? Because they are our seeds, the best part of us! Let’s do our best in order for them to become Happy Seeds!

As a food consultant and life coach, I often receive children in my consultations, and from a young age they already bring serious clinical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, allergies, and even stress etc… Because nowadays, unhealthy snacks are available everywhere, sometimes people use food to make them feel better, eating to satisfy emotional needs rather then to satisfy physical appetite. Even involuntarily, we are teaching this to our children. I often hear sentences like “Why should I eat greens? My parents don’t!” Example is always the best

+Health didactic method. Fruits and vegetables are essential in any diet at any age. Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Green vegetables like Cangkuk, Chinese spinach, Chinese kale, Chinese celery — are full of nutrients like calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, zinc and iron — all important for an athletic performance and kids’ healthy development (including healthy bones). So these foods should be included in every single meal. Children need to change habits; families need to change them too! To achieve that, routines and schedules are important, because they influence a child’s emotional, cognitive and social development. As fast learners, change is easy for them, especially if they are following someone they admire. They are not good at following orders, but they are experts at imitating, so set the right example! Honestly, I only started observing children after becoming a mother; my daughter is my biggest challenge and my greatest learning. I always feel that I need to improve in order to give her the best example. I realize that when we raise a child, we also grow a lot. Based on both my personal and professional experience, I organize tips for easy daily routines. I challenge families to try at least one month; if you think it’s not an easy task, remember it’s easier to educate children than to change an adult. Children are future athletes, not all of them will be, but we should educate them in such a way so that they can choose to be. Raising them in a healthy way and teaching good habits is the best heritage you can possible give them. I designed a project called “Happy Seeds” to teach children healthy habits, combining food exercises and positive thinking. Using the support of the healthiest restaurant plus the number one gym in Brunei — Energy Kitchen and Fitness Zone — we developed a specialized team to support families with this goal: planting happy seeds! We organize workshops and cooking classes, always combining food, exercise and positive thinking, for

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kids from 4 to 16 years old. Just like learning ballet or basketball, they can and will learn, from a young age, how to become healthy and strong, and to live a long and happy life. Today is the time to plant the future with happy seeds! We count on your help! So for this edition, I created a recipe for the whole family. It can either be a snack or main meal, ideal for any kid, because it is free from all main allergens. It is also good

for athletes or any adult because of the vegetables, which are good for recovery after exercise. Cereals and vegetables also help to increase performance. It’s easy and fast to prepare, and also fun to cook together with children. Please try it and give me your feedback by emailing, or come and meet me at Fitness Zone or Energy Kitchen in Kiulap, Spg 88 BE 1518, you can also call 2233323.

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Plus+ Magazine wants you. If you have competed in any international sports competitions or any sports events outside of Brunei, we are reaching out to you. Your achievements matter. Join us to share and inspire! Email us your achievements and details to





The Energy Kitchen

-- 1 garlic

-- ½ a cup cherry tomato

-- 2 cups of organic brown rice flour

-- 1 teaspoon of oreganos

-- 1 small onion

-- 1 cup of boiled turnip or sweet potato

Preparation: Put all the ingredients together and blend well. Pour the sauce over the dough.

-- 1 cup of boiled green beans

-- 3 tablespoons of olive oil -- 1 teaspoon of salt Preparation: Put all the ingredients together in a bowl. Use your hands and mix well. Use your hands again to put the dough immediately on a baking tray to settle while you prepare the tomato sauce and the pizza topping. In the meantime preheat the oven (180–200ºC).

TOMATO SAUCE -- 2 fresh red tomatoes -- ½ carrot

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PIZZA TOPPING -- 1 cup of shitake mushrooms (Sauté the mushrooms with garlic, a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp of olive oil or simply cut them into pieces.)

-- Pinch of oregano Preparation: Cut the tomatoes and the onion into rings. Have fun decorating the pizza, and don’t forget to add the green beans, mushrooms (raw or sautéed) and some oreganos. Place your pizza into the oven for 15 to 20 minutes (180–200ºC).

The main ingredient for a tasty recipe is LOVE, be thankful and put in as much as you can!

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